VO 2. nUUlLOTTE, JV'. (I TUESlKir, FliBRUAlir i-l, 1826. [KO. PUBr.IKHEI) WEEKLY r,v LEMUEL I5I\(1HAM, IT TlIItKE IMlltAUS A YI;aU, PAID IN ADVANCE. No p.vpi-T will be discontinued, unless at the discrj-lioii of t!ie editor, until all urrcai’ag-cs are ])^iJ. Adveutisements will be inserted >\t the usual fAtcs. I’ersons sending’ in advertisements, are requested to note on the niarjjia tiie number of insertions, or tliey will be continued until forbid, and cliarg-ed accordingly. ' A\u Eslate. rjlUr subscriber having ob'taincd Letters ot JL Administration uj)on the estate of John I'loyd, d 'ceased, takes this meth.od of informing- those wiio are indebted by note or book ac- ( ini'i*. t!iat payvvicnt imist he mado on or before ili( I'^liniary court of Mecklenburg-county ;— bo fail to attend to tiiis notice, will liave Msettli? with cost. Tbose wiio have any demands ajjainst said ■.iv(“(.:'srd, are reciuested to make them known Of the State of North-Cai'olina. A(/Oin{LCr Map of tlie State in which he resides must be a desiral)U‘ object to every indiv idual. ^ \\ iiatevt.r may be a man’s occupa tion In life, it frequently becomes important to Inm, us a matter of pecuniary intcn st, to posHcss a correct knowledjjc of the relative situation of tlie different sections of country. In tlie pres ent enlightened state of society, tiie subscriber IS convinced that, ai>art from all considerations ot interest or convenience, tiiere are \ery few of our citizens who do not feel it an afluir u'f per- sonal pride that they and their chiUhen should be able to speak wilii familiarity of tliose parts of the State I\ ing' at a distance from them, as well as those in their inniudiatu vicinity. 'I'he sub.scriber therefore flatters himself lhat tlie fol- lowing- proposals will lie r. eei\ed with pleasure by a large portion of the inhabitants of his na tive Stiile. He pro])oscs to publish a correct Mm- or tiii: State of N’oirrii-C umr.i n.\, measuring- (i feet f> inches in length by 3 feet (virsrlics in wiilth, iaid out upon a scale of Si-c miles t. the ii;eb. I lie materials will l)e of the lu-.st kind, and tlie en- wilbiii t!ie time i)rescribed by law, or this no-1 gravins^ executed in suin ric.r sl\ 1 lice will be plead in bar of recovery. Tiie Administrator further notifies those who are iiuU:!)ted to said deceased, that during his absence from C harlotte, the notes and books of .!no. lioyd, deceased, will at anytime be fouiul ill I’ll,' hands of \Vn> Smith, of (.’harlotte, who IS fully aiilliorised to make settlements and tjr.tnt receipts. I’AL'I, r.AKKlNuKH, ddm'r. Nov. 2f', 1S25.—onit"-’ f A\n IVusCY ClUlll MAKLXG. 11.Li A M (;vi.y KII11ousi: e J AVINt; commenced the al)ove business in .1 n liie 1')wn of C‘h;u-lotte, respectfidly solicits a ^llare of put)lie patronage. His work will be neatly and durably constructed, and will be dispohed of on acconunodating terms. SuTTKri-i an>l WiuTi\(i CiiAju.s, made to or der, c.i’i be had on short notice. IJhariotte, Feb. 5, 1825. IvtTo POET3E1Y. 15ut coi-r.*i'tness of di lineatii n being tiie most important circumstance, has ciai!ni.d tlie stib- seriber’s chief attention ; to the aUainment t.f which important o ject, the Map of each Cfjim ty has been scpanltcly txe(ute(i i;y U. II. II. iSKAZir.K, Ksq. with the assi>,taiiee'of gentle men of science residing in diil'i n nt junts of tne State, and from the public surve\s, m d l;avi i been likewise revised and cori-ectid bv l!ie sc-| veral county sun ejors, or some other eompe-j tent i)ersoii, in eacii county. 'I'ekms—For Maps, varnished, colored, and i mounted on rollers, or put up in portable form, I 1^8 each. JOHN M ACU \ K. i l-'avetteville, N. C. Dec. 1, 1825. 4tC) l . G;}' Subscriptions for the above M;ip will be ! received at this ofKce. ! r>TovU\-Cuvu\u\‘A, , JMocklcnlnjr;;' County. iVoL'cm/jcr 1825. Midiiletnn Law ing ) Original Attacimicnt, le- li. ^ vied on a tract of land join- Hobert Lawing. j ing A. Dunn and others. JT is ordered, by (Jourt, that advertisenu nt be made for three months in the (,’atawba .liuirnal, for the defendant to ap|)ear at the I'e- bruary term, 1826, and there to re])levy and plead to issue, otherwise judgment will be en- tereil against him. 'I'e.st. ISAAC ALLXANDER, c. m. c. t72—price adv. 5r4. vit XoYV\\-C‘avv)Vvnvx, Uiilhc'rforil County. Svpcrior Court of Law, Uclobcr Term, 1825. Woody Hurge S vs. V Petition for Divorce. Klizabeth Hurge. j 1* VV\C1\1 V 1>YU-SV.I‘\VCY , A NFAV INVKN'riON. hereby give notice to the citizens of f T Mecklenburg county, that we have pur chased the right for maniiVacturing a Machine, called the I’ATKNT (JOHN’ SllKl.i.i:i,', and will.soon have them on hanl for sale. • or tlie simplicity of its construction and its utilH - to THE DKAD TUU.MPK'l KH. ake, soldier !-wakc !-fhy v\ ar horse waits, To bear thee to the battle back ;— I hou slumberest at a foeman’s gate s 'I'hy dog would break thy bivouac ;— Thy plume is trailing in the dust, ‘ Aiul thy red falchion gathering rust. Sleep, soldier !-sleep !-thy warfare o’er.— Not thine own bugle's loudest strain Sliall ever break thy slumbers more, \\ itii summons to the battle-jilain ; A trunipet-note Uiore i/ud and dee]'). Must rouse t!iee fron, that leaden sleep! Thou nced’st nor helm nor cuirass, now, — lUOiit'l till- iLr/ Iiero/'s !;«u;it ; — I hoii ul;t liot 11 :ni tiiy naked brow,' N>'r ^lin>lk i'Ci(>r a myriacl host,— f'or lic.id rrci alike are sound, A I;,’ iii:iii..i ;.;io,vs cannot wound ! ’! liy u'.otl.er is'not ;n tliy dre^iims, ^\ it.' li al v.ild, \,idowed look slie wore he (I i \ —bow l.Mig to her it seemi ! — Sl;e kissed tlice, at the cottage door, Anil sickened :.t tin sounds of joy i luit • ore aw ay her on'y hoy ! Slce)', .siildier '—let tliy mother wait, ■J o iit I'- iliy Iniglc on the blast; Tliy i!og, pei-!'a;js, m ly fir'.l the gate. And bid Ikv ;',me to ti'.e^' ;.t last;— He cannot tc.ll a satlder taie 'I ban (111! th} i l:.r;oi!, on the gale, >V hen last~a:,.I !.■; away—she heard its lin- geril.g- eelioes fail ! (J7i f^’c jAh^tU ('J I ho Ekrtric Flash pro- (iuc'niL: }}:,i (Jay Luss.\c.— corn planters, it is unequalled by anv other in- I'he ii of the flash during stonus is vention. Perhaps we mav b^-thought to exrig-1 . gerate, when we .say it will sheila bushel ofj great, und one may readily gerate, corn in i/irec and by a little exertion in | ascertain, in u mountainous country, that two minutes. Hut we invite all to come and I exaniino it, witness its operation, und sa'isty themselves as to its great utility. iV l uii be seen at the subscribers’ shop, opposite liie jail. 'illKO. \-KUWII. AVM. CORN W I.*,I. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the court '■ ■ ■' that the defendant, Klizabeth IJurge, is not, ciedit ot tw elve monlhs, U,ur likely .'oung an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore order-: !]'.t;HOES—two fellows, one of tliem a good rd by the court, that j)ublication he nuule three ' blacksmith ; the oflicr under a h.gh eh.iracti.r months in the Halelgh Uegister aiul the Catawba ^ as a farmer, an excellent w agoner, ^;c.; two Journal, giving notice to the defendant that she girls from 13 to 15 _\ears of age. he ami a])pear ..tthe next Sujierior t'oui't of Law, to be held for Uutherford county, at the (Jourt- Houso in Hutherfoidtoii, on the .Jd .MoiuUiy af- il liticjuenliy excccds a leaj^uc. This ox- ti aurcti>'ary ien.ijth, ami tiie awful sound [■.roduced hy the ilasl), induces us natur- 1 ally lo admit, tnal the quantity oi'clcctri- N. H. The price of the ZV/.V//;; r-wi i l ity vvhici' lonns it, is incotn»)araI)lv will be 1^11 delivered at the sboj), or ^ cK liv-, • i i • * * ered at the house of the ])urcl:.isi r. ' ti'.nn t.’at \\ .iic'li ir.ay be acciimu- _A11 persons are cLiutioned. against n uki;i^tcd iti the la!-(rrsi efi'cti ic batteries.— using- or vending the alxive maeliine 1^; tlusi... county, under penalty of the law in that case ! ' caon'U produt.e explosion except al made anij proxiiled. Uie disti-’ice oi a few cen'iiinclrcs, fan Charlotte, Jan. 2U, 1826. 57tf j . ^ . ; inch or two,^ and tiie intensity whicii \vc nmst siippofie is required in batteries to of a would be sv) i^-ieat as lo make it ini])Ossi!)lc it could he retained on a coated sut fate by til!' pressure of liie air. On the oilier ON Tuesday, the 28th (iay of J'e' ruiu-y next, make an t'Xplnsion at the (li:Uance in the tow n of Charlotl'e, Iwiiis'. ll, on a ,• , « , v , ■ t.ciedit of twelve months, fi.ur likelv vounir >'t‘CW yards,^ only, w ,Tan. 17, 1826. 4t7U Jiond and approved security w ill be reiiuired. I I,, r i- i . • VV ASlllM.TON MOKMSO.N, | blls on a Iightnin.q:- Agent for the pro])rK tor. rod, it tVe,'K.Mul y ha])pens lhat only a small portion uf the point, j):rhaps three or l'(ui" inilliinetres (0.12 lo 0, if, of inch,) is fused ; and this efi'ec.t is not very din’er- ent lo what niaj be prodticc'd by large e- lectrical hatlcries. J5ut we cannot real ly judge of ll'.e intensity of electricity ac- ctiniuluicd on our conductors, and on a Ihuuder-cloud by thelcng-lh (;f the spark. 'I'he eleciiicity is retained on out-con- r a])pearing to the satisfaction of the court, dticlors by llu* pressure of the air; the 1 s[>at k only'oticurs when liiis j)ressui'e can I I,,.I.. i ..... 11... !ic in.fMiinie by the eleclricily. On ihe : I ‘V" ‘contrarv, the eleclrlcitv is relainc-d on a 5 A inis case, 11 appearing 10 me coiui, that j Court ot 1 .:tw anu l',(piit\, to he li'id t.r the , • . ' . . the defendant is not an inha!)i!ant of this j county of ('ai)arrus, at the Court-Honsi in Con-1 clotid, Dtily by tlie resislance it aflords to State : It isordei’cd, that the proceedings in tiiis I cord, on the 6th Monday after the -itii Moiida)- i non-concUirbody ; and ecuallv case be stayed, and tlnit advt-> r.„_inent be made iii .\l:.re!i next, and jileai!, answ er or deiiinr to 1 . 'J ' ' . * ' for three iiiontlis in the llataw ba Jouri'.al, ihatiiiic above bill of complaii.t, otlurwise jndg-! as ll i‘. by this tl'iid which siir- ■ he (h feiulaiit ajipi-ar at the next court ef I'ieas nicnt Jiro confesso will be eiiti rid ..g;iinst b;iii ter the -Ith Monday in March next, then and \ there to answi r, pleail, or demur to said petition, otherwise it will l.>e taken j;ro confcsso, and judgment accordingly. W itness, James Morris, Clerl; of said Court, Jit iillice, the od .Monday after the 4tli Monday of Sei)teinber, lb2.i, and in th. 5uth y ear of the ind’. pendence of the I'nited Stales. JAMLS MOUKIS, Clk. 'ini7-l—price adv. ?!. XovU\-V!ivvo\iuu, Mecklenlnir^ (’oimty. Courl nf rUus und Qiitirirr Sctn.iun.\, yai eiiibcr 'jYm, 1825. J)avid Starns, ^ Org’l. Atta't. le\led 0!i land; i)i’ tX t)vUv-V'-aiHiWua, Cal-ianus County. In Clitiiiccr'/—Full Term, 1825. M’m. .1. .\1> Nuinder aiul'| D. F. .l^Hhiw ell, I I . . .lohnf:lay, and ^Original Hill. Nathan IMiih])s, execu tor of John Ca: deceaseil. ( ])s, execu- I L'aruthers, 1 State ■r.i, ..'and Jose|)h and W ni. \ arboi-o j piii)liL'at ion be made for six wet ks in tne ( auiw-. !je ovetconic by the eleclricily. Tlenry Varboro. j summoneil as giian.isbees. I b.i .lournal, that he ajipearal our next Sui)erior and (iuarter Sessions for tlie county of Meek ienliurg, on the fourth Momlay of February, ’HJG, and n plevy and ple;id, ollierv.i'e judg- :'i' !il by default will be had a;;iiinst him. lett. ISAAC Al rAAM)i;H, rkrii. Jin7.^>—[)r. adv. >1. I'HOS. KLHli, adv. ?2 .)0. u'l Xv.il*i\\-V.'uvvAu\*i\5 j tition for di'. orce. "I IIF.UI'.MV give notice, that H Th'ts. \\ biteside has ptisted on ^ my Stray Hook an iron gi'(_\ iit-r-.e, iJl.6$2t^jftefour1ecn h;inds three inclies Itigl;, I I ignI or lime J ears old. w itii bhie iiiune and tail. I Saiii \\ iiite.'^Ide lives In llie I’l Ov idelice sett le- j meiit, south of ( bai'idtte about 1 I or 1 •> miles. I .I.NO. 1) A\ 1.--^, oil'' of tiie b'.mgers _ i for the (-onntvf.'f Mecklcnburi’-, iNordi-Carcdina ‘ Dec. ‘.J. KSJ5, ■' ;,t75 ('iibarni.s .‘'(i|)t;riur Court. C.»'.!ia;-ine (ioodin.ia ') vs, Cp.tlfi Caleb Coodman. J 11 appe.iring to the ■>itlsl'.ictlon of ‘lie court til.lithe iletcudant is not an iuliai)itaiil of this | — ^'■de : (h-di red, that pi'.')lieatioM be made for ’^!'ee months in tin- Ii islLni ('miliniiui and ''•il.in'hu Journal, nolitXtng saiil ilet’enii;int, tlial ’‘:ibhe apj)eai- at Itie iie\t Superior Court ('1 ' to be !u Id for the county ol’ Cabarrus, al I ' iirt-Iiou.ie in (.’oiuord, o:i the ()lh .Moii- “■'v idler the Mil Moiul;.\ in .'lurch iie.\t, and [dead, ausweror d'-iiiur lo sai i p(.'iilion, judi;'- ■ii' iil ji.'o I oiifesso wdilj.,- taivcn aj;ainjl him, ‘■id it will l)e he.irdex paite. t‘*ro .IA>. i;. >l'LAIiS, r/m’t. I (-inirlolte, with an ele •'J—.'in—pr. ail\-. f 1. 1 (Minds ii (jii all bides, it should obey llie sligli’esi alli-aclive or repulsive lurces !jv whicii il is afl'ected. Wi' niay therei’ore (:otu'ci\e, lhat as soon as ihc eleclricily lu s forujed a sti-a!uin, no matter luiw at- tcnlualed, i^o that it be conliniious, tiie'* i'u.sh may occur and jiass tbr(iu|'h con siderable clisla:icch. Tiie iiilensity of the Hash will !)•■ j;roduced Ijy the f|uuiili- ly of (‘leeli icily contaim d in l!ie ii:in;etis'.- sliaium en\elo])ed in the i !'jd. n'lhc slraium is nut coiilinuous, is ( o!iductor as , , , a tioud, or it all the eleCrlcilv spread 1)1.1..re, three ’ ' . ' ‘ hundred and tliirtws;^ aens of over the s[ja. (' occujjied by the rhr.id has l\tln(lbli‘ IaukL ihjI nol had lime lo disengaire il.self, su ar.d well timbered, on hi th sides of t!ic li.-at- I arrive at ihe surfar.e of ihe cloud, .id, Ihn e miles ami a (tnarti r from j (in' disc harge wili only bo jiarlial, and rf^Ill’i su!)scriber will sell, cm ac'-oniniodating ! vet-y j)i-*jbable in so bad a 1 t rm.^ on Wednesday of neM l ei rm.iy | ,, cuur\ it not sc.M at nn\atc s,.u V%Vavvmv\s, l'('r >;:dc-, at ODlre. 'I'ukiTs’ NN'iiriaiit-, vd... or , irom lit situat ion to build on. I , i ii i i i* , i and a good spi-ing, boili lu.rthe n.ad an.; n.ur| ibtinder wiil easi- Ih ' cyiitre ot tlie largc't body (.i’ good I .iid, 1 ly be understood, ll apjiears impels,si!jle and li' S as w\.!l as aii\' in t'lat Svi tion (d' t!i>-I ' . i i to US, iiccoKung lo ihese o'jservations, count}'. J.in. -1. 1H26. !>('c'K 1(M’ ?:i! z::nas ai.k WDF.i! •H7-J 0. Jit lhat the liTu ku( ss (d the elec!ric s'raturu l aii ever be any ihinj; like so grt'at on i!i“ s-;;' f a th-nul -r (.loud o;; iliai of a solid conductor ; for the repulsion of its molecules would dissipate it in the air. We perceive nothing to retain it but the resistance of the air as a non-con ductor, and that resistance can be but ve ry small. As the primitive electricity spread o- ver the sj>ace occupied by a thunder cloud can unite but very ^slowly into a thin stratum, it becomcs diflicult, according to the theory of Volta, to attribute to it the forriiation of hail in particles as large as those which is sometimes observed; the phenomenon, liowever, is certainly connected with atmospheric rlectricity ; and’though we are not actpaainted with all the ciicunistarices which would ena ble us to comprehend il, we must not re ject a cause because it appears to us not lo have an intensity proportional lo the eflects we would explain. Slcam.—I'he strides which steam is making in the econoniy of the country, are njore giganiic and surprising than those who are domesticated at a distance IVcni its immediaie operation imagine ; ()Ut the capability of the l icomotive (-n- gine to travel wilh ease and safely with a weight of ninety tons in its train, at the rate of eight miles an h«ur, having been proved by that opening of the Darling ton and Stockton rail roads, it becomes our duty lo submit a more detailed state ment of its powers and ad vantages, than we believe has yet appeared in print. The engine will travel over 25 miles 7 times a day, making 175 miles a day’s work, with 90 tons of small coals each day, or 42 tons per week, which at an average cost of 7s will be U/ 14s. One man and a boy in constant altendance, supposiiig the 24 hours equal to three days, will be three men and three boys each day, which at 16s 6d will add 5/ 8s 6d—making the total weekly exj>ense 19/ 17s 6d.—'i'he engine will cost 600/,*30 wagons 900/—giving 1500/for the entire SCI .out. Now, 90 tons will load 6 boats ; each of these boats will be a day in performing 20 miles ; therefore 52 boats with 52 hor ses, 52 men and 52 boys, will be required to execute the transfer of 90 tons 175 miles in one day; each horse will cost weekly one guinea, each man a guinea, i and each boy 12s. forming a total w(!ek- ly charge of 14u/ 8s in lieu of 19/ 17s and Gd. The 52 boats and horses will be worlh J0,000/, and requiring a considera bly greater amount lo keep them in re pair ; throwing a balance of full 7000/ per annum in favour of every locomotive engine that may be useil. I low many may eventually be at work it will be dif ficult to conjecture ; but as 40 would b(; re(juired to work the London. liirming- ham, and Liverpool, and the Manchester and Suicki)ort lines, in all proijability not less than 500 would be employ(;d, atid as ihe saving on every five. eni;ines would be i-(ltial to the interest of one million, the 5 ;0 would jjut the i)eoi)ie iu possessitjii of a sum as great as the iniei-est of one hundred millioi.s sleiling, independent of the advantage of spei:d, and the great saving of tonnage, the rail road lines be ing one third shorter than the canals in use. I'inally, 10(>0 persi^ns may be convey ed one mile, h- one j)ci-son loco miles, by locoii)()i.ive engines, at ihe i-ale of 8 lirih-s an hour, at a cost ofsomelhing less lluu) five j)ence. Kn^Ush paptr. Disordered t-';/rs. — Most of -vcn our local ciiseases originate in a bad stale of the stomach; a iruih whicii cannot be too ol'ien iiiijiressed upon those who are uis- por;ed to dalible in quackish ointments aiul nostiums. Mr. Aljernelhy lrace.s iK'arly all llie maladies which afiect the eye to this fei iile cause of human bufler- ing, and tells the following amusing story in illuslralion of ihe vulgar errors on the subject:—“A lady and a gentleman brought tl'ivir child to me wiih in'lauied eyes 5 i!ie j)Upil c (,uld hardly be disiin- gnlsln t! : ili'. te v, ere uki i s on ihe cornea, ;.>'d i' -v;vc’-/ vv '■ ..luudc I. Thev said, ‘Sir, we are g,oing out of town and we thought w’e would ask your opin ion of our child’s eyesj he has been un der the care of the most eminent surgeons, and lie is rather worse than better.’ I said—‘Do you expect that I will pre scribe an eye-water or an eye-salve, and so on I tell you that I am persuaded that the cause of irritable eyes is a disor dered state of the siomaeh and bowels.’— I desired the lad to put out hi* tongue, and it M as very much furred, and dirty indeed. 1 told them that they must pay great attention lo the child's diet, to the regulation of his bowels, to take exercise in the open air, and so on.—‘ Oh ! they said, ‘if lhat v»as all the advice I could give, they should wish megoiid moi uing;’ .so they paid me a guinea, and ofV they went. They were going into Devon shire, ami-when they were about seventy miles from town, the child was seized with a diurrha-a, which caused them to stop on the road, and in a day oj two the child’s eyes became very much better; they now began lo ihink that there was some truth in what had been told them about a disordered tale of the sloiuach and bowels, and away tliey came again towards town, after having travelled a- bont seventy miles, to hear 50i.. ihmg more of this matter, which, iftljey had had’a little patience, ihey would have heard at firsi in a few minutes.” A WiKK.—Moore, in,his life of Sheri dan, thus speaks of Sheridan’s first wife, Miss Linley, lhat wasWe have al ready seen with what pliant synop tihy she followed her hu.sband througluiut liis various pursuits-identifying hecseli with the politician as warmly and reuuiiv as with the author, and keeping Ijvr tiill attendant on genius through all iiis ‘l ans- aclions. As the wife of ihe drftmaiibt and manager, we find her calculating liic receipts of the house, assisting i.i tiic a- dapiion of her husband’s opera, and reading over the plays seat in bv dra»na- tic candidates. As the wife of ihe sena tor and orator, we see her, with no less zeal, making extracts from state papers, and copying out ponderous pamphlets— entering with all her heart and soul into the details of elections, even endeavor ing lo fathom the mysteries of t'le funds. The affectionate and sensible care with which shcwathed over, not only her own children, but those which her beloved sister, Mrs. Tickell, confided lo her in dying, giv'‘s the finish to this picture of domestic us.' ulness. When it is recol lected too, that ihe person thus h nnely employed was gi! - d with every charm that could adorn ai d delight society, it would be^ difiicult, pe-haps, to iind any where a more perfect example of that happy mixture of utility and ornament in which all lhat is prizeil by the hus band and the lover combines, and which renders woman, what the sacred fire was to the I’arsees—not on’y an object of a- doralion on their allar: . !)iit a source of warmth and comfort t > iheii-hearts. ” Dimcmions t>f Ihe C vifol of (he llniled Sla/e.'i, and ?/.y (irnunu.-i.—'i'he gr(,uii(I within the Iron Railing, 20 acres and 1-k. Length of Toot Walk, outside of J{;ul- ing,.( of a mile and 185 feel. 'Hir /iilildiil^ in (t.1 fultuU'S : Lcn.n'tli in front Di ptb of Wings 1 J , F.ast I’rojeclion and Stejjs uj d,,. M'est do. do. ,s.; ,|o. Covering 1.^ acres, and ]f;25 fe(t. Height of Wings lo top of Ii;du-.trade 70 feet, Heigbl lo loj) of Cenlre Dome 140 do Itepresi'iitatues' room, gn alest h ngtli 9.} do, l{' in'esenlutiv( s’ room, grett. sl height (>() do. Senate Cbam'.)er, gn atc^t l iigtb 74, Senate Cliainbci, greatisl height 42 cki. Creat Crntral l.’otuiida, 96 fetl in dianielvr and 96 feet high. ’ Library, 92 by ..1, and J6 feet high. frrail Solar Edipac.—On the i 2th jf I'ebiuury, 18Jl, (says the (ienev:t, .\. V. (iazclte;; Uiere will be a great eclipse oi ihe sun, visible to us. At 1 1 h. 26 min. M. a small black dent will apj)ear ou fdie side ol the sun, which will increase I lo the middle of the eclijise, wlu ti only a small edge of lip,lit, extending bcaiili- lully down on eai h side, will be visi’)h*. The darkness w ill be so great that iho lai-ti;csl stars v. ill appear, and cbscuri'v \N in • ’c icrre* ’ riii! •.!'.ini'-‘

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