VOL. II ] CIUmiOTTE, .IV*. c. TUESDAY, FEBIIVAHi' 28, 1826, [NO. 72. FUHI.ISHr.U WKEKLT I?v LEMUEL BINCMIAM, XT THREE DOLLARS A TKAU, PAID AUVANCK. No paper will be fli.scoatinue(l, tinles.s at the iliscn.lioii of the editor, until all urreurages are paid. AnviansEMENTS will be iiisertcd at the usual rates. Persons sending in ad\ertisenients, are requested to note on the margirt the nun'ibcr of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and ohartfcd accordingly. 'o\\u liSlalfc. TIIK siib.scriber haviniij obtained Letters ot Aiiniinistrution upon the estate of John Bovd, deceased, takes this method of informing thasf 'Vlio are indei)tc-d by note or book ac- coil i'- tliat payment must l)c made on or Iiefore tin l\-bruary court of Alecklenburg county ;— vv hu fail to attend to tliis notice, will have to '.(■tile with cost. riioso wlio have any demands ag'ainst said deceased, are requested to make them known i materials will be of the l)est kinrCaiid the'eir- Of the. Stale of North'Crtrolina. ACOItUF.C r Map of the State in which he resides must be a desirable obji ct to everv individual. Whatever n>ay be a hian’s occupa tion in hie, it frequently become' important to him, as a matter of pecuniary interest, to possess a correct knowledge of the relative situation of the diHerent sections of country. In the pres ent enlightened state of society the sul)scriber IS convinced that, apart from all considerations ot interest or convenience, tliere are verv few of our citizens who do not feel it an aifair of per sonal pride tliat they aixi tlieir childr, :i should be able to speak with familiarity of tho.se parts of the State lying :it a distinice from them, as well as those in their immediate vicinity, 'I'he subscriber therefore- Hatters himself that the fol lowing proposals will be received with pleasure by a large portion of the inhabitants of his na tive State. He proposes to pul)lish a correct Map of the State ok Nohth-Cauolina, measuring 6 feet 9 niches in length by 3 feet 6 inches in width, laid out upon 01 scale of six miles to the inch. The You can make a viinntc of it, and '/ wUf calf a^ati>. TIIAVE given indulgence frojii minutes to ‘If'ful m }_ear.s, t.) tliose who stand indei)ted to me. I marks— and i;K'.st earnestly solicit an immetliale pay »>ei«t. ' ' K. M. HKONSON.’ C'harlottc, Feb. 18, 1826. ot';> within the tune prescribed by hiw, or this no tice uill be plead in bur of recovery. I'lic Adiiiinistrator furtlicr uotities those who are indoDtcd to said deceased, that during his absence from Charlotte, the notes and books of .(no. !io\d, deceased, will at anytime be found ill tiie hands of \V n> Smith, of (Charlotte, who tally aiulioriscd to make settlements and jjiant receipts. 1‘Al'L r.AUlllNtiER, Mm'r. Nov. 26, K'iJj.—omt7-J \\ l.\ OSOll A .\ 1) I'AXCY ClLIUi Mlh'IXG. H ll.I.EAM III I.Vi;illlOLSK HAVlN'Ci comnu nced the above business in the t')\vn of (Jharlotte, ri spectfully solicits a snare of public patronage, llis work will be iicatl) an I ilurably constructed, and will be ilisposed of on acconiinodulii'g terms, j Si;TTEr-s and \\ uitixg Ciiaius, made to or der, can be had on short notice. Charlotte, Feb. 5, 18.35. Iyl7;: graving executed in superi(>r style IJut correctness of delineation being the most important circumstanre, has claimed the sub scriber’s chief attention; to the attainment of which important o ject, the Map of each coun ty has been separately executed by K. H, li. liHAZiEH, Esq. with tile assistance of gentle men of .«cience residing in difl'erent partsof the State, and from the public sur\eys, and have been likewise revised and corrected by the se veral county sur\ eyoi'S, or some-other compe tent person, in each county, Tf.iiMs*-For Maps, varnished, colored, and mounted on rollers, or put up in portable form, each. JOHN MACUAE. Fayetteville, N. C. Dec, 1, 18:25 4t64 O:;}-Subscriptions for the above Map will be received at this ottice. ^tvxte ol* •Vov\\\-Cvvru\Vua, .Mecklenburg County. November Sessions, 1825. Middleton lowing 1 Original Attaciiment, le- r.«. J- vied ou a tract of land joiii- Kobc rt Lawing. j ing* \. Uunn and others. I r is ordered, by Court, that advertisement be made for three inonths in the Catawba Jo irnal, for the defendant to appear at the Fe bruary term, 1826, and there to replevy and plead to issue, otherwise judgment will be en ured against him. 'I’est. ISAAC ALEXANDER, c. m, c. t72—price adv. ;^4-. fe\a\.e ot tVwYVli-V^aYoVina, Uuli'A’rforcl I’ounly. S’lpcrior Court cf Lair, October Term, 1825. , Woody Hurge ) vs. C Petition for Divorce, riizabetu Hurge. J I T appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the defendant, I'.lizabeth IJurge, is not an iniiabilaiit of this State : It is therefore order ed by tlio ccui't, that public.ilion be made three moiitlis in the Raleigh Register and the Cataw ba •V . The subscriber informs those wheare indebt ed ti) him, that he will attend at fit i.ext February court, in Charlotte, for the pu)-posr of 1^l.‘0M the subscriber, about the twenty-fifth of January last, my negro n.an JOF,' of a slender make anil not verv black, lie was once the property of Jiir!j,r{. l.„wr\. ;ind is tho’t to be lurking about sc.nn where in ’Meckl.'tibiirg countv. Any |)ers(,'n apprelu nding and d( liv- eriiijj’ lim to me, living in J.incobi ciiunly, near the mouth ot South Fork, or securing him in jail, so that I get him again, sbidl be liljeii.llv rewarded by LF.ItOY STOWE.' _J-;eJ^ 18^ 1826^ .'Tt 72 v V\‘avv\s’ i LL persons indebted to Samtiel Harris, dc- I\. ceused, are reciuesteil to coii e f(.rward and niake payment immediately; and all j)crsons having demands against said Harris, are reipiest- ed to pre.seiit them within the legal time, to the executors LAIRD H. HARRIS, JOHN Gl.NGLES, JONATHAN HARRIS. Harris w ill bo. ready to settle N. U. Laird II at all iime.9. Feb. 7, 1826. ."t?2 The partnership heretofore existing between the subscii )ers in Mecklenburg countv, N C. under the firm of \\ ilson k Davison, 'is this day dissolved, by mutual con-cnt. FRANCIS WII,Sf)N, THOMAS DAVISON, fanuary 25, 1826. r>t72 Constuhlc’s >^ale. A PLAIN neat Riding Chair, and a handsome ]dain Sulkev, will be sold on the \\ ediiesday of Febriiarv Countv Court, the prop- , a,..i I,,- „(i i 01 SIX months will be given. Note, with ap- w ho are indebted to him indivulually, or to the association of M’Kenzie & Caldwili. will avail themselves of this notice, as a further indul gence ought not to be expected. .My books and papers are in the hands of Dr. D. T. Cald- w ell, with whom settlements can at any time be made. ROBERT M’KENZIE. Charlotte, Jan. 25, 1826. 4t72 Patent i^ovu-SAwWei', W proved security, will be required. MM. LU( KUy, Ccmstable. 3t72p A mean fiction, i*ei;kins’ steam On piiblishiiij^ theaccoutii j1'tins won (let ftil iiiai liinr, tlu! Xew-Yurk Fust rc- 'i’lic succcss of our countryman Perkins, appears no ionpcr to admit of doubt. Under the head of fo?eii^n new s will he found an account of an experiment made by the iiiw. iitof of the tremendous power of s'eam in an engitu'of his own mannraetine. Th.e greatest diniciil'.y which Mr. Perkins has coniended with, but has now overcome, was ‘lie forma tion of a {generator of suiricienl sli'en;;tii. This ohstrtiction o!)viated, tliere appears to bp no iottger any (jtiesiitin as to its complete s'lecess, and INIr. Perkins, in one point ul" view, may l)e considered it benefactor to manl.ind. Ar end must nfiw be | ut to sicj^es of towns ; for whal possiliiliiy is thereof ajiiiroachina j)laee defeii'k't! .i mac'iine wliich vouid de- Kirtjy e-.i-i \ Miliig witliin its reach in u nioinent 'l oo cumI)rous for transpor tation vvj'h an army, .is a moans of at tack, atid too pox^crfiil fur resistance, it must remain fotever a perfect security frotn invasion. Should the itnentioii prove applicable to the propulsion of '•‘■sels, riavii;ali(/n on ilie ocean will also undergo an entire chanj^e ; it, a word, the utmost stretch o.I , ■ ruhttioti on thi.'-' pow er, can hardly ije rousideied extrava- ganl.” From the Loii.lon 'Times. The nei;.;i)boiluiod of Mr. Pcrkitis’ safety steam engine inanufactory near the Hegent’.s Pai k, was on Tuesday thrown itslu great ctjn-.lernation by soine tremen- di.us rejiorts, arising from the discbarj^e of his steam gun. Since a fatal acci(U iit, whicli occurred severai months a go, when a Kuiy threw liereself fiom a gig, in cotisc(]uence, as it was at the time in correctly supposed, of her horse having taken friglit at the prodigious noise made by the steatn gun, the terrific engine of destruction had not been permitted to be discharged by tiie individuals belonging to Mr. Perkins’ concern.—On Tuesday A morning, however, soon after eight o on Ws IMV ‘dock, ]>atrolswere observed stationed on on luesda), tlie/th (lav of l ebruarv, am n ,i i i i- . i ■ made it his business to writ.; some very base roads leading towards the manu- laivgii!tg( on several of the pupils’ copy books ; j factor}, accompanied by meti With pla- on one of wliicli he wrote the following;— cards on boards, warning all passengers A NEW INA ENFION. “.Mend your maner and you.vil ineiul \our|On horseback or in carriages to go E hereby give notice to the citizens of'forten Ander A.idlebill.” I will give a liberal ! through the Hegent’s Park.'instead of ?▼ Mecklenburg countv, that we have pur-; compensation lor an introdnction U) Mr. .\(l(lJc-i* . r ,i i* . chased the right for manufacturing a Machine, i hill. I want to know if he is a iu.ige of rood C nii^'‘ulactory. called the PATENT CORN SHELLER, and ' manners, or a man of fortime. Ik-is not a inan aJter nine, numbers ol military will soon have them on hand for sale. Tor the of good behaviour, or he would not lia\e bc-.| carriages and on hoseback, simphcity of its construction and its utility to haved in that manner. • j aligliteil at the manufactory. '^Phey were corn planters, it is unequalled by any other in- :>t72 BURCH CHESIIV.IR, "■eaclier, I .soon followed bv the Hiike of Welliii.rton. Thr’ afte...,tds theSus- corn in three minute,, and by a little exertion in fpijK notes .-ind accounts due to the firm of! pl'eviOHS y two minutes. But we invue all to come and 1 Jennings & Thompson, and which was man-; occasional, k oi comparatively light •d by P. Thompson, are now trie property of! commenced with a continued roar, examine it, witness its operation, and satisfy themselves as to its great utility. It can be seen at the subscribers’ shop, opposite the jail. 'IllEG. MERRILLS, AVM. CORNWELL. N. R. The price of the Patent Corn S/idkr Journal, gi' ing notice to the defendant that slio i 'vdl be ^11 delivered at the shop, or 5^12 deliv beanduppe:ir!i«, tile next Sui)erior Court of Law, | ered at the house of the purchaser, to be lieulTor Rutlierford county, at the Court-1 All persons are cautioned ag.ainst making, Hoiijse iir Riitberfordton, on tlu’ od .Monday af- ■ usiiig or vending the above machine in this ter the 'Kit Moiid.iy in .March next, then *and | county, und r penalty of the law in that ease there to aiisw er, plead, or demur to said petition, niade and provided. otiierwise it will be talveii pro coiifessu, and jucigmeiit aeronlingly. \V itness, J.iiiies Morris, (jlerk of said Court, at otlici, tiie 3*1 .Monday after the-Ith Moiulay of Septemiier, idJj, and in th dU‘1i ycarot the iiidependvnce of the I. iiited States. JAMKS MORRIS, Clk. .')mrl—price adv, ^i. .V iivUv-VXvvoWvviv, Meekleiib'Ji (.bounty. (ifurt (if l‘Uus and (^uurhr ^cinsions, A'ovcnibcr 1825. David Stanis, 'i Org’l, .vtta’t. levieil on land; vs. i and Josi pli anil \\ m. Varboro Hciify Yariroro. J summoned as giiariiisiiees. 41 N tins case, it appearing to tlie court, that JL Jhc defendant is not an inhabitant of this State ! It ordered, th;,it tlie proceedings in this e.ise b( stayed, and that ailvertisement be ninde fi,r three n’lontlis in the t.'atawba Journal, that 'he (b'.'cndaut ..ppeur at the ne.\t court ot TIeas and liuji'lc r Sessions fur liie count^v of .Meck- •'!il)urg, the fourth .Monday of l ebruarv, Jy.b, and ft'n'r\-y anil plead, otlierui-.e jud^- rn^ 111 liv defa'ilv df be luul against liini. Test; ISAAi: ALL\.'..\Di;i{, C7u/,-. ’iiC.j—;u'. ^’Jv. > *• Charlotte, Jan. 20, 1826, 57tf aged by r. inompson, are now trie property , Edm’d. Jennings. All persons who are in’ar- resembling the loudest thunder we e\ei rears with that house, .-ire therefon directed to he.'ird. 'Ph>‘ group of eminent Jjersotis pay all such notes and accounts to E. Jenning.s.Uhen asseinlilcd, consisted of hisCJryCi, bliSnes''s''*‘ mutually dissolved their | the Master general of tiie Ordnance, and llis SlafV, tiic Marquis of S.ilisbury, Mr. Pell, Sir ilardingc. Lord I'itzroy Somer set, the Judgo A'dvocate Cieneral, and many niiiiiai'- oflicers of the highest ratik * together with a Committee of Ar tillery and .’'.ngineer oflicei-s, v« ho, it a])- EDM’D. JENMNC;.S, PEARSALL THOMPSON. Chr.rlotte, Nov. 20, 1825, -1172 nil! ul’ ^*ovV\\"i.'i\i*o\\ua, Cabarrus County. '. 1/1 Chnncenj—Fall Term, 1825. "iVm. J. Alexander •'id"^ D. F. Calvlwell, vs, John Clay, and ^Ori.; Nathan Pirdijis, execu tor of .lohn C'lrutlier , deceased. appearing to tlie satisfaction of t!ic rnr.r', that John Clay is not an inhabitant of tii'.:j State : It is therefore ordered i>y the coiir*, thul publication be made for six weeks in the Cataw ba Journal, that he appear at oiir.ncM Superior | (Joiirt of l.aw and lUpiity, to* be' held for the ‘ county of Cabarrus, at tlic (Umrt-Hoii^e in Con cord, on the 6th Monday after the in Mai’ch next, and plead, answ er or demur to tlie above bill of complaint, otlnrwi io judg ment pro coufe.sso will be et'teved again X him. TIIOS. KEKR, c. .M h. C'tri pr. r.dv, J.2 iO. ,4 LI- persons in debt to me, by note or book A account, for articles purchased of P. 1 homp-1 " -yi - -1- son. .are informed tiiat I have placedallc'. niands I ‘"‘'I U'en ofiicially appointed by due me in the bands of my lawful ag( nt, Dr. 1). R. Ouiihip, who 1; instructed to sue tor the same indiscriminately, unle'js paid ^ cn' .soon. It is w ell known to persijiis w ho jiurchased from Mr. 'Thompson, that tliccn dit whii.h he gave 'v. as a mere nominal ervdit; that wln never be I Cidled for tl'eir accounts, they were to }!sehargf’ |1lieiii. 1 bone all will ]):iy o'T their -iceoiiiits i None of you stays. i ’ * E. /ENN1N(.S. i Jan. 2,5, 1826. -ItTJ I'; ^100 UfeViavA. KANAWAY from the sub.srriber, a . negro Woman nanied NANCY, about 2iJ y“ars of .age, remark.ib’y likely , aud of a pleasant e.vpre.'islon ol countenance—usuaily looks down, and they ha\e itiierawbite appearance. Her voice mild, and 1 think her nose ia a little acpidino. t have fitrong reason to bi lieve the said woiiinn was t.iken up about four miles al)o^ e Charlott(, on or about the first of last Nov« nil’' !’, since whicii I hav" heard nothing of her ’Tlu- wo- .. I ^ when she raises 111 r evi Monday ,^4,, Cabarrus Superior C.uurl, Cutharire Cooihuiiii ) r.v. pV titlon foi* divorce. Culel) lioodm in. j I T appearing to tlie s itlsnictiim of the cov. - '- j tie’s Ford r»ail, three mile 'iiat the deieiidant is iu>t an inhal»!tant ot this Cluu lotte, with an elegant situation to build on, : Onknil, that )iuldi, alioii be made for ;i jrooil m ar tlie road and near ^ ' I I’.uin \\ a;> (.1' f;ood cliaracter, and vas enticed a- 1' OV feaVC • j w av by lu r husband ; and I have no doubt w hen rjjlME svibscriber will sell, on accomniodatiiig 'in y wi’re sei)araled near ( hail'itte, that s!e .1. terms, on We.lnesdv of r.'-\t lebruarv i'a t'uld have given herself up o'- been taken court, if not sold at ]);-ivatc sale before, three buiidrcd und thirty-six acres of Valuable LuntL and well timbereii, on botli side; of the l?c:it- ind a (juavter from ^ ous\a\)\’ VV' aV v aul s, Tor sail', at this Otric'. Kiitry I'alvcrs’ Wiirrants. I'vT f;;de, at this UlVice .11 as ai!\ in th.it section of tlii' Jan. 21,1826 thr-e nientii.. in t'.ie Cun,Uni,in aiidl,i,^. cc.dre oi' tiie largest body of good land, notify ing said defi iidant, tliat I |u.s as w " ' ' ' '‘iili'ss he appear at the ne\t Sapi nor Court ol ' f.'iw to be ill Id for the county ot ’al)arru^., ai ’•le ('onrt-! louse in (^onconl, on ti,e (>tb .Mon- '•‘V :ilter the •ith Moiniay in .Maieii iiext, and answer or demur ii> salil petition, judg- hh!'.u pro eOiM’csso v,.ll iio t^.keii against him, it will he lieard ex jiarte. JAS. (;. SPEARS, .lin—nr. adv. ^ 1. /}'.N.\S AI.T.XAVDT.II and tidd to whom she belonged—v.hirh makes me believe she is conceal -d c '•'oleu. Any person V. ho will jirosecut* tlie tliiit to comie- tion, and give n.e iidorination y\heii iii\ v\oinan i.-i, will be entl'ded to the above rev.aid; u-to twenty dollars, i'or gi\ing me ini'orriiaiion w here I mav get mv v.oman. VMILIAMMeWILI.il,. Caindi'ii, J.in. 27, Just NI) for sale at t'nis Oliiei', in a pani:)hli t I .*’V form, “Strictures o:i a jmi ce wnlten !)_' j Mr. David llenkt ', entitlel liea\t iily I b'od i I j Keguu ration, or, ’I i i atise on lloij liaijlisin.'’ IHERI'IJV give notice, that Uy Josi.ni Mooiii, /. U. M. I’r.c _ Thos. Wliiteside v.w V\\i‘; Alvinv‘u\t‘v\\ n Cr>'T n'llili-'l.ed, '>!id for s:de at this ofii( has posted on my Striy Hook an iron gn y Horse, ‘tlr.'ee iiudu s iogli, eight n' nine years oh!, \\ ith 1 iue mane ..lal tad. Said Whiteside li\esin t!ie I’roiitb nce si ttle nient, south of Charlotte al'out 1 J o'- ml! .!\(). DAMS, ('lie of the Rinigers for d'e co'.w'.V: 'd' 'leel;h''>'r*'' >'o'-'b ';,i'oIina. D' e ''7 i p'Kl.l' •' 1j Cl nt.- Ii\ SA'H i. 1. A Sf rnion on the ,\'.iint ( ' A 1,1. W I I . M I'cr \ cry Hoiids, Ir. ‘he )‘;;re ei' the Uuke of \\'cllington to examine i!Uo the merits of this wonderful 'jiecimen of htmian ingenuity and desli uclive power. 'Phe (lescharge of steam now became al most incessant for. two hours, during which, its incalculable fbrce and astonish ing I'apidity in discharging ijalLs exrited amazrinent admiration in all present. Atfirst the halls were dischai-ged at short intervals, in imitation of artillery firing, against an iron targid, at the flistance of 35 ya.'ds. SiK li was the force with whirb they were driven, that they were com pletely shalterrd to atoms. In the next experiment tl-.e iialls were dischargn-d at a fraiiH! of wood, and tlicy ai.tiially ]iass- ed through II one- inch |)lanks of the hardest (lenl, ],lared at a dista:)''” of an inch from eacli other, Afu r’,v.irds they were iiropidiid af^ainst an iron plati; one- fourth (;f an iiu li ’Id'k, ami at the very first trial the liall [la-sed through i. On all liatn!s this was declai'ed lo lie the ut- inust eiVort of for'»> that gunjiowi'er could e'-iert, liid((d, \\ e tindei stand that this lilate had Jieeii brought esjieeially from Woolwich, for the pm pose of ascertain ing the ( oiiipai alls(' iorce of steam atui ;.;unpo\\ drr. I'he prcssiire of sieam em- ployi'il (o elli'cL this wol'derlul force, we learnt, ()H iii(|uiry, did m.t at 'ivst exceed fi5 atnio'^pheres, or y(M)lijs. lu the s(juare incli ; and il was rejieatedly s'.aled liv Ml'. Peikiiis, that the pressure might Ije caiiied (\iii to 200 atmosplieies v.ith perfect safety, Mr. I’eikins '.iien pro ceeded to (!'. iiioiistfate '.he !'a’/i(i!ty with whii h inusl.et lialls mi!’,ht Ije projected by its agency. ToelVi ct tliis, he screwed I'U lo tiie I'lin harri 1 a tuIie iilh.'d with l):dh. v. hu h, failinr; (lowti by their own ;;ia\iiy into the barrel, were projected, one hy (.Ilf, nitii such evtiaorditiary w- lo( Ity u'. ''!!'i'.i'i"sti'a'.c 'hat. !'V nieatis of a sucei ‘-i 'ii I'lhe:,, I’dlefl with balls, i;i a V. heel (a model d' w hit h was ited. ri( irl'. onc thotisaiid bul!r. per minute migfit be discharged In subse quent discharges oi'volleys, the bu; rel,to which is attached a moveable joint, was given a lateral direction* and the balla perforated a piuuk nearly twelve feet in length. Thus, if' opposed tea reginicnr in li»ie, the steam gun might be made te. act from one of its extremities to the o ther. A similar plank was afterwards placed in a perpendicular position, and in like manner, there was a stream of shot holes from the top to the bottom. It is thus proved that the steam gun has not only the force of gunjiowder, but also admits of any direction being given to it. But w hat seemed lo create most surprise was liitr efTects of a volley of balls discharged .igainst the brick wall by the side of the larget. 'Phey absolutely dug a hole of considerable (limensions in the wall; and j)( netrated almosi one half through its thickness. We heard several olTirers declare their belief, that, had the balls b. en made of iron inste ul of lead, they uld have actually made a break through it—the wall was 1>J inches thick From the London Timc.s, Dec. 22. W’e ye.^lcrdin louc'ied on the death of 'he Mmperor Ai'Xander, as that eveni miglu iairly be presumed,from sticli par lieiilai'sas yet have reached us, to alfec' ili( feelings oi' his subjects, and eventual 1\ the j)e ee of ’lis immense dominions. It seems, however, to be hnticipated by the best I’ussian .luthorities in t'lis C' vin try, that Constantine will succeed lo thn empire without any resistance. I5ut if the death of Alexander wus an event lo be deplored by the great majori t> of his own peo])le, by p^urope general ly we may suppose that it will be looked at with veiy difTerent emotions. As th(^ author, and master, and mover of the Holy Alliance, the late Kmperor was a declared foP to the political rights of all civlized nations, to the cause of freedom over the whole earth, and to the im provement and happiness of man as a member of society. The jealousy with which this pupil of the reformist, La Harpe, watched, through his Ministers in the remotest spots of Europe, the first buddings of independent spirit and manly feelings in matters of Goverment, that he might nip and crush them, is notoriourv every where. He it was who stimulated his crouching allies to preach up the far famed monarchical principle, which ren dered the caprice of any tyrant, the most atrocious or contemptible that ever vexed mankind, the sole ruling power over them. He It was who, In pursuance of this doctrine, forced Austria to the inva- sion (in our minds it has ever been the wanton and iniquitous invasion) of Na ples. It was Alexander, according to V illele’s confession, placed Louis XVIII. btftween two necessities, that of perpe trating a crime against the Spanish na tion, which will one day he avenged, but never forgotten ; or of entailing an equal misery upon Trance by the march of a Russian army from the Niemen to the Pyrenees. In every quarter of Europe beyond the bounds of Russia herself^ the policy of Alexander w'as the. embarrass ment and scourge of his neighbors. L has refjuired the'most painful strugi|le:’. for four long years on the jiart of England, Austria, and Prussia, to prevent Alexan der from marching down f-om the I)an- uiie, and extinguishing at once the Turk ish despotism and the infant hopes of independence for the Greeks. Trance, too, however willing on some occasions lo inlet feri: with other stales, would pro bably have intei posed for less haleftii purposes than those ascribed to !ier bv llussian Salraps at Paris, and the Span- ish cajiital, had the incubus of Alexaii- ler’s per«;onal vigilance and ascendancy borne upon her with a less ct-nstaiil and overpowering pressure. Circumstances well known in ilie history of the last fourteen years may have induced the late and present Soveieign of I'rance to yield a more entire obedience to Alexan der, than to any of those destined tobe hi^, s'j( i i s^ors; the politi«al moials, thereforti ol'the Trench House of HouHion, if thev have a'ly, are ul)out to undergo a sever er tef;t, herealter, in jiropoi tioii as their free agency will, by tlie death of Alexan der, be less under coercion than before. \ve lindcrstand that the Rev. Mr. Smith, of the Asbury .Mission, against whom charges were }.>refcrred, on mat ters cornecied v. ith the proceedings of tiie four Comiiiissioners sent by (lov. 'I’louj) into ilie Nation, ({uring the las' sumner, has been tried before the late Ciiiif'-rence. in this place, and acti'iitted. 'i'luis tlie toils thrown arotind this goof! old man have lieen i)roke-i and dispersed; and tiie odium of preferrini; charges, wiiich, lo say the leasl of them, were un- iounded, rests, as it ougb!, upon tho?e. ubo made them. Let the unl'eeling persQ. ( iH'jrs of ihis old man, w hoever they arc, be exposed and punished l>y p-.biic indij'- 'ionvx'id ront'.v.ip'.—(lcnru;in Statvvvnr