PDBMSHED WEEKLY ByLE.Ml I:L lUXdllAM, AT TUnEE DOLLAHS A tKAH, PAID IN AllVANCE >0 paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. Auveutisemknth will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending' in advertisements, are requested to note on the maj-g'in tlic number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and churg-eil according’ly. WINDSOR AND VJXCY Cll.lIR MAKING. WILLIAM CULVEUHOUSE Having commenced the above business in the town of Ciuirlotte, respectfully solicits a share of public putronag'e. His work will be neatly and durably constructed, and will be disposed of on accommodating terms. Settees and Wjuting Chaihs, made to or der, can be had on short notice. Charlotte. Feb. 5, IS25. lyt?^*! ui‘ XovUi-VvwoWiva, Cnbarrus County. In Chnnccri!—Fall Term, 1825, ^Vm. J. Alexander ..nd"^ 1). r. CaKlwcll, John Clay, and ^Original Bill. Nathan Piiilips, execu tor of John Caruthers, deceased. 3o\vn M’Q,v\ay & V!o. s»ppb- of GKO- l.MUhS, among which are— Sugar and Coffee, Jamaica and 3 ~P¥THjr New England 5 French Brandy, Holland and i Northern 5 CJLHTb First quality Molasses, Claret, ^ Teneriir, Madeira, VlXrTltfT^G Colmanar, and f Fort, J (Cordials of the best kind, ^o. 2 Mackard, Philadelphia Fortcr, Figs and Haisins, Sweet Oranges, ^\■enington Moots, first quality. Mould Candles, Soft shell Almonds, Table Salt, Croeker\ ^^'are, Snuff and Scgars, Lorillard’s Cut l obacco, and Confectionaries of all kinds. Feb. 25, 1826. r>tr4 Ten liuWftYH Hewuvd. Tost, about the l-’tii November Iasi, some- i where between my own house and Mattliew Hain’s, or else between my house and Cliarlotte, a lar^-e bundle of Notes, amongst wliitli are tlie following :—'l wo notes on (.uv Maxwell, one on .lohn Hogers, one on Matthew Uain, several on Andrew MiMi r, dereascil; togLther with a number of otlicrs not at pr s«. nt recol- le.ctetl. IwjII gi\e tlie al)o\t; rc\\;irlto unv j)erson who will deliver me said |)apers, and ajipcaring to the satisfaction of the rotirt, l>ersou from truding for any of NORTK-CAROZ.mA Sfatr ?i.ottrr». fihst c],ass. I Jolui Clay is not an inhabitant of Ibisj ■ It is tilt refore ordered by tlie court, that p. .1 ..tion be made for six w eeks in the Cataw ba .i >unial, that he :ippear at our next Superior ('(iiiir t(f Law and Equity, to he hehl for the ':ouiiiy of •. uburrus, al tiie (Jourt-llouse in Con- con I, on the 6th Monday after the -Ith Monday iU ( li ne.\t, and ])had, answ er or denmr to the a'jove bill of complaint, otin rwise judg-1 Of the State of North-Carnlina. ACOIJHEC'I' Map of the St ite in wliirh he residis nnist be a desirable object to every jiieiii pro coiiiesso will Ilf entered against him. imiividual. • ’ - ' said notes. Feb. 4, 1826. MATTHEW WALLACE. ';U74j- (~Authorind by Jict.s of Cuvgrctts and the Lcgiala- ture of JSurih-C'moliua.J 1 or the benefit of Oxford Academy and Wash ington Canal. J. n. YATES & A. McLNT\KE, Managers. To if (J/uim on the \bth f March, 182(1, at the ^ ’ Jlahigh. Sclicmr* 1 Prize of «20,000 is 520,000 1 - L5,O0a . 15,000 1 , - 10,000 - 10,000 1 - 5,276 - 5,2r() 5.000 - 10,000 1.000 - 18,000 500 - 18,000 fyO - 9,;^00 25 - 9,300 12' . 15,624 o - asjou 1.5,870 I’rlzf';. $211,200 26,y"0 Blanks. 42,810 Tickets. PIMCE 01 TICKl. l S. ^ fJliolc Tickets Sc I Quart'r I I/a/f do. 3 I Eighth 7.3 P.iekagcs of 12 Tickets, embracing il-f' t'. ! numbers of the Lottrvv, which nmsi !iaw at t„Pti i 1 i.i 11 1 i • ; least 25 50 nett, (shai-es in proportion) v.i'h . hcallh, and iiealth is I so many chances for capitals, m:i'i be had. at the louiKlalloil of enjoyment and ha'ipi- f'ullow ing rates: ‘ •• • ' ' Whole Packages, ?7.» I Quarter do. fig Half do. Jo I Eighth do. THE FAIJMER. From a Sermon delivered at Windsor,, Vt. Dec. 1, 1825. It lias long seemed to tiie, that there is one evil among us, which can be remedi ed by no laws, as it dejiends uj)on the free choice of every individuals ; an evil, therelbre, which must be left to work its ow n cure ; and that is, that, in proportion to our population, too many leave the employment of the agricultralibt, for o- iher employments. If this arises from itb being considered tluit tiie employment of the husbandman is not respectable, it is a very great mistalu-. E>ery thing is honorable which is useful and virtuous. This is an employment instituted by God himself ajid by him peculiarly owned and bicit. It is that on which every thing ebic deijend?. Wh.at can be mure pleas ing than to diroct the young and lender plant how to shoot, and to cherish its growth? \Vhat more humane than the care of those animals which contribute to the comi’ui-t and convenience of man ? 'I’rue, this employment is labui iuus ; but then labor brings health, and health is aoN^nEss. SENATE. ness. The cnnditioii of the farmer is a condition cf independence. IIis liith ^iv/. ou I V * . If prc;ferred, rEnrt fk ai is of Packag-es will ‘l^main is his own, his comturts are his * fii A k 11/'til* I ti rr . IV* - t . nuiivulual. W hatevir may be a nuin\ orcuini- tion in life, it frequently becomes imi)ortant to him, as a matter of pecuniary interest, to jiosscns a correct knowledge of the relative situation of the diilerent sections of country. In the pres ent enlightened state of society, the subsoriber IS convinced that, apart from all considerations of interest or convenience, there are verv few TtlOS. KEKli, e. M.t. 6t74 pr. adv. 52 50. ^IvUvi ol! ^^*iiv\\\-V3v\voUua, iSIccklenburg (,'ounty. .Xovtwl^a- .Vm/W, 1825. , ot; interest or convenience, there are very few Middleton La\^■ing 1 Original Attachment, le- citizens w ho do not fe l it an ailairof por t's. V vietl on a tract of lantl join- sonal pride that they and tluTir cliihlreii shtmid Ilohert Lawing. j'"[T A. Dunn and others. “ 1‘ is ordered, by Court, that advertisement be fiirni.slied at the following rates: M hole-Package $>46,50—.'•hares in propor tion. This is a Lottery formed by the ternary com bination and permutation of .36 nutnbers. Prizes payable 40 days after the drawing, ^ and subject to the usual deduction of 15 per ’ cent. Tick( ts nr Sh.ires ran he had at the above I rates at the Managers’ Oflice, Ualeigh, or their .\gent, at the POS I-OFFICE, CHAliLOl I'E. 3oA\u riTi\\um\’s ViS\aU‘. 1 be made for three montlfi in the Catawba Journal, for the defendant to appear at the Fe bruary term, 1826, and there to replevy and jilead to issue, otherwise judgment will be en tered against him. ‘ 'l est. ISAAC ALEXANDEU, c. m. c. t72—price adv. felaVe oV’ •VovU\-CavuVma, Kutherlord County. Superior Court of Law, Udobtr Term, 1825i Woody Burge ) v.s. C Petition for Divorce. Elizabeth Burge, j FT ajjpearing to the satisfaction of the court, be able to speak with familiarity of those ]>arts of the State lying at a distance from them, as well as those in their imnu.'diate vieinit\'. 'I'lie subscriber then fore flatters himself lliat the fol lowing j)roposalswil| be received with ple.t.snre by a large portion of the inhabitants of his na tive Slate. He jiroposes to publish a. correct Map of tiif. State of Nohtii-Cahoi.in measuring 6 feet ' inches in length by .1 feet 6 inches in width, laid out uj)on a scale of six miles to the inch. 'I■h^^ i materials will be of the best kind, and the en graving executed in superior .st\le. I But correctness of delineation being the most important circumstance, has claimed the sub scriber’s chief attention ; to the .attainment of w hich important ol.ject, the Map of each coun- 1T ajjpearing to the satisfaction of the court, ' ty has been separately executed by H, H. B. ' that the defendant, Elizabeth Burge, is not Brazi'eii, Esq. with "the aiisistance of gentle- an inhabitant of this state ; It is therefore order-1 nien of science residing in different parts of the td by tiie court, tliat publication be made three State, and from the public surveys, and ha\'e months in the Kaleigli Uegister and the Catawba* been likewise revised and corrected by the se- Journal, giving notice to the defendant that she j veral county survej ors, or some other compe te aiulappearatthe ne.\t Superior I ourt of Law, teiit person, in each county, to be held for Uutherford county, at the Court- Tkhms—For .Maps, varnished, colorcd, and House ill llutlieiloi dton, on the Jd .Monday af- mounted on roller.s, or jmt up in portable form, ter the 4lh .Monday in .March next, then and ?8 each. .lOHN NLVCK.\E. | th. re to answer, plead, or denuir to .said petition, , Fayetteville, N. C. Dec. 1, 1825. .4164 ! otherwise it will be taken pro confcss.p, and (Cj" Subscriptions for the above Map will be judgment aceoramgly. j received at this oilice. , Witness, James .Morris, Clerk of said Court, at oilicv:, the 3d Moiid.t} after the 4tli .Monday own, and he is not at the mercy of pub lic wliim atid caprice. It is not neces sarily the case, in thiii hapjiy country es pecially, that a farmer must be a stupid, ignorant man. lie is taught in his youth the first rudiments of education, and he has many spare liours to read. In the heat of a sultry summer’s noon, by the long winter evening lire, he has mucii r*||,. . for his books, and in this country ”HE subscni)ers haMng obtained Lett rs of 1 1 ■ • . ji .\dinini.strati(ui upon the ( state (,'f .lohn , ^within ihc reach ol all.— (.raham, deceased, take tins metliod of inform-1 In every neighborhood of farmers, there ing those iiiiU bted to the estate, to conu- for-1 , ,,, , , waiil and make ii.-iynient aIm>, tiio.se w ho ha\ e j be a lil)rary, w ell selected lor their demands again.st said dercased, are rc(iui-ted use, cnntaijii’lg !>-eography, travels and to make them know n within the time ])!'esi ribed , 1 ‘ , by law', or this notice ulil be plead iii bar of tbey may know something more ol the woi'ld, its history, and man ners, than just of tlie little spot they Feb. 27. 1826. 3t75 themselves occupy. They should spend \*Vl\)\ic Sa\t. much of their leisure tune in perusing such useful books, that they may' not AV. M. BOSTWICK,? ,, . WM. E. MclM-.E, , ot Svpteint'er, 1825, and in thr 5uth \ ear of'the indepv nuence of the United States.' JAMES -MOUUIS, C!k. .Tnii-r—price adv. 5^4. feValvi *Vv»\*Uv-V. 'dvo\iua, MecKlnibiiri; Couiilv. I*a\cnl i.' uYU-SAwWer, A NEW INVE.S riON. ^%^E lierel)y give notice to the citizens of f ▼ -Mecklenburg county, that wc have pur chased the right for nianutlu furing a Machine, called the. PATP.NT CORN SlIEf.r.l.IJ, and will soon have them on hand for sale. 1 or the simi)litity of its construction and its ulihtv to w en by the subscribers. W. M. I!0S rWICK, > ,,, , W.M. E. MeUEi:, Feb. 27. 1826. .> 175 ^ X10M the subscriber, in Iredell county, on the 5th instant, a dark bay .MAHK, with tail and nearly black, about 14 or 15 liaiuls high, and ten or twelve } ears old. She w ent away w>li a bridle 0/1, was shod all round, and had a very serve back. It is expi eted she will make f'lr Pendleton Disti'iet, S.(;. 1 will II-L be sold, at Public Sale, on Wedne.s- ' / j day, the 22d day of March next, at the be the dupes, neilher of political tiua« ke- dwelhng-house of Gen. (icorge (.raham, all the • . ... jH-rsonal property belonging to the estate of' John Graham, deceased,~tliree negroes, ami; may bc able faiihfully to discharge the other articles too tedious to mention; where due I 1. ,• f 1 , , attendance and a reasonable credit will be giv- cmzens. Indeed, a well formed yeomanry is the stamina of socie ty. II other classes of men are the mar ble tl\at adorns, they are tiie massy granite ibal forms the, slrenj;lh and stability of the edifice. On the wlujle, from ull my observations, of maiikind and of society, 1 do not think, that in an\ pursuit what ever, a young man has a greater chance for a hajijiy life, than in Uiat of t!ie Iius- bandmaii. Many a man, afie:’ sjiendiii;; r* i tJI * .Tiiiilfiiv-iK » I \jci tlMI lllUl IlN IHUUN lli LonrtnJ J lui.s and^ (Junr;‘r ^oL'^ mUr I caru planters, it is urn iiualled l.y any otlre’r in- . /(/•///, 182.>.^ vention. Perhaps we mav i)e tlioughi to cviig- Daud Starns, 1 Org I. ,\tta t. levied on land; I jrciate', when we say it will sliell a buslu I of and Jo.se|)liand U m. \arlioro eorn in Ihrte ntiiml/s, and by a little exertion in Henry \arboP). 3 summoned as guurnishees. two minutes. Mut we in\ite all to e IN this c.ise. It appearing to Die court, t!iat I the di'iendaiit is not an inhabitant of this State : ll is tU'dereil, that tiu- proceedings in this case be sta) eil, ainl that ad\ erti.si ineiit bt- niade give live dolkirs reward to an\ f)er.-,on who will i r -.i • * 1 • . • . * j give information to nie of said mare, that I I years in speculations, and ifi the gel her again. j precarious snbsisience of an o\erstockfd JOSHl A I INK.‘> IT)X. j sinreri.ly regretted the ! ill-fated day that lie left his fatiioi «l(imi- cil, whei'e theit; was land eno’ig'i and I.incolnton, l\b. 17, 1826. eciiiie ami examine it, witness its njieration, and sitisl\ till iii.selves as to its g-reat utility, li'ean be seen al the subsetibel's’ bhi>|\ oopo'^ite the l:ul. riii'.o. Mi.iiiiii.i,'-', \\ .\1. CdUN W I.I.L. N. M. ’The jirice ol' the ( urn SluiUr w ill be 1 I deli\ I n-d at t he shop, or 'i 1 2 (1( ll\ - eri-d :it the house of llu‘ j)Ui liaser. All per.sons are eauliorud ag;iinst malsinr, using or vending the abo\e ni:n hine In tlos comity, under i>eiially of the.l.i'.v in (hat ca.,e made and proviiUd. Charlotte, Jan. 20, 1826. 5711' The VH.tl bred for three inoiUhs i;i the Catauba .journal, that the defendant .qipearat the iiest e(nirt ol Pleas and (iuaitir .>( s.iioiis for the ei),iiitv ot Meck- lentnirg, on the tonitli >!oiui.ij ot' I'ebriiiirv, 18'jG, and r( plevv and ple.ui, oUier\vi.-,e judg-- !iu lit b) del.iull wlil lie had against him. 'l est. ISAAC A L E AM) Elf,' ('li , k. oni73—pr. adv. i>l. oi! ^‘iivUv-V^uv^AVua, Cabarrus Sujici ior Cuuil. Catharine Gooiliuau ) vs. V Petition for illvorce. Cale!) Goodman, j II apj)earing to the satisfaction of the- court, • •- in^uv tliat the defendant ts not an inhabitant of tins ' eight or nine ears ul.l, w itli Mue nt;.!!e and tail. iitate : (Jn. riil, that |;u!)lieation be made tor ; Said \\'liiteside liMsin the Pro; iden.. e settle- tliree months in the \i txlcni Cuniliiiian and I meiit, south of ('intrlotte a!>out 12 c.r 1 j miles. ^atiiwhn Juurnal, notil'\iiig said defendant, that | JNO. DA\ I ';, (.ne of tiie H.ijigers '‘I'll ss he appear at tiieiu:.\t Siiperuu'Court of, for the county of .Mec k li iiburg, North-Carolina. L iw to be hell f,)r the county of C.ibarrus, at' l)e'. 1,')2.). ' die Court-IJ'iuse in Cuncord, on the 6th .^lon- aller tile 4l!i Mundav in .Mareli iie.’Ct, and answer or di/innr to said pi tition, judg- ’ii'.Mt pi-o coutes-jo will be taken agaiii.jt liiii), _ , .. wi.. . u:i,| Ill 1 11 •. form, " .sinrtures on a ij It will be 111 aril e\ p:o le. ' ' .l.\S. (i. Si’EAUS, fla-Ji. j to ^j)ar.(‘, and p!u:ig»;tl into iiiL/i e unctr- ■j tain put Mtil on Ikiiiiinrk. — Mr. (!u;.!iiti;;. uf New l>iji \ jKii t, has published a i)anijdilet, in \v!,i(.b he exposes t he spoliat.ions com- iiiiiltil on our cuiiinierce in l8(J‘J, |(), The l-'.ssev Coiirant liar, a bijef ^^'11.1, stand the iisning season at the low ^ » » I'.des ot I i\e DoHai's the .'S( uson, or Six 1 l)(.ll.irs paid out of tlie season , 'f'v.o DolliM’s! land ri!t_\ \nts t he hingle l.eap, paid ;il 1 !i.- j • - tune of ,'i i\lee. \x Itii lii'eliance of tailing into i il'W oi he pailljjldfl. In 1 8 1 1, M r. j till-S asnn ; .Old Light Dollar.s to insure a m.ire ('Ctii'ge Krving was sent to Copenhagen ^\yuv. IHi'.Pl ’U’ five' no'ire, that 'I'lifi.i. W hite.side has posted on my Stra_\ Bdok an iron gri _\ Horse, fourtei n band', tliice inches hi: . Ml t'na!. The placis of standing ,' i!l be at James P. I.’dj.'ir.s', on ti.e W'axhaw ereek, verv other I k, to eoniiiaiKC the I'.rst week ; the m \t ueelv at .'.i;ij. 15, .\l(;nowV, and Thomas Oll- Mi'-,—.it M(ilTO\\’s (,n .Monday, TueMlav •itid W I (li I s.;.i\, and al Thomas Oli\. i’.'> oii lliuisd.iy, i iuLi} and ^atllrday. JAML.S Bl.AKELV. PEDK.KI’.E. The Young ,Ioe Kovalist is a beuv.tiful sorrel, lidl sixteen liaiulf. high, five j e.U’s ohl this spilng, .Old was got by the old imported IIoim- llovalist. ,',tr.M> ni--pr. ad\. ;^4. I .InsI Pli!)!i^!ir(!, VND for.sale at tliis Ofhce, in a jmmplilet tiU'ni, “Strletures on ;i |)let:e \\rit'.eii b\ j Mr. I):i\ id Henkel, entitieil H>a\en!y 1'1;(kI of j Ilcgeneration, o;-, 'I'veati.-e on llnlv I’aplism.” I lis .li'si.rii Mikmik, /J. .!/. Price, 2.)CiV:t.-. .X . VLI, tlif legal l.i irs of .lohn Belk, df cca' fil, h.te of .M(.ekle)ibui'g count\, North ( .00- lii a, are la iiiie.'>*.i d to e;.ll(,n Darling- llclk, 1 •.• eeul-.r, eornp.'y wi'.li the law ;.nd n eelvi t.i ir respettAe j/art ol the lu groi s, as a divi.aoii i;a-. l;( en n..(.le this the lOtli d;i\ ol Dereniber, ]'-2.'). .it' li- l')AKLIN(. lll.J.K. V.' Via\)\Vs’ \V avvawVs, i'or :.ule. al this Uflice. tCniPV Tak(‘rs’ W urruHt.* I'or rale, ;i (>'iiee, ISivwvuu \Ue .\\iuiv!\ut‘wV. j B I'^T [iublished, and for sale at this c , j I piice Cent'. “ \.Si rini.n on tl,'.', liter uhi( h lliese dejireilations ( eased, but no redress was obtained for those which Iiad been cajjtured, aiiKjunlint; to 1‘JO vessels, of which ten were finaliy eondemiied, at.d the reinaitider su!)jected, ill many instances, tu a long ilelention. and hea\y costs. As a means d’ redress short (jf deciui ing- w ar, Mr. C^usiiing pro poses that our governim-nt sustain Amer ican vessel.^ in refusing to j>ay the “Sound dnes,” cjr tax on Ne'svels jjassing Idsinoir into liie llallic. ’I’his la.\ lias Ij( en paid i;y all natior.s, from time iiii- ineiiKW ial : Ameriean \esseis pay annual ly Irom l.-| lu Oi'conrse the lax C(dleclcd intisi imcatly e\. eed any expense ol lii;hl-hoiiSes, ljea( (jiis, ice. \\\. ceive no iiioie proju lety m sue h a lax than there would be in one uhiehthe lirilish Inighl le\y on \essels passinf t.ibrallar. Aiiiiiso.v, —('(j;iscl(,iis(,t his t.dents as a u rlter, he ai k niu I. ilged lii.s lii hi lene. v lu eoii\ ersa! i ni. an dr.iv, a !-l'.l t'saiii h( ) l.ir ;i ]0(ju p«,'ni,d" 1 .• •. ' ' ■- a i'l J. \ ■ BANKUUPrCY. vvASHiNOTON, Ftu. 21.—Mr. Havnp, of Soulh-Carolina, from the Committee to whom was referred a resolution to in- (piire into the expediency of establish ing a uniform system of Bankruptcy, re- pol-ted a bill “to establish a unifortn sys tem of Bankruptcy throughout the Unit ed States j” which was read, and order ed to be printed. Mr. Hayne, in reporting this bill, said that the committee to whom the subject had been referred, had bestowed on it the attention due toils importance j a.nd though they deeply regretted the delay nhich had taken place in submitting the bill to the consideration of the Senate, yet he could assure them this had arisen unavoidably, from the great difficulty of arranging the delail*! of a system so ex. tremely complicated, and of such im mense magnitude. The Committee were fully aware that it was noi j)ossible to di gest a plan which would be free from sii!)staiilial obj('clions, and it was alto gether hopeless to atiemi)'.. to conciliate in its favor universal approbation. The evils, however, resulting from the ijiof- licient and contradictory laws now in force in the several States on this subject, were so severely fell ;—such were the frauds lo which they gave rise, and so great tne injustice prarttsed under them, that the Conmiittee were strongly im- presssed with the belief that some eflec- tuul remedy ought, at least, to be attempt ed. The Committee, he said, had taken up the subject with a sincere desire effectu- ally to secure the just rights of creditors, and, at l!ie same lime, to protect the. hori"-:!. aiid unfortunate debtor, from op pression. 'rhese were the leading ob- jecis ol the whole bill. 'I'he Committee had not lell themselves authorized, in a subject of this nature, to indulge in specu lation, or to adopt theoretical views.— 'I'hey had taken as their guides the for mer Bankrupt Law of the United Slates^ and the bill concerning Bankruptcy, whir.h had passed the Senate in 1821, with the improvemenls and modifications that had either been suggested by the lorm« r experience of the country, or by the abh' men who had repeatedly, of lale years, brought the subject to public view. Tiie bill vvhich passed the Senate in 1821, was substanlially, the same as that which was re|)or ted lo the House of Represen tatives III 1820. Ii is well known that it had been revised and corrected by, and finally received the approbation of some uf the most profound lawyers and al)lest statesmen this country has ])roduced - Taking this bill as the'basis, the Com- niitle«“, Mr. II. said, had carefully com pared it with the ])rovisions of the old Bankrupt law. and the new British Act, and now submitted the result of their la bors to the iiiilulgenl consideration of the Senate. Mr. II. lorther staled, that it was a for- tunale circumslane.e, and ikjI a little re markable, that the liankrupt system which had been in operation in Kngland ever sinci- the lime ofHeiu y tlie 8, sliould have tcreived,during l!ie last jear, a full re\i‘ion—and that-a compli-ie system of ihuikruptcy, ioumled on an expoi ietico td tlirec hlindred ;.ear5, should have been lliere eslaiilislu'd in a single Act, provi*' ^ding lor the ri'peal ofno less than Iwenty- one staMites, and embraciiig within itself every ]»rovr.ioM which time arvd exper- H iii (' had ‘ hown lo I>e iie’cess^ary. (Jf the ilood of lioht shed on the sulijcrt of Bai.kruptcy by this .Act, the Committeo ha\e availed tliemselve.'^, and had incor- jioraled into the present bill, so many of the provisions ol’ that Act as a|_)j>eare,(J to them lo he vahialile, atul suituhh- to the condilioti of Ihc Uuit-d States. Having llitis explained l!ie courni; which the C'umtniltee had yur- ucd on this subjecl, Mr. II, said In- v.'oukl now only add, that they had deemed it advisable lo su!)niit to the (onsideralion of the Seuute, u In;- ther, i'l adopting a system of voluntary Bankruptcy chielly applicable to mercan tile men, whether il would not be j)ro- per to i)ro\idi; a system of voluntary /bankruptcy lor the rest of t!ie communi ty. 1 lie ( tJiiiinillee, lie said, were aware ol the dilliculiies insejiarable from thin (piestion—tliey know that the fate of for mer bills has d‘[)ended, and that the faU; ol tliis may depend, on the decision of the ()tieslion, wl.ether the Bankru])t svstem shall I)e ex-teiuled to pei sons, o- ihet- than tiadeis; nor are they un.ic- (juainled with tin; eonslitulloiial objec- tioiis wiiicii have been raised again a sucli an (Xteiision ol the syslem. Jiut lljc Cointiiiit.-e had, nolwithstandin:^deemed it a.hisable lo report the bill in the shape ulii' h would certainly I;e most accepta ble—leaving- it to the S.-nate lo decide 011 ilie weight of the obje-jiioiis which may Ik* ur;;ed ugairisi i', W'iHi these bri(.'f ';xp!a!i.e.i MS-jf '1. \i.". ■. .f the Com-

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