n-YSJi^SS. V. VSHIM.ION, MAIU-H K. In t!u’ St iia;c „ c.sicrJaV. llic i)ili iiivik- 3nj^ iipi.!•(),• jor the snppovt ul’ (ii)vciiim'iu tor year IK-G, >vas pussfrj ; ami llic bill 10 on.pI)it' llii-’ Pri'si- lifnt («f thr I’liitt'd Slates to hold a U’faly v.'iibtlu‘ Clioctaw und C'hiikasaw nations o.r itidiuiis, for ihc purpose ot c\iiiu;uii.h- ini' tl'vir li‘Je to laiuis uiihin tiu* stale of IViississippi, was ordered to l)C eiu^rossod lui' a third roadlni;;. 'I'iif liill niakiiiK ;:iypropriation for certain forlifirations was called u|), ant! alU'r bonie de'iate on ilie item of the i;p])ropriation ofSl7,n00, for tlie |;uifiiasc of land at’i'liroi^’s I’oint, "S'. Y. loi the jiurposc of erectin^>f,a fort, on II L'lion of Mr. Harrisinn, the hill was )aitl (7i) the table, and tin; Senate proceed ed to the tonsidcratioii of Exctulive bus iness. In the llousf* of neprcsontatives, a rosuhition was Ltid on the table, by Mr. Moore, of Alabama, calling on the I’res- ident fui' infoi niation as to certain prac tices, in tl’.e rc-sulc of relinqiiishid lands, and the propiiety of allowiiif^ a ii}jht of re-piircl'.ase, uniler certain conditions, to tJic- ori.i^inal purcliaser. Mr. Kellog}>, of JN'ov.-Vol k, ofTeied a resoUilion to amend ihe const uutiDn, by takitit> dway the elec tion of President from the House, and givinfj th'- rii'bt to voters to vote diirct for President and Vice I’resideni, each individual lo have a right to vole for two Tjprsons, one of whom shall not be an in habitant of the slUt-e. The cominiitee on the Territories were instructed by a resolution, on motion of Mr. Conway, of j\rkansas, to make apj)ropriation for compensation to the members of the General Assembly of the 'I’erritor'y of Arkansas, and refunding to the Territory the amount heretofore paid for the same pur|)(;se. Mr. Wood, of New-York, laid on the table a rescduiion lo require that resolutions authorizing the payment of m>Mf) for services not previously re- qu!:ed by law, should lie one day on the tahle. 'I’he discussion on the amendments to the constiiution was resumed in Commit tee of the whole jii the siale of the Un ion; when Mr. Caml;releng spoke in re ply to Mr. Stori'-s, and in favor the a- rnendnients. .Mr Stoi rs made a brief re joinder ; anti was foil >«ed by Mr. Dray- loti, who spoke for nearly un hour, in fa vour of tlu- -mendments ; but bt fore he had concluded his remarks, the Commit- ti.‘C rose. MAKcn 9.—In the Senate, the bill mak ing apj)ioj»i iaiion for certain foriifica- tioiis was ordered to be engrossed for-its third readii'g. The motion to strike out the approprialiun of 17,0U0 dollars for the purchase of land at Throg’s Neck, with a view to the erection of a fort at that place, w as l ejecteil i)y a vole ol'26 (o 12. Ar. nii Hi» tual iiiotioii was made to re- 9UI1U lie consideiaiion of Executive bus iness. Ii! the House of Reprrscntaiives yes- tenlay, Mr. Herrick, of MainO, laiti on the table a resolution proposing an a- jnendmeni to the Constitution, piovnling that propositions to amend the Constuu- lion shall noi be offered more than onee , in ten years. He accompanictl his leso- lulion with some remarks, in w bich truth ■was fiiasked under the visor of humor. Some discussion took place on the amend ments made ill the Senate to the (ienerul Aj)prt)priation Bill, some of which were disagreed to and returned to the Senate. In Cutuniiitee of the whole on the slato of tlic Union, Mr.Drayton, ol South Car olina, lonrbided his remarks, anti Mr. E\»iett, of Massachusetts, obuined the floor foi- to-day. MAUCH lu.—In the Senate, the bill making appi opriation lor the support of gov(*rnnient lor the year 182G, was re turned from the House of Representa tives, and their anientlmenls wt i e insisted cn. On motion by Mr. Cluunbers, ihe consideration of Executive business was resumed. In the House of Representatives ycs- teida), Mr. Whipple, of Xew-Ilamp- shire, laid on the table a resolution call- in;.^ on the yreside.nt of the United Slates, to (i.nimunicate information relative to otlicei s ijf th(‘ revolutionai y anny on half- pay. >ir. Siew.art, of I’enrisylvatiia, of Irici. a ifspltdion Culling foi- a rf|,i)M (jf the Huuid of I-jigiiief‘rs in 18 19, ixLuive to tli(- svsii'ui of National DeiVnre. (Jn motion ol MV.Lalln op, ol Massach'.isf.iis, a couimiliff Was ordered lo l)e appointeii on tlie sui/|( (.1 of an adjournment of the ])rcs(’nl session, ar\d an earlier meeting of the next. y'J'icr the routine bu'^iness of the dav was co*ichi(U-(l, Mr. r.vcrett, nf Mas'^a- chiisi tis, VM.k the floor, and spuke near ly ihree hoiiis, in opposition Kj tlir rcs- clui iiiMS of Mr M’iJiillir. The expi'rta- tioii (if the '-,p''t cli of Mr. Evcifti hud lilt" galleries ; ami while we 'unsav, on VI,r oiir hand, thrit a more flatii-i mg and uirneisal atiention was never paid t(j any young ineniljer, on bis lirst serious ♦"fl'oi't, wc may Ijc allowed, on tlie oilici’ liaiid, to observe, that never w u.', ulien- tioti better ctjinpensateil than on thib oc casion. Taken as a whole, the speech wa> as great an etlori of the iiuman mind, as w e have witnessed on il;e floor of Con gress ; and the (llett which it produced ajineaied to us to be uniform and une- ui\ ,MAUin 11.—In I he Seiiale, the hnsijiess The 1 'iti!K S-. i\ lTu.s-' of r;tpre.,-’ .titaMves yesterday was coiiiined lo the iii’endinenis In the (Imeral Appropria tion Bill, as ir.ade in the Senate ; and to the I5dl for the relief of t''e Asylum for the Deuf anti Dumb i:i Kentucky. A resolution'was adopt tl, on motion of Mr. Hrent, of La. dii ecling the CtJinmitiee on Commerce to ir.cpiire into the expedien cy of providing that vessels at sea fehall carry 'ig'its in the night. The Inst vf the Pou'hntam.—In another column wt‘ pul)lish a speech o\' Jo/in Ran- ilolpli, of Koatioake, unique in its kind, but bearing upon its face the mark of the author, as the horse shoe upon the brow .. of Redgauntlct,—a thing t« be wonder- combatants, their part in the strife i.*, NKW-YOH.K, MAiUMi 9.— The aiinexe p'ara.frraph from a (iihraltar-paper of ’he 2r>th January, furnisbed by the Gazelle ol | this mornings leaves no dou!)t that the succession to the thrcne of Russia is to lie contested. Tl:e arbiters of the con test are to be the fi»‘rce soldiery—the pro- torian bands of the capita!, pei'iiaj)s, a- !;ainst the legions of the dislaiil jirtisin-i ces—the i)eople, if the term can be ; p-| plied, as umlerstood among- ns, to the \ serfs—f/iH adacripti glebdc of il.e empii e, will look on with })aticnt unconcein, knowituj: that with w hatevir issue to the ed at and pitied,rather than lo be admii - ed or wished for. While in power, as the organ of an administration, Mr. lian'- dolj)h floated siiioolhly along the current of things ; but when the administration changed its opinion of him, he cast uti- chor, as it were, and has ever since, like a pebble in a stream, caused a s]>ray atitl a noise more anjiising than i:.jurious. Whenever John I’iandolph has risen to ■speak, tii(^ house has been still as night ; and when his speech has been pul)lished, the ne\vs|):iper readers have left all oilier matter to peruse it ; but the attention to hear, and the eagerness lo read, has pro ceeded frtjm no hope of deri\ing either instruction for the head, or charity for the heart ; but fi'om oiir |)ropcnsity to be amused with the overflowings of the gall of a troubled and discontented spirit. An unfortunate inclination or ileifrmin- ation to see only the dark side of every object, co!dirnied by hal)it, renders the sight of pi-nsperity and iiuiividual emi nence as painful Jo his mental vision, as is the first view of the blessed sun lo the miner; and he turns the pros])ect, and calls it bad, because his nerves arc too contracted to leceive or endure it.~On this account Mr. Randolph is ahvays nothing—be the emperor (.'onstantine or Nicholas, tliey will still be the slavi's of a military despotism. What the efTect of this civil war (for w e apprehend such a result to be inevitalde) may be on Eu rope, or how far its inllueiire may go, if at all, to disturb th.e harmony of the con tinental system, remains to l^e seen.— France will not lament any course of things which tends to res (;re her natural and long accustomed position of the head ot the Euroj)ean nations—a position wliich, latterly at lea'.t, has l.ieen held by Russia. Ausli ia and Prussia b(;t!i w ill see without any deep legrel the power of a formida- !)!e neighbour wasting itself in intestine feuils : and even Tjiglaiul may rejoice that Constantine should fintl enough occupa tion at liome, to deter him from realiz ing those day dreams in w hich he is sup- p(jseil to have indulged, of filling the throne of the eastern empire. We shall Walt with im[)alience the arrival of the next vessels, to develope the scene a lit tle more. I’Auis, JAN. 11.—Very unfavorable in telligence arrived at Pans yesterday from St. Pctersl)urg, On the 2Gtii ult. the Manifesto of Nicholas I. was jiublished. It explains clearly and in detail, ihe ac- ready, und has been sometimes useful, in count of Constantine’s renuncialion ; and s >vliolly of an Eictuiivt; iia;u;'c, detecting an error ; but never has he,been known to propose a reiiiedy, or lo give his assistance in supporting one. Like the Roman Emperor, he lias set all a- round him, friends and foes, on fire wi’.h angi y argument, and then (juietly laugh ed or sneered at the confusion lie creat ed. ' For sometime Mr. Randolph has been silent, and we were»in hopes he had be come sensible that the most dignified course for him to pursue w as a silent one; and since he niust leave the political are na, to do so \t iih digni.y at least. But in this hope we have been disappointed. The fire wihfh has been so long burning, has given a fitful b!-.\ze ; his gall has once more boiled over, to the mortifu ation of his friends and the amusement of his op ponents. Bui little commentary is necessary on ih«‘ above mentioned speech. It carries its own condemnation, and may Ije traced to the unkintl feeling which has guided his political career, and we regret that the Senate of the United States s.'ioukl have had to listen to its sounding verbiage and disiesj)eclful strains. To defend the character of Bolivar from the asper sions of Mr. Randoljjh, or to vindicate the South Americans, would be to give a weight to his tirade which it does not tlesei ve ; and any suggestions as to the lespecl, outward at least, which is due to the PresidtMii of the United Stales, would be thi ow n away. Jialt. Daily Mo In our .lournal nflast Saturday, says the National Journal, wi gave the resoluiitnis adopted by the Virginia House o( Dele gates, expressing the opit.ion of tliat bo- d), as to the power of Congress lo au thorize the construction of roads and ca nals. Although these resokitiorrs were adopted by a laige majority of the House, it is -vident they do not express the opin ions of as large a portion of the [>eopie of the State. In the Senate, thev met with a powerful oi)p»)sitiun, and were carried ijy a majority of tliree otdy. In adtlilion to this, the following extract from one of the most res'peclable jiajUMs of the State, indir.ites in plain terms :he disposition of Wi'stein \’^irj-;inia, on tiii-^ stibif( l ; [I’r0111 the \\ 1 iioiiesti-r Hi‘]>ujjlican.] Out of r ocuI i.v.N person^ (omposing tile select ( omnuitee of the 11 ou.ie uf Del egates, to whom was referred the resolu tion on the su''jei i instructio7U but )iie (Mr. Wbile, ol'Kockbruige) is a w estei n member. W iiat must be ihouglit of Mr. Spi aker Banks for :hist onlumelioiis neg lect f)l' tiie largrst jjortion of the slater It is ii't'U kiiou'ii lh:;l .iVealrnt ]'ir^inin tlons not /t(n /iiniiisc irUii hrr lutlitioi vj tin' mat in t/ifir (viiciti iH /iun (>j the jjoinra oj CVi//;vr.w. It is known th;il sc arcely a tlollar of t!ie l:irge sums v^ e pay into the state treasnr-/ is ever expended among tis f,)!- the im- provemt'nt of our roads and water coiii-- I ses ; aiul that, if we ever oljiain any aitl, i it must l>e from the (;‘.Mieral govcinmeni. 1 This state of thing's naturally leads us t(j j iotik to tlial .souue; ami althou;;ii we I n\av be spurned for it by Mr. Speakei- luTiks i!i tli!‘ House of Delegates—al though we may not have talents there l(j meet the “thronged legion” in ueliate— yet it^ will be seen, when lliis res(jlntiun ! is aliout lo be (iisTU)si'd of, that \\’estern ' \ irginia will at le;.sl make one sjjeech— ati emjduitic .sav — ujxjii the (juesliun, Mr. Tazewell of \’ii-ginia is soon to re-appcar in '1Scnat" of the Uuitcd i Statesi the acts, vviiich set it f^rlh, are annexed at full length. On the same day the re giments af the (iuards were to have taken the oath. .\t 11 o’clock in the morning some kept backward, although most of them were ready. It was soon ascertain ed that the Moscow regiment made diffi- cullies. Two companies of (irenadiers of that regiment went out of their barracks with the colors,and [jrtjclainu d Constan tine I. This troop proceeded to the Place Isaac, vvhere it was soon augment ed by a i^arty of the ilregs of the popu lace, some soldiers and marines of the guards. No other corps took part in the sedition, anti it a[>pcars that the num- lier of rebels did not exceed 2000 men.— (len. Miloradovitch went lo the Place lo haiangue the rebels 5 but at that instant a man fired a pistol at him, and he tiied a few iiours after. The Empe ror himself appeared unarmed, and en deavored in vain lo quell the mutiny.— At length, fimling all mild means fruitless, and after having uselessly explained the cu t umslanees of (.'onstantine’s lenuncia- ii(Hi, he was forced to cause troops and cannon to come up. "I'he rebels formed themselves into a square battalion, and had the audacity to fire first, but were soon dispersed and pursued in ail direc tions. The number of killed is comput ed at 200. At 6 o’clock order was res tored ; neverlheless, the troops which remanied faithful, (and they formed ihe greater part,) bivouacked all night round the Palace. The Grand Duke Michael vvho had arrived at St, Peiersburgh at the moment of the tumult, succeeded in bringing to duty the six companies of the .Moscow Regiment who did not lake. jj.irt in the revolt, but hail refused lo take ilieo iti) ; and comlucted them to the aid ol his l)rother. CJetieral Eriderichs and (ien. Schenschin were wounded. 'I’he Emperor, who throughout the day dis played the most noble character, review ed ihe troops on the following day, (Dec. 27.) The marines of the ('.uards mani fested the greatest rep, titance and obtain ed their pardon ; but several officers wen arrested. Duriiu^ four hours which wert passed in parleying before it was dr-ter- mined to employ force, tlu: tiumber c>f the rebels atigmented v('ry littie ; anti i,i is most i)rohat)le that the gtcaterpart w ere rather misled than culpable. We have in our hands the OfTicial 'lazette of .Madrid, down to the -;ih Jan uary. Tlie Court was to go into deep mourning for the Russian’ Sovereign, frum he 7th of the same month. A Royal Decree, dated the 28th I)ecfml)er, creates anti nominates a Council ( f-State fur the administration of all brancius of the royal t;overtmient. 11 announces that —“the counsellors, ciiosen for their%Iov- alty, acqnin nieiiis and experience in bu- ;-it!ess, sliall enjo\ full political security, in ortler that they may v. ;l.*^iout fi'ar, sus picion, or sinister inil'iienre of any kind, express their 0j)iniijn', am] suflVages, as laithlul vassals or suh;e( is r,hould do ; and, that, to such end. I'l-.ry shall not be s( paraled nor !)ani,^lu■^l from tlie Court or Royal pri.’sen::ej ijm for pusltivi* trans- gressi'Uis, arid iii virtise of express or ders ol His Royal Majesty.”—L'oii i'r(m~ I'lukn l.o'o^'utrdc is ajipoinlcd Minis ter oi the Internal'; 1)(mi I^'^licnteroSy M inister ot l ir'.aiiee ; Mar(juis ol Vva'. All t!u‘Ministers of State ure ex oliii io meni')ers (jf [lie (kiuncil ; in wjiich are iu( hided also, the Archiiisiiop of Loc’.i; .V'.*’ ;;r ; 'ly. D'll’.e v*' ■ • v' ' u:. . 1 Ih’ke tM lnVa:i'L.vj reni.;:ned primv-mm- ister. Among ibe subjecis on which liie Council were lo l)c immediatclr gaged art—“tlie preservation ol the ri:«’hts of legitimacy, and the grave con cerns of the Koval pp.^scwoii^ beyoiul sea. which sell; to'be dis^.ociaietl from^ih. mother-country.” We have received papers of the Mexi can capital down to t!ie 2‘Jth January, anti the Alvaiwulo Menuno to the t)th ult. 'I’he article most worthy of notice is Uie following contained in the Jlguila Mextca- lie. “It is said, very generally, that the Senate has agrcetl to authorize the Exe cutive government of the Union to join with the Repu l)lic of Colombia, in assist ing the inhal)itani3 of Cuba to achieve their indepentlence. This measure does honor to ilu; Senate, and is sufficient, of itself, to stir the fire of liberty which is cherished in the bosoms of the inhabi tants of Cuba, and to sf. ike their oppres sors with terror. It appeared to be full lime for the Congress of Mexico to give such authority to the Executive, as would enable it to frustrate, in the most pru- den* and sensible manner, those schemes of aggression, which may be formed a- gainsi America by her odious enemies, atid of which the island of Cuba will be the fulcrum. Four thousand men liave just arrived at the island, and more troops may successively arrive, to the point of exciting disquietude in our continent.— This affair of Cuba is one of the most tlelicale which.we have to handle in the present stale of the political regeneration of America. It is of such a nature, in our opinion, that it admits of no com promise. The Spaniards niust either eva cuate the island, or war must be inter minable. The chosen ])eople of t!ie Lord cannot live in peace while the soldiers of Neljuchadnezzar are encamped at the gales of the Holy City. Such is Havana with regartl to the new Stales of America, esjjecially Mexico. “ If the consent of the Senate above mentioned, be true, as we are assured, anu believe, the (juestion will of course cf)me before the House of Representa tives, where it cannot fail to happen that an immense majority will concur in what is a necessary policy of precau tion.” A French commissioner was cxpected daily iu Mexico from Havana. ib. Iiuman nature.-—A slander case was tried on Friday, in tlie Common Plea.s, in which a respectable woman had been charged with stealing. The principal vvitne.“s against her was a tail good look- injr man .WJ 1. yu.iL. 0;» c'l.e ! .,1-., oner’s inquest was called, who pronoun, c tl ihe cause cl his death unknown. From tliis lime, the body was observed to (lij. cover various signs of gradually return* ing life, and after the funeral cercrnonic' tm the 12th, the coffin being opened f'o^ the view of spectators, the corpse present etl a most unusual appearance—the cole- had returned lo the cheeks—the count nance like that of a person in quiet slecV —and large drops of sweat were standin'r^ on the forehead ! The young man’s f-'’ iher refused to have him buried physL cians were called and several experimcnti were tried, in the hope o-f restorinpt vital spark—all however proved unuvaj'* ing, and after keeping him till Tuesday the Uth ult. the body was committed to the grave. [The Rev. Mr. Tenant, of New Jcrsev many years ago, we believe, put on a sinul lar appearance, anti his frientls kept ium nine days, delaying, from day to day, ;he funeral, and making experiments to re- vive or resuscitate him. The physician persevered in his eftbrts, and entrcatecj the family to allow him to procecd, and finally he begged them to allow builit’ceen minutes lotiger, and in that time he re- vived, and lived many year,s.]j N. i. Nat. Advocati. Wonderful—\ young child of Iler.rjr Allen of Bennington, Vt. about five years oltl, ran out with his cousin to see him draw a pail of water ; the little fellow anx ious to see ihe bucket dip, the curb lie* ing low, fell head first into the wcl! which was about forty feet deep, witli four or five feel of water. His little cous in gave the alarm, but there was no per. son about the house excejit women, and the aged and decrepid grandfatlier, who is between 70 and 80 yeat s of age, and who was slowly recovering from ^severe paralytic shock. But the oltl gentleman (Mr. ^Vebster, a soldier of the Revolt, lion) forgetting his age and infirmities, descended into the well, and lt> his great astonishment and jtjy, found his darlinj grandson sustaining his mouth just above the water, by one hand clinchetl holtl of the well chain. What rendered his e> cape more miraculous, is, tl.a' the well is so small that Mr. Webster, a few year* since, attempted lodescend it and couli not. The child passed between he wall and the bucket, and from the mud in liij hair, his head mu%l have struck against the bottom. Exertion over, the child restored unhurt to his mother’s arms; the old gentleman burst into a floiid of teats, and all but fainted in his chair. Vermont Go:. Prolific Mother.—Since it is customa* .nsn.u.., dressed in a handsome olive 7 'vilb J’nnters of newspapers to intrc. coloured surtout coat, bulKnied ui, lo the ! tieck, who was produced by the dcfentluiii iwornen .(naming them) within tlicir to justify his slander, and who swore ‘o positively that he saw the lady pilf’er mo- ^^niple, by alluding to an instance nev from the till of the nlaintifV. The county, but will take ney from the till of the plaintiff. 'I’hei first question put to the witness upon his cross examination, was the very singular one of, “Pray Sir, where did you get tliai coat you now have on r” Witness demurred, and the court thought with some projirieiy that it was not an essen- lial point, but required him to answer it —He said the coal had been lent to him by the accuser. The next was jet more singular: “Pray Sir, where did you sleep last night r” Witness demurred a- gain, but finally admitted, “in the de fendant’s iStable!' W’hat led lo these ques tions was the fact that the counsel for ihe plainiifi on looking close at the wiiness, discovered beneath the handsome frock a black and torn shirt, and suspected that the man was a kind of vagrant, dress ed up for the purpose by the accuser, which turned out to be the fact. Ver dict 150 dollars for Plainliif, A Breach of ihe Marriage Promire,—A more summary way of repairing these ureaches wa.s aUoptfii Ust Week, in Iscvv Vork. A young ufiii pretty girl, not over 15 years of ag-e, resid- niff m th iieighlj«a-lino.l of New Vork, ivceivctl the atldresscs of a>yoi:iig n.iin in rather a hasty niaiiiicr, the 1 oi.seqiiences of whicli i onlil not be conceiiU'd. '1 lie vuiing ni;in, whether he had business in the citv, or repaired here to a- void the fulhliiient of an lionoraidc and imi.lied contract, is not known, bi.t here lie arrived, and rater iiini tlie ^'eti and enraged father, with tlie timid aiiddi ccived (iaiighti.r.—I'lie voiir.g n,an Was ..rrestetl; und, upon a full roiisideration of the ease, agreed forthwith to malie tlie only o- mends in his power by n.ari laj^e. A justice of the peace was sent for, and lie ei.tend‘lite pris- on. On one chair sat the weepinjj head rcclining like a la’uktn lii\, and on flie other the coiihciou^ly oli'endiii- 'u.utli, also in tears, while tlie sturdy fatlier paced tiic room, p‘aSi));i.g Ir.a oaken stall', mid, with knitted brows, iTganhng, t^coasloually, tin; sinful jiair. I lie 1il;:U •;leaiiiuig througli ti;e prison har> di-.l not tend to eidiv« n tiie seen*-, 'rlu- parties ^.toed up and made the UMial responses, reeeiv- e.l tile marriage certilicatr, embraced eacli olh- »r, and, witii the contented father, left the nn.s- uii, an honest wedtleil couple. A larii’c party of j)uor debtors were present lo willies', the cere- moiiy, and who aecompanied tiie young couple as lar as the luinkey would perijut. .V. K ddv. I'rorn tlio Little Fall.i Friend. ^hig'ilar Lttse.—A friend, whtj is well ac- qtiainted with the fact, has given us the following information : A yot.ng man luiiiietl Davenport, aged about l‘>, and a esidentof West Brunswick in the north part of thift county, was returning home li'tjm his da\’s work in usual health on the evening of Tuesday t!ie 'j;b ult. bui w..s louiidtlead (or apjiai aiitly so,) the next lUorr.it:^, in 'li','. rt.’ud about l ^'j rc*ds from county the liberty to omit names. The case to which we refer, is that of a lady in Jor* dan, who, not long since, was delivered of FOLK children, three of w'hich arc in a promising state of health. In Cato, iu an adjoining county, another woman was delivered of ihe same number, of which the same number are living Tii» late King of Prussia was accustomed to patronise such subjecis. by conferring pensions upon the husbands. This is not done in america, nor is it a subject of wonder, for Repulilics are proverbially ungrateful. ftlstcrn paper. Births.—At Montreal, on the 22d uito. the wife of Peter Boble, of twins, a boy, and girl. W’hen the ciiildren wer« brought lo the Church for Ba]>lism, the Priest ob.served that this was the 30lh instance of twins having been presented for baptism, all of whom were born since the 1st of last January. Jh it should he.—A nvan by the name of O'llalloran was hung on the 3tl inst. at Btiston, for murder, in the Jail-yard, in the presence only of the SlierifV aiul his allentlanls. A similar course should generally be adopted, for public exhibi tions of this revoking nature, i1(j not tie* ter the vvickerl from crime, liy a shuck ing example of iis con.sequences, the on ly argument that, lias betn made use ol'iii support cf pu!)lic executions. lt(dci{^h Ilegislcr. —- .'Imtrlrnn Ld^lnrns. —The mannfacicry^ of I.egho.ii bat'-, by Mr. Ayres, of Lhaca, N. V. has ofieti been mentioned in the jiapers. 'I’his enterprising gen* tleman has lattdy arrived in N. ^ ot k with a large assormeni of imitation Leghorns, which are lobe sold to-morrow, i)y anti Minium. We have examined and are free to pronounce the finest ol them equal to any that were ever inip:u't- ed. ’I’lie work for Mr, Ayres is performed jirincipally l)y children and young men, belonging to about forty familis-’J- and performing the labor at their own houses. By taking ibis course, Mr. Ayres avoitis the evils ineident to collect' iiig a largo number of persons tigcllit-’r. and the work is ati •elegant employnieti- for respectable young women, who liavc to tlepend on the labor of their hands lur 'iU|)port, The grass of which the hats are matle is indigentius to the westci'ti country, and is saitl to be far preferable to the stock of the 'I’uscan wheat of which the reul I^ghoin hats are maniifactiin'ii* A'. K ijfu iwrm'l

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