\0! CIURLOTTE C. TVESmi\ dVlllL IS. 1826. [NO. I-T W 1.1 -ill » !» '.V f I.K LY iiv I.KMl lilXr.IT \M, ( I nil I. nuLLillS A VF.AH, PAIII tv AKVAXCt. N;1 p:ip( I- V. ill 1)1“ fiijContimifd. iinK-ss at the ,c.v!;oii’oi' t.R- cd'.t-.r, mini ;ill nrrcuni^'cs arc ^:ul. AiivK!;THr.M!:>T.s will l.c uistTli'd .-it the usual I’lTTin> I!' :i(Kci’ti^>ciucnts, an.' jeq-.i number of "“i. :-t.nnr., I'r t!i % "a iH 1h' coiitiiiUL-d until f’orbul, kWN'V-V VVa>VE\VV”i l-OI! SAM'.. nils, >ortli W II.I, SIM.I '.'onmioilal'mj.';- terms, ,11 inv llitusi h uiiil I.oTm II tlu t(i\\ II tit' ( iiarlntti ir.i, 1 \V4 nt\-lu (1 in lumibf’r, tt.ur ot’ ^luiii >iiitiirt;i!ily lofrt-ilu r witli iiiv tuo st'-r' (l\\ c lliii)^-li'"isf anti tMiy.irri, all in vo'hI rrp’uir. A No, a >;('di1 t.irm, cunvcn- r. ni to town. W f>oi.s \\ liu an ii siions of pur- ch;ts.MKS v^'HiKl lio wlH Id tall aiil },cl K’owl I ii"-iiii' as I «i5h tc» iiMiiuNc ti) till* U sl in \\I1I.1.\M 111 Cliarlottr, N. M'.irrli > 1, .jiiity'.i 0/ the SO'fc »J Sui'fli-Carollna COi.’IM'.C 1’ Mai) cf the Statt.' lich 0\v* line ont Hvcv Ii dii' eof r^'i- I-.' VCOi.’WLC 1 Map (M inc. :'i.tn-' n which hi n -uK-s Iiitist l.c a lc>'iraltk- ol)K ct to every liiaiMihial. liatevi r lay I'.e a iiiaii'“ (icrnpa- '.(III ill lilr. It tVi inuiitl> !Hf(pini s important In r .in, as .1 niatti r ot peiniiiary intt re-1, It) p'lb.scss iKPii-r.l knou k-.l^re >'A t he rr l.itivi-sit Hat itjn ot th (liiien ni SI i-t.mi-. I fuuntry. In the ]ires- , ii‘. enliLCltl'.iu il st..ti of societx, the Mihscriher ,, euiiMiicet.1 that, apart tri)in ail c.ii-;ler;>tic>ns (if liitn‘e-.t or coiiN enieiii’e, tin ri, an.' verVtew ot I'lir I ilixi r.s w ho ihi nut tci 1 it an ahair ol pi'r- y.iial pi'itle that tiie_\ and tlieir eliihl'en >-htiiilil 1,. ,i;)l to sjieak with fainiliari'y of those jiarts (it ilic State lyinfj at a distance from them, as Veil as those in tluir immediate \ieinit\. 'I'he sun-rnhcr therefore ihitters himselt that the fol- lowinj;' |)roposals w ill he recei\ed w ith pleasure bv a hirj;v- portion of the inhabitants of his na tive Stati. ‘ lie proj)osc.s to publish a correct M nr Tiit SJt'.ti' of \tiuTn-C vutii.i.NA, measuring 6 teet y inches in k iig'tii by o leet 6 inehe-> in width, laiil i' out npt)n a scale of six miles to the inch. I he H',.iterials will be ot the best kind, and the tn- gnviiii^ executed in superior st\le. lint correctness of delineation being the most iinjiort.mt circumstance, has claimt-tl the sub- £( riiier’s chief attention ; to the attainment of v hicli important o ject, the Map ot each coun tv has been separately i xecuteil ;iy U. 11.15. iiKAZJKit, Ksij. with t!ie .-xsHistancc of f,'eiitlc- mcn ol science r sitting’ in (lil5tri,nl parts (it the State, and from the jiublic burv i > s, and have been likewise rev i^etl and '.orrected h_\ the se veral count) sur\eyorj, or some other compe- tfiit person, in tacii conntu Ti-iims—I'or NIaps, N.irni^heil, tuh>red, and mounted on rollers, or put up in ptirtable form, (8 I. n. MA( K \K. I\.ultevi1lc, N. C. Dre. 1, -IVA (; ^ Miii-scriptions for t!ie abo' (.■ Maj) v.ill lie Ctceived at tin-, oll.ee. Saddle UarncsH •Making BUSI3KTESS. TIIK subscriber informs the public, tint he has rcjiioved to the building’ m xt door to Spcncer ^ Merrill’s curriag^c shop, w here he is prepared to exccute all kinds of work in liis liiie, anti respectfully solicits, the patronage ot the public. Wepairiiify done oil sliort notice and moderate terms. 1U)UKI{T JOHNSON. April C, 18^6. ;5tH0 ^\vv\fc oi* ^^^)Y\A\-V!uvvA\m\, Iredell ( tninly. Coitrl of P/eas (tnd Qmirfir Sc.sniom. Fchn/- unj Tcrnu 18-^(>. John Stewart Scire I'.irias to slu-w r.v. I cause why the real estate 'I'he lieir-iat law of )»of the tlecea.'^cil should not W illiam Stewart, hi’ sold to satisfy the plain- deci'.ised. J 1 i!i"., jiiil{'’liient. I I' appt arin.t;’ to tlie satisf.ictioii of the Court, th:.t .lames Stewai’t, 'I'lioii^as I eech and his wifi-, anil Moses Stew i.rt, heirs, defeiulai.tn in thiS siiit, riro not iiiiiabiiants t»1 this Stati : It is therefore orikreil, that puhlication bemaiietbr three months in tlie Cat.iwba Journal, that tlm afore.->aid tk iendaiits apjitar at the next court to he held tor the county of Iredell, at the Oonrt-lltiuse in Statesville, on the Sil .Monti..} in May next, by son'C atturney of sf.id court, or in person, and tile their uflsw er, otherv'ise the plaintill will he heard ex parte and ha\ e jiul^’ meiit, as to them, pro confesso. I'esto. U. SIMON TON, ('Ih ;im‘.)l—|M’irc rulv, r-k 111 llli‘ 1*I(‘SS, Nl) will shortly be ymbli.shed, Ku'Viu-r’s Strictures on a book, entitletl, “ A’.i pid- o};v ftu’the Hook of J’salms. 15\ liillnrt .Mc- M.vbler.” To which will be udiled, an Aj)peii- j ilix, b_\ the Ifev. John M. \\ ilson. A' POE1B.Y. SOM.. Go, forget me—v\ liy shoultl sorrow O’er that brow :i sliathiw fliny I l.o, ibrg’ct me—and to-inorro’.v Rrigjitly smile and sweetly sing-. Smile—though 1 shall not be near tucc . Smile—thoug’h I shall never hear thee ; Mav tin sotil with pleasure sliiin; Lasting’ an the t;loom of mine. l.i’e the sun, thy prc.'^eiicc f,^low inj.^, Clothes the niramn thing’s in li,^’ht; And when thon, like him art t?oin}j, l,iivilk.-t objicts fade in ni^ht. All thiiif^s look’ll so bijg’ht about thcc, Tliat till) nothing’ seem without tl.ee, }’.y that pr.re and lucid miiul Kartlily thinj^’s w ere too refined. tio, thtni vis’ion wildly tjleaming’, Softly on in_\ soul that fell; (io, for me no loni^eT beamin|^— Hope and Heauty, fare ye well ’ (io, anil all that once delij,^hted ’l'ak(’, and leave me all benighted ; (.lor\’s burniri{j—ji’eneroiis swell, J'ancv and the I’oet's shell. I'resiclcnt refi-r ? most clrarly to the ■ Brili-fi revoli;llo« aiul blooilshod. 1 u‘ ccjjioncc oi'the iiivitalion and to lliis is nil h would be «lieadlul m thus oidy. Ih> docs not sav Ihu appoint-■ iVce country r.o; io be able to siu':dv dis- nient of ministers was'deeined to be: rc.spcctfuily of Ma-isliatcs, altiiou?:h within the constitutional conipetenry ot -St. I’aul thought otliej Aise. the Kxecutivo,.but this “ measure,”‘lhe | Indul-in?; the same liberty ot coin- accc/jfance nf t/ie im-itfffion, was .sojparison with others, in oui o|)Uiion ihr deemed. No other interpretation can be i situation and the eharacter ol Mr. Ac.- oorrectly u;iven to liii: languap;c, for! :»ms are somewhat analoiijoiis to that w thusfarinthiamessa^-e lichadniadenoal-J t lysses, on his return to Ithaca, am. Iusiontotheappointnientofministers,nor . his romini; into c oSsTrrr’noNAi. pos- does be even say thata Mis.sion had I'oen | session ,of the ('•ovcrnnu nt. After his created, but simply says an invitation I oi)])oncnls (suitors llomer rails them, liail been accepted* 'Hiat this inleri,re-. had bicn overconio, they still kcj)t up tatioM is eorn'ct is conclusively esta!)-|;in unear,yshew of opposition, where li>hed by the entire sentence,, the part itjion Minerva thus addres.sed Jove of which is under consideration, 'i'lie \i\sV ul* \a‘1U'VS MA1MN; in the Posl-OlHcc .it ('harlotte April 1, 1826. From the Carolina Observer. It is but Justice that the principle.^ and measures of Presiileiit Adams should be fairly .stated. Ptddic opinion eon- cerninj!; tliem can only b' ctnrectly I I'onnod l.-y a candiil e.Namiuatiun In whole sentence is— “ Althoujj;h this measure was deemed to he within the constitutional comjiet- oncv of the r.xecutive, I iiave not thouijht proj>erto take any stej) in it be fore ascertainint^ that iny opinion of its e\i)ediency will concur with both bran ches of the Les;].^l:;lni’e : I'lrst by tiie de cision of the Senate upon the nomina tions to be laid before them : and second ly 1)V the sanction of both Houses tothe appropriations, without wh’ch it can not be carried into eil'ect.”- IJow can any one pretend that the President arro»;ated to himself the sole 1 owi’i- of establishiiii? and conducting this mission alter such an explicit disa vowal ? 'I'he concurrence “ oh po\v( r supreme, oil niler of the w holi’. Say, hast thon doom’d to this div itk’d state Ov jieaciful aniilij—or *7oti debuti ?” 'i’he monarch of the god.s reco^niscs this prayer of his daughter, an i IIm' lol- lowing is the conclusion of bis reply :~ “ F.achfuture day increase of w'ea'lh shall bring-, «Vr the past (Jilivitm t’nich hi iriiig. Long’ shall i:iysses in his empire rest, A ])e(;ple l)lessiiig, bv a pC’Ople blest. Lc'there be I'tAi i;:’’ C/tas. Courier. A letter from the correspondenl of the Rhod h'huul Jinicrican, dated at Wushinjjton City, Frida), 17th of .March, sa>s — “Mr. Randolph basnet been seen since three o’clock on Tuesday nior- 4"('jJ-‘''|jq,“|, I ning, when the question on the Pana- branches of the Legislature,” “ the sanc tion of both hous(;s'* is to be ascertained, ^‘u:i/huu/ u'/iicli (says Mr. Adams) it A. : relation t’o the Panama Mission it is aji- j caymat he carried into cfec/ - Id Ills recent messages to the House of I{':piesentatives on their call tor in- he v/ill doubtless soon be .il»Ie “to shov fi£rht ajrain.'"’ Panama will be no 'I’ra ,1 that M,me flTuiHKHls unpi-c-s-1 ir. mi ix-.;i n., ‘cJi WaioHoo lo l.im, wluUovcr H tin 1 n. ,\lo\:tiuU-r, Hr. Sinis .VIcNuiuUi’, Mrs. I sions'exist, which it very sliui l Male- o ».jiiCst II .1 l\( s ml ..iLil ' jjiav he to ollier.s. ni.iii u tio lin:> .Margaret Allison, Sarah Auteii, John Allen, • will remove. 11 has been allegi’d i lol ni.itiou, ..IK M.i p‘Op ’• V I . oiinoscd three administratit)ns, who has. Kk’a/.erAkxander Win. T. Alexander, Chals Adams claimed to himself r.r-1 j.riat lons, he expressly says It (the H own words, ^‘withstood sin Xb^:. X - r/.sire/j/ the power .f originating the mviiatio.O was, however, as the ou^ « ^ « continculal combination H. Mission without the advice and consent; will perceive from the ^7: ^ Congresses, l.e.islaturrs i.’ Klizabeth Hanku’, 'I homas Harnett, David Senate, or any aid trom the House accepted on/j/ v.pon cmvJilion Unit I u | p discoura-ed M-andon. John lilack, Itichard Ikii’tleU, Daniel 1- 'I'o ^uppe.t tbi.s ^ o/;?/XV/O/HVVVi ‘ ' »,• the W'iV Mr (' nny ; alle,.l.„i. le,e|.e,.ee i,,.n,.o 1^ hi. II,es. ~ .rrn,. i Ml:.i:ic. l!^i.; l-e;,^’ ma .Niission was decided. Languor Mid debility have succeeded to iiis long con tinued exertion and excitement. Bu'" Thonias (.'oopyr, F.zeriah (:ockl)urn, Je.i.-.e Cathey, Chas. L. Crocket, F.lijah Cunningham, s,.,ritr •iCCOmnaiiVIn- Pincknev Cahlwell, David Cn..ss, James Look, tO W iliiam'Carson 3, Sarah Carson, Jonas ( ohen, I inallPn ol M inisters to 1 aiuiu). ^ John Caston, Ik uhcn (,ole, U m. C. Caiiijiijell, j foi'mer, alti'l’ statini: that aii in\ it.I 'sMgcat the upeningol llie pie.ent Sos- n/-.vr/// 0/fhc Sr>>n/r. ihe cnncur- of th The lldti.se (0 I he 7?ic(iMire, l>v sion of Compress, and to Ids nies^ar.r I'eiiir . hi' noni- liie apiiropriations neccessary ior carry- lii in:; it into eliect, is a ///.x’subject lo the (h'terrtiinalion, anil iudisi)ens(ihlc W V*vv\i?u\ ViiVU-VSv’uWtY, A NFAV INVI.N 1 lo.v, hereby g’ive rio'.iee to llic i itizens uf Met kle’nburg county, t!.;,; v.- have |nir- fhisedthe right for mHinil; iK’ii'^’a N'ai hiiie, calhd tlie I'.VTKN'I ( OH" . 11KI.LFk’, aii.l Will M)on have tbi in on iiainl lor sale. > or tin.’ siiniilit itv of its ctm^trni tion .m l its utdity t.) corn plantirs, .il is uneipialled b\ :ui\ o'I'.t r in vention. I’erhaps we m.i\ thongiit 'o e.’^ag- wheii we say it will lull a ini'hel il ai..i li'- •• h'.Me . xcrlioii in • ‘;i.\ ti ail to ’.ome and t.^ (li)eratioH, and >.atist\ tiieliiselves as to its gn at iitilitv . It can be seen a’ the sub',( rihers’ shop, ojijiosite the jail. Itll.O. .Ml.IfUti.i.S, W.M. ('OK.WN r.ki. N. Ik 't he price of the /'(ifiiit ''‘rn Shtlhr V 1: iu f 11 d.-livere.l at the shop, or ^ K> di Ip’- tred at til' hoU'e of tlii plU’cha'i r. .'Ml persons a:-'' riinti-'ned ag’.iir-st makinir, ti>iiig’ or \ending’ tln’ abo’-'’ mat 1mIi’ in tln.^ • iiiiitv, uiiih r p nall\ ot tiie 1...V. in that ' :iiade and prov II ( b.'ii illiam Cidverhonse, Ucv. D. F. Christeiibur), ^ o iven lo lames Cuiiiiingliam. I). Alexander Davis, A. F. Duncan, Lewis Din kins, John Dou, Ik.rriet J. .Moore, l.eii. F. Da vidson, Janies Dunn, Washington Darnell, .’Vh leii Davis, Lli/a 11. Da\is. L. Henry Fmerson. ]•. ^Vi!liam Flinn, John I'crril. ( I, .lohii (.ibbeiis, 'rhoinas (■ille'-inr, J’lnies (,ii> !i, lsu!jt.l!a (..nt.1’, S..nu:e! t.onion. .lames M. Hut. bison, Abner Hnr'on, John 1'.'."'?!.”'*^'^*'’ ed to have said that tlu; peojile of hi.-- nation have not inLermi::ed witli ilii-. African and alxniginal races '0 tiie ex tent Mr. liatnlolph supposi s ; tliat the} are creole.', and iiave nt> more of tho negro Idsind in ihcir veins tii.lii Mr Randolph ha', and r.ot so mucii of tint Ifi.diun."' C'.uiiti’\ to h) th.e fidjUnii nt of (he inlenlum.''— ; he rei.resenled in a ('..nrr.’^s al Pan.una, 1'urther, Ibe acceptance of \he invita- ’ his words arc. ‘‘Ministei .> on the i.art tion ov)iy,uu\>y co/idifnmaianh'.— of the i:. S. will be c..mnussio:.eii to On the ;J(Jlh ol November last,the ;j„i„ ill these .leiihcnuiui.s.” These n,'c i .01,> M. j words up|K‘.'M' ;nu! rxplu’it; ami it /Ja i (f j/ (U / ‘ ^ I ]'n; (!ii.\.TK\rnuiA.M», coinauis ilic folh'W ir.g Uceiiis (iil]i(‘iill to roiu't'ivr how they ’( lay says to the llu'cc > pan-| amongst other reflections upon the I’resideiit', can be i I'.iAved the ]ues(. nt sesMon . opinion of an enlightened ought to have weigiit wl.. the ns, Misiinderstooil It must be al-' ih .Ministers who had extended the in-1 Message at the opening of l»; Mr. ■ is inte.l vih.tio., "shoul.l .lie Scale uHhe I’. ! I,revisions I'the ('eiisliuiliuii S. iiuvv ev|iecle.l lo jssTiiililc 111 a lew VS, "-ivi; their advict: and consent, mnni.-'ionrrs will be appointed.” Af- . imporlam feature r such declaration'^ and statements, let the AnKlo-An,cr. llouge.Tliouas Houston, Duvid llarrj. James 'ivnuui ui.n. .",-.„ulid nui.lii- th'cide CM the oroi.l’ietV bussador • ill- c. Harris, John Howi li, A iiier Hood, .lames oiiemie-'\vould admit. In tbeso jinn I-1.1 'tndid p il . - ^ ^ 1 I ) I Congress ol I’aliama, a resolution, whi h, Heatji, samiK 1 Hon•^ton, Daniel H_\ams, Jaiiu s (}ici’{> i> no obscuiily and no I’tnuii ol ihi' sr\ ei'o ci’tisui e .ittempt^ei t) )e |^y ^ pi’udeiU eboicc of the p.er- .\. Houston, .I0I1111’. Hatcbi r, .lolin Ha\.lames, I'lislaUt.’. and i)V ihemsuch iip]!oint- attached to the conduct ol the 1 iesiden.t IjC’Seiit, mav eonsolidatc the liber- F. iieiiderM.n, Lh.abi^Miooks, John Hall. ' ,,, ;,,„1 with llie in r. l.ition to the Panama Mission. „.hole homi'sphne 1 F..r vvc c,uv- lo!„, l„gr.e;'., Andrew'Jon-s, l{oh'..’t Jtjhn-: ..,dviee and cdiisent of the Senate.*'—j Should it lie alle.lgi-d it was not com-. „oi conceal, that il.e Spanish Americans son. ! liul fiirlher, it is univercally allowed : I'-elent fcr the Presulriit to accejit tiie iii- have (;reul nred .d ll.e counsels ot a nu merate r'lrn III ihnt niiniiti.^ t ill iiiiiuites. ISut V » ;a’'iine it, wilni s-, .fan. .*!», v.w.Lwt^x. A,:; '1 hiMii.is Kcnnc-dy, l\i ndrick, (.^apl. .M. i sclio ^alnu'. i.atln >\ illiam Kerr, llphraim 1'. C. Kenned} J.. Samuel r. l.o\( M. AVir.iam M'Comb, Step Kibbeii, John :\r(.:ra\en. , Ah \andir .M’Niit, John M'failaiid, J"l>ii c.. 1 j 1,^.,, jjid l),‘ incaii wliat v.’ould any Nii.rse, William MMv e, Ak \aii(''r V.’Kav., u hy using on sucb an occasion M.’dcoin M’Flierson, .‘ohn M'Dov i | ^^■Mini.\cr> will be COinniis- isioiiedr'’ 'I'o commission, is to give t’nt Mr -Vdams is an .'iccomplished | vitalieii, even ihtis condil ionally, itisjtion more exp.M’iencid in the career ol »r, anil his variu.ls al,le iliseussioMS 1 le|.lied,- iil llie hin.Ki|;|..;e el' .Mr. Web- j imlepciulelire. I)«c, lKh.'(! eluir.- k.’l’liL* inter- ly fi'uni the ranks ot‘privileged casti’s, or ^.‘videiice that be is perfect master of his I vernacular tong.ie, or, in other terni>, en Milh r, MafJ;s Me-i that he v.ell underst.auds the imjtort or A he ia N'’Cail, I sigiiifical ion of Kiiglish words. What Jesse Nee!}, jun. 11. ri’i.i:!' >i{ ■d V. \ I l.illil!:; t'T't ot . 'II \( \i, as a I ■'i.ind th'; r.iimg the ill-. s'.iMe M, ■th-w':M al live (l':l- O. . J*(rurr. Powercain)iily be i:rak \ Oati s. Nathan n. , i.., pm suant to'/e,rr//provivioiis. Sue 1) urovisions in relation to Dubiic minislfi .s I be competi.'iit in tho lirst instaiici ^ .... ^ . . • , . ‘ t>als. I !,ro expressed in the constitution to he|.iect, howovor, lo after c.ntrol) to de-| ly ol w or.dnp, ol opiniof.s, ami ol r I w ith the Oati s. Nathan O. , I! 11.vs 11. {tsboi n, .Michai. I f'! ; F. ■rhoni;:. I. Fo^) ,^t■:.•^. Sai-ah 1 F'>1U, « iiais. j(.xprcsved in Folk, .Mv-,. .M l!’. I’cll., '1 h'>iii:is Fi'll;. Jesejih ^ ice tkcoiisentoftlie Scnati*.' I fide on ster on a recent occasion, _ course of nations wouhl hardly go on. , f‘niilUary class, (he disiii.i;uisl :uidonegrcat end ofaiiHxeeuli^-t would cd mm in these new Stales have ra;i,er bn defe;.ted, il' il could not veiitun'. on pro|.'er occasions, to erprrss tlu; views iiimI wislit'S of the government.” iU;- si(l( s, how can the President f’lliil the constitutional reijuii(’meiit to nominate mljiistrrs aiul ;unl);i';sa;'oi’s to the Senate for their.approlial ion, imle'^s he hinisi'lf j skill'ully lead a mukiUKle, mill ic^noi ’.'ii! lib-i indolent, iiUrodiicc’ uiili pTudeiin', !i!i new Stales tiavc patiioiic and generous scntiiiifnt'., ih >- ailmii.istralive and political ideas. Lc- thept study the j)rogi’ess of the United States, at the same tinic wise and cp.er }.|;etie; U;t'them t'slahlisli promptly i’e;ii- lar fniances and rcspcelable llet ts, orf;;ai; i/e llu'ir eunslili;tiinis so ihiiL t'lcv uur- I', pricliard, illnni I’.irks, Steidien I’l.i-. F.i.-iCha 1, I a:i1 'i! . N, Fa;k:;. e l.reen F' '• . ling! John 1 o: I.' !)S >b^‘' lu-y or/ l.o: ill..' I .lU I ■'U,-,..! ( re U, i;;'..' ni • I Inrli.ttei and v. ill t)e ki to m:i l.r-. M.e M ..son, ami ten d.Jill.tr-. lo i:,-iire .i iii.ire t' ■! , th'’ iiiinn v eon-'iden d (;i:e tin. Irrst ol N’l w mber ne>t. All |.o-.-mIi1' ' .i'. -' w .!l tn; t.i- V’n t(i pr.'veiit ai’c!.!' Ill "r . ca;;( bii' I v. lii , I, ,1,1, t'.e.' ei'hei’. u\ p( Immi!;;’ |)’it .1 r» . !.i I'lllif.iN. to- la f ''^asiia, ’M.d l.ukil to d I o .1 |i ,.p t!ie [i'*!’- Uil sii: i-ua gr.iT. Mini, 7, I.SJ’ 1,1.W !S DlNK'.Ns. k ; .s . .V: .M II, .lll^t tor...!'.' at tl-,'-’ 1. “ •> . i Ik. 111.' I, ' I'li.Mi'licd, mill-", in ;i • )i> a. '.tkd li alls.' o: n. M ' ..\ e 1.1' ll.'U I I'l.' . .:,mj)hh't .i!t. Il liV I h.Kul (’t John Ihryer . Iki'>. Jsaiii'H’l F aii'kr kolnsoii. ir.i',- > l.’ipb } allies I l.'o'ii.on. M'.-. Artieni I'oilv lloiiiiijor, Ak'.\.- j . l;ob( rtvo ■ s M. A Si 1 Hence tl'.en tliT- expression, will he coiTimissioiied,** w nically correct and jiroper, being erpiiv- alei.t to /.///.'trii/ hr I'j't/iiniiltd, and h// (Hid trilh the adricr and run- .•senf of Ih ' Sr/i'i/le ujijiuinlul. On'an examinalion of the message to I the Seiia!(*, it \vill hi' e|iially appaic'iit 'die public necessit.y or exiiedieii- ti y them form tlicu' CnhiUh, - Minister- !cv d' a missi:m oi^^mbassy.- ' If |,e is | plan C in the spirit ol t!,e Aii;^lo-Ain.’) ^:i.i..-..llo'lis,™,ii,iy,l,eeaniK.,,»™^ , Miv.M.A S[)-:uS .'oMpli ^'\V al!H I' M. IN*' • ^ """ '• i II,,, ,\|r. .\.ial,is elailir. !H. pe.ver net W ill: ,m arpl' 11: di \i. Sample, Ikilu It A. .iri)> II’el, Vv illi.iii, Si.im- v iuvuvv>\\ W\i‘ .A\vv\\v'W'A‘\U. ■ilid for -ab’ ; , “ A S' Mll'ill \ 1,1 I M . ;h:- ollice ■> 11. \; (■ h. M ;..ir .. I'.ii/aht, th Mu ird, J'„ S.niiple. I .III!' s 11] ,i( iiioii', >hi'..li .Met kl'. iit.iu;^ F. illi.iin'Fill'.; 'is. V, Jchn ^\ i;;■hI ,i(,hn ilh'.r:,])ooi , J’lnu s W ikt.n, loiiii w illian-. Jo’ ll Unit.-. J, Kobert \\ ..ll.' T, W iHi.im . ,;'herspiH.n. 1 Imi.ia.' W m- ( liest'-r, ,los. |)ii W i.i. iieV.',-, .(oi..itli;iil N\ iirr'llis, 1 iit'i. w C. W :.n s. \i . \\ ,i\ ';II. I h.t-' W a'hiu’'- ',11, k' S.iUi':’. 1 \\ ul'.ini'.' 1.. Ik'I 'iP...:i Weal. mile 1(1 ,’tn emli.i’ssy tmlev': be beiievesi tiK? public good u’ill be thereby jiiomot- 'rii(3 alwirtive ami iiicongitious oj^po- sition lo the Administration, in con gress, may he well ilhi.''traled l;y tlu; | ,m.|i of ;v]iiia and d'ihe liai oii d'l.i’olh' fuliowiii!'’ extr.'ict from the (^lU'ssev' :— ljut which loo often burst tiiit and ar;; d -ini'M. .on 1.1 In L^overnmenk-' ; awake also rt';'.s(ii. v. slumbers^anion,r; a people :;ri hsu.j'.m ! i a state of pnpilaee, ijul dc’clop;: ; i ; . I !jly till' powei fill rcrms of activity, w l,i. I Cfi iaiii’.v arc not v. anliir.i: ttj the roi’n!!- John V.iibtn'jii^li 1 -,t .'try J’. X. MntFN 'I'tikcFs’ ^V ;iri*:in{; For s;,|c, |';,V I »;lice. t)clt\ciA IioikU. iiec's .irily inciiient to his olhce ami w liich of’ eot.M’si' must h.ive lieen exer- ciseil from the very eominencemeiit of our government. It should bi! icmeni- iu't’ed ibaLthe mes.-age n.iw under coii- sidi.iatmii. cont.iins his nn/nindlnut nf Mini'^hrs lo the Scnalefor th- ir cp- lu'uhiitlort. Adam^ iu’giii- by r*:- iVn ini;- to his M( •'sage. to be!;i I lonse- 1 ot'('oii!;i ess at li.e c.«Mmeiu e.mei l ^I’lie Ses.iii.'n, x'. iierein Iu* iiKMiiionetl tlii’ I :iccc[>tance (d' the invitaticm given by 1 ret lain South Anieric:;ii Stall s to ti-, I" Mil' i’ciit '’si :.'ted ill ’(.Mi.MC'.s at i'anani;i, 's. altl,(ii';’,’!i this me.'isiir" 11) be u 11 hi 11 I lie Const; I :i- (/I tliO I'.'.eCUiive", ! ' jO ' :i-'. -e” c'(-'S ’!;e ^ “ As when ; lieaj) of;:rf.''A(r'(/ f'tunn is cast Now to—now 1ro--bt tore tli’ autninnal l.'he^t ; 'rofTeibi r(’lur.;:’, it roll-, arouml tin. lield, s.-, voll’d th'- deet iMiil so its t hf hi : ■\n now sw ay, .\nd now till !;d no ,v th the S..u!h- 7i bi the foar y flofnis obey, w lul ls il o’cr th'.--sea. le rejir' and il.en add was deeineil li,,r,:il CoMjietel-.ey Now as these thorns, when disband ed, v. ill inevitably annoy eacfi other, it IS a ])Ity that tbi y e\ er met—and so tlu y V. ill tind it. Some sage politician , In vc discover ed a resemblar.i'e l.’i.l'.’' en the Presj 'lent and Alexander ol laci-tlon-olbers lia\c eonipari.'tl li;in to the i)evi!, \'.'(, I iisnari'd alltlie '.ilat.is lanolx—,,nd the slroyed in the fire of dc\ourln}; ])as',iov,.. Inlimate conimunic.ilion v. itli the L’liiiei; Slates, esiiccially wiih ! be States (,f \cw- ]’’.n,q;!a:id, v.’oeld he ati cxtellL’at sciiice (jf iiislruelion for the Sjiani'-.h Americans— it is for tlie eldeni d.Lar^tei d .‘\mericar. iiberly to be the |;'u;Ie ot ii; r youni^cr sisU-r'^, atui lo !;ai!i c'.rr thi-ti', the empin; of pers;;a:ii'>n a;;d fiieiulship ;. jet’ (,i.r >,h(e.v heri.cif I'l.Jik. disiitteiesK'd. o-i and (M r.erous. i tie noble pfjsi of Ix iiij’- a; t!ir head uf a m w v.oi ld, i~. rci inK vvi'li V. oi’tli the '.acrilirc ol a le'.v t’ullaiV' ill i!utic and a i -v.’ b.d''s t,l' eot i(jii. ” ( '.>.. I II'/I'll /’. 1 • ol U ioalll l^o l a' Sk ■ 'ill'.- il-r.dll, airivcd I !5o^to)^ fron^ Snivt i-.a, lu:s livon; kl inioi m.'!'ioii of tlr ■sit:.: lated I death (d't’..c Lie v. .Mr. i i^i:i. the ,\- 1',^!!..;; i.;; y t'"'I’‘

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