m cimiOTTE, X. C. Tn:siur, jvse e, isae. 86. PtTIII.ISHKII WKKKLY Ry lkah i:l luxfin vm, AT TIIRKL DdLr.AHS A YKAH, PAllI IV AIIVINTK No paper will he discontiiuicd, uiiUss at tlic (liscnytion of the editor, until nil uiTi.urag'es are paid. Adveutisemknts will be inserted at tlie usual rates. I’ersons sciidiHg- in :id\(Tti^cr.ients, are rerjuested to note on the marijia tlic numl)cr of insertions, or they will be continued ui.lil forbid, and cli.ir{jed accordini^Iy. ON Saturday, the loth instant, between the dwi lliiij^'-house of the suliscriber iwid Char lotte, a I)unilie of papers, among wliieh «ere tlie followint*-;—One note on 'I’lion.as 1’. Derry- hill, for 27 >S.j, dated Auf^ust '22, 1 8J5 ; one lo, on Walter I'.iries, \\ itii 'i'hoinas I. ('irii r as sc- curitx, I'or 5^1.5, dated .lanuary 1, 1.S25 ; one do. on Alexaniler .1. I’orter, I'or ^lU, dat.- not reeoi- k>ctLil; a rcceipt of Uobert Sloan, lor a note of ^12, placed in bis band-i for eolleetion ; and one oilier j)api r, of no use to any j)ers n but the owner. All persons are cautioned aijainbt tra iling' for said i.otes, as jiavnient is stopped. Wll.IJAM W iLLlA.MSON. M.iy lfi, 1S:6. 3tS(> V vv))\ic \^l\t e V\ ‘t\\w A\VM\\. r|1lir, sid)scriber informs his fri>.iids and the X public, that he has i)urchasi(i that wt 11 known establisliment, lately owned and occupi ed liy Dr. IkiuKrson, and is now jjreiiarKl to entertain travclkrs and others, wiio may please to call on him ; and no exertions will be spared t') ivnder them condortal)le, aiul tlu ir sta_\ a- j^reea'de. His'ta!)!c will !>e furnishid with t\- er> v.iriety which t!ie country ali'ords; his linr with the best of liquors ; ami his bt;i!)lcs v\ilh pi. nty of provender, and carei'ul si rvauts will be in conslant atteiulaiiee. KOiU’dIT I. 1)INK!.\S. Cliarlotte, April 2'J, 18Jo. *8U rXj^'l'he ('anuleii .lournal will insert th*' above tliree weelis, and forwaixl his account fur p.iy ment. ViuViivluivwuevU. fllllF, subscriber bavin};- ])urchased tliat valu- X able st.iiid known as the house formerly oc cupied by Kdwar i M. Hrons(m, is ptvpariny to open ;t ;is a house of I’ublic Kiiti.rt.iinment, on the iirst day of .May next, in a st\le of co'iven- icnci' ;ind comfort which shall oe satisf.ictory to those w ho favor him with tlu ir cii-.tom. The hotise h:is recently underj^-one a thorough re- pair, the beds, on the 1st of .May, will be ail new ; the iieil-rooms m neat order, and every convenience will br proviiled either for ti-.iiiMeiit customers or constant boariK rs. It is inti nded that th- hou.ie, from its am|)lt- areomm -dations and tlu- ttention of its prdjirn tor, sliidl nurit, as it is hoped it nia_\ re/eive, a iliie ^iiare of pub lic piitronajfe. i lu bar will tic well supplied with tlu- b»->t of liij'i us, the stables be well fnrnisiieil w ith proveiitkr, and attfiided b_\ care ful h istLrs; and chariots wdl be so rt gulated, th:it those who call at the establishment will be induced, from a rep;ard to economy and eomtbrt, to ri'iieat tluir v;sits; vv bile constant boardvrs will he I ept in sucli ^'ood humor as will, it is liopx'd, induce tiiat punctuality w bi( b will uiVord the subscriber the encourai,''ement aiul s'uj>port he will eiukavor to deserve. lIOr.KliT SLOAN, rliarlotte, N. C. .\pril 1 1, • 7'.Hf iOWX lHvV>V*VAVT\ FOR SAI.K. W 11.1, SKI.I., on ac. eommodatini'- terms, rail mj Housi's and I.ots Jin the town of ^'b.irlottc,^^!^^^^^ North I'arolina, tweiily-twy in numlier, tour of them comfortalily impr'ived, together w ilii mv Uvo story ihveHing-housc and tanyard, all in |,'ood repair. Also, a goi.d nt:ia!l farm, conven- jcnt to tow n. Persons wiio are desirous of pur chasing-, won! 1 do well to call and get goixl •harg-ain-i, as 1 v. ish to remove to the U i iu the tall. W II.MAM KL DIsU.L. Charlolie. N. ^Iarc!l J-1, oint.sy i>V •N\u‘V\\A'v\voWiu\,' Ircdt'II (’oiiiifv. Court of rU>!;;(t,til i^Hitrier S(.i.ion\ Fi'oru- arij I .Io!m Sti'wait Scire I’ariiis to sIk'w v.t. I call .e V. hytl.e real estate The heirs at 1 iw (,f ^-ot the (!.•(•:,sid sliould not W'llliain Stewarl, I bi- sold to satisf; the pl.uii- deeeasi.'.l. J till’s jiidgnii'iit. 5 r ajiptaring to tlu' sati .I'at tion of t!\e \ urt, that .lames Stev.arl, 'I'hoiiias I.eicli and his wit'v, and .Moiu s Steu ait, heir', defendants in this siiil, are ii'it iiilediitanis ot this Stati-: It is tliererore (.rdi red, that publieatioii be made !(,r ttiree nionibs'iii the Cat.iwlia Journal, tli.it the .'•loresaid deiendant.s appear at the ne\t c nirt ■I be Ill'll lor l!ie county i' Iredell, at the ^'xui't-ilou;-e ill Statesvilh', en the . d Monday ia .May ne\t. I".- soin atto:'ne\ of said Ci url, or in r;i r.^iui, and lile their answer, otherwise the pl iintilV will he ii. ard ex paite and ha\e lit, ;e; to tiieiii, pro ciuiies-). T(,-.te. 1!. MMO.NTO.N, Vlk. .'ni'.’l— price ::dv. ‘.-1. U w\V\\v‘ V’s tSIV\c UiVes. jr- r I’l lll.lSiir.l), and for sde at this of- •3 iiee, “ StlieMivi S on a book, t iititl'.-d, ‘An Apo'oivy for th'' Hunk of I’salms, by (.lliurt Mrr.’ 'I'o v.hiidi are added, iu marks on bouk, 1')v .\!e\:iii.'er (■or.lon] iiititlid ‘ T'k 'i'>ij;n and use of the IJook ot rsaliiis.’” I!y b‘en>K!t, A. .M. \N i'b an App' iidix, i’V .liiHs M, \\ ii,so.v, pastor ot Uocky Uuer and I’liil idt Iphia. ^VA'vwuu vu\ l\\o Avr.ui^'uwwv. Irs r puMishe.',, and I'or sale at this (dl’.ce, \iriit \2[ (\nts, “A Nernmn on tin' .\tone- incnt.” U) (J. ('V. !;'■* i.'’d JJosfon J^eu'spnpcrs.—In Boston tl)pV* are now printed luur daily, three ti\ weekly, seven semi-woekly, arid lifu'e\ weekly, newspapers—in all luenty-nine. I lie wiiolc iiuniber of papers issued at one publication by all the newspaper es- tablislinients amount to 41,643. The vvhole number of papers printed in one week is G9,966. There are 19,172 sheets circulated on Saturday, upwards of two thousand more than on any other dav in tlie week. Tiie above facts are j;;Hthercd from an article in the “Boston News Letter and City Hecord.” {^Confirmed from laslpage.'] It has been said, in the coursc of this debate, to have been a loose and vai^ue declaration. It was, I believe, snfficient- Vv studied. I have understood, from good Vithority, t^hat it was considered, weit^h- Si distinctly Si d«‘citU'd!y approved by eVry one ol the Fresich’nl’s advisers, al 'I'U time. Our (iovernnient could not a doji, on that occasion, pi ecisely the course wlu\h i'.ni>Iau(i had taken. En>.;Iand threat- c»iC(K the immediate recosrtiition of the ' 'Vi riotism of the people. Over these hopes I will not bring a mildew ; nor will I put that gratified patriotism to shame. But how should it happen, sir, that there should now be such a new-born fear, on the subject of thi.s declaration ? I he crisis is over; the danger is past. .\l the time it was made, there was real ground for apprehension ; now there is none. It was then possible, perhaps not improbable, that the allied powers might interfere with , . , America. There is now to\^c*‘s, tl ihe Allies should take part no giound for any such fear. ' Most of "It \ }\^ain against them.-\V e had already the gentlemen who have now spoken on i((o ,;n^,P(l them. It remained, there-j the subject, were at that time here. They It is storied of a rrcncii governor, who unclerstood no law, and was by his, post obliged to hear and determine caus- merica cs, that he did it !)y the decision of the .'lice : for having judiciously heard both sides, he threw a main betwixt the jiluin- tiir and defetident; and to which ever the dice gave it, he decided it ; and with ihat success, that his justice gained gt eal reputation. A barrister observed to a learned brother in Court, the other morning, th't he thought his w hiskers w ere very unprofessional. ‘ You are right,’ replied his friend, ‘ a lawyer cannot i-e too banfdccd.' V>v. 3. V). IM'OKMS his friends, and the pub lic gi'in rally, that he has just re ceived a fresh supply of m'ETjidmns, w hich he is willing to warrant are gen uine : and will sell upon as reasonalile terms as any person can purchase in Charleston, at the retail prices. :>t86 A NI) Stage House I\. in Charlotte at the sign of the Kagle, North-Carolina, by WOHKUT WATSON. .V . VI.L persons indebted to me by book .ac- coun^i. will please call and settle theirac- lore, oifiv fur our (iovernment to say iiow we shoull consider a co.iibination of the Allied Powers, to effect objects in A- as ullecling ourselves ; and the message \»as intended to say, what it does say, \hat we should regard such combitmtioh .IS dangerous to us. Sir, I agree with tiose who maintain the ;)ro- position, and\l contend against those w ho deny it, that tl^e iness.ige did mean sotr.e- ihingj that it ncani mucli ; and I main tain, against hub, that the declaralitjn effected much ^ood, answered the end designed by it, (hd great honor to the fuiesight and the spirit of the govern- iiiejit, and that it cannot now be taken bal k, l etracted. or annulled, without dis grace. It met, .sir, v\ ith the entire con currence, and the hearty approbation cf the country. The tone which it uttered loiind a corresponding response in the iireasts of the free people of the United States. 1 hat peo;de saw, and they re- juued to see, th.it, un a fit occasion, our wei^rlit had been throw n into the right scale, and that, wuhout departing from our du:y, we had done soinetiung useful, and something efl'ettual for the cause of all heard the declaration. Not one of them complained. And yet, now, when all danger is over, we are vehemently warn ed against the sentiments of the declara tion. 'I'o avoid this apparent inconsistency, it is, however, contended, that niw force has been recently given to this declara tion. Of this, I see no evidence whatever. 1 see nothing in any instructions or coin- municaiions from our government chang ing the character of that declaration in any degree. There is, as I have before said, in one of Mr. Poinsett’s letters, an inaccuracy of expression. II'he has re cited correctly Ins conversalioii with the Mexican minister, he did go too far : farther than any instruction warranted. But, taking his whole corres|)ondence to gether, it is (juite manifest that he had deceived nobody, nor has he committed mcrica, having a European origin, or a European connexion. Attempts of that kind, it was was obvious, niiglit possibly be made, amidst the chan ges that were taking place in Mexico, as well as in the more southern States. Mexico botinds us, on a vast length ol line, from the (iulfof Mexico to the Pac ific Ocean, 'rhcre are many reasons why it should not be desired by us, that an establislnhent, under the protection of a different power, should occupy any por tion of that space. We have a general interest, that through all the vast territo ries rescued from the dominion of Spain, our commerce might find its way, pro tected l)y treaties with (lovernments ex isting on the spot. These views, and o- thers of a similar character, rendered it highly desirable to us, that these ne\v States should settle it, as a part ol their policy, not to allow colonization within their respective territories. True indeed, we did not need their aid to assist us in maintaining such a course lor ourselves ; but we had an interest in their assertion and supjiort of the same piinciple as ap plicable to tluir own Tt rritories. ! now proceed, Mr. Chairman, to a few re marks on the subject of Cuba, the most impor tant point of our foreign relations. It Is the hinge on which interesting eveilts may possibly turn. I pray genllenien to review their opin ions on this subject before till y lully commit themselves. I uiuUrstoml the honorabU mem ber from South llarolina to say, that it Spain chose to transier this island to any ]>owir in the country. On the subject of a pledge, I Kurope, s!u‘ had a riglit to do so, and we couhl he put the Mexican minister entirely ! I- 1- .■ .1 .1 ' cate subiect. 1 hardly kel competent to treat r ght. He stated to him, distmctly, that to state this government had given no pledge ; ail that 1 think about it. I must, however,»is- which others could call upon it to reileun.; sent from the opinion of the gentleman Iro • S. What could be more explicit ? Again, i (’arolina. 'I'he rights of nations, on subji.ts of sir* it IS plain that Mexico thougiu us»'l. are necessarily very much modified counts by cash or note. I would prefer the i i cash ; but a note will do, provided 1 have .some ; ''' •easonablf! I'i 1 llat vci \ [luiise of IVom |)('iitn V. nil such pay ment in a re; e taken into view t!ie pri. ssiire of j Com niuns, ot u liii h the genih nu il am disposed to e ive e\erv indiil-! Suiith-Carulitia Ikis •• iiidifii V. 11 security of receivioi. time. I have the times, aiul am disposed to give e\ery indiil-| Suiith-Carulitia ilaS pnce I can, consistent with my situation. I | coinmeiidatioti, how was it tlicie receiv- hope this notice will be attended to, as il is' ...i i v.t , ,• dissagreeable for me to be couipellcd to make I , collection forcilily. j^ ma) say, with no litile ol cn'iiiusi- asm. While the leading mii.isier ex- cn ii liberty. One general glo w of exul- under no greater pledge uiairEiiglaiid : | circumstance.s ifiI‘criovrof‘'Hb?rr' i : FCidrto\S,'it‘‘bJ no m, a.ls ’ follows^ as the ititcl o\t 01 Iiixrt —one conscious and ! can ministers, recjuestieg interlereiice, man supposes, that we could not complain jjroutl peiception of con ideration whicn were in precisely the same words. When of the cession of Cuba to oiu- of them. The the tounti y possessed ol the rfSj>ert and | this passage in Mr. Poinsett’s letter was plain difl'erence is, that the transfer ot Florida honor w hich belonged io i’—perxaded all ; first notici d, we were assured there was k bosoms. Pussibly the public entliusiasm ' mu6t l)e some other authority for it. it went too fur ; it Certainly did go iar. But, wasconhdeiity said he had instruction.s, sir, the sentiment whi h th.s declaratiuii authorizing it, in his pocket. It turns inspired was not confinetl lo ourselves, out o'herw ise. As little ground is there Its force Was ft It every ulierc b\ all tliose [ to complain of any thing in the Secreta- lould understand its ohjett, and ry’r, loiter to Mr. Poinsett. It seems lo f'hurlot/r. Mat/ 17, Vov SAMI.. M’COMH. 1826. f,t !■;'(. me lo be precisely what it should be. It (ices not, as has been alleged, j>roj)ose any co-operation belween the government of Mexico and our own. Nothing like it. ll insli ucts our ministers to bring to tile nolice of l!ie Mixicaii governineiit he line of jiolicy which we have marked W.W. VOOOD, stron-, neat famih and ILVUNKI.S for sale I awhile, and shall go low Mav 17, 1826. cAnuiAGi: It has been used Appl', at this olliee. 4187 It (licit anil t'loeb llepiiiriiit'. I p! esst (I hiN entire concurrence ill the sen- out for ourselves—acting on our ov\ti tiiiu i.is and opinions ol the American grounds, unfl for our own interests ; ami President, hn t!is inguished competitor lo suggest to ihat governmeiii, acting on in that poimlar body, less resti aiiie 1 by ! its own ground, and for Us own interes.s, ofVu'ial dec(jrum, niore at liberty to give the propriety of following a similarcourse. utierance t(i the Icelings of the occasion. Here, sir, is no alliance, nor even any co- detlared that no event had ever crea'.ed . operation. greater joy, exultation, and gratitude, 1 So, again, as lo the correspondence among all the free men in Luiope ; ihat I which refers lo the aj)j)earance of the he leli pride in being connected, .by bloud ^ French lleei in the Wesl-lndia seas, lie to ns w as not dangerous to the .safety of either ofthose nations, lun’ fatal to any .if the r gre.'il ami essential interests. I'roximily of position, neighf^irbood, whatever augments the power of injuring and annoying, very properly belong lo the consideration of all cases of this kind. The greater or less facility of access itself is of con sideration iu sutli iuestions, because it brings,• or may bring-, weighty conseiuene> s with it. It jiistities, for thes.- -rLasoiis, and on these grounds, what otlurwise might ik v. r bn thought of. liy negotiation with a foreign pow- er, Mr. Jtffersoii obtained a province. With out any alteration of our constitution, we hav« made it part of the United Stales, ami its Senators and Representatives, iiuw coming from several States, are hen among us. .Sow, sir, if, instead of being l.ouisiaiia, his i.ad Dcen one of th. provinces ofSjiaiii proper, oi mie of her South-.Vmericaa colonies, he must have been a madman, that should have proposed such an acquisition. A high co.iviclion of its conxenieiice, arising from proximity, nu i Irom close natural connection, alone reconciled tiie country to the measure. Con.sidcratioiis oi the same sort h.ive weight in otlu r eases. An honorable member from Ki ntucky, (Mr. Wickliffe,) argues, that allhougli we imght and language, with the jieople ol the U- ^ it remembered, that our government was i rightfully, j)revent anotln r power from t.iking niled Slates ; that the policy disclosed by > contending, in the course of thiscorres- if Spain should choose to make the volunt.iry transfi r, I B F.STKC TFUI.I.Y informs the citizens of I 8 Charlotte and its \ icinity, that he has coni- iloor north of Nli\ n\'iriTs’^store 'where Vu''so^ P-diry jealousy, (rom j footing as the olher Soulh-Ainerican ! let us first wi ll consider what oui rights are, licits a share of" public patronage. Clocks an.l' glorious an exam- Slates. To enforce this claim, our known | and not commit ourselves. And sir, if we have Watches will be rejiaired at the shortest notice and w arranted to keep time. CharlottjL', May 17, 18JC). .ItHG the message, became a great, a Iree, and ipond^nce with Mexico, for an equality niake the volunt.iry transter, we f -iti . I .1 . I I • . !• T • • . should have * no right whatever to interfere.— f, an incapuiucnt iia.ion , a cl that he hop. | ,n mal.ers ol commerce. Il insisted on , .lislinction without a diliereuee.- t' r.. "““‘'I I)i evenied I being placed, in this respect, on the same , ,j- are lively to have tont- ntion al)out Cuua, ' “ ' ‘ footing as the olher South-Ainerican I let us first wi 11 consider w Slates. To enforce this claim, our known j and not commit ourselves. Iricndlv seniim-'nls towards Mexico, as “"y right to interfere at al uc-ii as , iK. of ,i.c S,.„.s, . 1::; i''L’ Vov ^ rpiIK subscriber ofters i regard lo 1 for sale a valuable ^ iHsitractof I.and,onaccom. j commit U moieiting term.s, which, lies in the lowir part of Iredell counly iii-ad w aters of Uocl- y Klver, adjoining the lands of ti. S. Houston, Ik nianiiii I'lri vard and others, and containing .57«.’a'Tes. The saiil land is of good quality and wi 11 waii Ved, both as to s])rings and lirunehes. Ot the laiul now in cro|), amount ing to 4') or a-Tes, the most of it is well in.i- niired and will produce corn, cotton (;r win at, 1 ierence to us. in s'.iifKient cpiaiitity to abjindantly coni|)cnsate t!ie hiisbandin.in tor hi?' labor. l-'.\pi riment has p:'o'. I ll tli.it It i>i j)i culiai-!\ adapltil to receive l.r^at and permanent henel.t trom manure.— ■| he re is (ll^ it.a large piJi tion ot low gr umls, ( t' c xcellent ipial.ty, 'itlnr for meadow .r p:is- tii'.'e, 10 or IJ acres of w hit'h ari' in goixl order and have been mow ed for :i innnOi r ot' y ears. 'I'lie ])riiu'ipal d'a elling'lK'ii'.e is large and com- modioiis, w lil( !i, with a little aihlitional i \peiise, might be made I'omfortable and eon\ eiiieiit t \ en lor a l.irge family. 'I be silu.iiion 111 w hi( h it stands is probablv ( fjiial to aii\ in this or the ad jacent eoiintii s- Tiiere 1-. .1 \v ell of good v. a- ter convenient to t!;e ho'i^e, and a large, iertile gard.en. 'f'lier'' are t w o iniprovements on this tract, which w ill be sc h! to;.M'ther or si'jiara'i ly , to soil ])Urchasers. It would hi- a desirable place of residenc- for a n ember of the i-.nife-.- sion c)f J.aw ('r a l*li\sirian. luing in a respeet- atjle and populous neiglnitrhiiod, an 1 at nearly .in I qual distance from li\ e .surrounding \ iila;.'i s* It is iiniu cessary togi\i a iurthi r deserqition of this 1 Old, as tiiosc , no doubt, v. l-,Iiing to pur chase. will view the j)ren.ist s. I'nr terms, ap ple to the siiijseriber, li\in^ a miles north of Concoid, Cabarrus countx. A. c. M'ln'.r,. N. !?• .\pprove.l cash note":, net;ro' ■, or note-, !ifiVi'l.i.i'”'e and p:i\able at the (diari'.'.te Hank, 1 will b( received in pavment. A. C. -M. I K,tf ’ honor t j It is doubtless true, as I took occasion ! to o!jser\e the olher day, tiut iljis derlar- I alion must be considered as founded (^n I our rights, and to si»ri!ig- mainiy from a Iheir preserv atioti. Ii did not us at a!l events tc; take up arms, ^ I on any iiulicatu.n of hostiie feel!n),^s by onlheltlie pcjwersol l'.uro])c.‘ towards Sc;iith .A- merica. II, for cxani;Je, all tlie Slates c;l l-.ui'oj)e f.ad refused lo trade with South .\iiuM’ic,i. until her State-. sliC.uli] retarn lu tlieir former ai'egiarice, that would have fuinisiii-d no cause cd iircr ,i!ii Or if an annanii iit had ' been fui nished by the allies to ac t agaiMs provinces the most remote lrc;in us, us (,’hili or Hiicnos .\yrts, ihe dislance d lli>‘ settle of action diiiiinishitig our aj)- prc.hetision cjf d.inger, and climini^limg .list) c>ur Kicijis f-rtl;vc!iial inlerjiositicjti, migbl still have lel’l us to cotilenl oiir- seUes willi reinonstrunre. Jiiit a verv (litVeient ejse would have arisen, if an ui-- iiiy, ecjuii'pi d and niaitil'ained by these po'Aers, had !)eeii landed «jii the shores of the liulph of .Mexico, and comnifiiced the war in our ov. n iminediale neighbour hood. Such all event might justly lie re garded as dangerous lo ourselves, and. oil that ground, to have called lor decid- i*d and !iunu'dia'e inlerferi tice by us. all, it applii s as wi II as to that of a fbrci- , I , 1 •», arc not suggestecl-atiu pro’)C-rly suggested. A*cx- pu.stion of right, in tliaf war; we must acknowledge , in both parties, the iinitu- al right of attack, and the mutual right of con quest. It is not for us to stt bouncls to the ir beMigerant opiratic)iis, so lojig as they do not i-co was reminded of the Hiiiely declara tion which had been made of these sentiments. She was reminded that she herself had been well inclined lo claim the benefit resulling from tlial de claration, when a i''rench Heel ajipeared in Ihe neighbouring seas ; aiicl she was referred lo ihe course adopted by our gov- ei'iiiiierit on lliat ficcasion, with an inli- malion lhal she iui!;!ri learn from il how ame roveriiiiient would ha\e acted U if (jiher possible i ciiitingencies had haj 1 peiied. W'lial is lliert', in all this, of any lericwed plc'dge, ov what is then; of any tliMi;- !>c-y(Hid i!ie liue line ofour policy .- Do i:"ntleiiien inran to say llial the com- municali;n made Icj I’ranc.c', on this oc casion, was inijiroperr Do they mean affi et ourselvis. Oiir right to interfere, sir, in aii\ sucli caSe, is l)ut t!ie exercise of the riglit. of reasonable and necessary self-defem i . ft is a. high and lb licate exercise of that right; one ikjI to h» made but (;ii grounds of strong- and manile st n ason, justice, and necessity. 'J be; real question is, wluthcrtlie possession ofCn ha hy a great loaritina powi r i/f Kurojie, would seriously eiu angi r our i.w n imni'diate sc curi ty, or OUI essenli.il intc rests. I pul 'hc' cpu;'-- tion, sir, in the language' (f sniiir of the be.-t (oiisidiTCil state paj) rs.cjf mode rn tiim s. T(io gc'iieral rule c>f national law, is uiicpii stionablv against inte rfere ncc-, in i1k- traiisa' tions of ; ther State s. I he re ai'i', however, acknow ledged e xce-fjlions, grow ing enit of .c ireiimst ir, CC S and founded m those circumstanci s. '1 In i- to repel and repudiate' that cleclaration f exe c ptions it has be n justly s.tiel, cannot wit!, riial dci'htralie^n was, that we (.ould not daiige r, l>- re.-dnced to pn \'.ous nil.-, an i see Cu!)a Iransl'eired from Sijuill lo r“'‘-''n'“'‘‘tel intothe ot.liuary diplomacy e.fmi. it,..I. l-'.i. ir .1 II I turns. Ne verlhcdi sss. tin v do i .\i.sl, an I mu-. tlic‘1 l.ui0[i-an I'jwe . i the House L • i 1 r . ■ .1 • . * . ... I Jiidg« d of, vshe.ithev r;se', '.m’Ii a Iiist 1C- mean lo (e^nt 1 ac!ict that be it so. Jl 0 | garil to our own e .sen'ti.il inlerestit, hut m a do not, i:u'n,as ;bc- government had ad- s|Hnt of strict jn.sticc a.id deli.-acy also tow aid:: c‘d propel ly in this case-, it did lurnish grcxiiici to !;ei:eve il would act j)rc»perly, ises, when tlie-v arcjsi'. also, in other foreign States. 'I he ground of the se c\ce']itIons 1.-:, .".s I i.a\, self preserv atie)ii. ft is IlcA ; idreadv stated. \nd the pM I'eie nce lo this incident or oc- ' injury to our mtere.sts; it in not even a ciiriinc'c' ijy the Secri-tary, was pertinonl The setiliiueiits and tlie policy annouii' c-d | to the ai guineiil which lie was pressing by 1 he cleciara!ion, thus understood, w i i e iheiel'o!e, in st 1 ict cejiilormiiy tej ourdu- lies atid our Dderesl. Sir. 1 look cjti tlio message* of Decem- ')C!-. Ih^.l, as foriiiiiig a bright p.,;^e i;i Oiir hislcji y. 1 will Ueit her help |(> e-rase . i:. or lear i' out : nor shall it Ir* by uuy ' act id tiiitii'. idiirred eir blei'ted. It did' the '-aga' !ty f;t tlie (iovet ir-ic tit, , on ihe .Mexii all government. 1 have lii-re a w ord to say on the sul of the declaration against liuropean col- • Jiii/.ation in .\meric a. 'The late Presi dent M-ems tci liave thought the occasicjii usee! by him lor thal jiurpose to be a [)i'o- (.•pen avowal of a prim i- V. li iur at liiis Okcc, jcljvaicd distiii;;'i;sh lliaf hwr:o'-. 11 iM- c'ij ^iul g! uliiieu '.i.e J):;' per one- li>r ll;i' pie wl'.ii.h had already been acte'l (■real and piailieal incoii\eiiieitci i;rc-ut inccuiveiiie iic-i, th .1 make s out a case rhere must be dang' T to our security, or dan ger, manifest and iininiiieiit dange r, to ovir es seiitial rights and our e ssential in‘i’v st. Nov.. Jiect •** ‘ 1 need hardly refer t'> . , 1 its pr. sont amount c;f commercial coniua'tie.n with the I nited States. Our statistii al faidcs. I presunie, w ould show us, that oiir coinTm ; witli ttie Havana alone is more in amount tli.n, j our ubeile con'iiicrcial intirconse witii I'rance- and all hi r de|)endencics. Hut tliH is hut one ill j was learcd, i.uglil be apprcl.MKled, IVoiii, J: i:;:: , -.1C t ubhSiiMlC;. '■'1 Iiew ccdctues in .V-' Iliyi-.’MUJC pOAer. V. .I'alJ b'. S' 1' i j [ url of the case—not the n.eist iinpc.i tant, Cu- { iia, as is 11 said in the l.’i fn :■! i.t the Cnnin.it- in till me,i;thof e-n J.y a stron^ ^bc fii'St c\

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