CiUIlLOTTj:, X. C. TIESIJAV, JULY 1, 182G. [NO h8. M'FKKLY 15V LKMI Kl. lilMifIAM, IT TIIIItK 1MM.L.AIIS A YKAH, I'AIII I> AllVANrK. No pujjor will 1h> (liscdiitlnMcd, unless at tlic ■lisrr»1.«)!) (It titf iilitor, until ;ill :irrcur:ig'es un paid. Aiivkktisk'iknts will lie instTlcil it the usual Vitos. 1’i.Tsons scmlih,;; in ailvi itisem«"ut.s, lii'c tvi’m sU tl In iidlc oil the iiKii’g-in liio iiunil)cr tif kiis( III:-, or the)' will be Continued lU'.til f’orhid, hiul ciiarj^ed acconlinirly. All persons indebted to me by book ac- coMhts. w ill |)lease l all and settle their ae- rouiits 1)V c.isli or n-ite. I would prct'ev tiie isli ; but a note will do, pro\iiled 1 liave some securit\ ot reecivin;'; |>a) nient in a reasonable time-.' I li ive tnken iulo >'iew the pn ssure of the times. anl a n di -posed to iji\ ( every indul gence I II I. eoiisi^tt lit witli iny situation. I hiipt- til's ii!>ii !• w ill ()'' attended to, as it is .li" iiri’'‘e.' Iv: lor ii\e lobe comi)tHod to make colK-e'ion tort i d v. SAML. M’COMl!. n.arhnr. M„,i ir, i«:g. t'i89. VwbWe V'a\\ (*yA *a\ua\ou\. Tn K 'Ubscribcr inrornis bis tViend.s aiul tlie nublic, that he h:is ])',ireha-rd ti.;.t well know n cstaldisliment, lateiy owp.eil ;uul oceupi- ccl b\ Dr 11 (■ iidt rsou, and is now jjn pured U) eiitert lin lr:utdl' is aiul others, who in:i_\ ])le;th( to e:i'! '1 . iViih ; ;ind no e\i I'lions wdl lie spared tl) r It - V tlie.ii c(Miirort.ibk-, and tluir stay a- grt ■ :i !Ilis lal)le will he I'lirnishiHl with vv- \ iricty nhicbthe eountrj'uHbrdis; his bar wiih the In .st of li([U(ns; and his stables with (ill !;t i f provender, :.nd earei'ul ser\iuits will te ui eiiiistaiit attendanct.. UOHKHr I DINKINS. ( havlotte, April * 8U (^j’The (.'ainilen .lounial will insert the above tliree weeks, and forw ard his account for pay iiieiit. ~~\ v>w;v^\vv>vv^ v\ ^ FOR SALE. X " ILL SKLL, on ac- ® eonimodatinj^ terms. V vlituc of a (h-i rc 1i nn the Court of K- f ([uity, held on (h. I'/th uu\ of May ultimo, at the (’ourt-llouse in (.h irlottc, 1 shidl seil at public aueti.iii, on the IJlh d:i\ of .hdv next, at the Court-:ioum; (1(,or, and'on a ciVdit oJ twelve liKUith-., the where .lohn lloyl, di-r’fl. ior’.ht rl_\ resided, iind now ofcu[;ird hv \\ ash- inn’ton Moi i’isiiii, r,s(|. ; toi^ethc r v. itii \'.\ isni,dl tracts of laiul adjoiniii;;' the lov n. liond-. and appr .ved security will !h requivid. I'lTili- r paltieulars made known on ih,-, liav, it i required. THo.S. i,atitvi::,i tir ,S. I'. Charlotte, June 1, \i-,ZCi. ' Hr.* YVovisvi oi’ \'a\\V^!y\vvV\ivvv\^iv(, VND sta'^'c House, at the sifjn of ihc in ('harlotti.', Nortb-Cari'lina, b\ lal.'f) KOIir.lM' V. AT'^ON. VvV\WI\V Y ’s Y \e \ \IY s. rs r I>1 r.l l!-m’.D,'and f.^s.deat Ihis(,f. fice, “ >>inetures on a Ixiok, i iititlcd, ‘ An Apol,o.n-y for the Itook of I’sidms, !,\ (idi>irl ^lc^laster.’ 'I o w hii b are .iddrd, lirinai 1%'ou a hook, [by AlexaniK-r tu'idonj i-ntill. il • I h'- desig'n and use of the l!o>k of I's'diiiN.’” Il_\ Henu^ IJrnNtii, A.M. With an Apju ii iix. by >L II.SIIN, pastor of liuck} Ui\» r aiul I’hiladelphia. ,all Houses a-.’.d l.ots *^v/ -i vk« "1 Charlotte,^ Ncn!i I airl.iia, twcnty-two in nunibcr, four of them eoinfortably improved, tog’ether with my two story dwillins^-house and tan\ard, all in jTooil repair. .\l»o, a good siiiitU farm, 'on\en- ient to town. I’ersons w ho are desirous of pur- ehasmp, w ould do w ell to call and ^et j^ood bargains, as I wish to remove to the W t sl in Uie full. \Vn.LI.\M HL DISII.L. Charlotte, N. C. March Jl, 18^6. ointSy k;\vv\i‘ V)i* ^un\\v-V.'ivviAiwu, Mrcklt'nl)U)-r Couufij—.Vt.v.s/u.'j.s', 1HJ6. John I’atterson j I'S. f Orii^inal Attachment, Wm. Smith and wife, T h \ud on a negro man ] Fdi?;al)etii Smith. ' nimieil I’at. I'I' is ordered by Court that advertisement be made six weeks, in the Catawba .lournul, for the defendauts to aj)j)ear at the term, LS'Jti, and there to n i)levy, otherw ise judi^'-iiient will be elitend ai^aiiist them. ISAAC AI.KXANDLH, c. m. t. _6t91__ oV tVivY\\\-CaYiAiua, Mccldfiihiaf^ Countij—^//^ 1S?6. Janies (Jlark i v-1. Orit^iiial Atlacinnent, levied Samuel Smith, j on a lu ^ro man uamcil Israel. IT is ordered by Court that publication tie made six weeks in the Catawba Journal, for the defendant to ajipear and plead, or judj^ment will be had ag-ainst him ut the Aujrustterm, 1HJ6. ISAAC AIJ'AANDKI,’, c m... U AS HI NOTON, M,\y 30. Wo lake advantage of the first mon>ent of leisure lo review, very brieily, but we hope with ull ridelity luul candour, the l)rocec(liiuj;s of Con.Ljrcss ilurini; ihe ses sion, which has just terminated. A va riety oC circiinistances united to fix pub lic lUlenlion and expcctatiun on the course and coiiduct of the IQti) Conijress, and nioio i)articularly on its first session. Like all tin; sessions which imtnedialely succeed a I'l esidential election, it was to !)'• pre-unu'd. tliat this session would ex- Iiiliit blighted hope a))d disa])pointed ex.- i.'f.cia)ions, so kiniij solace as well as stii.‘n;.;-ih in any alliances, however nioii- s'l ous atid unnatiu al, on which hope and cxpcciatio!) might fix tiieir dyintj grasp, and to which they could cling through all till* agonizing processes of dissolution, i'l'is alo?u;uas suflk ietit to conccntrale public allenlion on the late sessioti ; and V. h( tl we take into \iew all the circum stances of the last elcciion which deleat- ed I be schenics, persona! atul policticul, of a thousand young Hotspurs, wh > could SI e nolliitig less than black i"i!.juity in ai'.y I ircunistaiices whicli couKl throw tiuni into oh'srurity ; wlieu we Imil; also tile strength of the various pat lies, tt'Tidiii;.;-. as tiiey evi.ler.'.Iy w;.Te I'efure l!i(' sessioii. to a lu lerogem (>us union fui* the purpose of ('jipcsiiig ihe constiui'.ioual cliiif who had liecn elected ui iiostdly to their V. isises and iiiiercsls ; it iii'is' be ob vious the peu-.iir were p:’('p;'.red lo It thus appears that five weeks were spent in discussing the Judicial Bill in the House of Uejjreseiitauves, which bill was afterwards iniiejinitchj postponed:—se- ve/i w»eks were devoted to the debate on the Constitutional amendnienis. from the further consideration of which the Select Committee was ultimately disrharged, v'ith- ont comini' to any result :—four weeks were occupied in disputation on the restrictive aniendnientof the resolution of the Coin- niitlee on Foreign AlTairs relative to the mission to Panairia, which was finally re jected, and the appropriation bill passed without reference to any resolutions ;— two weeks were allowed lo the claims of the revo’utionary ofTiccrs, which were Inid on tl e tahk :—so that eighteen \veeks out of the tn:enty-fnur weeks, comprising the session, have been monopolized in the discussion of questions which have pro duced no efiicient result; or, in other words, in abortive legislation. Wlih reference to the proceedings in the S(‘nate, a few remarks will suHice. During the earl) part of the Session, it was tlic prartice of lhat body lo sit only fourdays days in a week. The first pub lic measure of importance on which il acted, was that which arose out of Uie nomination of ministers to Panama, by ilie Presidetit ot tiie United States. Here, as on the same question in the House of Representatives, the Opposition ! look its stand. From this chosen posi tion, by mutual understanding, a concert ed and combined movement was to be made against the admitiistralion. To give ifTect to this extraordinary combination \iawi\ VoY ^vv\e. TIIK subscriber off'cr.s for sale a valuable • traf't of J .and, on accom- _ [moil'tiiig term.'?, wliich.^ lies in Vliv lowtr part of Jredell county, on the hi-ad w .ters «if lh)ci- \ Hivcr, adjoining the lands of li. S. llohston, h. njamiii I’.revard and otlu r.s. £iil containing 'u Z arr.s. 'I'he said lanil is nt food q'i.dii) and well w alt rrd, both^is lo springs ':.nd briiic lies. «*l the land now in crop, a’.iunint- hig tw i-) or 50 acres, the most of it is well m.^- i.und Mild will produce corn, cotton or whrat, in suffieieiit (pi;intit\ to abunilantly compensate the liiisban(iriian for his labor. Kxpi-riinent lias proven that it is pecidi.irly adapted to receive fn at and pt rm.iiu lit benefit iVoin manure.— Thi ri. is on it a large portion of low gr uiids, fif exci lU nt qiialii', either tor meadow or paS' turc, \'J or 1 J acres of which are in good order and havi- been mow ed fi.r a number ot years J'he principal dw i lling-house i^ large* aiul com Viodioiis, wlij'. h, with a littK-additlonal e\pen»e, i..\i;ht lie nmde roii.fort ddi- and eoii\eiiii iit even foi^i large famd\. 'I’be situation on which il ft.iiidh is probahly (.([Ual to aii\ in this ir the .id jact lit eountiv.s- 'I'lure i.s a well ot good w a- ti ,■ ( unveil.cut to the house, and'a large, tci-lilc p..rdeii. i i'.i ri are two iinpr'isi-nu nts on ibis tr.ict, wIiK’b will he sidd togellu r or si paratv;ly. Id suit put I t IS. tl woukl l)e a (Usirable Jil.ict of rr-MiKiici till" a member (>t tlie profes sion of l. iw .or .1 IMi'mc,:.'., being in a k '.pcct- .'iiile and populi'us m iidi ioi hood, aiil al nearly Ml equal dist iiH - tr(,m (is e siivroundiiig \ illageb. It is IIiiiieiessary to give a tur'her di scriplion t.t Ibis land, as tiioscno do'ibt, w i'.hing to ])ur- f'iiase, w ill ^ il V, the ])reuiisi. s. I'or 1 eriiis, ap- (d_v to the !-ul>scri'i( r, li'. ing j n'iiU;s luirlh of I'oncoi'd, Cabjri'Us couiilx. A. C. M’KKF.. N. Pi. .'\p;>vo\ii! c.sli imti m-i^roi.^, iirnoti.s Ml :;i>lia!)lf and pa\ab!e a', thi. Cli irlolte I'ank, M.ll i.i- i\'»i\id in paui.eiit, .\. C. .M. uV .VuvV\\-VuviA\uu, 1 rcd 'l! t 'mni' \. f'l’nf (f Pir r^fi/,-' (^itai h r 'v sv-'r. I Jnih ■,». is:-. ,-•( ir- I'aei.-i 'o sliew iM-i' w l._\ Ibe I'e.d eslaU 'i" le ir, l,,v. cf', ..i ;ii'. d.i'^ r.-sed should iiol Udliani vt' ..vt, I sold to s,iti-t_. the [daitr ' c ras. 1. j lid '.s juil.^nu i,t. j I M'P iii' .N’i)YV\v-V>cVYu\\uvi', Mvckluibur^ Ccninfi/—3fni/ S('t.,\ioiis, LS2f). John Springs ^ Original .\ttachnient, levied IT is ordered by Court that publication be . made six weeks in tlii’ (,'atawba Journal, for the defendant to ajipear at the next August term, 1826, and to rejilevy, otherwise judgment will be ent red against liim. ISAA( \I.K\ANDL1{, c. m. c. ri^gui'u ilio I'oi.i 'd t. ' Mr l Ojirt seiitai i\es ‘ ihe Senate .spettl live or six weeks, with during this eveutit:! . i ,l lOi'. w i.U j .-Icir^cd doors, in angry and stoi mycrint- ihan ordinary intere:st. In anollier poinf of \ lew , liu’ \u'A •'Cs- sion was regarded a'l of nii're tiiuu oi’flin- ary imporiaitce. It was well k;nwn that our expanding len itors, oi.r mtiUipiyiiig population, our growing tnmtiurLe, {Uir Some weeks before the conclusion of the present session, it will be remember ed that a Committee was ajipointed to se lect the most iniiiortant measures fioni the mass of public business, with a view lhat these should Tje acted on by the House before any other business was eall> cd up. Independent of reports of C >m- mitiees w'hich were made the order ot the ilay, that Cotnmiltee made out a list of aI)out 177 bills which were to havft priority. Of these 177 bills, about 60 are left untouched : i xclusive of which, >ve believe there are aliout twenty bills from the Senate. 'I'lic Committee re commended that (til the business- in the four first classes should be “disposed of this session.” About forty bills in these classes remain unacted on. It is true these bills will have priority in the orders of the day for the next session; but as that session has a constitutional limit. Si as all the great measures of ibis session will, if acted on at all, be taken up al the next session, de novo, and discussed over again, there is but little chance that the applica tion and good management of the second session of t!iis Congress can redeem the indisposition to l)usiness and unskilful nuinagfrricnt txhibited in the first Journal. CIIICULAU TO POST MASTERS. Voit Office DeiHirtiuent, 27lh MAY, 1826. Sir; Complaints have been lately made of delay and sometimes loss of Newspa pers sent by mail. These may I)e at tributable in some cases, to the careless manner in which papers are prepared for the mail, but, in others, they are be lieved lo arise from the inattention or inaUon Cii the one part, and firm and, , . r u . m . i. • r i .u * n,:,nlv .U-lVnrc on da! ^u.Vr. The „om-bl'*'!.''',° -"“J"-*' ..,a.K,us were ultimatclv confirmed. Of someoflhemaresororgr.fnlollluirduty, 111! t!io olher acts of the Senate, but little cun !)(' said. The bankrupt bill was laid un tiie table. A party in the Senate ap- tncreasing nianuLiciuics, and the profli- j peared lo lie intent upon laying the terri- giotis improveiiuMiis which industry am! i ble ghost wiiich seems lo have haunted _ I- ' 1 . ! . I * . L - . 1-. 1 ^ II . ! . ^ - t- .. K ^ ! genius have wrosiglit in our vast and va- ibat body all tlirougli the session, called liid soil, and its infuiile variety of pro-; Kxccutivt J-'f(ronir:r, This dreaflful phan- ductions—lhat all these, and the numer- ' loin has proved itf; lut:d to the wisdom o! ous conilicling claims and in;erests uris-J tbe Sei^ate, as to its digtutv. Mr. Hratich ing out of all, ihtew iiilo llie hands of 1 resolved il to be a moiislrou.s, horribic Con^tcss, a laljour and a rcsiion'ibiiity. I sprite— of which it was presumr-d that elevated . “Cui lumen adomptuin.” body was sensilile, atid IVoni the cotisci-1 Mr. Randolph, to ]j:o\cMr. IJranch wrib entiotis ainl active discliargt of which :t j correct, talked incessantly for some three on a IK j^ro bn named rlaiiler, i would not shrink. The i>eopIc, e\ery or four weeks, to show lhat all the great Samuel Smith. J 11 years old. i w here from Maine to the Floridus, from nien whom the country had heretofore the Atlantic to the Western froniicr-, rc-1 delighted to honor were no better than posed coniidence in the men they appoint- j selfish and designing knaves ; lhat there ed to represent them ; it was the duly of had been no honest men in times past tbese representatives to look to the vari-j but the old gentleman who brought him eiy of great trusts commiited to them, ; up, standing “/« loco parentis:” that the and, forgetting private motives, and per- only man fit to be the next President is sonal diilerences of opinion, to act \\ ilh a I General J ^cKS0N ; and lhat he would not single eye to the wellare and the wislies j vote for him if his party did not curb Ex- ofiliat great people whose agents theyiecutive patronage and defeat the Bank are. W’e do not say that they have not; rupi bill. Mr. Henton, to lest the feel- i>V •VuvU\-V^t\YiA\ua, JlLcl:/m‘'iu'!' L'uniitii—Stssivns, *1826. P. Harring(.r \ Alt.i| hnu nt leviil in the 7-.S. Chtiiids 0^' Kli Sprihg.s, and him Sanil. I'. Love. J summoned as garnishee. !T is ordered by Court lint ])ul)hcation be iTiadr .six Weeks in thr Catawlia .louriial, for the di feiidant to appear at the next August term, 1826, lobe held for this (ouiiIn , and there to i\ ple\ _\, (Uherwlse jiidgnKiil w ill be entered against him. ISAAC AFJ-XANDKH, c. m, c. in ji J.-, .'■,li:i Str w.r/t rm^- til 1(11. ■ I. ,1 aim- ■ ;i I't . .Hid Mo >t s Sll V 'Mit, ari; li'il ihhiiti I'diT oii'i I'l 1. tlia' li:oi|l lls III I !ir I at I >d ilrli lid.lil’ ' aj)l)'-M' . ' II' id tor t!ic eoiiiilv 111 -11 iM'-r i n St.ilesv ill'', itiif.u tKill o! the (’oilvl, Tbonia-' i .ei eh and his lirli's, defi-ndaiits ant:, of this M.ite : It is I'uldii arioli bf liuu'.r lor .lui.l llai, ,.t tbe II' of Irrd, till \t court I, at th. ,\I iMida\ '1 .V ii\ SOII'I .'.ttonu \ ot S.iid C 'Ml'l, ill' i’ "'"11. ami file tlieir ailsu iT, olhiTui-i tin 'll (i will !|.-ard i'\ p.ii-ie and b.i'e judg- I, :1s tl) tiicii;, jU’O COiili ssO. 1 K. s.|>io\r(,)N, rv.v. '"I 'l —cc > 1- Ih- i\crv i!!'v '.'till 0 '.i' tho Jnt.rn^l. •\\»vVV\-Vuvu\\mv, Mcrh'lnilnir;! ('uvuhj—May Sisfilons, 1826. James Cowan i .\ttachment K \ied in-thc j>. \ hands of H'.h Spi'ings, and him Sami. V. Love. ^ ^'‘■'■"'‘wiied us gari.ishcc. I r is ordered by Ciuirt that pulili' ati'-^ti be niadi- six weeks in the ('ata^i l>'a .lonrii d, for the defeiidiinl to ajipear at tin ne\t Aufiisl term, 182(’, aiul tin re to 'I'ln rwi.r juilgnii'ut will be entered ij^ain-t Imn. ISAAC ALK\ \ND! tr, . . 'i. i , ing of the Senate, inarfc a rej)ort to show that this patronage is of the most terrific character, and brought in six bills (we believe there are six of them) to lake a- way all I''xeculive inlUience in the I’ost Otlice, the .Vrmy, the publication of the Laws, &c. These bills will be fertile so acted ; we shall conreni ourscives with giving a brief rc\ieu' of ihe jiroceedings of Congress during tlielatc session, and leave our readers to lurm their own con clusions. 11 is well known to all wlin are conver sant with legislative history, that the first four weeks of llie session are usually oc cupied in the m.iiuri'ng, in cfMiuuiltees, oi ii\easnrc.s w hic.h are lo be sulisequently should ihey ever be calleil up. acted on in the two Houses.—In iLis in- ipi(Mit stage of the session, ihe Juchiial )5ii!, ihe bill lor the relief of the surva- iiigidlKers ed ihe revolutionary army, I'he hill I'or the pi fv alion and i;iv i'l.zalion as to consult the convenience of contract lors on horse rnites, by retaining a part of the packets when the mail is so large lhat thr usual number of bags cannot contain it. Others, it is said, being more culpabh’, retain newspapers to read them. A moment’s reflection must con- vit»re every Post Master guilty of either of these charges, lhat he trifies with the obiigulion imposed by his oath of oflice, and s'houid be held responsible for such gross violation of duty. Publishers of New'spapers and their Subscribers, as well as Post Masters, are requested lo report to the Department, all irregularities in the reception of pa pers forwarded in the mail, and an as- suraifce is given that where the irregu larity shall be iiroved to have been pro* duced by the negligence or design of any contractor. Post Master, or Clerk, ih® most eflectual steps shall be taken lo pre* vent its recurrence. It is often of as much importance to the public, and always as essential to the reputation of the mail,' that Newspapers should be as speedily and safely transmit- ed, as Letters ; and an individual who is inattentive to the former, is unworthy of being trusted with ihe^latter. He is a stranger lo that bigb ine.entive to duty, whicii arises from an ardent desire to e.l- cvate the ciraraeler of the Oepartnient, Flic amendnmiS made by »!ie Senate in the .iudicial liill, was fatal to that nirasiit'c. I'he course which that body took in the first instance, by od/iLnng lo ( its anieiiilment, and r(d'u.sing the reijuest vA* •VuYlU-V.'uvoWaA. JjiiK'dlii ('(,;iii1 \ . ’Superior ('oii)i of Lan\ Jj ,,, i‘ ’i' Samuel IJeatv anI lils will. S: ll\. j I’e'li.. r.:! li. ]..liii '. IIM and l.ui \ liov f, Nancy 's I’e- becea, William John I.i/a- wav, iniiioi’s, b^' till r liu iru.aiij /itndDifc iiiiuil\, John Davenport, \\ illi.tni I):iM n ])ort W I I)a\enj)!)!t, heirs ut law ot Will. D.a'.i. iqjoi I, ! r ap])i a! in;;' to the hiTe faction of t!u ( I'liri. that .lohn !)av eiiporl, one of tlu' di tcndaii' ■■ in this case, is not an inhaiillaiit ol this ^'tate ; It i-, tlierefore, (,rdcird l)_\ •:oiirt, that |>uldii a- tion be made in the (Jat:*w Ija .loiirmd three tiiiii's V. ithinsix weeks, ing iiol ice to tin said .lolin l)a\i liport lliht be :i])|)e,ir Im lore the .lllilge ot our Siijicrior Comt of, at the next loint lobe held for l.intoln eount_\, at the Coiirt- llousein l.inciilntoii, (.nilhe Uh Monday after the 'Ilh .'Iwiid.iv of Nepieiiilnr hex’, then and till I'e to sIk.w cause, if aii_\ he has, \', h\ parti tion 'Jiould not be made accorvling to law, of two trn.'ls'if land Ivintc in l.iiicolii i oun1_\, one ('I 2-iO aer> s and the iiihei'uf 2i)j acres, of v, iiieh the >aid W illiam l).i\ i iijjoi I died leased .iiid pus s' -.ed, otin r\i iM the said |)( lil'on w ill be taki ii pro eijiil'es'.o. and adjudged a cerd.ini; l_v . Witms->, l,;!’As(iu II' ndi r-Dii, ( K rl; (I'i the sa'd Court at I .ini uliilon, t!ie Itb N!oiul;'\ afti r ihe Itn ’.loada} of M,.ta b, \.J). It'Ji>. ami in the ,VUll \earot the I ndep'lidelice et liu: I nited Stall';. I.V\v>ON lilA!)!.i;-ON r>i*YA\\0\V i>\\ J1 s r iiu’idi ,hed. price 12Jcei\is“ A si i iiion on the mcr*. ” Hy J-L (.^ t. vi.i,'w i.ti, A. W Ww •\U>Ui‘\4U‘LV nd Ini' ''.de ,.t this (lii i-i di' 1,'ie Indian Ir.bts, ihir a'.neufim«‘n(s pri'iis-'ieii to tne-Constilulion of the I e, led Males, the Hankriiiil Jiill, , iid d'oir bills of or' if general and lueal mtei'ef;! we! 0 diet sU .1 and prepared. 'Ihe liilb lie w sp. eilii'd, with the sub; rl ol ii.e',.')!i t ) r.inaina, consMiiiti d J'O in; tin.sincss of the ses'.ion. let u.s ee i;Ii ulrat enicie!;cy legi.sluu . e i; . • r ;i 0..S ':eeii brotiglil lo bear ii;; )ii ll'.t n;. t't; I'le :‘.!i of.laiiuary, iIk; d.'i n ■s;, j n ■li ■ Ifili eoiMTiiein ed ,.,n I on 'J;!' ' 'I? it pu‘,si (1 tlie Jlou>e, occiipvi.’ti- \ liii the tiiiie eo:!Siiined in dijLussuig liii' a i.ietidinrnt of llie Si luite, ,hout /.r/’ week: ol llie a'.'n.'iilion of lh;j l!niise. I' l»ill was s.ueeedetl !'V the ('iseu.-,sion of tin j)roj)Os;u(uis of ,Mr. M'Dtiilie to ameud i!;e Conslitiitif'ti. whieli consuuie I ihe next si'i rn weel.s of ti'.e .'-ession. 'i’he dis cussion of l!ie aiueiulmt lit lo the repot I (d'tln; coii'.ir.ittee on foreign nd itioii'-, re- iatfve to llieniission to I'aiKunsi, folUnved in its order, and lo this debatewei'ks weie devoied. — W’lu ti this question was ileeided, the claims of tlu> revoluiionary ijfi'iceis wi'i'e broug'il lud'ore a lloiisf ir- • itated by previous collisions of opinion, latigued ui’.u dis( tissioii, and itidisposed .o act harnionlo'.i'ly (ni anv sulijeri ; ihey ■a ere dis]i(.;,ed of in aiioiil /iro weeks ; and ,1 1 (■‘.oltilion hav ing passetl, iixing on tlie 2Jil of May loi- 'lb'..- ailloiirnment id' Con- ,,,1 ess, (he House had only tu'i) weeks It ft io :u:t on all tbe vaiieiv of buMtiess \lueli bad been excludi'd by l!io ull-mo- lop'di/ing ii'ica-'Ures wb.iili w*; l.ayo sue ;! ll'f' otlie;' lluiise b-r a i uufei'ence, I t ijiisideri.i! 1 bad iM ' 111 . fate d' i!ie 1. ■| lie ot!...' .i(.spei tl’ul, i,i dei-iUiiig was and the V Itier.i t: I I’diui. ai.'. 11. incasures w iiu ir were befoK siibiects for denunciation, declamation, j einciency to its op. and invective, duri^ the next session, craUoiis. In llie post oiTii t law, it is provided, :hat, “If any person emtdoyed in any Depariment'd' the Post Oilice, shall im properly detain, dtday, (Miibezzh’, or de stroy, any Newspaiiers, or shall permit any other person lo do the like, or shall o|'»'n, or permit anv other person to open, ;,nv mail or paeket of N'ew'npapers, or .'hall embezzle or destroy tiie same, not !j^iiig directed to «tich pc son, oi hot bc- iTig aiilhoi i:-.ed leceive or open the the Se', ,'v \/;.:re ol a subordinate charae i'.iuu , -uili olVenckr sliail. on eonviction ii;t 'if, pay a 'lUnt no' exre“ding twcn- '.yd ii.irs for e'. ei'\ sui. h, oiVence. ” \i all ol’ficcs wiuTe Nc’.vspajjer:; arc II ca’-fied, and tlie itidispost-j mailed, Post M ibiei u siiould see ibat iliey K l in conceit which iuis been * aie properly pu«. up and liireetcd. ^■on^: ;d by the tiew chararici' of ibe duiu’d be foew aided in th:.' mail, except su' b a'i arc securerlby a substanlial envc- Hi:)e, and have a let^ible 'iuperscViption. If this Mijiinc.ion were st!l,.tlv observ cd, the nnmb'..T of faiiutes would bo greatly reduced. Liuler no cii'cums’.inc(!S, rdiould any parr of the mail be !ilf on a route slit.n of its (k'SlniaMon Ti.n inayalu a\s be avoided, by I’o'-t .Masters al the impor tant olVices, keeping ora; or more extra mail bags. I am, very respectfully, your obedici.’. ,'v \^!.:re of a subordinate ehara' an iiutiK use mu'is ot Idlls is lu' iseiMience of the extt lordinary r\ w’bu b the mania of specch mat. .us l; : tal ’.1 jceeilings of body. iifi it becomes necessary lo in'ro- i’ i£.e, for I'le first linu' in forty ye:M's, res- ol'iiions !\ r ’iio jiurpooe of limiling the iu'inli' i.s iu'"' of di'.i'Ussion in a '>o.'ly hereUd'ore i i. kable for digr.ity and do- cornm ; ol i roieciing il.s o'.vii members from insult from cacli oiber ; of llirowitig i: shielil between a senatorial skindei er r.iid the TPein'iers of the other liranch of the Legislature; and ofi',rotect- itig the cilizcn who avails hitnself of his privile'>;e to witness tbe proceedings of! servant, the Senate, from diri'ct alnise —we say, .HiHN M'I.LAN when il beccme.i necessary to erect ihes*'! 10’* Pi inters will confer' a favor on the fenci.-s to |)reserve social happiness and' Depar'iment, and proliably pro’hote ibe»r the courtesies ol'life, Irom violation, as it ^ own interest, by publishing Uiis Circu- ajipears to have become in the Senate of! lar. ihe U. S. every thinking man will con- — ctirwiili us in opinion, lhat this body | The editor r>f the American Farmer lias ciuitiged its character for the w orse : j estimates the vlio!'.; number (d sheep ij, and wbetber this lie owing lo tbe change' tbe United State'; al mot e than fifteen in its Chair ; or lo the cliane;e in ilMUn tii-! millions, and l atiidly increasing. There bers, it_is ecpiaily votis lo its are 2'', I'.':'2.> .slieei) in tbe state of New fame, equally to be regretted by all who York, and nearly ii nul (juile as many i: value ilic .’'eputaiion of our country. j P*:;iinsvU .itjia.