CHARXiOTTSi jilic surveys. When they shall be belte informed, by those in whom they can [place confidence, ihtir opposiiiou, vvi jiloubt not, will cease. TUESDAY, JULY .25, 1826. We devote a considerable portion of our paper this week. *o the memory ol the illustrious dead, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. By a wonderful dis pensation of Providence, their mighty spirits were released from the clogs of mortality on the same day—a day mem orable and hallowed—the fiftieth anniver sary of our independence—the Jubilc of our Freedom. It was a glorious pri vilege thus to die ! An event so remark able, may well induce the belief, that the approving smile of Heaven attended the labors of these illustrious men^ may well inspire the hope, that the prosperity, the happindss, of our beloved country, are under the special care of the Sovereign Arbiter of nations, and that here, for] ages yet to come,* will be the abode, the resting-place of Freedom. We learn from the Boston papers, thatj Mr. Adams rose on the morning of th 4th, in his usual health and spirits, re joicing that he had been spaftd to wit-| ness the anniversary of that independetice which, fifty years before, he had fearless ly and eloquently asserted, and nobly pledged his life, and fortune, and his honoi’, to maintain. Towards noon, he became ill, and about 6 o’clock, amid the closijig acclamations and rejoicings of his coimu ymen, his spirit took its fligh to a biij^hter and better world, to join hib inituortal co-patriots who had gont before him. A Boston paper gives ‘the following anecdote of the last day of the venerable Adams. His last words are worthy of him :—they show the “ruling passion strong in death and, like the last words of Lawrence, should be consecrated to bis memory. “On tin* Jubilee of Independence, his declining faculties were roused bv the “rejoicings in the metropolis. He en “cjuired the cause of the salutes, and was told it was the fourth of July. He “answered, ‘IT IS A GREAT AND “GLORIOUS DAY!’ “He never spake Mraore.” We had the curiosity to count tht toasts-drank by Gov. Clark’s friends at Monticello, Ga. on the 4th instant, and found the number to be eighty vne .'-13 set toasts, and 68 volunteers. The Raleigli Register thinks that thirteen toasts are as many as any temperate body would wish to drink—we drank 24 in this place, which, consequently, was considtiiably over stepping the bounds of moderation—bui to drink 81, with the thermometer at90, IS a feat worthy the ancient Germans. The landlord who furnished the cheer, must have worn the countenance of sad- nessj and we can easily imagine him rea dy to exclaim, ere the drinking-bout was half finished. My wine alreitdy jUaveyou tapt out, and drunkenly curouscd. Foil THE CATAWBA JOITUNaL. “ PRO BONO PUBLICO.’^ .gca ir :r,o.,hsJ 1 Now it would be no more proper for T ^ ^ ‘‘"'I to aildourcxanipl,L-to tlii'sc precepts; but such,t'^i-pellfci, and we arMiappy to! alas! is the weakness of poor human iiaturt-,*-^-‘y’ in no instance have we htai’d asl that wc dicatl tlu- resistance of our long- imiul-* yet that the remedy has failed in havingl fjcd inclinations to extravagance; however, i^Mlhe desired cfll'ct. I IS nccessun/ w ith us, for u e arc j.oor men, and; have found out, by experience, that a little rtudi/i cash imp.irts uu/re eonifort to our fruil bodies^ ,than all the acquisitions of science ami learn —"’t would sacrilici an iiour's i^leaninjj u jmon^'- the chissics, at any time, for a good break-! fast. Under this inijjression, \vc have come to] the detcniuiiatioii of never seeking" h military promotion, or, in fact, any oflice whatever', which, whiif it conl'ers upon us some empty hon(jr.«, is sure to ilrain from our pockets and our licads the little quantity of solid n.atter it may have found in tliem. \Ve will try hard to keep our greatness to ourselves; to remain in obscurity, and us much as |j0ssible to avoid a prevailing infirmity of the present day, we mcai^ a habit wliiili people have j'ot into of ridintf a broad daily upon a hubht/ of h big /, altcnded b\ me and jnystlJ. The whole posse i(»oks unbe coming in our Vtcw; and we cannot reconcile the practice with either good manners or goo( ^ ‘ (^'huiniia/i. U. B. Z. Secretary. From the Upland Union. To the. Ed'Uor. fSir—i’lu- statement which yon bnve made in your paper of the 13tli ins'an't, with respect t( i,the discovery made by Mr. Aaron [lannum of the eflicacy of tiie Cedar Apple in espeiiinj' worms, has excited"a great deal ofint'-rest a ‘nionj, our citizens; hul tlie facts are not state.i with such precision as to warrant any experi ment by thosi: iho are ij^norant of the precise 'meanin}r of the name ‘‘Cedar Apple or Knot.’’ As Mr. llannum’s residence is not known, a!, thougii } ou state he belongs to your country, .! nhave taken the liberty to address you upon tli Jiy uudwrity of the State of JSorth-Vurijlina, TO ESCOrnACE TUK I’UBIU ATIO.V OF THE IIIS'I OUY OF N'OU'l ll-CAKOLINA. Already have meetings been held in Various parts of the country, to do honor to the numory of those patriots who have just left us ; and these meet ings will no doiibt be general, as they should be, throughout the Union. W'hen such mea die, a nation’s sorrow should be manifested ; a nation’s tears should mingle with their dust. The propriety of calling a meeting of the citizens of Mecklenburg, for the purpose of paying Committee of Grievance lieport ]Vo. 3. Such has cen the crowd of gricvanccs which lave lately pressed upon us, that we are com- fpelled to take up only those of the most impor tance, and such as can be remedi tiirouich our ,humble '.nstrumentality. We write with no oth- 'er intention whatever than that of servinr-thf " i •' V i ^ —-i,... .1 tfe’* request that }mu will have tii g’oodnessi to prociirc and puhfish in vonr productive of benent to sud. persons'aVe'uinotK''"'’ g^'''ll^nian be reached in any “ great mass of reade news|)apers, few pains or time to read any ,less a tram of arj^-uments loi>lc.illv state’ll \t eK i * i . n i . r,- 1/. .M, I . , V 't tiiat 60rt of excrescence ^rc Known to exist among us, and wlmii fre-r‘ ' public; and we are vain enoiiL'-h to hooe tlutK ^ f ^'4 . . r 1 • our little weekly dish of oriLnnal niatter nnv b. ? pi'ocure and 111 your Jour jenefit to .r explanations ot that gentleman’ any other wn fm-^‘‘'’'‘^Bmcaning as will enable the most ignorant per- caders wlio siil'w’ r I l“'Esons to avail themselves of tin benefits promis- 'w can be I . ; n i»M,ort.nt discovery. I beg leave to ... ^ .k' " my inquiries in the shaL of int'errotrato A letter from an oflicer attached to thi U. S. Frigate Johf. .Adauis, writes, un der tlaie uf 8th of June, that the ship] ‘•arrived a few days since; all on l)oaidl well.” She touclud on lier passage out at Matanzas, Havanna, Truxillo, Omoa, and Carthagena, where she laiuled C'ol. Williams, Charge des AHaires to Gua timala. At CariiKigcna lay the Colom-j l>ian squadron, consisting of a numljerol fine ships. “'I’iie Flag-ship,” says oui letter writer, “a sixty gun i’liga e, built! at New-\ork, is one ol the most splendid ships I ever beheld.” Col. Williams private Secretary, Mr. McIntosh, leti hi.B at Havanna, having beconje tired ot the voyage, and dislikii»g tlie inatincr ol iravellirig, as described tu him, on mules, over the rugged mountains oi thatj portion of South America. Salk.m, (isn.) .luNE 1 ycgroe$.—Last w^cek ;-.bout thirty ue-j grocs made their appcaraiice in Salem and whose design is living in this neigii- )oi na 'jeni regret the increase (jf this population— : Second d. I seems to be enhii ging our tunnbers •Tl“''d ila}, .vitha color which'more fitly belongs t; >{ hat territory in wliich the evil of sla\er\ »j,'xth daV >ts. Let ihat comnuiniiy that ciijo>scvcntli'day, b Tiefit of the blacks’ labor, also suirci^Kighth d;iy,’ Ninth day. iiiciiKs r I'uizi’, 20.000 SOKKARS. to commence in Hillsborouirh^ on the 2c> Moaduy of September .acttrmf. 1 I’rizc or’ 20,000 Dollai?, it i $20,000 1 10,000 10,000 1 5,00U 5,00o 1 2,(XJ0 2,000 2 l,5oO o,OUn « 1,000 »,0t)O 11) 500 5,000 20 200 3,600 •H) too 4,000 50 50 2,500 450 20 9,000 1,050 10 10,500 7,066 5 36,8.)0 y,U()0 I’ri/fs. } 2.'3,88G tickets at $5 is 119,430 li.bbG Blanks s' G.J tiou Bhinhs fB n Prize. 500 Tickets to be drawn in a day—to be com* ■pleted in 1S du\ s’drawing. All t!ie numbers to be placed ill one wheel, and tiie prices in an- j wnose uesign is living in tins neigli- pother, •liood. I hey are Irom North ('aruli- stATIOXAUY FUiZFS AS I'OI.LOWS: ; having been set at lil)erty there, and I yv,^ dr„w,% Ticket on the il here to rnjuy iheir Ireedoni. Wt n-'irst dav, will be entitled to a Pri/.e of $2C \ists. lie II the consequences. Since we dei'i\i no advjnlagcs, w c bi’g to be excused of i)b I isaci vantages. I'he most of the black»> that emigrate here, possess feelings quite (inprepyred lo make good ciiizcns. A sense of inl'eriui i‘y, early impressed on dieir minds, destitute of every thing but bodily powers, arul having no character tli lose, and no prospect of accjuiring one, jeven did they know its value, they an prej)ared for the coinmission of any ac: when the prospect is favorable of evadini? .I|C- .,|;|,U- ,h*' Jimlwluch't «,p quentiv operate to the injury of tiie public •Vnd|i'"'‘“'r 'i"' ','1 of indi'vidiials; indomg which, we sliil e le I" to that ot the black wal-| nr in it.;,, r l .nrr....,r„ . ciutcav? Are tlicsc ot tlie description last mentionJ and understood bv fli n . > h ^ and of last yoar’s growth something like a| and understood b> all men. It is true, u some-gnitt^.d Potato' Are the Apple Apple Iter our protest. I'enth day, - - KleveuUi day, Tweltth day, 'I hirteenth day, - ;rourtcenth (l;iy, - I'lfteenth day, Si,\teentli day, Seventeeiitli day, Kigiileentli day, - $200 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 5,000 10,000 20,000 nut bwliKr nvi.r.n I A,.. %% 1 II ' . a-posc it to be, aiirf which has some moisture stilll I V there-|i.e,„aining in it, how is it to be used ^ '1 o be^ crsure e«|eatcn like an ordinary fruit or otherwise, and 1 quantity^ As Mr. Ilannum has sol of 1 rh ' tr ‘■S’**.’"'*’p"'“^'’^5kindiv communicated the fact itself of theii| ^d.r1 In ....m '^^“"•fgreal’efficacy. 1 presume he wdl not hesitate toj intr wtiirf. 1 * 1 1*'*.^ pruduction, toaSjjjj sj,ch othcT particulars as will enable the] J* P ‘ ‘^l‘‘^ *niass of our population to administer the rcme-1 SICS, particu arly w hen the antiquated dust is re-|,iy proposed w th cfficacy and safety and in pro-! tanu d m spite of the trappings ot modern,‘proportions, ^ ^ ‘ ^ JO ■ \ our obedient senant, A. B. It has been asserted by our immortal \VASii-9 New-York, June 18th, 1826. rKGTo>, that ‘-in jjroportion as the structure ofl p. s. 1 perceive by looking over the articlcj government gMes force to pubhc opmion. it isgagain, that .Mr. II. says that 1^ may be e.^tenj There were, at Xantucket, in IS20,1 l500 persons named ColBn. ll is proposed,5 jif Admiral Coflir;, now on a visit to Bos-f jton, should visit the islanil, to give hinii la familj escort such as no man ever had| [before. essential that public opinion be enlightened.” This is true, very true. VVe feel it more forcibly! every day ; and with a paraphrase of tiie above, we would endeavor to suggest a hint to those! w ho are often, no doubt, incontinently guilty of encouraging, citlier directly or indirectly,'the 5th grievance, namely, the extravagance of the niiddhng or poorer classes of society. M'e say poorer, because any extravagance among the weailliier, is not a grievance, nay, it is rather an accommodation to th; public; i’jiasnuicli as by that means tlieir .abundant wealth becomes more generalh difl'used throughout the country. But alas! when the poor—the common liver—the great body and majority of th.e people,—when they become extravagant, tly.-, luiblic sutlers; sutiers in a variety of respects, two oiilv of which we will mention. In the first place, public enterprise suffers from the inability of such person»-t«j forward it And we often see it the case, that when any mat apro()er tribute to the virtues and worth ter of public interest is suggested, when it would c 1 .•II*. t u be an lionor to contribute towards tlie ireiieral of our tl.'pai (.o benefactors, has been we:,l, a tent is found fitrtli. ‘pan suggested to us j and we earnestly hope that measures will be taken to call s’;cl a meeting. W'e published, some two or thret ■weeks since, from a Pennsylvania paper, a newly discovered remedy for the ex pulsion of worr^s”—the ('eJur Jlpple i and as it has excited considerable inter-] est in this qiiui ter, we have copied some additional information, in our present number, from the same source. Thi discovery is an invaluable one, if ibi remedy be aseflcctual as is represented and that il is so, the testimony adduced scarcely permits us to doubt. Since tin first publication, an exper'mcnt has beeiil nude in this j>lace ; but the Cedar Berry\ Was used, in.^lead of the .djtjjic; yet that vas found to possess consideral)lc ellica cy :—we hope that a thorough trial will Tiow be niade of the Jppk. The Cherokees have refused permis-j fiion lo the Cieorgia eno;iriecrs, to survey a loule lor a canal from liie 'remu'sse lo| the waters of Georgia, ihrougli the ter iitory occupied by them. Mr. Fulton! having persisted in making his surveys, alicr being forbidden, he was told, that? unless he obeyed, his instruments would! be taken from him ; he found it neces; ry, conse(juently, to cotnply, and left the! territor). In this business, the Chero-5 kees have acteil hastily and unwisely but ihc«- conduct is no douI>i the efllect oh crrcueous opinions as t^'? ’.he jcct oT| Mr. Ercrett of the House of Represen tatives, being of a delicate frame andf constitution, is in the habit of using co logne water and other stimulants. VVhenj he rose on the lute occasion, in answer tol ^Mr. M’Duflie, he happened to have ul just as they come from tiie tree. Now if he canSbottleol'cologne in his hand, which he oc- forin any judgment of the qnaiititv w bieh s!>ould|casiona!l V extended towards that chamn- be given to a child of SIX vears o ( , or to a tu llB- ii i - . ■'^ion with an air ol inimitable grace, w hich set the house in a loar, and confounded great body—they are not aiile to subscribe any thing; they cannot keep money by them. In llie second place, the public suflers a consider able driiwnack, in the number of charitable ob jects whicii grow outofiiuhvidual extravagance. A great many persons, who migiit in S(;nie sta tions be us.'ftil, are kept a!J their lives, through their own carclcssncsb, with their faces to the gnndstone. In tact, some bccome sufiVrcrs, and in theii turn |)et.tion for that relief wiiicii tliey never had tlie luxury of atl'urding to So,v it' we c(/uld oiil\ imprv ss upon our luiiuls iIk- tru of tiiis a\ioii', thtti ill jjropurtian us d luiiii’.i c.V- jjcnuett rxccid the auiount i>J /ti.s i/iconn, it icntid! thui .such (x/nn.^Ls ic /-..senul, we shoul.l! be'e. And however strange it may apjiear,' there any many persons wlio eun(hi t large is-'^ •. • - ' - ■ -■ tabli.'ilunents, and vi ho iia\ e lived a U;iii‘; time .iH seasoiis ol llie ye..r 0?1 the smaM boughs; the worKl, wi'J.iout ever \ et having tound outwcjr tw igs of the Cedar lice, “varying ii size from the Ihi/.!e to that of ti.e Ma. lv given to a cniiu oi six yeai-ij grow n person, and will state that he will fiirn-'' ish data enough to graduate the internii diate a- ges by—Ilow many Apples and of what size! does he mean when he s.\.\h .several of ihem ^ As cotisiderable excitement has been created in several sections of the union, from the jjublication made in tliis paper of the loth ultimo, relative to the impor tant discovery made by Mr. Aaron Ilan num, for the expulsion of worms, and in consequence of ■.vhich we have been soli cited to give more particulars through the medium of'lhe above letter as well as by public Journals, we shall endeavor to sa tisfy the j)ublic ex( itement, tiot otily IVomj verbal inl'oi matioi', but fro,m (jcular de monstration, a‘; to the powerful ellicacy of the Cedar Ap'plc ujjon- those within' our knowledge who have taken il, as we!|l as tl.c im])ossibility oi' its doing any inju-^ ry to those who may eat the Apple. In t\ie first jilace, we shall utisuer the nferrogatories of “A. iis !'.ir as ifi; our power from the infui iiiati'>n we have obtained :— 1st. Tiie Apple or knot, is lo !ie foniid upon the Jted Ctdar^ the w hite Cedar tree is nol to be found, we believe, in tliis coun-, try. 2d. "11'.e Apj)le bears no resiMuhlance in shape, size, or any similarity to the Cedar IJerry. The Apple is a sort of| excrescence, and v. hich is lo be found at poor M’DiilV worse than his encounter [with C u m m in g. H 'inchtater Ikp. When Pitblic Ufj'icti.i do their di*iy, they \dcse./vc credit for ?/.—It is doe to Joel W an- jnoy, Esq. Sheriir ol Wilkes county, to jtate that he has hern the first the pre- Isent year, thouj>h living in one of the Imost remote counties, to settle his pub-| lie accounts with the I reasurer of the iState. Raleigh Jivfiinter. rhe rest of the prizes floating in the wheel from the coniiiicnceiiient, amounting to $73,730. T’ri.’os payable at the Agency of the Dank of Capc-Fear, in lldishorough, N. 30 days after the completioii of the drawing, subje:t to a dis- loint of l.i percent. All prizes not demanded within 12 months from the completion of the. [rawing, will he considered as forfeited to thu e.iei of the Lottery. J. ^^ ^;BB, Commissioner. IJilUjorough, .Iprit, lb'.^(3. The attention of the North-Carolina public is respectfully invited to the foregoing scheme. I’he laudable purpose conlcmplatetl will, it is hoped, secure to it the aid of those who are friendly to the iiiti rests of literature and science; and the name alone of the gentleman who has consented to act as Coiuniissioiu r in the maii- , ag-einent of the Lottery, is a snflicli nt pledge of The fairness with which it will be conducted. A. 1). ML’Iil'lJEV. (?^^'rickels in the above Lollory are for sale at the Oflice of the .Journal. Orders by msiil, will be pronijitly attended to. rVoVVce, ^ ON 'i’uesday, the first day of August next, the suijscribers w ill sell, at the late dwelling of (.en. George tiraliain, ilecd. a quantity of Wheat and Kye, Byestraw and Oats, by the dozen; an.l a qiiunl ity of excellent May. \\. M. BOS 1 UTCK, ? , VV. K.McUEC, ,hi\y 15, \Z2CK~2i9'2. JVuViee. ri’^IKiSr. who puri.hascd property at the salo ; M. of the late (leii. (ieo. Graliam, deceased. Hid failed to conqily w ith the conditions of said sale, may expect to be eoinpelled to coinpl), wiih I (i>t, iinli ss they settle up on ur before the lifiit day of .\u;.'ust next. AV. M. BOSTWICK, ? W.M. E. .McKKK, dJm’rs. .Iiily 15, 1R26. !^ty3 [the sicrct of living w.tliin the liiiiil.-> ut tli [incomes. But tliere is a remedy for f’uis grievance, Iwliich is easily resorted to:— It is on!_\ to coni- [meiice iniinedjately a rigid syste ui of ecoiiomi.'j- uig. J.ay out moiH.) tor ntct.-ftiiric,. ul\, and jivlii II tlie 4th of July comes roui;d, if _\ou can-' jnot ail'ord to suljscrue, i.ln not grieve ul,out ;t, j\ ou ma\ be jiist asijatriotic at l.oine ; ;uid vvlule jogging along lioncstly, no one will tliinl: the [less ot jou for _\ our iiiabdity ; be-iuv:s v, l.u h, |no one is obliged lo publish hii jioveity to tlu [world, olliers wlio can, or wlio thuik tln.y lean afi'ord tlie aumsenient, be dining, and bali- Inig, and carouiing, do >ou be found, if are] [a poor man, in )our sliop, at \ our work bench, or ill \')ur store with your customers. Keep anj Lccurute list of all \oiir e.\pen^es in detail :— siieser be afraid of selling th.iigs down in euttn- ,- aiul eiidea\(-'r, as much us you ciiii, to dis- jUiiguish between th^- (//^/^ and the dulci. Never iiiiiui Uavga’ins i i kN 'I'linr.sdav, the J4ili of August', next, the /f:'" ‘'subscriber will sell, at I'oblii: Auction, all his [tion near town; lf)getlur with a quantity of ilc;iflH lion.ebold and kitchen furniture, farm- Jing utfiisiis, anti iiumcrou.-i other articK ii. 'I he 'sale ili In; pobi'.i\ e, and ij; made ou acrommo- ‘M.itingti riii.s. M ll.i.lA.M i;fJDIbil.L. .Inly 1 iS'Jo.—j n\u\ Tlir. comniis'.ioi'ied ofiicers (Line, I'leld, and SUdi,) ol tin: (iSth lieeiincii’. tif N. C^arohna Walnut,” bearing a slrotij; resL'iublatice lo a nitted l\Haioe. '1 he Apple v,lii( h i •> of last year’s gro\et!i and jierl'ci tly dried, dees nol look like tlu; orchard .\rqile, and is nol as biller as lhij.-;e of this \car’s' growl!;, but a^ a medic ine I lie}' [losses'^ tliejij sunie \iilueas tliose tiiat are green, and' may be grated or pounded line and luUcn in Molasses. I'he A[)p!e which contains soin-i moisture can he ei'li.ii, like arotiier Iruit.' i'he quantity ?>lr. Il reconimen Is. just us; (hey come IVoin llie tree, is one fu; every year ihal tiie chihl is old, and to he talt- . n r.iuc mortiitigs in succession, fastitii;. I'lum our own experience of th.e eiful ellicacy of the Cedar App' di>.caid an old broadcloth coat meivly fur its age.^ay that a much less (/.uitily llct the only i masons lor giving it up be, a eoin plete disconnection of ail Us parts, aiid a per-, lcinpU)i \ ri lusai, on the part of liie beKigireii! [powers, lo lie united again. Al l!u end 1 the (year, review your expenditures, iuni by item, and conlrajt the grand total Willi the aj^giegaii Fof \ our iiicoiin., whatever ll inav lie. I'uisue liiis; Icoui^e steadil} for three \ eur>, and \ ou w ill in;t ‘then need to l>e reiniiuied cf e.\.travag;iuce l;y ^)ur lilli]'utian comniiUee; but we mi'y tiien flhank sou for having ailorded us a subject ter [die prviivat i-pyrt; arid i'.ij.l v.*r be :?ve Jy. aculd do—hov.ever, the Appli- is pi r- l^feclly inuocent, and any quantity m.iv bt leaten uiihout being attended with bail cl'. Elec'.s. 'I’o prove lluit a snuil ijroportioii Jwill answer, we will cite •. case. A !ad yea: 3 of age belotigiiig to this oHif'c,' Fale a piece ol' last year’s Apple, al>ou 'liie size; of a Pty, and in t wenty four af [u i wards no less than ti':rnti/ Jijur e> r-p'a” '. ;i’u.■ = in The Jms.—'I'he conver.iitm of a Jeu jcosls the society, iti London, un avetage [sum ol about one thuusutul pounds ; and about one half of the cotiverted return t, jthe ‘‘error of tbcii- ways” as soon [converting money is no longer to be had. jThe making of half a Christian out of a jfull Jew, would rentier twetuy poor and jhonesl C.'hristian families comfortaljle foi la whole year. Ii.iw is it that jiersori.'^ |i.i.n thus abuse .the cliarilies ol a society,fc p]-,,p,i'ty^ j.t.;ii and personal, to wit;—tin. house jby so wasting money which the mpi cifultand lots'v.herc he iiowilives; histunyard, with all [comribu’e r Xilcs. j*‘l-’ I'Pl'urtenances; a nunihei ofother lots, some 'improved, and ot'iers unimproved; his plaiita- .0 hi/^f Xcvrpapcr. — We received by the ship Henry, a copy of The .\tlas A (ieiuial Nevvspajier and Journal of Literalnre. (Jn the lari;est sheet evei'i irinieil,” O.’i meas'iring this shci t, wt ^itid ilindeO'l a giunt among t.ewspapcrs, K'ing T'l by ."j I-:.* im lies, rju'-.l douljle he .M/e ol the Journal.) 'I’he tiiimbei kve have rcc( ived is l!ie i oniiiienceinenti [of the jjubln.alion, rlaud Snndiiv, .\!j Jl, 1826. 'i'he imi',i inl is “ London III iiited and publishe 1 foi- anrl jjy jainesl 'A'hititig b; Branslon, en;;i uvei s ..nd pi in-l tcrs to >iis .Majesty I'U- the l'’revetili(jn of 01 tH-ry,” I liuther an (>(!d ■•.onriuiiig title,^ we Yankees sliouid suy. ' “ ISe.iuforlj House, hcaufort IJuildiiigs, Strand.” It| is printed in i6 pages aboi.t the size of! those in a common folio hiijli', and two! lumijeis of it vsou!d contain as niui.hi nailer, and (ost ;-tb mutli for pt intingan Hu' ^qual riuinlicr ol'copies, us ih- New 'i’es- lament. If U'-' pui chasers r..';ul it throngli • n the day ol publn aiion, they must oe] • Xjjediliuu i about it, (r i Ke borrow an) iitjur or t'.vo fi'jin chuii h time. Its ciiii-! tents are a lari ago ol’ every species riialter found m new spaper>, and woulds ■;ieate conlir.i'jii dire a long the ideas of atiy blockhead who ^hJuid undertake to, remeinl)er the v.hole. It is sold at one' ihillitif; stei lint.;.-—^ ror!.sn:(tnlh Jonrnnl. iti i, tijj.' wi’li th^ {^l■^t and second ISiv- it's'of e.trli eon |ia;i\ attaelicd thereto, arc [liireiiy ordered tu parade at the Courl-lfoiisr, ,in !:iia;lot*e, on Monday, Tuesday at'd V.\-d- |n .sil.i\, Leinj;' the .jlst .Inly, and Is* and 2d of A'.ii;ii-.t, ut 11 o’ciij'jiv, A. M. e(;'ii;>ped for llic puiji'ise of ilriil. I’) or.I'T id .Uiiiv II. Dwir. IV, Coi. Coiii’dt. ()'i!li N C. M. j.Ioiiv IJ. NoisMi.M, .in'j tunt. .Inly IS, IHJo. 2t9I. V'‘Av\u ?n‘a\v. ■^11 K 'li ' r (>hrs for no MJLiimjj, (*n Thursilay, t!ie 1 Uh inst. !.y ‘■tejdien l'o\,' jr^q. .Mr. (.itifii'i- H^iutisti.N, t-o M;so O1.1.H ((.MU'S/", b'l'.!. -.'t thi J eouii* V. plia'aiion on in , on I’au * ii.ile.j li..’ii C'har-^j4W^ t.iiioii i.ont;.ir.s .500 ai re.-., 1 tiiel’- wi.ll v.'..tered, has on it a good •, anew l,arn, and otlu r es- [sarv o'ii-^Jn^' 'Ihiie ;s al'iu a good .Saw- Mdl on ll; wlueli, from the great a(l\.in?:iges it jpo.->‘.i lie.-, as to fni'.ber and en.stoi; , ,s \ei'_\ val- As '.he sei.scriber is iK-:,iroii-i ot inovii.g |t(( '.III \Ve-.‘ !ii'\t fidl, '.vr.!;'!!!;- lo vaU'ciiaSe, e reijtK still to call soon, i' i ifreal barijaiii II he given, lie wdl sell !ne uiiole t(/gither, d vule it to Sint thv jiariiias.r, wherr it can iue dune MII.I.IAM A. KERU. .lulv 12, 18JG.— iJcccls; for .sa!c this