^ ]'rn;i the IV.liiinyie Anurican. .\(rrr:/.—^Ve are indebted to the yi U'-Vork 7'iT/i'j\ I'ov a lik of ofTirors on board tho fri^rate Bran(f^rvir,e, Com!nodo’’e .Tones, and sloop of ar f'.'pccnncs, Captain Finch, Avhich sail ed on Thursday niorninc^ from Now- Yorlv, fortiie relief of the friscatc U/nfcd Sfatcs and sloop of War Peacock^ in 1he Paci!>. Froi^i tlic same pftper we »earn that the coinj)linieiit of officers and ;nen on board the Jircnufywine, is4o7. iShe carrics out »fiO. , That ol the I ?n- cennes, is l')G—she carries out 2L>0.— The excess is for the pin pose of reliev- iup; in part our Brazilian squadron, and tht' residue for the schooner Dolphin, whose present crew will return in the Vniicd Stales. Should no disaster oc- •cur, the Brandywine and the Vinccn- 7i€s Will prob'ibly meet the squadron now in the Pacilic, in about 9.5 days,— I'hey will water at Rio Janeiro, and "vill probably meet (lommodore Hull and the other sliips at Valparaiso—il :;ot, they will proceed to Callao. The p;uns on the train deck of the BrancJiju'ine have been changed for iigliter c;uns of the same calibre ; the for- :n r weighed 63 cwt. the latter wei;;h 52 cwt. making a ditference of 11 cwt. per ^un. The mainmast of the B. has hfcn placed 5 feet furtlier forward, and by those changes and tht removal of balla»>t, she is nearly a font lighter thaii when siie sailed from the Potomac. Ill connexion with this article, we al- iio submit a statement of the number of our sh.ips now in comniission, and abroad upon Ai'tive duty, including the Jir'un- di/n'inc&x\i\ J”inccnne.'i, which we can not but believe will prove interesting. Jt shows a becoming regard, on the part of the Government, to the mercantile interests and the honour and dignity of our republ’C, and that in their adoption of this comi)aratively cheap defence of nations, they have taken counsel from a maxim, which will bear to bo carried out from individual to national concerns, thn\ prevenfive are preferable to reme dial measures. Jmtriran Naval Force now abroad. Nortli (,’arohna, ship of the line,^ Medltfrran- Constitulion, fhgute, j ran squa;]- ErU , sloop, ^ron. Comnid- Ontario, sloop, | (lorr Kucl- Porpoisc, srliooner, J gcrs. .MaccdoniiUi, frigate,'^ Cyane, corveltf, V Brazilian, Commodore HostDii, slooj). ) Uuldle. Constftlati'jii, frig-ate, Jotm Adams, corvette, j Hf.rnet, sloop, ^ West Indies, Com. Gninipus, sc.liooncr, j Warring-ton. Shark" schooner, J UnitL-i! frigatQ, > Ptraroc K, sloop, C Pacific, Com. Hull. Dolphin, schooner, j Lcwmjrton, sloop, Coast of Labrador, Captain Shniirick. Urantiywlno, frigate, > On their way to the Pa- Vincennes, sloop, S cific, Commodore Jones. Col. Aaron liurr^ who some years ajjo occupied so iarj;e a space in the public arena, is now a praclisiiij^j lawyer at ’he Nen Y ji k bar. He sustains a very high rc[)U'.aii(jn I'ur talents and leijal acquire- rruMiiS ; ufid is in independent circumstan- '.es. A visitor tu the city, wh.o •hoo.sfs lu puss un hour or two in the vintiiiy of'I'ammany >Lill, will generally iUiilrv i sm.jll, delica'c, while haired ii>aii, tm. 1^1^ about in meditalixe mood, alont aiic 111 111 .1;^ lio or.e—a man whose koni eye o.iul eApr-'r.hive 'ovinvciiunci., where iij'C has il) vain strui^g-led to quench the ilri; of genius, and whose appearance, be- fpeiikiug the liiiibhetl gentleman, will ar- rcs'. all lus attention.—That man lajlaron Uiirr—who was one d.iy Vice Presideni of tiie U. Stales, the next a fugitive from the bio('l id’ lianiillon ; at another time mouiileil on the whirlwitid of revolution, anrl uiedilAiiny 'he dissoUition of . the Ur.'i/ii and the building up of a southern mi iiarcliy ; and ii;rn, a pri'^oner, answer ing to tiu* charge of l.igii lreai.ori »it the bar of his counu y. A man, wno, perhaps, con:>:dered wiih reference to the j)Owi;i!» of mind alone, had uosuprnor ; lias now no superior. l>ul he left the path ol honura!)lt \ii iiie; and he is, u hat you may set him—^ swiiui y being in t'le jnidsi 'jt society ; p iinied out t'j the pass ing i.rauger as a mere object ofenriosity. TtciUcn Ein}ot lurn. The Ilohj —Il appears from documenls thuT musi be deemed aulhen- 'lio, that i.tis itiferna! u ibmial in Spain, dui ’n'^ theeigli’‘en \ ears that an irdamous ',vi i icii, tianied I’orquemada, was iri(juisit- oi- i>,r!ie’ „1,C lo which office he w as appoint ed )\ uh, pope Sextus \ 1, k tiie UK. luilholic king Fetdinaiul V.) tiu less th .ii ])er.sons were burnt jli\e, 6,- 6 40 buiiU in eiiigy, and 9T,^j7l .sent lo the gitil \s or io [ji'isun—all under the h'irnldc uiui blu'-phtriious plea ol sup- p(ii I mg ilie mild ;iiui glorious docii'ines td J;..u;s CiiHisr ! The grand totals vi llw piiestiy nMiid-Ms and per.iecu!ions in are as follows; Ijvrnfl iiHi'C ol.- ih efligy 1 ^,01'.), vent to the galleys, '2:-..-,,Jii—besides those thui war. ijupri- suneu, Ar |iiietiy put to dtMlh in tlimgeon.s bv si.u V nti(^n or «i isease, ior the honor of nvji.y / And iheM' things are among iue •■anciciii ar.d vei'.crabl!;” iiislilulions ili.il the iate tJcvcrr.curMorris exhorted . Spam u> “rejoice” in the iestori.tioit o‘. in a mad oration, \. hich was listened 'o by a portion, (a little one, only^ of tiie .1 merican people, in the mad days of party spirit, not many years ago ! It seems that the “/lo/y inquisi{ion” was first com pletely organized in 1203 by his hoHricss pope Innocent IH ; but it was his holhms popp (iregory IV, under whom il was au thorized more fully to murder men, that Christlnnity might abound ! There is a great deal of this infamous stuff still re maining iri the world, and much of a dis- to employ the “fire and faggot” even among ourselves, for the conver sion of infidels. ” jroiviuii CAUSES OF INTKMI'UBANCK. The late I’resiileni DvMgbt, in a ser mon on intemperance, mentions, among the causes of that most fatal and alarm ingly prevalentevil, the following:— 1. Example. '2. Frequenii'ig tli«jse phices where strotigdrink is conveniently obtained. 3. F.vil companions. -1. Cus tomary And regular drinking. Its kiiilu — 1. Il exhibits the subject of it in the light of exirernt; odiousneas, and degradation. 2. Drunkenness exposes the subject of it to manv, and those ol- teri extreme ilangers. The drunkard exposes himself to many itinptations and many sins. 1. A drunkard necessarily wastes liisown property. 5. 'i’he drunk ard destroys his health. C. The drunk ard wastes his reputation. 7. The drunkard destroys his rea-son. 8. The drunkard destroys his usefulness. 9. Tde ilrunkard ruins hi# family.—(1. Ih spreads through his family the habit ol inloxicatiun. 2. By squandering iheir property, he deprives them of both coni- i'ort and respectability. 3. lie breaks their hearts by sutijecting them lo insup portable mortilication.) 10. The drunk ard destroys his life. 11. The drunkard ruins his soul. A late Liverpool |)aper gives the fol lowing direciions for obtaining flowers of ditfcreni colors, on the same siem.— “Split a small twig of the Klder bush lengthwise, and having scooped out me pith, fill each of the compartments with seeds of llovvers of dilierent sorts, but which blossom about the sanie time, sur round them vkiih mould, and then, tying together ihe two bits of wood, plant the whole in a j)ot filled with earth properl) prepared. The stems of the dift'erent flowers will thus be so incorjiorated as to exhibit to the eye only one stem, throw ing out b'ancbes covered with flowers analogous to the seed which produced them. The biter bit.—A travelling tin mer chant, (says the Schoharie N. Y. Repub lican,) from tlie land of “ wooden nut megs and 'jorn gun flints,” while moving with his portable ware-house ihrougii an adjoining town, called upon a very shrewd descendant of St. Crispin, or in other words, a pretty “ wide awake” shoema ker, who, having on hand a Plattsburgh dollar, thought the present opportunity a very tine one for disposing ol it—besides the immortal honor he would acquire by having “taken in a Yankee pedlar,” a consideration of no small importance, il being generally believed a difficult point lo accomplish, lie accordingly bought a tin paste horn^ and giving a k?wiving wink to the by-slanders,offered his I'lattsburgh bill, and requested Ins change. The pedlar looked grave, and sliojk his head —he did not like the bill, he said, for he had heard the bank was down. Crispin said, “there wasiK^ such thing—the re port was set ailoat by brokers and spec ulalors, men not to be relied upon—the bills were j)erl‘cctly good; as good as specie—and as to that inaiter, a little bet- tei, because it w^s less trouble to carry Itand all the spectators joined with him, in recommending the bill to be a good bill, and the bank tiiat issued it, to be a bank of “exceeding good rcjjuie.” 'I’he Inll ijeingso highly recommended, the unsusjAclin" pedlar put ii in his pocket and liaiided out the change—the by slan ders pul on long faces—the shoemaker lauglied behind his ears, and no one looked renllij honest bui the pedlar, liul trading dul tiot stop hei ; Crisjiin, el::l ed with his success, clVeied to sell the man of tin a lot of shoes, at a ieduced price, for cash. The pedlar haigained for them ai SlO—deposited the shoes in the cart-box—paid the amount in Plntts- hvrgh bills—and ilrove leisurely ofl', wbis- ihng the old tunc of cul'\'i a a ami a- sleep.” NKW-Y0HK,“ SKl’T. 5. the Editors of the New York Daily Advcriiser are indebted to Capt. Arnold, of the ship Kobert Wilson, which arrived on Monday niyht in 35 days from Liver pool, for the loan oi Liverpool papers ol the 29lh and London ol tiic 27th July. The British revenue appears to be falling ofl' at the ra'.e of i;GOU,OUO per quarter, or X’,400,000, per annun—no promise of iniproveuicnt. Ihe 1 inies ol tJie ‘27lh, says—if there are parasites base enough to fkiicr the community,,when ii ought to be ailmonisLed, and to cry out all’s well, vvhin the ship is almost on her Ix'ams ends, we arc of a diflereiii kind of Knglishmen. If a broad and decisive scale of retrenchment is not adopted, the credit and honcjr of this much enduring and long cotiHding nation will be brought to a speedy cai.ASlrophe. ” 'I'he establishtiienis of the empire, military atid civil, must he reduced, or I be Kationa! creditor will be made to pay lor them in the flesh which lies nearest tu his litart. ” 'i he Dublin Mornitig Post says, that all apprehensions for the satety of ihe po laioe crops have vanished in that coun ii y. No change for the better appears to have tiiken place in the siiuaaon of the manufacturing and laboring classes. 'I'lie statements continued favorable respecting the harvest- The (ilasgow Courier remarks liiat the wheal »vas uni versally good. The oat crop was every where deficient in straw, and iliat there was little doubt that the ports for foreign oats would soon be opt iicd. The Manvfnctnritig Districts.—The Liv erpool Courier «jf tlie 2Glb, s;iys—“The accounis from difVerenl parts (d’ out country, and IVom many moi e of ihe dis tant manufacturing parts of (ireal Britain, continue to be of a vctv painful desci ip- lion; and w hat hf.s added to the alarm i^, tfiat in iManchesicr, blcckj>ort, and some otlier places, meetings have been called bv siHiie desperate and iuocious wreiches, in order to inilame the sutJering popula tion, and urge them to deeds of iilood. It is, however, but justice to the great body of ilie unimployed workmen to slate that little impression appears to have been made by these inflammatory har angues, and the more secret means which, no doubt, have been resorted to to produce riot, in order that a few un principled incendiaries may profit by it, und plunder their neighbours. The Albion of the 29ih, says: “We lament to state the distress which we so often have had occasion to mention, con tinues to increase day after day. Some hundreds of our wretched countrymen added to tht thousands already destitute of employment. An accumulation of misery is occasioned which demands in stant relief. The funds so promptly rais ed by private subscriptions are exhaust ed, and in our cpionion it becomes the imperative duly of government to insti tute an immediate inquiry into the state of the country.” At Manchester there were slight ap pearances of an improvement iu busi ness. The king had given a further donation of £1000 to the Spilallields weavers. A serious riot had taken place at Dum fries in consequence of a meal monger taking the advantage of an inadequate supply, and attempting to advance the \)i ice of meal 2d. per stone. He barely escaped with life. Spain.—I'lie Constitutionnel contains a letter from Madrid, dated the lilh Ju ly, in w hich it is stated, that the Captain (ieneral ofBadajds had sent an express lo Madrid for a reinforcement of troops, which he considers absolutely necessary, from the public feeling having taken a new direction, as well for the purpose of strengtliening the g.irrison, as for placitig detachments in several tosvus in ihe province, particularly tiiose nearest the I’ortuguese lioiiuer. Tiie same lei- !er slates, that the public mind has un- liergone a similar change iti the Capital itself. ’i’he arrivals of couriers 'from Lisl>o?i and I'aris succeed each other with ijreat rapidity. ti-.£ oli.cr pipers, it. '-. •sciUn^ luiit Coi.siantiiio; ie lu.s been la'.d waste by lire,' and that the Janissaries at Auriano- pie, whose number iheysAeli to 20,000, had made a very formidable insurreciian: blit the i,7o//€ contradicts again the wh«Me of these s.alPments and declares, not oii- Iv that the insurrection at Adriatiople was put down on the 15th, but that the Janissaries in all the f’ortrcsseson the Dan ube have subtBiiied, without resistance, the orders of the Governors. The ceHtral corps of t.u'se troops having been destroyed, the submission of the other corps in the distant stations is calculated upon as ctrtain by the Etoile j while the other papers speculate on the probability of those stationed at Larissa, called the “ City of the Janissaries,” and in other important posts, being able to make a successful stand againt the authority oi the Sultan. The late Elopement.—The hcaumonde in the west of the town has lately been con verted into a “School tor Scandal, in descanting upon the misforlunes of an honorable baroi:ct, deprived oi his ac complished lady. One does not like to disclose all lhr.t one knows about an affair so seriously utipleasant. ^ijflice it to say, for the present, tlutt the wiie of iliCji {jlftndii.g ul .uC 1.,n i^oi.I'j ■ others in port—to %rnicli Capt.’ r replied, “ ii,at he Vras surpi jied receipt of a commuiiicaiioii of tiw' —that on no account musr he .1101 ti. iiu be pci rij't led to put his foot on board of the A merican vessels for this purpose.” Tir-. ship has rendered great services in aicl'.n*,* our distressed countrymen. The bo's-,' tality of all on board is worthy cf tV, warmest praisv. “The lureign ships of war are iniijf.'.. order, but the Cyane is not infe.ioj any of them. The commands s are ver ■ desirous of raising the blockade of iii.t. nos Ayres, and ordy wait for om- conj- mander to set the example. Sii Sinclair, in the Doris, has hecri htic,* v»ho is on the best terms wtih oui cri’’- tain. “It would seem that F*'ance and F.iip.. land are restless iinder the bhu,:.,, having millions either directly oi ii.d-i cc,' ly connected with this measure. 1 ijfv will doubtless do all they can to secuic ihe commercial advantages which i!ie trade of this country may ofl'er lu il.c most favored. Clapt. Elliott has noi si sight of this object, and will i.ot Itl uiv opportunity escape of producing thelics’^ results feom ii iimely arriv.^|.l_'fr.e i:a vy of the Uni„ c; buics is everv dav »>:- say, lor tlie present, uwti u>c .. . . Baronet, the owTier of a forum of r:5,- tending In.t. character. Ou OCO a >ear, a mend>er of P.irliameui toi a couuiy, and the proprietor oi a splen did lovMi and country esiai)lishnient. has eloped from a home which all the work, presumed to be a happy one, auo 'o i;e the gayest and most favorite lesorl oi the glittering circles of society. These advantages, with all toe “pnde, pump', and circumstance,” that appeitain lo them, ihislady hassacrihced forever, by absconding with a young military gi:titk- man, claiming, it is said, very alli ances, l)ut cluinunc^ \hvm in a jianieuKu- wav. W’ilh scarcely means to iiippi rt himself in the class of socieiv, in which he has hitherto moved, the l.ady ivill tind her future situation m life a very flif^’erent one indeed, and a very sad change from that which siie has abandoned. She is young and beaulilul. A very clever weil-execuird poriraii of her and her husband were in the late exhibition at Somerset House. We can scarcely term this elopement a flight, as we have pret ty good reason to know that the guilty parlies areal this moment in one pa^t of the town, whilst the injured husband is residing at another. Inquiries have been made at Steven’s, Long’s, l^imncr’s, and other fashionable hotels at the west end of the town resorted to by the gallant Lothario, but as yet he has escaped de tection. Moruinf' Chronicle. The fashionable world are lost in sur prise, the parties both being very young. The lady left behind her all her valuable jewels, and even her purse, containing nearly a hundred sovereigns, on the toilet table. So high-minded was sl^r, in con sequence of having brought no fortune to her husband. The seducer, the same age as the husband, namely, twenty-five, is the son of a (ieneral Officer much es teemed I)V our late King A little boy, nine or ten years of age, was called as a witness at a late trial at Cambridge, England. After the oath was administereil, the Chief Justice, with a view of aseerliiining whether the boy was sensiide of the nature anil importance of an oath, addressed hiui, Little boy, do you know what ^ou have been doing?” “Yes, Sir,” the boy replied, “I have been keeping pigs for Mr. Banyard.” Examine ihe equitable decisions, de pending on the moral perceptions of the mind, made by a Hindoo Judge, four thousand years ago, an’d on the other side of the globe ; so of ihe Homan Judge in the days of 'i'itus or Justinian, in another quarter of the world ; and we find them made in a mannir, in winch the nioral and correct American Judge tiow fully acquiesces. _ I.ONDO.V, JULY 28.—The merchants and others connected wiih CJreece, are disap pointed this morning at the absence of in telligence lespeciing Lord' Cochrane. We cannot find that the Mediterranean Packet brings any account of his scjuad- ron. We understand he was. expected at Napoli di i^omania. TWO DAYS LATi.n.—By the arrival at Boston of the ship Mercury, Capt. Foil, ihe Editors of liie N. Y. Commercial Advertiser have received London papers to the evening of July 2'J, inclusive. Exiracls, commercial and political, will be found below, 'i he distresses of the manufacturing districts continued with unabaiing suttoring. It was hoptd^ howev er, that the crisis liadTafrived, and that a gradual improvement would take place. Caterpillars of monstrous size have been fouml in many places in Ayrshire. One was found which measured live in ches long, and one inch and a quarter in circumlerence, of a beauliful sea-green. i^aris dates are lo the 2Glh of July in- elusive. The and some of Extract of a letter from iin officcr on hoard the Cyane at Pernambuco. “Our recepuon here was hij^ldy fla tering-civilities of ever kind were shewn j us—we interchanged saluves. In firing our salute we hoisted the Brazilian flag at the fore.—On the Consul reaching the ship, he stated to Captain Elliott, that the English man of war had refused this, although called upon by the authorities to do so, and that on declining, their sa lute was not returned.—When Capt. E. was presented to the President of the Province, he remarked to him, that he could not avoid returning his thanks for the performance of this spontaneous act, and what the English had refused when asked, &c.; that our nation seemed ti.e one which could be called upon when in dibtre.is. On the presentation of Capt. Elliott to his |Brazilian Majesty, he was extremely courieous- We t.ere met with Rear Admiral, Sir Geo. Lyre, in the Wedesley 86, with some oi the French sqiiad.-on, Admiral Uosewell. Our an chor was scarcely let go, when Sir Geo. Eyre sent his first Eicutenant wiih a polite message, olTering his services. On Captain Elliott’s visiting the Admiral, he met with the oflicer w ho commanded the Cyane when she was captured bv Commodore Siewart. The day following, the Admiral visited the Cyane, with oth er ofucers, and invited Capt. Elliott to dine. At his table Capl. Elliott met with Sir John I*liillemore, of the Briton, Lord II. l in of the Hanger. Captain El liott gave in return, a splendid entertain ment. In honor ol Sir John Phillemore who so generously saved our seamen on the coast of Spain, Captain E. gave this toast, vshich was most enthusiastically received—“Britain and America: mav each be emulous in the jjerformance of those arts whicli may bring back the kindly feeling oi parent and child." Here we met wiih Lord and Lady Ponsonby ; she is the daughter of Lord Holland j he gave Captain E. a most splendid dinner. \V lule Admiral Rosewell was here, sa lutes and visits v\ere interchanged—no thing unpleasant occurred during our intercourse with these foreign s(juadrons. A little before our departure', Capi. Widoi du Planty of ihe Seine, sent his boat on ijourd to obtain permis!-:ion lo search two of our mcrchat'i-vcbSi.'ls lor des£i”ors. fficers seem to i i* known by renuiaiioi) to most of the distinguished naval me.i we I ave met at this place. This is grat i[’yiii»> o those w ho take an interest incu. naval a nceriis. Balt. C.::t!te. Mexico. — A letter bas been rrr.eivcd o’: New-York f;*>m our Minister, Mr. Poir ■ set , dated Mexico, llih July, in winch iie .Slates that he “had jusi coi'cluced an:' signed trei'.ty of mnity and commerce with that country, and that he did not ap. prehein anv difPicuhy in tie Coiigrers there, although the treaty mu?t be ar. • proved by both houses. The Metropolitan, printed at Wavh- ington City, contains a letter from Ky giving some pai ticulars of the c.irly ii'^-. and tragical death of Mrs. Ri auchaT.ir, w hom the editor speaks of as pt>?sebsing more of the r«>/«f5of aRoma’'!n'>.atron !ir.', a village wife ! and w hose conduct “n'-.-. only challenges the sympathy, bui tl.? admiration of the world !” This is s’la'.Tic less enougli—but the letter itself is gross an outrage upon the moral and ; r ligious feelings of th^ country, that w ?; are sorry to see it copied into a juurny. n' this State. The writer, after saying thj; Mrs. B., in person, was very beai,!iu', observes; “Her thoughts were free c the air she breathed, and those w lu;s- souls never travelled beyond the dull ar .i ordinary pursuits of lif--, did not scrap! to afVirm that her free thoughts r\x\ne^\ her' It is. not known that Cul. Sharp ever addressed her, but it is well known that he stduced her!” These free thoxights slit. understood to be an entire freedom IVotn the belief and restraints of the Christian religion, which Mrs. B. left lo niuif grovelling minds. When her husbaii'.. had determined on the murder of Sharp, we are told that her vrhole heart “ wa.. fixed on revenge, so mucii so, that he countenance underwent an enUre change, losing all its sweetne.ss and piacidiiy : an', 1 her husband said, at times iie almost fca' id to look on il !”—Thus verifying il.: declara ion of the poet, Karth has no curse like* love to haired tuni\’ And hell no fury like a woman scorn’d. While in prison, she ciitd the exan. pies of Cleopatra and the wife of Claucliur, and declared that “ Atin Beauchamp dained to listen to the arguments of loo!; and sophists, who would peisuade he; that suicide is a crime T' “It was evidcrr. (we quote the letter) that Beauchamp hal religious qualms, and was not satisiic;’ hat suicide was justifiable under any cir cumstances, but her great soul soared fur beyond such feelings. She coull r.o: diaw that nice distinction between th- difference in the eye of Deity, whether a mass of lunttcr w as sent out of rur WOKI.D by the public executioner, or thr' it should (piictly resign a part it wasn- longer capable of maintaining with hor our and advantage to itsef!” Whatdc; plcablc folly and nonsense is this 1 Thus are the crimes of this wretclu woman attempted to be varnished overb the pen of infitlelity—to be whitened in '’ virtues ! Wl'.at arc the facts I It i^' known th^t she was seduced, and after^ wards deeply injured by Col. Sharp, bu. it is doubted even by her apologist, whe ther he ever solicited her hand, and sh. could not urge in extenuation of her Irai! ity, a promise of marriage. She incitc her husband to murder—and when li' proposes to allack Sharp in public, thi high minded woman advises a midnigiU aij sassination, in his own house, that his in nocent wife might suffer the agony o listening to bis dealh-groans, atiil nessing his dying struggle ! AhlI -slic r. sists her husband to execute a mcnsir^'■ “ scheme of villainy, which., l;ad il successful, would have consigned u;i li nocent man lo the scaffold. Siit* iw ■ that husband to self-murder, and !al>^«‘Y incessantly to drive from his min'-* - fears of the awful consequencos oi 5'*' a crime beyond the grave. Infule**^'. IM’ostilution, Assassination, subor:--^ tion to I’eijury, and Suicide!—thest *1''" thf’ virlnes which a paper printed American capital, declares mti3t ‘'ch3^ !(nge lie admiratiijn ^f the wo-’ i ‘.h'*

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