r.vu^c ofr.-rrj/?re^iJct.t a:nl Aclrninis-fxliulcs v'crc toucliini^My exiculerl, aucl trntion of tiio I'lmcil States, save Uu\t then rollcwcd airs of vibrating, deep, rich jf Washington—his attacks upon pri vate imiivi.tiials on the floor of the Sc- 'nale—liis querulous and severe opposi tion to ever}/ great measure, of war or oi peace, that lias been adopted or pursued hy our government, since lJ05or lSO(i, to the present day. Nilva’ JivL^ister. Slmrritnn Srtnrr!}._ From the Pctersl)urfj hittlligcnccr. Our esteemed correspondent continues to travel and to write : The following; description of Glenn’s Falls, on the Hud son, Ncw-Vork, and the middle ground from thence to Lake George, will, we doubt not, be read with inierest : Glenn’s Falls^ Jlup. 20, 1826. It was a dull afternoon, when.I left the Springs, to visit Lake George, intending to slop a few minutes at CJlenn’s Tails, which lie immediately in the route. This spot and its neighborhood has become more interesting of late, by the master ly sketches of our American Waverly.— He has selected this ground for the prin cipal scene in his recent popular work, “The Last of the Mohicans.” At the falls, I was very fortunate, in securing for a guide Mr. \V , a friend, who had conducted the celebrated author himself over the whole field ; his descriptions are most correct, and the faithfulness of them is one of the cliief excellencies of his happy style. 'I'he Falls, the Banks of the River, the Island in the midst, to which Alice, Cora, and their companions, were conveyed for safety, are all situated just as described. I passed thro’ the Ca\es, the inner one terminating at a “perpendicular declivity, under which ran the dark current.” Our intelligent guide pointed out the part of the whirl ing stream above the Island, into whose Pools, one of the Indians, in attempting to gain the shore, was driven, carried rapidly along, and hurried over, into that gloomy and yawning gulph below “'I'here, ” said he, “ is the solitary tree,’ selected by Mr. Cooper, on yonder left bank, from whose lofty branches the dar ing Savage was harrassing the fugitives but soon fell from his high lurking place, a victim to the deadly rifle of Hawk-eye. Glenn’s Falls are beautiful and wild.— The Hudson here, at more than two hun dred miles from its mouth, rushes thro’ a channel of dark blue limestone, the bed of which is worn into many very singu- lai I'orms, by the constant action of the current. The water falls over these strata, which are perfectly flat, 'and are piled one upon another, so as to resem ble so many stone steps, or rather broad platforms. Through them, however, ir regular and deep channels, in some direc tions, find their way,—and over the ■whole, the Hudson, when full, rushes in one broad, tumultuous, and foaming tor rent, leaping from one platform to anoth er, until it bathes the feel of the sable ledges below, which ascend to a great height above the stream. Passing over a rugged country, partly cf pine barren, and partly of stony hills, I arrived by night-fall at the head of Lak»* George, and slopped in Caldwell, a most delightful village, on the Western shore The ground between this Lake and the Hudson river, was famous, not only in the Revolutionary War, but in most of those early bloody campaigns, when the French and cruel Savages carried thei horrible warfare into the frontier of the Etiglish Colonics. Hard and suf fering was the lot of the harrass ed Colonists. In these contesis, the most direct roinmunication between the posts of Canada and the Hudson, was by the head vi ators of Lake George. I sight of ihe room I now occupy, ancient ramparts are still visible ; on that very spot was entrenchccl the army of the Mar fjuis Monicalhi, at the siege of Fort Wil liam Henry, in 1757. A n^ore interest ing place cannot be found in the United Stati-s, for the visits of those who delight in the rich and beautiful sceriery ofti ture—who love to contemplate heroic deeds, long pust, but resuliing in conse qiii nccs important even to those of the presi-m day. Y('u know my fondness for Music and in the evening niy young brother an myself took a sailing boat, wiih a bugle player, and went upon the Lake to hear the echo from this instrument, which is fine beyond description in this region. It was a lovely nighl—the full Moon was j’.isi t ising over the opposite mountain: her mild light ftll upon the bosom of the wa'er in such a direction as to tinge it gently with her brightness—ihougli in tiic back ground, the daikness of the vooc’s was impenetrable. Far oft’ we ■went, and our light skiff glided on ilu* tranquil Ijay so gently, that scarcely a ruffle passed her advancing prow. The air was slill, and we sung our evening Jiyiun must theerfully. “It is a fine night for an echo. Sir.” said the Oars man, “ we have siretclied far enough in to the lake.” Our iiugicTnan sounded his winding horn:—ihe eclu) from the surrounding hills, distant half a mile, sent bacli the i'aithful, mellow suunds, whih* forests, by the exact repeiiuon of the no't sfrom their shades j seemed 'o be full of •• mocking spirits. ” Suci. lones I had never before listened to : the pre- melody ; now lighter and sweeter were the changes, particularly in that favorite piece “Auld Lang Syne,” again, deep, clear and full. The turns, the pauses, passed off in murmuring cadences, until the slowly dying close was lost to the ear, and left our minds filled with the witche ry of the nmsic. For a long time, we continued in silent rapture, listening to these sounds, nor could my eyes remain occasionally unmixed on those bright, istant worlds, of which we shall know njore hereafter, where, —“ Charming sn mphony they introduce Their sacred song, and waken raptures high, Nn \oice exempt, no voice but well could join Melodious part, such concord is in Heaven.” We gained the shore at 10 o’clock— and seldom in my life, after any cxcui t.ion, have I sunk more calmly and happi ly to rest. RELiquKs.—In digging a cellar in liraddock-street during the present week, tw o human skeletons were found in a siaie of preservation. One was standing up- ight; the other was lying on its face, with the right arm extended in the di rection of the head, and the other lying by the side. The pi obalidity is, that the skeletons are those of Indians, who were killed during the hoslililies which ^re- ceedcd Braddock’s war. It is known that this part of the town was then a deep morass, covered with bushes, into which these persons were probably pursued, and where one probably sunk, and the other may have been shot by a musket ball. A few years since a skeleion was founal neai the same place wiih handcuffs on ; prob ably an execuied malefactor. I'he exca vation of human bones is a frequent oc currence, and as oflen reminds us of the scenes of war and desolation—ofbaiile and of death which marked the early seitleinent of our village. Fort Loudoun, which was then the bulwark of this fron tier—the last hope of the early settlers, the head quarters of Bradduck in 1735, and of Washington in previous year;., still exhibits the traces of these wars, al though in the centre of one ol tiie bosi cultivated and most populous sections of the Union. Winchester Republican. Home Industry.—The advancement of this touniry in manulaciuring industry is perhaps unexampled in histor . In the year 1805 the total consumpiion of euton by the manufaciories of the United Slates was a liiile more than 1000 bitles. Now Rhode Island uses more. In 1812, our woollen factories could not furnish the army with 6000 blaukets. During the lust war, capital was taken from com merce and invested in manufaciures.— Phis was the first impulse. In 1816 a re port made to Congress shewed that JiJ'tij milliona of dollars capital were invested in cotton manufactures, &m\ twelve millions in woollen. In that year we maiiulattui ed 90,000 bales of cotton. In 1816 it was estimated that the whole amount of goods manufactured in the United Stales, was equal to fifty or sixty millions of dol lars. It is now believed that we manu facture, of all kinds, to ihe amount of 250 millions in a year, about 25 millions of which are exported, and the rest con sumed in the country. The internal or domestic vrade of every country is per haps more permanent and useful than the foreign. It is not subject i6 the fluctua tions of the commercial world, which frequently break out and spread desola lion around, The English journalists have been consoling themselves that our industry was as frustrated asthcirs. The facts which we have slated do not indi cate much depression. N. F. Jldv. Political Economy.—An anonymous writer has callid ui>on Hamilton, the distinguished advocate of the domestic industry of our country, for a definition of what ho calls *• a sound system of pol icy for this country which he gives in the following short sentence : “ Protcct the great staples of our country — Wheat, Cotton, iron, 'JUjucco, ll'ooU Lead, iic. k the articlesJabricutedJrum them. ’ Under such a system, adds Uuh saga cious writer, this country could not tail to rise, gradually, to a degree of prob[)er- ity of'which the world has had few ex amples. We should then be, as we ought to l)c, masters of our own desti nies—and not subject to suffer in the [jrices of our great staples, as we have licretofure ilone, by \.hi^ Jlnclttution oj for- eign mai kcls. Juileigh Register. CONTltAST. The annual salary of the governor of the Slate of Rhode Island, is S lOO. 'Phe salary of the governor of Louis iana is JS7,500. The people of Louisiana pay tlieir gov ernor as much for one year’s service as the jjcople of Rhode Island do their’s for eighteen years nine months. 'Phe lieutenant governor of Rhode Isl and, geisSS-00 and ihe secretary of state of Louisiana, S-2UOO per aunum. The supreme judges of Rhode Island gel but 2u(). All attempt was made in Ihe legislature of that state at its last ses sion, to atlvance the salary of the judges g50 per ann. but it failed. Oil of Penny-royal, diluted with water and rubbed over the hands and face, will |)icserve them from the bite ofmusqui locs—Probatum est.‘ csciicral KnUUCscntr. BA,LTiMOKE, SKrr. 13. Capt. Elliott.—W't have l>een favored with the following extract of a letter, and correspondence between Capt. Elliott and the commandant at Rio Janeiro, by a gentleman of this city : RIO JANEIKO, JUI.Y 15th, 1826. The Cyane, after leaving this port, had to return to examine her mainmast, cap tain Llliot having discovered it to be defective under the rigging; this vyith expert seamen, employed but little time —in the mean while he directed the sloop of war Boston to proceed to the River La Plata, to warn our unsuspecting coun trymen of the blockade.—The vigilance of captain Elliott has been highly praise worthy. Twelve richly laden English vessels have already arrived at this place, prizes to the Blockading Squadron: these may be estimated, I am informed, at g500,000, a circumstance not at all agreeable to John Bull—one vessel belonging to the U. S. has been sent, in, but her cargo is British property. When the Cyane was last here, on the eve of getting under-way, she was visit ed by four Austrian Officers, who de manded, in the name of the Emperor, deserter from the army, supposed to be on board ;—Captain Elliott very properly assured them that, should it prove to be the case he would most certainly send him on shore. After getting to sea the man was discovered. On our return here caplain Elliott performed his promise, by delivering the deserter to the proper authorities, at the same time, made pri vate intercession fi;r his pardon—this was doing the ihing in a becoming man ner—a painlul duly was discharged, while at the same '.iine, the humane feel uigs of an interces:,';r \>ere extended to ward the uid'ortunaie oflViuler. The cor respondence of the commanding officers on the subject, is highly crediialjle, as il displays tiiose amianie trails always esli mable. The Cne\alier is an officer who once served in Napoh on’b army with con siderable diauncuoii. his supposed 'hai all the vessels seni in here, lor a violatioK ( f ilie blocade, will be condemned, conseciiienily, the liriiisl. will sustain a pretty serious loss. Thus, you see, the jirimiples they con tended for, prouuce effects, which now act as retributive on their commerce, daily found io depreciate. It IS graiii'yinij to an American to see our national ships in this quarter—their presence, their character, give us con fidence, und inspire foreigners with res pect 10 oui government, which seems ever ready to waich over our interesis, und ;o guard our rights. It is to be hop ed lhat the squadron will be continued on this coast—it has, be assured, a most iiappy influence on our oflicers—produc ing, either directly or indirectly, beneliis cheaply purchased, ai the expense attend ing its employment. The tim* has ar rived, when me naval forces of the U. S. should be kepi up and increased, in those seas where our commerce coniinually displays ihe swelling canvass of eiuer- prize, benealli the propiiialing banner of the “ free and tiic brave.” (translatox.) Moiisieur It Commandant— Sir :—Still more convinced of the no bleness of your sentiments, from the hon orable manner in which you have just acted, it is with the greatest satisfaction 1 t;ive you the assurance that from per sonal respect to you, the soldier Scner- mir of the 3d Regiment of Battalion w nich 1 have the honor to command, shall not be punished. No person can be more certain than myself thai neither by your command, or ihe design of any other of the very much esteemed American oflicers, will any Brazilian soldier be induced to deseri; on the contrary you have given me a suf ficient example of your disapprobation ot such conduct, in the circumstances which have just occurred, and which would noi have taken place but for the arts of a bad subject, of whom the person to whom they principally relate, was formerly tbs domes’.ic. Receive, sir, the assurance of the highest consideration, with which 1 have ine honor to be, your most humble and most ob’t. serv’i. (Signed) LE CllKVALIKr{ EDWARD D’EWALU, Major and Coinmaiidanloi ihe ,5a Keg.of Ciretiadiers, and 1st of the line. lOthJuly, 1826. il.an dcscnbcd--reoelv€ therefore my best wishes and permit me to suj- scribe, truly your friendv (Signed) J- ELLIO l 1. To Chevalier Edward d'Etvald^ Major and Commandant of the 3d Reg. of Grenadiers and 1st of the line. (rUASLAnON.) Monsicnr le Commandant: SiK—I beg you to believe that no per son can be more sensible than myself to the honor of being distinguished by men of ,our merit, and with this feeling you may judge of my great mortiiication, in not being at home last evening wheij you done me the honor of a visit. With respect to the soldier I have only pursued your own and the principles of evei'y generous mind, in pardoning v/here pardon is possible ; to have afforded you satisfac tion is the most agreeable recompense I could receive. In the lively hope of having very soon the honor of seeing you ag;ain in order to express to you personally how much 1 love and esteem you, 1 subscribe myseif with the rcspect which your persoti:'.! qualities so highly merit and command. Your faithful friend and humble serv’t. (Sii,M>ed) LE CHEVALIER EDM AliD D’EWALD. To Captain J. iJ. Eli.ioit. 8cc. Rio de Janeiro, \ \:thJuly, 1826. We have the Madrid Gazette down to the last week in July. It. is altogether negative as to imlWmaiion concerning the stale of Spain. It contains, however, translations of some of the London sar castic paragraphs with reganl to Mr. Randolph’s conduct in our Senate. Ac cording to ihe Spanish versions, the Se nator charged the President with having been elected by bribery, and Maj, Russell inreatened to pommel the Senator. Nat. Gaz. the most respcctablc Ilugonct which took refuge in South Carolina from France, immediately after the re vocation of Ihe edict of Nantz. Mr. T* is the late Mr. Farquhar’s broilfei’s daughter. Dreadful Death.—A farmer of Thoar- oniin Flanders, was following a swariu of bees in the heat of the day j at length seeing the bees hanging on a branch of an ash, he presented the hive to them but unfortunately the queen bee took her station on his face, and in a moment iho whole of the bees followed their sover eign, and the unfortunate man was over whelmed by this cruel species of attack. In a quarter of an hour he was dead. A, person w ho was with him in the onera- iion,ran away from him. , We presumc'the* following statement says the National Journal, in relation to the MSS. of the Waverly Novels, taken liom the John Bull, which is said to be edited by Dr. Maginin, a friend of Sir W'aiter Scolt, will g^ far to settle all ■loubts on the subject of the authorship of tl-.ese celebrated productions. We think however, that some more powerful rea son than a mere feeling of delicacv to wards any individual, however exalted his station in life may be, ought to be as signed for the conduct of Sir Walter Scott, in remaining silent on the subject, while his manustripis are allowed i» speak so conclusively : A letter has been published, wiihou^ the permission of ihe w riter, or the per son to whom it was addressed, from Sir Waller Scott, in which he pointedly de nies his claim to be considered as the au thor of the W'averly Novels. This let ter, if it be genuine at all, was wriiien by Sir Walter some years ago, although dated April in the present year, but lhat it is a forgery, we must believe—we may almost say, hope—for we know', in com mon with every person who has visited certain circles in Edinburg w ithin the last few’ months, that Sir W'aiter Scott has actually presented Mr. Constable, the Bookseller of that city, with all his ori- ginal manuscripts of his Novels and Tales, here so distinctly and strangely dis avowed. Were this gift a secret, or had we heard of it in confidence, or were it questio!iable in the slightest degree, wc siiould have remained silent upon the subject; but Mr. Cons able speaks of it openly and generally—justly considering and feeling it the highest mark of honor i'lat a man, connected as he is with litcr- iture, '-»;iiid have received ; unless, there fore, int letter which wt have alluded to l)C a forgery, we are puzzled to find out a!'; i-iii cause for the reason why Sir W. Scott, the sovereign of the hierary u .)rl(l, should think it necessary now so distinctly and positively to disclaim works which every body wlio knows any thing, ktunvs to be from his unrivalled prn. We ^,e a'vare that a reason is assigned 22 years ol age. A tall and elegant niau, J bich does honor to Sir Walter’s s(ood Americans in Greece.—Evans’s last view of Greece contains some notices of the prominent Grecian and American char acters, who are engaged in the cause of Greece. The Americans are How, Jar vis, Miller, Washington and Allen. How is a Bostonian, “ofsmall stature, but of middling height,” and possesses talents and resolution. He is uselully employed in (ireece, and Mr. Evans pre sumes ho will meet with much success. His princij)le objt-ci in going to (ireecc* were the restoration of his tiealih and liie improvement of his knowledge .! surgery. Jarvis is a native of this country bu> had been a resident in (iermany. He la of common stature and al>oul iliiiiy years of age. Rather ordinary in his api ear- ance. A man of tnucb native shre\vd- ness, and in his habits triieiy a Gittk. He has been in Gieece about five years, and has given proofs of his couragc. Washington is a Virginian, and about Umtei) Statks SHU* Cyane, > Rio de Janeiro, \2th July, 1826.^ My Dear Siu—your highly gralifyin^ favor of the lOlh insi. I have had the'sal- isfaciion to receive, and now the honor to acknowledge. The generous manner with which you met my intei cessitjii in belulf of the man who had unknown to me secreted himself in my ship, lends greatly tu enhance the already justly high opinion I had enter tained ot the German characier. 1 he high mtliury rfpniation with which you have so nobly exislecl in hon orable combat, and the promptness with which the heat l has been openetl in ex tending ihe iiand both churity and fur- givmcss poor soldier must leave you in possession oi' a feeling more ea^ilv im and possesses brilliant talents. Evans says “it is unnecessary to speak of him further.” Miller is from V’ermont, from 30 to 40 yeaisofage, rather below the common stature, and of ordinary personal appear ance. He has native talents but ihey have not been extensively iniproved, nor well regulated. Were h** in military life, Evans thinks he might display some courage, tjut as yet, he has exhibited no thing of the kind, worthy of notice. Allen is from N. York, and was form erly a midshipman in our navy, is 27 years of age, and “ a tolerably good look ing man.” He has sailed on several cruises under Miaulis and the (ireek commanders, by whom he has been much praisid. He has fought valliantly in sev eral engagemtnis, and been several times severely wounded. The captain Gakth who is mentioned in the English newspapers as having elop ed with lady Ashley, is an illegiiimate son of one of the princesses, daughter of the late, and sister to the present king of England. He was born at Weymouth, which, it will be remembered, was a favor ite summer retreat of Cicorge HI. and his lamily. General Garth, his reputed father, .was in atlendanee upon the king constantly and was a gieai favoriic with him. At the time the young caplain was born, the general was at least CO years ol age. He however, acted as bis foster lather, and had the care of his educaiior and bringing up. The (iejieral lived at a place called Piddlelown in Dorsetshire, about twelve miles from Wevmouth, where the young captain, at the age of from 15 to 18, during which lime he was well known to the writer ol this para graph, lived in great style, keeping his servants, race b.orses and hounds. 'I'ho’ he was frequently called Garth and used to talk about the general, yet he no less frequently was accosted by his familiars as 'Tom King,’ in allusion to his connec tion with royalty. Philadelphia Aurora. The Boston Ceniinel states, that the ladyieferred to in the late English pa pers, as Ihe first heir to the great, proper ly jf the la!e J\Ir. l'ar(|uhar, is the wife of Peter Trezeyai.t, Esq. of Charleston, S. C. broliier of tlic late .ludge I’rezc vanl. She is now- living in that city, and has a family of eight ehihlren. .\ir. Treze ' aul 3 [jrand iall.er’s lainilv was amonn: taste and fte:ings of respectful delicacy towards one exalted personage; but we question whether even that be justly strong enough to induce a continuation of disavowals which are complelly mul- lified to the worlds not only by the con versations and statements of Sir Walter’s personal friends, but by the exhibition of the manuscripts themselves in the house of Mr. Constable, the bookseller. Burning of Horses.—On Friday night ai the burning of a stable in the neigh borhood of Green and Sixth-streets, be tween 11 8c 12 o’clock, 4 horses were burnt to death. The flames had enveloped the building before they were discovered.— The by-standers succeeded in gelling several horses out, but although thi sta ble door was open, such was the intensc- ness of the heat inside, that all attempts to release the other animals from their fastenings were fruitless. One horse—a noble creature—“although surrounded with fire, stood perfectly still while a person attempted to get him loose, l.hc halter could neither be untied, I'roKer. or slipped off; there was no knifq to cu*" it, and the flames raged with increased violence. When the nian sprang cut o^ the stable, the horse, as if aware that hn was abandoned to his fate, uttered mosc horrid screams. The teri’ific andalinos'. unearthly cries which horses will.give in their agony are well known. This poor animal struggled madly for his deliver ance, and in his violence, tore open his breast by running against bis trough.— He then laid down for the space of sever al minutes perfectly quiet, but as the fire began to play around his nostrils, he a- rose again, and after a few struggles with a yei w ilder scream and his eyes bursting from his head, made one furious effort, and fell dead. The whole scene is described as having been heart sicken- ing. In the morning, the bodies of tho four horacs w'erc buried. Before this, however, several negro women cutpiccc i of flesh from the carcasses, as they stat ed, to serve for food. The fire origifu'iif*^ in accident. U'e are informed that lor some time past, several men had been m the habit of going into that stable at night, unknoVfU to the owner. They would Slick !i;»hted candles between the boards, and then would sleep on the ha;. On this night, it is supposed that the 11 line of the caudle counnuiMcated witii the rombusiible material around. rbiladil£hia Freeman's Journal