VOL. 11.] CIMRLOrTE, jY. V. TVESVAY, OCTOBER 17, 18S6. [\0. 103. PURLISHED >VEKKI.Y Bv LEiMLKL I51NGIIAM, Jit Threr Dollars a tjear, m adva?ice. No jjapcr will be dlscontiiiuctl, unless at the cliscrctiou of tlie editor, until all arrcarag'cs are pajil. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual T-alcs. Persons sending in advertisements, are recjui’sted to note on the nwgin the number of insertions, or they will be continued untiHbrbid, and ciiarged accordingly. HORTH & S. CAROLINA for the bciufit of OXFORD ACADEMY in North-Carolina, &.c. l'JI{ST CL^ISS—Tu be ilraunt 29/A Nov. 1826. J. n. YA'I ES U A. Mcl'N'l'YItK, Muruif'crs. 1 1 t 1 % i 6 V2 1^6 THO SCHBMS. I’rize of 5? 12,000 is 6,000 5.000 4,0(;0 2,500 1,,1-10 1.000 600 50 10 f 12,000 6,000 5.000 4.000 2,500 l,o40 r>,ooo (),000 7,HOO r,Hoo .sy,ooo jr,Mo Toy Sale, IVT^ Rockland Plantation, rontain- ItJ. inf? 745 acres, lyinp in the fork of bijf Sugar Creek-, 'adjoining the lands of William Cook, Dr. Fox, and others; payable in four equal payments, viz:— on the 1st day of January, 1828, 1829, 1830, and 1831, with interest on the three last payments from the first day of January, 1829. llonils, with approved security, will be required, ora lien on the lands. Tliose who may wisli to purchase, must make application to myself, or Col. Tliomas (i. Polk, who is autliorised to se ll, before the 15th of October next. I’he purchas er can have the crop on the ground at a fair val uation, together w ith stock, farming tools, SiC. 8tl03 WILL: POl.K. DESUZiTORY*. I’rom the New-York Enquirer. ]\IiNT Juleps, &c.—Our remarks on the ])ropriety of erecting an asylum for (Iruiikanls have met with a very general approbation and been most extensively l epublished in the other journals of the union. An appeal to the moral sense of tlic ])i'.blic will rarely he made in vain. We feel disjiosed therefore to follow up those remarks with some other of a less general application and of a more deli cate nature. Intcmj)erance, the beset- tinti^ vice of our country, is not confined to the low and vulgar merely. It is, no doubt, a low and vulgar vice, hut the higl), the educated, and the acconiplish- to call on him ; and no exertions will be spared to render them comfortable, and their h^t;iy a- greeable. His taljle will be furnished with ev ery variety wiiich the country ;illords; his bar with the best of liquors; and his stables with plenty of provender, and carel'ul servants w ill be in constant attendance. KOIJERT L* DINKINS. Charlotte, April 20, 182G. *80 Wowse ol* Eiutcvtauuweut, VND Stage House, :it the sign of the Eagle, in (Jharlotte, Norlh-Ciu-oliiKi, by la 136 KOBKirr WATSON- aiilhurity of the S'/u/e of Nurtk-VaruliiuL. TO ENCOl'HAr.K THE I'l II LI C ATI ON OF THE IllSiORY or NOUrii-CAROLlNA. HH.IiEST PRIZE, 20,009 BOLX.£lHS. Drau'ifii^ fo cmninnici in Hlll.sliurt>ii^/t, on the Uh Monthly of November -Htji I. fl.rtSO IMi/cs. Jilaiilvs.—21,360 Tickets. 'I’bis is a J.ottery formed i)y the ternary jier- mutution of 30 numbers. 'To detcruiine the pr./ei. therein, the 30 minil)ers will be pui)licly j)l.ieed ill a wlieel on the d:i_\ of druwing, uiul four of tiiein be drawn out; and that Ticket h i\ii)g on it the 1st, ;.’il and 3d drawn numbers, ill till- order in wliieh drawn, will be entitled to liie ]>ri/,e oi’ f 12,(>00. Am! tlKist.- live other Tickets having on thrm ihe s.line :ninibers, siiiiM bo entitled to the pri- •/os atlixed to tiieni rospecti\cly, vi/ : 'iMu' 1st, .)il and 2d to ^(),(Ji>0 'i'lie :d, 1st :uid 3d to .),000 'I he 2d, 3d aiul 1st to 4,000 The 3d, 1st and 2d to 2,5uO The 3d, 2d and 1st to 1,350 The r> ti-:kets whieli shall have on tlicni tlie J^t, 2d am' -itli drawn iiunibers, in some one of {hi Ir orders, wdl each be entitled to a i)rize of 5-1,000. The 12 tickets v.hicli shall have on them any clber three of the dr.iwii numbers, in any order )( pi rpiutation, will each 1)C entitled to a prize of }i50(. Tlie 15C) tickets which shall have two of the drawn numbers on them, and those two the 3d and 4th, will each be entitled to a prize of ^>50. Those 78j tieki ts which shall have on them ■SDHie other tu o of the drawn nundicr>, will cach he entitled to a prize of ?10, And those 7,800 tickets, which shall have on lliem some one of the drawn numbers, will each be entitled to a prize of ^5. g 23,886 tickets at $5 is 119,430 Tso ticket w hich shall ha\ e drawn a prize ot ^ HI-nks S ^ s.MKM-ior denomination can be entitled to an ^ ‘ Blanks to a Pr/r...CO inferior pnzo. Prizes i>ayal)lc forty davs atier l ^ the drawing, and subject to the usuid deduction 1 500 Tickets to l)e drawn in a day—to be com- of 15 per cent. ' ; pletcd in 18 days’thaw ing. All the numl)ers Tickets and Shares can t>e had in the above to be placed in one w heel, and the prizes in an- $1 25 fchcnu’ at the Managers’ (Xlices. Whole ’I'ickcts, ^5 00 I (iuarlers, Halves, 2 50 j (l3-“Tickc;ts and Shnrcs in me auuvt* j Second day, l.ottLry, are for sale at the otlice of the Cataw- Tl,„-d tlay,' ’ Va.Ioiiriud. ((rdi rs b\ n>ail, enclosing the cash* ‘ ‘ will Ik prom])tly alteiuled to. V u\)\\c TSiwi^xXaii\ me ul. The subscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased that well known establishment, lately own-d and occupi ed by Dr. Henderson, and is now pr» pared to j yj orders of society are not altogether e„tc.;hi„ tmellcr, u„d wl,o „,uy ple»s. „„co„,a„,i„alo(l liy .ts inllucnce. It is amongst them that its most melancholy triumplis arc obtained. It is there tliat w-e have its path marked by a deeper imj)ress and a wider desolation. Wo shall perhaps startle the qttict and moral portion of our citizens, when we assert that habits of inieinperance arc growing ujjon the educated youth of this metrop olis to a fearful extent. Tlie evidences arc not indeed to lie foin.(i in any dis gusting exhibitions of intoxication in the streets. If the evil assumed that shape, ii miglit be moi'e easily eradica^ tcfl. No ; it is to be detected in the general practice of tippling in bar rooms at all hours of the day, vvitliout any re gal'd to appearance or any apprehension of results. Votuig men of the best families in ibis city may be found so indulging theni^clves. 'I'lie ])rac1iee is so general as to j>ass without notice, liratidy and water—mint-jiilops—wine- bitlers, &c. &c. are the daily (and some- limes hourly) indulgences of loo numer ous and too res])o’tablc a cl:iss of our young men. In Kngland, whoti two persons meet, the iirst salutation is—“a line day,’’ or ‘^an unjiloasant day.” In Fi'arice, “a pinch ofsniilV.” In New York, “what will you think?” At first, the ]->ractice myy be harmless— but like all sensual giatifications, “it makes the meat it feeds on,” and insen sibly generates a fixetl and most perni cious habit. To see half a dozen youths of family, fortune and high exjiectations, crowd ing around a tavern bar, in the broad day, reckless of observation and conse quences, is a sad prospect, and not to be met with in any country in the world besides our own. Tlie taste is soon vitiated—the iiealth afl’ceted—all delicacy of sentiment (the only true moral preservative) destroyed--business gradually neglected—till at last, the un- $2001 happy victims of this foolish and fatal j propensity, are irremediably ruined. It is not a city can it is only some happy interposition which can save him. ir/iat is Jmtirc?—When under great political excitement, certam of the people of Baltimore, (which jirobably is the quietest and most orderly city, ot its size, in the world,) committed ^ome excesses and proceeded to one extreme act of violence, we were stigmatised and held up to the public detestation, as though w'C barbacued and cat a man in the streets every day ! but like exces ses have been committed in other places by mobs, houses destroyed and some times by fn-e, and persons have been maimed or killed—and little has been said about it, even though regular battles of mobs had taken place to get jiossession of a church ! Some years ago a person named Bar nabas Bidwell, apoliliciiin, helped him self to some small sums ot money be longing to an ollice w'hich he held, and though, if I recollect rightly, the whole was "refunded, he was hunted like a wild beast and driven from society.— Now, hundreds of j)crsons who have committed exactly the same things that Barnabas was guilty of—walk the streets of our cities at large and roll Mr. Harris, who is one of liie mos^ amiable atid rcspcciable young gentlemen in the cotintry, and of unquestionable firm ness and courage, has advenisrd that “William Hogan havinjy fled fi uiu the justice of the slate of New Jersey, any person wlio will deliver the said l'uiuvft to the civil auihoriiies of Iiurlii):;iott county, state of New .fersey, or to the au« thoriiies of the city of New-York, will be handsomely rewarded by the subscriber, residing in Moorestowr,, New Jersey. The said Hogan was confined in the Bridewell of the city of New-York fot* some tiitie preparatory to his brin^ re moved to the slate of New Jt?rsey for tri al ; he was discharged on condition of his leaving ihc country, and was put on board the packet ship William Hyrnes; for l/iverpool, on the 21ih u!t. After getting opposite the Hook, he contrived to be traosferred to the ship President bound for JL'harlesion, South Carolina, where he formerly resided.” « M~oiuhrs.— \hc Montreal Courant of Sept. 2d, g;ives an account of a Canadian man at L’Assurnj)tion, who was mowing hay near ihe river’s side, wiien iie saw a large fish near tlic water’s ed{;r ; lie made a sweep at it with his scythe (which was just whetted) and raised it over his head! The handle lurned ! and, cominjj in con tact witii his jjer‘-on, it severed his head editors of the th« their chariot wheels over the widows | (Voni his lujdy.'.'! Tlu^ and orphansu hom they have i)liuiiered,' National Intrllii^fiu er, thinking about without ever having made restitution, j sage doetoi- in the “Arabian Nigius," orcver intending even lo make ;.n eliort | wonders wlieihrr his lw.ul lived long e- to do it. Twenty times tiu; sum that nough lo lell tiie dismal siory of its dc- poor Barnabas /i‘fiilc(ih\/ ioi’ has lieen cai)iialion: Another |)aper, etjually ere- in like m.lnnur taken ami lld.l liy olhrr *IJ‘liovcb llu-rc is no. i.i il.o uni- inilividual. -bnl Uiev k.-q, ll.o “ I.est |Iraulu of ■■ .tn.i arc'l.owc'l U. l.y “'’■"'“‘1. ■■> «» //... his voyages, never discovered any thing: half so extraordinary as the above ^ Sstlitmt. 1 Prize of 20,000 Dollars, is $20,000 1 It^OOO 10,000 1 5,00J 5,000 1 2,000 2,000 2 1,500 ?,000 8 1,000 8,000 10 500 5,000 j 20 200 . 3,600 40 100 4,000 1 50 50 2,500 1 450 20 ■9,000 I 1,050 10 10,500 1 7,0 6(> 5 o6,830 other. STATIOXAIJY Pm'/,V.S AS FOLLOWS; The lust drawn Tjckct m the. . , , First dav, will be entitled to a Prj/e of the above fl^lir. subscriber JL for side a v;ihial)le ,tra t of Laiul, on accoin- pnoditing terins, whieh,gg5jS9Ua» in ilie lowi r jiart of Iredell county, on the head watrrsof Wi'ck_\ Ui\er, adjoining the iand.s of S. Iloiistoii, Uenjainlii iirevard and others, niid Cdntiiiniiig .>rJ acres. ’The said land is tif good tpialilN and vm H w atercd, l)ot!i as to springs :md braiielu s. Ot the land now in crop, amount- ■ing to ’1u (ir 50 acr«. >, the most of it is well ina- niiri i! and will i)rodiirt corn, coUon or w licitt, in siiliieient iiuaiitits to alnnulantly eoniju iisatc- ■flu- Imsliandiiuiii for his labor. ,K\]>eriinen1 lias pro\cn that it is pi-euliarly ad;^i)U-d to receive gn al and pi rinaiu tit !)i-iietit trom nianni'e.— Till rr i-; on it a laige portion ofjow gn'tttuls, ol' iwlleiit ijiiality, cither for incadov or pas- turi , iO or 1 J acres of v. liich arc "in good ttrder -•Mul h;i\c been mowed for a mii'ibi r i.f ycar>. '! lie principal 1\m liii\);‘ lioiisc is lar^i- and com- ■niodloiis, w hich, with a lilth additional c\pciisi-, iiii|;'ht lie made coiniortaliii' and coiiveiru nt even for a large raiiiily. Tiic situation on which it j tands is pro’.iaijiv .c(iuai to aii\ in thi.-. ortiio.id- ’aei lit rountics ’I If i e i-> a well of good w u- f!-r convcficnl to the lioiis.-, and a large, f. rtile g.iri'icii. Tiicr'- ar.' tuo iitij>ru\ enu iits on this Iract, which « ill hi- sold tog I In r or separatidx, ’o suit purcl:ai-,( ; s. It wouKl be a ilcsira'de phe't oi ri'sidi’iK'i’ tor a iic.’tiibcr ol' tin jifol'es- '■.oii Ol' |,.i\\ fir a I'li\Kill, iiclhg ill a le-'in'ct- ;il)le aiiii |)o|)ii!oi..> 111 ii.liUorliood, aii i at nearly itii ( ijUal li'.taiicc Iron: I'a e surriiiindine; \ illagcs. it i> 'iiiiK ccs^ar;, to;;i''a tiirvln. r d'.'icription ot tlii-i lain', as tliosi-, hd iloubi, w cliiiig to pnr- ' liasc, will \ic\v the |)r iiii'. I'or tifiiis, aj)- pl) lo tlie suhseri!x'r, li\ iiig ,> ii;iU s north of luieoi'd, t ab.ii i ii> oimt\. V. M’KKK. X. i’l. Api’.rovfd ra-ih notes, ii'. jiroe.s. or notes Of |4'otia!de and pa_\anli ,il the ciiarbittc Maiik, vdl be rec(;i\cd III pa\ iiieiU. A. IJ. M. K2tf Fourth day,' Fifth day, Sixth day, Seventh day, F/ighth day, Ninth day, Tenth day F-leventh tlay, Twelfth day, Thirteenth day, . . - - - Fonrtcenth day, Fifteenth day, '^1,500 Sixteenth day, 5,000 Seventeenth day, 10,000 Kighteenth day, ‘.30,000 The ri St of tlie prizes floating in the w heel from the conunenceinent, amounting to $73,730. Prizes payable at the Agency of the Hank of ^Ijyj'l'his is not speculation. 50o!n>erc fanciful sketch.—Our 500 i number but too many terrible cxam])les 500 ! of its literal truth. More than one re company, njultitude. Such is the ifiscrimin(i- flon of poliiicitl ptirty ! A recollec tion of these things calls up feelings that it is dilficult to restrain within moderate terms. Nilc.s licg. A ride and a duck.—Michael Har vey, well known as a boatman at lirook- lyn ferry, not long since, either through carelessness, or the inllucnce ol hisd.'iily dram, chanced to pass with his boat un VVe heard a story, similar to the one just related, several years since, about somfs hands who were mowinjj; in a clover field in Lancaster county, Penn : The person who led the van, observed a IJIack Snake rearin.i^ its head lo a consideral)lP- distance abov*; the glass, and aware of the cotnpetition of his fellow-1 aborers, who followed close in the rear, made a furious blow at the “arch-enemy,” which coming round with g;reat force. der the large tide wheel, used by Mr. | completely severed the head from the Watson in boring putnps. 'I'ho wheel shoulders of the unfyrtunaie mower’— was going at its usual rate, ancl Michael, His companions alarmed, and horror- to save himself from drowning, clung struck at the scenc, rushed off in (piest of a neignhoi ing surgeon, who being soon found, was conducted to the Ijleeding; trunk of the decapitated man. The doc tor, after raising his eyes and hands in closely to the wheel, and was thus car ried over, somewhat in the manner that Don Quixotte was by the wind-mill. At every revolution of the wheel, poor . Mike was soused .lcei.lv in the water, pit' on, manner it , , , *11- I his fruitless cxpcdiiion, c-xclaimed,Vv, and the agitated spectaUrs expectcd him a man’* het vat’s off his sholde-s. ” N. C. Journal. to lose his hold, and go to the bottom, or break his bones among the timbers of the enormous wheel. But Mike’s time was not yet come. Alter six duckings and drainings, Mike preserved his breath—the wheel was stopped, and \s soon The Hear unlhont n hridle. — Anionc^ the early settlers nf W'urcostor cohmiv, in *his 5lul, wa^ ;i (ietman, by tiit tiame of Fourpetks, or Kotepeek. Ti'e ut,c; :on- 1 000 " »eluctant tes- 1,000! timony to the ravages of this vile j>rac- 1,000 I tice. Who can walk our streets without ; occasionally meeting some bloated and I’ooo countenance—marked witli the sad traces of uiinatural disease? Ask who and what these poor creatures are, and you will be hut too frcfpiently told —that they w'ere born in a fair station, and educated with the brightest hojies, but that station and those ho])es, the af fection of their families, and Uu; resjiect ^v'v.*v\un\ i)\\ \\u‘ •\U>ui.‘\wv,uV. i* s r ptililisbed, and lur sale at this ollire, • " pri. f 1‘jt . iits. " A Si rinoii till 1 !ic Atone- U\ S V M r I, I. i;. (’ u,i w 1.1.1., A. M. AVVv\v*A\u\fv\\> t''‘r iA'.i: s le ii wuv\ I'lawAs ".i; of thtf Jomi.;Q. Cape-Fear, in Hillsborough, N. C. ,>0 days after •'‘H sacrificed to the eftniph iion of the*h'awing, subject to a tlis-j the poor, ungentlenianly and (h'grading cotrii of 15 i>er cent. .Ml prizes not tleniainleil, of inteni|)crale indulgence. It is u ill,in IJ months from the eompletion of the ilrawinu', will he eonsitieri d as tortciteil lo tne , . , , " . . • , ■ i uses of the Loticr\. I is the great tountiun whirli deluges the ’.I. M KI5I?, Cviit/iii.s.sliincr. gat)iiug-rootn aiid the brothel with their Ilillshorini^li, .Ijn-H, ISJb. j jicstiU lit j)opuhit ion. But how is the The attention of the North-Carolina pubbc is ' ],y mitig;it(v| ? 'I'jie sup- respcctfiillv inNiie.l tt. the foregoing of tippling-houscs and diminu- "l he laudable pnri)f)se contemplated w i H, itisJ. . ,, , , hoped, secure to it tlic aid if those who art. j tioH oMiconcesmay be Serviceable toth(! triendly It) the int. resl.-.til literature aiul>cieiice; nioiais of the “small vulgar” — but the and the name alone ol the ji'ciUleinaii w h(» has | Vllh’TU’"’ are tiotto be clu!(;ked bv eonst iitcd to act as (Miiniiiissioner in the man-i ^ i 4 • .1 • it' . Cl I I tv ■ >uiy such restraints. iNothinir but a au'cinent of t!ie i.oiterv, IS a stiiiicicnt pl (ls>e ot * , ■ 1 i- 1 the fairness with which it wdl be conthicu-.l. i)road and public stamp ol moral icpro- A. 1). MI U1*11K\. I balion can eli'ect tlicni. Purcnts, giiardi- /7j^°Tickrts in tlii' above Lottery are'ans, tutors, masters, are called u|)nn to for sale at the or,ice of the .luurnal. Orders in visit tl'.e lapses of those committed to mail, V.ill be promptly altendcd to. WwiVvwv\s ?S\v\i* J their care with the most eanu'st admo nition 01 the si‘\f‘rcst censure. i.ict them point out hi/ ni/t/ir the ma- rsT 1*1 i!l,i>iii',l), and for sale at this of- ny and memorahh' instances of ilrgrada- ticc, “ strietiiiH s .11 a book, i ntith il, ‘ ■•^'i 1 |joii and ruiii wliicli iiavc happened in AlH.h.Ky for the iK.ok of i*s:dins, by ''11,j.j, voung man, iiisl.bcginning McMastir.’ I o w hit h arc udiie.l, Ii. mar.-k on ' ^. •-« ‘ a hook, [by Ale.v.mtU r l.ordt)ii] enlitad ‘■| lic!tO tlrUlk bis /lifcji.s a.'ld l>ll/rrs, imi.st iliMgn and use of the i!ook t.f iSa'ins.F.y j , nol tt) liis own companions, but ili.Mtv lii iFM it, A. .M. >\itb ail Ap|)cnh.\, i ihoso who liave had a I'ew years h\ .Iniis NL W iLso.N, pastor ot i!ih k) Uivtr and I’hiladelphia. V! V) wu)AV' s \V v\v V i\\iV ? I, i'c:- s-.Ue, at t!'_s the ■slJitof hini, for pruol's of tiie (Hei'L whit'ii those seiistiiilities piodiice. Il Ktj has the godtl ''tii'-o til pKiiit bv li t; ( n- 1 |'er;e':iC? ! C'‘!iCi'^,- ’* (tj''tv';a‘.v; if ;.v’. he was aide to speak, he said, “I ants ol the lorest iiaJ n»^t as \ei given thank ye, gentlemen—come, let us go I>lucr ; ,uui I’jreperk ring employed on . . .1 • 1*1. .1 ri tiitifc* willi in and have something to drink togetlier !” y Unig hlund Star. rrom the Ncw-York Statesman. MU. iio(;an. a ccrtani inin-. wiiii some others, in the manufarturin.’- of 'najtle sugae,- *aw a large bear r >tning aniung them, and not waiting 10 count the cost, fhr"w uptjn his bark. Ijimiii, linaei^ustomfii to Ibis mode of ^itlnuiifJii, began lo make oifas well as his load wftuld permit—Init perhaps thinking, like the man iu ihe play, if that vvas tne way hi.s new ac- (pianiiuricc bncked liii iVit;nd3, “the devil fi^ke such batking!” lie could not help turning round ekciy now ii id liien to bile the legs of his dr.rinir r;rler. Kh The reverend Mr. Hogan is well known in Philadelphia. He lately paid a visit to New Jersey, behaved tliere in a scan dalous mauner, and in consequciicc of detection, sent to I'.dward Harris, l.ifp a challenge to fight a duel. Instead ol meeting Mr. Hogan, he justly handed erthcless,'the hardy CermdO kept his sea him over lo the gr^nd jury, and hfi was j,, spue of the smart and the streams of indicted for chalknging; but the reverend hlood which v^ere tricklin,'^; tlown hi> h'gs, gentleman not recognising any court, ex- ,[n one of the company coinitip up, ccpl the ert lesiastical court, refused to j i^nockctl llie v. e..ry bear on the hr.;V. >Viiii obey Ihe mandates of the law, actually u,, axe, and despatched him. I’hc drew a pair of pistols on the ollicers ; pui j |)nt^;|„nan wai ju-sily proud of his-ex- them at defiance, and at Icni.Mli readied but win n the e.;citement which Nevi'-^’ork. Here, says Noah, “ he was arrested as a fugitive from juslita;, anti lodged in liridewell. An aitempt was made, without efl’ect, to liberate him by habeas corpus, and iiis friends interfer ed. They oljtaiiied and paid lor his passage to Liverpool, oji board the \Vil- iiam liyrnes ; and .Mr. Hor^an was escort ed on Woard, bag and baggage, and set sail willi fuir wind. When in siglil of the liglu house, the re^e^en(^ grntletnan lurried to Ihe captain, tolj liim he was forced on Ijoard h'is vl sel against hii will, anti if he (lid no* pml him on board tlic pilot boat then under tlie lee, he would, on his ii'-riviil at I.i verpool, arresl him for ialse imprisonment. Chaplain liackslulV, ihiii . ddresscd by one of hi* passengers, and nol rflishinf^ legal pnt- cess at lite titl of the voyage, sent ,Mi h.Ad supj)i>rtt.d bun through his perilous: ride, was over, be exclaimed—“ lie-- tytil! 1’!! never reil a pear again miiunf a lori- die I” liuslon /jajjcr. A few days since, sum.- young w'enicn wput into the H\li .M.ll's '-ti called) iu Hntlaiid,ln see a large v-Mfef wheel wbicli l.'ul just Ijcen put ii cpera!ion. 'I'wo oi them stood l)V the whf el, f^:ie of wl.icb was bt/uliti;; hi ;• I.dnds so iu»t the bin k- els \voukl vtrihe the:ri u'; thity irvolvf'tf, wlicn slif be. j'nc i!i/./y !.y lookin*- iipoa llie uhcr', a;i'! !*;li 'ipon In lit-i fi i.^ht she cl'iH,' to the uiu*"l und was ■■ji'ied over f top, b-vlweon it a:.t^ a ’a. ,.;e bea.n,' wl.rre ihe.'e was but seven irr hrs sp.ice' I;i pai.:;tiP7 tlic !)e:‘n:i she was'probr»')iy ;ol‘'d into one 01' the I.ackets. Her •iliiM s alarmtdd s. pt ; preicn’, who Hogan on bo*rd the pilot boat, iVoin .vhul tlie and ih-' whet ! wis stop whicIi he w„s transferred, at his own de- sii e, to the I'lesident, bound foi' (Charles ton, siic under full sail, clearing ibe lighi iiouse, aiitl in a few days the re\erciid Mr. Hogan may reach ihc capllal of S. Carolir.;^- ” ped jusl in se? ;on to prevcn* her fror*i bcini'; ci'ushed aj^'ainst tlie Ou!k-hr,uI. The \oiatf^ woman fc'aiiili*'g by, sreint:; i-.er danger, involuntarily sprung iijiou the wheel, and wu« rifar tne ;op (fi vvht'T: i‘ was stoMpCil.—