VOL. II ] CHARLOTTE, „V. V. TVliSDAY, OCTOliKll 24, 1826. U'-l. [N». ((II. I’UULISIIED WEEKLY Bv LEAILKL lilNGIIAM, .Ql T':rre Dollars a i/car, paid in advance. No paper will !h' discontinued, unless at the li.scrction of Uit- editor, until all arrcaragei are paid. Advertiscnu nts will be inserted at the usual Tates. Torsons sending in advertisements, are rc' leblt- d to note on tlie nuirj:rin the number of in.serti.'i;.s, or they will be continued until forbid, and cluirg'td according-ly. By authority of the State of North-L'arolina. TO ENCOCTHAOK THE PVIII.ICATION OF THE lllSTOUY OF NOH I H-C AHDLINA. HIGHEST I'UIZE, 20,000 DOLLARS. Drawing to cummtnce in Ilillsboruu^h, un the Mh Monday of Nuvtmhcr next. SraiKTH & s. CAKOIINA Vor^hc benefit »;f OXFOHD ACADEMY in N)rti;-(’arolina, &c. CL.JSS—To be drmcn 29th Knr. 182G. J. n.VA'I’ES y A. McIN'l VUE, Manai'era. 1 1 1 i t 1 6 12 7H) ',8UU I’rizc of 6,00U 5.000 4,U0U 2,500 1,310 1.000 500 50 10 5 $12,000 6,000 5.000 4.000 2,5i;o 1,,')40 6.000 6,000 7,800 7,H00 39,000 97,440 1 1 1 1 2 8 10 20 40 50 450 1,050 7,366 arftcmr. Prize of 20,000 10,000 5.000 2.000 1,500 1,000 500 200 100 50 20 10 5 Dollars, is ?20,000 10,000 5.000 2.000 3,000 8,000 5,0U(J 3,600 4.000 2,500 9.000 10,500 36,830 TRAVELS. LETTERS FUOM PKUSSIA. [feom tiik r ncA sksti.nel.] 9,000 Prizes. ^ 23,886 tickets at $5 is 119,430 14,886 Hliinks5 CCj iVw/ two Blanlcs to a Prize. 500 Tickets to be drawn in a d:iy—to be com pleted in 18 days’ drawing'. All the nnmliers to be placed in one wheel, and the prizes in an other. STATIONAHY VUiZES AS FOl.l.OWS; The last drawn Tickit on the. First day, will be entitled to a Prize of Si.cOlid day, $200 500 500 500 500 500! 5,000 I 10,000 20,000 The rest of the prizes floating' in the wheel y,760 Pri/r?. 15.6U0 r.lanks.—2t,360 Tickets. Third clay, 'I'bis a I.ottcry formed by the ternary per- Fourth day, - - j-nututiiin of oO ninnbers. 'Fo deterniinc the Fifth day, - - pr /.«.s therein, the 30 niimi)ers will be publicly Sixtii day, - - pl iCL-d in ;i wlieel on the day of tlrawinj^, and Seventh day, - - fi)m-of them be drawn out; and that I'lcket ' Kijrlith day, - - iMvin;:’ on it tue 1st, Jd ai\d3d drawn nvinibers, I Mnth tlay, - - in the Order in which drawn, will be entitled to j 'l’( nth day, - - tiie pn/e of li^l2,000. Eleventh day, And tlii'sejive other Tickets having on them 'I’welfth day, ilu same niunliers, shall be-cntitled to the £)ri- 'FhirtecnUi day, - k-cs atHxed to tluni respectively, viz : * Fourteenth day, - The 1st, 3d and 2d to 5^6,000 Fifteenth day, The 2d, 1st and 3d to 5,000 Sixteenth day. The 2(1, 3d and 1st to 4,000 Seventeenth day. The 3d, 1st anil 2d to 2,500 Eighteenth day, - 'I hc 3d, 2d and 1st to 1,350 The rest of the p.. The 6 tickets which shall have on them the ; commencenient, amounting to 1s‘, .’d and 4th drawn numbers, in some ()iie ot . tl . Girders, wdl each l)e entitled to a prize ot $73y7oV. I', (. . Prizes payable at the Agency of the Bank of i ; 12 tickets which shall have on tlfem any ! r,apt-Vear, in Hillsborough, N. (’. 30 days after oi ihree of the drawn numbers, in any ordciv completion of the drawing, subject to a dis ci . . nnutation, w dl each be entitled to a jjri^e count of 15 per ecnt. All prizes not demanded j.5wj. I within 12 months from the completion of the rho li6 tickets which shall have two of the drawing, will be considered as forfeited to the «1rawn. nuiiilu rs on them, and those two tlie 3d I the Lottery. and .th. will each be entitled to a prize of ^^50. j. \VEP«B, Cominmioner. I hi'S'- 780 tickrts winch shall have on them j JliUsborovgh, April, 1826. sKrn> oih'-r two ot the drawn numbers, will cach j attention of the Xorth-Carolina public is be entitled to a prve ot ^10. , ,, , respectfully invited to the foregoing scheme Vnd thiisc 7,'^'“' '■•■'-••t'; viliirli liiiull have on ' . P . P .n • them some one be c ntitleii to a priz*. No ticket wluch shall have drawn a ,uy,e ... , gentleman who has a superior denoinuKu,on can be entitled to an | Commissioner in the man- infcnor pn/.e. n.es pa'« de forty i avs uU v , i^ottcrv, is a suflicient j,ledge of the .liaw.ng. and suoject to the usu.-l deduction f ^ j LETTER XXXIII. MAHIlF.IH Kli, JaX. 1826. After .1 stay of between t\\\> and three clays, I left Brunswick for Magdeburg. For several miles the Harz niotintains are constantly in view towards the south, exhibiting a varied and sublime scenery. A great part of the cl'.ain, consisting of numerous and abrupt ele- ^yltions, about 80 miles, extending from north-east to south-west, is visible at oncc, and gives a lofty impression of the magnificence of these mountains, so famed in hi,story and faf)le. 'I'he Brockcr j)roudly rears his head amongst his fellows, and in proof of liis pre-emi- ncnce, still v snowy mantle Tiicse mountains extend througl. the States of Germany, Prussia, Iknover, lirunswick, and scmesinaller sovereigns having a share, all deriving a consi(lcra- ble revenue from tlieir mintu-al treasures, in which they are probably the richest in Europe. At I he foot of these mountain.*! rom- mences the saniiy country, lliough at first intermixed with loam, which ex tends, with few exceptions, to the Bal tic. lieing level, it oilers liltio to intrr- while thu, soil l)eini;, even Stoves arc in universal use forlndg-iby siatute, for them to confip iiuo any ng and sitting rooms, and arc conven-j part ot the kiiiijdoni, (5th Lliz. c. 20,) iLMilly he,atoriVom llic outsiilc, liaviiiir i ami if Ihty rfniiiinrtl on.- ii.oi.tl, ii the mouth in Ihc pass;,gc. The exp,sc II""!;- " benefit. "I ' Sir of IWl is so great as U, preclmie thousel'>■ state., lh.ii thirteen cxu a.m,-. , r I 14 * I took ijlacL* upon these statutes a levv vfjr". of open nrc places, an,! to clause grt^at sufienng in the winter season among the poor peasants. There are no tow’ns of r.onsccjtiepce between Brunswick and INla^dehurg. The most considerable is lleinistaclt, formerly the scat of a l‘nivors;y, w^ich was abolished by the Flemish, ot l .'-oii. A nourishing Gymnasium, wiiioh has nearly 100 members, hasbcc’n establisli- ed on its ruins, and when it is consider ed that it is distant only 1(> or 18 miles from Wolfcn biittel, where is a (!ym- naiium of still gri au r tnunbers, alloi ds a strong |)roof (if iht' litrrory spirit oi' fhw country, 'riie towns in f5nms\vici. are in a belter condilioii than their n(Mgidors in Hanover and I’nissla, as, in cunse- (jucncc of being iVt e from that curse of modi'rn tiine', a national debt, tliey arc d ;iits of clrar.ictcr, and pcisonal uppear- h'ss burtlei^d vvitli taxes. ancr, in every country where they lake In ai)|-.rna-‘hing the Hli)C, the country j up their .ihode ; whetlicr iti S otJand, assun'ics the apiK'aianct; of greater ter-j Denni.uk, Kusi.ia, Spain, or Alrica, they tilitv, and thoiigh its banks an: remark-ithe same physiognomy: “their ihiv low, lht;y' h:iv,' a ccrlaii. i icht.ess j'■'vat thy co..i|,le^iun rerc.ves t.o .laikcr .. ., 1 r shade Irom tlie burnlnt^' sun o| Aiiica, nor floes the mild clin\uH* of I’.urope 500 500 in this quarter, principally sand, is not 1.000 J very productive. It jiresents an entire 1.000 j contrast to the rich fields in the southern I’ooui Hanover and Brunswick. Over lloooithc latter, nature has scattered her lioooj bounties w’ith a liberal hand ; but dili- 1,500 i ggnt cultivation can bring the former to , ,80(1 tickets, which shall have on ; lnudable purpose conteinplateil will, it is iKM.t tbc dr.ax n numbers, xydl e.ach j secure to it th** aid of those who aro o a pnz.. ot i-j. ] rlzc of' 'U lUH- ly laws were repealed 23 (Jeo. HI. ; but under no severity luivp they iliininis d, neitluT does lenity reclaim them. Suain is supposed to eoiii.tin r)0,('0't of ’; eai. 'I'hcy ;i;c si attrrcd tluoii^hi'U! l:t opc. which, it is believed, coDtiuMSliiiti- drecl thousand d' these vagabonds. 'I'iuir origin is u riupstifMi of r.l'Tcst, and many have ascribed it to a irit.’ diiv- en from I’-i^ypt at an early pan jT tiic Christian era, while oiiieis see t;\i( es of the llindoo in their looks i laiii;iia;.;c, iiiid iniaL';iije them stra[;j;lin;;ulV r's iVum tiic lowe'.v of the Indian castes : i»o' it my oijinitJii that they art a batn.' ii ol’ Liizziuoni, actunuilaied in the liisi in‘ stance around a lioide. ',>f vui^rants from or.e of the rasterii coininetits. It is sur- piisini; that they maintain tneir pfculiar of 15 per cent , , • , Tickets an.I Shares can r>e had in ttie above fichcnie at th-’ Managers’ OiViees. Whole Tickets, 5 00 1 Uuarter.s, $l 25 \lalves, 2 50 | ((J^Tickets and Shares in the above j !T,niter\, are tor sale at tlu ■’■■■ ' A U. MUUIMIEV. (?:3^Tickots in the above Lottery arc for sale at the Office of the Jovirnal. Orders by * mad, will be promptly attended to. bu.! vill ,.al. Orders by nntil, enclosing the cash' pror.iptly attended to. otfice of tlie Cataw-' \» VV\>\lC IjiUei’Viv'UA tW^Ul, 1‘ui* The subscriber for sale a vahuible attract of l.and, on aceom- Jii.odiitlng terms, whieh.rtKfej^, iTes ill the lower part of Iredell county, on the head waters of Kocky Iviver, adjoining the lands of t.. S. Houston, Benjamin Brevard and others, and cf>ntaining .5”- acres, '('he saiil land is nt gootl iii;ilit\ and well wati red, both as to springs and i)ranrhes. Of the land now in crop, amount ing to K) or 50 acres, the most of it is well m..- nured .mil will produce corn, cotton or wheat, in snnieu nt fpiuntity to ubundantly compensate the linsbaiulnian for his lalior. Expefunettt has pfo\i n that it is ])eculiarly ;idaptcil to receive great and |)erinanent benefit from manure.— 'l'h( re is on it a 1 '.rge portion of low griuiiuls, rf excellent quality, eitlie'’ for meadow or pas ture, 10 or ri acri s of w hich are in good order :md have been mowed fur a nunibi r ot years. The ])nneip;d dwelling-house is large and eoin- luodloiis, which, w ith a little addition.il expense, might b>' made conifoi table and fOH\ enient e\ en I'or a livge f;inidy. The siliiat'oii on which it stands is |)robabiy e(|ual to an_\ in tliis ur thi' ad- jact lit counti.s- Tlieri' is a W'Hot gooil wa ter convenient to the hoUKe, and .i large, tertiie gunleii. rbere are t w o iinproM iiu iits on tins tract, w hich Mil be sold togethi r or separately, 1o suit purcliayers. It would be a de>ira!ile plac( of residence fora inemlu r o! the protes- vion of Law or a l’b\siciaii, being in a respert- aole ar.il popnloin lu lu bi)orhood, ;>nd at nearly an i ipial distance troni live sarrouiidii);.;' villages. It is unnecessary togiM a (iirther (h ■. riplion of this land, as tiiose, no doubt, w isliing to jinr- rhase, will \iew tlie jireinlst for terms, ;ip- plv to the snl)seribi r, li\iiii; 5 miles north of (.'oncord, Cabarrus coiint\. A. C. M’UKE. N B. .\pproved cash notes, lu groes, or notes iieg.)li.ible and payable at the (jiiarlotte Bank, will he rcceivcti in pa\nient. A. C. M. HJtf fTlllE subscriber informs his friends and the X public, that he lias ])urchased that well know n establishment, lately ow ned and occupi ed bv Dr. Henderson, and is now prepared to enteftain travellers and others, who may ])lease to call ort him ; and no exertions will be spareil to render them comfortable, and their stay a- greeai)le. His table will be furnished with ev ery variety which the country atlords; his bar with the iiest of liipiors; and his stables with plentv of provender, ..nd carit'ul servants will be in constant attendance. IIOBEKT 1. DINKINS. CharloUe, April 20, 1826. ^0 Wouse oIl Vu\tevi€iVi\\\\e\\l, yND stage House, at tlu- sign of the E.agle, in Cjiarlotti lil'.fi North-Carolina, bv BOBKh r W ATSON- A s; V le wWvw a\ »X v A \ e v‘. Mecklenburg .\gricultural Society will 1- nifit at the ('oiirt-bonse in ( harlollr, on the last Saturday of this month. It tieing tbe anniversiiry meeting, it is e 'ipect. d the nn. nibi rs v.ill 1)0 punctual in thi.ir atteiid'Hice at an ea!’l_\ iiour. J. .>;Mrni, Scc’ri/. Oct. 4lh 1826.—-^tO t only a moderate degree of fertility. Thisdil^'erence is observable in the vil lages them.selves, which, though they arc no where in Gerinany remarkable for neatness and comfort, have here a peculiar dry, withered, and dusty ap j)carancc. 1 judge from the inns, nc.atiiess is far from being a characteristic of the peas ants. Stone floors, whicl. are almost universal, are not favorable to cleanli ness, since, where there is necessarily a good deal of dirt, it seems no great sin to leave a little more. Pockct-haiul kerchiefs seem entirely unknown .1 mongst them, the hand being a substi tute, which, as the greater includes the less, not improbably renders them, in sensible to every other species of filth. 'I'hey are, notwithstanding, civil and obliging, salut the passenger WMth a “good day,” and not unfr(;({ucntly use the good old-fashioned custom of pull ing o(V their hats. Though a populous country, ii often wears an. air 'of desolation ; since one may pass a milo or two without seeing a house, or a single living; crcaturc. There is, throughout, much less of mo tion and bustle than ainong our popula tion, every one contuiin«; himself more to his own district and |)Opulation. The arrangement of the inns, both in town anil country, is wcdl calcuiatrd to promote the convenience of the travel ler. 'I'he only one lixcd meal is at noon, and oftiiisit is at the option of each oiu; to ])artake or not. 'I'hcrc is no general charge of so muc!i per day, but evi.'ry sc]iarate article, liown to ihe light, is noticed and prosentcd in the bill, 'riiougb this arrnngoment enables every traveller to regulate, in a manner, his expenses, yet in tlie ordinary style in the cities, they are much greater than with us : in fact, wluMi v/c lake into account tlie diirerfiit ^•ahle of nione\, i;i!)out tu iee ; .s gi'eut. -N'oti ;i!'o expect- ! ed to pay the M'l vanf, the amonnt be ing left entiit ly to your generosity: land though this custim wtiighs sonie- what heavily on the per'^oti, yet by re- I cf'iving a prompt ami obliging atftMil'on, iadds materially to the comfort of trav- jeiling. In lotlgln^, the toreigncr i' m ■ If he which coinj)ensat,c‘j for the absence of the lofty and subliuie. 'Fbis celebrated fortrc'^s is washed on one side by the Klbti, and on the other defend( M ijy fortifications of such (>\tent and streiiiith, as to reniler ilidmo.'it im- jiregnable, if manned with a siillicient I’orce. It has been hut once cajiturcd, by 'rilley, in the ;>0 years’ war, who treated the inhabitants with the most saviige barbarity, ainong whoin there are still current many talcs of this hor rid inhumanity. He seems, in fact, to have been the bloodiest and most un- sj>aring of modern warriors. Not lar east of Brunsv. ick is one of his battle grounds, in passing which, I was over taken by an inhabitant of a neighbor ing town, of between 2 and :1000 in habitants, who told me that the destruc tion wdiich he made after tlie battle was j^ivc tlicm any fairer hue. They coiiti acl no additional laziness in Cairo, nor ac (luirc new industry in I'-n^lant!.” Tlicy urr insensible to shame and mdill'crent to justic*', incapable of t^rutitudo and oi cultivation ; are very loquacious, and it is tiieir delight to set cr(jss facing; the sun, and then to commence chatter ing. They are cunnin.u;, fickle, timO' I'ous, revengeful, and muhcious in the extreme. i’lie j;;rpaicr part of the time they wander daily, lliough often they infest neij'libwrhoods, uniil they prnluce a scarcity by their pillafijc and jietty thefts. In Traiisylvani.i and Ilungarv they arc more numerous perhaps than iii any parf: of the world, where in the, su iihum- they live in tents, and in winter in !;tdes lo or 12 iV-et dee[) in the earth, and ure inorft ‘tutioiiary here tiian in otiie. cuuutries; so complete, that if was still a currciit 1 f»i- eiscwhcrp they are \afja!)onds and report amongst the citizens, that a swine | fi'inuves. Their occupation i>, not Ics'-. was the only livins: thing IminJ in Ihe' P‘;ct'h„r, im.l coexlens.ve will, ti.e r.i r pUcc, after he 'had al.amk-ned ii. | " !.. rc'cr lo„t„l. 1 hey ur.- litiker, jml ,‘burg had never before b Uired, and one of the gates has they .re skilled in the mvsteries of the figure oi a virgin reiiresenleii upon j it, which my guide told me placed j sui prisin.e; that no r,ut:sfa»:tory ac- there belorc^ lh« Cii]itun: by I illy, to L ountof their orii;in can be ji)iiiiufd, denote that it had never surrendered. I'or near four centuries tht'y h.ive uaii He also showed me the house of thejdei fd over the tarili, and ihuuf^h .uany ruling Burgom.-ister, bv whom the city I'^•■’''-■'•^>‘"7 attempts have bc. u n.adc to was SMirren'dorcd, and 'in commemora-1 lion of this degrading act, tlie date ofj w.!s a small company that we sa\7 the cventis inscribed in large ligur»,s on , ^idci vvitu aicw ii"!ser .s tools, the front. Il was designed no less as a| c r' ‘ warning to l.im than to cIcUt all lultirc "" ' '“ck oUn ass. I ncy 7 , ,, , ! moijiv take lour stakes and drive them m Generals and (lovcrnors trom sue!i an infamous procet'dlug. The I’lU'-'^ian Government soems to rely greatly , , , I r 1 « : lortuiie tellers, and persuade tl.c lynor- JNIai'deburo: had never belorr bocu cap- ^ ^ 1 ant and supeistuious all ei the uwrlr], the princl])lc of honor in its comman ders and soldit rs, and as it cannot be stow great pecuniary rewards on brave ry and good conduct. su])j»lies its place by honorable ilistiiK.'tlons (jn the one one tyinj; ihcm with a bark withe ; they tiicn sus|)cnd a kcttU- from the middle, under which they Ijiiild u lire anc '.i)ok the meats and ve}j(Mablcs wivicli they piniider from the barn doors and garden': of adjaecnt farmers. If l>r;ju;;ht to jus-* lice, il mutters not to them, only that if hand, and degrading stigmas on the o-|ibeycan ;,ret o])portiinity for rovcntj.e they llier. When a subaltern ur private dc- wlic’thrr it oflers in one year ur twenty; lor \\itli tliem tliat pussioii never sleeps. Thus in some districts' they iii(!ulf];c iheirxile praetices with impunity, from the well aic ri taint’d fact, that [)Unishincnt is unavadini^, and that topro\okc tlicm ia any way i .raisinj;- u diabolical and re- veii'^t ful .'"pirit not soon nor easily allav cd.” >erts, a cMar.se wooden image of him, or hiS naiiH! nnlely carved, is hung in some conspicuous place, in ortler to maUe tiiiu the and ridicule. ob;ejl of 2;eneral scorn JV vA Vc . Vr.T. puvon« indibt((Lto me, by note or book account, are reijue'^ted to make pa\- nu nt ag;iinsttlie first of Nf)\eniber. In su ilo- ing, thev will oblige me and save cost. Kl.A.M MUOUr. ■ September 28, —CtlO.^ \*ev\Uu‘Y, \V\des, III r. subscriber li.is for sale, Tpper, Sole ant’ Harness I,earlier, which he will li>.]Ht.;e ol t >r Casli, or, if crediteil, for niites p:i\aldt: one da\ atu r date; a lit is deteriniiud to ket]i no j (l;tiigt.*r of OllC or two extremes boi)k account. Hi will also exchange l.ciUli'r' himselt'. as heuould liaturaliy r,.rli„l«, at csl, h>, on iIh; tl,,,lrrn'..«l „r IIUMU',, Leti;. f.tr tliein ; and III a:.e !'.• has not cash l._v Mil. I’ J1 . ;,t thv-tone, wdl give hi-i note, pax :ililc out* d:i\ ,\\hicll always eonst:tu1(' tli(! shrping ;,t\er d »t r. W ll.I.IAM BlDlMI.I,. j opparalUs, he'is liable lo freeze, i'lr Ik; J.i, Irjfi.- I I’liids IK) covering at all. (»r a very VvwiYuCV\s ^Ivvevwvvs. ^ other h;:nd, he J rsT lMM!l,lSlll',i;, and ftjr .•^ale at tliis of- tice, “ Sti'ictiil'es on a book, entithd, ‘An A |iolog_\ tor the liook ot I’salnr-, by (idl)ert \U M:>''t'ei.’ To w hich are adtled, lii iimrsk o:i a iMiok, [b\ \le\:imler trordcli! t l:l:’.Ld. ‘'I 'le (h ,-i,'-n and use of the Book ct INaliii' ’ ” B\ H i.Niiv l!i I r.M II, A.M. >\'!h an A|'p(i.'ii\, b\ ,loiiN \!. N\ ii.-'i.N, pastor ot Boek_\ Kivcr and I'liil uit Ipbla. Dcctb; for at this OlUct;. jrM"iakov ! places himself betwi'cn tliem, as In' Is 'expected to do, he runs the risk of bc- , ini: smotliercd by the unusuai heal. ' A ioreigiicr Udd me that he, on first arriving in the country, fell into the Crror, :md jdacing bimsidl'dii th' upiu-r ibefl, called fora long tiuu; lustily for ! bcd-e'otl'c'. ’•eio' .- he tiis.w;vercd !.N i (•iVl'xil.S. l'\trar,tof a K-tler to the Ivli'.cr (f the New York 'I in.( s, troni a tVlend iiavelli!it; in Eu rope, dated l.omioii. “ A few miles !Vom Neweasth; we saw an entumimu’iit of ('ypsiis—iniserabie beinc;s indi-e;l ; thrir ( (.•niueirjiii.es in dicate not i-ne gurxl quality. 'I'hcir lea der was a uoniaii,!o whom it vould be a conij.liment to compare Merj Merrilieb. She was Hi least an inch higher than six I’eet, and ’.ar!;e in lu'ojjoriiun, am! about lilty )ears of ai^e. Her lari^'C botiy arms were n.ikcd to the ib^w : with her loinj ilii ivelled tinj,a'rs she hehl a Jjipe 'o her mouth, n hich, IVom its colour, «M'enu (l to have been lom^ in her scj\ii e ; m;;!t»‘d locks of hair wcie Iianf;iir^ over her i'aci-, and a short !'•>•,\n, m.ifie tight to the waist, a coarse bruwn petilcoat. whirl) narlicd a lilile bi low the knee, witii blue \ ai n sl'jci'ings, stifl’ leather .shoes, and a man’s hut cn her head, HiiiJ mislnkr.— :\ rattle snaltc wns n bon! a foitnr.'ht since, discovered in tin; ( '■nul, in Warwasink, f’v an eini;; .tn*: from ‘.lie Kind of Si. Watiick, who ',i([: posiri'y it tf) In; an ce!, withoul any 'eri. inony r^r^^jipled it, e\claiinin;;, *• Ac. ule ; an a!e, by the powers S;^nu; l>\ slanclers soon undecei'.ed hm;, wiien r w as lound that he had bceri hiiisMi time': by the poisoi'ous rtptile. i{\' ;i liiinly appiicatioi!, how ever, tlji-' nnsui’ was o.ti'jcted. \ .'^'ill‘t n». Jthaln'.l Cntjui. — It is said that \dmira( Coii i', ol the 15rili:,li Nunv, duii'i,; hr-- n cent \isit to \aritu(kel, ])U u l;a a'd line acadcni;. I’or the pui pos'' oi'edm .r ine; all the cliild'cn who are ii'io; d To! Hiu a:;d t'oe ilrr^^rn'iin'ja t f ("u'tiir 1 hr .Vdinirr.l has a[)propria;'d funds for 'he coiupicted her costume. They liave no • soppot t id' the lustiln'ion lorever, and a abiding jdai'C, a?!(l, though in tiiis conri- j.jeiitleman of lioston, '-lio is a descenci lr_\ tinkerin;,^ is tlicir j)i ofession, r liey | ant of some of the Coihns ol Naiitucke', live ijiincipally by mean aitiiic.cs, and Uvill take charc;c of the sc hool. small thefts. .My compassion was great-j — ij excited for this degraded, and as 1 i A spccirs of maliof^any, producfd in ihou,^dit, ne^lecicd race of bci:K;s. 'I he j \fi iia, is rising in c';li ;iaiion in l.iijj* laws aie severe at^ainst them, though j land. A ntimher ot vessels have b(jej(i Ic'js 'hji*i !'orm'"rlv, for i' w.is •clyny, ' Iv^dcd with il this vcM’