VOL. IH.] ciLmTArrrE, jv. c. ruEsnAv, octoher 3i, isse. IM niJSIll'.l) WKKKI V \\v LKMI KL liI.\(JlIAM, /It 'J'/irrv DnH/irs i -j'titr, jKt 'ul in advancc. No |j;qii r v. I'l l)c diMCOiitimicil, uiilffeb iil tlic tLscrt llmi i lh cililor, tiiitil all arrciini^^cb are jjalil. \il\ i-vti-.C'iiu‘nts will be iiisrrtcd ;it the ut.ii:il T,ilc'' I'l rsoiis Mciulliif^ ill :tflvcitisi'nu*iit', aro rt I'i'.-. -ti U In iii.ti- (111 th.. HKti-^'-iii tlu- inimhcr of rtinii^, fir i!h \ will lu- coutinui.d until forbid, und t 'i: ii;‘ d accoVtliii};ly. rjDBXH St s. CAXLCX.XNA 'r. ■■■ till! DlilK'til .t r/n^T ( L.ISs- /. 1$. N A 1 i:s c OWOKI) ACADEMY 'uroliiKi, &c. -'J'd he ihuirn 20lli A'kc. 1826. A. M r I > ’ I V W h'., .1 hi)i(iger.' SCHEiyiEI. I’ri/.c f rl'J.O'fO is 6,()o0 5.'K)0 3'>0 50 1' 5 $12,000 G,OOU 5,()0U 4,U0U l,.MO fi,i;oo 6,000 7,SiJt) 7,«U0 r/j.ooo i)7,140 f.'j I’vr/C"'. ■ HI Vd.ink..—-1.'’oO Tulccts. i^ u l.oM. r\ fornud 1>> tlio tiriuiry piT- • u ot ,')0 i/iii.bii;'. dilL'niiiii.- tlu' iluT' in. t'lc .'0 iiumlu rs will be ])u! licl> ill :i Vvlucl i.u the d^^ of drawmjc, f'olir (it: til- :i. lu‘ -iv.iw II out l;u\ in;,'’ >>n it tin 1 st, ■i lii miit.it p-"/r p' nid. 1' III \\ liu'h draVv 11, iid and 'liat Tick t d drawn iiiuiiIh rs, \\ ill b‘ Lntitlcd to in tin' iird till' nn/r (.1 'r'lJ,(''jO \>.d Ml ii\ f "thcr 'i'ickcts having- on llu-m llu’ s.i: I.be i iilitl'.-d to iltc pri ■'Cb aliiX'd.to't!>(. ni rt's])' i'tiv 1) • 'i''-- I'l (• U,t, .id ami -d to f6,000 ■riu- Jd, 1st and -nl to 5,000 I hc Jd, dd and Iht to 4,li00 ’1 hv od, l.-V and Jd to ‘J,500 lu- Oil, ~d ar.d 'o The C) ■•rKfIs wlijcli ^llall liavc on them tlic 1st, Jd an i Hii ilra.^n nuuibf-r^. in soiiiu one nl tlii ir oidi. r.'r, will cacii be c iititUd lo a jjrize ol ' 'I'lu 1- t.rkcts wliicli shall have on tlicm any other thru- of the drawn niimbors, in any order ol [) i :.iutalion, udl each be entitled to a prize f ?50’>. ■l iu Ijo t’.rkets which -hall have two ot the . n nuinberr, on tlr-ii'.,-and those two the .'>d ;ih, will each be entilled tn a prize ot ^50. hose TS'.i tickds which shall have on them ;K. oibi r t\\ o of the draw n number-., will each orltll'. d to a pri/e of t‘l0. ■ Vn 1 tiiosi 7,o')u tickas, w hich shall have on thv ni one of the dr,>wn niiinbcrs, will each tK- . lo a pri/.e of f5. t rl.ei which shall have tlraw n a pnz' •I suiier or (leno.'-rin.i'ion ran be emitled to j.it, r pri/.e. t*riz s payalile lorty daj.s at er t'l'c 'lu.'.' itijV, 'and : ■.'.‘.'I Cl i) the usii. ! deduction ot. l t ii-ket.. Mid shu;\ S I ■: In ?V,; a' Mie Mana,.:' \\ In.l' 'l i. ke's, to , (iuai'U 1 ia.\ >. I ‘■t' '^'1 .rs.f-l' ' •• ill the ul)0V( f.nlli r\, tile c.llice of the (.ataw In .1 ■'.'r. -'I ' ii(i,. rs n ...1, will iJioiii -Mv al'i'iuli d t( r, ,n' had in the above (Alices. ?] 25 Jiy uuthurity of the State «f yurth-CurvUna. TO t.NCdl 11 \(!K. THE I’l HI.U AT10N OF THE IllS'l OUV Olv NOK i ll-t'AliOl.lNA. llKillKS'l' I'ur/r., 20,000 DOIXARS. Dniu'hi'j; iu CDHnmnrt in Jlillsl(iroi/a/i, dti the Ath Munduy of NoveniL'r ntxt. 1 1 1 1 2 8 10 20 40 50 450 1,050 7,'.(iG artirmr. Prize of 20,000 Duilars, 10,0(10 5.000 2.000 1,500 1,0'j0 500 200 100 50 2'> 10 5 f20,000 10,'100 5.000 L>,OUO K,000 4.000 2,500 fccmmum'caticn. KOIt THE t ATAWBA JOI llNAL. Fur Ihc CoDiJiuftcc of In sf rue/ion for this Countij No. I. Mr. IhscHiAM : Some time back, I con- tcniplafi'd wiiiiHij several numbers for your Journal, on those oUbjects of in- sti uction lo our nicmbfrs of the Oneral Assembly, so I’ai- as the sentimentsof tlie citizens have been expressed, addressed to the various C'onuuiitees of Instruc tion, and to the Clratid Jurors wiio might think proper to^deliberuie on the same, llerrtofore I have l)eeu, and n(iw am measurt ably prexented by indisposition fe w Perliaps a few cursory ol»«ervntions ... „ , n, . may rxcil.- cmimiy »ml tl.-lihcr.,ii„„ oi, x- » I'^'O ihesf* suIjjer.U, and tdicit a public inves- tig;aiion in your Journal, and other pub lie. |irii\ib, prcNious lo the ineetin^; of oui k'vSOO I ''f'K I 3Cv'.'01 I'ur the present, passij)^' by the siub- iiitern.il improvemrnt, pubbe ‘’,1100 I’rizes. ■) 23,SH6 tickets at ?5 is ll‘.',loO M,H86 Blanks S C A'(// tx-u li/nil,s tn a l*ri:>.J^^' 500 'l'i( ki ts to be draw n in a il,i\—to be roni- plcted 111 18 da_\s’drawiitg\ .Ml tin to be placed in one wheel, and the jiri/es in an other. y TA'no.N \KY IMiiZKS AS lOl.I.OWS : 'I'iu lufit itnni'H 'I'ic/ul mi tin first i:a\, will in- entitled t.o a I’rize ot Second d; y, ’rliird day, I'ourth day, 1 itih day, ^i.'itn da}, SeV( hill tl.iy, F.ii,dith day, .Nil.til day, '1 I nth day, Idevi nth day, 'I'welfth da_\, 'rhirteeiith d:iy, f'onrteciith da;., l'ifte nth da_\, Sixteenth day,, Si-venteenth day, - Ki^'hteenth ii,a\, schools, and the Coiiventifjii, uhichall- impotlanl .lubirrls Have been al)ly dis cussed, by far superior talents—on wliich i the citizens iKive fortiu'd coiKc t opin- niiin K .s I Sc ear 1) of w hieh, I trust. iit ])' lo^ress to a happy conipiotidn. — ue will just no tice thr follow in'.; miiio! objects, as mer- itinp: tlf at'f'iuion of our iej.';islatu i e. 5fJ00 I'o «fl'fct a mote sjjefdy and less 50o expensive admiiiiKi alioii uf jiisi ice, it is ‘'’•'O I cuniemplated to raise the jui I'-fiiction ol I Justice on .*11 notes of hand, and all set- iiig llie npposiic si'loj “ why, T 1 have my eyes, it is .silver.” “I knov no- hiii;.; of voiir ey(\s,*' rop.licd the •-•ack knisiht, “blit if cvp!' I iavv a golu->n f.hi(,'i{l in my life, this isoi.c.’’ “Yes,” leluriicd the White ktiiglif, smilin;^, “it is very j)roba!)lc., indeed, that tiiey siiouUI cxjiose a siiiulii of f.^old in so piiiilic a place as tlii.s : for niy p'lit, I wonder, even a silver one is not too stronj;- a temptation for the '.ii^voticn of some people that pnss tliis way ; and it appears tjy the date that this Las been here above three years.*’ The b^pck knii^ht C'ni1(i noi liear ti.c smile witi'♦ w h i e h t h i s w a b d e 1 i v cr e u, (S: fj;r e w s 0 w a r rt. in the di.spn'e, lliat it soon ci (i'd in a challenp;e ; they both thervfoie tur.R(l their horses, ainl lode liaek so as Lc have sufficK nt ‘-jiace for thei’' earce.”, tiien placed their sj)ears in theii res(5, aiul {lew at eacii other with the ui'i icit fui) anti impetiiosit}’. 'J'hcir .■'M.fcl: was .so rude, and the blow on each siJ'j ' so eH'cctual, that they both Ic ll t() tho • ...me, on a day by them permanently de-j iri-ound, much woun'kni and bruised,"^ signaled. hmd hiy there some lime as in a tiapce . 1 heir duty at the Courl-1 louse is ‘o \ jro^d ilrind, who was travellini!; ihaf receive probate ol wills, it they be >i''' vva\ , found them in this coiulitori. 'riic'i c.hlfMi d : i|-.T.me.v.ei'. lo ukr ii.c ease I,,, ,|,p ,,|,vsifi,,r,s m' ,i,„5e up to Uu. l.exl CouM.-Kratt l.clUTs o as llic l.iicMs. He l.a,l a Ah,Mm.u.ul:ou-.p;,u.u.,.:uilKmH, a,..J^ balsam hi.r, l.c haU issue iheir wnts to llie bherifl, i*eainst | ■*' , . r . ii. l;^,cutors. A>lraimstV..to,....rCua.rru.,.. "asvi.,y )ul ill all t!ie plants that j!;rew in ti.e ii wliilc the ;>oor orphan, to whom this mo ney belongs, is pui oft' wiih from 1 to percent. The man who, by toil, labour and exposure scrapes together, in 8 or 10 years, his 81,000, can get only f> percent, interest, while the Ciuardian, for merely taking a note with good security, re ceives 4 or 5 per cent. I have Known c- ven 10 per cent, allowed. I have also known a (luardian demand and recei\e 5 per cent, on the estinuled value of the slaves arid lands of ids ward, over and a- bove the usual 3 pei cent. for all funds in his hands. To obviate ihese difhculties and pre vent these impositions, it is pro’posed, thai each large couniy, i>uch as ilns/be 'lixided by some known dcbignaUd boun- • •:ii'y : in this, sa)—by the public load — let the pec^ple, tlie Court, or the Le gisl.-ture, ap})Oiiit a ^uilab]e person in each yeciio)', untler high bond aiul set:ir- i it' , to a.lend to all esUtte a'.i’ ot plian bu- Miie-.s 3—e*ch of ihe.^e men lo l;u!d a cout l on ibefiisi Mondav ine\ery monlli, n ilie Couri-Ilouse, aiitJ a weekly court i.' lied accounts, signed by the deb ur, to fcl.OOO. 'I'o cll'eci tins with despa ch, 5U0 50u 50(J 5(;0 5UU 1,0UU 1,000 , amount as the Shrrilt'—to limit the ]'oi,U | *‘^y of e\eci.Minii to ihree months ' I’ooo ' -liie Constable to be coni{)ebed to make a ; 1^500 it etui n of e\ery paper pl.ced m his liaiidsi 5,000 every three momhs-to receive fees as us 10,000 ' or in the forest ; he t'taunc blood, ajiplied his balsam to compel seltlemeiiis, Za\ Sc. 'rhrir duties, at their court at home, are lo re ceive and enter in full ail returns of es tates—sales of ])roperty—m^ke particu-j wounds and brought them .ns ..ncl ,«ur,ty lo tlu- (I'.izrn.., ■«>,«.,l:,r seultmeliis «ill, I'.^ir'rulors ami (luar-1 from (k-r.lh lu rile asain. have li.en sur;:cM.l :-OiK'. lor Coiisla.l'''-""- "’fmoneys ami olhtrul.ey wore; suniricnlly rcruvcrctl pioperty ni their htnd», and pa> it to eii(|uire into the occasion ot ti i;;:i liK'ir t.) tl'.'-ir i!. wc: c I- rfts •w ’ ^ , ill. «•. bles lo give bond and ^ecurii) to as higii I to the pu-per heirs taking special and ,. u Why this man,*’ ci ;.’ sep.iraie receipts Ironi iega>ees, £vC. i'hjaek knii^ht, “will have it, vi; i shield yoinler is silver.” “ ;'v pres.sly IV (‘ 11 is 20,000 'I'hc rest of the prizes floatinj^ in the wheil I'rom the c(yinn>Lncenieiit, amountitikj to $73,730. Pri/.cs payable at the Aj^ency of the Hank of C.(l>e-rear, in Hillsborough, N. C. oO du_\s after the completion of the draw inj,^, subject to a dis count of 15 percent. All priz s not dc nianded wilhin 12 months from the coniiiletion of the drawing, will be considend as forfLited to the USC3 of the Lottery ,1. WKHT3, Cvinitii.‘‘tiuiicr. Ifillsboroiigli, Jjn-it, hS2G. I he attention of the North-Cai’olina ])ublic is e- l.ar A n ii,” rojilled the white king.tha' gold,’ and then told hiia a'l the i |)arli.ciilars of the atVair. ‘‘.'.b I" said to receive ^ “you me Oot’.iol the same fees as the Clerk is now enti-jyou tiiy hrethern in the right, and hot!* jtled to, and also fiom 1 lo 2-1 per cent. I of you in the v\ roMp; ; had either ot'yi. . The oll.cr im.tl.od is, I or onr Ji.slice 1"" S''”'* '» '■' ' Sivi-n himsi.h'tm.i. lo look up;..i tlr.. lo Ik. commissionnl ineuci, r.uliiia turn-j.--‘‘""""S f ' POMlo sul''"I Hu-S:llcl.l, as wcil as ur.f ami sp,.dall) ei0|)0«i.n..l u. li v all i (-.uaidKuis. uii-j wluch tirsi iircstiuuil iLscIl to Ins v g50—who shall '-■ive l ond ‘ legaby exhibited w ithin iw o \ eai s, .^n passion and bloodshed ini^li. ’ alter tlie heir er rlaimani attains the age] }jgyp been avotdcil; however, ijivK^ i.'s lobe kept separate, and faiily and i'ull> j »nlered in a bound booh, kept expres.sly i . ua!, loK. llu i «111, J |H'r r.-ni. on alUl'ebls ’1*"' P>'«- : 'vl'ich l>ook shall b.- «- tollccli.d over fc,50. ami he si.hieci to a ! ^ I'"'""" liuiiied amcrcemeni to the benelii of the' creditor, for mal-administraiion of his pany causes over and securit\ •who shall give Court—whu sl'iall hold a monthly Court—settle and tiuaily ad ; o -1 ! very good lesson to be learned Ir.-tn ^ just,e\er\ three nionths, all papers |o,su-' ‘ i** into vil.s that have bcfnllen voti on tins r ed bv him toConstables-reeene the mo-1 lcc‘deu y ol opinion il.it nies collected and p«y them over to the Some such law should be requested fur casion. Permit me, therefore respectfull> invited to the fore-oini- scheme. , poopj.,. be responsible for the The lau.hble purpose contenijdiae.l will, it papers piacec. in iu^ | triendlv lotlu int restsol literature and science; i coilection, aiKi to ucfivi, a^ : qJ’ citizens of Marvland andihe name alone of the K^ent!( man who has; a compensation for his services, ceiitsl probat'dv other Sates, these f.O ye.is coijscnti (I to act as (jommissionrr in the man-1 on a war rant, 50 cents lur juugmenl or ! ' enient of the I.cttc i v, is a >■ iitlicicnt [)ledge of i I’xecutioii, atul 2 per cent, f th ■ to CIl- ti'eat } ()U by all our gods, ainl by thi riiis regulation, as to estates, has' ^^fvictory in partienh'.r, ' I this Cdunty. i This rCjj , _ _ 'II' j stood the test of experience, and met the €ntrr into tui/ ilis])iilc Jor thr Jntnrc I -.rvivi.rti. .ii/.t> nf iIah r'lt'iTi'i.s «.f Mi.i'vlmd. ' //// i/itti k(trc J'dirlff CO US i I li'rcd bn>; sides of the (jTicst ion.''^—Niles' lu£^. . 1 .1 , • 11 , 1 1 i ! I’ ■ I „ r' M • atu Nou mav now sec tni liie books,, e\erv af^enient ot the l.cttciv, IS a Mithcicnt [)ledge ot I r.xecution, and 2 per cent, for nil moini s : , , • „ ■ ’ • •-> \ i . ’ . . r Item and Its vj tie ol s:de or appraisement t'.iiruLbs vvitii which it wdi be conducted. A. 1). .Ml Kl'llKV. received and paid over : anil lo be pi i\i-i , • , u. E:lrnordi'inrv FeriUilc—Marr^are ledged to recjuire an additional ht-nd and I 7' ,• j i Carrudiers ha^ been enif G3*Ti..k.-t» in tl.> abuvo I.oll,.ry arc j ..cSrily, over and above ll.e homl Inkri, | >'KUv.,l„al tlu ViWHi UsY -IL s- l.,cnt)(.r oiler' “>!'•• M. to’’ ^'dc a \ahialdi I tract of l.an;'i. on aecDiii (i.'itiii;;' •I'-iiis, wliieli,^!|5^ iT'nT.i i”!'*" 1'■>' I' i'-o"- ( liiiHiv, on tin iuail V. at. rsol Uuc'. \ i;\ er, adjoining; tli( land :['y, s. Houston, I’eiiianiin ltn %ar.l .>iid others "Uid ( ollt;nlilllg .'i icri,'. I li v-uM.’i tin .ltt\ .iivi I 11 '■ eri'd, both n- to springs -Old i.r..'i h’^. Oi the land no'w in crop, aiiiouul- t I I ; or .)■' acre', the iiiosl of it e W ell in i- v.iiri .i a;.d v. id jiro hie" corn, cotton or lo ut, ill s'itlieii. nl (|ii int,t\ to :,')un.lan'tl_\ coinpeiis;iti t!,f liusbai.dni.iii for his lulior. r.xperinii nl lia . proM. II tlia’ Il 1- pec'iii.e,'lv ada',/r ! to recei\ e for sale at the, Otiicf' uf the .loi'.riial. (iruers by iir il, w ib be ]ironiptly attended to. I and hnal receipts, ol every estate thul has bv Courl^ Irom such Loiistable as nia> , i i i e.- • , , . . I .1 1 been sctileit in tnat leagth ot time unilormlv be enU ustecJ w itb lliose papers ^ 1 Vvv\A\e. Vi\\\i‘YVu\wi\\V‘u\. '^111'. sidiscri! s.i‘ intorins hi-, lVi( nds an 1 puliliv', that he h >. purt h. sed tlmt known 1 stiibli-hnu lit, l;.ti!_\ ow ned aiil oce ed b\ Dr. Henderson, 'and is now prejiar. uUeriain trav. llers and otln r^., wi.o ii..i_\ jd to call oil him : ai.d no ( \eriio;ij will 'u- .-.i to render ilii-u cor'Ii i-table, and tlu-ir . ‘ y ; gre'-abh . His taide w ill be I'lirnMi, il vdh ( TV \arii.’,\ uli.ili the country ail'urds ; li.s 1 with the in St ot iHpiors; and his si.d,L , wii said hold is (ifjphnt) ol |)n.\ t iid. r, -.iid caiH I'nl si r> ai.l.i w i ed I in I ]v rniaiii iit’ briieiit is on it I pni ii.ni ■.a '|-hr f ( \c, 11 lir,-.-, 1 > 'ir 12 aci'i ,ii-i b.iVv 1)1 ' 11 :i Tiie pr'iM'.p.il d'.\ Ih! ' .OU'-. W ..it II, w ii.vht be in i' ‘an till V. tVoin inaiiiire.— If' low i;r unds, eiiher ita‘ nii ..ilow t,r p is- "s ot \>. h.'-ii ..r'j in i;-Motl ortler IV. .'d l.ii' a loin.Ijt r ot _\ i ari. ll.nf,^-iiiaisc i~. L.rw,'- and com- , w ith .. lil'.le aildituiii-.l e\pt ii-.e, ■oil 1 tort able a i.d t (ii \ i n.i nt e\ I'li 1 iMi’l V. ’riie sitiiat:nn oil w liicb il I'liliabis 1 ipi:d to aii\ in this r ihi> ..d- ini h >■' ’I'l.I I'f is a w ' 11 Ol L,'Oil V. a- iciit to tlie bti'ue, and .i l.a'ij: , It rtih Ci;. ;• .,i\- t'.'.ii I'll or \cniii,‘s 1)11 til is . |. I t, ■ r 11 will i)e sold 11 ij^'t t li t.' I' or s par.ilt 1\ , ; p; I i' i.i-il's. It utnilii lit,' a th, sli'a'de j : nt 1 ^:di ncc tor a r,i n.l't .'4' 'b. proles- ., |,.u or ,t l’!i\".c ,e., bt. lilt;- in a r.-spect- ,1 , , 1 eOjMi'i.ii-; 111 iL,b')nrhotid, 'iiul at i.i ar'_\ .I'l i ,i;,d iV'ini tu e ".nrroiiiuiing \ illa;.'' I' 11,11 I't^'.-N' 1.1 I hirtlii r desiripiion ol' tir.' I I ■ tii'i'i', no tl..'.r.ii, wishiii; tn jmr- t ,;.i'.'', V 1! vie'\ till' priiir.'is. l'ortinns,a| ^d' lo ' Il _• ^ii'i" riii r, liviiii;' :oiislant atlen. Charlotte, A'lril ? ..'.IlCC. i:(iiti,i; r ), i;s,v,. 1. I)I\U!.\S. j issued liy him. I ILA general opinion appears to pro- ' vade evei'y section of this sUle, so far tttll as 1 have leann'f!, that some lcgi'.jlative ' "pi-, regulallons are a'jsolaiely liece.ssary to , sec.ure a y'i.'.?/ .iid fhir •,eitleinrnl of es tates; t( [)ro»e{ L (Jijt.'taihi Iil ni imjiosi- tlotis ; and tirialiv to cl.jsv selilemet.is ( I estate':, so l!iai I.xer.utors, .’\din:i.->iira- i tors- atid (1 uardK'.ns, or t/ii'ir hudn/i, oiay ' I not uiijiistiy be ii iu ssed, \ears af'.et linai ‘ , sclllemt nt.;; ba\e heeii maiie with Court, j.aml wi;en, periiaps, luit only the pi inci- 1 ptds. Liut the evitli'iH es neccssai y to e's- . ! t.ib'iish transac. ions and lej^ab/e \oin.h- jJ Citizen of Meckknburg. Oct. 15, 1H26. i;rESui:.TORY. 0!-: .1! d! dea h:,’r A .\D St.ifc Hoi. ^4 ;r, ('liai'lotu', l.il./i__ • t !;,r ' ;g;i (111 '•.lU.lip'i, ' y !;.);;i■I; i \v n' I' I/::,- ''•ON- I >uine h:;r (,ec:s!ons in our Mipreme . Coui t, ai'isir:;'; adnuiiistr.ilicin -ij jeaVs i a;;o, .iiul a.bi:'' tin;; th'e heii's id tin' iheii I ad Hi iii?st raif' I' to ; ji t' >.! en M . e los«, n title' t hr. an oiijict oi' ho nnnor in'poi tanci: to ' !l.f c'.ti.irir'. ' It is wrii Krown, tliat iti This part d mphsye-.l annually bv KiiJiard liret ks, I’sqj and his anccs tors, at \\’arce[«. in Westmoreland, ...s a rea])er, from the > ear of the I’elxdlion, 1745, until the present sca'ion of 1.S2('. witfioui.one single intermission: and such has been her athLlic powers, liiaf: she would exceed in reaping 'nearly tlr* L—r. I \v Ii o 1 f o f I lie pcfiod) thc perfoim.uue ot 7'/;e i'(>rti-Cdurc(/ Shield.—^^Cjany male laljorer in the coixUry. Shj i> are glad .-igain to meet wiiii thc old! l>oid.ering on oo years of age, ye‘ I blessed with all her intellectnai as well as story which lollows, and insert it with | p,,.. p,.,,e,'s ; and is to be seen .•egti- pleasure. In times of excitement likeilurly every week, travellint; on fool liack- the inrsent, when it is'fair to presume iioruards, to A ppl-diy nuirhct, ^ a di;taar.e ol ten n.ilcs. lo:' th'. piirnosr. tliat persons travelling in 1 of vending aqu..ntii> of nker l.v.sk.-is it.'clions are e(|t!ail\ anxious to ascertain aful c'laii s, (ulncb sr,e strajjs to her tliat tl'.cvi''‘“'’‘’) tiiitli, how lu.'ces.'arv xs it that tl'.cv j.pi ./(..nt , ' , ' , ' iiig the past \\ f k, .sliotiKl I'xainine boln sides ol a ipiesH.on, ] ] O/' IVind^'ir i'i, a trs h i.lM. I. it .) l.llU' nor".il ot « oncimb > I'us count' A. M'lji.i:. , 1)1 ,i.;rii( or in.tt s ,' I ii.ti liitle !!; .;ds, A. C. .\1. Ik- N li. Vpp'.'ovi d ca-.li no't H('i_;v)t,ia.d(‘ .Old p.i_\ a h' at t! V. lii 1)1' rec i\ ed i:i p.i; nu nt :-..tt' V u\ I \vv‘a\ ,V ue . fOlli, .Mi’t'k'eiiiiiiiVgr.i'ultur.tl Socit ty w ill ,1 n.ei t at tht' ('«iiirt-li'.ii.,» iii ( liai li'.te, on the likst S'ltird.t\ oi' thi.s nan 1 b. Il In. m,:;' tlu' 'iiinivers.irs u; eting, it isi-,'v|, uill ,.e pu.ictu',.1 i I their hour. ri‘% 4th t( ,'i'teil till' iiK inbi a‘!(. nd.ilii e at an e;t' J. \ •i'." :tOt ihol.t t.'i tl.iS p|:.i I sh.tll ,si 11. : 'i'lii'sd;'V ail'l i dn.'sd:,; in Nov eiii!-. r i,«" l, n ' i iiig of lo (Id/en W iiulioi lUclsteavIs l oth hii;h ai exci Ih'iit nt'U' liig-ro.ul w .uit ot an\ ( t till' abo\ to laki .ul\al.la.,-i' i.l' d 111 ’..i;-. i’n'di'- Ant ’.oil. o!i t' tl.e Sli,.. riol ( oli'i't I’k ('Il hiiii'l, (onsi-'t- I'li.oi-., ,> s -ttt t'.', I’f 1 low I'l.'Is. -t!:.! an \\ ..;-i'i,. !’. r..o;;. ii; : rtii It' 1, v. ill ('',1 ell .* I'':\ t' ^U , a,.* a 1 -1 r tlu.t time in_\ -hop wiil be elnsii!. (i'.'.,!t ... sis iiioiitlis will lie i;iven, ; i.'.l i.nl. i wini .ip- pro\t,'d set lint}', will It iiipiiitd. I't r a'.i sums nniler tight di.llai’s, c tsli w.ll Ik- driiniu!- ^d. ( t !.\ r,\:. charlotte, Oct. 3, 1.'/ti ' j the stat'- t!-.e:-c is t.w titne d.. sig-i'ated iiv Maw. nor hv "ir Coort, at uhat time Lx- N'cu'ors are cI;." ir, .,Ij|e w'.ib int'-rc.sl on ' tl',.' aiiK.iiiit { i’i.aie.-. made by tlieni.*' So \(>1'.! (d' utiii’oniiitv is the transaetitig of liiis I'lisiiii's-. -iliai tiie '■.anie cMati', settled I bv dilVei etit C.^iiiiiii It li'es ol Court, w lil '\a!v I'rum SbiioS-' i'> 'be iJiousand duli;.rs settled, and thi', i;i t!ie U''.i.»l j metiiod p’lr'iw'd, is in l.ivoiw oi iiie 1 .\- fi'u'.^v. I’erha-'s t;i> oi.c estate in tins ol her i:tilui;;r-/ d ir- A lit!"Ill an, n.^.-.' in nas ;::!(r.vn bi r fioin 1-iis in- fancy, saw li'.'r very laieU iminer ed t;) the wai;->t iti a small streatn ! info ' I the river I'den, eiij(jvit!'- tl'.e sij.ji t of wish IM know ti.e laet-, and are |for'r-oui, a-id ietual!;. |.ar^rM^ of llitig to submit to lliem ! j a part of the lla’i ih: old [..id'. o'.rO In tl.e (lavs of knigb*-err.witrv and jL.ud .n in':'i. . before tiiey wrangle about what may b(, easilv (slablrdied in manv eases, if the\ really tl.e jrtganl'm one of tlie old ljriti:;h prin ces Ml up a slatue to the goildess of \ietoiy, ill a jioint wheie four roads n;et t.'gether. in her right ham.l .she iield a spear, and rcsleci her hd’t tijjon a '•liii'ld : t!i“ outside of this shield w as of :■!!(! a.'id the inside i){\i!ccr; I'r the for- .‘libed ill the old />/■ m^h ihi' ym/dry^ crrr J'lfvord- VvwW\ V VC I V\ V V . jrs'l' l*t lil.h'll l.i), and t.n- >,tle at tlil> tice, “ ton n'! y, w i.i’i I (Mis ai.t! the '■! le-ea done co:. '..'.ni" .luif'iiet, in .1! :u! ioiiiit,;. of'. !nr Jn'>r v)c(o- tV.'is i't- hi aii l on tI'.e oilier (ddi.'iii'd orrr the end n//(f r inhal/i!>;f.\ of the nor- u : ,'jDid. hajipeiu d one day tiitit two kni;.',i'd> )lv''ciy armed, tiie one in .vA/eA'the (jj)posite hi the Madrid Ci../.ei': of tiie Mb of ' 1 a. pro- ■tilenc'i A i.'gitst, there appears a iranskti.;:): severe ff'-ncb article lespeclinr^ tlu ceedmgs ef our C\)iigress diii in.'; '!» Session, in v/'.nch ih? !'ollov\ itig' occurs : “Violent language, gc .r re „ p(.,5on- alities, threats ; a total dl-o- ^.a;.^ gooil breedmg .-nd cu’dn'j |-v .y have chain^cd ibt aspe O |( cf the L'niicd tales gIC‘^S wore. ■ Tfiis is a mo Mic Co:i- i’ut m'jrl’’ t mcruJ ' ‘■n',,:i'entary on the course [.-n rrued , and i~‘rrnUnt, r|..r. ing the las'. Sc .skjh of Con-n " v» hich PXi ;t( •! indi 'bat /•. ixiii’;.;' McM.i't a bodi'i. di'sii'-ii . l*t lii h'H 1.1), aiu; Strn 'u''v s ('11 a b'ltjU, t i.'.i ir th III OK ( 1' l’,-;din t r.’ 'I'l. sini' h are add.-d. h .\h \ inU r lit.iiiKi, | nii il.d use a til', lioidi l.l i’- lb Ivd II1. . m l.'i'i 1 i,\ ,1.0.s M. I’liii idt I pi 11.1. tl'l' A. M. ii' I;', i; tl.e vt/.;c:i( I", i.t\' ni.iiiei . Il';e:r.vMt pr(-tt acliil, h.;--j I ■ t'v , a;id estall s ul Uk , , . . . . I //('/■ I '.:!i;ed in tiii;-' ci>;;iity ;'iul J,one, w ill v.iry IVcin to j 1 ■> j'.t r t Lilt, of a!!uv. anee mr.de to llu; I'x- i I et wior on tlie lull amount of the e-ta-.e. h ^ aiTived Irotn opposite '‘ntcn f*:;. inui gnaiion a/-..r;,,v i As to it is ireiieiallv hei'ex ce j pi'it s of'lie eouiilrv to tbi;; statue, jus; j pati lol tsm and nmiligcnr.- at !-o:ue, h' ^ '■ ,, . i;.,Miii.c:and a'Mu-uherofiI”‘’''";‘;''‘^’-'^‘“^'‘”'^'‘^'^''-'^^-!:iioinc( • thevsbdd'-cl tol'ii.gfi'y of(h.ir t •eive thei "c have t;oi.!,Ie o! une-.-.al, r\ , i ll,-:ii e ot'the wo; i’.iV.ai.ablp. Al’tet j . ‘ ‘ . (.i(«i.s.‘ tuntiiinl indeed isth'- “ni o-‘‘ i'oiMeiiipi..ling on H ^lor_scm:o j"‘f’? j ,,i'the Aim i o ati Set' -'*''^ I ■ "ilils giobTeii siiieli!.*' '-oys t!ie blaelxj \ w-te, i.stmr--' — lolileh shield !" eiied iLi " I tbev ii.t\ ' I A Ciiaii 1' ; ' «d' sj.. 1 .'iiposed In't 11 '.I'.aUi 'tall an. wiio i:i( relv l^eep.'i I salVI\ in bis desk fur on.- a no! yeai: W L\e|| Hli pet is I he I c.iii t till, ffUit naiit, iVotn of ; t nc'.'. al, r\ lim. un bis an- to .) ; er cciit.; tn;.;,o;s aotillt. liii' till I!i bad lead tl'.?* S( en 1. liaseri j 11, dion, :it;i •jot. VV! .ni j;; of mild c(>a f f cratio i, r- X ./

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