VOL. III.] CIUmOTTE, C. TIESDJY, LFAE^I1iEI^ 1^0. MO' ri’HLlSIlEl) AVKEKI.Y Uy I.KMUEL B1\GI1A3I, Jl Three Lollnrs a year, paid in advance. No paper will hi* clisconlinuccl, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrcarag-es are piiiil. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual vcites. I’ersons sending; in advertisements, are requested to note on the niarjfin the number of ijist rtions, or they will be continued until forbid, and cliarg-ed accordingly. B. CAROLINA J\,r tlic benefit (,f OXFOIJD ACADEMY in Nortli-Curolina, See. }'/JiST VL.1SS—Tu he dnnni 20th Die. 1826. J. JJ. VA'I KS ij* A. McINTVliK, Mmw^trs. S C mi: ME. 1 Prize of ■! 2,000 is ? 12,000 1 1 1 1 1 6 12 15() 7>S0 7,800 6,000 5.000 4,(X)0 2,500 l.-'W 1.000 500 50 10 5 6,000 5.000 4.000 2,500 1,340 6.000 6,000 7,800 7,«00 39,000 97,440 8,7('J Prizes. 1 ),60 ' Blanks.—24,360 I’ickcts. 'I bis is a I.ctt' i-y formed by the ternary per mutation of oO numbers. I'o dcterminL- tlie j,r,/i s tberriii, llie 30 numbers will be ])ublicly pl.i. td iii a wIitL'l on the d.ny of drawing-, and foi.i of the n l)C ilrawn out ; and that 'I'ick- t l;;.\iiii;- Oil it'tlie 1st, 2d :inil 3d drawn numbers, ill the order in wbirb drawn, will be entitled to the. prize of 2,000. And those five other Tickets having on them till' s;'me iiuiiil'crs, shall be entitled to the pri- iiv's alii.vcd to them re.-pe tl\elv, vi/ : 'I he 1st, od and 2d to f'6,UU0 The 2d, 1st and 3d to 5,000 'I’he 2d, 3d and 1st to 4,000 'riie 3d, 1st and 2il to 2,500 'I he 3d, 2d and 1st to 1,350 The 6 tickets vhith shall liave on then) the isl, 2d and 4th drawn numbers, in some one of l!u u‘ orders, will each be cntilkd to a jirize oi' ^1,' OJ. ■I I' 12 tickets which shall have on them any t>tli ♦brce of the drawn numbers, in any order ol : vii.utation, will each be entitled to a prize ol V Tb. 156 tickets wliich shall have two of the «irawM I uii.lx rs on tht m, and those two the 3d iiiul 4tli, wi'i t.'.cb b- c!.t!’,ied.to a ])rizeof50. rh(>M' 78^ tirke's wlu( h shall have on them *onu- otlRv two of the urawn numbers, will each be entitled u a pi i/e of *10. And thos* 7, -iOo tickets, which shall have on tlani som' '’le ot tiie dr numbers, will each be cntitlca io a j)viz“ ot }^5 r:o ticket wliieli .'-bull ha\c drawn a iirize of :i superior ileiioirir;.;'on can be entitled to an jnf( i-ior pri/>-. Pri/i s pu\abh- torty days af'er the drawing, and subject to the usu;.l deduction vf 15 per Cent. 'rickets an.i Siiares cun oe had in the above scliei’ic at t!ie Managers’ Offices. Who!.- Tiekets, fi 00 I Uuarters, $1 25 ‘ Halves 2 50 I i'.ets and Shares in the above hott.r- • for sale at the office'of the (Cataw ba.!o> . ;il Orders b} n'ail, eiiclosing the cash* will I.. |)roni])ily attended to. 3V\Uce. All persons indebted to me by book ac count, are earnestly recpa-sted to liquidate tlie same between now and the 1st of IJiceni- Inr next. Such as will do so by note, will stand a chance for lartlicr iinlulg'cnce ; bi:t such as will not, may e.\peet to be sued immediately. T\\e TaWoxing WIT.L be executed this winter with more desjjatch than foiuierly ; and as for its stj le and workmanship, it will be inferior to none. My prices will correspond with the times, for cash, or payment as.sumed by some approved person residing in the tillage.’ , Al.EX. OKAIIAM. Charlotte, Nov. 4, 1826.—’6 I’W:SIDKNT-S M KSHAOE. SU'ft-scA KO.M the subscriber’s farm in Cabarrus county, on the 20tb of October, ultimo, a cliesiiut-soi: rel IIOHSE, about 14 liaiids high, \utli a i)ald f.ice, a glass eye, and all four of hi.v feet white, the white extending- nearly to his knees. Any person who will gi\\ nie iidorn-.aton of said horse, shall be lil»t i-;dly rewarded for his trouble, aiul all expenses paid. Information on the subject, if sent l>y mail, may be directed to Concord, Cabarrus counu, M.C. MO.SKS W. AlOOUE. Nov. 6, 1826.—.3t’10. State of Norrli-Caroliiiii. rc ? LINCOLN COlN'iY David Blalock S' I^iiiIii/n fur Divorce, 1-rom the National Journal—Extra, MESSAliE or the 1-RF.siDEM' or mi. UMxr.u Si atks, communicated to both Houses, at the commcncemcnt of the Second Session of tlic Nincieciith Congress^ To the Senate and House of Representatives of the I nited States. Fe II ov''Citizens of the Senate and of the House if Jitpresentatives: T. he asstiiibiage ol the liejjreseiitalives of oiir Union in both Houses of Congress at iliis linje occurs under circun^stui.ces callinf^ for the renewed homage of our ^Maieiul ackno\vledgn>ents to the Gi\er ol all Good. With the exceptions inci dental to the most felicitous condition of luimiin existence, we continue to he highly favored in all the elements which contribute to indiMdual comfort and lo nalional prosperity. In tiu sur*. ey ol our extensive country, we have g-ene:-- ally to observe abodes of liealih and le gions of plenty. In our civil and poliii- cal relations, we have peace w ithi.ut, and tranquillity within, our borders. We aie, as a people, increasing wiLh unabat ed rapidity in population, wealtb, and national resources; and, whatever diiTer ences of opitiion exist among us, with re gard to the mode and the means by which we shall turn the beneficence of Nancy Hlalock. ^ II' apix.aring to the satisfaction of the Court, that Naney Hlaloek, the defendant, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore ordc-i- ed b\ court, tlmt j)ublication be made three montlis in Mie Catawba Journal, giving- notice I I leaven to t he in\provement of our own to her, that she make her personal appearance j condition, there yet a spirit, animal- betore the Judge of our Superior Court of l.aw, I i„p. wJll n..i ...n',... k at tlu- next court to be bekl for the said eount\ i of l.incoln, at the Court-House in J.incolnton, on the 4th Monda> after tl.e 4th MondaA of \iVxwA iol* rXlHV, subscriber ollV rs for sale a valuable tract ot' Land, on accom- C-. .-V modating terms, which h I die lower pavi of Iredell county, on the li' -id 'vatersof Wock v IJiver, adjoining the lamls ol h. Houston, lU tijamin Itrevard and otlu rs, nu containing '>72 acres. The said land is nt gooii (jUulity und well wat(.ri(l, both as to s])ring-- and brunches. Ot the laud now in crtip, aniouni- ini.' to 'lO or 50 acres, the most of it i^ w ell nia- niuii! and will produce corn, cotton or wheat, in Miilicient (jiiMitity to abunilantlx conipeiisate till i.u^li.-nuhni'ii for bis labor. K\])eriment has prosi n that it is pecidiarly ala;^ted to receive Kie.it and pernian.-nt l)enefit from manure-— 'I'liiire is on it a large portion (if low gri uiuls, «'!' exc( lleiit ijuality, ei'.iier for meailou or ]>as- t ive, 10 (M- 12 acre' of whieli are in good order S'lid have been mow eil for a number (;f ears. Tlie ju-incipal dw eliingdiouse is larg-e and coni- nio liouh;. v.hich, witb a little additional expense, TUijj'lit !'i- in‘',de comfoi*t.d)le and e(,l'.^ i iiient even for a i.u';,t' family. The situation on w hich it stand:, i:, probably erpud to :iii_\ in this or the ad- j;u'e;U couiitje.s- There is a w ell of good wa ter coiivenieii'. to the house, and a large, tcrtilc g.iii!. I;. Ttiere are tw o iiiipru\ i iiieiits on this tract, w !iic!i w ill be sohl together (U- separately, to su.t Ir.s' i-^, H wouhi be a dejiirable phice ot u M'icnce for a member of the jirofes- ot O'- ;i 1‘lijhiciaii, being' in a respect- ai)!e iiiid |.('i ulous neighiuji'bood, and at nei'riy an I (iu;d distance tVom live surrouiiding village It i unnecessary togi\ea fin-ther desc ription this 1 ind, us tlioMe, no doubt, w i»hing to ]>ur- ;hase, will \iew the preiniseh. Tor terms, a])- ply lo the subscriber, living 5 miles north ol oncord, Cabarrus count\. A. C. ^!’i,’KE. N- H. .\j)prnved cash notes, negroes, or noti s Qcg()ti;d)l(; :iiid p;i\ahle at the ciiarlotle ]aiik, ''dl lie rcr. i\(‘d in pa\ment. A. C. Al. K2tf March next, then and there to answt.-r or de mur to the said petition; fithcrw i:.t- it will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte, and ad judged acconiingly. N\'itness, Lau'Hui I lender.'nm. Clerk of said Court, at Lincolnton, the 4th Monday after thu 4th Monday of Sei)tember, A. 1). 1826, and in the 51st yeJ>r ol our independence. LAVSt^N HENDEHSOX. 3m't ’20.—pr. adv. ;fi4. 1\\ ILL jircsecute. to the utmost rigor of the I'lw , any persoii who w ill trade or purchase an\ article of proilnce from my negroes, without a written jierniit from myself. I will also pro secute any person t!iat m;ty hire «/.' emj)loy ar.v of my negroes to do an_\ hd.our, either by nigb't or day, w ithout my permission ; and I w ill give tweiity-fi\e dol!ars^-eu ard for iiifonnation to the conviction of any person who ii.ay be lound vio lating the abo\ e notice. Sami:EL M’COME. Charluttc, Mv. 16, l.';26.—5i’12. ed, by all our experience, no h-is i..a;i the principles offair aiui liberal recipiu city, which the United States have (on stantly tendered to all the na lonsofti.i earth, as the rule of commetrial itui i course which they would universally pro' fer, that fair and equal con)petition-is most conducive to the interests of bo'h parti->•. the United Stales, in the negotiation ‘A that Convention, earnestly contended a mutual lenuncia'tion of discrimitiating duties and charges in the ports of the two countries. Unable to obtain the in>- mi diate recognition of this principle i;i its full extent, after reduc'-ng tiie dutu s of discrimination, so far as it was found at tainable, ii was agreed that, at the exj)ir- ation of two yeai-s fruj,i the 1st ofOctv* her, 1822, when the conventio’t was !u jm. iiiio ellect, urdess a notice ni six months on either side shouhl be given to the o ther, that the Ce ti\mti(jn itsell niust tei - minate, those tlulies should be i;e(lucfd Ijv oiie-lourthj t-.nd that this leducliun should be yearh r-peated until all us- criniitiation should ccvise while the Con vention itsilf should (ontlnue in force.— liy the efl'ect of this stipulation, three- iourths of tlie di^^crimitiating duties which had b(en levied by each parly u;>- oii the vessels of the oiher in its ports, hiive already been removed ; and on the 1st of next October, should the Convention be .still m force, the remaining fourth tvill be discontinu ed. riTtich vessels, laden with I'rench pordiice, will be received in our ports on the same terms as our own; and ours, in return, will enjoy the same ad vantages in the ports ot I'ratice. By these aj)proxi- maiions to an equality of duties and (jf charges, not only has the commerce be tween tl.e two countries prospered, luit friendly dispositions ha^c been, on boih sides, encoLil athed and promoted. i hey ing us all, w hich will not sufier the boun- lies ol Providence to iie showered upon us in vain, but will receive them with grateful hearts, and apply them with unwearied hands, to the advancenient of the general good. Of the subjects recommended to the I continue to be cherished and cuiii consideratiun of. Congress at their last! '^iKid on the j)ari of the United Slates.— Session, some were then definiiively act ' would have been gratifying to ha\e had ed upon. Others lefi unfinished, but ‘ ’’ ‘ ‘‘ ' ‘ partly matured, will lecur to your at tention, without needing a tcnewal of no tice Irom me. The purpose of this com-1 comfortable subsisience of mi.ny ol cut munication will be, to present to your fellow-cui/ens, and vvhich have been so view the general aspect of our pu!.-!ic af fairs at this nioment, and ihe meustires It ill my ])owtr to add, that the claims upon the justice ol the I'rench (n,% einnient, involving the pvoperty and tin bO long us.cl St) earnesily urj;ed, were in a more prou.ijing train of adjustment that, which have been taken lo carry into ellect meeting; but their condition the intentions of the Legi-.lature as bigni- j ' i niains unal ered. fied by the laws then Sc hei eiulore enacted. ; \\''iih the Ciovernment of the Nether- In our intercouise with the other na-1 lands, the mutual abandoninent ol dis- lions ot the earth, we ha\e still the liap-'t . iminaiing duties had been regulated ])itiess ol er:i._vji4: peace nnd a general; by Legislative acts on both sides. J ne goc ci Ii -.J Ci e r s t. !id i n Ti ed. h - v. e \ er, in se\ei al inii-ort:.iit U)s;..iites, by coUi- sic^ns 01 ititerest, a’i(: !’) iKsali-fK-vi clairr.s of ;usiice, tn d;e se:tlen cut i.f wl’iieh. ^\2:Ay\ >\rungs ,No •Man. 1 g^Iic^nru^xpcct,'nor nrinduV^.cc win^ b‘- ports of the United S ales, upon the g'ive. Ifyoii owe uie, now is the time to dis-! ^*^‘‘iti\e auiboiiiy may become ultimate- surauce given by the (jovernmenl ol charge the debt. I lind the longer some peojile indispensable. are indulged, the ni(,re tluy look tor it ; bi.t a l}y iht; decease of the I’t; rftor Alex- game of this kind, I never iilav. If man can I ,.,i,.„ , )■ p, . , • „ i ;^i ‘ , ® 1 .1 * . 1 1 * i’ , ancier '-i nussui, wliicli ••c* un-ed cotem- work without tods, ;i merchant can bu^ goods i i . without nione\; but whowill admit this ' I Wi'h Ihe cc-r-.n i iicement ol tend going to'Charleston in a few days, for i Session (d C.i’i.g: ess, the United l egulations had coliHnued m lorce stvei what'’ to purchase goods. Hence the neees&i-j S'.a'es have been dep ■. ■ ;i a long- Iri- "' *' ■' aoi oi Congress of the 20th of Apiil, 1H18, abolished all uibcriminaiing duties of lini^oai and Tonnage, ujjon ihe vessi Is and produce o! the Netherlands in ihe as- given by the Governmenl of the Nt inerlaiids, ihal all such duties operat ing ag; inst the shipping and commere ol the United Stales, in itial Kingdou,, had been abolished. These reciprocal ty f(,r all to pay me. ifytni do not, you w ill re ceivi a tap upon your shoulders, which will ha\ c some cost attae bed to it. J. 1). lujvn. Nov. ..4, 1826.—3iMfX .\Y from the subscriber, ot. ed, steaily, and fuitbfui fi iend. Born to the inlK-ritatice id absolute power, and trained in the school lyf adveraity, from wbicli no power o:i t arih, however abso- abiolute is exempt, that monarch, from his } outh, had been taught to feel the loice and value of |)ublie opinion, and » the 5th iiisUii.t, his negro man, named j to be sensibU tbai the interests of bis aljeais, when the disciinunating priti- ciplc was resumed by the Nethei lands iti a new and indirectfoim, by a bouniy ol ten per cent, in the shape ol a reluin oi duties to iheir nalional V(;ssel;s, and ui vvhich those of the Uniud Stale are noi permitted lo participate. J>y the act of Congresfl of the 7lh January, lB2i, all, discriminating duties in ihe U. Stales ELLIS. Ellis is ly or „0 years ot age, I uwn ^’overnnu tit w ould best be promoied were again suspended, so far as related 5 feel Gor 8 yd ^y ^ iVundlj intercourse with to the vessebs and pruducc of the Nether- I niade, :ind a iitlle in lined lo be how ,, , . i . i .i t ■' /Meggedjhasv. ryljushy hair, especially '‘-public, a« those ol bis people lands, SO lonj; as the reciprocal cx- oV EuU\yI‘cUu\\\vm\\, Stage II oiise, at tii^ sign ( f tl ill ( ■ h-.ir!'..tt.. .\ (rt!i-i;at-oil!i;i, l.v ' HOBEirr ^^■ATSO^'• I bt tore and spe;iks toler;ibly (piiek. would be advanced by a liberal com look w .th him a I hu broad cloth coal, a-j mercial inlercoui se w ith (Jiir country tout, With tliese | A candid and cc.nlidetiiial inii-ich'inee of bout bah worn,’ wlUi gill button: W ()i-(ls on the under |)art, ‘ U . Orang'e;’a \ est oi tlu- Mime clotl with buttons covered with the- s;.tin.; j;icki t aiiM p;int:.,oons bljidwith wool ! sentiments bt-twien him and the Oov- s ’ t'Kit, I United Slates, upon the afi'airs of Souihern, America, look |)lace and pantaloons ol white iki-iIimii hoint sjmii; aj it pel iod liol long jirectdiiig bis demise, shotgun with full stc'ck, shi\ered at the mii//,Ie, j and ctuuril)uied lo lix that C(urse of pd- w it h t hi fi'i'i. tliiihidi oil. Ihe gun has tlie se-| jcy which lett to the ullu-r goviM'iimeiits cotui lock to lier; carrl(d ;dso, a n.w black liat, ^)-!.;^,,,^,,^. aH,niatixe but'thut of soon- luthcr siiiuli tor luw:, uitli J.aloXcUi & haiuc ni i \ • • i • » ^ ,t. Isa t.deri.ble shoen.aku, ’i ;u rie.I a shoe ! the mdepetidence knile and some otiier shoeii.aker’s tools, he eun j 'i neighbors, ol w hieh the s]’ell a little, aiid 1 think wdlaitempl to pass as | exampu* had, by ihc' Uiii'eil Slates, *»]- a free fellow, and ill all ])ro!)abiIity will aim for I read V been S(-l. 'I'lu' ordinat-y di])loma- ■' 1...1...I .I..... ' lie communications bi-iween liis succes- tlii non-slave lioKiiiig s'l.te I'Mlis was raised in Montgomery county, X. i;. by Mr. U yatt b’nnibdl. An\ ]iei-sonwlio will a])prcbend saiil negro and bring him to me, ts\o mik-s above Sneeds- borough, .Anson county, ,\. C:. shall receive the a!>o\e 11 w ard; or 2(* Holhu-.'-', H ciwdiued in anv jitll so thai I get him. Adib-ess tl'.e suiiscriher at .Morven Post Oilice, Anson count\,N. DAMKL COOK. Cheraw, Nov. 9, 1826.—3t’lv. Ixvnvev',.^ VLL persons ha\ing clainis agyinst John 'f. I’atibal iirul l.uiistord Paseii:il, for jiapers phicei! ill their hniiils tor ( olleeiion, are reijues- ted to make tin in known to their.se( urities he- lore the the 2.jth d:iy of 1 ) eeuibi r eosiiing, th;it arrantreuieitls max lu; n.aiU- tor the ir sel- lleiueiit November 2; W ll.l.l.\M (oob, JAMI.S OOK, lad'.I'.IM l'X)K, joltUA.N W 11,1 lA.MSO.V, MKl'lll-.N 1J\. ..tiu v\wv\ Vivnw\j4 lor tuk', at ilii. (.diKC f.: ‘It^ .jou;i.al. sor, the T.mpeiur Niclxdas, and the U. States, have sulVered some interrujjlion l)y the illness, departure, and subsecjuent decease of his minister lesidini.-: here, who enjoyed, as he merited, ihe en tire confidence of bis new soveieign, as he had (ininenlly res[)oiided to that of bis pretlecessor. But we have had lh« most satisfactory assurances, that the senti- mi tits of Ihe reigning i'.mperc-r Unvard.s the United Stalt s are altogether confor mable to tliosc w'hiih hud so h^ng and constantly animated hi.s imperial hroihei; emption should be extended lo the ves- s-ls and produce of the United Slates in the Neiiieilauds, liut the same act pro vides ibal in the e\eiil of a restoration of (Iisc'riiiiinating dunes, to opei ate against the shipping and commerce of the U. States, in any of the loreign countries rc- leired to therein, the suspension of dis criminating dules in favor of the naviga tion of sucti iuieign country should cease and all the provisions of ilie acts impos I have ihotight ii more consist -nt with the spirit of our institutionn lo vel’i': the subject again to the paramount ty ol the Legislature to decide whal mea sure the emergency may require, than abruptly, by proclam.alion, to eari > into cfleci the minatorv i>rovision of '.lie act of 1824. ^ ’ During the last session of Congress, 'i’realies of Amity, Navigation, and Com merce, were negotiated and signed at this place will, ibe (ioternmcin oi Deii- H)ark, in Kurope, and with the I'edera- lion of Central America, in this ht iiiis- j)here. 'I'hese Treaties then received the sanction of the Senate, by ihe advice and consent lo their ratification. Tney were accordingl) ratifud on the pan of ihe U- iiiied Stales, and, during the recess of (k»ngrsss, have also been latilied by the otiwr res]»ecti\e contraciiiig parli' 'i'he ratihcations have bei ri exchanged, and t!ie\ have i)een jjublished bv Proi larna-^ tions, copies of which arc herewith cum- iiiunicaiid toC’ongress. 'I’hese'rreaiies ha\e cs ablishio belweeti ilie coniraciing parties ibe principles of equality and re* ciprociiy in their broadest and most lib eral extent: Mach party admitling vessels ol ihe otiu r itiio ils ports, laden w ith car goes the protltu e or manufacture of any (luarier of the globe, upon the payment of the same duties of tonnage and impost tiiai are chargeabic upon theii- own. They have further stipulated, that the parlies shall hereafter grant no favur of nu\ illation or cotnmerce to any other na tion, which shall not, upon the same terms, be granted to each other; aiKi iliat ntiiher pariy will impose upon articles ol merchandise, the produce or manufac- iitie o.f ihe other, any oilier or higher du ties liian upon the like articles, beinjj the produce or manufacture of any oincr country. 'I’o these principles theie is, in Ihe Convention with Denmark, uii ex- ci j>tion, wiib regard lo the Colonies of that Kiiigdt)!!! in tiir Artic Seas, bui none with regard to her Colonies in the West:' indies. In the course of the last summer, the term to which our last Commercial Trea- t) with SweciL-n was limited, has expired. A continuation of ii is in the contcmpla'- ion oi I lie Swedish Governmen*, and is believed lo be de.sirable on the part ol the United Stales. It has been jiroposed by the King of Sweden, thnt, pending; the negotiation of reaewal, the expired Trear i> should be mutually considered as still 111 iorcej a measure which will reijuire ihe sanction of Congress lo be carrieu in to efiecl on our ])art, and which I there- i^Jf'e recommend to your considcraiion. AV ith Russia, Spain, !\>rtugal, atid in general all the Europeui^ l^owers, beiweea whom and iHe United States relations of Iriendly intercourse have existed, iheir condition has not materially varied since ibe last sesbion ot Coiigres.s. I regret not lo be able lu say the same of our com- loeicial intercourse with ihe Coioi.ial i'ossessions of Greal Britain, in Ameri ca. Negotiatiotis ol the higbesi impor tance to our conunon interesis have been lor several years in discussion between Ltu; uvo (iovernmtnis; and on the juirt of the United Stales liave been invariably pursued in the spirit of candor atiU concil iation. Interests ol gieat magnitude and delicacy had been acljusicd by" the Conven.ions of 1815 and ISIS, wiiiie that ol 1822, mediated by ihe late Emperor Alexander, had pionused a sa:idactory conijjromise of clain.s which the (ioverii- mciii c; the Untied Stales, in justicc to the rigiits cl a numerous class of their citizens, was bound lo btisl.iin. I5ui -.viih regfiid to the comnicrcul inlercourije be tween the Cniied Siat-. s iju! the British Colonies'in America, it ha.s beer, bii.ier- lo I'ouiui iiujnacticable lo bring ibc pai-- j ties tu an unde; siatiding s.iUsiach.i y to I botli. '1 be relative geograobicai posi- V I--’—- - ^,^^1 ,1,^ respective products of na- ing discrimiiuaing loreign tonnage am , , , • * ■ 1 ■ 1 IT J' . .. 1 t’iic cultivated by liunian indu‘trv bar! iin;)osl dunes in ihe L. States, jbouidre-i,, , , , ,, / iuuu..u\, iiau I I !• II i* '.I I t t-onslilulcd Inc clfincnis (j1 a coiiinii! t i *1 vivc and ht ill lull lurcc v,\ih rcL-.ucl u> i ■ . , . ^ a cujuincKuii iiiercourse l;etween the U. Stales and * , r AmeriLa, insuUr and continental, in the correspondence With the Ciov- h,nporiaiii to the inhabitants ol botli ei i.n.entol the Netherlands upon nws tounlties. But it had been interdicted subject, the) have contendtd that the 1^- by (,,eai Brituin, upon a prinripie nere- vor shown to their own shipping by ihisj ud'ore priictised upon by ibe colonizni^ bounty upon iheir tonnage, is noi to be considered as disci iminaiing duty. Iku it cannot be denied that il pi oduces ali the same ellecls. Had the mutual aboli- litifi b( ( n siijjiilated by treat), 'suc4i a bounty upon me tiational \e.ssels could scarci ly have- Ijeen granted ( onsistcntly with good faith. Vet, as the act of (Con gress of 7th Junuaty, 18.24, has not ex- and we ha\e leason to liope ibal the} j will serve to cement tlial harmony atid ' good underslamlitig bi*twt-eii ibe Us o na tions, which, foi!ti(l(d in cciigenial inter ests, cannot but result in the advancement nations of Kurope, of bolding the trade oi iiieir colonies, each in exciu.-.ive mon- opolv to herseil. After the termination of the late war, .his inieidicuoi, bad been revived, and tlie Briii.sh (iovern- ment declined i:icludin;j tb'is poriion of our intercourse with her jiossesucns iu the negotiation of liie Conveutiuii of 18 1 j, I'be traile was then carricd otj exciiisive- ly in iiiitish vessels, till the aci of Con- of tlie weilare and prot^jn rity ol both. Our il lations ol'rommeice anil navi gation with l-’t aiii e are, by il-,i‘ (operation (/I'(lie C (M,\ 1 i.li(,n of 2j;li Jutn-, lSi22, V' 1 atM.ii, :n a state chi\e ill pTo-, eihf.:]!. ol gradual ^ otiviiic- ity to determine what shall be consider-n^M-ess conceroing navigy-ion of 1818 ed as a revival of distriiiunating duiies|aTid the supplemental act ol’]-; o met a foreign (io\ei iuneni to the disadvaii-1 ,,iu rdici by a coi respondin'- mea tag(.‘ ol tlie United .States, and as the re- | ^ure on the nan of the U. States, ^i'bese taliatoi y measure on our part, howe\erj measures, lioi of relation, but ol necessa just and necessary, may tend rather to .self defence, were soon succeeded i)\ an Act ol I’arliameni, opeiunjji’certain' tl.at coulltct ol lejjislalion ujiitb we-dt- p( I t all, I.all to liiat ((.iic^'i t lo w Inch we in\iteall cuiiiii.et c lul nation-, as n,osi 'j^ru!'jcj\iri’» ; .■•i «,u; i.uloniai porn •State', eoli.iiit^ to tlie Vi sseis I 1 'i.i- U diieciiy Irom ihem, anc’ ; 1 tw ih(i im^iuiion IVoui Uicm of ccriaii