VOL. III.] ClIAULOTTE, JV. C. TLESpdl, DEC EMU EH 26, 1826. [NO. M 1 PUBLISHED WEEKLY , Bv LE]\iUEL BINGHAM, ,Ql Three Dollars a ymr^ paid in advance. No paper w 111 be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all aiTcurages are paid. ' Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending' in advertisements, arc irqiiesU d to note on the nuirg-in the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and ciiarjjed accordinjfly, Jhj uutlwritif uf tht State of A'arth-Curolin'^, TO K.M'OVRAOE THE PUBLICATION OF '11!E IIlSTOllY OF NOHTll-CAUOLlNA. IlKiHESr PIMZE, 20,000 rOUAHS. £i-uivii:r to commence in Ililisiiurougli, on the 4th Mutiddy of Aoi'tmher uejct. ;S;Clirn»r. 1 Prizp of 20,000 Dollars, is 1 10,000 1 5,000 1 2,000 2 1,500 8 1,000 10 500 20 200 40 100 50 50 A 50 20 1,050 10 7,'iW) 5 $20,000 10,000 5.000 2.000 3.000 8.000 5.000 5,600 4.000 2,500 9,000 10,500 36,830 tM )ii iM-izPs. 7 23,S8G tickets at $5 is Hi),430 flunks S j A'(-/ fil'd B!t;nhK to u Prize. 5(ui T'vkrU 1(1 hf draw n in a day—to be com- yili * III IB vl;.} s’ draw ing t" . OtluT-. SI A • '()\ '.’!Y IMJiZES AS FOLLOWS: '///’ Ifi'-t drnu'H 'J'ich'et on the Firs' a; , will he tntilltd to a Prize of ti'conii 'I I'vibWc The subscriber mfornis his friends and the public, that he has purchased that well know n establishment, lately owned and occupi ed by Dr. Hendrrson, and is now prepared to entei'tain travellers and others, who may please to call on him ; and no exe’rtions will be spared to n ndsr them coml'ortablc, and tlu ir stay a- g-reeable. His table will be furnished w ith ev ery variety which the country aO'ords; his bar witjj the best of licpiors; and his stables witl) plenty of provender, and careful servants will be in constant attendance. U(»15EUT L DINKINS. Charlotte, April 20, 1826. *80 Wouse wl* E\\taVmue ul, l>ESUI.TORy. GEN. WASHINGTON. And Stage House, at Ihe sign of the Eagle, in Charlotte, Norih-Carolina, bv lal36 HOlSKItT ^^■ATSON• Extracts from the “ IJecoliections of Washing ton,” a new work by George W. P. Custis, Esc[. autliorof the Conversations ofLafayette, SiC. HIS PORTRAIT. Of the thousand portiaits which have been p.ivtMi of Washington, all of tht-m jiossess a resemblance, from tiie draw- ! inj^^ of a sign-post to the galleries of taste. He was so unique, so unlike any one else, his whole appearance so striking and impressive, that it was almost impossi ble to make a total failure, in forming a likeness of him, “on whom every God aj)pparcd to have set his seal, to give the world assurance of a mau.” While several original pictures and sculptures are excellent likenesses of his physiognomy, in various stages of life, *Vi)Vvee. I WILL prosecute, to the iitnost rigor of the law, any person wlio will irade or^purchase M I,has been a general failure in the any article from my nc-jfroes, «,,(3 Uj, a written permit from mvselt. 1 will also pro- 1 , . ^ i i i n • secute anv person that mav hire or en ploy any ; ^^een misrepresented by bulkiness, of my negroes to do any labour, either by night w hile his vigorous, elastic Irame, in which or day, without my permission ; and I will give j so niany graces combined, has been drawn tweiity-iive dollars reward for information to the j fi om the model of Ajax, when its true conviction of any person w ho u.ay be found v.o-j tonification should be thai of Achil- i«itiiici' til#* uhfw/^ f I General Washington, in the prime of life, stood six feel two inches, and meas ured precisely six fiet when attired for the grave. l>om t!u period of the Rev olution, there was an evident bending in that frame so paisitig stiaiglu before, but the stoop is atti ibuiable i ather to the care and toils of that arduous contest than to age : for his step was firm, and lating the above notice. SAMUEL M’€OMB. Charlntlr, Nar. 16, 1326.— 5t’12. State of Nortli-Curolina, UCTHEKKOUD COUNTY. Superior ('ottrt of Law, (Jduber Term, 1826. John Bradley, ^ vn. f Petition to va Reuben Searsey and the heirs T cate a grant. .•c. ) All tlu numbers nl.icetl ill one wheel,"and the prizes in an- of John Miller, dec IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, , that Satjuiel I^owrie :ind wife, Susannah 1 his carriage noble and commanding,long Lowrie and John F. Miller, tin.-heirs and repre-j after the tiiiu when the physical pro- sentatives of John Miller, deceased, are not in-. pp, habitants of the state : It is therefore ordered | W'e believe that we have gone through the originals, and we hope with equal candor and justice to all. W'e cotne now to the beautiful statue which will long “enchant” our Western “ world.” If the drawings which we have seen are correct, Canova too has mistaken ti.v figure of the Pater Patrix. I’hc iiUisiri- ous artist, seated in the Kternal City, a- mid the classic remains of Roman gran deur, has had in his mind’s eye the stout, square figure of those heroes whose tient endurance of hardships, whose valor and discipline, rendered them mas ters of the ancient world. Hut the great American cannot bo r.iodt li' d, from coin or statue, by the force of genius, or the illustrations of art. I'ue graces ol his person, like the virtues of iiis soul, owed their perfections to the master hand, tlie hand of Nature. Those who • may pourtray the Chief, in latti r life, should lay on the tints r-l- age full lightly : for his was an age ul action and of untiring labors in the can^e of ^public utility, and for the good *i mankind; and, althougl. lie had iiearl) rt'ached the Scriptural duration ol mail, time had so gently ushered him into the “ vale of years,” as to have left its usual infirmities behind, while his “lusty win ter” had shed its “frosts so kindly” that he scenu d rather as a full ripened autumn —for no dissolution was there. At the time the late Chief Justice Swift, of Connecticut, was publishing his Digest, he wrote to a gentleman of consideralilelegalcelebriiy residingin the county of Vi'ashinglon, K. 1. requesthig his aid in introducing it into use in that Stale. Tiu* gentleman acknowledged the reception of tl.e Judge’s letter, anl repli- •r the tim. wnen me pnysicai pro- ^d that he could formerly have beenotes- ■t.cs of man are supposed to be m ll.c i hi„,/as his inllu..,,, > by court, that j)ublication be made for six weeks in the Catawba Journal, tor them to be and ap- •J'l. - - day, 1 .tvI day, - - .'ay, - - Si • Ii day, - • F,ij;!itli da\, - - Miitb - - 'I'ciUb day. - - hit venth day, 'I wi '!il; day, Thirli cnth day, - Fourteenth ila\, - Fii'teenlh da\, SiNtv I nth day, ^fvci.teeiilh day, E'gliti-enlli day, - 1,U00 ! 1,UOO ' ■ 1,00( 1,00(( . 1,000 1,0(.0 1,51U 5,0'.0 1U,0(j0 :u,o(K) pear at our next Suj)erior Court of Law, to be held in Rutherfordton, on the 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in March next, ihen anl there to plead, answer or demur ; that said iietition will be taken pro confe;,so and heard, as to WiTMEss, James Morris, Clerk of said Court, at ollice, this 14tb November, 182G. JAMES MOKRIS, Clerk. 6tM —])r. ad\. $200 j 500 500 1 500 I ! them, ex parte 500 500 The rest of'the priz-cs floating in the wlieel from tlie commeneemei:t, amounting to Pri/.i s payable at the Ageuey of the Hank of of the S tate; Cape-Fcar, in Hillsborough, N. C. oO da_\ waiter' that v)iiblic;i i>\* iS'viv\U-V'a\*oVvv\«i, lU 1 111 cot NTV. Superior t'ourt nj Luw, Uclvbir Term, 1326. John liradley ry. { Petition to va- JoshuaSoutlier andtlif heirs C calc a i;rant. of John Milli r, (lece.i''ed. ) (■ '1' ajjpearing to tlu satibfaetion of the Court, that SamuL-l Lowrie and wife, Susanah Low- rie anl John F. Miller, the heirs and repre,-.cn- tativt:; of John Miller, (It ceas;.d, are not inhab it is thcr.. tore ordered b\ that publication be made for six w eeks 1 ! had been. perhaps, as .le extensive as an> I o a majes,.c Jicight, was addcl cof-, |«i>omhng b,radii, and f.m,iies.s, and Ins whole person was so cast ,.i na.ure s ! ^ , .. • • litiest mould, as to resemble the classic remains of ancient statuary, where all the lor Ills ainuse- meiitj but of late his inllueiice had be come so depreciated, that he had to make the greatest etTorts to avoid being liuii.j i himself. parts contribute to the purity and perfec tion of the w hole. His habit might be deemed ra’her ^ spare than Inll, his wci|;lu never exceed-1 ing iwo hund.-edand ento wenty. H-s 1 (;i,.c„i, Court in Uensselaer enuntv, llan- ,mbs were renjarkable. Ills arms were o>H5, large, at.d stnewy, and could a eas ^ , have been made Iron, his hand, it would h,.,-cl,aracter. ■ It ismeniionrd have afiorded a study for the sculptor. that this laily is young, and an orpiian. and if exhibited in the present day, i , . .1-1.1 . * 1 w.ho has noilung but her reputaliori to Her whole life been without re- woi;Ui be siiniiOi-ed lo have belonged to, . • ^ .1 11 M ® sustain her in iiu- world. was proved lo have sonic hero of romance. llis physiognomy was dccidedly Ho-. ^ mal-.-r.ot in us tp,e express,ng the reck-. j^.,| ,|‘e defendant. The ess ambition o the “broad Irome, j , i,„ a few minu'es beloie C .tsar, or the liixurious indulgcrce ol 1 , . 1 -.i .1 i- . c u ’ 1 I A .1 .» 1 . .1 » .1 they retuned with the verdrct ol 5)5()OOr the “ cut ed Aitlhonv, but rather ol the - " th(‘ whole amount l.ai It is well added, tl;ai ble libeller does not exist on the earth. r. ihe declaration, more contempti- the face ol i1r‘completion of the draw ing, subject to a dis- i„“tii’o’cataw‘ba Journal, tor tin m to be and ap-i better age ol Rome, the I'abius Maxl- cou'it oi 15 j)cr cPiit. All pvi/cs not cK niuiulcil p^ ni« in \t bujjcrn.r Coiivt ot l^uw, lo bo >i iht; Scipios. within 12 month . from the eouipletion ot the in lUithtrfordton, or. the 3d Monday af-j ^-\n ecjuestriail l)ortruilUrc is particu* drawing, will l.'t considered as lorttittd to tlie , 4^!, in March next, tln ii and ! ^vell suited to him who rode so well, uses oi the Lottery. ^ _ Itlnreto plead, answ er or ileiiiur; that saiii ulio was liiuill attaclied to the 110* J. WERR, Commi.'iifioner. jtionwill be taken pro confesso aiid heard, ad ' irdlslortiViih, .Ipril, : to them, ex narlc. Witness, J.inies Morris, , , , . - li, • , i- -i .1.1 •11,c ;,u,of Ihe N,„-tl,-Ci.n.li„a public is' Clerk of sai.l Court, rf ullic,, this 1-W, N,.ven,-: had borne him in the el-.ase, ,n w ar, and lowin- account ol an accident that hap- ulHI M iiU » an 1IIU\.II 4.1 V I* V-^ IJV/- I h!e animal which so oft and so g;dlant!y | Gazette de France gives the fol- r sneetr.illv iuvited to the foregoing scheme. | ber, A. 1). 1826. JAMES MOUHIS, Chrk. \ in the i.erilous i,ervice of the fronljer 'Mu- ImmLiI'Io |)U!’posc conteniplalfil ill, it is atlv. llu' ct a dI'uIcIa (Vjucstl iUli) listul hoped, sn iire to it the aid of those who aro Irie-.idly to tlic int. rests of literature and .scienc(-; ani! til’-' nai.i>'a'tiUe ot'tl e gentleman who has eoasenlcil to act as Commissioiu-r in the man- Mgcment oi the Loitery, is a siiHieient ))lelge of till t iltiu ss w ith w hich it will be (onducted. A. 1). MUUPllEY. ot> \o the above l.ottcry art f.)v s;ili*at tl'.. : 'iiici' of the Journal. Orders o} win be promptly attended to. State ol‘ >»ortli-Curuliiiii. 1.IM0LX enexTV. David Illalock, 1 y I'd'lioii fiir Divorce. Nanr\ Illalock. 3 'I' ai)|)earing u> tlie satisfa( tion (/ the Couii. j to say, “ 1 deliglitto see the general ridt ai;d Ml.ike it a point lo fall in with linn when 1 hear hat he is abroad oii horse back— his seal i.i so firm, his iiuuuige- nieiii so easy and ^Materul. th.a 1, who am a professor of I'orseniariship, would V.v.r A l*ov ..T' hi :ii! V vtiit. (.!' WorlsV Kiver, adjo,niiig the lands , ^ ‘ 4 of ii. .S. lloiiston, r.enjamin Hrevaid and otlu rs, j | ’ > u„„.:.,„,ai„i„ir:;7-,civs. Tl.e ,:,i,i k.„d is i I I IMK subscriber offers for sale a valuable (tract of l.and, on aceom- jniod iting terms, wlii( li 111 low t r part of Iredell county, on tlie h, :u! V vti'it. (.f Worlsv Kiver, adjoining the lands of « and goo.l (jnalit) auvi well watered, liotli as to springs and br.i irhi s. Ol i.be land now in crop, :'.nionnt- iiij^ to ‘i I or .'lO acres, the most of it is well ma nured and will l)roduee corn, cotton ( r wheat, ill snilieient ipiantity to abiinda:.tl\ conijieiisate tlie'liusbandiiuiii for his labor. F.xperiineiit Inu. prov. n that it is iiecnliarlv adapted to receive gre.vt and pi rmanent bent fit ironi iiiaHure' 'I'll' ;-c is on it a large ])ortien of low gr uiids, ii' CACi Ik iit (pjality, l ither for nieaduw or [las- tiire, I'l or 12 acn s of w lii'di are in good order suid have !>een mowed for a number ot jiars. I'iic iirincipal dwelling-lHHise is iargf and eoin- nio li()i;s, wliieli, w ith a lltt le ad'.iitional expense, 'iiif^bl lu- made eomfnrtabk and com eii.t nt c\ t. n tor a laige tamlh. 'rbe sitnatuni on whuli it ?tands is jirobably efpial to an} in tl.isor ibu ad- jiici iit counties- 'l lure is a well of good wa ter convenient lo the house, and ;i largi', tc-rtile garden. 'I'herc are two iniproxenu nts on this trad, whicli will be sold toL;c tlu r or S'/parati ly, to s.lit purchasers. It would be a tlesiraMc place (f residence fora uieinber (-t tlie proie.^.- ^ioii of Law or a Physician, bring in a rc.^pcct- ^»!)le and ])opulons ni igliborhood, and at near.} ail eijiial distance from five surrounding \lHagi .-. it is uinucessary to give a furtln r ilescription fit tills land, astiiose, no doubt, wishing to jmr- * l.as,-, will view' the pia inisi s. l‘or ti rins, ap ply lo the subscriber, li\ing5miles north ot t.'oncord, Cabarrus count}. eSJir A. ('. MMH-.K. N. IV Apprtived c;'^h notes, n!■J’ro(■^, or noti s 'f'v.irotiablc and paya.de at the C'liar’ottv Hank, '■•ill be rL'C'ji^td iii-fw-viueni. .V. C'. M. 1 lliat'NaiiC} I’dalock, till deli.nd.int, is not an 1 go to him and Icani lu ridt inhabit.mt of ibis Slate: It is tin refore ordei- l!i’cd in ihe vigOK.us school of the c«l b\ court, th.;t publication be maue (Voniier w at lare, “ihe earth his btd, his niontlis in -he Catav.ba Journal, Rjvihg notice | lu-aven s ” he excelled the i hunter atid woods'nian in iheir athletic j habits, and in those trials of manhood ill Lincoleton, I w hicli disiingtiished the harTlydaj s ol' 1th Monday ol I |;istar!y life ; he was amazing snift on notice ! to iur, tliat sill make Inr j.er.sonal ajjpearance ' *■ before the Juili-e (.four Siii>irior Coun ol'Law, at the lu \t I oo’-t to hi- held for the said count} of Lincoln, at the Coiirt-Ilouse on the 1th Monda.\ ate r the March ne.\t, - iilur lu tlio suitl |jcliti*>n; i/tlicrw i.so it will t*c taU II ])ro contv'M', and hc.e. d ex parte, and ad- of fi.ot, and conkl ciimb the niouiitatn steep, and “ and not a bob confess his toil.” .sn/t Jli ii(l( rf^n7i, ( lei'lc of sai;l ('onrl, at Liin oliituii, the ‘itli Mond.iy alter ihi' •1th .>Jonday o! Sei.'embe:', .V. 1). Ib26, andin the olsl \Jar of our liuU je ndeiuv. Hl'.NUERSON. 3m't ’20.—pr. a(U. Of th.e power of his arm, we lia%e ma ny recolleclions. 'I'he llappalu-’ufu-k river below I'redericksburg, will ail’Mr'.: ^ lasting memorial. Of the ailicle ui 1, w hich he spanned this bold ami nav igaldi stream, there are varous accounts. '\'e are assured that it was a piece of slate, fashioiietl to about the si^e and shape ' I' _ a dollar, and which, sent by an ‘•arm Mew.ut, deceased, will sell at Public Am lion, ! strong,” not only spaiiljed tbe river, on the 2C>th of December, the following p'op-j jriound at least thirty \ards crt}, to wit: Two tracts ot land, contao.ing , oiher'sule. Numbers have 'since ^(iO'irr' S 1\oi\ a\u\\'cVwCK ; toiir ni.Jocs, I . , , • i . • , t i » »• jwKici.s, ^ iliis I'-at, but tiorie luive cleurcd ilie John Stewart’s Kstute. fl'^IlK siibs'.'ribi r having tpialilico as I xecu- i tor of tbe h. t will and t( stanu nt of John pened to the King: “'I'lie king was comming down, siir- louiided by liis tjuite, one of the steep stairs ihat led from the plalfoi-m of tlie i Cl'.urch to the Cliapels of the st itior. , ' and llietice to the re.ad, when liiifoot -^Jip- jit.d, and he fell on hin k/icc, Ihj n huppn ef fort of rcflecHou nud coolness^ Ilis Mttjrdij t/ireir forn'ard liia hdiid.i, nud the ,siijj/)orl the//kept his head from striking on the slepa. I be l.ii.g immediately rose up, and noticing the alarm of liis attendants ai his fall, cnndiacnidcd to reaasure Ihe.m, J)}/ (I I'm! ions ii//iilc. continued to de- scencF the hill on foot.” A custom-house bond, for the very lary;e sum of ir 'il 1,0(i0, for duties 011 scvtM'al ('hiii.'i e.'iru;'jes, bccanii; due oil Satuitl:iy, anil jiroinptly paid by an iiidividual mcreh.anl of this eity, in a siiiiile elicek. 'Diis is said to he the larsjjesl bond ever paid in this country. A’, y. Gffzcltc. wit: 'I'wo tracts of land, contaniing , 1\ iiig on >Va\aw crueii ; four negi'ocs, a oiianl.tN of coin and cotton; Horses, Cows, , , , ... , lldi'-s and’ Slirep ; niie ■^ t of black.smitirs toob., 1 wuler. 1 is tiie * i)ougUis tasl, made ;i si t of wagon md.e'-’sdo.; sevoral wagons, ini-1 ni ll'.e days when Virginia’s men weie i)h till Ills of liuhhandi'}, togi ther w ith two stills, her ii.aidii 111 e lair; when tiie ricty of ot’.'r •irticlf;; too * i,^rdv snorts ef the gymnasium iirepai'- 'I\rms et sah , U niont is tici.ii,! - [ [y il,e “trumpet call nin. h'isi rs L--\ ii:;'b.nitl w lUi appro'\ ed sfcunl>. I\ 1 . . ‘ All crscms iiHkbted to said estate, are iiou | to War,” and gave vigor and elevalion to iied to'come loiuard and make i)avment; aiKlI the tliind ; iuL‘ our modern liublts idl those baMug elainis against the. cstaii, w ill I „,ould rallier lit tiie youth “to caper nresent tlu ni, properly autlieiitiealed, 'don . jj, lady’;, chaiiiljer. ” I., time Mx^trilxdi.v law, or this notice Will I ' I Who uilleuler thearen:,, ‘-nowtlie i\. 1!. All pcr-ons iiidc'ited to t!ie said John j great mask r s gotie, take np his gage, '■ and prove lhal ihe itiatiliood of the aiid nieiiti'in Su wait, (Uccaseil, as t-iianiiaiiof J.is. M. Cane. ;ii,d \\ 111. A (Jams, are nolilicd, that nnli ns tlu \ coiiie fyrwarii aiul make pa} inent lo the t \i.tu tor nv the da\ of s;de, tl.i ir notes Will bj put 111 ;ui (■!!.. I r’s baiMMor. ole. tioii. JOHN ^'I KWAUT, L •:(i! r. — ^'11* de scendants iswoi'tli) of ihe renown ol tiu'ir sii'( s? e Tear ihat vci y inatiy will he the stii.ois fur the athletic prow ess of ihe dejiaried Ul)She^. ere oni; (.an be ho v,'H ‘’’K i.d hi^ ('o)H'rrss.—The Commercial Adver tiser (d’ New-York, says, “ the session comiiietices on ihe first Monday of De cember; but alas ! what will beccnu- ol liie l’’,diturs of the N'alional Jiitelligenci i I 'I lieif valuable gazette ctjiitinues lo ar rive ik y alier day, in due course of mail, laden down with the pondei'ous sjjeeches of the hist session; and in the jiaper now btfijte us, tlie sickening words—JJehiite. /> Ae —api)car for the thousand and sixiieih time. Why will not the memheis have wisdom, v.liy do not ihe great body of ihem thank foi'luiie that t!iey t.‘ver got there, aiirl bold their peac(‘, like respectalile pe(>ple, as lor the most patt they would appear to be, if they wotild Ijnl keep silence.' Why (i//lirt us with these tievei'-eiKling hat aiigue.s, U[)on all sni^jerts and all occasions.' Tiie peo ple /•/( ■/(■/ /.'laii; and indeed iln'y would be gieal noudlr^ it tliiv did. 'i'wodays, or threi; ! n)')S* !*> ICT.g CliOUgh tu pose of any question. All that need bo said, can be said in that time; and all that is said beyond that, is at the expense of the patience anil jiockets of the people.—■ Upon this subject of a reform, the edi tors I t Watihiugton could do much. In- siea i of tb;;se everlasting speeches, let hem agree among themselves to rejiort condensed vh ws of the debates. We cuuld then copy more of the ilebaies, and the public would read them and be belter informed than ihey are at present. Hut from any more del)ates like those of last winter, which have lasted ihe whole year, we beseech our editorial birthi en at the :a|)ital, in mercy to spare us. And one paper should contain all that should ap^ pear of any one day’s debates.” Balt. Patriot. (’iHKKCK.—The editors of the Ne\r Ydi k Daily Advertiser have been favour- ef], b) Mr. Bolles, who lias lately rciurned from Greece, wiih a short but interest ing sketch of the condition of that coun try when he left the Levant. Mr. liolles is a native of Ohio, and a young oiaii of intelligence and observation. Afiei re ceiving a military education at West I’oint, he left this country last year to join the Greek army, and served during the late campaign in the regular army under (ieneral I'abvier. The represen tation he has verbally given the Euitors of the .Advertiser, of the (ireeks, thf' implicily of their manners, ilu ir per sonal bravery, their unyielding haired of tbeir former masters and ihe ( ruel snflerings they have undeigone, and which thousands are ef.during at this moment rather than submit, we are per suaded, is such, as few in this • r»nntry have ever imagined, but sulficn n;, if oiue understood, to excite admiration and the warmest sympathy. THE PUESEN'I' COXIHTION OF TIIK OitKKKS. Tothc Editor of the in'cw York Daily Advertiser, \ short time lias elapsed since i left the seat of vvarfitre in Greece, wlurel ha.'l devoted some months to the servicc of that, my adopted country. I)urin[; the greater pjrt of the time that I spent in (ireece, I remained in Col. I'abvier’s army, where discipline was introduced, and regulations observed, as long as governmt nt had the means of [)ajing and subsisting her troojis. The Greeks arc very susceptible in the school of the sol dier; the manual, company, and battalion drill. They evinced an uncommon de gree of pride in learning the profession of arms ; but what troops are those, and wheVe are they lo be found, thai will obey orders, and march to the field of bdiile, after su!)sistlng for months upon biead alone, and when only a jirecarious dc- |)cndence.can be jilaced even upon tuis. I know that it has been said lhal the (Jreek soldiery should forego the thoughts of monthly pay. This would be plausi ble, allowing them to receive a compe- teni daily subsistence; the governiiwnt allowance for a soldier’s daily siibsis- tei/ce, is less than five cents. This pet ty sum doe.s not enable them to j)uii b.ase any atiimal food ; and it is ihetefore ne cessary that they should be paid tiieir monthly allowance, whicli is gl,3,)i per fnonth.—All this, when obtained, goes for the j)urclmse of animal food. At the time of my leaving Najioli, (ireecemus- lered forty tliovsund men for pay ; but very few of these were on iluly ; the grea test part being compelled to resort to some calling aside from that oi’arrns, to enable them to live. It is beyond the most lively imagination to conceive the present distress ol unhappy and sufler- iilg Greece. Hefugees from Trijioliza, Argos and Napoli are in great numbers, in atid aljout Missolotighi. Discoii ^olatc widows, and weeping orjjhan.s meel your eye in every street and alley, soliciting alms. 'I’housands who are excluded from the city, dwell uiuler the •( iis'le at Napoli in huls composed of reeds, which but ill serve to screen llieir inmates froni a burning sun. There exists a govern ment, com[)osed of a president and two conmiiitees.. The treasury is entirely empty, and the war was considered at a crisis at the time of niy leaving Nupoli. 'riie (ireeks have cherislied the Ibncl hope lhal some chrisiian nalini would render them assistance ; and without im mediate and powerful aid, it is in vain that their souls expand to meei approach ing freedom. MKinn-.'rr lioi LL.:;. Cool Trick.—At the IJelvidere . J.' ())cr and Termiticr, one Mr. .\dani Cool was convicted of an assault upon Calharine iJcrry, and fined one ilollar and robts. The assault consisted in j)utun[; bis ai m a.^ouiLd her neck and kiss4ng he!’- Now, this was a very aunn act for Mi\ -Adam C(j(jL