ntntolm mttrnnl \0 111.] 90^ CIURLOTrE, JV. C\ TUESDAl, FEBRlAllY t>, 1827. [NO. 117. PI’BLISIIED WEEKLY ‘ By LEMUEL BINGHAM, Jit Three Dollars a year^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. ' Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending in advertisements, are rtqiiested to note on the margin the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and chiirged accordingly. Clerks of the Superior Courts, And other gentlemen holding subscriptions to tlie Nkw Map of Noiith-Cauolina, are requested to return the same by the 1st of Jan- iiiiTV next. They will >e so good as to present them, in the mean time, to such persons as will ke likely to patroni/.e the work, who have not had an opportunity of doing so already. The price to non-subscribers will be $10. Very few, however, more than those subscribed for, will be printed. To remove any objection that may be urged against subscribing, the publish er wishes it to be understood, that none of the 8ul)scribers will be held bouud, if the MAP is not correctly drawn, finished in the best man ner, and of'the best materials. From the returns already received, the pub lisher is warranted in believiifg, that a subscrip tion of not less than one thousand names will fce obtained in North-Caro!ina, among whom arc. His Excellency the (iovi-rnor, all the Ofti- cers of the State ('.overnnu nt residing at the metropolis, the Members of both II»uscsof the Legisl iture, a liberal proportion of the Profes sional'(.entlemen, a'large number of that most ix*s])i‘Ctut)le class of citizens, the Farmers, and gem rally the Merchants and Tmders of our Towi.s, to whom a correct Map of the State is particularly desirable. 'I’he publisher takes this opportunity to ac knowledge his obligations for the polite atten tion which has !>een uniformly paid to bis ap plications for assistance in the prosecution of his work, and especially to those gentlemen vhohaxe interested themselves in procuring ♦he surveys of the several counties. An\ in- fbrmation calculated to benefit the work will be thankfully received. .10IIN MAC RAE. Fayetteville, 826.-_4t 19^ of Nortli-Carolina. LIKCOLN COUNTY. David Blalock, 1 vs. i Pciitiun for Divorce, Nancy Hlalock. ) IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Naiicy Hlalock, the defendant, is not an )nhabit;iiit of this State: it is therefore order ed l)\ court, til t publication be made three ■lonths in lu- Catawba Journal, giving notice to her, that she make lier personal appearance kefore the .fudge of our Sujjerior Court of Law, at the next olirt to bi held for the said county •f Lincoln, at tiu Coiirt-Ilouse in Lincolnton, •n tlie 4th Mor.day after tue 4th Monday of March noxt, then .ilid there to answer or de- »iiir to tlic said petition; otherwise it will be taken pro confesso, and heard ex parte, and ad judged accordingly \Vitness, Lawson IJenderaon, Clerk of said €ourt, at l.incolnton, the 4tli Monday after the 4tli Monday of Septenilier, A. 1). 1826, and in the 51st vear of our Inde])endence. LAWSON HENDERSON. Gn'.’t ’20.—pr. adv. 54. ______ M KC K l.KN HUO OJO L’NTV. Court of Kij’iify. Nof'einber Term, 1826. Trustees of the Congregation of (Jilead vs. The Heirs at Law of ilhan> Hemierson, decea sed—Cross bill, to recover tiie Legacy. 1r appearing, to the satisfaction of the court, tiiat .lanles Henderson, sen. .lames Venable, Janies Henderson, son of Archi ahl, John Hen derson and his wife Reb(!cca, defendants ui this case, are not inhabitants ot this State: It is therefore ordered by court, that pui)lication be made for six weeks in the Catawba Journal, for them to oe and appear at our next Court ot’ E- fjuit\, to be held in Cliailotte on the 7tb Mon- dav after tiie 4th Mondaj in March next, then and tlu're to plead, answer or demui’, or the bill wdl e taken j)ro conlesso, and heard ex part , as to tiiem. \Vit'.es>, David U. Dunlap, Clerk and Master of our sa.d Court, at oilie.e in (Jliarlotte, this T7tli ilav of N(ivenii)er, 18J6. D. R. 1)1 Ni.AP, ('. M. E. rnl'J-r-pr. adv. f) 5U_ feUvVvi . ’o\*\\\-ruvvA\u*t\, • MKCKI.KNUIMUl CCl'NIV. Court r>f Ktfuitu^ XorvT/i/>cr Tvrrn. 1826. .7osepb Wdson rs. (ieorge T. Hersey and A.D. Murphi V. I T appearing, to the ^atist-.n tion of the court, that Ceorge Ilersiy, one of the defend ants, is not m iiiliabitant of this Stale : It is therefori- onlered i)y court, that piiUlieation be . Tuade for SiX wee Us in ' lie ('ata\vl)a .lournal, that luilcss be appe;irat out' next Court of Lfjuity, to he Iiehl for tiu' county of Mi‘cklenl)urg, .nt the Court-House in Charlotte, on the Ttb Mon- day after the 4tli Monday in March next, tlieii and tlu re to pleati, answer or demur, the bill will be taken pro cont'js.so, and lieard ex parte, as to hint. Witness, David R. Dnnlaj), Clerk and Master of oursaiil court, at otlice in (Miarlotte, this 17ti> day of November. A. 1). 182('». D. R. DUNI.AP, C. M. E. 6ll9—pr. adv. #3 50 POST-OFFICE, CHARLOl^ E, Jaii*iary fi, 1827. Those indebted to this (»flice, either foj Letter or Newspaper Postage, *jrc request ed to call, without delay, and settle their res pective dues. Such as do not attend to this no tice, must not expect any farther credit. In no case, hereafter, will a letter be delivered until the postage is paid, except to such as have re gular accounts; and accounts will be kept with those only who live within a convenient, dis tance, are known to be punctual, and w'.iose postages are sufficiently large to warrant the trouble. Those who receive newspapers through this Office, and neglect to call ami pay the postage due on them, must expect to have their ])apers retained hereafter, unless the postage is paid quarterly in advance.. In respect to such, the sidjjoined instruction from the General Post-Uf- fice will be strictly adhered to :— “ Experience has proved how inattentive many people are to the payment of such small debts as arise from trusting the postages of newspapers; you are therefore not to give credit. To save in future any trouble or incon venience, it will be proper for you to require the subscribers who receive papers through your office, at the commencement of every quarter, to p.ay the amount of one quarter’s sub.scription in advance, and witliout such pay ment in advance, not to deliver them any news- ])apers, even though they tender you the mo ney for them singly.” ■3tl9 DRAWING Oii the 21st day of February, 1827. OmiT7980*^TXCfil^. NORTir-CAUOLINA ^ IK FOR THE BENEFIT OF . THE OXrORJ) ACADEMY, THHiD CLASS, To be draiin at K.flLElGIl on )Vednesdoy, lilt 2\st of February next. J. B. YATES St A. MclN l YRE, Managers. SCIIKMK. Prizes of 5^7,000 is 5,000 . . 1 1 I 1 I 1 108 108 108 2.754 . 2,500 . 1,500 . 1,320 . 1,250 40 20 10 5 ?r,ooo . 5,00U . 2,500 . 1,500 . 1,320 . 1,250 . 4,320 . 2,160 . 1,080 13,770 ^a\t‘ aiAiV VWviug. There win be soUl, on Thursday, the 8th ' of February next, at the (Iwelling-house of | Susanna Smartt, a great variety of article.s, the projierty ot the heirs of George A. J. Smartt, deceaseti, consisting of Corn, Fodder, Bacon, Hogs, 'if*—.—^ Horses, Cows, Farming utensils, &c. Jil.so^ v'Ul he Hired, At the same time and place, a number of Valuable and Likely ?s’EGROES; lor all whiih a reasonal>le crcdit will be given. JAMKS SPI{.\TT, ^ ,, , THOMAS n. S.MARTT, 3 Jafiuctry 17, 1827.—3tl7 ('lock «nd >V‘atcli Makiuj;'. The subsciibi r continues to carry on the a- Ijove business, and has made such arrange ments, that his cu.'jtomers may rely on jjuactti- I ality and tlespatch. He has for sale, j (iJold and Silver Watches, (iold Chaans, Seals and Key.s, Ear and .'inger Kings, Breast Pins, Lockets, Table, Desert, and l ea Spoons, Mustarii and Salt do. Sugar 'Kongs, Soup Ladles, Silver Spectacles, Do. do. with extra Glass, Do. do. concave for near sights, YlivawUUes, And a variety of other articles in the fancy way, all of which, will be sold at the most re* 1 duced prices. JOHN M’KEE. Chestervdle, S. C. Jan. 6, 1827.—6tl9i* 3,084 Prizes, \ 7,980 ^39,900 4,896 Hlanks, ^ Ticket.s, > In this Scheme, composcil of 21 Nu i brrs by pennutation, producing 7,980. rickets, and \ itii three drawn ballots, tlierc will be six pri/,. ^ witli tiu'ee of the draw n Numbers on them ; .>24 with two on ; and 2,754 with one only, of the drawn numbers on tliem. 'I’o determine the prizes, the 21 Nos. from 1 to 21, Inclusive, will be placed iu a wiieel on the day of drawing, and tliree of theni i>e drawn out, anil that ticket having on it, for its permu tation numbers, the three nuini.'ei s drawn from the whe -l, inthe onler in which drawn, will l>e entitled to the pri/o of Irr.OOU And those five other tickets having the san>e nuniijers on them in the folhtwin.e: orders, sliall be entitled to the prizes aflixeil to them respec tively, viz : The 1st, 3d, and 2d, to $5,000 2d, 1st, and 3d, to 2,500 2d, 3'1, ind 1st, to 1,500 3(1, 1st, and 2d, to 1,320 3d, 2d, and 1st, to 1,250 Those li 8 tickets, having two yf tiie drawn niimhers on lliein, and those two the fir.''t and secciid in either ortler, will each be entitled to a prize of' f40 'I'liose 108 tickets having two .f the drawn numbers on them, and thos;; two tiic* second and tliirJ in either order, wii! eaeii be eiitiih to a pri/.e of . ,20 All otiiers w itii two of the drawn nnnil)ers on tiieni, being 1U8, will each be entitled to a j)ri/e of fW And tliosc 2,75 1 tickets, liaving one oidy of tlu' drawn luiniljerson th'.ni, will be entitU'd to a pri/.e of $5 No tieket which sliail h'ive drawn a prize of a superior tl'ent/minatiou can be entilletl to an in ferior |)rize. Prl/.es jiayalde forty days after the draw ing, and sidiject to llie uijual deduction of fifteen per cent. Tich'Lls and Shares tn the ahove Lot- Icry for sale at this Office Present price of Tickets ^6; Jlalves ; Quarters^] 50. 4 S the 6id)scriber intends shortly to move ' 2\. from this place, lie wislies all who are in- I oebted to hiin, to make innnediate settlement. I Tliose whoc.iunot settle with cash, can have an I opportunity of settling by giving their notes, if ’1 '/r J V\o^’ Voy A VERY likely negro boy, of about 14 years J\ of age, is left for sale w ith me, very lovvfor cash. He is well grown and active, and sold . for no other cause than the want of money. 1 havi. also for sale a neat, liglit seconl-hand four wiieel carriage, Newark m.ikr, !mt little ?\voriu I will sell it low, and m .ke tiietu-ms ’ \‘'io suit the purchaser. JOHN lUWlN, 1-, 3tco\v. application be made before the next l'cbruar\ court. After that, all book accounts will be piacetl in the hands of an officer for collection. Those who are indebted to the association of M‘Kenzie & Caldwell, must make immediate pavmeiit, as a furtbei- indulgence need not be expected DAVID I'. CAF.DWELL. Cluirlottc, January 4, 1827.—3tl5 V O V TOX WH.L be received on Storagi, ntthe Store Houses adjoining the W At.ON V.\ID, I'.wi.ttkvillk., ai wiiicli latter i)l:tce salr and comfiirlable atconnnoda’iuns can be provided for agoners and tlu ir U anis. Persons storing Cotton w ith the snb-.ei'i.)er, if they n-.Nlre it, shall be ailvised weekl} of the state of the market, and n>ay depend npou the earliest int'ormation of aivy matirial aiti-ration in |)rices. JOHN Mi R.\K. January 4. 1827.—6ll9 ^ tSlalvi .VovUi-V avoViua, .Ml.l’KI.K.\nt Krt COL'.N I V. ("ourt of Pleas and Quarter Sess.ons, Novem ber 'I'vrni, 1826. Wm. E. White, , Original .\ttarhment, levied vs. Cin tlu- hands of Jos. Smith. & Wm, Kendrick, j be sununonod as (,aruish i . IT is ordered by court, that jiublication Le made six weeks in tlie Catawlia Journal, for the defendant to appe^ir at the next Kebrnarj term, 1827, to be iu-idfor t!iis county, and there to replevy, otiierwise judgment will’ be entered against him. ISAAC VLEXANDKH, C. M. C. 6tl9—pr. adv. K. VlwWutiY’s ftU*\c\UVfeS. 1UST pr IH.ISII Kl), and for sale at this of fice, “ Strictures on a book, entitled, ‘An ;pology for the Hook of I'salnis, by (nibert McM,.stei'.’ rowhii li areaddiil, {{emarsk on a book, [l)v Alexuulei- ionlon] entitled ‘The design ;ihd use of the l?ook (d Psalms.Hj llKMiY ’.’I i v.M.ii, A. M. W ltii an Apjicndi.x, i)y .Ion:; .Nl. \\ paslot Kyiky and p'hilud.l'>Ui*A, W ILL BE SOLI), On Saturday, the 1 ofh of ft hruary next^ 1 11 EP'OKE Doct. Johnson’s shop door, .sumlry IJ articles belonging to the e.state (d‘ Dunean Canipbell, decease'!, con.sisting of French Brandy,. Hoi land Gin, Hum and Wine, One Sliver Watch, One Sow aini Figs, and a number of \\ nd iw Sli .lt rs re.'idy made. \11 person^ indebte ' to said est:ite, w IM pK-ase make p.i_Mii‘iit whoot di .is no inihd^ence c:in lu'ivneii; and all jiersons Ini^ 1 i,g rl.itnis, will pi’i sriit tiieii> :i- the- l.iw oii-ert.i, 'iiu rwisc this nctlc> w ill be ph ac in Sar of rtcn\ r\. 2117 WiLl.lA.M SMI i il, ./(///■,’r. 1 HI-: From Niles, Weekly Register; GREAT NATIONAL INTERESTS. t)csiiltory remarks and scraps illustra tive of the progress an J pK-'sent condi tion of maruifactvues fn the United States, and concerninj; internal improve ments, aiding and assisting every branch of national industry. The malving of the New-York canals did not really cost the peo])le of the state, the value of one cent, except so l\u'asy;;r/^'-M materials may have beeir employed in the constructioM of them, or for that small portion of the i>r(dits on labor which ihe artists and lal.mrrrs ii'.ay have carried ou/ of fhr sialt'. On tlie contrary, they pive a laige and whule- sale eiiTiilalion lo money and eiu iched many individuals; and the increased v.i- lue of property, and of ])rufit resulting Irom them, must hi' snppot ted l)y count ing up the hundreds of millions of dol lars, if indeed, 1ht‘ benefits of them b^ uithin siif>i)o.sHina‘i\ ‘A\\\ I'he rise in ;ie value ol lands and lots on their Uor- icrs—at Albany, Troy, Hochester, Ulioa, HulValo, and an hundred new ar.d tiiMi’ty villa:;(;s which have started into • ‘xisteiice as if creatt'd by tna»;ic—the ncu' employment of tens of thousands ol' persons—the commoditie.s trans- );.ilc‘d to market, many of which, of mjj; the present }"ear, because of the irt* creased population and business. What then will the great cities require. Salt may be made in New-York> Pennsylvania, Virginia, and the western states, amply sutRcient to meet the wlioio consumption of the country, and will— so soon as the different canals are com pleted. The price at the works is about 10 cents per bushel. By the canal, salt will be furnished on the sea-board and sold so low, that a small duty upon tho imported articles will amount to a pro hibition. Its manufacture will convert otiierwise us-dess coal into value, em ploy some tens of thousands of persons, and annually save millions of money to our country. The manufaetfiries of Rhode Island, f'onneclicut, and Vermont, make up a large amount of capital. In Hiiode Isl and there art‘ about ninety cotton mills, and new ones are building ! We ven ture to assert, that the sinplus product of the peojile of Rhode Island, aided as, they are by scientific power,—is oC greater value than the surplus j»r->ducts of the wliole stale of V’^irginia—in wuich that power is not much useti. 13y “ surplus,” I mean a value beyond what is re((uired for the subsistence of the people. One person assisted by ma*- chiiu-ry, is equal to from 1 to 200 with out it. One hundred and fifty persons are employed in making lace at New port, R. 1. It is made at .several otiier 1 eat value, were hitherto as ((ui'escent . or useless bocause of the want of such pbices, as splendid, and as good, and at market, with the nciv jirodiicts of a teeming, bu:>y, bustling and liappy pop ulation—mak(j up an ag«jregate ol’bene fits that the mind cannot grasp with any degree of confulcnce in itself; and to all these shotild he added the wealth and power caused by the increased irdiabi- tants of the stati; on account of thesr things; perhaps directly and already, to tlie number ()f three or four hundred thousand! Such are the gtmeral elU-cts of canals, roads, and bridges. And i)e- side.s, the revenue arisitJi; from tolls will a less price, than the imported. Provi^ lence is, perhaps, the richest town of its si/e in the world, and it» population rapidly increasing. The whole manufacturing establish ments in Providence and its neighbor- hood, including a small district ii. i\ias- sacliusetts, are 150 or more, and ih per sons employed in them are between 35 and'10,000. A canal, about to b( ; ■ lo into the interior of MassachuscIt, vill greatly add to the business of Provi dence. not only pay the interest on the money! ^ ^' expended, but speedily extinguish the] Ifi'venue of the Pont OJfice.—Tho ilebt;andthensupj)ly the chief part of all' Postmaster General has laid a statf-nient the funds required for the support ot i *>f tbe nett amount of post age accruing the government (d'New-York ! These ! each Post Oflice in the United State# cotialscost|y,l2;i,000 dollars, buttheac-| for (hr year ending 31st March, 18;i6, tual debt created was only 7,771,000, land shewing the nett amount accruing the interest payable on which wa»d in each State and Territory. The fol- 000; but the tolls of th& presfuit year j lowing is the recapitulation of t!ie state- wili amount to a million ! . and the busi-l ment referred to and exhibits tfie nett ness of the canals will goon, on^ o;^, j sunount of Postage which accrued in and increase every year, for years to j each State and Territory, for the year come, until the utmost shore of Lake .which ended on the 31st March, 18:J0'. Superior teems .with civilized men, and New-York $212,536 l/> cities are located where the wolf has his Maine home, and the beur tuke.s up his winter Vcrnu)nt run]STL IX .ILM.IYJCK, IK M \ 1 () 182 Culculalcd I’o! For Fou iiiK ^) \i ()> ()\:a i.oKi) h _ \ .'•! ; i-!ian of Raleigh. at tills OMice. sah V T Nl) Stag'o House, at the sig'n of the Eagle, in rharlotte, North-1'arolina, hj’ hn .>6 WOHKirr W A IS ON- Vvv\)\ic EuWY\a\wiw^wx. HIE snhscriher int'ornis his friends and the imijlic, that he has pnrrhased tiiat vw II known establishment, lately owned and occnfii- ed l)\ Ur. Hendi-rson, and is now prepared to entertain travellers and others, ho may please lo call on him ; and no exertions w ill he spared to render them cointortaldi-, and tln ir s?;i\ a- j,nx-eable. His table will lie fnrnislied wltli ev ery variety wiiicli the country ali'ords; In', tjar witii the best of liijijors; and’ lils staldes uitji pK iity of [irovemler, and careful servants uiil lie In constant attendance UOHEUT I. DINKINS. f;liarIottf, April 12'», 1KJ6. •HO •^i\‘Ar\.vvueuVs ‘iU\iV W>m\s For ut tlic OlUce ol the iDuriuv]. quarters. Up to the 18th August last, and for the jiresent season, abuur nine thousand tons rd’ coal, four ihousaiid tons ol wheat, two thousand tons of iiun ore, fifteen hundred Ions of (lour, and four thousand tons of other articles, arrived at Phila- deljihia by tiie improved navigation of the Schuyl.'iill; one hundred vessels la den with Schuylkill eaol will have ar- ;lved at New-Vork from Philadelphia, during the present season. A\ hat is the new profit or value of the products or employments caused by this coni])ara- tively small work, yet in the very infancy of its usefulness? What is the amount of new capital put into oj)- ertaion? Lei it he culrulated. There are about 100 sail of coa^iters on the Ani(‘ri(;an side of Lake Erie; 500 will be refjtiired after the Ohio canal is finished, and fairly in use. Jiuifalo, a a meie village before the war, has .‘^000 inhabitants, and the number \sduHy in creasing. One steam boat on the lake had not suflieient business two years since; six arc now well employed. We shall soon h:ivc ports on Huron and jMichigan. (iicen I5ay \vill be an im portant point, aud M M'liillimacinack the centre oi' a very extensive trade, which will eitiier j>ass to New-York, Philadelphia, or Xew-Oi leans, by canals anil river navigation, every loot of the way ! A thousand rnil':s oi sji'ice has been reduced as if to lil'ty. Distance is stdnlued by science, supported by public sjiirit. 15y means of tin* can-ils made, or making, the ro///trade will In- a mighty liusiiiess and tlie prire ol' im 1 be much reduced in those j)arts where wood is becoming scarce. It abounds in the imnu'diate neighborhood of Pittsburg, and in l'^..'!i, .-i million of bushels were used i)y lf),000 inhaljitants, including the manufactories. 1,500,000 bushels will nr'>bubly bv '^«cd in that citv dur* New-llampshiro Massachusetts Rhode Island Connecticut Ncw-.Jcrsey iJclawaro iMaryland Pennsylvania Ohio Michigan Territory Virginia North-Carolina South-Carolina Kentucky (Icorgia Louisiana Illinois Tennessee Alabama Indiana Mis.souri Arkansas Territory Plorida Territory District of Columbia Mississippi 2i».91() 07 li»,:505 SI 11,8!J7 78 92,'1‘J8 9.3 12,G62 9,0 27,fi 10 71 15,5R1 05 4,6U0 93 5G,018 13 118,01.1 *58 27,47! 1,73:) 51 67,29-1 81 2 1,505 OS 44,713 6S 23.111 f)4 39,4^8 25 27,477 36 2,44G 64 16.112 07 18,092 .58 4,99fj 23 5,288 65 785 65 1,57."^ 09 11,518 44 ■ 9,574 97 Grand Total §912,893 OS Some thick-and-thin philanthropist has disoovered that if a person rises at 6 o’clock in the morning instead of S, up to the age of 43, he will gain 8 hours a day for ten years, being equivalent to an addition of 10 years to his life. Lord Chesterfield made a similar discovery, that a man would add 2 years to his life by ceasing to take snulf! Uy and bye, we shall hear of half a dozen years be ing gained by some other abandonment of personal gratifications. After alF, is lite so very desirable as to be worth these sacrifices of snuff and snoring ? iV. y. Enq. It is an excellent rule never to pass be^ fore the horses of a carriage unless yon are sure you have time lo Vall down a^t get up again without danger.