\r.ii—4>lid \\h«'!». v\t tuld. 1 li'V» 4 V. inciividuals who kcrpruin r-oo to .>0co raHutliut.i. t.Foni.IA AM> l ilt-- V. S’l'A'i KS. '1 lie luilowiup; uriicles are copied 1 oni lie ISli!!cdgcville Journal, rcccivcd by \]\e la^l soulhcrn mail. I'xm TIVV l)FrMlTMrNT. (Jvo. 7 Milla'gcville, \Uh l\b. 1827. S Str—1 received this aftrrnoon IVom I-R'Ui. Vinton, your ktlcr ol thc29lli ult. arul read within the same hour boih it }tr.(! the copy of it us published in tlie Na- tlLiiul lnte!lij;encer of the 7th inst.^ No ro(.n» vusleii to nuslake the nneaninp: ol' -this uiepatch. Licut. X'lnton announced liiniM'ir in an introductory note, a co|)V of uliio!» is herfwith transmitted, as the Aid of the Commanding? (lem ral: and you are suflifiently I'ii II t'V' -1 I'M r:"-'. L)l\lbU.l. be cs- Ltiuils’w d in dlie lime. li\ the C' nMD.'HKh r it» (’hit f. JUliN >V. A. SANDMUJI), Jiul ('()N(.i:r.ss. Filiriinn/ the Smate, yesterday, the tonsiileraiion of “tlie bill j.ioxiding of Ml. Vcicr, j( k (o tVc Toir.rnU- t»eoii the I/ibraiy, o t'insider the ex- 0('(!h*ik'\ (i| [iVircliusiiK^ ilie-Mrcluls bi- 5:ntclUcscucr* \ I V MV4 I l(.n}.rinir'to (ieneial \V;..siuni:ton, which have been adve-i tised ha’public sale. Improvnudit of the A>/r'/ —The I)ill for the gradual extension and improvement of the Nuvv passed the Senate or, Satur- for the trial ol land c..ums in tla I ceased majority. \ leAvms* uf Missouri, I.ouisiana. as one of public inter- N’ississippi, and in the urritories ol L^nd the bill before us as the mo^t kansas an! I'loiida, in the cases there.ti | measure in r,-lation to the Na- ^peciried,” was resumed, tl;e motion ol | i r ,oi.x Mr. Johnson of Kenturky. still pendinj:. j After coiisicie was carried cussion ai d I iinpoiiaiH measuii: m n ■ I \y, since the passage of tlie act ol 1816, 1 of Kenturky. sti.l penc.itu:. j (,,adua! increase, we t*'iiik tne fol- dcrahle del,ate, ’ lowiriu's> no[,sis of its provisions will l>e , '1 he biM, alter further Its- ,,,aers, althouf^h the amendment, wasrepoiteU col j,ul)lished at large some weeks tl'.e Senat(. In the llotisc of lleyiosentatives. yes terday. Mr. l’\ Johnsoi. ( otilimied hi-s le- niarkson the i-esidmi'in -1 Mf- Sai.nder.s, but had riot co-. -luded when the discus explicit as to thel ^.^jij anes;ed by the Spea jneans I)yv\hich >ou pto|;oL,e to carry , tlien lookup the bill \our resolution into elicit. 1 bus the r,i;j]/n)rr a]>i)ro|»riatijn for the military service’ and thi' 1 louse v.as en^a^jed the whole of tlie day, until 9 oMock iti tlie evet\in^;, on the lanse mak’.tit? nn appio- pi iution «)f 1'*”' connect ed with the sul.jfi t of inteinal improve ment. 'I'he approi>riatiiin was uitimatel> aj^reed toby a voteof lol to G7. 1 hr bill was tluMi ordered to be engrubsed and read a thiril tiiue to-day. inilitary character ol the ’iienace 's es- ia!)iished, and 1 am only at libeity to ^ive to it the defiance wh''ch it merits.— You M ill distinctly understand, therefo' t, that I feel it to be my duty' to lesist to the n’.most any niilit.tvy attack wl.it !i tlie (loveminent oi the Uniud States, sliab think proper to make on the territiiry, the jM’opii', or the so*erei;^nty, ol (leor- ■gia, and all the iTicasaris iiccessary to ihe pe!forn\ance of this duty, according to our limited means, arc in jirogress.— I'rom the first decisive act of hostility, you will l'»* consideied and treated as a public enemy, and with the less repug nance, because you to whom we niigiit consitutionally ha\o a])peaied for cur own oelence against invasion, arc your- htlves the invaders, and what is more, the unblushing allies of the savages, Hhose cause you have adopted. Yi ti have i cferred mo for the rule ol | niv conduct to the Treaty of Washington, j “ which, like all other Treaties, w hich have received tlie constitutional sanction I is aiiK'ng the supreme laws ol the land,” and which the President is therefore l)ound to carry into ef/ect, ‘‘by all the means under his control.” In turn-, I take the liberty to refer you to a Treaty of prior date, and prior ratification, con cluded at the h'dian Sjiritigs, a copy of the Proclamation of which under the higt) manual of the President, 1 have the honor to inclose. On a comparison of dates, the President may think proper to remind the Congress that the old grant claitiiS prefetcnce of the new, and that when vested rights have parsed, tlie old Treaty, like the old grant, has preference of the new. You have deemed it n'cessary to the personal safely of Lieut. Vinton, to im pose on him the injunction ol prulound secM cy, in the execution of your orders, ■whilst you cause to be published at Washington the very instrurtions which disclose those orders and enjoin tluit se- ‘crecy,and which in lact read t il tliis place by the public prints even before- Lieut, “'ititon had an ('pportuiiity to deliver sun »■. 'j'he first srciion of the bill sets apart a permanent fund of U.ree mi!/io!:sofdot- liim for tlie gradual improvement of'the Nuvy [the sum (,I fne hundred thousand h>l'ars per annum, lor six years, bein;;- appropriated] the fund tints set apart anil appropriated to be applied tu the lobuw- .ng objects, all tif «hich are designated in"the bill iiself. One of the first provi sions of the bill, relates to the cstahlish- ment of Drv Docks, the want ol which has hitherto subjected the country to tM«'at loss, expense and delay, in repair ing and lilting out onr public vessels. ’I he l)ill provides for the construction ol Uvo dry iloeks, tlu' one to the North and the oliier to the South ol the Potomac rivei Fibninry 22.—1" the Senate, yesterday, the l>ill lo an’.rnd the act regulating the Piisi Ollice Departn.ent, was twice read and referri (I. Mr. John-^on c. lled up the bill to regulate the intercourse between tlie United Slates and Cireat Hritain. 'I'he measure w»s opposed, as super.sed- i,.g the Woollens liill, winch ^ "1’^ j j!;; ;.iV;n*\v'itirirf^^ advantage, coml/i- tiai order, but carriei —A\es -b, Noe^, ^ ^ i-conomy and des- I'J. Mr. Smiih, ol Md. ohered a suij:> i-j tute for the bill reported Irom the prevision relates to the sur- mittce ol Commerce, and suppotlei: the I iniproienu nt of Navy Yrxtds, j ;,ioposiriotj at great lengily j ^nd the adoption uf scientific plans foi bee rei'lied, in a S])cech ol about two* • The next provision «)f the bill directs the consii'UtLioo ijI a .Marine l»ail a) ul Pensacola, for tlie repair of sloops of \v;ir aiui other vessels ol an inlerior class, lluihvays ha\e, it is understoovi, been iisul in Luri-pe for \essels ol this des- I hom La Gpanok.—Thei:ditorof the Democratic Press has ijffore him a interesing letter from au American Lady, writtfii at “ La (Jrange, December 8tli, 1826,” where siie had, for some time, i)iM n on a visit to the venerable and ex cellent Lafayette. We have much pleas ure in submitting the followinjj extracts. 'I hey rub out afoul calumny which we are at a loss to know upon what authority has l)ccn extensively circulatcd against the American people. “IJy the American papers I see, a let ter said to be written by a very respec-] table gentleman, giving an account ot ai visit to La (irange: among numerous j errors in this productioti, there is one which has given Gcncr(il-’JsajLt;jette r.-A pain. It is where the writber says, he is informed, that nitie applica' ions had he-.Mi made to the fleneral lor monev, tin pie ceediiig week, bv your.g men from the United Statet. Last ni-iu, the ('.enera. ^ said, with iiHich at.imaUon, th.d this \va>- i as great a Tnist..ke as ever ^va^ a:.i. 1 that he had never had a singit aiii,lu-i- tion of that nattre : that the oting A- merican who had call.'d upon him, hau uniformly conducted thcii-selves wi'.h the ^ greatest propru ty, and that then* was no j foundation whatever, tor the rej.or*. “1 have, says the letter writer set n enoiigli of other parts of liie world, to teach mi' to lo\e my own country more, an I to estimate its advantages lii.i;her, ev ery day. Ours nuiy «iY-phatici.!ly ')e I culled the Land of Liberty. The irutli is, we have so much iVecdom, anl so 111-_ tie opportunity of contrasting oui condt-1 lion will- other countru-s, th;;t we d:>^ no. j sullirienly appn'ciate our hai)piness. '1 he ^'c'al for, ami the love of our counti^y, 1 feel, makes me anxious that the a!)ove declaration of our beloved tieneral, may be given in relutation of tiie libel which hab been published.PatnoU (or a shot t tinif', t^ut ful cxei llor.b pvovci? un;-,ucces>.ful to rcscue the great mails until this morning about 10 o’clock, when tiro large mails vvere takeri from the s'a|?;e and two canvas bags. 1 he contents of the bags are much injured. The hitters have been separated by the postmaster, and are drying in private aparunents ci. his oPiice, and belived not‘to be materia!- ly injured. The newspaper packages arf* neariy destroyed, lie proposeii as soon as the letters arc sufficiently dry, to send them all to the Clencral Post Oflice ajjairi. The coverings are entirely destrojer'. with tlw; most of the bills—and he ha«. deemed it most proper to return them— Great exertions were made by the ciiizenr. ' of this place to save the stage ac.d horses, and the malls and the letters were rescu ed only at the risk of tht. lives of U\o:> engaged in the enteri r s The letters haNC ])roba!)ly been for warded to Pliihidclphia, instead of bcinf^ returiie*^! lO the (n'licrul 1 ost Oflice. Ih a iu>;e pu!>lished by the postmaster 15a!Iimine, lie says, “I despatched altt- -rr imiJU'diately by an extra convejance,- advising Col. U'hann, the postmaster at l.daoii, to send the letters fo$-ward tf» Phil uiclphia, to be ihcrc assorted, as the 'Mean:> of prevctiting, under existing cir- .■iimst:inc( >, all avoidable delay. No- thing bui tlie ivicunvcnience of detentioiif IS tuV..' a,iprchendcd, except, perhap'^, the iaiiC..i ru;ge of some nt'wspopers." ' Nat^ Journal hours, to Mr. Smith, and defended the \it \vs of (he Coinmittee. The House of Hepresentatives yester day passed the bill establishing sundry post roads, and the bill making ai^pro- priation for the military si-rvice oi the United States. The House then went into Committee of the W'hole on the bill making ajjpt opi ialions for the service of the Navy, which, with some amendments moved by the Chairmati of the Commii- ice of Ways and Means, was (irdered to be engrossed and read a third time to- day. Mr. F. Jol.nson finished his oberva- tions in o[iposition to the resolu'iun of- iVnd by Mr. Saunders, and Mr. Houston oli’.ained the lioor for to-day, to t-peak in IH ])ly. fihnuiry 23.—In the Senate yesterday the lull making appropriations lor the military service of the United States lor ihe \eaV 1827, was read twice and refer red. Two hours vvere spent in the con sideration of I'xecutive business. The consideration of tlie bill to regulate the United States your ilesi)atch. ou mistake ti e charac- i„t,.ixourse between th( ter of the people i.fCleorgia. OlTicers oi | colonies of (Ireat-l^ritain was re- ihf United States, engaged in the per- 1 Uie motion of Mr. Smith of Md. I'ormance of their iaw lu! duties ha\e only , su ike out the whole bill, alter the e- nacting clause, and to substitute otliCi to deport themselves as gt'iitlemen, to find the same security and protection in Georgia, as under the irgis of the gov- ernmen;. at W'ashington. I have the hcnor to be your obedient servant, M. Tiiour. II on. J M Ks 1J A n n o t», Stcrclarfj of JVar. Lxecvtivk Driwr I'Mi NT, (Jro. 17/// }'eh.\H2T. ^ Ordered, that the Attorney and Solici tors General of this State, ni e\eiy in stance of complaint made of the a. t ^t ol an\ surveyor, engaged in the i^ui vey ol the lati ly *ac(iuired territory by any civil process, under the authnritj of the Ciov- ernment ot the United Stales, do take all necessary atiU legal measures to «lleci liie liberation of ll.e jierson so anes'ed. and to biing to justice either i;y iiid'ictnuni Ol' oth( 1 w i;.e the cflicers or jrai ties concei n- td in su( h arrestali'n as ofl’..tillers against the laws and violato's of the peace and personal security of the puldic oIVk ers i-nd citizens of ih.is Slate—That th»‘y j;i\e professional ativiteand assistance in their defence against any prosecution or action which ma' be instituted against tliem as ofiicers in the service of tiie state, Ui:d that they prompily make ‘known to this Depai tment their acts and (If.ings in th^ pien;ises. ll is moreover trjoii.t d on the ci\il magistrates if this Statf, ha\ it.g ' ompeK nt juri--dictio:i of tht- saiTie, to be aiding Sc assistii'g in en- (itiiring into the cause ol eveiy such ar- provisions, still pending. Mr. Holmes olVered an amendmeni lo ihe amendment, which, after some discussion, was reject- ed. . •«, In the Hou?e of Representatives. INlr. Houston spcke at some length in defence of the resolution offered by Mr. Saunders, but had not concluded when the Speaker again arrested the discussion. The bill making apj.i opriatinns for fovtifua- lions passed through Committee oi Ihe Whole, and was leporud, ordered to be etigrossed and read a third tinie. The bill making appropriations for the Navy was read a third time and passed. Fibrvary 24.—In the Senate yesterday the bill, froni the other House, making appropriations lor the Naval service oi the I'niied States, was read Iv ice and re- feired to the Committee on Finance.— The considet ation of the liill lor regula’- iiig the inlei course l)etween the United Slat* s and the liritish Colonies \\ as i( - sunied, t!ic motion ol Mr. Smith ol Maryland, still pending. Mr. Johnston, of Louisiana, addrer sed theSenale in reply lo Mr. S'.nith, and in support of the liiil as ri ported. Mr. Holmes ofl('red anamend- ment, the eflVct of which is to interdict ihe inland tiade with (.atiada, which, al-j l oui.siana liiese obj'-cts. Another, and pprhups ihe n'^os*. interest ing fealure ot tli‘ bill, is that whi».h au- tSiurizes ll.e estublishment ol a N.wai. j Ac'.vdkmV. 'i his subject ha5>ol .aleyi'atSj created mui h iiiteresi in the i)ublic mind, j and the v;ant of such an establishment; has been seriously lell by the counuy, j and has certainly been very much and ! verv generally d»'sirt il. 1 Tlie great object of the bill, howevrr, j and that towards wliich by !ar the larger ‘ portion of the fund will be applied, is the , collection and preservation ot Siiie iiM-j I’.KK, for the future construction of ships, ; of all the classes now ust d in the Navy ol 1 the Uniteil Staves. Without the imutr- diate adoption ol this policv, tlieie aie , v\ell founded a’pprehensions of u setious j deficiency in iln most valuable sj)Cciesol i ship timber, lAvt Uok. j From this brief statement it will be! seen how extremely important are the i provisions ot tlie bill, which has just passed the Senate. Should it meet the sanction of the House of Pvepreseniaiives, which we sec no reason to doubt, very liitle will remain to be done to put the Na.’y on a fooling of respectability suited to iis great importance, and the feelings and expectations oi the country. Indeed, except a revision of the rules lor the gov ernment of the Navy, and seme altera tions in the organization ot the establis'n- ment iiself.nothing will l emain to be done, for many \ears to come, lor the further advancement oi this valuable and inter- esiing arm ol national defence. We teel ourselves called upon to repeat our con victions of the great value ol the bill, and to congratulate tiie country on its suc cess. rroiii the (»hio Western lleruM. PresiJnilial KteJinn.—W'e give the fol lowing list ol the Stales, and tlie mannei in which they will vt)te at tlie ensuing Presidential Flection so far as theie has been a manilestatuju ot liuir disposiiinn, either by liie la'e prcsiileiilial ion, by the recent Coiigi essioiial elections, oi otherwise : ItOLIVAH. Cauvccas,:an. 21, 1827.V/c have good news lo write you. General Bo.i- \ai has arrived here, and has restored neace and iratuiuiliij among the jicoplc, who were on the point of making war. Jle arrived at C:araccas at 2 o’clock, iij the afternoon cf the lOlh January, I82i —a dav which we shall remember as long as we live. He was received with all the gratitude and splendur that tiie country toukl ai^ord. Mr. Isler, from Phihulel- phia, in a fiiie open carriage, went out to bi itig him in. He was escorted Jby all ihe inilitary, and with several liands ol n.nsic. Tlieie were several civic arches erected fur him to pass under ; wc had a good view of him as he passed along; lie is a small, spare man, ot a pleasing countenance, and rode in the open car riage, w'ith his hat iri his hatul, waving it to the people in the sireets, w hich were crowded.” roKtiEUY. Phii.a:'!!'i.rniA, kku. 15.—On Friday i ts’., a ni iii nanie;! Davis, but who goes !n M.riutis names, presented u check af Ihe liranch iiank of the United Stales at N. w Volk, purporting to be a check of Letini.A. .'*laii'and St Co. for SlOOO. 1 lift check was paid, and Davis arrived in Philadelpl.ia on' Sa’tjrday evening. reward of S’OO is olVerei! for his apprt- hcnsion, and the police are on the luok. out for l.im.-A Icaer reccivedin thisci- ly describes him as a cansummatc villain. About two weeks since, between New- York and 'Vibany, he stole of.e of ilift horses of the mtiil stage, at one of the stage houses, while the horses of the stu^e were changing, and made otV with it. !le was pursued by several persons i:i a sleigh. On the road, he was thrown off the horse,, and one of his legs was injur ed. The pursuers passed him while he j was lying in the road. He immediately 1 returned to New York, commiiii’d the ■ above forgery, and escaped to this city. He is about fivefeet seven inches ia height, has a spot in one of his eyes, aud limps in his gait. , , Mo.v FF.n. 17. Fon Adams. M'liiu* New Flamjishire its Idiodc Ishilid CdiiiK I licut V I riiioiit liidiuiKi Now York I Foli Jackson. H, I ( • ulli Carolina rl>i [Ni.rtli Curolinu ter much discussion, was agreed to—A)cs in the House of Hepresentatives y«-s- terday,the discussion on tiie resolution ot Mr. Saunders was sujierseded l)v adiscus- 1\ alliu Pirnles—Vrom recent intelligence from the coast of Cuba, it appears that pirates | have again made their appearance. 'I'he ; schooner Ann,'oi Newj>uri, H. I. v\ as, wrecked on Key Cruiz Ucl Padra,c>n thf , 20th of January. The captain and crew I abandoned the vessel in cotisequfnce of the approach ot ]>irates, and arrived at Havana. On the following day the Brit ish sloop of war lleagle boarded the Ann, and took her niasts out; every thing else tuid been taken away by ihe pirates. A IJriiish brig had been carried into a har bor near where the Ann was wrecked, and two oi her crew kilh'd by the [lirates, the c-aptain wounded, attd the captain ami male taken, ashore atid confined in a hut 'i he tintely arrival of the licagle pre vented the freel)ooters from cuii )ing of*' manv articles of the brig. 1 he captain and "mate were released, a cn w pul on l)oard, and she had sailed li>r Matanz.is. Capi. Laston, of the Ann, had arrived at Charleston. A New Orleans paj>er of the 2d inst. says—“ 15y the schooner Belona, Capt. llaskit, arrived last evening, in « days from Havana, we learn that Com. Porier with tiic whole of his srpiadroti, exc«'pt one vessel (uiilit for sea'i had lell Key West: and that Com. Laborde had des patched a IVigaie and three brigs in pur suit of him, but it was thought would not be able to overtake him.” - sion which look jdaie on the lui>oit ol rest or d. tenlK-n : s ahne^aio, ' ,i,j. Committee, appointed to ar- pers(jii may I.t discharged lorthwith il , ,1^^. j,,. lo |,c acted on during illfgally or unitioly (h tained, and j ,i,^.'J^,.,.sent session ; and ihi^ discussion iording such ledress to the agjrrieved or i * . iiijiiicd party as by law he may be cn.i- llcd to rerci\e. I3\ Use C»o\enuir. i:. II. I’lJICK. Vc y. Ill AI) if Mi'll'.WS, > fUU'dirn-.lh, \7ih I'i.. it:'". 5 ORDLl^S.—1 he M..joi (..u Li al com- Tuam'it''/tht f.th and 7tli Divisions will immediately is-uc oi ders to htjld in read- kin. J J I \ ,1V 1 I w VW, w.. .. remained uniinislu d,having hi en arrested by the Speaker, in conseiuence ol the ixpiralion (d theli«;ut. 'I'he House then went into Committee (if the whole on tlie stale of the Union, on th( Hill making appt ojjriaiions tor th>‘ erection ot bai raeks, storc-houses, }i. making appropriaiions lor the Nrw Jc/Si'y ()liio KiMitufky Miu \ l;iiid Illinois Missouri Total 8, K)1 m! Tot.d 1 Majority tor Adam?, In the ab(jve lists, there may and pro- l)ably will be some variations, ll is by no means ceruiin tiiat either Pennsylva- ni;i or Virginia will support Gen. Jack son—both slates in ay be considereil as very doubtlu!, but for iln* sake of peace ue give them to liie general. Mississippi is coitiited u))un for Mr. y\dams,by s(ime. a liill making approijnauun^ iwi mv. , , public buildings, and a Bill mailing ap-1 Pul giving to the general all tl'.e stales j,„n„.,„au.,v IW lh« l.l.r.r> : all wl.id, I,ill. | ,o v Mid. r V ,l„. s. ; ;,l 1!. s ».ul liai.li.mi I «.'i l- h v .,1, or-1 Ik' I . h I., s.,„. .1 .0 “ '''‘'‘'lird';!'";''! nel „r \ liosuii .i.\aMou ot ll" ll 11 ii(,t \ (d ume lo-da}. • ■ i- r this butc. Dcrcit. cj id n.h and ummuni- A i ctolution M'&s agtecU to, oii r.ioiicn , givcu him h^u:. 7ViC Jfail.—We liavc L'een furnished uilli ihe following particulars ol a seri ous accident w hich happcni'd to the Mail on liie muriiing «if l!ie liilli insl. Much I ri'dil is due lo the Postmaster and citi zens of Llkio!! for llicir clTui'’.s to preserve ilie Mails ; and their t fluris havi- ijeen so far successfi.1, lha'. it is lielievcd butlitlie loss will be sustained from the accident. “,\')out two o’clock in the morning ol the Ifitii, while attemiitlng to cross the !?ig Flk, a small distance frcjm Llk'on, the Creek having fis n suldenly from ihe lain «d' the day brfore, the stage and liorscs were driviMi down t!ie (.'reek, tlu ■ guard ami driver from their seals, and j v\t.re very near being drowiiod. 'i'iie' stage anil hoist-sweie diivcti {h.v.nlhe (.’n ek about half u mile, and lodged a- gaiir.t a tr»'e. When fuund tin* horses weiedead, an.l the stage brok' H t{ pie ces. Every exertion was made !iy tin- cilizens of tbis ph;ce, as soon as iiiforineil of the ac idenl, to recover t;ie tr.aii. '1 iie way-mail was lakcn Irom the starve in its ilestcnl, a; Jlforr ifijuvrllor,'', and indidmcuh:!' \Xi understand that a father and several “oris, in Chatham street, have been ‘indictcfi for a most serious charge, in connection w ith the i)usiness of Cromelin, Davies ('o. ol Ni'w-t)rleaiis. It will be recollect- ed by our readers, that, last year, we gave the first account (>f the failure of that house. The pre;.ent business h:3 growii out of these ti ansactions. Previ ous, liowe\er. to ihis singular case, Judg( Edwards granted an injunction,the operation ot which was to shut up a Paw nljroker’s establi iliinent in ChatliutTi street. We undersiatal, also, ihatsom? house in Pearl street is implicated in this strange matter. What will be the end of it 'low can tell. It involves, in the greatest ])erph*xities, many things con nected with Niw-Vork. The proceed ings are said not to have been taken with out (lie highi si legal advice. On cacH side of the indictmcnt the most cmineti egal talent of the State is enlisted Nat. JJdL'ocnte. Disfiilrom Firt.—'I'he N. \ork Statev mai. says, that a i>assenger iu the Albany siage V, hich arrived in New-\ork on Saturday evening, states that the new and hund-iome stables of Mr. Abijal' H Hatch, who keeps ihe Mansion lions'*. Hotel at J'ishkill, were burnt down the night previous, toget’iier with sevenic« horses, ('twelve of which belonged to the Albany line of stages) and a quantity o. bay, oats, harness, bee. worth upwards o S^.‘)00. The drivers, and all iircscm^ were much alVected, that after the nio!^^ unwearied exertions, to save the no animals, iliey cuuld not make them the staljle doors. They appeared to he. crazcd, and Hew round in a circle perfect madness. Seventeen ot tneii i.aicasscs were counted at 4 o’clocl; the morning ! By this disaster, • Hatch, an active, industrious, and oliH^ ing landlord is said to have lost htsa.l- Fire.—The Barn and Corn-hous^ Mr. David Timberlake, near ter, Va. was liestroyeil by fn’C f”’ nesdav, the 2‘Jth of Januaiy, witli tiP' wards of three thousand bushels ol 'I'he lire was co»vimunicatel byai'*^' !)oy of about twelve years oi age, w ioO|' lu'aringone of the family read an o)'liu' late ilistressing tire at Alcxa"^‘ xpresseil a great ilesire to see one, and taking a coal, proceedca "i " uuulisi'i vt'd, to the Barn, and thic'' Mr. 'I'imberlake’s loss is eslimati d at^^ wards of four thousand the second severe one which he ^ lained by t!ie same destructive c.cn.^ •• u ilhiii a lew years. In Centreville, Indiana, I’uik CLi hj c'.i J31 :.i I'cr

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