VOL. III.] PL’ULISIIEI) WEKKLY By LEMUEL BINGHAM, Thnt. Dollars a yenr^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrcarag^es are Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending- in advertisements, are quested to note on the margin the number of InsiTtions, or they will be coi»tinucd until Ibrbid, and cliurjjed accordingly. CHAIlLOrTE, JN’. C. TUESIMY, .MdliCH 13, 1827. WaU*l\es & rilOMAS TKOTTER k CO. 1'^AKKS this method to in- - form the public, that they have opened a .shop in Charidtte, in the liouse lately • tcupied by J)oct. Samuel il.ndtrson, on the north s>ide r the Court-House, where .ny arc well prepared to ta- ( .•.Ir all kinds of $C Clocfes, at the sliortcbt notice. They hope, by a con- •stant i.ttcutioii to business, to merit the public jutron::ge. They have on hand and for bale, '.he fuli. wiiig articleb :— »i(. t V nidi’s gold patent lever Watches; 1 I ' do. do. tlo. i i '. ^ .• lever and plain do. ' ii.i. Seals and Keys, Slides ami Uings - .i. a;.t Wins, I'ingcr Kings, and Lar Kings ; Table and 'I'ea Spoons; l.adles and Sugar Tongs; ■J.l'i i Spectacles, green and white, to suit .il! ugi’s ; : '.ilitary Buttons, Lace and Kp.adetts; I.adiea’ Work Boxes and Reticules ; JJugs and Clai^ps; Thimbles, &.c. 2«.c. SvC. 1,"* llemovol. DR. J0Ii:^MT7r\PP()LI)T TAKKS thi.s method of inforniing ihtise who may feel disposed to honor him with their puti'onage, that he has remo\ed to th»; late ivsi- •Htnce of Mr. Abner Houston, where lie may be Jiiund and consulted at any time, exc».pt wbm engaged in his i)rofessional avocations abroad. Hi would also return histhunks to the inhabi tants of Providence and its vicinity, for their 3il). ral patronage uuiing the past year ; he fur thermore solicits a continuance of the same, and will endeavor, by his assiduity andaltention ti) b\isines>s, to gi\i general satisfaction. Con sidering the scarcitj of money, and the ])res- :jiir(!' of the times, he jjronuses that his charges ihall 1 e very moderate. 1‘ruvithncc, Mccklniburg counhj, N.C. > Fibrimry 1, 18J7.—18tf 5 U. l'a..iily Medicines kept on hand for sale. cents I'ereiit T\\c i3\xaY\oUe Stage Has commenced runn ing between this place and Camden, S. C. once a , , , week—distance 80 miles. It leaves Charlotte evcrv Wednesday at 5 o’ clock, P. M. and arrives’at Camden on I’rid av, at 6 o clock, P. M.; h-aves Camden on Satur day, at 2 o’clock, 1>. M. and arrives in Char lotte on Monlay at 3 f)’cIock, P. M. Kahk—Passage to (Uimden, ?5. or f per nnh;. For seat.-,, apply at the di Post-Ofhces. Persons wishing to travel on tl.is linp, may expect to meet with good accor.iinoilations, and «.n as cheap terms as any other line in the southern country. There is now a direct stage line from Charleston, S. C. to Knoxville. T;-nn. which passes through this place ; and besides, stages leave here every week, in diiierent ili-1 lections, thus aflorvling facilities of communi cation with every Beciion of the connfrv. rnoMAs BovD. Charlotte, Feb. 182r.—4t2,] OO’The editor of the M'eatern Carolinian will give the above four insertions in his pa per, and iorward his account for payment. li Congress. SKfOVI) SF.SSIOV. IVwua^vay. T \K^N up and committed to the jail of this county, on the .21th ot December last, a negro man, about 28 or 30 years of age, near six feet high, stout and w ell made, has lost some ot his teeth, one of which is a t llEMAKKS or MK. STl.WAKT, Of Pi:nx.svlvama. //ousr of Represcntatices—Y^hiKVww 10. Mr. Buchanan’s motion to rt'coniniit the Ijill ibr the protection of Wool and Woollens bein^ under consideration— Mr. Slewart again rose, and said that he hiul noi intended to trouble the House again on this subject; but he felt hiinseir constrained by Uie remarks just made by I'.is colieac^iic and the genileman from New-York, (Mr. Cambrelerg,) lo oiVer a few obseivations in reply. He would vote ai^ainsi the motion of his colleai>ue (Mr. lJu clianan) to recommit ihe bill. Its recommitment at this late hour of the session, lie contended, woiild be tanta mount to its rejection. He had voted for tiie proposed duly on imported spirits, when otlered as an amendnent bv the gentlentan from Kentucky, (Mr. Wlcl;- liHe,) it oflered as an amendmeiit, j Tliis may suit the patriotism of the He-] ‘.old by American statesmen, n leuiea presentative of a city where it h said representing these stales, that we must three-fourths of this whole woollen bus-| purchase wool (and why not flour too iness is i,i the hands of merchants I iVom Great Britain, to induce her topur- and British manufacturers ; But Mr. S. I chase from us ! 1 repeat it, and I def/ took his |)rincij)les from another school. { it contradiction, for it is proved by oyp For he had been told in the course of the i lecords, that in 1825 the whole importa- debate by the gentleman from South-j tionii into England, Scotland, and Ireland, Carolina (Mr. ISI’Duflie) that there are from this country, to feed anci support two schools of political economy—one | their manufacturers, did not amount to beaded by Adam Smith and the other by j gJOO ! Sir, only JglSl ! Of fiour, rye, Mathew Carey—a Bi itish anil an Ameri-! corn, wheat, oats, pulse—and every o- can school ; and we are warned \,y that | ther species of grain, gS8 I Of all kinds gentleman against giving up the sound doctrines of Smith, for whal he is pleui»- ed to call the ^‘Shihnfirul yunscnsc of Mat thew‘(.'arey. ” Now, sir, ailhough the views of Adam Smitli an 1 otlu'r iiriiish writers may suit tlu' liui po.ncs of the f;e!i» tlemen from Xew-Yo.'k aiul South-Car- olina, yet they must nl\c me leave to say, 'hat I would not r;ivc oiie page of the “ statistical nonsi'Ubc'’of Matthew Carey on ♦his siii)jecl, for all the theoiies of front tooth in the lower jaw ; is of ra- i befoi e L*r black conijdexion, ca!l.s himself t;VliCS, ! |,y aiul says he belongs to Charles .\l‘Cullocb, near I’ocky .Mount, South-(;arolina, whom lie left in the month of June last. AhLKN* BALDWIN, Jailor. Charlotte, Feb. 24, 1827.-20* SELLING OFF At CdsVs and C\\avges. ri’llIK subscriber, intending to close his busi- 1- ness in this place with the least jiossible les into the bargain. would vole for it now. If this o!;ject, ■ Bui ihe gentleman IVon, N York.after however, were deemed so important, j of the get.ilemati from South trrave hclui’e tioi), as to the of Manufactures, while the subject was jto pursue. He has them ; or why was it tiot .irt red ! •‘‘•'I uftr.e taxes and burdens this bill by his colleague (Mr. Slephehson) when | " famiers of I'ennsylva Committee of i • iieeuieii ^o imporiani, why had not his colleague referred volut.i. '.cd subject, by resolution, to the Comnuitce Penns\lvania Drligat l^(. nia, and their wives aiui daughters; now, ifv. I sir, I have oidv tiisay, for one, '.hai. ’.vheti the bill was in the Whole, for amentlmeni. He would sug-j ^ I’ave only tiisay gesl to his colleague whether he might advice upofi tiiis subject,! will not arrive at his object, if it wen ai uil practicable, by having it introduced in tlie Senate ; Sc if it would not be intniduced advice t'oi go to the repres(Milative of the com mercial city of New-York for it, to Adam Sn.ith, or the British Chancellor, M I ol untmal lotjd—beef, pork, bacon. Sec, S34 I And of all kinds of drink—whis key, gin, beer, cider, inc. g29 I WitU these facts starinjr him in the face, thfc liritish Minister himself would blush to ask the grain-growing states of the Un-? ion to'**buy from them, thai they may >uy from u:s.” Sir, I would say to him, as E now say to the gentleman from New- York, the duties proposed by this bill ou British wool and woollens, are loo low. When Great Britain resorts to prohibi-i lion, I will countervail her jmlicy by a. like resort to prohibition. If she pro-, hit)its our flour and provisions, I wilt prohibit her wool and woollens. We ean live as independently of her as sho can of us. If she will take but gl5l worth of our bread and meal to feed her maaulac'.urera, I will takf. but Rl5l worth ol her wool and woollt:ns. I will go to New-i’ngland or Steubenville and buy from those who will buy from me, anti who will gladly give us cloth incxciianijt for our provisions and wool. elay, oiFers his ‘remaining stock of goods at' P- ^po.eu (,uiy on mipcrieci sp es, for i^Asii. A hberal dis-'^^^ miportanl ih Ml- ,, ,, , /■ 'I'lial the cotton-growing States of the there, of course ti would be stricken out if; •l"sk..son. He could as:»ure ihe South should advocate the consumption of introduced here. He, however, diHVre-l ! Fc'nnsylvania larmers and !.urnrismtr, when we with his colleague, who had derl.,red j vnves and daughters, ur.det-siand , that ihe proposed duty on imported spir-i concerns qum as well as he ,^J23 Britain bouL^ht moi-p il, t\\vi \i\Vavu, deicarc of the Sivhidlcr. ONK 'I'homas Hadley, (;ind, I am ashamed to acknowledge, a Viinsman of my own) came to my house in November la.'.t, and was treated with kindness and respect. About the miildle •)f December he bargained with me for a valua- Me stud-horse, at the price oi i^loO; said he then vode a borrowed creature, the owner of which lived about one mile from Concord; borrowed VI me a valuable marc, w ilh a saddle ami bridle, iand started in the niorning, to be back in the evening, with tliL ;^150 to pay for the stud, but Jiever returned. Said Hailley is about 23 years «)IJ, middle size, sandy complLxion, and a down look: the inare is black, a w hite face, four Xvhitc legs, aVid is brainleil > ith \\. II. Any person who will give me information of said r.'uscal, and tiirect to the post-ofliee in l^onconl, I Cabarrus countv, N. C. shall be gencroush re warded. ' W.M. HAUUis. February 17, 1827.—:3t2li* Uj‘ 'lilt Courier, Augusta, Ga. will insert the above three times, and forward his account to Concord, Cabarrus county, N. C. requi sted to call and settle tlieir accounts ^ei-! of wool tiler by note or otliervv ise) immediately ; and those who ean neglect this friendly warning, need not expect any further indulgt^ice. JONATHAN HAUUIS. Charlotte, N. C. March 3, 1827.—4t24 could tell them. Sir, let the gentleman the dvUy on wool and woollens. 'I’heir! interior and westei n relative importajice u iinportulions of 1825. The importation , unusually low jirici ct)unt also will be allowed to those who pur-, - , - , un>. cliaseinlots. relative importance appeared from lb‘ i «m/WfC; arid this single fact explains.tho 1 hose persons who are indebted to him, are I iinDortulions of 1825. The imr>ortatmn once flourishing manulaclories. Let • • „ . . .® . » « >ear» D, ureal Britain bought more than g30,(;oo,00() worth of .Southern cotton^ I. and more than 3,000,000 of their lobacca and woollens that year amuun- Xotice. THK undersigned having (iualified as Execu tors to the last will and testament of Wil liam S. Alexander, deceased, at January Ses sions of Cabarrus Court, hereby reipiest all per sons indeiAeil to said deceased, by note, book account or otherwise, to make payment; and all those having claims against said estate, are hereby r. quired to present them for ])ayiwent, within the time prescriiJcd by law, or tbih no tice will be plead in bar. ALPHONSO ALEXANDKU, J , PHiLANDi:ii ALKXANDEH, S 3t23 him ask the farmers what would be the ted to about Sl2.000,000 ; while the im- portation ol spirits distilled from iirniit amounted to only g l81,000, and hemp ' their farms, that it will revive and reani whole secret of /An> hostility to this Bi’% ’I'iie farmers of tiie Northert\ and Middlo to S 131,000 ; ail other spirits amounted to SU650,000 the whole less than one- fouitb of the importation of wool and woollens: hence he thoight himself jus tified in saying that his colleague ha I j public treasury misapprehended the matter when lie hud ' received by Mr. S. suppo.sed the provisions of this bi!l it^ss |that several extensive woollen j important than the objects lo which he if ibe pnUec-' had referred but if the motion prevailed,! ‘‘^^urded by this bill were granted. States must W«I- English »ool, b,-cause l.,L- ■ w.ll ■t.sli-a,l ol i .„„sumcs Soulhcrn courn, I— iIum,., u »,11 add 1(,0 ,.n- ccn. lu ■ j , Mr. S. contended, that not only the bill, also the objects sought by the recommit ment, would be lost. Tor this reason iie would vote against the recommitment, the object of which could be attained elsewhere. But his colleague occasion to declare that the all the loss of revenue by the non-im|)or- lots in the town of (Miarlotte, formerly oc-1 on the interests of Penusylvaniaj atid, that woollens. Hence he contended cupied by Mrs. M. Wishert, deeeased, for the if Pennsylvania was Jrue lo her.self she ' universal assumption ihal this term of one }ear. Any person wishing to rent,, would vote against this bill. Against this ’ 'i^t^asnre would impair the revenue, was . opi..ionMrA,™e«., „,otcs..l.,o 1 '•--W ,i« ««>r. Exp.tl.y:. showed in the town of Charlotte in the Lnion was more deeply ititerested ^ impoitalions, and, ol course the WILLIAM M'COMB. I in ila* passage of the bill than Pennsyl- manufac- Feb. 27, 1827.—3123 . . . • . ^ destroying me reve- , , i- 1 . -—, l uining commerce, and taxinir th« mate everv branch o! industry, and ena-i ..n „„.ii , ,.,i ,1 .1 II I. laimii, wah all well enough lo lill ui) a ble their vMves and daughters again toi, iim n,,. r x- , , I - I I But iht gentleman trom New- I purchase and consume foreign goods and ! York (Mr. Cambreleng) deceived him- I j supposed the fanners of Penn- le uas syivania were to be carried away by suclt arguments. They were an intelligent class of men, who viewed ihe subject practically, and who could not be deceiv ed in relation to it. Sir, the farmers of Pennsylvania and New-York know that would again be put in operation, and a- gain dilluse their benefits and blessingi ’I'he 01. lla'smroundniK coumry. i con-, and U-ttcr for the, s.miH.ono lorc.gn goods and ^-oce™ ,„illi„„s a year ighosl .a.o ol dul.cs, alall|„|,i„, ,en. abroad for woollen,. OFFER for rent, the well know n house and i consideration would opprrate injuriously vi'nia. il was bv sustainm.g and iticreas-1 cities ol the Last, was greatly til ing our home manufactures alone, ihut II’t-'venue and importa- I Penuhylvuuia is to (.bi:tin a mat ket for ! Housii oi* VjiUtevtaViuuent, IA stage House, at the sign cf the Eagle, L/V in Charlo 1 il36 I’lotte, Nortn-Caroliii;!, bv KOlU’.u r W ATSON. V vvh\ VC E w\^x\a I w a\ u \vl. TXllE subscriber infonns Ids fiii.n(I>> and the public, that he h:is piin hased tliat wi ll tnnwii rsiuidishment, lately owned and oceu])!- i'lb\ Dr. HeniK rson, and is now prt pari ilto i ntertain travellers and others, w lio may please f» call on him ; ajul no e\t rlionj> will be spared lo ri luler them eoinfbrtabU, and tiu ir stay a- reeable. His table will lie fiirnislud with v\- ■\ \ariety wiiirlitlie eouiitr_\‘afli)rils; his liar itli the best of Tupiois; and his stables with leiity of provenih r, ;.nd careful si.r\anls will : in eonstant atts.iulaiite. KiJIU'.iri I. DINKIN.S. Charlotte, Ajnil 2U, 182G. *80 g '3*1 1^'^* Pi ni.lSllKl), and for sale :;t this of fs ^ “ Slrietnres on a bod;, entitled, ‘ An ftp(ilof«y for the Kook of I’sahns, l)v (iil!)ert >leM;i>,tor.’ To which air added,- l.’iiiiarsk on • book, [b> AlcAander tii.rdon] entiliLd * Tint li-sigii and use ot ilie Itook of |N;diiis.’” 15^ li.Mo llri r\KU, A. M. W itli an Ai>pendi.\, >y .Imin m. \\ ii^su.N, pastor of Uoek\ iiiver aiul IKiitrv Takers’ W aiTJintfi, ' -K''; I'or sale, at this nliee. WwlYuev’s ^Vvktvvvvis. ~ ^ fV" 5ulc, al t'lli.-c Joiiiiui. The subscriber offers ot land at pr vate sale, eontaining about | pojje ot other por ts of the Union had fjreatly diminished. The argu- V«l\ce. ' . very valuable tract; her pr(>duclioiis, now ex.cluded from J'lu-' by a!):iduto pioiiibiiions. (Ji^ut the reve- IniuI I vvo.ii.t n'.. nii.i ti., .,11 11 ’i • i Britain, from wliom we purchase.about i^i"d lax. the far- , I O dd oe tlad tla\ would call and see uuWiom of dollurs worth of wool atul all alike, they are against all ex- 'Jbj acres. Any person wishing to buv mv 1 be gh 1 w ill sell low. Feb. 26, 1827.—2t22 JACOIJ BAKER. CjJ* Xotieii. 4 I,I. persons holding receipts against And’w. l\. Clark, as Constable, W. II. MM.KARY, H. HO)\ K|{, ' JOSKl'H lil.ACKWOOD. Feb. 26, 1827.—3t23i> N. B. Most of the papers are in the hands of W. H. M‘Lear\. Woollen g00(is, ;ji)iu ;ily, takes in ex change from Peiiiis)]; jiut—\\’hat No thing t,ut m.v/i. She takes not Sr>0 worth of .jll !ier ague uiiural productions I! Yet we are told that if Pennsvlvania is true for t4ie last y-ar, are , lu‘rself she will oppose this bill ; by so requested to come forward and lift iheir na- , • , • i . i it , persfrom the underMgned, as the term of of-, I*>s judgment, she would be llecofthe said Clark has expire.l. berselL false lo her interest, and false to licr uniform j)rini iples and poli cy. \\ hat Slate in, the Union had been so uniform, so consistent, so steady, and unwavering as Pennsylvatiia, in maintain in'; the pi inriples and policy of this bill? None—look at the voles—look at the ....J't\'eniy-six against it: I-ihdlaii ^‘!h::^;i’k:‘;i:orri old one, and ha.l bren loji.ivd l.y being burnt. ! Sudden change on this subject, he Whoever ma) have found suid pocket bool:, and will lea\e it, with its contents, at this of fice, shall be suitaldv r' warded. ciiRisiin'iiKi: sri’VEN.-'. March 3, 1827.—2t 22 i^Ucvaw ^\avbVii \avd. IK subscribers ha\e conmicnced bu> thib sudden I was at a loss lo conjecture. The genilenuin from New-York (.Mr. j Cambreleng^ u,i;;hl make long and ingen- I ioijs speeche.s, he jui.ght de;-.! in stale I iheoi ie.s and metaphysical leaneinents as I much li", he pleased, Ijiu the real (jU(>s- Uion cou’ ■ not be disguised. All admit Unsm;u.cn. .,,n,«;leor j'X. of >his l.ill, ,o .uM.in U.e l.ouscs U.. Streit, wiiere tin y w ill sujiply tlu/se who may ' bitnecii tlu //.s/t and | uaiion ha J built, whnh wei-e about to wish to e.dl on tliein, with rcimt maiiufacVurers, tiot f jr the I'Ot'-! by foieign fraud, it not b\' force, and M VIIBLF TOMB S'TOXFS market. T!ie j which iijwas our duty as,American states- ^ ^ jK , I contest is bet *, een and 0/^/. men lo dellnd and u :>hoid. rablfls iiitd Moniiniciits, at the shorti st notiec, und the w or.’; will be ex ecuted in the neal' st main.cr. j and the (juestion is, which side 1 ale we t(» lake ? Shall we save seveni) or ! eip;hly millions of our own capital, and All imhrs from the counuy v.ll! Lc prompt-^ our own markets, for our own people, | Irom us 1 \\ hal does she buy IVi ly atti'inh d to. ■| lu- subseribi rs will fV.rnish Marble or I ree .St(;iH , for steps, undt i’.ii.niiijr, door and v.lif ilow sill.-., c.ijis, ixc. lor liuili.ih:^'. ROJiKKIS .V SV,T:i:1 LAND, (.'heraw, .Inn. 26, l>>J7.--.'t2..; Wavvavds, 3 cr ^ule^ ul he saysj he is opposed to it. “It is uiinui-1 It/iiil," he Says, to us, whelherwe gei ! paymg the -• had taken ■na.iufauuri,.); eslablishmcnls, was j g;; u;;„";To“n' own manufactur- bill .n,d.M- "nn.ci.se, a..d would mo,-e than supply eslahlish...ents by an exchange oC equivalents, by exchanging wool and flour for cloth. 'I'hey know. Sir, that last year New-England imparted and? consumed upvyards of g3,000,000 wortU of the flour of Pentisylvania, and the o- ther grain-growing Slates, with an equal amount of other provisions, while Old I jigland look not a mouthful to feed hot* half-starved operatives. They know. Sir, that the object of this Bill is to cre ate and sustain a home market for the consumption of our own agricultural prc» due which no longer finds a market a- broad. They know that if this bill fails, these mauufactures and this market, witli the millions of capital invested in them • are gone,—are lost to the nation; and that the British, having thus triumph ed over the American manufactures, will demand whatever priccs they please for their goods, when the competiiiou is crushed and put down. And, Sir, will the Uepreseniatives of these farmers, of these wool and grain-growing Stales pro- inote this result by refusing this protec tion .- He hoped not—for one, he would not. Other gentlemen might enleriaiii (hllerent views; but wi*h his convictions, he would feel himself a traitor to tlni' best interests ol his constituents, if his voted to embarrass or defeat the mea sure—-a measure which he legarded as more important to the a!'ricultural inter est oj Pi/inni/lua/tia than any jjrovisioii that ever had been, or ever could be in troduced into any' tarilT. It would create lor Pennsylvania a permar.eni market foi«' her wool and provisions, similar to that ruriiislied lo the cotton of the South hy the protection extended in 1816 to thci inanulaciures of cotton, amouniing to about seven millions of dollars per aniium. Bui the gentleman from New York has ssid ilui the imporlalion of manulucttir- ed coaon was greater since 1816 than fop a number ol years before. This might be true, and still it jjroved nothin;>- ; ’loi. our importations were, we all know, for a long nine prior lo that period, inter- i u|)ied by non-intercourse, embargo anci ( Mr. Cambreleng explained by savitin- he did noi coniine himself to lha: jieriod'' —Mr. S. continued. It mattered not^ be said : ihe material fact was not denied J’ ihc i^etuleinanj li;iit i)ot oQly extpi' perience. The policy which will enrich ihe country will enrich your treasury, by enabling the people to purchase and con sume foreign goods. By promoting the prosperity of one great branch of nation al industry, you promote all the rest. Sir, the plain (juesiion is, shall we a- bandon our manufactures and import ricvltural productiotis—wool and w'ool- lens, from iireal Britain, whose policy now compels her people to starve before dare consume a mouthful of American bread, or American meat, though it were ollered to*them foi' nothing t It is made j tarin’ul 182 1 ; ysju will find but one sijii-j by their laws a pen;'.l oircnce to do so.— Sir, this is the (piestion, and gentlemen cannot escape from it. 'i'lie gentleman from South Carolina, (Mr. .M’Dullie,) adroitly attanivts to evade the arguments which he t antiotmeet, by saying that they pul him in mind of “the house that Jack built.” 1 his is a rejjly unwuithy «jf that gentleman. Jt is a reply that a- ny body c.ouhl make to any argument.— It was his (.Mr. S’s) object, and the ob- acrifice thein ftir the beiieKi of! middl.- and liorthein states V. ho have shut Iheir ports against | in-^. (ireat Britain, fV'‘>> and ijplioid. Si”, we are tolil tliat we must buy from (ireat I3ritia:i, that she may buy from us. How is 'his iiiattet ? (ireat liritain buj (jm tlie Sii-, noth- whom we us.' The gentlemanfrom New-Vork ' boiigbt, in 1 b:.'., u p^v ards of IJ millions (Mr. C.) has called this a “ iV.w AV/r/.z/ii'/! of mercliatidi-.o—15 10,G82.0.)U uf it wool bill,” and li tan [)i-inci[)lei c! i :,nd v.fiollens, took in exchange of the .agriuuliural noi ili of the ng pKiduce ol all the l*otomai; atid Ohio ' urid vfi slates an a- >vc ure

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