VOL. III.] CHARLOTTE, JV. C. TlESBdY, MARCH 20, 1827. [x\0. 123. i’ublishf:d wkekly 15 k LEMUEL BIXGHAM, jS/ Three Dollars a ye.ar^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the tliscretion of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending in advertisements, are requested to note on the margin the number of insertions, or th?y will be continued until forbid, «nd charged accordingly. Watc\\es & . THOMAS TROTTER & CO. fl^AKES this method to in- JL form the public, that they have opened a shop in Charlotte, in tlie house lately occupied by Doct. Samuel Jlcndcrson, on the north s>ide of the Court-House, where they are well prepared to re- p iir all kinds of £v.ieciif6 eiocftss, nt the shortest notice. They hope, by a con stant ;-ttcntion to business, to merit the public piitronuge. They have on hand and for sale, ihc following articles :— (icntleuicn’s gold patent lever Watches; 1/uiies’ do. do. do. . Silver lever and phiin tlo. Chains, Seals and Keys, Slides and Rings; IJreast Pins, Finger Kings and Ear Kings | Silver Table and Tea hpoons ; Soup Ladles and Sugar Tongs ; Silver Spectacles, green and white, to suit all ages; Milltar\ lUittons, Lace and Ep.iuletts; ' T.ada s’ M ork Uoxc s and Reticules ; liasrs and Clasps ; Thin.bles, 8cc. Jkc. &c. 17* DR. JOHN M. HAPPOLDT Takes this method of informing those who uiuy feel disposed to honor him with their patroiiagt Jthat he has removed to the late resi dence of Mr, Abner Houston, where he may be foiind and consulted at any time, except when engaged in his professional avocations abroad. He w»)uld also return his thanks to the inhabi tants of Providence and its vicinity, for their liberal patronage duiing the past year; he fur- tlierniore solicits a continuance of the sanie, ftud w ill endeavor, by his assiduity and attention tu business, to give general satisfaction. Con sidering the scarcity of money, and the pres- .sur-. of the times, he promises that his charges ^hall '-e very moderate. Froviikuce^ Mechlrnburf' cmmlijy N.C. ^ Ftbnuiry 1, 1827.—18tf 3 Js. R. Pan.ily Medicines kej)t on hand for sale. T\\c €\\ar\otte, JJAS commenced runn ing between this place and Camden, S. once a week—distance 80 miles. It leaves Charlotte every Wednesday at 5 o’ clock, P. M. and arrives at Cauuk ii on Friday, at 6 o’clock, P. M.; leaves Camden on Satur- day, at 2 o’clock, P. M. and arrives in Char lotte on Monday at 3 o’clock, 1*. M. Fark—Passage to Camden, J.i', or 6} cents per mile. For seats, apply at the dillerent Post-Offices. Persons wishing to travel on this line, may expect to meet with good acconunodations, and on as cheap terms as any other line in the i southern country. There is now a direct stage line from Charleston, S. C. to Knoxville. Teim. which passes througii this place ; and besides, stages leave here every week, in different di rections, thus affbrdirig facilities of communi cation with every section of the country. I IIOMAS BOYD. Charlotte, Feb. 24, 1827.—4tJ3 (Ij’ The editor of the Western Carolinian will give the above four insertions in liis pa per, and forward his account for payment. liwnaNvay. Taken up and committed to the jail of this county, on the 24th oi December last, a negro man, about 28 or 30 years of age, near six feet high, stout and well made, has lust some of his teeth, one of which is a front tooth in the lower jaw ; is of ra ther black complexion, calls himself CYRUS, and says he belongs to Charles M‘Culloch, near Kocky Mount, South-Curolina, whom he left in the ntonth of June last. . , AI.LEN BALDWIN, Jailor. . Charlotte, Feb, 24, 1827.—20* ' SELLING OFF A\ Costs and CA\arges. The subscriber, intending to close his busi ness in this place with the least possible delay, oflers his remaining stock of goods at unusually low prices, for cash. A liberal dis count also will be allowed to thode who pur chase in lots. Those persons who arc indebted to him, are requested to call and settle their accounts (ei ther by note or otherwise) immediately ; and those who can ncglect this friendly warning, need not expect any further indulgence. ■ JONATHAN UAURIS. Cl.Arlotte, N. C. March 3, 1827.—4t24 JSIouNT Ararat—Nothing can be more beautiful than the shape of Ararat; nothing more awful than its height. Ail the surrounding mountains sink into insignificance when compared to it. It is perfect in all its parts. No rugged features—no unnatural prominences. Every thing is harmony ; and all com bines to render it one of the most inter- ing object in nature.—Spreading origin ally from the immense base, the slope towards its summit is easy and gradual until it reaches the region of snow, where it becomes more abrupt. As a foil to this .stupendous objcot, a hill ri ses from the same base, similar in shape, and in any other situation entitled to rank among high mountains. No one since the flood seems to have been on the summit of Ararat ; for the rapid as cent of its snowy top appears to reudi^r the attempt impossible. No man, cer tainly, has ascended it in moderi'. times. When the adventurous TounicTort fail ed, it is not probable that ;iny one else will succeed. ^ Jsfuiic Journal. The fate which would await Governoi’ Tuoup, of Georgia, says the CV.arlcston Courier for his hig;h-handed measures against the authority of the Union, wci e Gen. Jackson President of the Uiiit;*d States, may be inferred from the follow- ing letter, addressed to (iovernor Rabun, of the 7th May, 1818, tbe General beinfj then at the head of the array of the Uni ted States in the South :— “That the Governor of kState should assume the right to make «ar aj^inst ;ui Indian tribe, in perfect peq:e with, and under the protection of the The undersigned having qualified as Execu tors to the last will and testament of Wil liam S. Alexander, deceased, at .lanuary Ses sions of Cabarrus Court, hereby request all per sons indebted to said deceased, by note, book account or otherwise, to make payment; and all those having claims against said estate, are hereby required to present them for )>ajmeht, within the time prescrihed by law, or this no tice will be plead in bar. ALPHONSO ALEXANDER, 1 t. , , PllILANDEU ALEXANDER, 3 5t23 l\\e \iUa\i\, And beware of the Swindler. ONE Thomus Hadley, (and, I am ashamed to ackno\\ ledge, a kl'nsman of my own) came ti» my house in Ndvensber last, and was treated ■with kindi'css and respect. About the middle of December he bargained with me for a valua- T OFFER for lent, the well known house and l)lest\id-horse, utthei)rlee of ^>150; said he then jX lots in the town i>f Charlotte, formerly oc- lode a i)orro\ved creature, the owner of which i cupied by Mrs. M. Wishert, deceased, for the lived about one mile from Concord ; borrowed | term of one year. Any person wishing to rent, of me a valuable mare, with a saddle and tjridle, and started in the morning, to be back in the evening, with the !fil50 to pay for the stul, but domestic industry, of internal improve ment, and South American liberty, hail brought to his aid many powerful auxilia ries. “Yet, in such a prize, with such com petitors, so well calculated to disturb the government of reason, and to seduce even patriotism from its moorings, did this minister u fuse to call to his assis tance this practised, this ])crmitied ofli- cial patronage: and, if it be such a pow er, and capable of such expansion, as the gentlemen have described it, it was an act of such denial, and such forbearance, as became the purest days of Homan lib- ei'ty; and w ill ctL'rni/e his name in all time lo come; and that minister was John Q. Adams.” NiiicU'pntli sKroMi Wasiiin'' !ON, m4hcm,5.—0(j Saturday about '4 o’clock in the ;ificrnoon, the Nineteenth Congress terminated its la bors, and adjourned sine die. The only bii- siness performed in the Mouse sentatives on Saturday, was the j;as.sa!;e of a few private bills, the joint ruU' which tpquircs that no bills sha!l !>e aent to ihc piestdent for sigtiature on the lu>-t day of the Session, having lu'cn suspended s; far as to allow all bills to be sent to him which should be passed before 1 o'clock of that day. After 12 o’clock, the reports of thriM- Select {'omniittecs were received. 'I'lie first which was offered, was the report of the Committee which was charged with the investigation of certain accu sations against Ilezekiah Huntington, District Attorney in Cotmeciicut. This nited States, I report refers the subject and the tes- is assuming a responsibiiiiykhai, I trust,! timony to the President of the U. States, you will be able to excuse tdthe govern ment of the United States, t| which you will have to answer, and th»ugh which I had so recently passed, pmmising the aged that remained at homevmy protec tion, and takhig the wan the campaign, is as str;ange. Jiut it is still iwofr strange that there could exist, vvitiifm ‘ the officer ini|)licated being of a rank to which, in the opinion of the Commit tee, the proccss of iinpeachment cannot properly be extended. The second re port was from tiie Select/Jointiiittcc’, to ferrcd th^/vaJ’ious memo- to the subject of the e blacks on the coast of Africa. This report, which was or- homevmy protec- port was Irom tne irrior4with me in j whom were refern unaccLnta-^lc. as' ria.b; leAiV.lr -rehate ill iwor strange, ! coVonization of fre States, a cowardly monster Li human deretl to be printed, is intended to be pre shape, that could violate the Inctity of! ))aratory to future legislation on the sub- a flag, Vhen borne down by av person, i ject, and contains a full exposition of the but more particularly when infce hands j views of the Colonization Society, and a of a superannuated Indian chlf, worn : series of arguments in favor of its object, down with age. Such base civardice j The last report, the reading of which, and murderous conduct, as thislransac-j and the discussion to v. 1 ich it led, occu- tion affords, has not its parallel inVistory, j pying about three hours, was an able cx- and shall'meet with its merited iunish-j position, from the Committee to whom mcnt.” I was referred the subject of the differen ces between the F.xccutive of Cicorgia and the Ignited States, of this important subject, embracing a history of the pro ceedings which have taken place on both sides, and accompanied by the volumiii- From the Charleston Courier. Mr. Dorsej’, of Maryland, his jpcech on Mr. Saunders’s resolutiok call- I X wiVki,- u;r;v.; ‘ in\he town of Charlotte. reason by which he was governed | the j soning anu conclusiotis ol the Committee Feb. 27, 1827.—3123 never relumed. Said Hadley is about ‘Jo years old, ir.lddli.- size, sandy complexion, and a down look: the mare is black, a white face, four wliltt legs, and is branded nith W. li. Any person who will give me iniormatlon of said ^ tract ♦ascal, and dn-ect to the post-ofticc ui (.oncord, , WILLIAM M‘C(‘^UJ. er offers a vei of land at private sale, containing about Cabarrus county, N. C. shall be^pMierou^^^^^^ 250 acres. Any person wishing to buy my j warded. • WM. HARRIS February 17, 1827.—3t21p (TJ The Courier, Augusta, Ga. will insert the ?bo\e three times, and forward his account to tJoncon!, (Cabarrus county, N. C. appointment oi certain printets tdjro- mulgate the laws, thus characterizolihe President of theU. States, and thoseVho started with him in the contest forfcat I high and dignified oflice. Mr. Do»;y \Yov\se oil A XI) Stage House, at the sign of the Eagle, J.X. 111 Cliarlotte, North-;aroiln;i, by lil.'.G ROHElM' WATSON. VvvbWc ¥lii\Vev\au\A\vM\l. subscriber inf'ornis his friends and the .1. public, that he has purchased that well knov\n estubllshincnt, lately owned and oecupl- tdb\ Dr. Henderson, anti is now pri'i)ared to « iiterliiln travellers and otlu rs, w ho iniiy plciise ■‘0 call on him ; and nr) exertions will be spared To render them comfortable, and tlu ir slay greea'de. His tal>le will be furnished with ev- try \ariety which tlie emintry allords; bis bar with the best of litjti')rs ; and bis stables with plenty of prove ink r, and careful servants will )e in constant attendance. ROI'.KRT I. DINKINS. Charlotte, April 20, 182G. *80 Vvuffue\* ’s SlY\e\V\Yes. Il'ST IHT5L1SHE1), and for sale at this of fice, “ Stritaurcs on a book, entitled, ‘ An Apology for the Hook of Psalms, by Ollbert .McM:ister.’ To which are addeil, Runarsk on a book, [by Aler.Mnder Gordon] entitled ‘'I'hc lesigii and use of the llcok of Psalms.’” !$y Hr.xuv RrFFNEii, A. M. \\ ith an Appendix, by .loHx M. Wii.su>, pastor of Rocky River ami Tliiladelphia. JOiitrv 'riikcrs’ AV'jirrants, Tor sale, at this Office. t\Ua^*\wucuVs aiuY i;or sale, ut tlic Uf/.cc oi'tiic Jouriral. JACOB IIAKER. land, 1 woulil be glad they would call and see | had contended, that the power of mW- j ing these appointments was one wh| ' had never produced any evil, and every Minister in the governmenl lii I used it, by distributing its favors among^ i his friends :— 1 will sell low Feb. 26, 1827.—2t22 Cj;Zr Xotvce. A LI. persons holding receipts against And’w. /V Clark, as Constable, for the last year, are requestetl to come forw ard «nd lift tliclr pa pers from the undersigned, as the term of oi- iicc of the said Cl.ark has fxplriMl. W. H. MVI.KARY, H. H0()VE1{, JDSKPII 15LACKW00D. Feb. 2f), 1827.— are foundid. Of this interesiing docu ment, 6,0Uii copies were ordered to be ptinted. A passing review of some of the busi ness of the Session may not be without interest to our readers. Among the important business upon which we had anticijjated the legislative aciion of Con gress, were the liankrupt Bill, the bill lor tlie relief of the surviving ofiicers of ihe iU*volution, and the modification of the Tariir, which was asked for by the manufacturers. The firsi of these bills was discussed for some v;eeks in the Se- candidate for Hie highes* honor in the gift of the American people: At a pe- * riod when he had foi- i>ne competitor a N. IJ. Most of the papers arc In the hands of. citizen who, by the splendor of his mili- W. H. M'Leary. j achievenieiils, and the lasting lustre j which the defetice of Orleans shod on the American arms, bad fascinated a large IOST or mislaid, a Pocket Hook, containing portion of the American [leoplc; for a A twenty dollars. The. pocket book was an , ^ peculiar happiness old one, and iiud been iiinired t>y tx.iiie' Ournt. . , i r • i r n i i Whoever may have foiind said pocket bool^Jof al who ob- andwill have it, witb lis contents, at this of-1 served the Strength of his mind and the lice, shall be suitably rew arded. CHHISTOIMIEK S'l'EVENS. “lint Sir, (said he) I will correct mvltiaie, but was finally rejected by a major- self—There was o/ie Minister who nc»’cli*.y so decided as to leave little hope of did so use it—and that Minister was tlit^s.uc ii a measure being adopted for some ears. The House, in ilie mean time, mployed itself in the discussion of the 'uiins of the surviving ofiicers and sol- ersof the Revolution, the bill for whose Tucket UirAc AiDst integrity of his heart, who harl presided at a time of unprecedented dilTiculty in the fiscal concerns of this Government, and brought them in oith r, with an ad mirable regard alike to economy and hu- TME snbseribers liave commenced business ' ^ho, among matiy virtues, two doors last ot the , possessed that one, the most liable of all March 3, 1827.—2t2.> i'\vcva^\ ^\av^)\e XavA. 11E snbseribers liave commenced business Strei t, where they vsi'l supply those who may wish lo call on tiu m, vvllh xMAKIiLi: TOMB STONES, Tablets and Monuments, at the shortest notice, and the work will be ex ecuted in the nratist manner. All orders Iroiii liie com.try v.lll be prompt ly attemled to. The snbscriliers will fiiniish Marble or Free Stone, for steps, iiiHler])ihniinr, door and win dow sills, caps, c.e. for bullilin.L;'. liOHKiriS 6. SWEE'ILAND. flheruw, Jun. J.>. V! V; us\'*8 \Vavvawls, i'or 3.\Ie; a'. \].'i OiIic«. to give oiTence, “that firmness of mind ' which disdains to be a slave to the arts and intrigues of designing men and a third, whom this floor had allowed an ; unrivalled reputation in this country for his po>*’ers in debate, who, presiding where you now ])reside, Sir, by the fas cination of his manners, by the dignity and impartiality of his administration, by his kindness in sustaining the inex perienced debater, ranked among his iViemls many, very man\ , indeed, of those I who had been sent to partici[)ule in the I deliberations of this House, w hose pow liel' ultimately ex|)ired under a mass of econcilable opinions and unprofiiable endnients. The bill modifying the '•iff as relates to wool and woollen k'ids, passed the House of Uepresenta- s, but was not finally ucltd on iu the SiVte. lebill to regulate the commercial in- urse beiw'een »he U. States and the Cwljies of (ireat liritain, afier uiidergo- )me mutalions in the Senate, wus aflo|-cl in House of P»e|.rest'ntatives as a sul)^ue for the bill originally reported l»\ ilk'!otumittee oi' Coniniercc, in that bran(V vviili an ametidmcnt or two. 'i’be Senai^ h(;wever, with a tenacity some what catne to a determination to retain^s own provisions, and the Bill, after aimsucresslul conference between C'oniniL.i.s of both Houses, Was lost. In rehi'iir, tliis inijiortant sui)ject to Congrelj in calling in the aid of legisla tion tj 4ct that which di[jloiiiatic agen- ( y had ll^.d to accomplish ; the 1-xecu- tive iaill^llv and discreetly performed his dutv.Viaping his course accordingto I he sj)irita’oijt- instiiulio!.';. Tailing in his ohjec^t is now left for him to aet j erfi.! .\nd mic( ( slI'u! lu'jurs in '!;t: cai; :c ol-inpoti the rt^ncn'.ibili'vcfhis s’utiou, To him alone the country must iooK. foP the protection of its dignity and oi it» prosperity. If evil should ensue, the- nation will not fail to truce it, in part, to the want of that legislative energy and wisdom which the Executive has a i ight, and is bound to call to his aid, iii every dillicult emergency. If, under the bless ing of I'rovidence, our iiotior and our in terests as a nation shall be preserved from injury, the j)eople will eiually well understand to whose prudence anU hiin- ness such a happy reauk must be uttri- buted. 'riic various appropriation bills neces sary for ihe supi)ori of ihc Government in its various brunches, were passed with out being materially changed in any of their importafit provisions, except as re lates to the striking out the appropniig' lor naval Academy, which was ins»;i tedL in the S. bill, &c stricken ou. in ihe HousO \ hill was passed on the lasi night oi the session increasing the salary ul iiie Post- iiiasier General to SS6U00. 1 nus placintj him on tne same scale of salary wiui iht; difVereni Secretaries. The bili went ilirough w iuiou. Opposition, excepi that one or iv»o meinJtrs expressea uieir fears lest some un>vorthy sucees;.or of Ihe present i^osimaster General snuuldl enjoy tlie benefit ol the provision. SVe ■JuMl; there IS liule fear of ini5» coiitin- geis'jy. The elhciency with wiucii ihe liieaciii incumljeni lias administen/u the arduous (iuties of that otticc will, oi'it- .seli, prevtMi ihe situation from being* l.tieafu r held b> any incompetent ofl'i- cer. The contrast would be loo obvious to escaj)e puoiic vigilance, and too in jurious to escapejpuulic denunciation. A hill pa.ssed, auihorizing extra clerks in some of the public ofiicers. This luvtr wus ubsolutely necessary; as it is well known that much of the public business liLS been for some years perlormed by ia« (lividuals who are compelled to rely oa ihe contingent funds of the difi'erent de partments, for the inadequate compensa tion the) receive. Tne present bui will only apply a partial remedy to vv\e evil. The j/iciease of c/ertki umst be in pi opor- ^ion \o the increase ol public busme^sf und there can be no equiiable reasons why the services rendered to me nation should be more meanly remuneruteu uiaa those whicli are rendered to iridiviauals. A considerable degree of wannui, ap proaching to violesce, has nianilested itself 111 the discusion ol a resoiui ion of fered by Mr. Saunders, of Nortii-Laroli- na, calling on the Secretary of State to inform the )Iouse of the changes which have been made in the publishers of the Laws of ihe United States, ‘»a«d the reasons for each change.” It was ina- possible that such a resolution cbttid be discussed wiihoui invoking all the bit terness of party leeling. As the propria ety of the call could only be made out by showing that u corrupt exercise of the discretionary power vested in tne Secre tary could be established J it was necessa ry to produce all. me proof, direct or pre sumptive, which fact or imagination COL Id supply. The delenders of the res olution were not spuiing in their elforts to CbiabllsU ihe charge, ihey displayed no extraordinary delicacy in the selection of ihe language which was best adapted to produce the ell'ect iney desired; they exhibited no unusual foi bcarance in its application. On the other hand, the op- posers of the resolution, and more esjpe cially some of the personal friends of the Secretary of State, vindicated his charac ter and conduct with great force oi lan guage and feeling. The war of svords, the confiict of ejiithets, ran high, and wa^ only terminated by the constituuon- al dissolution of Congress, before any de* cision was made. That dissolution has now taken placc, and the Representatives of the peojjlo have returned into the bosom of the na tion, to receive from their consiituent.-i the meed of praise or of censure whicU they may deserve. To the legi’imate tribunal of public opinion we refer them for their recompence, be it'wiiat jt may. We have endeavoured, honestly and to the best of our ability, to furnish the na tion with the materials for its jir' ,.*i/;nt» Xal. Journal. The proceedings 'Ji the last Session oC the Congress, which closed its term oa Saturday, and especially those of the Se nate, will receive the serious considera tion of the people of the United States. It IS our purpose hereafter to notice them more j)articularly. It need not be dis guised that towards the close of the past Session, we presume by some of those “coniliinations” of which Dr. i loyd, in his late address at Richmond, inade a prccious confession, the C^pjjosi- lion obtained a small majority in the Se nate. We will sclect only a few proini. nent instances to show how this majori ty was disposed to use the epheniersl power so obtained. !• iiiG wo'jI bill, (thi3 measure 504®