vol.. Ill ] ClIJIRMTTE, X. C. ri KS1I.U\ Al'lUL 21, 1827. TN'O. 127. PriJLlBHKI) W KKKI.Y By LKMUEL llIN(iIIA^T, .It Three Dollars a year, paid in advance. No pappr " '11 discoiUliiuetl, unless iit the (i;.icrctioii of the editor, uiitil all arreiiruges are jiulil- Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rites. Persons sending in advertisements, are ls;i;ic .Mexander, Sample Alexander, M ni. 'I'. Alexander, Hev. A. Anderson, requested to note on the iTiurgiii the nuni!).er of .\,’iteir"'^'*''’ insertions, or they will he continued unf.i forbid, and charged acconlingly. I.IST or LSTTERS RKMAININ(; in tlic i'oht-oftiro fiK hurlottc, North-Carohna, April 1, lo2r. A. >\ ni. A, Kerr, 2. I“;aac Alexander, • Maj. 'I'lios. Alex ander, Margaret A.'r,(/urir>, jun. John I.aw.son, i.’. T\\e, C\\aY\otte AS commenced runn- in.y between this place r and Camden, S. (T. once a —week—distance 80 miles. It 1-. aves Charlotte every Wednesday at 5 o’ clock, P. M. and arrives at (jantden on Friday, ;i' (■) o’clock, P. M.; leaves Camden on Salnr- at 2 o’clock, P. M. and arrives In Char lotte on Monday at 3 o’clock, P. M. I'.vriK—Passage to Camden, f5, or f>] cents Tiir mile.- For seats, apply at the difl’erent rost-iiIices. Persons wishing to travel on this line, may r spcct to meet with good acctvmrnodations, and ,iii as cheap terms as any other liiu' in the southern countrv. 'I'here is now a direct stage I lie IVom Charleston, S. C. to Knowilie. Tenn. wliirh passes through tliis place ; and besides, s h ave here every week, in tli{]'erent di- nctions, thus allording facilities of eomnmni- c';ition witli every section of tlie countrv. rilOMAS liOVl). Cliarlotte, Feb. L’4, 18-7.—4t27 (I^r'lhe editor of i!ie Western Carolinian vill L’lve llie above four Ins^*rlions in his ])a- j>( r. and forwurti liis account for payment. \v i\V*'\\es & 3e'we\U‘ry. TTIO^IAS rKO JTER & CO. !!v Kobt. V. Alliso’i, \V. J. Alexander, 2, li. T?. Hanks, David Hi’own, Al(salon) llLu 'c. Poladore 1‘rickiil, Capt. IJlack, Mr. iJlakelv. F,lizal)clh Itanker, .I.'icob Itostain, Samuel Moyes, rpton liyram, \V;m. llo\ le, Joseph Hlackwood, James IJrovvn. C. David F. Caldwell, lieorge Cross, Aai’OM (Conner, U ni. Culverhouse, 2, Josejdi Clokej, John Cagle, James D. (M’aig, Martha (!owan, Janies Ca])S, John Coston. J). Thomas Dunn, Jolin Da\is, .1, Sugar Dulin, David Dougherty, John Dow, 2, James Dinkin.s, 'I'homas Davis, Lewis Dinkins. F.. Charles F.Ims, Jolm F.nierson, J'lederick Kzeli. F. Heiu’v Fohtcr, TAKF.S this method to in- form the y)u!)Iic, that lh( y have opened a sln)p in (.'harlotte, in the house lately occupied by Doct. Samuel Henderson, on the north ''ide i '*'■ thnn, 2, of the Court-Ilo\ise, w here ' they arc well prepared to re* j Heuben Freeman, ^ pair all kituls of ' ' ’ ’' ' ' - Clnrle.s I’owler, Samuel Fraser, ti. Thomas Gillespie, st;i’ ' ;.t{entl(»n to Inisiness, to mcrt the pulilic S IhdU'.i-* \V. l*lUiicr, p;itM)iKige. They have on liund and for sale, i t!ie following articles ;— (until men*'! gold patent lever Watches; F.adii,'*;’ do. do. do. SilvL-r lover and plain do. i’hains. Seals and Keys, Slides and Wings; Hreast Pin.s, Finger ifings, and Kar liings ; Silver 'I'ablc and Tea Spoons ; Sinp l.adles and Sugar 'I'ongs; .iitncs ClodtB, lit till' siinrtest nr'tice. They hope, by a con- j Samuel Graham, 2. ]|. John Henderson, 2. Taylor Hutchison, 2, John Hutchison, John W. Herron, Thomas Harbeson, Ml. Ilolbroi)k', Henrv Hoover, Silver Spectaeles, green and white, to suit Koust’.m, all ages ; Military Huttons, T.ace and EpauletIv T.adies’ork Moxes and Reticules; Hags and Clasps; Thimbles, ?vC. v^e. 17* \Wi\Ao\‘a\. Capt. Hartgrtjve, Isaac Henderson, John Hays, junr. .Moses Haj Tliomas Hutchison, M tn. K. l.emiiiond, 2, \\ illlain Lees, Jean l.eiiimoiid, Wn.. i,uek s. m; Iltnjamin Morrow, Kev. |{. H. Moriison,2, 1 >:i\id M’Donald, ’ John .NrCiuay, Anna M’l.me, Almcroii Mih s, 'I'liouK.s \, Mina, Michiu l M’l ary, ,i, .'lohn .M’l^oi'i!, Pioliert M'Kiiiii y, ■ Alexander .NFK’ee, I’liikmoii Morris, Hoderlek M'('awlcy, Montgomery, J, James Monlg'fUieiH, .lauies Morns, John M'F.avcn, Margaret Milkr, 'J lioni is M’Corkl^, Margaret N. Martin. \. Thomas (J. \cel, (). I?*-aley Oates, Nathan (*rr, John El. Orr, P. Wllli.am X. Parks, WilliaiTt L. P.itton, F.Ii/abeth Parks, Isaac Prlee^ (iid. or F.lilui Perry, .liihn C. Pharr, Charles H. Polk, 2. H. AVilhani Keid, 2, Uev. John ]{ooki_r, Alex. Jfobison, Wm. liudisill, Margaret Hodgers, Dr. Joseph Koas, Mr. ilodilin, William Ho!)Isoii, Josepil liei'd, AVilliam Uoss, Pt-ter H(nse, George Hose. S. S. H. Smith, D. V. Sulil\an, Hugh Smith, John G. Smai'tt, ‘Abraham Scott, 2, Joseph Sampl", l''dmonl Smith, .laiin-s Sprati, .lanii s Sloan, Jesse Stiiwell, Arthur Staftord. l.lles or Asa Smith, .IiNcpb Sprout, \\ Hi. 1’. ‘'priilU'S Thomas Sprati, I’m Stlr.-oi\ Tii(i;r.i Siiutp, Iv' r'li/.abetii C. Ilouitoii, M'r'ti.a 'tcv::; i'homas Henry, W iliiain .'"coU. Silas Hunter, Mols Stuckling, Dr. Sainl. lieiidersun, I’egg\ SjjVihj;. i l)i‘. ]). li. Dnvlap, r>F.Ql'r,s rS all tliose v im are l)ii!,.‘htetl t.o II him, to come f(n’svard Ix fore or duringtbe week of our Superior Coiu't in Ma\, anil ..iltle their accouiH> either willi Note or Cash. rhnsf> who (1.) not av.iil themse!\es of this notice, wiil eertiiMily pay cost, as he is b.jterm!ncd to clobc his jujoks up to Jamiary as speedily as possible. "t2?,. JKH'TffJt'S Tlios, I. Johnson Thos. lliirris. U.VVINCJ ris-i)ci:itcil in the pvnr*ire of MF.D- K'iXI', ri'speetfidlv leiidiT llieir ser\ic>. ill the sevi'ttil uepartmenis of tlu lr profes.Ion, to trie ciii.'. IIS oi' Charlotte and its coiiti,riinu^ eoiintj-y. They e;in at all tinu's be foun I, at their newly e-tabri'hed shop, on the h't form erly ocre’)ic(| !>y Dr. i'homas^ llendf-rsoi!, tv o buiuii'i t! _\ aids soiilli ot' ;iie Court I lou.if, '.\- cejjt wiie/i piofi ssioii dl',' cnga^n'd. i In v are in d:o!\ e\i)e;iatl(;!i ol’ afr. >b and geiuilne us- sortiiu-r.t oi Med;ei.ie h'om I’iiduueipiua and Nt w \ t)rl;. 23‘ A'^i'icwWvwaV .VoWcf. THK Mecklciil)urg Agricultural Society will meet at the Court-iloiise in Ciiarloi’e, rvi the last Saturday of this month. The membt-r.-. are rmue.stcd to attend at elevtii o’clock, A. M. J. SMITH, *SVf’7. April 11, 1827.—2t27 Vv\\Y \YnA*w\ug. VJ.L persons indebted to th(‘ estate of |{o- bert Irwin, d'jce.ised, re(iue?.tfd to • STANZAS FOR Ml'SlC. II r TIIK I KV. T. DALK. “O, BRF\TiiF. no more that simple air, I’hough soft and sweet thy wild notes ^well. To me the only tale tin y tell Is cold tlesp;ilr ' — f heard it once from lips .is f.iir, I lioard it in as sweet atone,— N'ow I am left on earth alone, And she is—where '' How have those v I'll-known sounds renewed The dream.s '■{'earli- r, happi- r hours, V* bell life—a d.esi i't now—was strewdl A\ ith fairy flowers ! — Then all was bright, and fond, and f.ilr,—• Now flowers ai’e I'adeil, joys aie fled, Aiitl luartand hope are with the diad, For she la— vv here ^ Can I then lo\e the air she loved ^ Can I tiien lu'ar the melllng strain ^ Which brings her to my soul again Calm and unmov’d ’— And thou to blame my tears forbear; For w liile J list, sweet maid ! to thee, Piemenibranco whispers, ‘such was she,’— And she is -' where i* come and life their notes, as iiidulgeuvX' caiuioi be givMi. JOHN IP.WLV, K. April 10, 1S27.—2127. •XI A iivv\ isc\\U‘nt. Notice. r A Al’ T. PATITTHDGF, begs leave to inform the Public, th.at he jiropose.s re-ronimenc- ing the Seminary at Norwich, State of Ver mont, on the first Monday in .lime, 1K27. The parlieiilar object in view will be to make it a primary School, w here jouths can he ailmitted at an early age, and be correctly and thorough ly iiistriictid in the elementary branches of learning, and carried forward in them so far as their ag«.s and other circumst.inees will permit. The following r.r.uiches ol'study and instruc tion will be inuiiided in the course of F.duca- lion at this Institution, viz: The Reading, Writ ing and S])( Ibng of the F.nglish i-angiiage, Fngllsh Grammar and Composition, the Latin, Cii'4'ek, Fnmil and Spanish lang'uyges, Aritli- metic and the higher branches of Mathematics, • ) far as the ages of the pujnls will perinlt, i.loi ution, Geo^ra|)by, History, Hook Keeping, tlie eli iiients of Natural Philosophy, including \stroiiomy, to be taught l)y familiur, e\planai(j- f|1H r t. h glint b.a\ I iOKSK, ry k cliires. A oonujkte C(jui>e of .Military -j 1 v,!l st.i; 1 till- » r. ,!iiiiLC l.veieiseand placti\il Military duty, including season, at tlie r,j't!u" t.'ie fie I'l ntary luai.eiies ol .Military Science, aIl subscriber, ( m r} tlay ol the 'a-igiit also by le tores- 'fhe sword Kxereise, veek, (.xcept Saturdays, on v. hich da\ be \ i!* "usic and Daii'Mii^. I hr Pari'iit.s and (.nai- ■■.taiid at .Fobii McCoy’s, im ar Hopewell iii’ i t , M.c b'iusf. comiT'ctieiiit;'on tin S.iturd i\ ii. | •VtiWe.e. A GIM’r.APiLY to tlie provisions to n Deed if Trust f'ro’i! William Uiidlsill, lohicuretbe payment of a drbt .»due ihe bank ofNew bern, tbc‘ undersigned will sell, at Public Siile, in (Jharlotte, to the highest bidder, on V.oiulay, the 28th of \)ay next, (being Monday of Cou''t,) tlie lots and improvement-i in said town, at ]>re- si nt oceiijjied b_\ said Rudi./ill. The improve ments aix atwu story frame dwelHng-house; all n l es^nry out buildings; a well of excellent water in tl.cyard; :ill of which are in comforta ble le.'it ri. pair, and handsomely hituaied. 'I'lie [Uirfli ihfi' crn h.i\e the bank a'.conimoiiations, by givliii;’ IjLind and approved security. ' JONAS RCDlSli.L, sen. W M. DAMD^jtJJv. April 10. 1827.—."130 \p;'i*. l.liil'.iriA v.iill)i-bt to loarr- at riie iMHlcr.'ite r.itrs ot 'hree dollars the season ; r.ne iimII.u’ tift_\ Cl i;ts the single ii an, the iiuui''y '.G ' e [ i': ! at the time of si-rvii/i', or tin m.n-f V idi ri-d as put by tin- smmhi , six tv ns(’v-:i Ufire u itb foal t.riat care .’■aiis v\ ill lie allow i d to si.dect the branches to •vliicii their sons or v. ards arc to attend. 'I'lie .ganizatlon of the Si uiiiuu y vs ,11 be strictly military, ;ind tiie Cadets will be recjuired to go through a regular course ol pr.ictical military duty and instruction. 'I'hc military iluties and e\erc,i:,es will be attended at such times as would otherwise lie spent cither in idleness or DR. JOHN M. IIAPPOLDT TAKKS this method of informing those who : John Hudson, niav feel disposed to honor him w'ith their John Hargrove, 2, patronage, that he has removed to the late resi- Dr. Thunias Harris, dcnce of Mr. Abner Houston, where lie may be W in. Hail, 4, found and consulted at any time, except when ^ George M. H.uils, eng:if(ed in l)is professional avocations abroad, i Cams llendei>on, , H( w.nild also return his thanks to the inhabi-j J tants of Providence and its vicinity, for their j Andrew Join s, Vih( r ' patronage duiing the past year; he fur- I Philip Johnson, ther or.' solicits a conlinuance of the same, | KVuben Jonson, -mi. wil. endeavor, by his assiduity and attention j Hi pry Jainison, to liiis.ness, to give general satisfaction. Con- j David Johnson, .sidenng tiie scarcity of money, and the pres- S'l:'.' of the times, he promises that his charges tlia!' I' very moderate. J‘r(H'ith‘Ui', Mtrlih'iihiir!^ cnunty, N.L'. > Ffh'iwrn 1, 1H27. —18tf S N. IV Fa ily MediciiK's kejit on hand for sale' llouse. oi* Vi Vii^y Vulumv u\, j ' prv c.iiiti. 'H V lil be take n to avolil uccioi uts; i ' j i.'iit I V. :!1 not I't li.iiilc for any. Th Robert Johnson, IsM'ic J.'Uiii'^on, Samui 1 Johnson, 2. K. Riile'r 1?. K' er, H. Uirkp itrlck, sen. 'I liomas Kennedy, 2, Charles Kikcr, Mai'fiis Kennedy, 1H3—3t27 (I. A. rjiomp'^or!, Jii'-ri)li Tlion psoi;, .toha 'i h()ii.a.s, P. ’I botnpson, ThoUias 15. I • 'u.!, D.iiuel Towle. W. .T.uiic s W iKoit, 2, ,';(S. Wiliiani'i.n, or M m. Hyrain, Tbemias W iiic!u. 'te r, John W aiker, A. W heeler, U''bt. Wilson, Joiin W itherspooii, F.d'.v ard Weir, Dr. S. r. W illiaiusoii, (•eorge Wilson. Y. Kll.''is Young. W M. SMi l'H, P. yf. voli d to frivolous and useless amusement.-j, u ason to I they will not encroach in the least on the regu- r(>;'imic.u'e the '-d 'f April and end on the toili i .studies, but on the contrarys t^y fdbng up ti e vacant hours with a regular, manly and hi-althlul I x -r( Ise, both the liody and mind will bt ilia stiite of constant Improvement. The ‘.tJ:iK-.t uileiition wiil be given to the healtli. -T.ihv.utt is a JI r,C III PTION h.i\, -i\.^ t II 1.:.:.d'' b'gli, l iglit yeai’- f^nrlnc. "'di |i;( portioned 'tnd posse .-, n,'is( ] i\M i. J.li>erty.\\as g(,l hv > 1 abo.i. \f \N'.ON AI.FAA M.ircb— ,1)F.R. 1^'^AN'IT I), at ti.is Oiiiei, two bo\s ▼ f l!> years (-1 .n A’),a enl ;i' •> rrintliig Itiisincss. And Stage House, at the sign of the F.agle in Charlotte, North-Carolina, bv lal3r, ROP.I'UT WA'I'SON. \*v\\)Wc VVV‘cv\w iuv u\. I'l'^HK subscriber informs bis frletids and the I imblic, that he has purchaseil that well know n est abll-.lnnent, latfdy ov ned and occiipi- • d by Hr. lli. uders'Mi, and is now prejjarc d to *nt rtiiin Iim\( lbf-- and otiiers, wiio io:i_\ jib as(- to c:dl on bun ; and no exertiors will b«. sp ued r. iidi r tht 111 comfoi’tabK', aii'l ib' ir .‘tay a- grf'ciihle. His talde will b- t'urnished with ev- '•vy \arlety which th* country all'onls ; his bar With Ihe best of licjuors ; and his stables v.ith Dk iity of jiroM iider, anU careful si rvants will be ill constant attendance ROliMiT I. DINKINS. Cliarlotte, April 20, 182G. ‘ oU VVw 1\ u V V ' U* I c V u V e s. Il’S I’ PCUMSIIKD, ard for sale at this of- lice, “ Strictures on a book, entitled, ‘An Apology for til" Hook of Psalms, by (iilbert .'!> .M ister.’ To w hie h are adtled, Ueiiiai skon ■'•book, [b\ Alex.inder ('onlon] « ntitled ‘Tin design and uso of the Hook of Ps;dnis.’” Hy Hkmiv UrtK.NKii, A. M. With an Ai)pendi\, .biiiN M, W iLso.N, pastor of Rocky River and I’hlladi Ipiiia. KlUry 'i'alvcrs’ >V';irr}iuts, I'or s;ile, at tlrs OlbcT. fop sale at Or.iue. wvivu \\\s M\\\*‘Y. rnHK siijiscribi r Ik^mi.v' ];ur( l.ased the iigi't I for 15i nliow’> I’atf i,t I h.ri/.ontal .Nfiil, for ti.e coimtlrs ot .Mei kli idoirg an:'. C.iiiarru'', w ill iiave them consi;intl_'. on haoo, finished in a neat aiidiluruble in;ii iiv.r, '> o;.. late l,\ IimuI Ol hoi>.ei)ow r. I Iiom' wisbii g tu o'lr base, will do W ell to call and exaUiiiie tins Mdl. I be jjrojit'li tor w ill :d o sell single rights l(U' n.akoig ;oid using the abn\e Mill •XuY\\v-V'‘.vvvAinu, Comil!/. /V////. Srssioiis. IS27. N'lnccnt Reed, fcKUiINM, .Mtacbnicnt, rs f 1 f I b autlfiil old this • " ' iiiaiiiicrs, morals and personal deportment of 111 I rin.i- (ja.k Is. tlu-y will be constantly under the [ |.. rson il inspection of the Superintendent and iliccis of tiie Institution; will in no case be . nuitled to assoi-.iati.' with low and vulgar .'inpauy, nor to leave the Academic enc!os,ure |v, iilinut special jieimission, unless on duty or ' ;■) i;o to tlu ir meals, 'i he Academic and other . Aix Uses p'-r annum will be as follows, vi/ : I 1 liiiioii in any or all the foregoing Rran- 1 clir-s xceptiiig the French and Spaii- ! i-.li liugnage, Miisir, Feiiring ami ! DoH.iiij;,; li\e iloll.o s per Quarter of I twilw Weeks, or u,( iity dollars per ! aiiiiuni, UO Tiiomas Davis. S Horses ieil on three Sta Al.i:\ANDr.R. Cl.)^ i:i:n.i\min i’. Mecklenburg, .Man li, l.S- rs\U‘,\\t tivist .>\u\. THF. siibserlbi'i' bavin;; oi>t;iinrd [.etters Pa tent for bis im]>ro\I'lm nt in liie Gi.st .Mill, Informs the imblle that he will tllspose of indi vidual rights, or rii^iits tor I'oun'us or States, on terms that w ill i n ibh. the purei.aser t(j u.uke a profit on bis ji'in leise. The stones of bis .Mill running in ('(,uiiti r dlri'ctii/ii'', renders i* oh\ ions that it i reati s h ss inction and gains more action with a-.mali power tliaii ..ui be olitaineil l>y au\ otln r inv. otion. He will iia\e one in cmnplete o[k ration in (ireeiisluji’ougli in a levv ilav s. lll.NJAMlN ONF.RMAN. (iref iisboro', N. ( . M:ir b 17, 1’5J7.—o12. . ^ NVv\u\i‘A, V the siibscrllier, r.nc i,r two ai)prentlce‘> to th' 1:0 jjeiil'i s I'UMiii ss, to wlioiii ;;oo'! i-iicoiii:,igvment will l;h(ii.—.\Ko, a.iour luvniiiii.’ N‘. .M. H. S l'ANDl.l.V. Aprd 1H:7.~3tJ7 It is orih red by Court, that piibbratlo'-i lie madi six weeks in the Cataw ba .lonrir.d. fur iIk ik fc iul ,ni to ;i|)|)t ar at the iii \t M.is ti t in, lH-“, to in held for t-lils county, and it pi' v \ and ph ad, or jiidgTiieni will i)e entereil i.' un>i him. ‘ ‘i. ai.k>:a.M)K!:, r. m ( . dt.'Ki.—pr. adv. I'J. CoJ/ii/i/^ Fth'y. Sitisions, 13J7. Lawson H. .Mexaiider, ") i kUKilN.M, two dollars p-r |u;ir- ilai , per annum, laiiisli, I'. nciiif;, ueii 11V e dullal : 8 00 5 O') .Mexaiider, Herbert S. Kimble. 5 'be iiil'di, and hiiii summoned a.-. mint, levlr hands of W . i».iriiisliee. r> Ordered by Court, that ])uldlc.ition be ma'.’.v: six weeks in’tho C.itawba .lourit d, for thi d‘ - ti.ndant to ;ippe:.r at the iie.vt M i\ term, IS.”;, •o !>e belli for tbis county, aed tie re repk vv a:nl plead or di-iuur, otlierui^e jo l.^n.eiit i'V dei'ault will he enund a,u'•aln^t iii;u. 1 Al.i:\ANDl.R, r. M. (\ TitdO.—pr. rule. Room rent, iiit bidiiig >hf use of .irnis and accoiitri iiient ter or eijvlit dnilai . Instruction in l rrnc!i iM.iicing ai a Musi l>ei' tiu.irter." till,ud in ri spi ( taljle pi i'. ate f:eTiHi(. s, in- I I'l'ling u.ihbiiig a!id ii;--ni!iiig, one i' ill.O’ .iii.l >i-\rnt'.-lr.e c.' iiis pi r 'ir eight)-li'ir didlats lor tne Ar.i iciiiii VI .O'of IH wei.i;', H I 00 M.ik il:i v.!io!e anenid espeiHefor oo.irii, iiK lu'ling u.. long and nwnd- . in,;, tiir.io'. in all tin- oivuicbei, ev- c pting 1 I'l lu ll, :spai!i-li, \!usic, I'l.-ne- iii-f .iu>l l).i:.c:nj, one liunaiei and t.v.'elM- d-)!la-,, ^ 'I be w!i ;ie ;u;! ual e'Cp'O’se for a Cadet, liicl; :iing tiii; A' acb imc expeiises, r.oaid, v.\f,bi:ig and im nding, (doth- ing, Ijooki, fij( 1, ail 1 i-xeluMVC of th; ri'c:.':h and 'Sjju'.isli iangu ij’es, .\lnsif.’, it.iiifiii;:''and l oiiring, \.'iII not I'Xeml *v.o biiii'Ui d 1 i;t»y doll irs i'^r tiie. fii.jt vrar, and on :oi av ei .ii.;c of tbre'e or u.m:'!- \( ;o , \,ill not, exeeed tAO leiii I.'’, d ari'l tl.li ’y dollars. TJk‘c.ulets V. ill .V(U’\Av-V'tvYuWm\, Mn/ilcrihiinj^(\/Hufi/, *V'1'-27 William Smith, ^ 00 ()i-'.:rinal 'Jt'ltur.lt fur -ale,at t!'.'; ^ .loerna'. John Cole. J RDl-'.lfKD by Cl'i.t, tb:.t pii’’.!lrr,rir.n \ made '•1 ei I; - ;n ll;e I fi,r the d( I’fiidanl to ,iP ; term, 1 :"fJ7, to I't- hid' • i'U' this ( repb vy and pk ad, or .’"i-tgii, w ill l>e taken again--' iioi I, .\i.' ‘ I :,!a\', ;. I .11..I ' till- m \l o'Mit e, ihd ' nt jiio ".I J?'0 00 le'juired to wear an uiii- fi)rrfi dr- '.N iiirli \\;il he tbe same ,is i!-at worn t> V tie- I, I,!-^ ^ il tbe > .nniia!-yat MuUHitown 't I," ( ! jt!.ii ■; ''.111 ill lie t irtiislied ;t the liisti- ‘u'i'Ui :t I - • ahbsbeil. :u'd vu V i i-:i--int-iMi,>pi 1- e.1, Of t!,e ' I til a.ii.i other in iti-rialB i .oi ht; toviii.'''-'I :.y li.‘- i' -.'i.ht i.r ;.ni-udi-.oi, .'Oid tio v.ori; .'I'Ou i’ ttie ln.->'.it .iteni, v.li.-n; i-xii-ll'-nt wo'-iiuu-n \>.ll : i: pi-ovidr ), mul Mu- v oi-k i \-- iiid, j ' I''- * on niiid':r:ilL- U-rms. I int Mouh-, St.iti>n- .Ma-v ei-\, iikii,,and all tiie n. i r.ss.oy ;*i-ii' lis, 1,1 (■ V ill Ill: h.'Old .it t hi- fiisi it olie-n on m i _v i e.i~ I.. ,o I soiKii 1^ t( 1 ii ". it will, hov*i;\-r, he option d iw i’ h t liOse ho pjiaci st uiU n's at tiic: S' iniiiai \, to li;: I..-..1 tl,, nisi he., V, ;tO :oiv, or all tli'.- ne- .- iv, -I ■ ■ li ’,-.-. fjj III luJi.'i'.diwd Uj a- hove stated. Youths will lie rercived at as early an age a» eight y ears, an'l none will be admitted w ho ave Tiioiv than foui-teen, uiih ssit should be :i limited number of young gentlemen, w hosi- manners and moral leport uicnt should be so correct and unexceptionable, as to ren der them fit models for the yourigi-r pui)llsto copy. A few such would be consul»T d an ad vantage to the junior classes, and to the Insti tution. It will readily bo ])ere.eivcil that this Seminary isinte-iuled to be one in w bieli \ouths may be phiced nt a very early period of life, be- fort' their h;ibits are formed, when, while their pbvsical powers are fully developed, unci constltutloii'i confirmed, by a re/vul.ir uinl .syste- matie c'uii se of manly ami useful exercise, the nior.ds will ;d >o iu- (guarded bv cve-ry possiolc means, and this, at an expense not greater, (probably less) than is incurred at most of the ri-spf'ctahle aeadi niies in the country. This Scinln.iry is designed iii'ire particularlv^ for preparing \ outbs lor ;idmission into the In- stiiotion at .Mlddb ton, aUil it would be logh- l\ adv:(iitageous for every youth within the pre scribed age, who is oeMinetl to enter that In stitution, lo spend one or more y ars al tbis. Youtb.s can al.so be well pre afed for admi.saiou into the Military Academy at We.sl Poo,it, and al.so foradmisHion as freshmen, into any of our Colleges (.r I'nh ersities. Norwi h is one of fhe most beautiful anti |de:isaiit villages in New-Knglmid. It is lorat- ed about half a mile w est of the bank . of ilie* Connecllcut, and an at elevation of aboui 170 feet above its surface. It is one mile from Dart mouth College, 18 above Windsor, and one. hundri (1 and eightei n from Uoston. I he ap proach is ea.sy and pleasant by means of excel lent .stagis, which run throe times a week ir» virions threcli(uis. It is reui bed from Middle town, Hostoii and .\lbany m two days, uiiu from New-\ork in three lays. l'"or health, it is sc* cond lo no village in New -F.ngland. 'I'his as set litm is believi d to he fully siibslantialcd by the fact, that during the \v hole time (four anil a half ycrars,) that the American Litei.iry. Scientific aiul Military Academy was locatiil there, sickness was scarcely known among the members.—The society is moral and rehiied. 'I'he Seminary will be placed under the im- medl.-ite iliiTCtion and superinti-ndence ol a. gentleman, who, from bis age, clas,steal, scien* tific and military acquirements, industry, un- exceptionalde moral haracter, and exporieiicc in the sy.stem of instiuction proposed, is in ev ery respect qualified to discharge bis duties in the best possiole manner, lie v»ill tje assisteil l»y the requisite number of well quahfu'il and exi)erienced instruetora. The I .stitution vull freepienlly be visiteel by (-'apt. F.otndj^(, and will in every respect be umler his fee ''.i r..l di reclion. I'lu following will be the princ.i>al regulations for thi government of the Institu tion, viz 1st. I'iie student v iH be stilled Cadet.s. 2nt!. Till morning ivdl call will i>i irnmcd- l.it ly alter reve ille. Immediately afti i roll « all, tbe rooms must all be swept, beds mad* „ and Ihtr furniture arranged in complele order rt ady for inspection. Within twenty mi;mte;4 after the roll call, the roiuns will be inspteteii by the proper officers, w ho will make «ut a cei- tlfied report of their condition to the Supi-rin- tendent. 'I'he time intervening betwei n lbes«>: inspections and ureakfa.st, will be devoted to military and othi'r lu-allhful exercises. 3il. Immediately after breakfast. Prayer, will be attended, after which guard will be turned olV, .seiitlM Is relieved, 8tc. 4th. At 8 o’clock, A. M. the classes will bo assembled in tlieir re.spcctive rccltation ro(jin?, where they will pursue their studiea under tho immediate inspt;clion and instrucflon of dieii instructor?), until 1 o’clock, P. .M. allowing them an intermission of thlHy minutes ,d tlicr exjiiration of every two hours for exerci.se and amusement, within the Academic enclosure.— From 1 to 2 o’clock, will be.devoted to dimn;^ and exercise. 6th. At 2 o’clock, the roll v» 111 he called to seo that all ire present, iinmediately after whicli the cla,vses will lie again assembled in tlieir rc cltation rooms, where they will attend to thciv studies and recitations ;i» in tbe forenoon. 6th. From the 1st of May until the 1st of Septi-mber, the study hours will terminate at (1 o’clock. I*. M. and from the 1st of .Septem ber, until the 1st of M:iy, at .■> o’clock, P .M.— The tune not devoted to study and rec.itatio:* and the regular meals, will lie occupied by mil itary and other healtliful and manly exi rcises. It will be a primary feature in tbe inslilutioi!, that no idle time be .dlowcd the c;ulets. 7th. So soon as the n giilar i xi r' ises and c th rdiilK s of the d:iy are linisiied, tiie roU will !)(• calb-d, and the cadets n tpiire'd lo retire to their rooms, :iiid all niusl retire to bed by tci' o'eloi k, at v^'lllch '.im; there will be an inspt'c- llon »l all the rooms by the Supermteiulen*: ;ind Instructors; there will be^ sueb otbi-r in. spectioiis (lurnig the- day and cv euitig as tho Suijcriiil' lidi-’.t. sliall ilirect. lioarrf, 1-r Tlur cadets will boarl in private fami hi-s, iiinh-r such specific regulations as sh.d> b!^ t '.t dilislu'd. . 'id. No cadi-t will bn pcmiitt'‘d to Ixiar'l in all', f.itnily, the nK-mbers of whicb do not sus., t:un ail unimpeae;li,i!)le ii'oi-:d cliararti-r, wlic. ilo not adb' re stnctlj. In ;di ‘.lini- inler )US'; With till- cadets, to the establubed rcgul ition.-> of the institution. ,»d. Tin- r loth--; of (lie cadi Is, particubirl ot tin- joiingi-r clas., will be \vaske!, iii'-iided. and kept at lilt ir bo;tnling houses, ;ind ik liv- i-ri-d to them (uily when they are waiiltd for u-.e. ■Ith. An rxpericnrcd Pbysieian will be a‘- 1a' 111 d to th'- Inslitiition, and in case ot .my cm . ib-t I'l'iugsiti,, III-will be regul:irl_v alteiuled, ami well (aken car-, of at his bnarduig house. I ’/(•'. t /?), Mitirhcifc. 1"'. 'rii'-re will !'c .-'’le vacation in each vea: . (A hich Will commi-i e on the 1st .Monday iii I»i-''em!)i r and eoi;*..nue four weeks. ~'iid. I ill- r:dits will occasioual'v pe'rf'iri i milit iiy m:in lies iiiul othi.-r p;'destrl;in xeui- sions, Olid, r I'lC conmiand of the Sir'criniei'' dent, (u-ofaii instnicter iippointed for'that pur- posi , which Will .serve a.s'a rt-laxalion from stu dy, .Old cniiil'«,-c ecpially U) tlie.r health and im- prov I nient. Ci’c- 1 fu.loo-a M- Iv of