III.] CHARLOTTE, X. C. TVESIKir, Jl^'E 12. >827. PUBLISHED WEEKLY Bv LEMUEL BINGHAM, J}.l Three Dollars a year, paid in advancc. Ko paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until ull arrearag’cs arc paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usua rates. Persons sending' in advertisements, arc requested to note on the margin the number o . insertions, or they will be continued until forbid Slid charged accordingly. T\\e WiWvesboYo’ \\oVe\ ^ S now open and ani])ly porvid- ; JL cd for tlje accomodation of vis- , iters, its local situation on the [valley of the \adkin, nearly cen tral between the Hliie Kidge and the Ilrusliy Mountain, is picturesque, healthful and inviting. Add to this, a pure and salubnous atmosphere, (•xcellent water, the agreeable society of a plea sant village, spacious and commodious rooms, a well supplied Ice-House, and but little would .veeni wanting to insure the traveller a few v’eeks ri-posc and enjoyment among the Moun- uins. 'i he subscriber has been accustomed to this line of business in one of our northern cities; and he assures those disposed to favor him with a call, that no exertion shall be wanting, on4iis i)art, to render them comfortable. The lines of Stages from Salem to Knoxville, ,md from Cheraw tu Wilkesboro’, stop at the Hotel, all'ordmg an easy access to the above es- tiildishment. Fare, five cents per mile—Way 'jusiengcru and a quarter cents. G. V. MASSEY. Wilkesboro', N. C. April 22, 1827.—8to5. A\)\>TiinVices. ■Vl’'/NTED, at this Office, two boys, 1:5 or 11 16 years of oge, as Apprentices to the Printing Business. Y ubWc E utext €i\i\ £v\e ut. The subscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased that well known establishment, lately owned and occupi- vd b\ Dr. Henderson, and is now prepared to entertain travellers and others, who may please to call on him ; and no exertions will be spared to rt nder them comfortable, and their stay a- greeablc. His tabic will be furnished with ev ery variety which the country aflbrds; his bar with the best of liquors; and his stables with jilenty of provender, and careful servants will bein constant attendance. m KUHEIIT I. DINKINS. ^1 'harlotte, April 20, 1826. ■80 WalcAnis & . THOMAS TROTTER CO. rj^AKES this method to in- JL form the public, that they have opened a shop in Charlotte, in the house lately occupied by Doct. Samuel Henderson, on the north side of the Court-House, where they arc well prepared to re pair all kinds of M'atchrs Sc €lotfes, at the shortest notice. They hope, by a con stant attention to business, to merit the public ■pjitronage. 'I'hey have on hand and for sale, tlie following articles :— Gentlemen’s gold patent lever Watches; Ladies’ do. do. do. Silver lever and plain do. Chains, Seals and Keys, Shdes and Rings; Ureast Pins, Finger Kings, and Ear liing'u ; Silver Table and Tea Spoons ; Soup I.adles and Sugar Tongs ; Silver Spectacles, green and white, to suit all ages ; Military Huttons, Lace and Epiiuletts; Ladies’ Work lioxes and Reticules ; bags and Clasps; Thimbles, &.c. i>.c. Sec. ir* House oi* Eulc-YlaViuweul, ND Stage House, a the sign of the Fagle L in Charlotte, Norih-Carolinu, bv lainf) 1J015KUT WATSON. T^ILL be sold, at the Court-Hour.e in * Concord, on the 3d ?ilufida) in July next, hy order of the Coui i of IMeas and Qnurter Sessions, ont; negro man named Edward, wl.o was couiinitti-d to tlie jail ol the county twelve tnontlis ai^o, and i-aid he belonged to one Johnson, a U'ader negroes. Said i'ellow is of tiiiddle stature, tolfrably stout buill, and li^hl oloc, u'.i.'i is !iow la be sold aecordittg to •itt uf A.s'-enibly, to use of the count) f»:id balibt'aolKjn of jail fees, lc. 1. W. 1L\M1LT()N, Shcr’f. Concord, 16, 1827. Suit iO [NO. 134. Tov Sa\e. IW’ILL sell on a credit of 12 or 18 months, the plantation on which I live. The soil is well adapted to_^ the common products of the countrj’. 'I’hcre is a comfortable dwelling-house, with the ne- cessar)- out houses. For more particular terms, apply to the subscriber. DK. CYHUS A. ALEXANDER. ."t35p The subscribers have entered into copart, nership under the firm of Smith &. Botd. They have just received a fresh stock of Dry Gooi*", Groceries^ Hurdwarey ^'C. Also, an extensive assortment of geiuiine DRUGS k MEDICINES, suitable for Physicians, and family purposes; all of which articles arc now ofiered for sale, at a short profit, lor Cash. SMITH k BOYD. N. B. They have also on hand a considerable quantity of PAINTS. Mav 25, 1827.—’o2 liftst XoWce. 1 AGAIN request all who stand indebted to me for Goods purchased, to come forw'ard and pay up. It is utterly out df the question for me to give any longer indulgence. 1 w ill not give it. J. D. BOYD. May 25, 1827.—’32 Adminisirator's JS'otice. IHOl.D a number of notes payable to Cowan & Vail, which came into n»y hands as ad ministrator of John Vail, deceased. Notice is now given to the makers of those notes, that unless they come forward and renew them with good security, on or before the 20th day of June rtext, they will be put in suit. If renew ed, considerable indulgence may be expected, as the heirs are young. JOHN IRWIN, .Idrn'r. Charlotte, M«»y 25, 1827.—3t34 iVoticc. fllHE Books and Accounts of Alien Bald- X win having been assigned over to me, I have placed them in the hands of Mr. William Lucky for settlement. Those indebted are re quested to call on him and settle their accounts either by cash or note. Also, a supply of LEATHER, from T!r. Baldwin’s Tannery, will be kept at Mr. Suilth’s store lor sale. ROBERT MtKENZIL. M.»y 19, 1827.—3t3op Teu DoWavs TRAYED or stolen from my wagon, ou Sunday night, the 20th instant*, near Camden, S. C. a light sorrel HORSE, six yeara old, 15 hands high or upwards, ball face, sliow s the white of his eyes very much, a halter collar and chain round his neck, both hind feet white, his sides marked with the traces, and rough shod all round. Any person who will stop tlic said horse, and send me information that I may get him again, living in Rowan county, N. C. shall receive the above reward, and all reason able charges paid. WILLIAM MARCH, jun. May 23, 1827.—3t34pd. JVe'w W aU*\\cs & JeweWei*^. Thomas Trotter ^5 Co. RESPECTFULLY informs the public that they have receiveil and oiler for sale a few goKi anil silver patent lever Watches, (gentle men and ladies) a few good plain Watches, warranted; gentlemen and ladies’ gold Chains, Seals and Keys; some hanilsome Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Pearl and Filigree, and Paste in setts, S^c. fctc.; all or any part of which we will sell low for cash. Clocks and Watches repaired at the shortest notice, and warranted to perform. Cash given for gold and silver. N. B. We expect to receive in a short time some elegant Military and plated Goods, &c. Charlotte, May M, 1827.—50 DOCTURS Tlios. I. Jolnisdii 6l Thos. Harris, Having uss(u i;i*.ed in tlie practice of MED ICINE, respeclfully teiuler tlieir services, in the several departments of their profession, I to the citizens of Charlotte and it:i contiguous ! country. 'I'liey can at all times be found, at their newly tstal)lislied shop, on the lot form-1 crly occupied by \)i\ Thomas ll».nderM)n, two j hundred yards south of tlie Court-House, ex- rej)t when jjrot'essionally eng:;ged. 'i'hey are in daily expectation of a'frtsii and genuine as- sortmer.t of .Medicine Irom i'hiladelphia and Ni w-Vork. 23* JUST IM HLISHED, and for sale at this of- iice, “ Strii.tures on a book, tntitlel, ‘An Apolo;y for the linok of Psa.ms, hy Gil!)ert Mc.Mastcr.’ wiiicli are added, IJeinarsk on •‘ .biiok, l!)v Alexander (ionion] entitled ‘'I'he ‘"■sign and'use nf the Book of I'sulms.’” 1!\ ■Itvitv Ui’Ff-NKii, A. M. \\ it!i an Aj)pendi\, ^ > .IttiiN M. Wilso.n, [lastor ot Rocky Km r and 1‘tiil.iil ip'uia. c i\s V vvV)\ * s %V *a V r au\ s, i>r al 'lu-s (Jf-iv-s JAMES ROBISON, sen. has lost or mislaid two notes, the one on Nathan Orr, of one liundred dollars, \/ith a credit ol about J-IO on s;.id note; the other on AlexandLr I'urks, ot ninety-five ilollars. All persons are hereby i'ori- warned from traihn;;’ for said notes; and should any person find tiie above di lined iKJtes, it will be acknowleged as a tavor, ii they be returned to me, James Robison,sen. JAMES ROBISON, sen. May 15, 1827—3t33i-. IJMIOM the subscriber, on the 12th inst a bay MAliK, about 3 years old, both hind feet white anil a star ni her iiiee. Also Went oil v.ltli her u bay eoll, abmit 10 monllis old. 1 e\- peet the 111 to niakf on to Line olii_Count\. An\ person tlr.il wiil lake them up and convey iii- foriiistitm to this oiiice, shall be ixasol.abls le- \uiluevl. Ai’.M'uiNir M -V1!_ IS.::, - Philadelphia, May 14.—Episcopal Con vention.— The Annual Coiivcntiun of the I*rolestant Episcopal Church, in the Dio- cess ol i’ennsylvania, assembled, on Tues day last, at Harrisburg, and was unusu ally lull, consisting of about one hundred and eijjhty iMciubcrs. A question of ve ry great interest to the Members of that Church, and which has for some lime produced not a little excitement, was, as the writer thinks, providentially settled in the election of an estimable man, a pi ous, truly evangelical Christian, and an able divine, to the office of Assistant Bishop ot the Diocese—the Rev. ilCiNUY U. Ondeknotc. Those clergymen and laj^ien, latterly designated as the friends oj the present Bishop, voted unanimously tor this gentleman. The whole number of votes given in, were .TI, of which IVIr. Onderdonk had 25 :—of the remainder were given as follows : for the Rev. J. II Hopkins, 18—for the Rev. Dr. Mihior, 2—(or Rev. Dr. IVilson, 2—for the Rev. If. Meade, 1—one vote was without a a name, and one clergyman declined vo-: ting. No hope, we believe, was enter tained, of the election of either of the last named clergymen, nor were their names used, as far as we were able to learn, with any definite purpose: unless, perhaps, that of dividing the friends of iMr. On derdonk. On the nomination and ap pointment of the Rev. Mr. Onderdonk, by the order of the Clergy, being declared by the Bishop, the question, whether the lay order would approve of the nomina tion and appointmet, was put and decid ed in the affirmative,—72 Yeas to 58 Nays. No doubt, we believe, is entertain ed, that the Rev. Gentleman will accept the high office thus providentially devol ved upon him, a»jd it is fervently trusted, that the Church, in ins Diocese, may be rcbiorecl to its former pcaceand harmony. A case of some novelty, and which has cxcited much interest, is now undef dis- cussiion in Baltimore County Court. It is a rule heretofore laid, at the instance ol some of the Pewholders, upon the trustees ot the Associate reformed Con gregation, of which the Rev. Mr. Dun- tan is minister, requiring them to shew cause why a Mandamus should not issue to them commatiding and enjoiningand pro hibiting them from further pei-uutiing the Rev. Mr. Duncan to occupy the church, or the puljiit thereof, S;c. Mr. Wirt, U. S. Atloiiiey (.krara!, concluded the argmnetilin the Citst of the Associate Relcriiu'd cojigregaliuii in Tamman)-street, on Saturday afternoun, says the Baliiinore I’airiot, in one of the most eloquent ’jieces of oi utory ever de- li\ered at the bar of our Court. Mr. VVift was Oj)posed to the. prayer of the petitioners, and after dwelling for some time on the case, concluded with the fol lowing quotation from Macbeth’s solilo quy, which absolutely electrified the whole audience :— •••••» Besides, this Duncan Hath borne his facultii s so meek, hath been So dear in his great otHce, that liis virtues Will plead like angels, truiiipet-tongued against The deep damnation of his taking olT. [^It will be recollected by some/jf our leaders that the olFehce of which Mr. Duncan is guilty, is, being called upon to deliver a discourse before the Directors and Studeutsof the'I’heological Seminary at Princeton, he preached against Creeds and Confessions of Faith, j The Profj|;.ssors of Rutgers’ Medical College, N. Y. having staled that they knew nothing of Dr. Chambers, or his medicine .for the cure of drunkenness, the doctor, in reply, says, he has' been j on intimate terms with some of them for two years. As to their being ignorant of his “nostrum” fur curing intemper ance, Dr. Chambers believes that to be true, and adds, “some of tlicm would do ! well to become acquainted wi Ji iisenVcis j by the use (>f i» and further, “that at majority cjf complaints from wliich the! Pioi’essors oltatn tuitonly a living, but a fortune, originated Irom intemperance.” Bloody —A man was fountl night) belore laii on liic hill back of this town, j lying in a gutter senseless, and enveloped in one entire gott* of hlooil. lie waf> carelully ieino\ed, by some j>;nod Sama- l itans, to a t.ivern, where meilieal aid was procured. On examination no tvound apjieared on his boil\, and the affair seemed very mysteiious lili yesterday, w hen he reco\ere(l in a inea-.tiie fiom the eUVcts of the sUum wiih which he had been charged, and was able to stagger a- bout (juite bi’dvely. '1 he presumpiioii is, that the buieiii I ’s boys employed in a slaui^hter-housc, i.:'ar the ’ !:u>- w!icre he was disco\ered, had found him intoxica- 1 led, and after i'.i'.ing his hat uiili the * blood I'! f.-ne of l!ie rattle tl'.rv hud killed, |jut it t!i ills head, :uui sent liimadril'l t(^ jser!. r.>.” ;{'.r in this ■lituaiuin. &ET7CR XX. To the Right Honorable Geopkb Caknikb, First Lord of the Treasury, &c. Sir : In the letter which 1 had the honour to address to you the other day, I pointed out four jjrave errors in your letter to Mr. Gallatin, of Jan. 27. I'he first of these errors consisted in snying, that Mr. Gallatin complained that the act of Parliament of 1825 was not communicated to the American Gov ernment. Mr. Gallatin did not com plain of that circumstance, hut merely stated it as strengthening an inference. Your second errorconsisted in sayinj^, that the British and American Govern ments do not communicate to eacli other the acts of their Legislatures. The ads of the American Legislature are regularly communicatec! to the British Minister at VV’ashington. Your third error, and that a very se rious one in the present circumstances, consisted in saying that the act of Con gress of 1823 was not officially com municated to the British Minister at Washington. I proved to you, by the authority of the American Secretary of State, that it was commtmicated to your kinsman, Mr. Stratford Canning, then British Minister at Washington, for the express purpose of giving him an oppor tunity of making his remarks upon it, which he did. Your fourth error consisted in inti mating that “ no e^cplanation was offer ed of the bearing of this act,” to the British Minister, and that after its pas sage “he learnt to his astonishment, that, under the word “elsewhere,” were intended to be signified both Great Britain and the British Colonies. I proved to you that, during the passage of the act, Mr. Stratford Canning’s at tention was called to the word clst- tvhcre ; and that the sense in which the word was taken by Congress, was per fectly understood by him at the time. My inference from all this is, that you iiave not given yourself the trouble to read the documents in this somewhat perplex* *! controversy. You have plac ed au undue reliance on that powerful ge:iius vv'iich carries you triumphantly tliroiigh the conflicts of the House of Coinmon.s, but which cannot supply the place of patient research in the Cabinet. Such oversights are not w’ithout pre cedent in your office. I have been in formed, on good authority, that Sir Stratford Raflles returned to England, from the governtment of Java, full of astonishment that no attention had been paid to some important suggestions con tained in his despatches. On a visit to the foreign office, he discovers the cause of this inattention. He saw his official despatches, for the two or three past cx parte manner, such an act has not been communicated to the other power, to whom a renewal of the negotiation had been promised. I challenge the production of such another case, unless, indeed, where an affrontful'course (which you disclaim) was intended to be pursued. • Your other deduction from premises, which I have sliow'n not to exist, is this; “ that no inference could be draw’n from such an omission on the one side any more than on the other, of (what the undersigned disclaims for his govern ment) an inten'tional want of courtesy and respect.” You are here pursued by the still re curring delusion, that Mr. Gallatin mentioned your omission to communi cate the act of Parliament of July, 1825, as matter of complaint, as “want of courtesy and respect.” The American Government, sir, is always gratified when treated with cour tesy; but it does not complain when courtesies are withheld. It does not deem itself the losing party on any such occasion. But Mr. Gallatin did not com plain, h« argued; and this the American Government understands far better than complaining. I will restate his argument to you, in a fonn which yoti can hardly mistake: The two Governments had a long negotiation about the Colonial trade. They could not come to an understand ing. They passed laws on each sitle; the last one passed by the American Government was not only communica ted to the British minister, in the usual form in which all our public documenta are communicated to the foreign minis ters, but was specially communicated for' his comments. The next year the negotiation waff resumed.—Every point but one w'as settled. On that one point the negotia tion was suspended, with an understand ing that it should be resumed. Various accidental, unforeseen, and unavoidable circuinstunccs occurred to delay this re sumption. The next year three or four actswcro .passed by the British Government, containing a vast many sections, repeal • ing acts still more complicated.—Their practical operation it was impossible be forehand to divine; they were construe- ed diflerently in the British Courts ; they were misapplied in the British Colonies; it w’as beyond the power oi' Mr. Vaughan, the British Minister at Washington, to explain them, when requested so to do by the Secretary ol’ State. Now, sir, under all these circumstan ces, the fact that these laws were not communicated to this Government is mentioned hy Mr.Gallatin as among years, lying in a quiet corner, with the rcuaons which led to the belief that seals unbroken. 'I'he Minister had not t^iey were not intended to operate a- had time to open them ! No candid man, who believes in your integrity, can have accompanied me thus far W'ithout coming to the conclu sion that you were really unacqtiainted with the hi.story of this negotiation. Having asserted the fact, that the A- gainst us, on the subject matter of a ne gotiation, which you had promised tp resume. Is the argument clear ? Is it Icziti- o o mate ? - But you follow up still furtiier this’ omission to comnuinicate the act of mcrican law of lS2.'j was not eommuni- 1825 ; a topic which it is pretty evident, catcd by the American Government, you draw from it two inferences. As I have shown your alleged fact to he imaginary, your inferences, of course, fall to tlic ground. But let us never theless exaniine tlioin. by this time, you had better not have touched. You give the following in genious reasons why the act ought not to have been communicated. You must needs prove a great deal too tntich. You not only show that there was no ground 'I’ho first infiToncc is, “ tliat the or-. ^ (" hich w'as never inaue) (linary and natural eotirsc between j would lead us almost tu think Shites is not to make di[)l(>fiiatic com-1 d^-bateil with yourselt niuiiicalions of thf^ acts of their respec-; y^" ought not to communicate live L«jgislaturcs. ” j ^ct of 1825 to the American Gov- 1 am willing, in rcTeronce to this po-1 and decided in the negative, sition, to waiv(! all the advantage in ar-j ^®y— jiunieiil. which I have gained by de.'trny-1 “ But the act of 1825 did not relate iiig the premises from which your infer- j specially to the United Slates. It held enoe is drawn. I will treat it, not as an out to all nations of the world certain inference, but as an independent propo-! benefits (or what were believeil by tho silion. So far from being true, even ! lirilish (iovernment to be so,) on cer- ?is siic.h, 1 venture to aliirn* that the di-j tain conditions. reet eoiiiiary is l.lie fjict.—1 do not mean I “ if a communication of the act had to s^y that it is the ordinary and natural been made to one nation, it must have course between Stales to communicate t been made alike to all. Such commu- uU iKe acts of their J^egislatures. ]?ut i nication would have been liable to liif- I do not lielieve an instance can be found j ferent misrepresentations ; some gov- in j)o!ilical history, in which, after a i ernments might have considered it as a n'lalter of importance has h'-en the sub-j solicitation to w’hich we w'ere hound ia Ject of aijiicahle negotiation between two | courte.'jy to.give some answer, e.xplain- iriendiy powers ; after lhal negotiation I ing ihitir reasons for declining (if they has been suspendeil, not in i!l-temper, I did «lecline) to avail themselves of the i hut iVoiii an obstacle arising out of the : provisions of the act ; others might per- ‘ laws (jf one e-ftb* States; .‘suspended not ^ hops have taken umbrage at it, as an itidefiniltly, but with a mutual under-i aulhoritative pretension to imposo the st;inding tiiat it should he r(‘iiewc(l; and i legi'^l.ition of this country ti^ion other j that matter lias, by a Legislative act ofj nations. }. F.apje. j un? y. t'l^ power*-, boi^n tlccided in ai:. T!ie simplest course was to aJtoW