VOL. III.] CIUBLOTTE, JV". C. TVESIKIY, Jl.YE 10, 1827. [NO. 135. PUBLISHED WEEKLY By LEMUEL B1>GUAM, jJl Three Dollars-a year^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at tlic discretion of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at llie usual lutfs. Persons sending' in advertisements, are ri‘([uestcd to note on the margin the number of jnsi i tions, or they will be continued until forbid» :iiul thartjed accordingly. TV\c WiVkesboYo’ Wolel Is now open and amply porvid- ed for the accomodation of vis- ,iters. Its local situation on the I valley of the Yadkin, nearly cen- iruTbetween the Blue Bid^e and the Brushy VIoiintaiii, is picturesque, healthful and inviting-. Atld to this, a pure and salubrious atujosphere, excellent water, the agreeable society of a plea- s*nt village, spacious and commodious rooms, well supplied Ice-IIouse, and but little would seem wanting to insure the traveller a few weeks repose and enjoyment among the Mgun- ;,iins. The subscriber has boen accustomed to this iiiie of business in one of our northern cities; ;ttul he assures those disposed to favor him with ^ call, that no exertion shall be wanting, on his •>art, to render them comfortable. The lines of Stages from Salem to Knoxville, -tnd from Cheraw to U'ilkesboro’, stop at the Hotel, ail’ording an easy access to the above es- »;ililishnu'ut. Fare, five cents per mile—ay passengers six und a quarter cents. (1. V. MASSEY. Wilkesboro’, N. C. April 22, 18J7.—8tJj. The subscribers have entered into cnpart nership under the firm of Smith I1o\d. They have just received a fresh stock of Dry Goodsf Groceries, llardware, Also, an extensive assortment of genuine DRUGS & MEDICINES, suitable for Physicians, and family purposes; dl of which articles are now oficred for sale, at a short profit, for Cash. SMITH & BOYD. N. B. They have also on hand a considerable quantity of PAINTS. May 25, 1827.—V>2 NVivteVics & THOMAS TROTTER & CO. Takes this method to ill- f(U’m the public, that they have opened a shop in Charlotte, in the house lately occupied by Doct. Samut I Henderson, on the north side of the Court-House, where they are well prepared to re pair all kinds of ZStatctirs Sc ©lotUs, at the shortest notice. They hope, by a con- ; tant attention to business, to merit the public jiatronage. They have on hand and tor sale, the following articles ;— (ientlemen’s gold patent lever "NVatches; Ladies’ do. ^ do. do. Sliver lever and plain do. Chains, Seals and Keys, Slides and Rings; Breast Pins, Finger Kings, and Ear Kings; Silver Table and Tea Spoons ; Soup Ladles and Sugar Tongs ; Silver Spectacles, green and white, to suit all ages; Military Buttons, Lace and Epjiuletts; J.adies* Work Boxes aiul Ueticules ; Bags and Clasps; Thi:i.bles, Uc, he. ftc. 17* ND Srs~C! House, at the sign vt the Eagle ^ in Charlotte, North-Car«)iina, by lalSb KOBEKT WATSON. l\v\iUc Ewtertaiuiueut. The siibscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased that well Unown establishment, lately owned and occupi- f\\ by Dr. Henderson, and’ is now prepared to ' ntertain travellers and others, who may please '.0 call on him ; and no exertions will be spared >0 reiuler them comfortable, and their stay a- greeable. His table will be furnished with ev ery variety which tlie country atVords; his bar with the best of liquors; and his stables with ■plenty of provender, aiul careful servants will lie in constant attendance. KOBEUT L DINKINS Charlotte, April 20, 18J6. *80 ANTED, at this Uriice, two boys, l.-i or ▼ f 16 \oars of age, a» Appienliceti to tiie Piintin; Business. Toy ^a\e. IWn.I^ Sell on a credit of 1-? or 18 mnnthr, th plantation on which 1 live. 'I'he soil is well adapted to, the conmion products of the country. There is a comfortable dw elling-house, w ith the ne cessary out houses. For more particular Icrn.s, apply to the subscriber. DK. CYKUS A. ALEXAXDEII. 3t"jp liftst XoVicc. AGAIN request all who stand indebted to me for Goods purchased, to come forwar-j ind pay up. it is utterly out of the question for me to give any longer indulgence. 1 will not give it. J. D. BOVD. May 25, 1827.—’32 Jldmhustvator's J\'oticc. HOLD a nuniber of notes payable to Cowan St Vail, \yhich came into my hands as ad ministrator of John Vail, deceased. Notice is now given to the makers of those notes, that unless they come forward and renew them with g«)od security, on or bel'ore the 20th day of June next, they will be put in suit. If renev - ed, consideraMc indulgence ir.ay be cxpcclcd, as the heirs are young. JOHN 111 WIN, .Idm'r. Charlotte, May 2.5, 1827.—3t.'>4 Wa\c\\ts & Thomas Trotter Co. JJESPECTFULI.Y informs the public tliat they hiive received and ofl’er for sale a few tio si{jns ol cinutioti ; she laid her hes, (gentle- upon the mortar, and waited her late j2 Persian Execution.—When we halted, I found myseir inclosed in a dense ring of spectators, in the midst of which stood u great brass mortar, raised on a mound of earth,- and beside it, btuck in the ground, was a linstock with a lijjhied j match. The nnssukchees ranged them-' selves on each side of this horrible en gine; and it was not wit!.out some diiVi- cully that I succeeded in {jainin^j a posi tion, which appeared tome to sccureme from the dan^;er atienciin" the explosion, and its consequences, when it should take pJace. Having taken my station, I be gan to look aroimd me, and saw the otii- cers of justice still pouritig into tliC cir cle, wluch was widened i^r their recep tion by dint of blows. Ai’lcr them, or| rather between two of them, came tiie prisoner. She was enveloped fi\jui head lo foot, in a blac!; robe, which also cov ered her face. Her step was ilrm, and her carriage stately. She fiequently spoke a few words lo an eunuch who ac companied her .; bu; tl'.e noise was so great that I could hear nothing of their discourse. As she approached, the spec tators became more quiet; and when she had readied the mortar, not a sound was to be heard. Taking advantage of the silence, she spoke aloud, with a distinct ness and composure that astonished eve ry one, and made her words intelligible lo all. The officers, perceiving that her wild address made some impression on the multitude, here interrupted her.— She made no attempt to proceed, but re signed herself into their arms. They led her in front of the mortar, and yet her steps never falterrd; neither did she speak or implore, as it is common for even men to do in her situation; neither did she curse as some do ; neither did she veep. They told her to ktu^el down with iier breast ag'iitist its muzzle, and she did so. They put cords round her wrists, and bound them to stakes, which had been driven for the purpose; still she showed heat! with gold and silver patent lever Watches, (gentle-! upon men and ladies) a icw good plain Wateliis, I a coi\)posurc which a soldier might have warranted; gentlemen and ladies’ gold Chains, ; p,^vied. At length the signal was given ; eals andlUys; some han^ome «rcasU*.n.s j , ^ it descet.ded slow- rmerer KiiTPi, Ear Kuigs, Pearl and 1-iligr^ r, I , , . i •. u and PMtc iv. se.ts, \ all or anv pan ,11 'V •• >l>c momn.t when It was about which we will sell low for cash. ' i lo touch the powder, an audible shudder Clocks and Watrbes rc[)aired at the sliortest I ran through the crowd, 'i’he priming notice, and warranted to ptrfoim. Cash given I caught fire ; a moment of sickening sus- tor gold and silver. nense followed ; a groan burst from the N. B. We expect to receive in a short tinrie ' some elegant Military and jilated Goodi, tiC. lJ”iT)ni the Boston Psitriot.] COLONIAL TRADE—LETTER HI. TotheKight Honorable Gcnr^c Canning, First Lord of the Treasury, &c: Srn : I have dcspatoliotl that part of yoiir letter of January ‘*J7th, which re- laleii to Mr. Gallatin’s imaginary co)ii- plainf, that the act of Parliament of July, 1825, was not communicated to the American Government. I now ooine to the next siicceedinp; topic ill ytjur lettei, and earnestly as 1 endeavor to cxprt.-^s myself with tht^ iiioderatiow v, iiieli belonj^s to the subject, I tind it alinu^l impossible to keep dowt» the lani^iia;re ui jtisl indip;nation. Uncter a very thin disj:;uise, which I shall wholly strip oti’, you are guilty of the impropriety of charging the Kxecti- tivc of the United States with a direct breach of truth. The (jtiestion is not now whether this atrocious charge is or is not borne out. I insist that, unless you are willing to sink the character of the statesman in that of the smart political chanij)ion, you liave wandered most widely from the path of ollieial decorum. After an elaborate and subtle enumer ation of the causes why you ought not to have communicated to the American novernment the act of Parliament of July, 18i25, you proceed as follows : “The simplest course was to allow the provisions of the act to find their way to general knowledge through the usual channels of commercial informa tion. “The undersigned has no reason to apprehend that this course has proved less clfcctual on the present than on for mer occasions.” The last of these sentences, mild as is its phrasology, gives the lie direct to an oflicial statement, which, in his let ter of December 28, 1826, Mr. Galla tin informed you he was instructed by his Government to ntake. That statement was, that the Ameri can Government did not understand the act of Parliament of July, 182r>, as charlotte. May 14, 1827.—30 DOUTOKS Thos. I. Johnson 6l Thos. Harris, Having associated in tlie practice of MED ICINE, respectfully tender their services, in the several departments of their profession, to the citizens of Charlotte and its contiftuous country. They can at all times be I'ound, at their newly established shop, on tlie lot i'onn- erlv occupied hv Dr. Thomas Henderson, two | , , , »• i liumlr..,! Jar,Is ol tl.c Comt.IL.UM-, “ ■>"' K *!»' ' cept when professionally engaged. 'I'liey are j pat ted. It had scarcely been Utteied in daily expectation of a fresii and genuine as- when the explosion took place, and the sortnuMit of Medicine I'rom Philadelphia anil srnokc cover’d e\cry thing fro spectators ; tlie smoke passed away ; no explosion followed ; and Ute unfortunate wretch raised her head to see wliut had happenfd. A faint hope glimtucrevl in my own heart tlutt perhaps this was a de vice to sa%e her life, hui it was not per mitted to Ii>c long. It had ;.oa.''f"tly be gun to rise within iue, when i saw tiie l)rimiiig rcneMtd and i!ic mutch raised again. The cotidemneu wretch laid hei' head once more on its hard p'illow, ■.inti h.;d It had w’ith prevarication. I wish it may al ways be on such grounds. Your first reason is, “ The conditions of the act of 1825 have Ijcen accopted and carrieil into ell’ect by some govern- mrnts.” In other words, Mexico anil Colombia, perhaps, have negotiated treaties with England, admitting her to trade witli them and her own colonies, free Ironi iliacriminating duties, there- forCy the Government of the IJnitetl States (its protestation to the contrary notwithstanding,) must have known that England, by her act of July, 1825, in tended to break the implied promise of negotiating further with us on the Col onial (jtieslion, and settle it by ex parte. legislation. Of this first argument, to prqve that Mr. Gallatin’s statement is false, 1 shall only say, that it reminds me strongly of that in Moliere, which is stimmed up with the words et voila po'urquoi votrc JiHe c.st inuetfc. Your next reason is both more spc- cious and more !>old. You reiterate th(*. oflensivc charge almost in terms. You say— “ But the undersigned cannot hut bo still of opinion, that the resolution proposed in thr. House of Hepresentatives, at Washington, at the beginning of the last session of Congress,, for the express purpose of urging the Execu • tive (iovernment of the U. States t(» come int'> the terms of the act of 1825, the debates whicU took ))lace upon that proposition, and the final rejection of it by a majority of only two votei., show that it was not for W'ant of a snfRcient un • ders'anding of the intent of the act of Parlia ment, that the conditions of it were not acccpt* cd by the United States.” Here 1 beg leave to intimate to you, sir, that you are unfortunate in this os tentatious display of seemingly accurato and minute local information, with re gard to a foreign country. I pcrceivo that you are co.nnplimentcd in the Lon don papers, on the precision and com prehensiveness of your knowledge of the details of this very question—with how much justice you shall soon see, it' I am safe in my reliance on the journab of Congress. A resolution, on this general subject, was proposed in the House of Ucpresen- intended to talce the colonial (juestion | tatives, about six weeks after the com- between Gieat liritain and the United i mencement of the first session of tho States out of the existing negotiation. Mr. GalLitin enumerated several rea sons why the American Government did not so understand the act. These reasons it i.s iiot now necessary to con- f,if!er, hecanso it matters not, at present, whotlicr they are good or bad. They wen the reasons adduced by Mr. Gal- i I'ltiii hy onler (as he told you) of his New-York. 23* Do\\ai*s IVewavd. J^AN AWAY from the subscriher’s m my view. As it gradually cleared away, it drew a veil, frojn over a horrid und revolting sjiectacle. 'I’he two bodiless arms bung, with their mangled und blackened ends, plantation, two miles from Char- |Vom the Stakes lo which they had been lotte, a negro man named HANM-|jjyy,„i. ^ distant lav a BAL, who is in the habit ot changing shattered foot und leg. No his name and the name ol his master, i*-i i • i i He is about six feet high, of dark mul- truce ol oodv or ol head remained, and ittto complexion,'a little cross-e\cd, a few tattered remnants ot clothes were I'mshy^ir, and downcast eoiinteiiaiice ; has the all besides tlul were left. 'I'he arms scars of a little nich or slit near the muklle of; were titibound I'l'om the stakes ; and two the outside rim of each ear; a scar on liis cheek j ^|,o had issued from the ark at l)(>nc, occiisioncil l*y u bullet shot at hini lu ui , ^ Jonesborough, Ttiiiusbcc; a large sc:ir the middle of his breast, and inan\ on his bai k spot, SPl.,t.d them ;iiul thighs. He has very large feet, und the | them under their big toes longer and more j)romlnent than th' | Harem witli these prooli that the de rest. The above lewaid, and morv.-, if “eci -i-I ^j' had been I’uHiiled. s;iry. will be paid to any person who w II! (K liv- j cr Imii to the snbserlber or the overseer at ll.e above mentioned place. ADAM A. Sl’lilNCS. ^ 18.T—4tr;G nineteenth Congress. It was notf a« you say, a resolution “to vr^'e the Ex^ eeutivc to come into the terms of tho act of 1825.” It was “ to inquire into the expediency of amending the act of March 1st, 1823, so as to nuthoriza the President to remove the discriminat ing duties.” Instead of being intended (as you say), ;;uvernment, to account for this one fact, 1 to urge the Executive Government of y\z\ that the Araerkan Govcrnment\W\^ United States to come into the did not understand the act (>f Parli- Ai^rius of your act, Mr. Cambreleng, ament of July., as intended /ojw'ho moved the resolution, said, “ Ae Col- Xolke. be sold, at tlie C'ourt-Ihuise in C oncoril, on the 3d Muiuiiiy in July v.ext, by Older of ilie Coui i ol I'leas and v^iiurter Sessions, one negro inati named Eihcard^ who was coniinittid to the.jail '-‘i’ the toutity t\vche I'nonth) and •.aid he belonged lo one Juhnsun, a trader *:i negroes. Said fellow is of middle stature, tolerably ‘.tout buili, and lii’bt ‘.ulor, and is tiow to be sold ai coi dinj,^ to »:i. of A^seni’wly, lo u'-e o( tin; county ^.nd sulist'aclion of jail fees, i>ic. J. W. HAMIL I ON, ShcriJJ'. rnaronl. 16, ointlO May Ivwft'uviv’s Tslvu UwvH. UST PI BLISHED, and for sale at this of- lice, “ Strictures on a book, entitled, ‘ .\n :\pology for iIk; Book of I’suhns, by (iilliert McNlLister.’ 'I'o u hicli are atlded, Keiii.irsk m ‘book, [!)v Alexamler Gordon J entitled ‘'1 he b sign and use of the Book ot I’suliii:..’” )’} tli.MiY UuKi.NLn, A. M. \N ith an Apj.eniHx, niiiiN M. \\ j)a.">tor ot Uotky Ui\cr aiui ‘'lillailelpiila. V' 0list^S \VUYVuu\ S y Uuu e\wv\> break up the negotiation on the onial (javstion. Now, sir, you say, in effect, that the American Government did so under stand it. After giving sundry ingeni ous reasons why the act was not com municated and explained to the Ameri can (iovernment, you go on and say, that, ahliough it was not thus commu nicated and e.ij)lained, “ you have no reason to apjirehend that this course has proved less eH'cctiial on the present than lKi'o7threxplosiop,^’usiic(l to^ occasions that is, you have up, aiul, concealing to ajjprehend that the Ameri- veils, hurried to the ! -ui (iovernment did not understand it, as it was int(;ndcd to be undcistood. You had at least this reason, sir, ('wii/cli, tjtdess you were iC'olved to la>t''n an insiilt on the Ann riean Gov ernment, should have satisli*:'! you,) a lurnial and oiilcial statement of the A- nu,‘t ica!i Minislf'r to tiial eileet. In the face of this statement, and in iv/st' .V(Wc.-’-A J’rench s’.’.rgeon has lately resturetl to at» individual his nose, which had been lrosl-’.)itten dt'.rin;; the cani|)aign in Kussia. The usual mode I"^HO.M tljc Mib>criber, sot.K ti.uf in j ado|)ted (d' tiiriiing down a poriion ! *he face of the grounds by which the I April inv m i;ro b(«\ SAM, . r . . . i . i ■ • i • rtweeii 18 and I’o \ J-.trs v.f’age. j ihe^k’.iiol tiic turelu'ud lor the [lur-1 Aniei ican Minister sui)portcl it, yon •Li 8 iiu-hes bi-li, dark coinpl'X-j pose. ilie result is uTy satisfactory.— | i^,|i |,i„, have no ivjason to a[)- .11. active, and walii-,\eiy ereit. wi’.h 'I’he defoiniitv is SCatc.ely observal)le, | , .,,,i,„,,,i * h.nt‘t :iet nf .Ink' I 'i. IS scare.fly , the fjrehea _ henii '^"'‘Udso in some degree bv the hair ,,uy and deluer him to me, or j „,oslenlwelv disappeared. ‘W hat is very some i-id or otherwise, and L-ive me iiitornial;vii . ,i itKieot; shall be r. asoiiublv rewarded, and all exuaon.iuary, IS, that ihe person on n. active, and walk->\eiy erect, wi’.h I 'I’lie delornilty a consuiembie swell in lu:» ” j and the scar in \ny pe rson , iio w 111 anpr o!jserval)U c,u;n;ealt'd I;as al-i necessary expeii Charlotte, N. C. May s paul. WILLIAM LI r.S .1, is:- ’i'fcu DuWavs IVvtwVuA. I prehend that the act of July nut understood by the American Gov ernment, in its ii.tended ajipiiration. l*ei nut me to assure you, that, thoiigli 1 .1 •, .. 1 ..u K .... . ! von ui.'i'C ten tunes a /,'/7'//i/.v, you Kain w lioin this opei ation l.ds peilc^t nied J ^ J i i r ■ refers to his lurehead all the sensations | j'otlung, and may lese mue!., byolleiing of his false nose ; llie nerves ol w iiich are ' in fact tarnished by ihe nervous bruuchcs ments. inlL'iided fur the foiehead. riowers of rhetoric in sermons and ';e- , discourses are like the blue, and n d | g'*ve lus reasons why lo thusc wlio ! ^^‘'Vci'iunerit did not anil could tiot uri But I )>a'.s on, to examine the reasons you allege lor yotir opinion tliat Mr. (iallalin’s slatcment must be false. As the American STI!.\YKD or stoh n fVuin rr,\ wagon, on Sunday nlglit, tl.« i:otli in'slant, near (•■tii.dc ii, S. C. !i llelit sorrel HOh>K. sl.v years bit li(n-upv.ards ball f.ic:e,str,v.Jno\veis 111 corn, I leasing i i the’wbite of bls'r_\es\ery ni'i-.li, a h.dler eoii.u', come or;lv lur amusement, hut pi’ejudici.d .l»'i slanu the uct, in it.s intended ap- :iitd ebiiln round liU luck. butb bind feel wliite, j y. ho vruu! 1 leap the [irotii irom it. i jilieatioti, j'ou give your reasons why bis snies marked wliii tlie tmces, and rough , vou believe the American Government irrf.und. Anv person who will stop the | 1 hc dit. .Tcnre bclv.-een what is callei' ■ shod . . ■ 1 I said borse, and sen.l me Inroroiulion tl.at I ni..'. \ gijt hull u)‘;alnr h""!r *" Kou;in eoiiiit), N. ( . ; si all r c ( ne tlie abo»e le^.ard, .md all reason- ■iLle charges paid WILLI AM M• w'., couipany auK ^unl company is, | ari: l!ie ; ame lh-Ht+^, in a little j room or alat ge sahjon, at Muall laMes | ur at L.real tal/.;'' . ' ’ - - or did i;n.ler‘tanil it. I n;'i; * do you the justice to say, that the reasons are woilliy of the opinion tiif y are brought to support. If the had reason to believe the measure would be acceptable to our own guv- er/imc/i/,” and that “without some mod ification of the law of 1823,” the JOxe- cutivc could not remove the discrimin ating duty. Now, sir, what think you of the ac curacy of your information ? This resolution, which you say was debated and finally rejected by a majori ty of two votes, I say was not ojtposed hy any one ; and after a single remark from the chairman of the Committee of Comnierce, (Mr. Newton,) and fronx Mr. Cambreleng, was passed, ne?nine contradicmte! So says at least the j.uirnal of the Uouse of Representatives, and so says the National Intelligencer for .Ian. 2(), lb’2»). What think you a^ain of tiic accura cy of your details ?' 'l’h« debate to which you allude as having taken place oil a resolution in tlie House of liepre- scntative"-. took place on a iiiil in the Senate, of which tho obJf.M't, in like man ner, was not to ?//%•* thi Exerutiiu\ as Ih*'), was you, I tliiiik, ^^ill) gii.it indelicucy al lege, but to aUer the hnv. Sujipose, Sir, tint Mr. (’lay, in hi*4 correspondence with .Mr. V'aiigban, af fecting a j;reat display of mintUe infor mation, should speak of a bill in the House of Lords to amend a law, as a resolution' in the House of Commons to urge the King, what shouhl you think of the aeeuracy of hi.s statements? What should yon ‘.iiink of liis sense of deco rum, in undertaking to array the Legis lative 2nd Kxecutiv# Iiranebes of your government against each othe r, by state ments wholly uni'otinded in fad; Kvea in an in lili'erent matter, you would have thought error evtrenndy disci editable the intention extremely inijjertinent. 'I’ake the ease ot lhe~late debate tin the Catholic question, in the House of Am? ic.?.t'. O’o’-t :r.rrfn» ynwst be'•barged I CoDimoiis—that debate, in the cour.'d