mm mm. ^Ijr BonvnnU CHAn£OTTX!: riJKSDAV, .lUNE 1'.), 1827 I’OUUTIi or JULY. At a rnMniti^ of the citizens of Char- Ijite and ha vicinity, held at the Courl- ilouse on the I'ith instant, of svhich Wni. Smith was appointed Chairman, and Jas, r*I. Hutchison, Secretary, the following resolutions were adopted : liF.soLVEn, That John Sloan, Green Kendrick Doct. J. L). Hojd, be a commitice to con tract for a diniicr. lifSotvKD, That Washin}^ton Morrison, Tho. IL Snurtt, James M. Hutchison and Lenmel iie a. committee to prepare toasts for the occasion. Kksoi.vsi), That John Sloan, Grc>rn Kendrick iiiJ Doct. J. 1>. Moyd, be uuttioriseil to request ‘I uic gciitleinan to deliver an oration on that ■.-y. • ICi.f=ui-Tr.r, I hat Thomas Harris, Robert F. ^VllsoIl ;'.nd Meenaii, be a committee to antract l«*r atid snake tlie necessary arrunge- aoiits for a Wc learn that the committee to pro cure an orator, have since waited on Mr. [{ugh Mcenan, and that he has complied \vlth the request of the committee. 'Sicnography.—Having taken lessons in Short Hand Writint; from Mr. James Adams, who has just finished a course of lessons to a class in this place, we take pleasure in bearing testimony to the ex cellence of his system. It possesses de cided advantages over any other system which we have had an opportunity of ex amining J it is simple, comprehensive without being obscure, easily understood, and a facility in writing and reading it is loadily acquired. As Mr. Adams in tends visiting other places in this section of country, we confidently recommend his system to the patronage of all those M’honiay wish to acquire the art of wri ting and reading Short llaad with ease inu facility. The editor of the Milton Gazette says— "Mr. Williams is opposed by Mr. Mu- shat, a decided republican, and a man of tal- tnl£.” He may be the latter, for aught we know ; but can tlie editor inform us ;ow long it is since he became a *^decidcd rrpublican I” As to the contest between him and Mr. Williams,—if contest it can hi; cullrd,—wc have nothing to say; the result will show how ti'cli informed the Milton editor is on the subject. 'i lie cdiUir’s correspondent at Salisbu ry doubtless wrote according to the best ©f his knowledge ; hut he has resided too ■yhort n t'nm in that I^istrict to speak un- standingly. Time w ill probably set him ^'ight'xn this cast', as it already has in an other.* It was a sentiment ci ihc. iai«cnted Dccatur—“Our country; may she al ways be right, and always successful, .ight or wrong.” Tlie present opposi tion seem to have adopted the converse >f this, as their rule of action. On the Tiubject of the West-India trade, th«y appear to be as anxious as the most loyal • 'nglishman i)ossibly can be, to i)lace England in the right, and their own coun try in the wrong, when the reverse is itrictly true, as every unprejudiced man, at all acquainted with the subject, tiuist acknowledge. It is worthy of remark, as showin|j the character and feeiincfS ol the opposition, that a writer in the U. S. Telegraph, the mirror of the “ combi nation,” is replying to “ An Amci ican tiitizori,” wliose third letter appears in tills week’s Journal; and dercnds Mr. Cunning with all the zeal that could be f-xpectcd from the most devoted minion of the premier of Cireat IJiiiaiti. Ytt those men pretend to l.e the fi letuls ol' ttic p(;ople, and to suppoit the “candi date of the people but arc the people billing, in order to embarrass tlieir owti Uovernnienf, to succumi) to the t'iic.lalion ct fii'orge Calming, or any other Kng- minl'-.ter—arc they willitig to saci i- i‘Ce the interest atid honor of the country, merely Ijecause Mr. Adams, and not Cjen. Jackson, is at the head of the (lovcrn- >ritnt Xo one will have the hardihood answer in ihe afnrmative. But the f'I)position scf m prepared to go thus far, und c'vcni !'ar*.!ier, in the prosecution ol ’^it'ir iiiiho’) dfterniinatio?! to “ put down I'K'sc'.ii adniiiiistration, even w-t’re tl'Cy as pure as tl'.e angrls v. hich stand the ' i -ht lia’.i.! t-i'tlie throne c.f (iod 'hc'-- h 'l'. I .':c!Ion- nri;i^ssi'::.? of *‘*o iiiUiice lijvi people to sup port thdii in a course so unpairiotic, and 90 prejudicial to the best interests of the country. This hope, we firmly believe, will pr^)ve a delusion; for we have too much confidence in the intelligence and patriotism of the great body of the peo ple, to believe that they can ever coun tenance an opposition so eminently fac tious as the present. It is manifestly a- gainst their interest to encourage an op position to any administration, unless it be founded on correct principle; and that the opposition to Mr. Adams is not, is evident from the heterogeneous materials of which it is composed, and the desper ate and unjustifiable means it resorts to. Its character, therefore, furnishes good ground for the belief, that the people will not countenance it. r.i..s sirxe, jary declared, that j p, many of Knt li.clr tcnoral as- a man who had for nionths inciicd his nephew to murder his uncle, and who had sought the opportunity for his ne phew, and stood by when the deed was done »ncouragina: him, was guilty of manslavghier," while the nephew,* the less guilty ol the two, was hanged in a neighboring county, by a Jury of Qua kers, without ten minutes deliberation. Since the last Circuit, our most clement and merciful Chief Magistrate has re mitted every punishnu-nt, of any magni tude, inflicted by the Superior Court in the adjoining county of Ashe; anU such is the eHVct there, that if'you attempt to collect a debt, you are immediately threat ened with the Governor. 1 hear that they have it in contemj)lation to jjetition his Excellency to remit to them their taxes, to make an equal dislriljution of' peel is f;i\oral)le. Indeed the tie iimi papers s..y'expressly, that “all tiu .u- counts from Greece are favorable.” 'I hf Egina Ga2v.*tte, of Tcb. IHth, say^ (hr iurkish garrison of Sulona have al)an- doned that fortress, which has fallen into the hands of the Greeks; “ so that all western Greece is now free.” Omar Pa cha was routed at Distomo. Sisini, Dragon, Sestte, St. I'.iic, and .^cai mania ’ia\e been cleared of ihe Tuiks. LirriiPooL MjiiKi:r. Mvrnrool, l.-.t m.w, l.S.;'r,—Xotvvitlist.ind- ini;' tlic coiisiiuipt 11)11 iii cottiin continues uivli- niiiiisiu’c!, aiul yariK*!!!!!! j>f>.ioiK nn“ct :i re:uly •' ill- ill the Manc'lii ster markt.*, uui CoUon mar- k.t durin”-the last ten d,.vs bus b' t ii in a iaiiijtild iiuldi'0o|jiiijc statt-,u’liii’h is ;i!tri!)iitoilto t!ie tnule pur* bast.(i fie"iy lb** last twc* ■ nioinlisjso iniioh sotliat the stock in the int rior is the lands and slock, to cancel all their i estimated to be 20,0i0 b.i^rs larjfer than on the obligations, and, Jack Cade like, to make ! ‘'•■‘'‘■'h. 'i he lacr., i-sin;;- imi’ort, andan.\icty every man’s wife as free as hrart could ' ’ wish or Kjtigue can tell.” For my own part, I tear he will not have l!ie firmness to refuse their demar.ds. How long is it, since the executive clemency was exten ded to a wretch, who had for months kept his neighbor’s negro concealed, atid who, when about to bp detected, attem|)t That Mr. Adams will get the entire vote of Maryland, at the next election, is becoming less and less a matter of doubt. Meetings in favor of the administration continue to increase in that state ; and wc are much mistaken, if the combina tion do not heartily repent of having commettced tl.e business of gelling up public meetings in Maryland to produce an imposing^'flect abroad. They have been met on their own ground and sig nally defeated. The following, IVom the Maryland Republican, is another “ sign of the times,” and shows what the boast ed strength of the oj^posllion is in Ma ryland :— We have an account of the Late rr.eeting held in Calvert county—from a friend. It \va« not called an Administration nor a Jackson meetln^^, like those in most of tlie counties, but as a gcii-1 niis])laced feeling in our juries, and un- eral meeting of the voters of the county on the subject of the Presidential electiori. The can- vass lasted two days, having eloquent speakers on each side. It was court week. There were 305 g'entlvnien present when tlic question was taken, an unprecedented number for that small but spirited county, of which onlv 17 voted for Jackson, and all the remainder for tho administration. ot holdeis fo srll, lias te-nded to lessen the opevations, and prirt-.-, i,{ American eottogs gon- cndly are l-.Sti :tiid tlie niildle and lower'qa:di- ti‘s of Orleans i.early |d per Ib. lower than on the 21st ult. Smericnn Sinvlai; SHnol rnion.—Thc third Anrii'-ersary of tfiis Instituiion was ! held in the C’htirrh of the Rev. Dr. Wil- rcl to IiK'.e his guilt !>)• shooting tlic lie-j son in I’liilaili-lphi.i, on the ICil ult. Dr |:io, and thus made him a cripple and a ),|v ,-,.ad the Man.,-.-rs' H^porl, in which i>ui-d,.n to hii l,.r lifer Three i, is „ ,iu' nr',sent time the months iinpnsoninc.t v. a, ,hoii:;li! Siimlav School Union have lus exccllenry too severe a pi;ni-,hr.ient j { for this peccadillo, and he pardoned the on'ender. How true iu the inaxini, th:t» the cc> tainty and not the sevei Ity of piin- isliment is tiie surest restraint to crinte. In our day, felons are taught by r.'camplo not tu look to the lenity of jurors alone, but tlicy have always in resi.‘rve a hope, ami lately 1 must co’d’ess, in all caser:, a stroi. ho])e in the Supreme J>acutive. May we net fairly conclude, that the in crease of crime in this section of the country is owitig exclusively to arc c//r irtur/rrdrniff J/ffi/ nine 'Imrsfiyi'l tu'o htfndn,l c/nd forfi/:V.r rhildren —fmight hi/ ltiriiti;-‘un thmmivd tV'o huu Ind and j)hiety-nne tcavLvrs, atui that the number ol the Scliools is two thousmid fuur hundred andjf/een. [COM.MCMCATION.] SAVAGK MUKDEKS. To the Editor of tic, Journal: Two n>en, by the names of Sides and warrantable lenity in our Go\ernors? Tj ,'i - illiA. Willr^horo', Jn,:o 1".27. n’O.M Til£ !!ALTUm;i!F I'.-.X III H'l. .’.X M; FOUR DAY3 LATI II I l!0\J I'.NCLANl), Bradshaw, came to this village yesterday j to May 1st after a negro man who had been A he arrangements for tiic now Minis- Lau'it r,i IJr)nor.—As mu~h talk has been e\pen(h*d with rcguu! to the riglit of the cliallengcii jjariy to choosr his weapon, perilai)S the I'ollou ing story tnay settle the question :—f'mme years ago, an Ameri can Captain vas challenged bv a Trench gentleman, at i*uris. 'I'he captain had ^ lif’C'ti a vvlial* a'..I t hose the hn>-poon for 1 his weapon, 'i be rrejicliman shrugged i Ills sl.ijuhiers,—*• JCh, c’ififde, j& 7te naia nf /’'■ harf.oon ; I vUl meet xjou asun \ ;e,iHl hinmne, vidnvj mnullsword”—but the I old whaler wns inexorable. The dispute The ship Canada, Ca!>iain I’odf'crs, i ^*^onor, which arrived at Xow \ ork on .Sl-juJav evening I'fcnchman must f.ght from Liverpool, bringing the Editors of j harpoon, or apologise. He the Commerdal Adi'crtiser, Lot,dun papers “P l»is ^l>oulders a ^econd time to April 30th, Liverpool to Mav, j““^^onr.imr Capltnine, I hcgpar- Lloyd’s List and Shipping I.ists io thel^^®'*' {skill in de hxirpoon; I am not com iTiitted to our jail as a runaway. Upon their obtaining possession of their vic tim, they repeatedly struck him over the head with a club, and concluded the first act of the tragedy by binding his hands I ^-^ord Chancellor !>ehind him, confining them so closely as * President try were completed on the i.\::th of.Xpi i.!, and have been made up as follo\vs ;— THE CARIXLT. nne whale; I hcg pardon,*hegar'* Thus matters ended peaceably, and the harpoon of the Nantucket whaler did not make a pin-cushion of Hie bofly of the (iaul. I^loryiing Chrdnicle. mg. lEKUS. Lord I.vndlitirst, Earl of ila'rru« !)v, to stop the circulation of the blood at the | rnvy ?>eal IJuke ul I’ortland, wrists, and j)lacing a running noose round ' Chancellor ol the Dutch-^ ^ ^ , Rf\'i v his neck. One of them then took the 1 ”1 Lancaster ^ •’ end of the rope and got on his horse, ^ Viscount Utidlev, when they moved out of town in a swift 1 i'oreign '‘‘I'-iHs ) trot, cor.pelling the nfgro to keep up, j I Viscotmt Goderich edging him continually into ilie worst I u/oioiiies ) part of the road, and swearing they woiihl j commons. take him home that night, a distance of^ Secretary nf State for the ; I’be Ft. Jlrr. U’m. more lhan 60 miles, or they would kill I Home nepartment S Sturges Honrne, I President '>t the Boar.l fl ) 'I'he Ht. Mon \\ m. '•fi • • . . . I I i'atle 5 Hiiskisson, i his morning our citizens were infor- rresldent of the Roard of^ The Kt. lion. Chas med that the negro lay dead seven miles Co!itr(d S \\ 111. Wynn, from this place, on the Liucoln road. Serretavy .f U ar Vi.ebunt P.dnurston, upon examination of the body and of i^ 't. Hon. witnesses by the coroner’s inquest, it ap- peared, that in every iiiitance when they were seen on the road,' Sides and Brad shaw continued to heat the negio with a hickory club. That he became exhaust ed and prayed for water, which was deni ed him, and the club applied in its stead. That when they crossed Moravian creek, they permitted him to lie down and drink, from w hence he was unable to rise until thry had*tlrawn him up by the coi d around his neck, and that they struck him re peatedly over the heail and in the face with theclub. He went but link* farllier, before he sank down and died, and these men continued the chastisement evtti while lie was in the agonies of death.— I'hey then oilered a farmer, who lived a few rods from the [ilace, five dollars to hury the negro and keep the secret ; and escaped. The verdict of the coroner’s inquest v} a-^ “ murder.” Sides and Hrad- shaw were immediately pursued ; but it MJIfiJtJEI), In I.incolnton, on 'I'hursday, the 7tli June, *^y the Hev. John .M'ish.'it, Mr. Henry Fuleiuvi- der, to Miss A:i!!, d.xughter of David Uamsour, Lifp Yidwcatiou. The old Rf)cky lti-.:r Academy is vcvived, .ind open fur the nception ot'eiassjcid and scientific students. It is superintended by the snl)scnljer, and tanpht immediately by bis son, who has lately finished a regular coliejjitie course. Hoarding ^can be fiad in respectable f.iinilies at i70 a year, including every aj)peiul- age, candles e.\cepted. J. M. UILiiON'. .?\ine rtb, I,’t36 NOT IN’ THi; C A III NET. Lord High Admiral > His Koyal Highness the 5 Duke of Clarence, Master General of tlie ^ 51arquis of Anglesi a. Ordinance > Lonl f;banibtrl:iin oftliei) Duke of Devonshire, llouseliold 5 Mrisler ot the Horse T^iike ofEeeiN, Chief Secret’y to the Lord / The Hon. William Lieutenant of Ireland 5 Lamb. 1.4W AITOKNTVKN r*:. M.ister of tlie Kolls Sir Jolin Lcacli, \ ice Chanr.ellor Mr. H ii t, .\ttorney Gtyaral Mr. Scarlen, Solicitor (icneral Sir S. C. rindall. The Courier uccoirip vnies i tie forciroing an nunciation with the follo'viug it. murks “ It will !)(' seen, tjy comparin;j the a- bovc with ‘the lists which were given in several of the Morning I'apers, that noiv of them were entirely correct. It will f>e :-,een, aiso, tiia’ the ofiict'sof ihe Judge Advocate (jeneral. Chief C.»mnrissi(inei DOCTORS 3. li. & t?. \i. Watson, n.AVlNO associated in the pncticc of Medicine, respectfully tender till ir servic( in the several depart- nieiits (if tln-ir profcs'.ion, to the citi zens of C.'iJiriotte and its contiguous epimtry. Tbey promise punctiialify and faiilifiilness, in every jipplicati jn ; and tlnjir cbarffes will be iiiud« to correspond w itb the bavtliH-ss of tlie tiiiics. (,'liarU)tte, Jime I.*!, l'J27—/15 Mr. Dinkins’ tavern, probably !iy mis take, a Cajtridjfe lirtx and K,-!t, bclonjfing tfj the subscriber, w itb bis name on tiiem. I'be person who may h;ivt- them, wdl be so ^cond as to n torn tbi ni to iIk. subscriber, or ItMVi: them uith Capt. Keii(hiek. isAAf; s. ali;xandl:h. June 1 1, 1P/:T.-3'.:,7 , I . I M . ' I 'fl'’ Hjbsrrl’xr, on I'riil.ix', the ^th inst, ,,1 \\oods aiKl l oie,s s, anil Master ol the i J J ,,„||„k,n l'o.;k,t ll.,ok, ,ti,hcr S„,-M is presumed tiiey will have leisure to es- j Mint, which, in the lists ref.M-red to, are | rk n.eetinj^-liouse, or on the i,. tw^-.-n cape for the f-reseiit. j givcri to Sir J. Mackintosh, Mi'. Cal-; tlx rt-and .Nlr. Wm, U. Ab'xundei’s, i ont.iinni}' )Mlll ( ■ if'iiiil i ; ()iir ten li'oiiiia, and fuf> sin;dl I noti s, anioiiiitin^ to * i ,iO. Any pM '-'ui tlnd- I iiij; t!ie s;iihe and I- .iviiij,^ it ,if ti,« (,ihi « ot the ( .ii.iwba .loiirnal, »);■ r storin;^ it to tin: o.iner, It seems luat the negro, w hile in pi is-j cr.d’l, and Mr. Tieiiiey, together wiiiijti-n dollar lulls, ^ on, had some presentiment of what w ouldi several otlur comparatively suhoidiriatc •' *'* bcfal him. He hatl resiijned himself tu j appointments, remain jel to he filled his late, and had apparently made his Kip. Tl;e name of the Marquis of I.ands- peace with his Ciou. 1 have never seen i a more submissive human being. I 7'his is the second foul murder com-] milted within twenty miles of this place! during the last fortnight. A man, nam ed barlow, in a lit of' jealousy, beat hik wife with a rock until he supposed her dead, liut she revived and crawled to wards the house, w I.r'ii he again assailed her and beat her head into a jelly. 'Ihe only cxcuse he gives for his conduct is, of Devonshire is the b^'St proof of the in-i .Xiignsf in that he was insane ut the time, and still i tended conrurrenec d' the no!j!e Marc|t!is, , County c downe does not appear in the above list : but wc have the satisfaction of being al>!e - to state, that the noble Marquis lus eun- senteii to r^ive t!ic support (d him*,clf and that of hi'i political friends to the (iov- j ertiiTierit of Mr. Canning, tluju!;-h, for the ! present, at least, he declines taking ofhce. '| 'i'be ii'deed, of ti;e i>ost of' ' bliall be thaiikfnlly rtwanb d. .lOII.N' Ai:CHI.|{ Meckl'-nbiirr, .I'lii'" 11, ) >>.,'7it.i ■ To all 7clunn if niutj couccrn 1 emains so. I'.ightcen months ago, a jury of this county, in the ti«i;esiy of tlieir_tiiight, comn.uted the jiunislimenl which a wretcfi had incurred, by deliberately whippini,; to death his slave with i ods, into the pun ishment ir.flioted on clei‘t.fyable offences, ijy renilu'ing a VLrdicLiit rnanslai/ghUr. T.\KK NOI’K i:, by vir'o'-i.f an Oriii-r fi((iii Ihe f!ourt piity, ior .MfrkIt iiboi'{r coiiii»\, to nif , , V , • , , • .1 1, I 'i'fert.d, I sb.ill ( NIK.-,-: to public, s,d.’, at the Lord Chamberuun bv l.isC.iace tlie i)uke ib.u-.- m cbuiloit.-, o„ the Jnb d,.y of next, III if!}'; tin- M'jinl ,y ot' o'.ir ni \i I ' 1 o\i!t, a l;iii)>^,i oii tlie pU)t d that of those iiioderatc tiiends 'to ^ whom we yesterday alludcdy who usually , act vv iih him. - ; I JfJ'ninoj th'! morninj; Her- j a!o conluiiib a great vuriuyul lU nr. iioiii | tlie Archipelago. toge'l'iT wi’'; an a:i-, alysis of the consents uTli iiuinb.'-r of I id *1'^ T>o\crfi-f pntcloncd liim. Six | Giccl: Wc have no: loons to cU^ it ^.^ld t'r.vii |jy .No. Ihl, ii'i soii'b s lU- ol 'l r\.in Mr.'ct, bi l.ii^i:i,r t,, \v .ibuin T.itti rf^on :ind otii.and (b crt • ! ti. i;e .-.tjld ti;r tiieir id I liL A ' ri lilt v, il br^ven uii'.i the lol- (Jt.i !t. L. U. Df.M.AP, C. M. n. n* t) 11,-: Lule, u‘. the Othcc uf the J carnal. * U’.SfXUCf. Tlir. r.oard of Ominissioners for the lowi: (it Cliarlot'e liave passed the follOvtliig Ordinance, of wliich all persons interested are hereby duly notified. An Ordinance concernirg Nuisjinccs in the town «;f CharJotte. He it ordained, by the Hoard of Conimi.csior • ers for the town of Charlotte, and it i;i hereby ordained by the authority of the same, that ev- ‘■ry tiling in said town ca'lrnlated to injure the health of tin village, shall btr considered A Nuisance, viz :—fi il;\ bog-pcns, stagnated w? ter in cellars, sewe!>, dirty s’able yard.s, slop from kitchens, See. .vnd when anv thing ev- ists in .said town, considered a nuisance, thr, person or persons on whose lot the same may l>e locateil, shall have notice irorn the (Joinmib- sH»ners to remctve said nuisance ; and when anv person or j)ersons shall refuse or neglect to rt - niove such nuisance within twenty-four hour. after notice, such person or persons shall pay ri line of fivi'I( j|;irs, for the use o£ said town, and a further line of five dolLrs for every te.i d.iys said nuisance shall remain afjer notice. He it farther ordained, that no person shall be permitted, during the simiiner nionths, to throw any di-ad eareass on any part of the town land, niuler a j)enalty or fine of five dollars. All d( ad rareasses must either be buried a suJ- tiei nt depth in the ground to prevent being a nuisanci-, or i)e removed beyond the limits cf the town land. He it further ordained, that if any animal shall (be in town, or on the town land,'the per son or persons to whom the .same may belonp, shall have m.tice to nnnove tlu; carcass imri>e (bntely ; and in cast ofrefu.sal or neglect, shall jjay a fine of two dollars. All liiu s incurnd under the foregoing Ordi nance shall be collected and accounted for in the same manner as fines fiave been collected heretofore. latiiied and confirmed by t!jo Hoard of Com- missioners for the town of Charlotte, this lltii day of June, A. D. 182? ; at the saiue time re peating all ordinances !icretol ;re passed on thu same snl>ject. by order of tin* Hoard, WM. DAVIDSON, C. JJ. C. Test, fiHEtN KE.vnnicK, Clerk. OtSf, Puij vp your Tu ares for 18^(>. All persons liable to pay a ( own Tax for the year 182(», are requested to call on the siibscriljcr and discharge the same without de lay. Should any fail to pay the amount du^ from them, by the 10th day of July, warrant : of distress will be inimediiafely issued against them, witliout resuect to persons. (illEFiN KENDUK^K, Tovit 'Prcusitrcr. Charlotte, Jtnu; 14, 1827.—2t;>6 TAvv\\awx liodge Xo. Wll.r, eeh brate the Anniversary of St. John the on Monday, the ’2.5th in.siant. The T.odge will meet at the Lodge Room at 10 o’clo( k, and at eleven, proceed to the Prosby- terian, vvlu re a discourse will be delivered by the Rev. Robert H. Morrison. The Urcthrcn and others are, respectfully invi ted to;iif'nd. I5y order, ALEXANDER (JRAHAM, Srmtory. Charlotte, June 7, A. I.. 5827.—2t35 lli’iuuV X. 13. ri^HE annual conv ocation of the Cirand Chap- JL ter of North-(;arolina, will be held in I'ay- etteville, on the 23d day of June next; at the: same ti^ine and pi •ee a CONVKNTH)N iscallctl to meet, for the purpose of takiiif;: into consid- eration the propriety of altering and amending the liraiid I’liyal Arch Constitution. Hy ord( r of tho M. E. Ci. HKJII PUIEST. _^by 1H27.—2t.55 \r Vttu\‘aVluu FOli SALE. rpilE sU,.srriber, \n X contemplation of his removal tosnother r.tate, oilers for r.ale the farm.igJ^^^J whereon he now resides, 3 miles from tbo vil: laf^e of Charlotte, and conluining about 900 arres, erj'iul in fertility of soil, to anv body of land within the countv. On the above t’rar1 there is a two ktory, and oilier improvements; .i suHicien( v of land ofienforthc employment of between 2(> and ”0 hunls, a frrrui proportion of which l-wul has been ch’ar- ed within a few years. 'Ferms will b- urcommoilailng, and made known by aj)i)litation to the subset ib( r. ' :i. J. FOLK. Mecklenbnrg Co. May 20, 1827.— tt.Vi •Volict. ON the 2:,lh d..y of .lime ins'tant, I will ex pose to sal. , at the Court-House in (;har- Intte, several NE;R0ES, the property of Dr. Xan.iiel Hender-non, cttnveyed to me by him in trust, to satisfy variou i debts whitli lie (iwes nnd t')r which Uoliert I. Dinkins and others are his srriintits. S.ile to take plaec between the hours of ten and six. Terms, cash or bank ac- coniuujdatioii. » LAW .so:; II. ALEXAN DER, 7Vi/v^r. 2t;,.5 Notice. 0\ Mond.'iy, the 2.itb instant, at the Court- House in Charlotte, I will sell, upfjn a credit of twelve inontlis, tlie tract of land for merly tb( property of Nelson Gray. I'hls land is u«dl adapted to the ciiltnn of corn anil eot- •'>f- 'VM .! Ai.LXA.NDER. .liine .1, 1827.— 2'.>.5 ) M tbf- snbscri If r, soroc time 111 tlie latter part of Apnl la,t, a small sor-el Hoi’se ; no partieu- is recollected on bun ~ \m\ pcr-,.u t:»kin}r up said horse, and ^rivii'ic me i:dormat;OM of the same, will receive tin- tbaidiH ot the ovs iier, and all reason.iMe e\[)eiisi s jiaid. JOSEFII FRIICHAUD. Charlotte, June R, 1H27.—.3t.>i Tvn VtixXa \V.Ai\s‘Avd. n \N AWAY from the suiiseiiber, on the :'Utb ult. a blaek (.IRL ('bu:;bter of a woman wdl known by ^lb.' name of "free Siikev,”) betwef',, - - :*:*d took witli ‘ ‘‘ ’ monilis olil. She was 1.01111(1 to me b\ the Count) Court at Noven.ber ’I crni, l^J-t, Jmil the of 21 ’ and all persons :ire t.irbi.l liarhoimg her, as th« la » wid be positively entorceil a^,'-auisl ,nv oni' so iloing. \Vlu;ev,r uil! r. tun. toiu: sub- Si.ribt r, sbrdl ri cei\e tiu' ubo.t r> sv*ff:'d. II I I A.M H i-V»T*r June 1, l«27.— 3to5

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