r ' lu- i . !■ vv-”.,- liiiMiinms \ui ''.ii’^.i'iii'ril oi' t!).- Stiflblk Cl! . i-.Acil, al %\ I. c'i was (li liv vcil a ilis- r.ciir't' hV the no!i. Ltnaui S.'uni', on “ini- jjsrtiincc of t!ic pn>t\ Shion -t L;»\\ iuikr :i ln. e J{t pvosciUative ». rnmnit, uiiJ tho d>itiL>. muI ct’ ;*u Aniencim Luw} Li'.”] 'acictn. 111. HISTORY OF TllC LAW, £to Sure llte Iaw is a coniiciil iutlc, Aa:i wc lawvt-rs are comical fcUows, AVlio work ni^^ht nini day ut ourtruvle, l':ir more than a smitli sit l»is bt!lo\»s; , Tluv th(^VaPt\es are botli biirc to lose, Tlic judpcs get never a tliank d’ye st-e, Tlie attorneys come almo:l to blows, And the end of it all is mere bankruptcy. Sing FEE, fal, tic rol. And Ki.K, I'al, de vol, Ah ! FKE, f.d, do rol. Oh, FEE, fal, de ro'. Courts and lawyers tliis problem ad\aiice, 'Vliat layman can wad us tlie rlddK' ? ’I he fewer arc willing to dancc, rhr more arc tluTi- longinj; to iidl!e, “ All starving', yet crowded to death ! ■\Vcll. (lod Iviiovss th.'ir tradi- is a mystery." Sav nn more, 1 lia\-.' lci:iviic—and l)riavli And 1 11 read >ou a l-.v.ycr'^ br'i.f liis'ory : ’ ri.-> t UK, f(>>. df rul, icr. ■\V!u II olil l)iia!.-y hi’d mattirs la har.l, All ! *t\%us ennii' to l)c ''■ on vviili Ir.iir on, Not :i lawyer couid iin .itlic in t:ic land, }’or t'u juJgi's were .Mtnes and Aaroii. The otdv Attorney then kt ovvn ronnil iittlc t » do, siMOi‘ tlie prison I'.e Baile them jdcad no nian’s i aiist. but his own On pain ot' conviction tor larceny ; \\ ith his FKK, f>-), de ri'l, kc. Tiicn iiilcri were init in the- ]u)iuul. And witches, those o’.\ “ nimp-i'ed ronions,” It' thi V c:tuld’nt or woi.ld’nl t>e owned, 'vVere s'iiing hy d'iZfns, I ke Tiiions; ’Tw.is i.urh 1re..s(.:i l- drink of tlie gr..pe, rh; y V. iio ‘^'rd theu' iVu'iids stood on a black er li.'^t, And tlic ro;.riu lound iioi cf rape IVas still to be iincJ a. a b-'icconiit, Tek, ib!, dc rol, etc. But "ourfoi'.ia” soon vowed tiiat’twouhhrt do. T*artics liitg.i.nt must havi a jury, Send us one hoi.e.st lawyer, or two, if there be svich >n rirum nutura.'' Behold .‘itr..lgiit a i.iTaclc wrought, [It made all the w .>men histericky,) For the moment the lawyers took root, r»ot a witch eould be lound in A.merica, Tot a fee, fol, de rcl, etc. By .nnd by came the d.iys of long robes, TV.ih our .lud^es in scjrlet and ermine, And the barrister’s big wigs and bobs ; '■.Vhich looked wisest 'tvverc hard to determine. IVjncli :iiid Hur in thobc days were supreme . Special pleadinf, was up at is maximum ; Prerog'ative every man’s theme, And take fees where you can was an axiom. ■J ake Fti-, fol, de rol, kc. Hard on came the times when iiif.n’s souls Vv'cre tried, ’cause they would’nt “keep ’asy,” V.’hen the King t.liought bis People were fools, And the People swore Ccorge had gone crazy : For tiie lawyers obse rved that the fees ■Were nil g:-abbed by h’s A! ijesty’s ofTteers, And tl.ey warned him t tey’d blow up a breeze. Or drink “ tea without tax” and not eoll'ee, airs, Ter their kkf,, fal, dc rol, kc. The King to this matter deniurrcd ; To be non-pros.sfd was ’nealb his hit»h station.; but the lawyerc, a.^ rue as their word. Stirred up all tht ill blood in the nation ; The Kii>g ri ft unni6 came (m, ’Twas a tresj)a-.s de snu njuriu. So we t(>pp’cd iiiin oil ol his tlii’one And placed 'Washingion rrrhiti in cvria Without TKK, fid, de rol, i^c. Ho\\ lawyers iiave Ihrivcd ever since, it need- n('t a giiost or a poet To tell us—1 sef* you allwincc And e>-\ “ pr\thee be quiet, 1 know it ” 'I hat (uir mimberis not very small Of ait',.riie_\.> all icad) to tram.mtl one. Yon • rt\ harn fn m the r ill.j—ora eall '^:r tlie bill ot' I .V'l.uiiisc dr.i'.n by Hamilton. Fer liiS n r., la!, de rol, u.c. True it 13 %M.'rc a poor sit of dogs ; Hali'oiir cileiit:. ijegni.lge nstii' ir moiity, \\ Ink fbr them we ret hoar-.e as l(-ill fn gs, .AJ.ikiiig ';p> ee!i. •; oi’ pun od and bniu) . Tiio' oi'u-':' ts we stand in g’catiued 'i 'fthi r iiicii of tu>iie-;?y dubious, Give us noiiglit l.iit the v. il! tor il.e deed, And we our estates an in iwlili'", Willi our FKi:, !'.d, de ro!, ke. SI li ti.c U'l \ ers li.ivc not iu'-t their — a (H'Usidtr'Ation , Aiul 'ti.H iliey v. iio the cabinet grace, ri;r:iis)i a hc.id to the n.itii/i', ki.,;.i'.'.adtir'. sv nt beyon ! se.i.s. Lots of new I’reiideiitial caiidiiiaff:, And hu;.d.vi (li who make, without u e.-, T-v jrlastin'' Cuie.'ri -slt;;'.ui jvrain.1 ilebati., Al»out 1 i.r, f;.l, d.c rol, U j. ■Beside'., the re’s (uif‘ day in the ye ; ■•A ben we t^re not a tig fer t'u ibino. The ii.*\ that has i )oiij.rbt us;iil iiv ie W1 r ■ minifies t,i rvf-.i , >,• \t:)rii'ys and (.oiin .elli 1 s. all Ve .i.-.hunters whei\ VI ;• u .-,\li_nt, riit Innnpei staiids-v. ..I'mg our'.alh A!\d hwri’s to tite 1' > 'I I c. 1 ir fu’, I-'; I'loiii iicenes in South Ak’.ca. Lbun y///?//. —“ Wc muttered by , (la\; ruid ai, wc wv.ru muxu/us, ‘'T the MiUi; of llKj ii.ovt.lLy, io Imvt; some >i iho 'raiiil)ui;Jvi(‘s to :iccoMip:uiy >i‘-, !5ioniist.'d lo kill lliciii jjlciiiy j1 IjucUs, ami wore not lonp^ in jiOisirnliiio; lliuly ol t'u'Mi to follovr' us. In a shurt t.itic wc ob>t;i'Vc(.l them Ic.'din^ “Ht CHllle kraal two n.ilk oxr ti, willi hums bound loaml with ihoiijrs, v. lurh, | 10 all apptarani-o, one nugl.tlai.cy t s.ii:;!! coji-r. r>bout a miio dis- tanl—and l!iO inrjinc,’-untl varii^ty oi (iiO jtiil(;lo[)Cs onoijrl'.-n. .s«.oj: in.";'oil in.it- VnC ’ . - V. r, i.;iu Ol lii.^ ii.i* j i'SfjOC'tivU t. c oi ^ i. ' that too Wlictlicr there ;r, cause i;)r-nc.s-1 “Wc- hid I'.vdlv !;cc;un to tio otir j in^ or not, all have l.cnrd ol. ^ l.orses v. lien Ih" llot^cntots stn^ioncd j educated cla:=s do not use this v-o: . i\. . on tlio iiill crlcMl out thnt the lion v/as of its pioper place : yclnianv w lo p.i - n.i.nimoff .1 tl,c lo-.vcr r-n-l, wl.erc !^o 1 IV« to b. «,■! .Juoaled, .1 r,.l the before. We i ff'-’rimon })Cople, u^e k c\ei> liotii in had jittenijited to r scap ^ were on iioiscback in a second, hut the i tliotr lives. l,.,n t,:„l ; ve IkuI hn-.v- The f;r.^n,mal,oaU.TOr_ of CMM-, in fallvicu-. Mlhcre ^vaMH)lh■llS ‘ l„ ii.u rcq.t i. Olt-he .can.pcrc.l—| to »,u you 'I i». ■ramlK.okic-, ivlio la,I j.i- t , onif i con'.|KUHoil me,; i aU.., lri.(|iK:rjt. iui , ...1 .•.nionjM h.s couM i h.'ar it ;vn. Irom Ihc.r school,ras.ers, , Icai- tli-il,.sl-!v,’5 o;' otir liors-:- : ai„l who r.iv. o'l tho,r wny lo ^ oik State lor ti'.e purpo«’e ol tcjclunp; j;ranimar. !d iiitendcii lor sacriJic.e, hut on (’.lo^er iii-| sjjei’tion v\ louiid tht'y wore Iheir pack ()M*n, pri;i>ared to cany home such as we lui.^hl kill lor th»jin. We made a sini^ular a{)p«^^ryl!lce «s >ve eantor'd a- ion"-. Juach 'rambookie had a k;dl' starv ed do^ ; some ol' lln- best runners would keep ciine lo us, but on oeoasionally lookin;j; back', the |)L:iiti seemed covercd with hor^einen —wliites and liottcntols, blacks and doiJ^s. ‘‘Our party u'.'> formed Into (v.o di- visioiia, Mr. S. Mv. a. and otnselves, were to cross the plain about thy cen tre, Diederick uas our leader. The olh, r i,a,ty to ^kiit the lw-,e of mountain about wnich ::rew a lew tail | I'iOV.linr: I’rul harkin"’—^\e iic ll;»n in vien, mak- » S .I U! ierent directions, hirnied one oi iht' m(>st nninvitcd sneclacK-s the ani:..Is o! ]iro':;i tow;ir(;s iiiccju iulc,;,(■(> Iho riehl of ovei y m-u. to must be slow ami uiu ertain int'kL'';. ; is jirobal-de now, that as a ^rtK.ra! |,;j; riplc, U m:iy be asstnnedj that oi;'f every million ol' dollars worth of ;,rt;. cles manufaclured in cur cotinliy, )i^ farmers reocive five hundred thouw;,.i • beenuse it is they wiio f-.trtii^!i the si:\i sistcnce and materials : .-’ncl in the cost ot' them is rqiral lo vone ha!;’m the whole value produced by labr,!;;, iTieohanirs and mannfacttirers. 'I'hiswr think is a reasonalde rnlculation—{;i_^ how "reat advantage docs it show to ihr- farmerl It is not mere speculation.- Durin.i; last year, the S'airs: received between G and 700,'if;,, jjioduce. “ ])i(^derik anil .Mr. S. bein^on very s))irit(;d hor5^C''. were Ihe iorem')sf, and we wot^clered to .‘=ce ih^'m pass on in a direction (liflercnt iVom the copse wiiere we had Feen the lion take covert. Chri':- tian ^^axe ii'j the s!"nal to dismoiMit, v.’hen vve werf, as well as could be Judg ed, about ;^00 yards JVoin the ccjpse.— lie desired us io be in tyii;- the j cinp;, horses, whieh was dwne as (’asl as they j \ntl i.ow the liC u'as (_iiamnial;c:-] err(;r«, however, arc net numcro'io :tm'j}:i; tiic .I-astern people; thoir.i u:e more I'Vetjuently of yirnnun- cialivjn. The anM.|i.;ut'd pronunciations of n.ifn,-', ((hicafton, as if barrels ol lloi:r from the 77?/r/f/,V Ay, writl.n i'lrtu, nuhir. still and other articles hem- added, perha;,. mon people, and I :i - value of the a-vioullural ]„■ . 01' I oijtains aiiiorii^ the common j^eop an.on'; iviany of the old.'r olersv. A Iof them than their wiiole ex; kind of j)roniinciation of these I '■'placcs. ImiI yet, and u • ■ • ■ ■j wo irake further | rop;res.s in inar.'.ii;.! 1 tures, until we have more roads a:;ij ci I nalsto “ conrpicr spncc,“ and mrtkedi j tant states near to oacli cti/ r word.s r; aNo heard from .‘ome—neitiic. tiic old !ior t!ie common [ironunciation, —ns n(tir-urc, lUinvatioti. 'i’his is a- honMiiable. '1'hi‘y iiad better s[-,cnk out boldly, like (j)her iolks, or j i'AW J\(r. (i!; -no imn-j ...jiva.Mv i i'.e;-!,.iv. Y(jU often hear th*' ?/ sour.il of o, | 'i-'e"‘‘ i'l hemp, flax, v/o(;l. riik, c.:p.— as if written hu.H, as if] The y»V/??/nvv too, will lu.'on have to mu: else jro back and sav udivr must I'.nd ou, or adop> ijTiO-! prfd'Uable industry. mimosas, and to keep in ati even line with u;-.. aljoul a half a mile distant. “'J’lic mountain seemed to mc(;t just before u-., but, as wc approached, we .sau a |>retly v.’itle openin'^, f.lirou:.5h •whicii we passed, wlieii anotiu'r \'aUey bllf oi t(J Here all aiiimated nature seemed collected, and to rei;j;n unmo lested! 'I’hesij^nal was, however, soon o-iven—that man. the destroyer, was approaeiiiug, and all the various ani- cast. there was no i ctrcatiu'C- V* e were or i)laiii, of similar eharacier, but much «jreater extent., was pie.se/ite' our view. Here all written in'i/f, chUdrcn as if tuHt/nn. 'i'here are few (‘vtui - f tlieir leanieil. thalp;ive o its ful! soim.d in those v.ords. The word hccn is Irc'iuejitly pronouti- eed /jcji, and (/oiv;, duoz, instead o'i dvz. on lower ground thai* tiie lion, with not a bush around us. Diedei ik and I\li . had now turned their horses, lor, as we afterwards learned, they had been ruu off with ill conscquence of their bridles havinp: broken. The plan was to ad- vanci* in a l.'ody, leaviii^^ oiu' horses with the Hottentots, who were lo keep their I backs tov.ard the lion, fearing; tliey Uhoultl heeome unruly at the sight of him. j “ A'll tJjese preparations occupied but j her uwt!, tiic j^rocci a f«‘W’ seconds, anti were not comi)ieted, | These are all faults, and should be cor rected. In the Slate of New-York many of tliesn same faults are crccpinj.; in. The most marked ])eculiaritics, however. , v.liich these people have, are tiiose of Dutch origin. This is often not.i:ed in the w sound of i\ 'I'he lady sj>''nks of of his and tlie doctor of opening a ;rcir.. T!u mals, with snorts and hounds, began to j o;rowl, and imajr-; i and r have Irecpieutly the vv sound al ccllecl in bodies—gnoos, iiarte-brasls; (piaggas, spring bucks and rue-bucks. The gnoo is ihe animal so well describ ed by liarrow, the existence of which was but a very few years ago (lisjnited. They run sluggishly at llrsl, but all at once they spring out, whisk their long tails about, and, with their heads to the grotmd, defy their pursuers. Their dus ky colour and bushy iieads give them a strange apjiearanco. “i\lr. S. iiau chased iome of those animals in the direction of the mimosas, trenching Oii the ground which our comrades were to lake ; he was gelling closer to his object, and was alj(;iit to dismount a second time, wiion his eyes glaiicefl on tiie long wished-lor g:um— an enormous Lion ! lie was w.dking majestieally slow ; but when Air. S. gave the tally-ho to Us, he couclied and seemed inclined to wail, bul soon after wards eanti-rf'd olf to the mimosas. [n a lew second > we were ail uji-- at least, our divi-ion. 'ihe lirst object was to i>revent him from climbing tlie mountain; we tlierefore rode tlirougli the miino'-as, aDoul tliree huiulreil yaids Irom where lie liad eiitered, 'anil got be tween h.m and the hcii^ht"-. Diederick, Midior and-Mr. S., nith their servaiits and leatl horses, ihen rode round the lit tle grove, wliiht wo were stationed where we lii\>;l er.tered. The grove v.as baldly live hundred yards in iength, and twenty in breadth ; consciiuently, wo could bv this arrangement cummand the whole of it. ‘•True to cur engagement, as w(dl as heartily wishing tiieir assistance, wu v.aited'for the oU»er party. Ti.e other puit of our division liaving rode round the jirove, came up ojjposite to us, but at a iiistauce, end as we saw them dis mount, wc tlid the same. Our s;fua- tion was not very enviable ; we had but one latge gun ; hut Mr. Jiennie, who C'lrried it, wao i^erftcily collccled. We were talkii'g to each o:!ejr in a wi'.isper, when Tvli. Ueimie very I'ooliy ‘aid, '‘listen, the geiiilenian is grumbling. ” The soiiml .'O vmv like di-.t.mt ih'.indet, that udouijHHi it; hui. al ihe •'.uiii; moiiieiit I cat'i'lil a glimjjse of the lion \\:tilii ”• a-.v:i;' , not a hu’.idred a:id lilU sale- l!'o:n u-i, ri;;il he niii' l have 1 i.e II er to tis I !;;iii I ' a\t‘ the alarm. ined he was makin-jc oli’again ; but no— i sc, as do ut, awniUu sjuUuiu for do //. as if to retrieve his character tVom suspi-! s/n'//iThe best educated cionof cowardice from his former flight, i of the Dutch, however, do not coinmil he made up his min'd in turn to attack' this error. us. To the growl, succef'ded a roar, and j In New-Jer'ey, Perinsylvanla riiu! in the same instant we saw him bearing I Maryland, you liear continually down ujjou us, !irs eye-balls glistening chciisdny, hirrurkcr, lor j place of leas'on, and leehng ejcct wit!) rage. We were unprepared ; \ns duel, 'lunJaj/,/ifcrc/u^'e. Also 1‘ion trom the p0i!s^ until Dru!&lior:‘.; motion was so rapid, no one could take ! shntc avA cnakney lor pursuit anil ensue. | Miall prevail over the law, and a ir.an '■ , and he furiouslv darted at one of; This pronunciation is supjjosed by some j opinion subject him to acts of violciic.'on sue a like course of conduct. At jirc sent the ^vhole of their Mig.u, and imc lourllt of their co!f(in is con.siuncij boine, and the latter i:j incre.Tsihj; nr/l will increase, bul s’iil, of eottoi, Uif have raised a great de:)l too juMcii—ai d as the growers ot v;heat will be rom pelled to do, so will they. In Fi, lid, tliey may add coiTt;e to their j'ro.l;.ct> and' the vine, and the olive, with i'.i( mulberry tree, u.'C. vSlc. will probably hi- oultivateil exti'nsively in the soiith, ai;(’ with niiich advantage. All tliese wiri j;:t‘-s into the consumption of the rr,ui: I'faciir'rrs or increase the general cot,: 7ucrct' of the whole couptry, addiiiii; to tiie naticna! wealth nl every cii.ir.^e, atul continually extending the c:’)r;)fjrls o ht'c to al! classes of pcop,Ie UNr:; t!ie su’r/iimc principles of our irstil'jiior" sbail be given up !o gr.itify a vricked iu.^. tor power—irifil passion shall t.tkt'ui'/ aim, our horses. whilst we w'ere at their , to be truly Walkerian heads witholu a possibility of their prc-' liis standard altogether, and is only' lit- vi 'iting it. 'i'he poor horse sjirung for-' efary dandyism. w.ird, and, with tb.e force of the action, ' '/ronunciation in ti.e SMithern States, wheeled all the horses round with him. i is in general more correct and elegant The lion likewise v.-iiecled, b'll ir.)m ;-j iban in any other j^nrt of the Union.— diately couched at less t!i:in le-’. y.;rd.-. j Thf^y liave, however, some grammatical lV(m u‘-. Our lei’t Lank thr.s l't ..‘’imc 1 error?, and some strange words. The c.xposed, and on it !oi:’.aia*'-iy stood C. je.se of li.e* i>ersonal prono in //if/)?, in but it overleai)s ; li'S I'erson or character Midler anfl Mr. Jienni. } Wiifitan aiiA-, |)>lacc of Lu. V common ; us lou.s moinent: Tor a f'^’v si'conds we j/i''/.,v ' ^c. Among saw the monster at this little dii^tance, the laboring people you hear words of resolving, r>s ii were, on whom he shoultl I n':-.v sound and new signification: as i lirst sprit.ic- Never did I long so :>r-j/o/c* for r7/, and plundrr tor deiitly to Ik ar 1 lie report fif a gun. | • A landlord who saw me carry imtii we have a legion of priests of some O'^'ai):!*:; ed church, i'earitig not Oon, !)ut ('ileiir,:; incense, in the tempoial pow 'rs t!i:'.t 1''.-- uuf il the military shall be prefer c. the civil power, and men xvbost is to bear arms become “ cotiserv vi,: of the public jieace,” and the nur power whicii uo'.v !^upj)orls the l.i’ shall yicM to the rcc/’on of the bayo’i' —and ir/u'n these things shall liajipc’. \'-Q may look for the tuirilment of .Mr. ;ij; j C’ambreleng's ptopheeies, ruid with'. ^ forr. e believe that there is efiougi I good setijie in the people of the UtiitC' looked ;'.t them aiming, and then at the ing a portmanteau said, ’‘Sir, don't ‘!'(M:bl(! Aoiir yo!ir^(.df, let me !o!c yeur hot), it v.’as ahscilutely r.eecssary to "ivc a mor'al blow, or the cousequcnces might be I'lta! to some one of the party. A secfind seemed a minute. At lengih Christian lired ; the under jaw of the lion (lrop]ied—blood gushed from his mouth, and ho t.urned round with a view to es(;ape—Mr. I'ennie then shot him through the spine—and he fell. ‘”At tliis moment he looked grand beyond exjiression. Turning again to wards us, he rose upon his i’ore-feet— his mouth bleetling, his eyes fla hing vengeance, lie attempied to sj)ring at us, hut his hind legs denied him assist ance ; he drasrged them a little sjiacf, when Stepiiauus put a iinal period 10 his existence, bv shooting him throiigii the brain. He was a noble animal—meas uring nearly 12 I'eet Irom the nose lo tlic tip of the fail. “Thus ended a --cene wliich I have in vain endeavoreil to di'seribe, and \\liich I never can foii^et.” phnidcr I'or yott." It is no matter of surprise, descetulcd as our community is, irom men of va rious tongiies, that we should sometiincs fail to s[)eak with purity, the tongue of Joiinson and Addison. As a })Cople, however, 1 must insi.-^l that tiiis tongue is here spoken with less provincialism, an«l on the whole wilh more jiurity. than on the island where those scholars resided. I do not say but tliat P^iirland States to maintain our political inst; tU'ions, to support wortiiy n!agist!•:ltl’^ and to jiut down t\eak and wicko ones—and while thus conditiuicd, v,' shall avoid that grinding taxation whiv'. reduces the labouiing classes in i;.' land of our fathers to a su!)sistencc 01. half a pint of oat meal per dny, anu compcls them to labor twelve hour.> t( i obtain that for thcm.«e!ves and htnuiiO- —tliat rc'c/i male may be eniiblcd to pny lo the king, or his priest'^, ant. for the support of the arm}' thut m'’>‘ has t!i0U.?ands who'spcak this tongue |''if'''* enormous stun rr. ‘one hundrel dollars a year. '////■^ i- the ca-’.'ve of British distresses—tluH lerii j'! \:ou-i',' :t we ii;'.: e;d( iii..lLd. whicii was ehoi d to o'U’ liicnd, who in in i:i;:'.atit mounti;.', and njd.e up lo the !o’.\er e.-'d, caliing upi ii t;.: to Hthaiuie. We Wfre ino'ii'.g ilo'.'.'ii to gam a posi tion on a liHle hei;.';ht, w hen a gun was iu'ei', lollov. i:vl by lour more. 'I'lus oc-d uti our other divisions had i iui'wious to us ; and ought ceunl, if no eiher, to be corrected. COtiVlli I i-jined. I'n'in the Ncw -Yorl; Observer. AMi:UlCA.\ l>KOVi\i;i.\I.lSM. J/es.vr . Jldilor^::—Penn it me thro* V(Hir pnj)er to point out a lo'v inacc'.:!!- raeics of speech whieh I have noticcd \.hile travelling throui;h dill'erent jiarts of the Union. /Vs I iiave been seveial years i’lom tlie country, these jjeculiari- ties on return strike me wilh force. 'To a well eduoated lorcigner they mu>l he still iviore striking, anti to some cxlen! on this ac- with perfection, and therelbre c.innot be surpassed ; yet sh.e has inlerior coun tries whose dia'eet is scarcely intel!i”;i- ble to a si.udent of Oxford. 'I'his stu dent would liufl no such diliicully in any p.irt td’ the Tnited States, not even in tiie most ne>v aii(i retnoli* parts. In- fleed he u-ould hardlv meet any thing bf'l-.ve'-'n Maine and Oeorgi;,, so far out ot the way ;is in t!u' lollowiu" mandate of a Jjondon Cockney to (me of our co’intry landlords ; ‘•Sir,’’ said h-', ••come into tlic ov.'-v.and Ihe poker ol, and n'.ake us some /'’.vg flip, so as ihi'V do in old Henglaiul. ” Hut we have delects en;’:!;xli in our laiiguage, and J, as an /vmi'rican, would be grateful to any man v.'ho would hold t;iem up to view tmlil they are seen ami removed. We ha've al'-'o some jiecul- “ thought ;!u:re e. ould have been ;m cnil to our spoil before it hatl weli i>e;j;un ; but on the coiitiary, the shots wi re tireil not tmly to jjr-\ ent him leav- in;r li'e* coj)se, but to prove their guns, f(ji' a 1*1 iss i ! ijuenoe. turning view of is lV‘(piently of eonsi. 'i I, ku't shut iiad the ellect el him, atul we now li;ul a lull him n turning tr) the centr»'. \\hi'king his tail ahji;:, and treading a- mor.g the smaller bushes a.s il theyi"a(l ',,.,-1; \'i'I f. i c:(:!v Dili'erent sections of th(' ('('uuh y have, I see, diii'ercnt error:-. ei:i;t r of gram mar, pronun'jiat'.on, er i;oe of ’.ii.c.oni- mon word.;. In thf' lin^-tern S*. tiie leasim wh.y millions of iiulusirioi; and worthy peo])le go every night i^tip perless lo ied. We s'.iall only take time just ro'v !>• menli(.>n these highly ini|)or!ant t!in As the I'orrigti market is so smalk di' itome market must be incre;tsed I i- pt'ople of the eastoni, middle and (Mui states, annually constitne I’'''!" manufaclures to ihe value ol aimut '' 0.'')0,00(')—l.nit IJritaiu takes of ihcir ■'! gricultural products le-s than dif^’cr('nce is matle up by the cointi'*-'^, which oi’iii;); iialions y r tis to li"" with them, or Ihe prolits on h'lhor ci.’ ploved iti nnvigalion, is>:c. .Dut tb'’ tabiisliment ot' one «mart manulactin village in ’\ erv ten miks sfiuare. lanties in our manners and habits, wluch I in tiu^ most ihuisfdy populated p.i-1 I ma\ jioint out at ano! hf'i'11 me, for tb.e | tlie 1 nited Slate's, \\’ill rviake a tn.i!!'^ purpose of causing them to be removed i for all l!ie srirphis j)roducts of t'rom our growing and beautiful IJepu!)- l’-- viAiin«. tners v.-itr.in tl'.at extent ol oun:.- w!'.::!’ l!riti'h an.i other lore!"!' C'.mn.'t ileprive them of. When shall be the e:!.-w the crops ^\ ill be suilable to l!ie demand ; am! the in -New-Vor’;, .Missouri, 3Iaineor you f:(.r[ueni i: hold M.rvi to OIK' r‘‘ ‘ I'higlishm. C!,u-.f ^-e. , ‘ J •e f 1 (/:o, C". ■ ; a word ■ j.r !• outbi'i n u, as r’ il ’ 'i'iie \vord /r itiol!+ Wof hicli is iViends vet:; !’(i ;/'/ il, !>r ' oi_t-!ieir.' I c iium-c- ii:'. nen ." tn an •i 01 i r j' ,"j/ or ; ■ l:ic!i A(.l{K:rLTUIk\l l>iU)Ul'(JTS. i'niil the mnnuiacturers of iron, cot. ton, woid, :tntl other arlicler, nml ihi ma^d.ine make’ s and n;ee:ia!.ics, shall} i.siana, 'vlH h.ive :i regularity in busin'- become a mueh t.iore numerous ('ass i w hich mu:t insure tl'cm t!iat degiv' _' ti.:in theyarr', Ihe iar;’ier,- ..f ilie Cniled j iraleprnda'ivt ('.m.foi t v. hicb honi-t tales muit h -en the'r erc;„s of wiie.il I bor l,u.- .la i;;!;!o!iUtcd rit>;ht ff> atiu iitl'.cr j-rnin, anl redm u :i',o amount; ! if cattle fed by them. a''..l inrrer'-e li.ei; j r—. j prodU '; , of hemp, Il'iX, ,S.e. ;is \V*>:1 i ( iie-T. .U. ; bii"d ;i ntlicw urn tiieir attwilio!- as w- to new rrrtii' ,s ■> in tlie at hoiu"