CutnlMii VOL. 111.] CILmLOTTE, JV. a TUESDAY, JILT 3, 1827. [NO. 137. I’UIJLISHEU WEKKI.Y By LEMUEL BINGHAM, Jt Three Dollars a year^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the oiscretion of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual rules. Persons sending in advertisements, are requested to note on the margin the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbidi and charged accordingly. T\\e Wi\kcs\)0T0’ \lote\ S now open and amply porvid- ed for the accomodation ofvis- , iters. Its local situation on the illey of the Yadkin, nearly cen- traTbetween the Hlue Ridge and the Brushy Mountain, is picturesque, healthful and inviting. Add to this, a pure and salubrious atmosphere, fxccllent water, the agreeable society of a plea sant village, spacious and commodious rooms, a well supplied Icc-House, and but little would fceni wanting to insure the traveller a few ^v'eeks ri.pobe and enjoyment among the Moun tains. The subscriber has been accustomed to this of business in one of our northern cities; and he assures those disposed to favor him with a call, that no exertion .shall be wanting, on his part, to render them comfortable. The lines of Stages fi\ni Salt ni to Knoxville, and from Cheraw to NVilkesboro’, stop at the Hotel, affording an easy access to the above es ta'olishment. Fare, five cents per mile—Way passengers six and a quarter cents. G. V. MASSEY. AVilkesboro’, N. C. April 22, 1827.—8t35. YaluftVkfc riawtalion FOR SALE. dBini; ofl'crs HE subscriber, in contemplation of his removal to another state, ofl'ers for sale the farm whereon he now resides, 3 miles from the vil lage of Charlotte, and containing about 900 acres, equal in fertility of soil, to any body of land within the county. On the above tract there is a two iitory dwelling-house, and other improvements; a snfliciency of land openforthe mployment of between 20 and 30 hands, a great proportion of which land has been clear ed within a few years. Terms will b»: accommodating, and made known by application to the sul)scribc r. WM. J. POLK. Mecklenburg Co. May 29, 1827.—4t36 Xew Watc\\es & Thomas Trotter ^ Co. Respectfully informs the public that they have recviivedund offer for sale a few gold and silver patent lever Watches, (gentle men and ladies) a few good plain Watches, warranted; gentlemen and ladies’ gold Chains, Seals and Keys ; some handsonie Breast Pins, Finger Uings, Ear Wings, Pearl and Filigree, and Paste in setts, kc. &c. ; all or any part of which we will sell low for cash. Clocks and Watches repaired at the shortest notice, and warranted to perform. Cash given for gold and silver. N. U. We expect to receive in a short time some elegant Military and plated Goods, Lc. Charlotte, May 14, 1827.—30 \Valc\ies & THOMAS TROTTER & CO. ri^AKES this method to in- X form the public, that they have opened a shop in Charlotte, in the house lately occupied by Doct. Samuel Henderson, on the north :»ide of the Court-House, where they are well prepared to re- I pair all kinds of sc ©lotfes, at the shortest notice. They hope, by a con stant attention to business, to merit the public patronage. They have on hand and for sale, the following articles :— (ientlemen’s gold patent lever Watches; I/.iilies’ do. do. do. i^ilver lever and plain ' do. Chains, Seals and Keys, Slides and Rings; Breast Pins, Finger Rings, and Ear Ringi; Silver Table and 'I’ea Spoons ; Soup Ladles and Sugar Tongs; Silver Spectacles, green and white, to suit all ages; Military Buttons, Lace and Epaulctts; Ladies’ W'ork Boxes and Reticules ; Bags and Clasps; Thiniblts, !kc. Hic. he, 17* Pay tip your Tacces for 1856. All persons liable to pay a Town Tax for the year 1826, are requested to call on the subscriber and discharge the same without de lay. Should any fail to pay the .-iniount due from them, by the 10th day of July, warrants of distress will be immediately issued against them, without rcsnect to persons. GREEN KENDKICK, Town Treasurer. Charlotte, June 14, 1827.—2t36 [From the Boston Patriot.] LETTER V. To the Right Honorable George Canmng, First I.ordofthe Treasury, tiC: SiK.—I DOW proceed to compare what really took place in the Senate of the United State;'*, in the first session of the nineteenth Congress, with your account of it. Were that account as correct as it is strangely otherwise, it would be a highly censurable procedure in you, to endeavor, by u historical detail of what passed in one branch of the American Legislature, to prove that the Ameri can Executive understood that which it assures you it did not understand. Had Mr. Clay, by ah elaborate state ment of the of some measure in the House of Lords, endeavored to satify Mr. Vaughan that you understood a particular point in a particular way, which you had over and over again as sured the American Government you did not so understand, would you not have hesitated whether to kindle at the impertinence, or smile at the want of good manners, implied in such a proce dure ? But I proceed to your statement. Early in the Session of Congress of 1825-6, a petition from Baltimore was presented to both Houses of the American Legislature, in which petition it was distinctly pointed out, the British act of Parliament of July, 1825, had not only manifested the readiness of this country to remove all discriminating duties, but also to permit American ships to clear out from British Colonies, not, as theretofore, to the ports of the United States only, but to all |)arts of the world, (the United Kingdom and its dependen cies alone excepted.) The petition, with equal distinctness, invited the attention of the American Legislature to the conditions on which these advantages might be secured to the United States, and prayed for the removal of the several restric tions imposed by the American act of 1823, not w/itVe the discriminatmg duties re mained. So far from supposing that the act of 1825 presented to us this al ternative (and it is the whole drift of your argument to prove that this was understood) they expressly state it as their hope that “the ports of Halifax, St. Johns, and New Brunswick, had been closed hy a 7nisconstructimi of the act of 6 George IV’'. cap. Il l,” and as their belief that this act loas meant ONLY to oblige the vessels of this coun try and of others imposing like restric tions on British ve.vsels, to kftuun DIRKCT TO TIIEIR OWN PORTS.” I beg your close attention this point; and if you will not give it, I beg the close at tention of my countrynicn afid all im partial men to it. t You adduce this Baltimore petition, to prove that “the whole purport and bearing of the act of 1825 was lull before the eyes of the American Legislature.” I say nothing of the incongruousness of the implied suggestion, that a peti tion from some fifty mercantile houses, though of the highest respectability, was to have been received by the Amer ican Government, as an authentic ex position of a British law. But I main tain that the fact of itself, for which the Baltimore petition is cited by you, is diametrically otherw’ise than as you state it. The purport and bearing of the act of 1825 was, as ive noio understandy 1st. That nations not having colonies should,on condition of placing the trade of Great Britain on the most favorable footing, .be allowed to trade to the Bri tish colonics, without discriminating duties, and from those colonies to all the rest of the world, (the United Kingdom excepted,) and, 2nd. That of the discriminating duties only, but of the pro- | nations, MOt complying with this COndi- hibition of what is called l.y Mr. Gallatin, ‘the j f-hould be whoHy shut OUt fvotn DOCTORS li. Watson, Having associated in the practice ot Medicine, respectfully tender circuitous intercourse in British shipsthe pe-, t r t' /t / their services, in the scvcml clcpui’t- titioncrs expressly submittcl to (W)iijji*c ss tlie ’ tfiC ii7*ltistl rr t-6/ llXiLlit \^OlOI\XL8% ments of-their profession, to the citi- propriety of admitting British vessels, from\ This second part “ of the whole pur- zens of Charlotte and its contiguous , xchatntr porh, on the same terais as the vessels ' port and bearing” is particularly to be country. They punctiiahty 1 ‘ ' and faithfulness, in every applicatun ; and their charges will be made to correspond with the hardness of the times. Charlotte, June 15, 1827.—'• 5 YuWic EiUeTtaiuiweut. The subscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased that well known establishment, lately owned and occupi ed bv Ur. Henderson, and is now prepared to entertain travellers and others, who may please to call on him ; and no exertions will be spared to render them comfortable, and their stay a- greeable. His table will be furnished with ev ery variety which the country atl'ords; his bar wl’tii the best of liquors ; and his stables with plenty of provender, and careful servants will Be in constant attendance. ROHERT L DINKINS. Charlotte, April 20, 1826. ‘ *80 The subscribers have entered into copart nership under the firm of Smith & Boii>. They have just receiveil a fresh slock of Dry Goods J Groceries, Hardware, ^'C. Also, an extensive .assortment of genuine DRUGS k MEDICINES, suitable for Physicians, and family purposes; all of which articlen are now offered for sale, at a short profit, for Cash. SMITH h BOYD. N. B. They have also on hiind a connidcrable quantity of PAINTS. May 23, 1827.—’32 liast.JS’oVice. again request all who stand indebtitd to me for Goods purchased, to come forward and pay up. It is utterly out of the fjuestion for me to give any longer indulgence. 1 will nut givt* it. J- Bt)\ 1). May 25, 1827.—V.2 Howse isi EnteTtainmtwl. ND Stage House, at the sign of the Eagle L in Charlotte, North-Carolina, by ■ lal36 ROBERT WATSON. WANTED, at this Office, two hoys, IS or 16 years of age, a» Apprentiees to the printing Busines.-?. iJUCTOliS Thos. L Johnson & Tlios. Harris, UA\'iNG associated in the practice of MED ICINE, rcspecifully teniler their strvices, in the several departineiits of their proll-sion, to the citi.:ens ol CliurluUc and its contiguous counUy- They can at all times be found, at their newly esta’.jiislied shop, on the lot fonn- rly occupied by Dr. Thomas lleiuli rson, two hundred yards soutli of the C«url-llousj, ex cept when prof«!ssloiially i’hiy are n daily expectation of afresh and genuine as sortment of Medicine from Pliiluitelphia and Niw-York. iS'oViee. WILL be sold, at the Court-House in Concord, on the 3d Monday in July next, by order of the Court o! Pleas and Qnarler Sessions, one negro man numed Edinard, w ho was committed to the jail of the county twelve months ago, and said he belonged to one Johnson, a trader in negroes. Said fellow is ot miiKlle stature, tolerably stout built, and light color, and is now to be sold according to act of Assembly, to use of the county and satisfaction of jail fees, b.c. J. W. HAMILTON, Sheriff. Concord, .Ipril 16, 1827. 3mt4U JUST PUBLISHED, and for sale at this of fice, “ Strictures on a book, entitled, ‘ Ai Apology for the Book of Psalms, by Gilbert Mc.Master.’ To which are added, Keniarsk oti n book, [by Alexander Gordon] entitled ‘ The design and use of the Book of Psalms.’" By HtNu* UeFt.NKU, A. M. With an Appendix by JmiM M. Wilson, pastor of Rocky River and I’hiladi'lphia. Wavi’autt^, l\r buJe, this „ r .1 . r.i I I noticed, bccause the understanding of It appeals from the reports of the proceed-' , » • ings of Congress that it was against the prayer that point, On the part of the Ameiican of this petition (but without impeachnient of Government, Is disputed by you, a- any of its alligations) that the decision of the n-ai,igt Mr. Gallatin and Mr. Clay. American Leijislaturc, at the close ot the ses- Ct t . .i »iw n Sion, was taken; it c:u.not be doubted, tlwre-' I aSSCrt that the Baltimore petl- fore, that the American Legislature had the tioncrs, instead of Understanding the whole purport and bearing of iLe act of lb2J act of 1825 in this, its whole purport lull betore iheir eyes. land bearing, understood it 1st. As The amount of this is, that, on occa- opening the trade, in the manner pre- sion of a petition from Jialtimore, the i scribed, to the vessels of nations which question was fairly submitted l.o the A- should put British commerce on the merican Legislature, wiiether it would ‘ most favoured footing, and, 2iui. As sanction the acceptance of the terms of, subjecting other nations (and us among your act of July, 1825, and that a decis-1 them) to countervailing discriminating j ion in the negative was held by the A- | duties, anti to restricting them to the mcrican Legislature, tviff' ihe v:hob>. | direct voyage ; for this they declare jjvrport and beariftg of the act of^ in terms they believe to be the only y[ 1?25 fall before their eyes. j restriction of the act on tlie commerce Now there is no truth whatever in : ol nations not complying with, its pro exposition, as far as it is in my power to expound it. -—But that must be a separate topic. Now, Sir, in all this reasoning, I have tacitly admitted, in your favour, what is not only due to your side of the argument, but is incontestible on mine, viz : that the condition of admit ting British vessels, on the footing of the most favoured nation, was a de finite and intelligible condition, which the United States could have comjilied with, in any consistent explanation of the trrms. Mr. Gallatin, in a train of argument, in which (following the course of rcasioning of Mr. Clay’s in structions) he shows that you could not have ex|)cctei from us to admit you to ull the privileges W’hich we with certain nations, has put this point in a light which admits no gainsaying. You accordingly do not notice it—and evade its bearinjr on the question, whe ther the act of 1825 was or could-> hav® been understood in this country. The truth i», and this is somewhat curious, that under the description of “ the privileges of the most favored na tion,” you in reality intended not only less than those terms would give yoir, but less than the Baltimore petitioners requested. They asked the repeal of the discriminating duties and the ad mission into our ports oi British vessels bound to the Colonies, whatever port arriving. You now appear to have demanded only the removal of those duties, and the permission of tho circuitous voyage from England, thro* our ports, to the Colonics.—If these, which you state as the conditions by which America might obtain the trado granted by the act of 1825, are all tho conditions required, then. Sir, was that act not only not understood by tin; A- merlcan Government, but it was not undr.rstood by your own Government. I have thus shown that you have wholly mistaken the character of the Baltimore petition. I will next jjrove that you have equally misapprchendetl the proceedings in the Senate upoi it. Meantime, I pray vou believe nie,&.c. AN AMERICAN CHIZEN. ¥ i’^KOM the subscril). r, some time in the latter part of April l.i.'^t, a small sorrel Horse ; no particu- lar ir.,.rk is recollected on him — An\ ])erson takiii:' up s.iiil hor.''e, and giving me information of the !.nnie, will receive the lhanlcs of the ow ner, and all rea'^onabk- expenses paid. .lOSKPlI i'UlTCHAUD. Charlotte, Junr- f', 1 ’rweul’j \>^AVaYft IVeAvarOi. Ran A\VA\ fron. tli- snbsr.iiber’s . plantation, t .v.) in lu: fi'oin Chiir- lotti', a negro rr.m n.iri.ed il.\NNI- BAL, who is in tiie habit of changing his name and tlie nariie ot his master. He is about six feet high, of dark iiiul- atto coiiijjlexion, a iitllc croji-eyed, bu!>h\ hair, and downcast countenance ; has the scars of a little nidi or slit near the n.uh’.’e i;f the outside rim of each ear : a sc.iV on his c.ic this allegaticn; and if (as I cannot doubt | visions. from the earnestness with which you [ 1 appeal to any fair man, uho will urge it) you so understood the matter, I read the petition, whelher you have totally mistaken it. | fairly stated its contents. In the first place, thexloingsto which! ^ know, sir, tli.if an iiidivaiual incm- you refer, were had, iiotinthe “Ainer- her of the Si;nule exj.ressed thenpiuion, ican Legislature,’’ bat in vfw biaiich of 1 that the art ul 1 > would shut the col- Co2isrcos. Xu (Iccisioii was laLed hy onlal poits wh'liiy a;.’;.unst iii. iiat I am s])' ;iking of tlie tlocuiiieut, to^v*hich vou clinu>e to appeal, liic Eullnnore pe- titiuii, I maititaiii tli:;t liie petitioners did not construe t!ie net of lb25. Thi;-. then the superstructure falls, on ^vhich tou have so eonhdeiitly built. great argument, wiicrcijy you proved, that “ the whole purport ami meaning of this act”*^ of IS'J.') was full hcfure the eyes of the A- mcruan Legislature. 'i’he argument was beneath you, sir, had your statement of fads I)(;en sound. It is sucli an argunu’ut, as it would he, lor Mr. (.'lay, to fjuole a inenioi ial sent . ‘y the American Legislaluie ; a bill v\js rejpi’ted by the Senate. \ujr foi ins ol le*j;isiation are not unlike uuis, and you; will feel the ditrercnee. j The truth ia, tlat there Is no fo'j;;'Ja-j tion whatever for ths stitti.nent uliich! forms the main o! that the American G'j/enimeiil was not willing, in all its firanches, to meet the Brilish Govenniernt on the footing ot t!ie act of 1S25, as now explained and understood. The history’ of the ease is this : the Baltimore petition alleged, “ tliat under tiie act of Parliament of the Bri tish colunial ports were opened to all nations oi' the world, on l.'rms more favorable llian to us, and that there was danger that,, someUiing vvas clone to meet, v.hat was called tlie liberal policy of Great liritain, the trade ho iween this country and tliose colonii-s would be lost or mucii diminisheJ, and that the colonies v\ill be tupjjlied liuni Kurojie.” Witiiout copying the whole petition, which is in the same strain, I assert, without fear of contradiclion from an} man who will read it with uitHnaiy at i’ yL letter, !'i'hiH voU lose the a sc bone, occasioned by a bullet shot at f.ini near Junei-borougb, Tenres.iee ; a large scar neai perl’ee.tly eviilent the the middle of his breast, ai;d main on liib buck i . , ’ ' II. vuy krgc htt. ih. I lielitioncrs cl.d not umlcrslu.H ihe i,.; hig toes longer and moic- proniineiit tl.uii ':i- ol Parhauient ol lti25, as hoMuig otit rest. The abov-reward, and more, if neces- allcrnfl/rr of a'-cepting its sary, will be paid u, any ^o will de iv- inh'.rdivUd tlie trade. • him to the subscriber or the overseer at the ’ above mentioned place. ADAM bi’IUNGS. 4t.36 UiiicT?. I’hey spe-ak ot the loss or (iiminu'uon, j i:i C07i,s('fjut ncc (f al/irr nations hrin'( ' it’!ou'((l lo h'(!(!>‘ Id lhe_ rnhniic.s tm | » v’c.-i’ ^aTVrui-i'j 'r. ’:>a f/:un. v:'j 'jvuldf i up hy the University of Oxford against Catholic emancijiation, to prove some [larticular light, in which the Jirilish Government viewed that su!)ject, and to j)rove this, against the asserveration of that Government.—Should he in ad dition to the indiscretion of such a course of argument, have totally mistaken the purport t)f the m(;morial, and descrilied it as averiing what it did not aver, his case would have hoeti yours. Hutthi^ is not all. 'I'hi; matter, v/hich in the lesult, has proved of the greatest im|)ortunce is this, that wheTeas, as nan: t'i.i/xars, tlie act of was in- lcn/fi'. to take this whole subject out of the province ol' an actually existing ne- goliii’.ion, no suspicion of any sucii in tention i" evinced Tm the part of the Bal'iinioie petilioiM r-., as assuredly none existed_on the p'ji t of liu; American I'xe- cutive. 'I'iiis is a |)oint, however, which and ?h:’ll r. a thQro'.i''-h The Jiev. Muj. Wec7ns.—Two in dictments have been found-against this young gentleman, by a grand jury at Boston. Me is a thief of no common skill ; an admirable impostor. He lived at Andover, Ms. two or three years ago : he slipped into the room of a theo logical student while the owner was ab sent, carried of a manuscript sermon, took a copy, and returned the originalj isited the next town, introduced him- elf to the clergyman as the Rev. Mr. Weems from Andover, and was invited to preach ; he consented—his sermon was an excellent one, and the people hive not were delighted. The Minister, being at Andover shortly after, made inquiry for the Rev. Mr. W.—but no sucli preacher was to be found; a man named Weems lived there; but no body seemed ed to know much concerning his char acter as a theologian. He has more lat terly figured in Salem, Boston, &c. sometimes preaching, and then anon following his other business of stealing garments for himself, and fancy goods as presents for the ladies. This latter foible, hy the way, led to his detection. He honored New York also with a visit, and while there, styled himself Major But lii3 greatness has f^ed ; and the con- stahh*?:, forgetting the respect due to hit; titles, most unceremoniously locked up tii'j Muior, the Minister, and the 'I'hiel in o.'i? jail together. Pr(jvidc7ic: paper. Ancrd>:!r. founded on fad.—In a small village of the state of Ciejrgia, a quarrel recently orcurr»'d between two I'rench- men ; one a meagre little physician, that looked ar. if he lived on his own drugs the oihi-c, d biurdy grocer, who, as a caii- nibal, eoiild have taken the liiilc M. I), at a meal. In the progress of the dispnie, the doctor, wrought up to the sticking; point, and as warm a', a catapla.snt, ex claimed vehemently, “/ he dam if 1 hq kHlyo-r—Xo whicii the grocer replied, v/ith anon-chalaricc of the most ludicrous contrast, “ Ao JJotiaire, I be dam if do, J()i' / thall not tmjiloy you.'* you Tlie worthiest people are most injured I)y blatiderers ; u'> we ustially find that to be the best fruit which the birds have been pecking at. To !jc slandered ranks us with men of the greatest mrrit, who could never escape ih-: ciilumLies of the