mOM THE rUAIlI.KSTOV Cf '^niKIl. As preut strcs'i appears sit this moment to be I.iid u}>un crrtaln “Jackson Mecxln{js,” held in the State of Ohio, we publish the following- fXtract of a letter, from u pentleman of tliis city, now on a tour of pleasure through the ■NVcstcrn States, as calculatcJ tothrrt^ some lig;ht upon the subject. It is dated at Bti-tord Springs, Pennsylvania, J«nc 1st. “ Ohio is decidedly in favor of An^MS. I travelled 300 miles in it, tukitjgit leis urely, on horscback ; which afforded me a favorable opportunity to ascertain the scrniments of the people. At Cincinnati, there is a Col. Mac, who keeps a lari^e Hotel—he is a violent Jacksonite, and v,ishes to make Iravclkrs believe the city ji so. He has a register in his bar, w here passengers record their names, and op posite to mine, they put “Jackson;” '.^'hich ^ave me the trouble to erane Sc substi- txite. They had a Jackson meeiin,^ in St. Clairsville, in Bcllmont county, whicl) you may have seen puffed off in tho pa pers :—well, I camc through tliere a day or two after, and the truth is, they r.oiild Tnijsier but 17 Jacksonites, in their “ nu- vnerous and respectable meeting.’* In Steu- ?jenville, they had another, {^an account of \?hich you will also probably sec,) and ;hcre too, they found it all up hill wojk. In the whole county, they could assemble but .35. “I entered Pcnnslyvania at its South- "West, and shall go out at its North-East corncr, (350 miles)—Washington, Alle- y.hai'y and Bedford counties, are warn) Tor jviv. Adams; and Westmoreland and .Somerset for Jackson—these are the counties through which I have travelled; in the course of which, I visited the fovns of OlaysvUk^JacksonvUlCyJldamsburg^ and Randolph—the first named is quite a ja'*ge town. Washington^ in Washington ( otinty, is as large as Wheeling, and there are several extensive manufactories in it. rvir. Clay is expected through this Suie, and they are prejiaring to give him a sjrand dinner at Pittsburg.” The Opposition which is boasted of being “ organized” against this Admin istration, so far as it disregards measures altogether, places its hostility on the as sumption of the existence of a bargain or intrigue connected with the late Presi dential Election. Of any such bargain we have expressed utter disbelief, from the first moment that it vras charged a- jjainst the President and the Secretary of State. We thought, at the time, that Mr, Clay’s vote was such as he could not help giving without a forfeiture of all character for political consistency, not to speak of any personal feeling which may or may not have entered into the jnatter. The pretence of the existence of such a bargain, however, has been »>ravcly set up, and upon that ground the Combinalion, which has also been boast ed of, deiominatc the f)resenf Adminis tration “ the Coalition.’^ If there was any improper understand ing between these two high public offi- t-eis, the evidence of it was the appoini- r»ieiit of M:'. Clay to the office of Secre tary of State. The barrier which the C onstitution has erectcd against such coc.litions is to be found in the jiower of the Senate of the United States to control Executive appointments. The a;)()oitit- inent of Mr. Clay was the consummation of the I'raud, bargain, or intriijue (had it existed) which is now alleged as a reason ibr oppoaition to the present Adminis tration, right or wrong. If there was nl wroiig in the appoiiitmcni, there certainly collusion on the part of those gave it validity by conHrmiug it. The Delaware Journal furnishes, jus! now quite a-propoa^ a copy of the k*e;is arid Nays on that appointment : at which we confess we were surprised : I'ur although .we published them at the time, it was before any “conceniration of sentiment” took place here, and ul course yt'fore we thought of the alleged '‘‘coalition” being made the ground of opposition, much less of certain of our friends enliiiing under that standard. We Copy the Yeas, in the Senate, upon the (juc'^.ttoa of confirming the nomina tion, atu! submit them to ilie candid rea- '-cr. Th following Sriu*tors voted for Mr. Clay fs ScTLtary of Stale : Messr.s. IJarton, IJcll, ijf i.ion, iiouligny, Ch.iiidU-r, Ch:isc, (iluyton, D’VVolf, Dickerson, Kilvvurds, i;aillard, Harri- ;;in, ilciidhcks, Hoimcs, nt Maine, .lolinston, A' l,')iiisi:ina, Kaiu-, Kinj;, of Alalianiu, Knigiit, 3"lo) ', of Mfl. rioyd of Mass. Mills, iiowan, i'.u-i, bfviiiour, Siuitli, Van lJurun, and \ an »ykc. ■ • u»Ir. Noble, of Indiana, came into the Senate alter the vote was taken, and wish- * :i to l ecord his vole in favor of Mr. Clay —but 11 was not in order. J Atit. Jntdligcnccr. The venerable Juii»es II. M’Culloc !i. Collector tf the Port of Baltimore, who :.houldered his musket, and was sefercly wounded in the Battle of North Point, was present at a late Administration Meeting, in t!ie Eleventh ^^’ard of that i!\. He was invited to take the C hair, hu; declined, I'or reason*? highly credita- his delicacy. There can be no I’eai for he Adnunlstralii-n of the country, ■wl" ri such men s'ep furward in its de- fcncp. d.a^. Councr. FHOM l.Nt.l.AMJ. ^KW-VOUK, JUNt 15. The i^acket ship Birmingham, Capt. Cobb, arrived last eveiiing, bringing tlie editors of the Commercial Advertiser London papers to tlie btl., and Liverpool papers to the 9th of May, all inclusive. The King held a Court on the 50th of April, at which lite Duke of Portland, the Duke of Devon:»hire, the Marquis of Anglesea, Lords Dudley and Ward, Ad miral Sir Cieorge (>ockliurn, Sir Antho ny Hart, and the Hon. William I^amb, were sworn in Privv Councillors. The following were sworn into oflice : The Lord Chancellor, (Lyndliurst) the llight Hon. Sturges Bourne, Lords Dudley and Ward, the Miirquis of Angleseu, who was also sworn in Lord Lieutenant of the Tower. 'I'here is but little news from the Con tinent ; and the London j>apers, iji addi- lion to the Parlianientary reports, are chii'fly fdled with political spec\i!ations, many of which are as ci uiie as Editorial speculations often ai e in other places.— The Morning Herald, of Monday the 7th says, tliat, “in the political circles, on Saturday, there were various surmises as to the cause of Mr. Canning’s ab sence fiom the House of Commons, on the preceding evening; and there was confident talk about an expose being a- i bout to appear of the conversations, ?cc. addressed to a distinguished personage, which accelerated the late decided change. It is avowed that the conflicts between the Premier and the Ex-Ministers have, as yet, hardly begun! This is hopeful intelligence—if there be any truth in it.” We have no doubt that Mr. Canning will be compelled to meet a successi(jn of bit ter attacks ; but no man is better able, not only to repel them, but to turn the weapon back on thC foe. In the House of Commons on the 7th, on a motion for a financial committee, Mr. Canning staled, that he intended to bring forward the state of the revenue early the next session. But for the re cent and extraordinary events, the subject would have been immediately brought up. Me hoped the Government would not be considered as abandoning a duty by avoiding this session as much as pos sible, the agitation of all questions that might disturb the public mind. On Fi i- day he should bring forward the present state of the finances, and there would be an opportunity for those who wished to display their loyalty, and anxiety for the country, (as they did on Friday, by stop ping all t.upplies,) to step forward. The Globe says, ‘‘there appears great haste in sending off the military to tJan- ada. The Romney, :>0 gun ship, is or dered off with the transports; three of the latter were ordered off from Ports mouth to Ireland in an hour’s notice to take in troops at the Irish ports.” [A- mong the passengers in the Birmingiiain, is the Hon. Col. J. Ramsay, with des patches from the British Government for the Earl of Dalhousie, Governor of Can ada, with which he immediately proceed ed to Quebec. ] Major Laing, the* intrepid traveller, with his companions, have been killed in the interior of Africa. I’hey had reach ed Tinibuctoo, where they were received in a friendly mannei', and on their way from that city with an es.,un, were at tacked by an unfriendly tribe,, anvl the whole party strangled. It is said there IS no hope uf rocoveritig Majoi Laing’s papers. [Later accounts contradict this.l Accounts from Portugal state that ev ery thing was going on well. The prin cipal persons among the Spanish Consti- lutional emigtants had been ordered to (juit Portugal, and several of them have reiuined, or are about to return, to Eng land. This measure has been ado[>ted in consequence of the Spanisli (jovernmcnt having complied with all the dcmai. s oi the Court of Lisbon. The French Government has formally recognized the independence of Mexico, and Col. Murphy, who had for some time resided at Paris as an ageni of the Re public, had been officially acknowledged as Charge de Alfaires. I.,etters of cre dence had in like manner been transmit ted froni Pans to I\I. I\Iartin, now at Mexico, to rcj)resent the French Govein- ment there. of Commons.—On tl.c mer?’’.ig ol' the House of Commons, on the tii /.t u!' May, sfter some iinmatetial l)usincss, Mr. Pert 'ose amid lom! cheers, and de- livrred li!s \indicM'oiy spe«'ch. Ii was mil'l and IVaiik. Jle pnt his secession iVi ni the ministry expressly on the ground of bis ditl'rring with Mr. Canning, whom he continued to call Rt. Hon. iili'iid, as to the C'atholic question ; of him he .si)okc, he said, as iie could wish to be spoken of. “ He gave his lit. Hon. friend full credit for sincerity ; in doing so, when he redected upon his professions and long continued exertions, he could not but concludi* he would iVel it his duty to pinm(/tc, with all his influence, the ultimate success of that measure fCrtth- olic emancipation 1 tor the advancement of vvliich he had so long and so strc iiu- ously labored. lie (Mr. Ptel) had there- fore fctrii riglit to rc'.ire frcm the staiiuii he I: A tillu'i." P. ...r. I'lt., whose “ biiii? luciui) ” ( xplunalipn of !)i^ cpurse ha(h lie said, been so well receiv ed by the IIou>e, cliir.ny to say, that he would be indnccd, by the very considera tions which had impelled Mr. Peel to resign, to give his lu arty support to the administration. IVlr. Cn firge Vutrsnn^ late an und‘r Sircictary of State, Wallowed : and in a hot and hasty specen, charged an unnatural “coiI.’.iAm”—the word is European as v. cii ai Anier ; .a:.—on those who i;Ow sUjTportL’d tl'ie Goverifflient : and was alluding to vvlut was understood to be the King’s vie\. ul' : i** eorr’ a oath, in lereuMice lo C’u . i„it!>s, when he was called to ct de''. «' : i ed by the Speid. r that ;*! 'isii.ti to the ’I'hrone, for the pui jiO'f ol uiHueucing the debate, was disorderly. Mr. Davvsoji continued to speak v.itli v *.111111 and in discretion some time long'-: j and wl.t n lie sat down, Mr. Bioiighur > and said, it: regard to his supporting Mr. Canning’s views, it would not he from interested motives 5 for “I have, never dreamed of taking cUice under the pres ent arrangement. 1 am much move cc.”- tain atid inevitably out of ofiice—and ou; of office am more likely to remain—thai^ the honorable gentleman himself who last spoke. But, because I support this (;, thou|;h I gone further, I t.m to be charged with an unnatural coa lition.” Mr. Brougliam, in the course of his remarks, pai pliment to Mr. Prel. Mr. Cctiinlng ciosrd the debate in a tri umphant speech, in which he vindicated his cause with manliness, sincerity, and decision. He reciprocatcd warmly the expressions of Mr. Peel, and he declar ed that w hen ihe occasion came for form ing a new Ministry, he, (Mr. C.) advis ed the King to form it on nnti-catholic grcjvnds, tendering, at the same lime, his own resignation; the King refused the advice, and directed him to form an Ad ministration on the same footitigof neu trality. as to this question, as Lord Liv erpool’s. That he attempted so to do, but was measurably prevented by the withdrawal of the Protestant portion of the Cabinet, six of whose resignations he received in the very bed room of the King—among them, that of Lord Eldon : that, in this embarrassment, he again ex pressed to the King his desire that a Cab inet might be formed without him, (Mr. C.) if his being there was an obstacle : that the King’s comnnands to him to go on with the business weie decisive, and that he had done so. He could not dis guise, he said, that the Cij^tholic question liad derived a “vast accession of force,” by these events, but stdl that could noi induce him (Mr. C'.) “to force it upon the House, wiien so large a portion of the community ajjpear opposed to it.” In the House of Lon!i\ the .Marquis of Lansdovvne, Lords (urosvenoi-, liuliand and King, sat on the Miiiisterial l>enches. Lord Eldon atul tfie i.cceuin^ Lords on the neutral benches. Tiie London ('ourt Circular of April ir, annonnci’s tliat, in addition lo the other resignations (jf His Majesty’s Cab inet and Household, the CW-, and Master Iiakcrt aJid the ClUimberrnnid and Laun- dirss, had resigned. The Morning Chro nicle adds—“ vvc trust no dit^icuhy will arise in filling up these offices.” The Diplomatic Circles at Brussels have been much agitated by the discov ery of some buspicioas gamfrling transac tions in the “good society” of that city. At the subscription club a Count (one of the Foreign Ambassadors) after losing for a whole season, begaTi all at once to win with unirterrupied good luck. Doubts of his honesty were entertained, and at U-ngth he was publicly charged wiih chraling. Ati'einpts were made to search his pockets.—This however was j>revefiled on the ground of hi,s official sution. He was lecjuestcd not to come a'^ain to the club. He persisted in doing so, and stated that he had wiitten to his CJovernnient foriettersof recall, inoider thai as a private person he might do hnnself that justice which as an Ambas- .'.ador he coukl not obtain. 'I'he ('orps Di|)lomatique had ru! their colleague, und the kitig v» u.s j;reatly vexed by the occur rence. A short tIme*ago, in this neighljour- hood, a young girl, about seven years of .ig*‘, whose imariiiaiion had been filled vviiii thobe Irigiul’iil nut'-riy tales that art' conjured up i)y jg?iorant servants and o'.liers, toirigiiieti (.iiildicn jiito their o- bediv'nce, was thrust into a dark clost 1 lor some tale she h.ul caincd to her [)a- rents. 'I’he pucjr ihing c(jntinued to scream with t!ie most violent apj)rchen- ‘?ini,s, and when ihe tloor was opened to lake from her abode of terror, she was lying on the ';ioiind in .strong con vulsions, i he cunllict V. as too powerful tor her tender reason, and :,he now exists, one (yi the most iiiisei able oI)jects (j1’ hu man syjnpathy. Lfrr pai ents'and fi iends see their hopes bl.i .led—tiieir interesting little favoi'.ritc i:^ now an idiot! C 'u;:joiv C/iroiii' u. In the case o' i,uuo male patients that enter the hospital ol Jiicetre, at Paris, the insanity is asci’ibed to i!ie lullow it'g cau ses :=drunkenness. ; born idiots, 73; t^xressive labuj-, 2,1 ; old agt-, ej ; act i den:, " ’ ; cc:;sf.'(;-ieiTc3 of (rf-rus:', : . pll* p-y, ri'S ; ill usr.gc, •: ; mJcui.;:.;-, uiationVf the skull, 1 ; p(,is..tiuus «flbn M, 17; unnatural practices, -9; religious enthusiasm, 31 ; and/uion, 7(3; love, -I.-; misfortune, fc'J; political events, -M chagrins, 55; pretended insanity,'6; un known causes, 118—-total, 1,000. An)ong 1.000 temale patients at th*? Salpetriere, the insanity is attributed in U2 eases to palsy, in 82 to age, in 43 to hystei ia, in 2'J to drunkenness, and what is remarka ble, only in seven cases to disappointment in love. It would thus appear, that in France, love turns the heads of six men fur one woman. Steam Navigation.—We learn, from England, that our countryman, Perkins, has succeeded in completing his improv ed Engine, on his original principle, and ;s ready to contract for it on the follow ing terms : his Engine will be but one- tV,urth the weight, will occupy but one- f'oiirth the space, be worked with half the fuel, and cost one-third less than the first qndity London made high pressure En- gities. He asks for his remuneration an ann'ul ( barge of one-third of the saving of tlie fij'd tii it his plan will effect. 'I'his Engine has been subjected to the scruti ny of the most ,s>;ientific men, his patent .i. completed and his triumph complete. He is under contract with ihe French fiovernnient to supply Steaii) Artillery. Ilis experiments fur this j)nrpose W’ere attended by a Komn)itt*'e of French En gineers, the Duke of A.ngouleme, and the Prificp Polignac. }iis pieres of Ordin ance will throw sixty balls of four pnund.s each in a minute, with the correciness of a rifie musket, and a pound of coal will produce ilte » H'ect of four jjounds of gun powder. His nmsket will throw from 100 to 1000 balls iti a minute for any length of time. The British (iovern- ment have not yet made any contract wuh him. He purposes to apply to this coun try for a patent, but it is supposed the terms of the patent law vrill prevent him. Mr. Perkins has ascertained that the safety valve in either a high or low pres sure Engine, is of no use, if the water be permitted to fall below the line where the boiler becomes red hot, but he has provided a remedy against accidents fiom this source. It is confidently expected that improv ed steam vessels will ere long entirely sup plant men of wur Raleigh Register. Cotton.—It is stated that the consump tion of raw cotton in France and Switzer land in 1825, was 230,000 bales; in 1826, 2S0,000 bales. 'J'he present consumption in the United States is supposed to be from 175 to 200,000 bales; and if our Domestic Manufactures continue to in crease, as they have done for a few years past, our consumption at home will soon exceed France and Switzerland united. This would serve to keep up the price of couon. Rat. Register. Piracy and Murder.—The brig Craw- foid, Citpt. Brightman, of Troy, Mass. bound from Matanzas for New. York, ar rived in Hampton Roads, on Tuesday night last. The captain, three of the crew, and four passengers, had been mur dered by four Spaniards (also passengers ii\ the vessel) on the passage. The mate, Mr. Dobson, and a F'rench gentleman passenger, only escaped. The assassins were provided with false papers regularly prepared, which they substituted for those of the Crawford, with the intention of proceeding on a voyage. The mate was saved on condi tion of his navigating the vessel, and un der pretence of having lost the way, he run the brig into Hampton Roads, for inforn’ation. Finding himself detected, the leader of the pirates cut his throat ; it was sup posed from the papers his name was^Jl- e.candcr Tardy. IIi^ three comrades man aged to procure a boat, landed in the neighborhood of .Mill-Creek, and escap ed into the country, where a nunaber of persons promptly turned out in pursuit of them. The following are among the persons murdered Wm. Brigbtmiin (capt.), Asa Bicknell, Joseph Doliver Potter, and Nathan , seamati ; Mr. Norman Robison, of Connecticut; and an Irish man, name unknown. A negro was recently found on board the schooner La Bruce, Capt. Kmiberly, lying at Georgetown, S. C. and bound to New Voik. He had secreted himself i)rtween bales of cotton, where he hadre- mained/^four days ; being however tired of his uneasy position, and hearing that the vessel would not sail until the next (lay, lie very prudently cried out, and was cut Irom the bulkhead. I he New-York CiViinrkrs had “ a row, a rumpus and a riot” at Waterloo, one day last week, in which a constable was l)rought down by a shillalah, and a num ber o\'r.tkhcal giiit'cmcn were engaged in a “Tom and .lerry stt to,” till finally a j large numl^cr of citizens were rallierl by I the nil'.ct:s of justice, who succeodcd in (quelling the rioters, and deposited for safe keeping in the strong box, the pugi listic gentlemen and camirlns. y. y. Pnptr. House of Mr. Tilton, ■ n Newburyport 'Mass.) was struck-by ! a thtindvF- sl.owcr on Saturduj auci..oa:i—the ele- iiic fluid descended the cliiinney, toaiin - away many bricks, u!id entering a roon where the family were sitting, struck U succession two children and an elderlv lady ; one of the children was instantly killed, ano'ther burnt in the face, and the lady’s clothes were much burnt. W'e have s-een at the Exchange three, rifles, made by a Mr. Albright, cf Pen^/ sylvania, which for beauty of workniar- ship, not only do credit to the maker but are calculated to exalt the reputatiojj of our country in this department of manufactures. f)ne of them valued 8200, is certainly the most beautiful thing of the kind we have ever beheld and is inlaid with mother of pearl, and metallic ornaments in exquisite styU Another has two barrels, and is so con' structed, that by drawing back the guard the breach will .’•evolve so as to enable one to fire them in succession, with oniv an interval of a second or two. The tliit t is much plainer in its finish, but is never- theless a beautifjl specimen of fire arms The maker is a young man of modesr and retired deportment, and we sincerly hope these, his early efforts, may meet such encouragement as will induce him to apply himself, sedulously, to a branch of business, in which he cannot fail to attain pre-eminence. [Baltimore Chronicle. NEW-YOUK, Jl’NE 15. Jcfive Benevoknce.—The citizens o:' Pi evidence, R. I. sent an agent to thib cny last week, whc purchased a (juutititv o! Dodor Chambers's medicine, toi tl/c use of such uni'ortunate victims of intern- p'*rancc as are unable to procure ittnem' selvi s. The agent »-elate(i to us several affecting instances of its rcitorativc pow ers. A man who had long been a con firmed drunkard, by usir.i, Jif medicine four days, was thoroughly reclaimed, and is perfectly temperate and very industrious and respectable. Another, an ingenious mechanic, who, in conse quence of his intemperate habits, had forfeited the confidence of ihe public, has been restored lo his family and to society, and is now profitably employed, with sev eral men under his direction. Many o- ther instances the agent mentioned of its salutary effects. The citizens of Provi dence have set an example which is wor thy of universal imitation. And it gives us pleasure to state, that the Capt. of the steam boat Washington offered a free passage to their agent, as soon as he un derstood the benevolent object of his mission. Christian Advocate ard Journal. NOUTH A3AMS, (.MS.) JUNK L'. FcmaiC J}idustry.-—0\ir matronly co: respondent, from the Mountain, is doubi less a praiseworthy example of industry But being, as we are, an incompetcn' judge of the subject on which slie vvriieE. and not having at hand any data by whicli we may compare her account with the household achievements of other ladies, we are somewhat at a loss to know what compliment we ought to pay her. Hav ing, however, no fears that examples of domestic industry will injure the more youthful part of her sex, w-e have no sort of demur against publishing her state ment. It Is from Mrs. I* reelove Drury, of Florida, and goes on to state, that, “In the jear 1823, she “hatcheled, carded anct spun of tow and linen yarn. 89 runs* and 10 knots ; picked the wool, and spun of woollen yarn, 56 runs and K knots ; doubled and twisted 10 runs oi yarn; spooled and quilled 237 runs • whitened 56 yards of cloth ; knit 5 pair of socks, 3 1-2 pair of stockings, and 4 paii of mittens; made 13 shirts, 4 coai.s, 10 pair of pantaloons, 2 slips, 2 spencers, .^ vests, 6 towels, 6 table-cloths, 4 pair ol pillow-cases, 3 sheets, and 4 meal-bugs.'* • A “run,” a? we arc informed, is 20 “knot?,' each knot being composed of 40 thrcadf- and cach thread of sutficicnt length tc rtacii once round a reel, such as was formerly > ('n sidercd a neccssnry article in the furiiitare o', all good housewives, and is still to be sccii i'- most of the farm-housei in New Lnjfluiid. STOCKBHIIIGK, (mASS.) Jl'.NE M Xetc and important Jinprovement.-Av.wnr the useful improvements in the niechani' arts, the one we are about to ineiitioi invented by our resjiected townsman Mr. Richard P. Morgan, stands preenni' nent. We are well aware, that the pid' lie now receive new inventions, with e,t treme caution aud jealousy ; but as tt spects this, vve see nothing in the way tc its complete fululment of the anticip;‘ lions of the inventor. It has been laiHy tested by actual experiment, and wo-think the public will be highly gratilie'd with the result. The invention is an improved Carriage, which so reduces friction, that one horse may draw with perfect east’. vpon a level road, fifiv tons. Mr. M has proved this fact both upon a sma.I model, and upon a wagon, capable ol car rying the usual weight of a common 'vag- on. and if any advantage was bad in favor of the latter. We believe, in - ‘ the experiments made by Mr. Tredgoi‘b with the pulley and w-eight, he never suc ceeded in moving more than l.‘>0 lbs. '♦ith one pound. One pound, attached to th)i carriage and suspended over a pulle)* moved (piickly seven hur^drcdpounds. Ii is nut our oDject now to give a p2r- ■ticuhr dctai! of ^tjviously valJable

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