vor.. III.] CHABLOTTE, JV. C. TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1827. [NO. 140. FURLISHED WEEKLY Br LEMUEL BINGIIaM, Si Three Dollars a year^ paid in advance. ATo paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearages are p:iiJ. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual t;ites. Persons sending in advertisements, are requested to note on the margin the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid, and charged accordingly. Carriage MaWn?;. IHE subscriber has est-iblished himself in the above business the stand recently occupied by r. Miles Hill, where he is pre pared to do all kinds of work in his line. He will also carry on the Blacksmith Business the sliop lately occupied by Mr. Merrills, to vl/ich he will devote his particular attention, ind use every exertion to give complete satis- ‘.iction to allwho may favor him with tlicir cus. :om. JOHN BARHAM. Charlotte, July 6, 1827.—3t40 > Wftt6\\es & Je-wcWei;^. Thomas Trotter ^ Co. RESrECTFULLY informs the public that they have received and ofi'er for sale a few gohl and silver patent le ver Watches, (gentlemen and ladies) a few good plain Watches, warranted; gentle men and ladies’ gold Chains, Seals and Keys ;. some hand- Breast Pins, Finger Kings, Ear Kings, Pcurl and Filigree, and Paste in setts, &c. &c. ; all or any part of which we will sell low for *^Cl’ocks and Watches repaired at the shortest notice, and warranted to perform. Cash given fbr gold and silver. N. B. M'e expect to receive in a short time some elegant Military and plated Goods, &.c. Charlotte, May 14, 1827.—50 lielteTs Remaining in the Post-Offlce, Lincolnton, N. C. 1st July, 1827. DOCTORS Thos. L Johnson & Thos. Harris^ Having associated in the practice of MED ICINE, respectfully tender their services, in the several departments of their profession, to the citizens of Charlotte and its contiguous country. They can at all times be found, at their newly established shop, on the lot form erly occupied by Dr. Thomas Henderson, two hundred yards south of the Court-House, ex cept when professionally engaged. They are in daily expectation of afresh and genuine as sortment of Medicine from Philadelphia^and New-York. Abrams Willisim Armfield Nedoin. B Book out David Bost Catharine Bookout Joha Blaford Wm, Bolinger Abram Bookout Sarah Blakty James Blanich Henry Bringle Lawrence. C Clark Jepthah Camel Daniel Craig Wm. Carpenter Andrew Caldwell Andrew Crow W'm. Carson Sam'l. Clark .Tohn O. t'.arpenter Wm. Coulter Elkanah P. Cook Joseph Carpenter Henry. D Dethciow George Duncaid Wm. Dewey Phineas. E Elam Joel Elam Thomas. F Falls John Frie John Fergerson James Finger Henry. G Givens Robert Green Martin. H Hopkins John Have John Hull Magor Harsnau Andrew Henkel Jacob Harry John H. I J Jenkins David Irby Ann Jones Morgan Isenhower Dan’l. K Kook Elisha Kiser Lawrence Kcisler Daniel Kendrick Thomas Killey John Kendrick Joseph Kistler Jacob Kiser Adam. I. Lindsey James Linebarger David 23' To all whom it may concern- TAKE NOTICE, That by virtue of an Order from the Court of Equity, for Mecklenburg county, to me directed, 1 shall expose to public sale, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the 27th day of ..\ugust next, being the Monday of our next County Court, a*-certain lot known on the plot of said town by No. 181, on the south side of Tryon street, belonging to W'illiam Patterson and others, and decreed to be sold for their benefit. A credit will be g'lven until the fol lowing Superior Court. ^ „ D. K. DUNLAP, e. M. E. mo The Rev. Thomas P. Hunt informs the cili „ zens of North-Carolina that, by autliority of Jjr- Mrs. Leigh, he has appointed John B. Cottrell Davidbon cn » and Dr. 1). K. Dunlap, of Charlotte, N. Carolina. MargHiet llemk r.-,on, Agents for corrccting impediments of speech. Jonn i. iiuggiiis. The above named agents having received full ' t Liman.. nnri Qiifiinpiiv o-'.vp uoticc to the : Thomas 1. Jolinson. CoT^oration iS*o\icc. The Commissioners of Charlotte request those who attend divine worship in the Brick Church in Charlotte, to apply to Mr. Green Kendrick and engage their pews for the present iir consequence of a debt that is due by the corj)oration for part of the eypense of building the Church, the Commissioners are obliged to lease the pews to assist in discliarging it. It is therefore hoped tiiat every person who attends worship there, will take a pew or make some provision that they may have a regular place to Bit in, and put a stop to the complaints now so often made, that the ow ners of pews cannot get juto them. By order of the Boar.l. U. I. DINKINS, Charlotte, June 3.0. iy2r.-3t39 Clerk. Law Chan a M Mabry Thomas Mouie Wm. Moore John McFerson Malcom March John McNemner John Moony John McGill Dan’l. Merson Joab Moony Christy McGill Daniel A. Milligan Wm. Matthews Anderson Moore Joseph Rev. () Oats Wm. Oats Wm. P Parrish Elizabeth Peclor Joseph. ‘4 Quickie Michael R Reynolds John Rudisil Jonas, 2 Rliodes Hfury Robinson Katharine Robb Judath, 2 Reeid James Ramsey Solomon. S Sloop Henry Spuriiu Elijah Sticr\v:ilt Jno. Sluitord Martin Sumiiiey Jacob Speck Jiihn Slagle Jno. Steiner Christaind Siimmey Geo. Stow Wm. Shetley Alexander Sellers Gto. Shin Jno. Stroup Solomon Self W'm. Staney John Sherill Enos T Ta>lor Wm. V Vickers John W Wells F. Williams Thos. Ward Isaac H. Wells Burrel Wilkins Thos. Wright Wm. Wales Jesse G. Wilkins Thos. Warlick Maxwell Williams Isaah. D. REINHARDT, P. liist of Remaining intht Post-Office at charlotte, N. C. July 1, 1827. A. Susan Austin, Marcus Alexander, Elias Alexander, F.dwin L. Alexander, Paris Alexander, Mary Kennedy, Sarah A. Kendrick, Alfred D. Kerr. L. John I.awson, Samuel M. Lowric, Rev. Abrin. Anderson, Robert Lindsay, M. Lucy Abernathy, Joseph Alexander, Robt. M. Alexander. B. David Brj'an, John Brown, John W. Brown, Moses Beaty, John Black, Dr. L. B. Badger, Silas Biglow, Matthew Bain, Mary 1. Brandon, Margaret Boyd. C. David Caruther'i, Robert Caldwell, James Cunningham, George Cowder, Jonas R. Clark, John Coston, Jesse Cathey, Allen Curry, Henry W. Conner, Peyton Crane, (2) Reuben Cole, Robert Carr. D. James Dunn, Mar\ Davis, Janies Dougherty, Robert 1. Dinkins, Gen. Geo. L. Davidson, Adam H. Davidson, , William Dewtase, Thomas Dunn, Thos. Davis, 2. E. Charles Elms, 2. F. W^m. Flannigan, 2, John Y. Fletcher, George Farrar, Rachel Ford, 2, John Farrow. G. James C. GrifTith, William G idbury, John Gordon, Mary Grier, James F. Gilmer, Jane Griffith. H. George Henry, David Homey, Sarah Haynes, j Martha Harris, I John Henderson, I Elizabeth A. Hill, I C\ rus L. Hei'fv, 1 John Hipp, I Ebm Hunter, ^ Col. Iloover, instruction and authority, give community in general, that they are prepared ^ to receive Stammerers of every grade at the residence of Dr. D. R. Dunlap, in Charlotte, where he or Mr. Cottrell may at all times be found. They do not hesitate to warrant a cure (on condition of their attention to instruction) to all w'ho may come well recommended for in tegrity and honesty; and no others need apply. Children, above three years of age, of respect able parents, will be received. From this it may be understood, that id! adults must ^bring certificates of their standing in society. Adultb may be curcd in from one to ten days ; children require longer time. Prices are regulated by circumstances, and will be made known on ap plication. Board can be had on reasonable terms. _ N. B. Mr. J. B. Cottrell was a stammerer of the worst kind, and has been cured on Mrs. K. nnings B. Kerr, William Lueky. M. W'illiam Menteith, John McBride, Joseph M’Cullah, Daniel Moore, Robert Montgomery, Henry Marks, . William Moore, Alexander McMillan, William Morrison, McGill Matthews, Doct. M’Clain, sen. W'illiam J. Morrison, William M’Cree, W. C. M’Cormick, Jiimes Morrison, John Montgomery, Janies Murphy, James M’Colough, Hugh McDowell. N. James Nowlan, Nicholas Nelson, William 11. Neill. O. Rev. Jas. Osbourn, 3, Nathan Urr, Braley Oates, James Ormaud, John H. Orr, Alexander Osborn. P. Ann Patton, George Poplin, Lunstbrd Paschal, Samuel Porter, James Polls, Williaiii Phillips, William Pressley or Charles Kikcr. R. David Reed, Rufus Reed, James B. Roberison, William Reed, WiUiain T. Roberts, Mary Reed. S. Sheriff of Mecklenburg Frances A. SumerviUo, Henry Simison, Adam A. Springs, Martha Slaughter, John Shannon, Amelia Stitt. T. Sarah 1 hompson, J. G. roprence, Ilohii Taylor. W. William Wilcockson, George Wren, 2, EdwaTd M. West, Francis Wilson, 2, William Walker, Hilliam Witherspoon, Henry Woodward, Dr. S. T. Wilson, Judge Wilson, Henry Williams. [From the Boston Patriot.) LETTER VIH. To the Right Honorable George Canningy First Lord of the Trc.asury, &c; Sir ; In my last letter I gave you an accouut of the debate-on the resolution reported by the committee of commerce in the Senate of the United States. I did this to show you, that, in referring to the “debates” in our Congress, to jus tify your abrupt and unprecedented con duct in issuing tlie Order in Council of July last, you not only resorted to a most irregular mode of arj^unicntalion, but weie vvholly uninformed of the state of facts. I now proceed to the subject of Gen. Smith’s bill, introduced immediately af examined) that those acts must havd been and were understood by us, and that we knowingly and deliberately re jected their provisions. In more particular reply to the para graph just cited from Mr. Gallatin’s let ter, you say, (alluding to the Baltimore petition) that it “ Prayed ‘ for the removal of the sev eral restrictioiis imposed by the Ameri can act of 1823 not of ‘ the discrimina ting duties” only, but of the prohibi tions of what is called by Mr. Gallatin ‘circuitous intercourse in British ships. You then add, that “ it was against the prayer of this petition that the d^ cision of the American Legislature, at the close of the session, was taken.” This, sir, is an important point, and must pardon my freedom in putting : , , ’ . .*11 O’ i you must I ter the debate in question took place. 1 o I rj„ht. this Bill and ;n Notwithstandingyourperemptorycon- tradicton of Mr. Gallatin, and the s;ein- 3t40 WILLIAM SMITH, P. M. Leigh’s system. Charlotte, June 27, 1827.- !mt49 OC^The editor of the Pioneer, Yorkville, and of the CuruliniuJi, Salisbury, will publish the above three times, and forward their bills ft)r payment. JS*exv Medical l)ru^ Store. E. uiLLKY~Ac CO. Are now receiving and ojj.ening, in Salisbvi- ry, '* very general supply of .MEDICINE, DRUGS, £.c. which they oiler for sale, whole* Hale and retail, on terms accommodating to the *’*nes. Arrangements being made at the North, they t i TubVic The subscriber informs his friends and the public, that he has purchased that well known establishment, lately owned and occupi ed bv Dr. Henderson, and is now prepared to entertain traveller:) and others, who may please to call on him ; and no exertions Vv ill be .spared to render them comfortable, and their stay a- i^reeable. His table will be furnished with ev- t'ry variety which the country afibrds; his bar with the best of liquors; and his stables with ^•lenty of provender, and careful servants \m11 be iii constant attend.ance. ROBERT 1. DINKINS. Charlotte, April 20, lB2fi. *80 ' oVVee. WII.L be sold, at the Court-House in Concord, oti the 3d Monday in July Ties.t, by 01 dcr of the Court of Picas and Quarter Sessions, one negro man named Edward, who was committed to the jail ot the county twelve months ai^o, and said he belonged lo one Johnson, a trader in nej^roes. Said tellow is of middle stature, tolerably stout built, and light *:olor, and is now to be sold accord in lo act of Assembly, to use of the county and satibfaction of jail fees, Sec. J. W. HAMILION, Sherijf. CunmrJ, Jjirll 16, 1827. 3m_t40 AV sale at this Ofiice, Ai\\ feT Wsi'ment. riLI. be sold, on Wednesday, the 1st day of August, at Robt. Burton’s Store, tin following tracts of land, \ \£ : One tract ol about 9U acres, lying just below Beattie’s Ford, in cluding the big'islunil fornieriy held by Uocl. John Scott; also, the dower right of Mrs. Hart in that tract of land at Beattie’s Ford,^ includ ing the tavern and ohl mill, about acres. Also, a tract of about 100 acres, lying in Lin coln countv, ne.ir the dry jionds, formerly own ed by Benedict Jetton. These lands arc or dered bv the will of J. Franklin Brevaril to be sold, and as surli will be sold at the above time and place, on 1-J months credit, by BOBER'r WILSON, ^ /’rV* EPHRAIM BREVAUD, S July 3, 182r.-2t.^y will be constantly receiving all articles in their line, of the latest importations. E. WILLEY, having devoted fifteen years to the Practice of Plii/t.ic, flatters himself that he shall be enabl'ed, by pa\ing strict ju-rsonal at tention to the Jp(>ihti(irij and particu larly to the chemical aiid compound prepara tions, to please all those who may wish to pur chase. Country Physicians, Merchants, and other in dividuals, a.re respectfully invited to call anl supply themselves ;Vr, by sending their orders, they shall he as faithfully dealt with aa by per sonal application. Salisbury, June 1, 1827.—6t43 XoVice. 4 LL persons indebted to the est.ate of Church- i\ ill Andi rson, deceased, are reijuesteil to come forward and make pa) ineiit, or they will find tlieir n«tt s lodged in an ollicer’s hands for collection. Also, those to whom said intestate is indebted, are requested to iiresent their ac counts witliin the time s[)ecified by law, regu larly proven, otherwise the statute of limitation will be plead as a barrier against the®. KOBEKT WALKl.l’, i Adm'rs. AI.KXANDEU M. INGKAM, S Lancaster District, S. (J. Twelve Mile Creek, June 23, 1827.—4t40 have also alluded, but, with the ill-ior- tune which has signalized every other statement of fact contained in your let ter, you mistake bolh the character and the fate of this bill. 1 beg leave to repeat the very impor tant remark, that in this as in several other errors which I have pointed out in your despacth of January, 1827, you have not only fallen into mistakes of fact, but it is these mistakes of fact which you offer to JVlr. Gallatin and to the A- merican Government, in justification of the rash policy of breaking up the di rect intercourse between the British West Indies and North America. When, therefore, I minutely point out these, your errors, it is not merely the exercise of a close criticism upon your letter to Mr. Gallatin, although the tone of that letter destroys your title to any thing but rigid justice in construing it. Lat in exposing you-r errors, I put the British Government in the wrong, and the American Gov ernment in the right, in the controver sy. ’ Now, then, let us look atyour account of Gen. Smitii’s bill, compared with the bill itself. Here 1 must, for the sake of great clearness, go back to your last letter but one to Mr. Gallatin, (that of Nov. 13, 182G,) to which I have not before refer red, havingfound in that of January 27, quite as much to rectify as my limits enable me to comprehend. Toward the close of your letter of Nov. 13th, 1826. yousay— “It seems difficult to imagine how they [the United States] can see it to be unjust or ut^kind (it ccrtainly is not so felt or intended on the part of this country,) that the United States, having upon a free and (as is known from the public proceedings of their legislature) deliberate consideration, declined to subscribe to the terms on which excep tion from colonial prohibition was ten dered impartially to all nations, they [omit tliei/} should find themselves, in common with such of those nations as W' 27th of July next on Friday, the it the hite dwLliing- ILL be offered for sale I house of Mibs .1. Robinson, deceased, all the property belonging to the estate of James Kub- inson, dece:iseil, that lia.'> come into ti.e liand'' of the administrator, viz Negroes, and otlii r articles too tedious to mention. Where diu Htlendance and reasunnble creilit will In- },’'i\- n, bv JOHN WlXlvS, .WmV. 'June 29, 18J7.—3t3i) _ N. B. All persons ha%ing claims against the said estate, are rei;ueited to turward them a the law directs. AUwc\uueuV» ttiw\ Fc: r. th'. cf tl: Jc have decided like them'selves, lia ble to that exclusion, which is and al ways has been the general principle of colonial trade.” A considerable part of Mr. Gallatin's answer is taken up in showing you thpt the terms of the acts of Parlian^ent of June and July, 1825, were hot and could not have been, for reasons which he states, untierstood by the American Government. In allusion to the para graph, which I have just quoted from your letter, he remarks as follows : — “The proposition made during the last session of Congress, and to which Mr. Canning has alluded, affords an ad ditional jiroof of the imperfoct under ing minuteness of your information ast to the proceedings of the American Leg islature, (as you call the Senate of the United States,) Mr. Gallatin ^vas right and you are wrong. The bill is shorty and i shall quote it entire. hill .supplementary to an net to rcij;ulate the commercial intercourse between the United States and certain, British Colonial Ports.—Be it enact ed by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of A- merica in Congress assembled, That no other or higher duties of impost or ton nage, and no other or higher duty of charge of any kind upon any goods, wares, or merchandise, imported from thci following free ports of the British col onies, viz : Kingston in Jamaica, &.c. in British ves.sels, of the United States, (excepting in the ports of Florida) than upon the vessels of the Unit* d States, and upon the like goods, wares, or mer- chandise, imported into the ports of the United States in the same ; any thing in the third section of the act to which thiil is supplementary, dated 1st March, 1823, to the contrary notwithstanding. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, that this act shall be in force from and after i.he 30th day of June next. Pro^ vided nererthelcs.'iy that, upon satisfac tory evidence being given to the Presi dent of the United States, that any dis- scriminating duties of tonnage or impost are levied in cither of the ports aforesaid, upon-^vessels wholly belong ing to the citizens of the United States, or upon merchandise the produce or manufacture thereof, imported in tho- same, the President is thereby authoriz ed to issue his proclamation declaring the fact ; whereupon this act shall bo suspended and discontinued, so far as it respects the ports or places in which such discriminating duties are imposed or levied.” This is the whole of the act, with tho exccj)tion of the names of the ports, o- niitted for brevity. It follows, there fore, 1st. That Mr. Gallatin wasVight in asserting, and you wrong in confradict- ting his assertion, that the proposi tion in the Senate was for the repeal of the discriminating duties only, and 2nd. It is now clear as day, that the provisions of the acts of Parliament of .Itme and July, 182.% were not under stood here, inasmuch as this bill oi Gen. Smith, avowedly drawn by him to meet those provisions—by Gen. Smith, who took credit to himself then and since for understand! tig those provisions, although others did not—a bill to wiiich you ri^n- fidently refer, to prove that these pro- visioiis were submitted to the Arnerican Legislature and rejected, in this bill, I ANTED, at this Office, two boys, 15 or 16 years of age, ai Apprentices lo the Printing Husine-.s. standing, owing to the coniplexness of nothing was proposed but a repeal the several acts of Parliament, which discriminating duties.—The pro- that time prevailed respecting their true hihition of the “ circuitous voyage” re- objectand intention. That profjosition was only fur a repeal of the discrim- inatini' duties, ^\u\, if adopted, would have heeti unavailing, since not embrac ing a repeal of the rt*strictions on the circuitous intercourse, it is now under stood that it would not have been accept VvwfVue\* » SIVVc\\iv fe8. JUST fice. I’BI 'SlIKD, and for sale at thimif- ‘ Strictures (Hi a book, entitled, ‘An jiology for the Book ot Psalms, liy (.ilbi rt \lcMaster.’ 'I'o w liicii are added, l!einar:.k on u book, [b\ Alexander (.onion] entitled ‘The Usi^'-!i and'use of the IJook of Psalms.’” By llLNi’tv A. M. NN ith an Appendix, j mained untouched by the bill. You will please to icniember, that Gen. Sniilh is of Haltimore, that he presented the Baltimore petition, of which you make so much use, and thatt he took the lead in this whole business, at the instigation of tiie citizens of that cd by the British Government, as a : place ; so, at least, he observed last win- compliance with the condition required bv the act of the 5th of July, 1H25.” Not satisfied with Mr. Gallatin’s as surance (wl.icl; he made, as he told you, by express instruction) nor the reason given by him in furtherance of it, to prove that the intent of the acts of June 1S25, could not have been I„HN pastor of Uockyftiver and, America, you return to I’bilacli Iphia. WvwvauU, i'!-r Miis ilhe charge in your Icttt r of January, 1827, and maintain by sundry ingeni ous argumciUs '(mobt of which I have ter. His bill therefore may be taken as aa authentic indication of the manner ia which your acts were understood by him and his constituents. Consequently, all you have alleged on that head fails to the ground. I have thus proved that you have to tally mistaken ihachuructer this bill. With regard to it^/rz/p. yop say, “its final rejection by a majority of only two TOtcs, ehows that it was not for want qS