nturtinl V(X.. III.] CIIABLOTTE, JV". C. TUESmY, JI LY 31, 1827. [NO. 141. P’JBLtSHED WEHKLY By LEMUEL BINGHAM, j3/ Thne Dollars a ytar^ paid in adcnnce. paper ivill be discontinued, unless nt the Uiscretion of the editor, until all arreariigcs are p;ii(l. Advcrlisemtnts will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending in advertisements, are requested to note on the margin the number o* insertions, or they will be continued until forbid* and charged accordingly. IVc-We^ "fov fpilE Rev. Thomas P. Hunt informs the citi- I. zens of North-Carolina that, by authority of *!rs. Leigh, he has appointed John R. Cottrell xiid Dr. I). R. Dunliip, of Charlotte, N. Carolina, A-'ents for correcting impediments of speech. \he above named agents having received full ,nstruction and authority, give notice to the community in general, that they are prepared to receive Stammerers of every grade at the residence of Dr. D. R. Dunlap, in Charlotte, Tnhere he or Mr. Cottrell may at all times be ioiind. They do not hesitate to warrant a cure (on condition of their attention to instruction) TO all who may come well recommended for in tegrity and honesty; and no others need apply. Cliildrcn, above three years of age, of respect- jible parents, will be. received. From this it jnay be understood, that nil adults must brin^ i-ciViiicates of their standing in society. Adults may be cured in from one to ten days ; chiulren require longer time. Prices are regulated by circumstances, and will be made known on ap- plicution. Board cun be had on reasonable terms. N. B. Mr. J. B Cottrell v.as a ct'immerer of the worst kind, and has been curc J on Mrs. Leigh’s system. Charlotte, June 27, 1827.—3mt49 (Xj’The editor of the Pionter, Yorkvillc, and of the Carolinian, Salisbury, will publish the above three times, and forward their bills for payment. nucTOUS Thos. I. Johnson & Thos. Harris, HAV'ING associated in the practice of MED ICINE, respectfully lender their servipes in tlie several departments of their profession to the citizens of Charlotte and its contiguous country. They can at all times be found, at their newly established shop, on the lot form erly occupied by Dr. Thomas Henderson, two huiidred yards south of the Court-House, ex cept when professionally engaged. They are in daily expectation of afresh and genuine as sortment of Mcdicine from Philadelphia and TCcw-York. 23 iXevf WaU*’\\es & . Thomas Trotter ^ Co. KESPECTI'ULI.Y informs t!u‘ public thatthej have received and ofT'er for s ile a few gold and silver pfitent le ver Watches, (gentli men and ludies) a few good plain Watchcs, warranted i gentle- nien and hidies’ gold Cliains, Seals and Keys ; some hand some Breast "Piite, Finger Kings, Ear Kings, Pearl and Filigree, and Paste iu setts, &c. &.r. ; all or any part of which we will sirll low for cash. Clocks and Wafches repaired at the shortest notice, and warranted to perform. Cash given for gold ai>d sihtr. N. B. We expect to receive in a short time some elegant Military and plated Goods, £ic. Charlotte, May 14, 1827.—30 y/:iTE lilGHTH. The reader will admire, \vilh us, the practical good sciibe displayed in the fol lowing ariicle. From the Tennessee Hiwasscan. Quest ion on “ State Rights.'”—If Cuba were to pass (as it has been oftentimes tVared that it would) into the dominion of great Cireat Britian, and of which wo could not disposses her—would the ad vocates of “Slate rights” rather periviii a cutting of the United States into :wj parts, by the position of that Island, than find constitutional law to make a canal through Florida, by which the strong power holding Cuba, to divide us, miglit be rendered nugatory and void ? What would the agriculturists of tlie West and Southwest, and the manufacturing and commercial People of the middle and I'asiern districts of the Union, say in this case, and in the contingency stated r And who would oppose a proceeding so necessary to the “general welfare,” if not even to a preservation of the confed eracy, in keeping all its parts linked to gether ? W’e should like to hear “argu- tncnl” of tl)is proposition, provided that no single essay shall fill more than twenty of the heavy columns of the Richmojid Enquirer. It is unfair in argument, it is said, to suppose extreme cases, i. e such cases as are never likely to occur. But when th argument turns upon the validity or in validity of any assumed principle^ it is le gitimate to suppose an extreme case to lest the principle: for, unless it wi quadiale with every possible case, it must be false. The probability of its rccurrciice is uot more remote than the termination of the war at the present progressing between Spain and Portugal, the use. of SchooL-, by Wm. Hooper, Pro-} in which Great Britain participates. Tor fessor of Uhctonc and Logic in the L'niversity I latter power may demand Cuba as of N. C.;irohna. This prosody will be found to I indemnity for the expenses of the war, contain far more copious rules tor penultmiate ; / . „ and middle syllul.Icfllun are to ben.et.itl, in : >1'? of host.l.tics. bl.ould otlier school systen^s, at the same time that it is | that island fall into Mie hands of so corn- more compendious, it is used in the Univer-1 mercial a Power as Great Britain, in all JS*€7V J\Icdic(il & Drug Store, E. AVILLEY & CO. VRE now receiving and opening, in Salisbu ry, 9 very general supj)ly of MEDICINE, DllUGS, &.C. which they ofi'er for sale, whole sale and retail, on terms accommodating to the times. Arrangements being made at the North, they will be constantly receiving all articles in their line, of the latest importations. E. WII-LEY, having devoted fifteen years to the Practice of Physic, flatters himself tbat he shall be enabled, by paying strict personal at tention to the .Apothecary Business, and particu larly to the chemical aiid compound prepara tions, to please all those who may wish to pur chase. Country Physicians, Merchants, and other in dividuals, are respectfully invite l to call and supply themselves ; or, by sending tbeir orders, they shall be as faithfully dealt with as by per sonal application. Salisbury, .lune 1,1827.—Ct43 I From the Boston Patriot.] I.ETTEH IX. I'o the Right Honorable George Canning, First Lord of the Treasury, ike: Sir : I have now gone throuj^h with every t;»et, relative to the proceetlino;.s ill Con2;ress, stated in your letter of 27th .lanuary, by way of showing that the con ditions of the act cf Parliament of 1825, were understood in this country, and heinp; understood, were, at the first ses sion of the 19th Congress, deliberately lejected. 'l have shown that, in respect to every one of these alle,t;ed facts, you have fal len into error. I have done this with a minuteness which, perhaps, may have been tiresome to you. But having seen your extreme accuracy of informalio:! in the details of foreign affairs lauded in tho English newspapers, 1 own I was 3d. The British Minister here is unadvised h’f his frovemmeni of any intention to close the colon ial ports affatnst mir vessels—and 4ih. No information has been received hero from any British colonial port, eiccpt Halifax* of such intention.” This letter of Mr. Clay w.is published in the American newspapers. A copy of it was furnished to Mr. Vaughan, which he was understood to have trans mitted to his government. It was also speedily communicated to the local au thorities at Ifaiifax. Halifax was the only British colonial port where any such construction was put on the acts of July, 1825. Shortly after the (’ouncil at Halifax promulgat ed its onler, the aulhoritiesof the neighs borinj; province of St. Andrews decided, that “United States vessels w'ill be ad mitted to entry at the port of St. An drews, suhsequent to the 5th inst. ‘tinder the acts of trade passed hi/ the British somewhat curious t6 show, (as \ rarhomenty until an order Irom his I have done, to your conviction.) that I Majcstv m Council issued to the contra- in every one of the eighteen or twenty ry. On the 23d January, 1826, tho •' following notification was issued to tho chamber of commerce at Halifax : “ Doubts h.iving arisen, whether Amrricau vessels are now entitled to admission and to carry on trade in this port, his Excellency cou- for sale at this office, Latin Prosody fur T To all whom it may concern. TAKE NOTICE, That by virtue of an Order from the Court of Equity, for Mecklenburg county, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the 27th day of August next, being the Monday ot our next ’ounty Court, a certain lot known on the plot cf said town by No. 181, on the south side of Trvon street, belonging to William Patterson and others, and decreed to be sold for their beneht. A credit will be given until the fol lowing Superior Court. V. U. DUNLAP, C. M. E. 6t40 . Yv\\jV\c ^IIE subscriber informs his friends and the public, thut he has purchased th-at well known establishment, lately O vvned and occupi ed by Dr. Henderson, and is now prepared to ontei-tain tnu cllers and others, who may please to call on him ; and no exertions will be spared TO render them comfortable, and their stay a- greeable. Hiii table will be furnished with ev- rv variety which the country affords; his bar with the best of liquors; and his sVubles with plenty of provender, and careful servants will fce in constant attendance. HtlHERT 1. DINKINS. Charlotte, .^prll 20, 1326. *80 The Commissioners of Charlotte request those who attend divine worship in the llrick Church in Charlotte, to ajiply to Mr. («reen Kendrick and engage their pews for the present year. In consccpience of a debt that is due by the corporation for part of the expeii-ic of bniKliiig the Church, the Commissioners are oldiged to lease th-. pew's to assist in discharging it. It is “therefore hoped that every person wiu) attends ■worship there, will tuke a pew or make some provision that they may have a regular place to I It in, and put a stop to the complaints no.v so '.ften made, that the ow ners of pews cannot get 3’.to them. Bj order ol the Hoard, K. I. DlNKl.Nb, Cltrk. Charlotte, June GO, Ib^r.—3tT.y 'rillIE suliscriber has esti’blished J. himself in the above business at the stand recently occupied by |Mr. Miles Hill, wiiere he is pre pared to do all kinds of work in his line. Ile v,ill also carry on the Hlacksmith iiiisiness J4t the shop lat^ ly occupied by Mr. .Merrills, to v.hich he v/ill devote his particular attenti('n, rmd use every exertion to give conipl.'te s.ais- laction to all w ho may favor him w itti dieir cui- ♦om. JOHN liAHHAM. Charlotte, July 0, 1827.—3l-fO sity, and it will be an advantage to those de- I circumstances the commerce of the-W'est signed for that Institution, to make use ot it in I South would be injured, and, in Ihe fair preparatory course. j case of war with that Power, it W'Otdd T rv+e Vrvi. I be almost totally destroyed. The afllairs ViOlS lOr ouie. of men are at least so far innuenced by ; render a divisiun of .be ^ ,, ^ D. II. DUNLAP, C. M. E. Mecklenburg Ci>unty, N. C. ? July 10, 1827. 5 fit-i-1—pr. adv. $2. By Walker Brown, and enUrevl on the Stray Hook of Mecklenburg C(;unty. a roan Horse, about 15 h. nds high, su])])Oscd to be 5 years old, and no perct ivable brands. HLOH J. M’CAIN, Banger. July 2, 1827. 4t42 All persons indebted to the estate of (-hurch- ill Anderson, deceased, arc r».questeil to come forward and make paytiK nt, or they will find their notes lodged in an oflicer’s hands for collection. Also, those to whom said intest;ite is indebted, are refjuested to present tiieir ac counts within the time specified by law, regu larly proven, otherwise the statute of limitation will be plead as a barrier against them. KOr.EH l' WALKUP, / , , ALKXANDKlt H. INGRAM, 5 Lancaster District, S. C. 'I’welve Mile Crt ek, June 23, 1827.—4t40 d»y of August next, being tl,e Monday of our ■ ^1,ion m> very unnatural result of a de- County Court, 1 shall expose to public sale, at, siruction ol this trade. It would be very the Court-House in Chiirlotte, five Lots, lying strong to say, that an instrument which on the north side of Tryon street, formerly the | niade for the purpose of preserving ' *" property of A. Frew, dec’d. viz: No. oo, 34, y,,jon, should furnish no expedient to l^^it to 41, 42 ami 43. A ere,lit of one „„d two y.urs , ' Will he Kiven, the purchaser paving interest . , • . .1 /’ .. i from the date and giving bond and security, ne- >s. il the powers given to the (lenei al gotiablc at the Bank of Newbern, Charlotte i Government by the Constitution, are in* Branch. i adequate to give protection to the great As the above lots, with their impro\ements, ^ prevailing interests of the several are valuable and well situated for business of | of the country under its control, rweuVatu';.Vbe1w«^^^ -J— - cra.y a fa- - - ' bric. Because, in the case, it IS unsuita ble to otr situation, which all will allow is a good canse to al or abolish a gov- ernmeni ; provided the alteration or a* bolishment cost no more than the good to be gained is worth. . If no legitimate estimation (for we are against unlimited construction) can be made to authorize the General (Jovorn- mcnt to make the I'lorida Canal in ihe event antici|)atcd by the question, in the name of union, let us amend the Consti- tuiioti and give the power. \Vhat we mean by legiHmate construction, is such I as is authorized by the rules which com mon sense dictates, tf) ascertain the mean ing of written instruments. * assertions of matters of fact, you were totally in error. All this might have been anticipated, when it was considered that your object, in all this array of |)retended facts, was , the Council this day, to tale that subject to prove to JMr. (iallatin that his oflicial j into consideration, when the Council advised statement was false, that the acts of 1825 | h'* Excellency to g.ve public notice—that - Jtmencan vessels may be permitted to enter and carry on trade, as they have hitherto done, sub ject to the duties and rcstrictiont imposed by (> i,(orge 4 chap. 114, and to the tonnage duty heretofore paid by them. RUPERT D. GEORGE. RicHAnn TnEMAN, Escj. Chairman of the ? Chamber of Commerce at Halifax.” > Such in brief is the state of the facts relative to this mattci*, as it presented itself to the Senate of the United States, while they had the subject under theii* consideration. It is to this state of things that Mr. ! Gallatin (by particular instructions) al ludes, in the following manner, in hia letter of December 28, 1826 : “That opinion [that the act of July, 182J, was not intended to affect the United States) W.1S corroborated by the construction ultimate ly put on the act by the British authorities. It was thereby provided that certain privilege J prranted to foreign ships could be limited to tho ships of those countries which should comply with the conditions therein stated, unless hi’tf Majesty, by his Order in Council should in any case grant such privileges, although the condi tions had not been ^ erformed. And the act was declart d to come in full force and opera- tion, from the 5th January, 1826. It had at first been determined at Halilax, that the port should accordingly be shut against American vessels after that day. 'I'iiis lecision was af terwards revoked, although the condition had were not understood in this country. 1 would counsel you, hereafter, whenever you may be concerned in a negotiation with the American Government, to ad mit, even for the sake of courtesy, that its official statements, as to its own un derstanding of things, is correct. Or, if you must, perforce, accuse it of false hood, then follow the advice of Lord Mansfield, as rej'Orted by Dugald Stew art, to “beware of giving the reasons of your impressions.” i shall now notice the manner in which you reply to Mr. Gallatin’s remark rela tive to the shutting of the port of Mali-1 fax. No one, w’ho will at'entively read tlie simple statement which I shall make on this subject, will envy you any of the laurels you have gained in this ne- is this ;—Your acts of Par liament, ell'ecting a radical change in your whole colonial system, were pass ed in July, 1825. It w-as necessarily us, in this country, to ascertain, by experience, and by the explanations which might be made iri the existing 7icgotiatio7is between the two govern ments, what was the extent of this i'riutiiig Business. ApvveuWces. ) hoys as Apprentices to tht ANTED, at this Othee, two boys, 15 or T f 16 years of ag aiuV Vcr s;i!e, a*, tlie OfTweof the Journal. W ILL be sold, on \\'edni'sd:i\, the 1st day i'ollowir.g tracts of land, vi/. : One tract of about 90 acres, lying just below Bealtie’s Ford, in cluding the big island loruieri) ht.ld by lioct. John Scott ; also, the dower riglil of Mrs. Hart iu that tract of lantl at Beattie’s I'ord,^ includ ing the taveni and old mill, about acres. Also, a tract of aiiout il>0 acie, lying in Lin coln county, ne;ir tlie ilry j)ontls, fornierl} own ed by Benedict .letton. These lands are or dered by the will of J. I'ranklin Brevard to be sold, and as sneb will be sold al llie above 'liine and place, on 12 montlis credit, by KDBI'.u r WILSON, > y , ElMIUAIM BUKVAUD,i^-^ ‘ Julv 3, 1BJ7. — WvvtTuov’s ?5U*\e\wYes. JL'S'l' IM’I’.LISIILI), and for sale at this of fice, “ StriLturi. i ( 11 a Look, entitled, ‘ Ai Apology for the I’-ool; ( f I'salm.,, by Gilbert Mc.Ma^ter.’ To v. lii;.h -re add' d, lit Miar.-.k on a book, [b) Alexander (.o’.don] Liti’bd ‘'Ihe design and.vise ol the Jiook ot ’ !'•} UtMtv Hlvk>lu, A.m. Ui’li ai. A:p.n.i;\. bv John M. W il'.un, pastor ol K jek\ ii.vcr Philadeli)hia. change, and especially what was to be 1'“'t een petformed, and no order in CouucU its bearing on us. 1 his course it was deemed perfectly safe to pursue, because, being in a state of pending negotiation w'ith you, it did not enter into the im agination of a single individual in the United Slates of America, (not even of General Smith himself, for we should have heard of it,) that this act was in- * .t . . r 11. I . 1 rr «• 1 for nearly a tended to bieak ofToui negotiation, and ; tv^x•lv( month longer than they would othc rwistj throw us upon a state of cx parte Icgis- have enjoyed it. had granted the privildges in question.* To this you permit yourself to reply, in the following terms : “ The fact that somi- of the British authorities abroad took upon themselvi 1, to suspend the ex ecution of the act of 1B25, towards the United Staten, is tindenicd. But the. only effect of this suspension was, the continuance of the benefits of the then exis- In reference to the late extraordinary robbe- - of a mail bag from the bind part of a m;iil- lation. In the depth of winter, upon the hor rid rocks of Nova Scotia, the local au thorities of that province passed an or der, shutting the port of Halifax on A- merican ve.ssels, from January 5, 1825. This oriier was received with feelings of astonishment in the United States. 'iMie niercaiitlie interest was alarmed. Letters were written Irom the rommer- carriage near New York, whilst v^e blame the 1 dal cities to tb.e ineinber.s of the KxeCU Contractor for bis earilessnes.s, let us do justice I (jf f'ypjrp,,5s. Among others, to the Post-oiUcc Uepartinent b> exernpiiiig it 1 on the subject were made ; Government of the Unite from participatKin Ml tin. tault. 1 In-( ontrae-1* » 1 ^ 1 ■ tors wre specially bound ijy the It rnis (;f tln ir from i>ew \ orli to ^-Ir. Cambreleng, , constiue it as nota[)plying •njf 'I'hat continuance was permitted by the Bri tish Government, mainly in consideration of the then pendency, in the Legislature of the United Statei, of the llesolution herein before mention ed, for conforming to the conditions of the act of 1825." Now the fact is not that of the 15ritish authorities abroad took upon themselves to suspend the execution of the act but that one only of those au thorities undertook to enforce it. All the oth»;r authorities took upon tliem- , I srlvsto suspend it, but (with the tefi States,) to ,pe contract, in every case of carr_\ itig the mad on a (iiic o( the nicmhfMS for that city, and try c.'trriuge, to place it within Ibe I.ody of tilt silage i,;,,-, fiubniiltfd io jMr. Clay. Mr. I With respect to the single port of eiay, i.. t,a,iar«,,ci lu™-.-, i naiifax, wi,e.x u «.,s M,.n.p,ed .o i« tion of mail contracts; and it w.is a knowledge (,f tins fact uhicli induced tlie e\;'."C!,sioii of our surprise at bearing of a rjbix ry us tliat lat - ly noticed in New ^ork. NN learn tli;il on the day tli‘ information of it 1'i.at. hi'd Wasbington, through the New V(nk pap ti.e violation of the con'.raetor’s ,iij;agimi nt wa,*. pi-oinj)tl\ 110- liced, as it was right di.it it -liould i.e, by ibc post 01f.ee Dfijurtinent. If tin coiitrai to. s de- nait froiii tins t-ngageiiicnt, it is well tbat they sbouKI know tbat tbey are liable for all losses u Inc b ([Ueiice 'j1 sutii dej)artij’.e oiisidt red per.soiully 11.a} occur in coiise- /ut. J)readfuL‘lfciJtvt.-~ U has seldom fallen to our 1( as io’urnalists to ren>rd a more knocking and mel.tiubolv accident than tlii.t wli.cb we are called to notice at this linn- and wlncli occurred on 'I'nrsdav last in Pike, r.radf;,ri! conii’y. Mr. Mil’- Jiuauorth, son of Salmon I’.osworUi, Fst]. while I- lifjageii in sc(j'iring liinbi r w ith a uian b_N I the name of Segnr, bad bis bead ru e. iv bevcred I irom his bodv by tl.i- j’.ianeing oi Si gur’b axe. I I he axe struck the ;>idt of his n«'ck —cut o!i' the I j'lgidar v in, and pa.'>>ed '.tiiiugb tlu: neck hfiiie. ['in: untovliinajr man t in‘'t'r»tl\ . Mr. 15. I '.-.as a uoithy'’an.: . i.trr)iri^li.g wmiiK rnan, in for tlie [itirpose of exf)I.iining the views . eiiforci;d, a general outcry against that of tlie Kxcentive of tho United Slates on j measure arose both in the other Bntihli the coti'^lniction of the liritish law, ! colonial ports and in the United States, wliic!) hrtter was afterwards f!>y iiislruc- ' and this,backed by therxjiress instances tion) continiMiicaled to you by Mr. Gal-j of(’ol. ^Voodhouse, (then on the tour laliii, for the same object; a coiiunuiii-1 ol the liritish colonial ports, as a -^peci- ealion at which you liave thought pro-1 ally deputed Inspector General,) procnr- per to sneer, as that of a private letter j ed the spenrly invocation of the Orrler of Mr. (’lay, r//,./ by IMr bijjjpot t/i/.v itu'it, views. Gallatin to I of the Nova Scotian Council, on the 1 ground, that doubts had existed whe- in that iotti.r Mr. Clay expressed the i ther that Order were agreeabk- to the ojiifiiori, fii.it the act of I’arliament of art of July, a |.>oint whieb, by the .Iul\ , l was tiot intended to operate . revocation, the Council virtually clccid- ^ave the fol-j ed iti the negative. I Having thus, in a manner pardonable u\s Mr. I 'lie artifices of keen debate, i*op. la-the facts, you go on, either ta ind I ’I;.: 1;. 1 I vk ife aiiil oiii 1: .1 lii hlid, . uudfi!>;Li 111 li.is bit an ainiabU on the Lniteci Stales lovv ing reasons : Tliat the Hrilibh (iovt rnment,’’ su\^ “ilid .lot look forward to suih an op U(,n nf ihe act of I’rtrlianicnt ns 1, about tr) i,_e ' inlsapprchenrl or to mistake Mr. Galla* eiitoi'.ed at iiaht.ix, I tbmk clear, fiom ibe fol- tin’s at gumeiit, deduced from them. ''*^U.^^^wou^d'i?^ln^^^^ v.itb i)rofrssionsl ^ ihlS sUS- made by that • .oveiliunnt to ihl., aiid with nr-, pension was,_thc continuance oftiicbenr_ ,;ot'atH-His bclwirrn the tWo govcrniiienu coii-, ctlts of the then state of thinsis to I teini lal'd, if not re^uiued. Iq: . s., drol.. .,1 1 .,1, S., l,:„ l.ecn^.vc, »t I-™'!-. i’F"'"O'-th * ri iiis uiitiUii h fall. I (,r ,it \\ .ishin^,^'.oii, «,t sucli a piiipo-.i, Mi tbat than the\ Would otherwise have ' — ^;.r. i li-t t.aic ii :aU.caU.d at il;ddax. ! enjoyed il,N No t;r, this is net