VOL. Ill ] ClLUiLOTTK, X. C. Tl ESDdY, AI GI SF 14, 18S7. [NO. 143. i*uiiLisin:i) WF.KKr.Y liv LEMUEL liLXdlLVM, . It Three Dollars a yecir^ paid in adt anct. Sf) pa[H‘r will be discontinued, unless ut the riibcrction of the editor, until all urc n;iid. , A'lvcr'iscnicnts will be inserted ;it the iisuu* vates. Persons scnditif^ in udvcrtisenicnt-i, are rcqnested to note on the niar;^in the nuriiber of uiscrtion.',, or they will be continued until fovbidi und cliar^^ed accordingly. Aust VNl) for sale ut this ofiice, Latin Prosody for the use. of Schuob, by >Vin. Hooper, Pro- ■ lessor of Rhetoric and LoR'ic in the University of N. Carolina. This prosody will be found to ( ontain far more, copious ruk s for penultimate and middle syllables thun arc to be met with in rtl\er school’systems, at the same time that it is liioro compendious. It is used in the Univer- bitv, und it will be an advantage to those de- sif;^R‘d for that Institution, to make use^of it in :’ie|r jjreparatory course. jriej: 5t42 lor ^lammeYiug. fpilF. Rev, 1'homfiB P. Hunt informs the citi- X zeiis of North-Carolina tliat, by autliority of Mrs. Leigh, he h-s aj)pointed John H. Cottrell .,iid Dr. U. H. Dunlap, of Charlotte, N.Carohna, for correctinj>' impediments of speech. I'iie above named ajccats having received full vistniction and iuitliority, give notice tii the . omnuinity in g-cner.d, that they are prep.ired -j ri i-eivc Stammerers of every grade at the jesidcnce of Dr. D. H. Dnnlap, in Charlolte, .vhcri- he or Mr. Cottrell may at all times be •blind. 1 hey do not hesitate to warrant a cun ,on cond.it'on of tlieir .'.ttenlion to instruction) 'o ail who may come well recommemied for in- ‘egrity and honesty; and no others need I'lJp'.'- t’hildren, above thrct years of age, of respect able parents, will be received, I'rom this it :uay be understood, th.at ,dl adults muut bring . ei tilicates of their standing in society. Adiilt i may be cured in from one to ten days ; children 'cquire' longer time. Prices are regulated by - Ircumstancey, and will be made known m ap p lication, Board can be hail on reasonable ;crnis, N. 1?. Mir. J. B. Cottrell was a stamn.crcr of Tite worst kind, and has been cured on Mrs i.eigh’s system, Ch«rlotte, June 27, l«f527.—3mt-l9 Cj'The editor of the Piomcr, Y.orkville, and of the L'urolinian, Salisbury, v. ill publish the above three times, and forward their bills tor payment, \iOts Xiix By virtue of a decree from the Court of F-* quity to me directed, on Monday, the J7th lay of August next, being the Monday of our County Court, 1 shall expose to pul)lic sale, ut the Court-House in Charlotte, five Lots, lying on the north side of 'I’ryon street, formerly tjie property of A. Frew, dec’d. viz : Ko. 33, 34, il, 4- and 43. A credit of one and two years vill be given, the purchaser paying interest from the date and giving bond and security, ne- f^otiable at the Bank of Newbern, Charlotte branch. As the above lots, with tlieir improvements, Are valuable and well situated for business «t ;iny kind, all w ho wish to secure a bargain would do well to attend between the hours ot 10 & 4. D, U, DUNLAP, C. M. E. Jlccklenburg County, N. t). ) July 10, 1827'. 5 Ct44--pr, adv. $2. New WMcAacs & Thomas 'rrottor tS* Co. RKSPKC I VUI.LY informs the public that tliey have received and oH'er for sale a few gold and siUer patent le ver ^Vatchcs, (genthnien and ladies) a few good plain \\ atehcs, warranted; gentle men and ladies’ gold Chains, Seals and Keys ; some halul- senie Breast Pins, Finger Itings, Kar Hings, Pearl and I'iligree, and Paste in setts, ic. Jiie. ; all or any part of which we will sell low for cash. Clocks and Watches repaired at the shortest notice, and warranted to ])erform. Cash given for gold and silver. N. B. We expect to receive in a short time some eleg'iint Military and plated Goods, Sic. Charlotte, May 14, 1827.—30 Xexv Medical & Drug Store. E. AUiITey"^ CO. 4 BE now receiving and opening, in Salishu- j\ TV, '♦ very general supply of MKDICINK, DRUGS, 8,c. w hich they offer for sale, whole sale and retail, on terms accommodating to th« times. Arrangements being made at the North, they will be constantly receiving all articles in their lire, of the latest importations. E. WH.LEY, having Hevoted fifteen years to the Practice of Physic, flatters himself that he shall be enabletl, by paying strict persnnul at tention to the .'i/i(it/i(cary lJiu'iiicss, anil jiarlicu- larly to the chemical aiul compound prepara tions, to please all those who may wish to pur chase. Cour.try Physicians, Merchants, and otlier in- (iividuals, arc respectfully invited to call and FUO'! THE CAII0I.1NA UAZtTTI.. The fallowing; RL-solutions were passed at a full and i’cspcctal)le meeting; of the -Jgriculiural SocictJj^ of this District : The iHCPting huvirit^ been called to or der, the Chair staled that it had been intimated to him, in his official capacity, that our worthy Representatives, alive to the interests of their coustiiuenist l)ad thought it advisable tl’iat all bodies repre senting the peo])le of this State, from the Chamber of Commerce, comj>osed as it is ol‘ merchants, wholly unroncerned as to the fate of Eni'lish manufactures, aiid always anxious to sell to the planters for the least possible price aiid no profit, down to the humblest huntintj club, should meet and solemnly protest atjainst the whole Tariff’ system, and tnore par ticularly ai^ainst the Woollen HiU, in or- d«'r to awe and enlighten Congress, and pi'fvent the mischievous con»ei|uences to be apprehended, if the time should ever arrive whert the poor people of this Stale should be ai)le to j^et woollens as cheap i»s\lie\ niiw do cotton g-oods. “Indeed,” said he, “p^entlemen, it becomes us to be watchl'ul. !esi liy manufacturini' wool lens in I he United hiutes, with all the in- tfeti'iily and skill of the avaricious Yan kees, out friends and very worthy lords and masters, the good people of Old En- f^land, may not be able to charge us what they [dease foi’ woollens, and vary the price from year to year, as it may suit the views of the most noble Lords, spiritual supply themselves; or, by sending their or.lers, and temporal, of bis Majesty’s Wiltena tlii.y shall be as faithfully dealt with as by per Fonal application. Salisburv, June 1, 1827.—6t43 T^ROM the rubscriber’s stable in Concord, Cabarru"> couuty, N. C. on the niglit of the 20th inst. two f^ray IfOkSES, one of them hav ing' a dark inane and tail, 7 year-i old, and .t scar on his right land pastern joiHt, occasioned by a | power ander thi rope; the other horse is 10 or II years old, ra-j • * . , ; j»an\otte or Pai liament.’' The President then slated in corroboration of his views, that in f)rd r to encoura^^e the j^rowth of wool in England, tl^a' is old E. a heavy duty was laid on Foreign v,ool for many years, and this was a favorite measure of the landed Ario’cci-acy. That for a century cdd Enf»land had been increasing in wealth s svbtem of encour- Bill. He informed the meeting that em issaries had been at work lor some timt- to stir up I be Chambei s of Commerce and Agricultural Socirtie*, who love to j)ay the English nobility for the protec tion of English industry^ and ihc best results were anticipated. There follow ed several resolutions, of which I hope to furnish you a copy by the next mail. J.\MKs CiUEi.HH, Secrftari/. [From the Boston Puti'iot.] LF.TTER XI. To the Right Honorable (iruri'e Cauning, First I.ordoftlie Treasury, ^^.c: SiK : I now copic lo the cotir’iidinp; toj)ic in your letter of J.'»iniary 27th ; you introduce it in the following niaii- tier : “ The undersigned is at a loss to understand on what ground it was assumed at NVasiiington that there would be, ut all tunes, an unabated disposili(»n, on tlu* ]j.irt of the llritish Govern ment, to n.ake tin* tnulc of its \Vcst liuliaC'olo- nies the subject of diploivatic arrangement,’' This is excecdinfily loose lanpiias^e United States hnd reason to apprehend that siicli was inteiuleil to be the opera tion of your act, Mr. (lallatin was in structed to make a correspondin'; con cession, on the part of the United States, of the only serious point of difference on which the neg;otiation had been sus pended. So much for the “unconquer able diflerence of principle.” You io on to give one more reason wliy the nctrotiation was broken off, ia the following words : ' . “ Hitherto, w hen the trade with the Britisl* West India Polonies had l>een opened al all, it had been chir tl\, though not exclusively, tO the United States, 'I'o no other country had it been opened by specific ami positive convention. But a time had now arriveil, w hen frommotivcSI of general policy, Great Britain thought it ad- vi.sahle to allow aceess to her colonies to all foreign powers, without exception, on convli- tions teiidered alike to all. Such inli.srriininate opening could only bo efleeted by some |)ioccss common to all thos« who were permitted or invited to take the ad vantage of it, impartiality was thus maintained ti)v. Aids all parties, and the power of control .11 . r • , . over her own colonies was, at the same time* lor an ofhcud dt?spatoli, on SO important. a subject. AVhat wpriant have you to intimate that “ it was assumed at Wosh- ini;;ton, that yon would, at all be rearly to treat” on this question ? ,\11 that was assumed at \N asliinf;ton was, that, at Ihis- particjilar lime, tJarinff a pending ues'olialton, there would bo a willine;i)ess, on the pari of the Ih itish Government, if not to resume the ne- pjotiatioi), at least to p;ivH fair notice of the dosii^n to break it off. You s;o on to say, “ The circumstanccH of the ease were entire ly changed.” Changed from what? Changed since when ? Oti neither of tiiose points do you state any thin;^ distinct or intelHgi- li!e. The only ch.ingc wliich had taken place, was one, tvhich, you well knew. and shod before, when stolen. They are of the ilate, ^ common size, but heavy liuilt. A man, who preserve them from ut^e--r'uin. ... ,, ,1 1 .1 I „iaerine her doaiestio. manufactures, until, • ,. i i- ther.whiter than the other, botli^in good order, ^ ^ ^ become iu(;essaiy to 1 di.spose US to recede irom Olir tiiev had fo»’>ner demands, because it pionijsed s his name William Dean, is suspected to j taken off a great pari of the du'V'on for- j tlS, on your part, a COlTipcrisalion for SO se the thief. Dean was missing the same time | ordtr that by chea[.eiiiligthe j doini;. the lun-ses were. He is ^ / or 8 in-1 material, they might enable the man- “ UcpeateJ negotiations,” jouadd, “had fall- Thl'u 'vin’htge ' "f-rt'"-1 "n,p.--liuoli wliici, tJ to p,,,a,.r, a.,y ir,:.lr.ial a|,,m,»U.iatio„ ol' inciilli' villur stooi. slimUcrcd,. uiipi.Msant; has laii-l)'sprunR up amun(,Mhc rebellious ;'Jpin'™*. countenance, :ind down look ; boasts much of! colonies of New England. It wasana^j So far Irom this, the ricnipotcntia- bui a fi w vejrs since ' ries in 1S24 se parated suostantially on The subscriber, in contemplii- tion of his removal >o the West, offers for sale his plantation livintj- seven miles north-west from ChaiTotte, on’the road leading from Charlotte to Heattie’s Ford. On the above tract there is a two story dwelling-house and other necessary out huihlings. 1 have not given the iiarticulars, us I presume no one will purchase without \icwing the premibes. GEO. HKNUY. Mecklenburg Co. July 20, 1827.—3t42 HIE subscriber informs his frietids and the public, that he has purehast d that we" hismanhooilandisfond of mimicking the Dutch j lapjuiuir fact, that brogue, and of gaml)ling, and says he is a car-, ]',i iiish Parliai ^ , ,, , ,, , ,, , ment, !>y almost exch'd-^ one sin^jle point, viz : that of equality penter by trade. Had a blue cloth coa ee i i foreign wool, et.abled their landed , (jf J,, the West Indies, on imports a black velvet collar, grav casinet jvantaloons,: i of duties ill the est IndiCS, on imports andbhick hat with a low'tapered crown and ' Ai istocracv to obtain t.letr own pi icc-lor | jyom the United States and thc lirllish broad rim. Fifty dollar-, reward will be given ' woo!, which was ultiniately paid by plan-; American colotlies. for his apprehension and confinement in any ters and farmers oi America, who were. V )U nroceed to sav jail, or his delivery to me in roncord, N. C. to- led to buy at any price.«J which P gether w ith both or either of the horses. Any cessury ti.us to sunporl the dir-1 “ had been information .sent me to the Post-Ofliec in this .'v nf the n»n- i evident conviction on both sides, nity ot ihe nobilii> an«l gcnti y ol the ,-listed between them an uncon- ther country. I bat some impulse I dlrtVrence of principle; and that it given during i he late unba.npy war with | by that diflerence, rather than by any de- our anccstiiis, to a sy.steni in New En-j cided iVreconcilabh-iKss of interests, that inlormation place, will be thankfully received. JNO. E. MAHAN. Concord, N. C. .Inly 23, 1827.-40 ol’ XuvUv-ravbVuva, Lhicoln County. Superiur Court of Law, Jpril Term, A. D. 1827 Andrew Hoyl gUmd, wnich it became evei y loyal friend , satisfactory arrungemcnt was rendered hopc- lo bis King to j)ui down then stated, that such state of things in 18 12 'i he Chairman I was the happv So far is fhis from beinj; true, that nd IJ, that :be ! when the negotiators separated, it v/as others. I T l,avi,,Kbcenm;ukto»ppc«rto the C.u^^^ 1. that Solomon htowe and Parndla hiswite, , , , r . i i, and John Friddle, who are defendants in this i ^i“'''ed ( oiidoi ui nij suit, live vrithout the limits of this State 1—1)111 that flow in the ! evi*m of any ntr aiural attempt to renew liebels could be .{jomestio woollens It. is ^—those badges of l eiiellion. Na>, he prices in the Charleslon market, wool lens importil iVfUTi (.ireat Biitaiii were rendered uiisaieaiile b*'( :ujse the eupidifly lun'.iraciui ei s had actuallv Uiii Se congratulated ihe met that His Majesty’s (ji.\et ninent,. fiiiding it abso lutely neeessary to i ut flow-n this om- petition, had redu-ced '.lie tax on forei>;rj wool in England, and if supported by their friends on this side tlie water, he hoped.to see these Xea • I’ngland specu lators ruined lot tlieir iiii[)eriinent inter ference, and tl’.e good old tiroes restored when the planters of South Carolina would have the honijur of contributing to Mie KU[)port oi‘ ihe nobility and gentry of Old F.n;/l.trul, by purchasing exc lusively l'!;giisb ch'ths; afid he plainly hinted that if the Kebi'l Congress should tiYrc- tually protect ilie growing nianufuctures, thc time would soon rome w hen clothing, made six weeks in tlu- Catawba Journal, giving notice to the said Sohiuion Stowe and Parnilla his wife, and to John I'riddle, that they appear before the Judge of (.nr next Supiiior Court of. i . i . i. l,aw, to be held for Lincoln county, at the , ot Northern riian'.ilaciui ei s had atluallv Court-House in Lineidnton, on the 4tli MoiuLiy I e,flt red better goods at less pi ices. I YvvAAVc Ei\\tY\a\uAvtut T _. known ^t;ddishineat, lutely owned and occupi- .'■1 bv Dr. llfmlersnn, and is now prepared lo entertain travellers and others, w ho may ple:i‘^'- ") call on him ; and no e.\ertions will be. spared to render them cc.mforlahle, and tin ir stay a- j;reeable. His table will lu- f.irnl-hcd wiili ev- cry variety which the ounli; with the heat of liquors; and ilenty r,f provender, after the 4th Moiulay of September next, tlu n ' and there to ansv. er or duiiur to the sai.l pcti- lords : bar his’stables with ami careful servants will in eoHbtaiit attendance. RdltKUr I. DINKINS. Charlotte, April 2U, 1H26. * Tttkeu \v\>, ■ • Y Walker IJrown, and entered on the Stray If Rock of Meekleiiburg cc.iinty, a roun Horse, al)Out 15 li.inds high, supposed to be .) .ears c'!d, and no pirceivabli’ brands. HIGH J. M’CAIN, naui^cr. Tuly 2, 1827, ‘lt-12 II/’AN FED, at this Office, two boys, LWir If) ytarsof age, as Apprentices to thc Printing Business. I Petition for division of the ' Rebel army Wad nv! blankeis to cover because it had become necessary to “ re- The heirs of Mason ^ real estate of said Mason i them,hut wi,,.’ the mercy of the mother fer to Washington Oil some oi' tllC sub- Huson,dec’d.and [ Huson, deceased. j country supi-’i'-d—Init that flow in the jects whicli had bceu presetitetl for dis cussion.” There is not the least inti mation, on either side, that the nee;otla- tion was broken off. It is staled in the protocol of 2otli July, to bo “ suspended for thc present.’' “The nature of tLiit diifercncc,” you Ray, "has been sufliciently discussed, it lies in tlie deteriiiinatioii of the IJniled States to dispute, and in that of Great I'rit.iiii to maintain the es- 'ablished distinction between geneial and colo iiial trade.” Neither part of this proposition is true. 'I’he (."t'lilcfJ Stales never disput ed your ;’/:•// to estaulish such a (!i?>- tinelion. 'I'hey niaititaiiied only that it was a departure fi jun tlu; rule of rr cip- rocity. But tlie impori.int reiiiark is, that so far wai (Ireat Britain from cher- i.iliin>; “the determination” to maintain this distinction, that by the act of ISI'5 it was essentially ’one away. Mr. fj’iskisson, in his speech of i.* 1st .March, lH:.»'j, in which the policy ot the act of July was announced, so rejirescnt- ed it. He says, “it cannot be disscu)- h'ed, that this is a j^reat clian^e in our and our (Icn, Smith, uu^ht lo weigh with ll.ey ra-.i ci.inpcu: vviti, | >'“* occ:>,iori, il.asirMich as lie ,;.,5,-riKini.N; >aii',' I S. l!»-v ri.uit iu r: 1 ii'JS S'jplK.rtcd lllloURljout iho li. ill.sh i duce the pi’i: e of V, oo tlon, otherwise it will he takenand adjudgc(' aciordingly. Witness, Lawson Henderson, Clerk of said 'ourt, at F.incolnton, the ‘Uli Monday alter iliv -ith Voiulayof March, A. D. lH2r, and in the 51st year of the Indi iundence of the I'nited ymtcs. I,A W SON HF.NDKHSON. (il4(3—pr. adv. f J 3 US! fie Wwft\\eY‘’s 'ST 1'CHMSHP:1), and for sale at this of fice, “ Strictures on a book, entitled, ‘ An Apology for the hook of Psalms, by (lilbc'it ilc.Master.’ To which are added, Hemarsk cn ^ hook, [by Alexander (.onion] entitled ^I'he •iei.lgn and use of the IJook of i’sahns.’’ by Ui-tK>r.ii, A. M ^^■ith an Appendix, J>oi M M. p?K‘u; rC 11^.hy ICivir and Mtrkhnffiir^ I'ounty May l^easioas, 1827. James Simmons^ Levied on a negro man na- V' C *‘“-'d Jonas. F.dward (iret n. j It is ordered by Court, that publication be made in the Cut’.iwba .journal six weeks, for detciidant to make his iiersonal ;ippearaiiee at our Court of Plea', and l^uarU i Sessions in An- jrust lu xt, and there ie|'!e\y :mil plead, ;i' iudifn.ent will be entered ag:or,‘t him ^ I ALLMANDLU, C.-V. r. f)t l6.—pr. a(h^^2^ ; . parliculariy f^ic the poor, would become , ’ ■ , • , ' I • I I! 1 I'Colonial , w clv*a!> us to rciuh'T ii wlif^Ilv useless - . ./ IV,i- lln,‘i.,h u, ^n.er th, a.ithorUy Mtcklt'uhur^ (ounty. ■•■■May 132.'. Robert (iuery ^ Kxt ciited, and Jf ho M’ Vif. Larty, (.ei.rge M 1 i-ty, An;, e.. ;.'„:;ifJ tl, sun,i!.j:ied Aiexandt r M’Larty. ' Hugh Parks, Parks, Hobert Hood, Janies Mofrl W :dker, and Pliilaadev Alexand. r as (larniMlieej. It i.s ordered by Court, ti.at puhl'c.ifon be ni.ide si>; week>lii tlie ( ai.twba Jonrn«'., t •: ilefendant to make his i-ersimal upjiearanee onr Court of Pleas .uul viu.irter .Ses.Moi.s ,i. A ge.r>t n>-.\l, and tlu rr lo plea'! a;,:! r. pli.\y, oti, trwiTe juugieeiit v. di i'. n'v.lcred „„ainst him. in England as to biinf.'' riiiri upon the whole landed inter- eot. lie al-s.; stated an e-oedient to which this ruiiKJus pohi y had diiven the iiu.:;'al...cii:re i'H of tlie nicjther counti y. 1'i'he r.nest wooiieos weie sent lo N»« !\"oik invoiced a> i per yard, 'i hey jwefenct pressed aiul linirdted, but En- ' I'lr-J.i wcnknivMi were ierit out who soon i |,u: to them- the fioi'liing stroke, and they weie s. id loi' 5^10 to 5^12 per yaid. , LMoi ntHble iiul«ed ih;i' it’-liuuld becouu- iSjiv fur hi') Majcst; I t(> such eXiiedH'iil-. s subjects to hut it shows the cl' rv'.'-i-un'r liit; \^e&i4ti)s sidu of this argument,) observed, in his speech of the 18lh of Aj)ril, 182G, on tl.is very point, that “ whatever of ar- }i;unicnt we [the I’nited Strtes) miglit have, had, whilst the roh»ni-s were con sidered a.i ■surhy is now taken Ironi us. T/ir //.vvsr.swV//i3 ahroail, as th(‘y are now called, arc considi;red as integral par ts of the British empire, &:c.” Tiio (ieiicral here refers to the« llect of open ing to all the ^voi ld, by the act of July a trade between t!ie West India ('oloiiit:s ainl any other foretj^n ports. Xhv inunieul the GoveruuicriWof Uie lined in thc hands of the mother country.” You here give, Inadvertently, vcr/ CMcellent reasons why you ought not to have broken off the nejiotiation witll the f^nited States. I’hose reasons are, that you had pursued a different course from that which you had pursued with other powers, in reference to the West India trade. It is true, this was not oufc of favor to us ; it was merely the eonso- (jtience of thc peculiar position in w'hich the United States stand, in reference to the West Indies. With other powers you had not nef'otiated, you had iiep;o- tiated with us ; and the two govern- ments had also passed acts referring reciprocally to each other’s legislation. A negotiation, thouj^h suspended, waa penilitif; between them. Tlie differenco was substantially reducer! to one point. By the act of July 13:25, you had chan;^ed your colonial system, in a mat ter most intimately’connected with that; point. We were heartily ready to meet you ; this rcailiness w’as unanimously avowed on the floor of the Senate, and of this avowal you had cogni/:ance. Im mediately on the risin}; of Con{?re.ss, instructions were g;iven to Mr. Gallatia to meet you on the only remaining points of difference, and on the very day of his arrival, you shut the loor of ne gotiation on him, shut the ports of youp colonies on us, and tell us with a gravity [ can hardly think not alfected, that “you are at a loss to understand on what ground it was assumed ai Washing ton, that there would beat all times, an utiahated disposition, on the part of th* British Government, to nej^otiate on this subject,” You co.nclude this part of your letter by-sayinj;: *' The undersigned believes that ke has nov touched on every topic in the last note addresa- el to him by Mr, (i diatin, to w hich he h:id oc casion to advert in former stage* of their cor- re.spondence. He will not allow himself to hei draw n again into a discussion of topics already more than vufliciently debated.” I also have touched on every topic, and on nearly eveiy sentence in youp long letter. You have acted wisely in the determination, “ not tosnller youi- self to be lrawn apjain into this discus sion,” Vhe result o( niy humble ex- aiTiinatiou issufTn'ioiit to show’tlie unen viable [/ositioii in which you would ea sily he placed, b}^ a dijiloinatie ident and a jjolitieal exjieri'.ncG like .^Jr. Gal- latiti’i.* • I am sorry to say, tir, that the last part of your letter, the sejmioji;!y caiuiidi part, is that which docs you the least credit. If bolrays, on your pa' t, an in ten- lion, in(»re or lessappaient in llte wholo despatch, to di.sgiiise IVom the British na- •ioii the real state of the facts, and to lead tlieni to think that the United States asst;me an unreasonable jjjroiind, which you linow they d(i not assume. After rcpeatin2; “the common placea ;:huul cnnimon origin, laws, lanpfuage,’^ iv.c. whic h are always at hand to lie cjuo- ted, when a blow is aimed at us, you add — “ F5nt it h.i>i never yet been held a duty of inttnial amity (any more than Iritndship in priv.ite life) to suliniit to unequal comp:irt!?. >r has it i;vi'r been held an offfiicc 'ig.iiio.t sucli duly diat a nation (any umrethi.u an individual) should del line to make such uncompensated saeiilici'S. “ Itetween two nations, as hetwten two in- div .dii.^ls ino!.t friendly to each othi r, tliere may Komtiiie s happen, unfortun.t Iv, to txi-^tr souk; known subject of incural)h’ fliiT*-ri nee of’ »iI)MHoii. lu any such cme, it is perhaps mo^;! advisable to keep that tiihiet t as mucli us |>os- stble out of sight, and to tiike care th;it it shall not interfere with tlu tei'or (jf their general if.’ ttrtoursKT,'tiui of thu;r icUtiona.