\Oi.. 111.1 CILlRLUTrE, .V. C. TVESDAY, AIGI ST si, 1827. [NO. 141. 1‘UBUSHKI) WEKKI.Y By LEMUKL lilNdlFA^T, .Rt Three Dollars a year, paid in advan&. So paper vill be discontinued, iin!c.ss at the Hisnrction of the editor, until all urrearages are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual riitc?. P^rsons sending in adverti.seinents, are requested to note on the margin the number of insertions, or they will bn continued until forbid> and charged accordingly. TVfcVicf foY ^la\ww\e\*\ng. THK T{fv. Thomas P. Hunt informs the citi zens of North-Ourolina tliat, by authority of Mrs. Leigh, he has appointed John li. Cottrell :uid Ur. IJ. f{. Dunlap, of Charlotte, N. Carolina, Agents for correcting impediments of speech. 'I hc above named agents having received full instruction and authority, give notice to tiie onununity in general, that they are prepared to receive Stamuierers of every grade at the jesidencc of Dr. D. U. Dunlap, in Charlotte, where he or Mr. Cottrell m.iy at ail times be lonnd. 'I'hey do not hesitate to warrant a cure ^on condition of their attention to instruction) to ;ill who may come well recommended for in- tetjrity and honesty; and no others need apply. Children, above three years of age, of resj)ect- uble parents, will be received. From this it niay be understood, that all adults nmst bring rv niiicate;) of their standing in siteiety. Adults Tiiuy be cured in from one tu ten flays ; children rt(|uire Icmger titne. Prices are regulaterl by eircuu'.slances, and will be made known on ap plication. Board can be had on reasonable terms. N. I?. Mr. J. B. Cottrell w.ns a fitannnerer of the worst kind, and has been cured on Mrs. i,eigirs system. Cb rlutte, June 27, 1827.—3mt49 r 'j 'I'lte editor of the Pioiirer, Yorkvillo, and rif the f’uroliiiian, Salisbury, will publish tiie ubovi three times, and forward their bills for payment. 3v\sl WeeevveiA, And for sale at this office, Lutin Promi>j f /r the ufsr of Sc/iouLs, by Wm. Hooper, pro- fe.ssor of Hhetoric and Logic in the University «if N. Carolina. This jirosody \s ill be foun.l to contain far more copious rules for p«-niiltimate .•\nd middle syllables tiian are to be met with in oilier sciiool systcm.s, at the same time that it i*; more compendious. It is used in the Univer sity, and it will be an advantage to those de signed for that Institution, to make use of it in tiieir preparatory course. 5t42 r vv\) Vic Ya ul ei* t a\ v\ i\t. ri^HL subscrit)er informs his friends and the I. public, that he has pun based that well known establishment, lately owned and occupi ed b\ Dr. Henderson, and is now prepared to c-ntert.iiii travellers and others, who may please to call on him ; and no exertions w ill be spared to render them comfortable, and their stay a- g-reeable. His table will be fufnisbed with tv- t rv variety which the country affords ; his bar with the best of liquors ; and his stables with plenty of provender, anti careful servants will be in constant attendance. KOHKRT I. DINKINS. Charlotte, Ajirll 20, lB2o. *8'J T| Y virtue of a decree from the Court of E- > quity to me directed, on Monday, the 27lh Cii} oi'‘August ne:;t, being the Monday of our Co'iir.ty J'ourt, 1 shall expose to public sale, at t!ie C'durt-House in Charlotte, fne I.ot>, lying on th- north side of Tryon slri-et, formerly the propc.tj of A. Frew, dec’d. viz; No. 34, 41. 42 and 4 >. A credit of one and two years wl I be given, the purchaser paying interest I'roni the ‘late and giving bond ai.d security, ne- JCo’i:d)le at the IJank. of I\ewbern, Charlotte iiciuch. As the al>ove lots, with their impnivcmcnts, ^3ie viiUi.iMc and w ell situated for busim ss of run kind, all who wish*to si cure a bart^nin uould do well to attend between the hours uf K) 4. D. H. DUM.Ar, C. M. E. Mecklenburg County, N. (J. / ■ j,i!y lU, 182r. S Gt 11—]ir. adv. i2. A*recnrious I’imea. VI,I> th'ise liiat are iiuUbtedto tlie estate rl John i.ilmer. Km;. I)V noti , are requested U) come forw ard andTeiiew their n'ltes and give r'curity between tlii^ and t!ie August court, or jJii V may expect to find them in the hands of ;\n officer. DAN ALKXANDKH, .’hlm'r. Jjily 21, t .VoWcvi. I DO hereby forbid all persons from pay'n'K i Mr. Hugh Harris, of I’roviiknce Settlc- Tiient, any money on my account, alter t’nis date ; his receipt will not be considered as a d:s- vliarce of tlie debt. JOHN M. HAPPOT.DT. T’r-vidc nrr, N. July SI, 1827.—-I,> ^ANTKI', at this Odice, two boys, 15 or ^ Aj'i Ienliccti to the w 1(> year* ot t'^ruitmj' liusin \Va\1EV\u‘A‘^s ?S\vk*VuYts. prr.;,l'^!i!,n, ;>nd for hV-’e at this of- tice, “ :>t\irtu;''.^> on a !>ook, entitled, ‘An \p'.;l(i|,v tor 'be Hof'': of Pi'alnis, br (.I'.’oer', '•1' (htrr.’ 'Ill sviiicb avi-;a!du(.i, hiniar.j; on book, [by A 1''.n tniU r lordoiij • hlilled ‘ 1 ii'' dcsi^Mi and usi,- of the Meok of INalnri.’” liy TltNiiY i{ei vr.M!, A.M. Wltli an Appenil'% ' y M. \\ iL-o-., pastor (jf Kocky It.ver a;, i Vhil.i ;t Iphia I! 's \SV fa!c. ‘TuTs Oihce. JS*CtV ^Medical £5? Di'ifg Store. E. VlLLKY CO. VRL now receiving and opening, in Salisbu ry, a very general supply of MKUK INK, DRUCS, 8;c. which they ofVir for sale, w hoie- sale and retail, on terms accommodating;- to th»i times. Arrangements being made at the North, they will be constantly receiving all articles in their line, of the latest importations. L. VVILLF.Y, having devoted fifteen years to the Practice of Phi/sic, Hatters himself tliat he » shall be enabled, by paying strict personal at tention to the .Ipofhecary Jiv.sinrs.'i, and particu larly to the cbemiral and compound ]jrepara- tions, to please all those who may wish to pur chase. Country Physicians, Merchants, and other in dividuals, are res[)ectfully invited to call and supply themselves; or, by sending their orders, they shall be as faithfully dealt with us by per sonal .application. Salisbury, June 1, 1827.—Gt4," ]\IK. CLAY’S SPEIXII, -It the Dinner at Nohk's Iim, nrar Lcxitigfon, A'v. July 12, 18j7. 4. Our (lisilntrxiifhfd Gupft, Henry CUty.—The furnace of persecution m.ay be lieated seven titnes hotter, and sevi nty times more, he will I ever ready to receive with respect, and when , innoccnee is abiolutely irreconcilable wit'i )ny approvi'd by his Judgment, to act upon the.gtiilt. If (iemr.il Jackson, therefore, can es- coiinsels of his otlieial advisers. I add, with tai)lish iny guilt, and, by inference, o Uy it sin- unmixt pleasure, that, from the commencement uation, that of his sob- rival, be v iM have ro of the gjvTnnu-nt, with the exception of Mr. l moved a great obstacle to the ceusuniir .'Irn Jefferson’s .\dininistratit)n, no (lhief Magistrate i of the ohject of his ainbitir.T. And if he ear’, has found the members of his ('abinet so united , at tlie same time, make out his o.v ti punty f* on all public measures, and so cordial and i conduct, an J impress the Amt r."in p'nple witit I friendly in all their intercourse, private and of-! the belief that his puritv and ii t« ,'nty alopc ’ ’b * »ill aiul (Icaici to Ills inciuls; \\hiJr ficlal, ;is those arc of iho present President. hi«snrrp«;s tho Hoiisi* rtfUf'n- Ins enemies shall sink with the dross of their ... - . . ow n vile materials. prevented his success before the Ifouai' of Hep- Had 1 voted for Ceneral J.ickson, in op- resentatives, his claims will bccomi'abh/diitely I position to the well known opinions which I irresistible. M'ere there ever more powerful F been read, addressed the company as follows : I beg pennission to ofTer my hearty thanks, and to make rny respectful acknowledgments for the ailectionate reception w hich has bei. n given me during my present visit to my old (Congressional district, and for this hospitable and honorable testimony of your esteem and confidence. And I tiiank you especially for the friendly sentiments and feelings expresseil in the toast which you ha\ e (lone me the honor to drink. 1 always had the happiness of knowing nrkAf , , . , * enjoved, in a high degree, the attach- Rf)M the snbscnhers stable in Concord, nicnt of tiuit portion of nlv fellow-citizcns (>ahjirriiq rntmtv K P ff w. i • IVIh. Ci.ay, after the above toast had entertained of him, one-tenth part of the inge- motives to propagate,—was there ever greater Cabarrus county, N. C. on the night of the 20th inst. two gray HOUSKS, one of them hav ing a dark mane and tail, 7 years old, and a scar on his right hind pastern joint, occasioned by a rope; the other horse is 10 or 11 years old, ra ther whiter than the other; both in good order and shod before, when stolen. They are of the common size, but heavy built. A man, who calls his name William Dean, is suspected to I'e the thief. Dean was missini^ the same time the horses were. hoin 1 f(;nnerly represented : but I should never have been sensible of tlie strength and ardor of their aH'ection, except for the extraor dinary character of the times. For near two years and a half ( have been assailed with a rancour and bitterness which have few exam ples. I have found myself the particular object of concerted and concentrateil abuse ; and oth ers, thrusting themselves between you and me. . . have dared to arraign me for Irrachcry to your He IS about 5 feet 7 or H in- intciTsts. P>ut my former constituents, unaf- ches high, broad across the forehead, but Ir.s | ft>ct!.(l by tlie calumnies which have been so face tapers towards the chin, with a very large | persevcringlv circulated to mv prejudice, have mouth; rather stoop shouldered, unpleasant | stood by me'with a generous constancy ami no- coutiteiiance, and down look ; boasts much of j ble magnanimity. I he measure oftlieir regard Ills manhood ami is fond of mimicking the Dutch- an(j confidence has risen w ith, and even surpass- I u'Vi ^ malevolence, great as it is, of j and therefore the imputed corrupt bargain not : structcd his reception of it. penter by trade. Had a blue clo.th Cfiatee with j niy personal and political foes. I th.ink you, I fiiHiiled. All ’ ‘ a black. veUet collar, gray casinet p.antaloons, i gentlemen, who ;ife a large portion of mv lati nuitv and zeal which have been employed to i interest, at all hazards, to prove the tnitli of excite prejudices .against me would Irave held ■ charges ^ me lip to universal contempt; and what would I state the case, T hope, f.iirly; F nvan ti-> have been worse, 1 should h:*ve felt that 1 really state it fairly and fearlessly. If the position bo deserved it. j otif* which exposes Gene^,^l Jn'ksoii to unfhvor lU'fore the election, an attempt was made by able sus|iicions, it must be borne in mind that an abusive letter, published in the (Columbian . he has voluntarily taken it. and he must abid>2 Observer, at l’hiladel|)hia, a pajier whieh, has the crtnse|uences. I am acting on the deten- since transpired, was sustained by Mr. Senator | sive, and it i» he who as i.iils m-, and who ban Katon, the colleague, the friend and biogra[ih-' called fortli, by the eternal 1:iwn of self proti e- er ol'Ceneral Jaekson, to assail iny motives, and j tion, the right to use ail the legitiuiate means of to deter me i'l the exercise of my duty. This | self-defence. letter being avowed bf Mr (jeorge Kremer, 1 j Ccneral Jackson has .'ihcwn. in his letter, tbat? in.stantly demanded from the House of IJepre-1 he is not exempt from the influcn'e of that (jia* sentatives an investigation. A committee w:is towards one’s own inti rt ^ts. which is unfortu- accordingly, on the 5th day of February, 1825, nutely the too common lot of human nat n-f Ii apjiointed in the rare mode of ballnting by the 1 is ///> interest to make out that lie is a per.’.oi* House, instead ol by the selection of tin Spea- j of spotless innoeenee, and of unsullied integri- ker. It'was composed of some of the leading j ty, and to establish, y ilirect cbi'-rge, or iy nc- menibers of the body, not one of whom was my , cessary inft rence, tbr want of those qualities irt political frienl in the pr ceding Presidential I his rival. Accorflinijly, wc fin Whrcughoul thij canvass. A Ithough Mr. Kremer, in addressing | lef.cr, a lal>ored attempt to set lortii bis o\*a thw House, had declared his w illingness to bring immaculate puritv in striking contrast •' ‘h thS forward his proofs, and his readii.e.ss to abide i corruption which is atfriluitctl to oti ® the is.sue of the inquiry, his fears, or other conn- j would ima^jine from bis letter, tliat he yer3'sel* sels than his own, prevailed upon him to take i dom touilufs a newspaper. Toe Teh giapb is refuge in a miserable subterfuge. Of all p«jssi-, mailed regularly for iiim at Washington, but it ble periods, that wms the mo.st litting tosubstan- ■ arrives at the Hermit ig*- rery irregularly. He tiate the charge, if it w as true. F.very circuiu- i would have the public to infer, that the Pojt- staiice was then Iresb ; the witnesses all living master at Nashville, whose appointment hap . and i)re.sent; tlie election not yet complete ; pencd not to be upon his rccciumendation, ob- ‘ In conBequcnce these pow« rful eonsiderations | of his not reccK\’ing the Tel graph, he had not and black hat w ith a low' tapered crown and broad rim. Fifty dollars reward will be given for his apprehension and conll.iement in any jail, or his delivery to me in Concord, N. (J. to gether with both or either of the horses. Any information sent me to the Post-OlTicc in this ])lace, will be tliarikfully received. JNO. E. MAHAN. Concord, N. C. .luly 23, 1827.—40 Ntw \V«ile\\cs & 3e^ve\\ev^'. Thomas 1'rotter ^ Co. Tl ESPF.CTFULLY informs had no w eight w ith the C(uispirators and Iheir i on the 6th .Tune, 1827, seen Carter Hc^ e*'ley' constituents. I thank you, and every one of { aecessavies, and they meaiilv shrunk frcnn even I famous I'avetteviHe letter, dated the i^th of the them, with all my heart, for the manly .support ! an attempt to pro;e their charge, for the best | preceding'March, published in ti'imeroe.s ga- which I have uniformly received. U has che er- of all possible reasons—because being fasle and ' /.ettes, and published, 1 have very litile doutit, fabricated, they could adduce no proof w hich ' although 1 have not the means of a«rertaining was not false and fabricate cl. j the fact, in the {^'■azettes of N:ish\i!li:. I will During two years and a half, which have now ] not say, eontr..ry to (ieiicral J.>ck.sin as .ei t; )H, intervened, a portion of the press devoted to the , that he had ne\ erread that h tt. i, win n In- v. rote: eause of Cicncral Ja«-kson, has been teeming i that of the 6th of June, but I must think that With tiic vilest cahimnies against me, and the I it is very strange that he shoiiM not h»ve seen charge, uniier every camelion form, has been ] it ; and that I doubt whether tlierr* is another 11 thousand times n peated. I p to this time, man of any political eminenee in th*‘ Ciiited ii'vitetl investigation, anl denuui- Stat s, who hao not read it. Tlicre is a rimark able coincidence hetwet n (i“Ufr.d / ickson and. certain editors who espouse his interest, in re- latirn to ’>!:•. Uevi rley’s letter. They very earlv took the grouml, in re.spe t to it. that I ught, under my otvn .sr^nnfnre, to eoine out and denv the statements. And Gen. Jackson now ip Jiis letter of tin fith of June, ihat he “ al ways intended, should .Mr. (;lay com*' out over his own name, andlc ny having any knowledgfj of the communication mad- by liis frim's tf> my frienls and to me, that I would give him the: name of th*- gentltman through whom that communiicj^tion catrte.” The distingui.shed member of Congres:!, who bore the alleged overture, according to Ccn, Jackson, pre.sented himself with diplomatic dr. cumy^peetion lest he should wound the ver/ great sensibility of the (ieneral. He avers that: the communication was intendrrl witli most friendly motives, “that he came as a friend,*' awd that he hoped, howeverit mig^t be r(‘cei\- e.d, there would be no alteration in t!ie friendlv feeling:^ between them. Th* General graci ously condescends to receive the cornmumca- tion, an«l, in consideration of the high standing* of the distinguished member, aml of hia having always been a professed friend, he is protiiiHcd impunity, and assured that tb re shall be no change of amicable ties. After all these ne cessary preliminaries are arranged bet wt'en the: high negotiating powers, the envoy proec- liH:— IT bavinir been made to appear to tne tjourt, ; r " ; ' ;; , , •' , “ He had been informed by the frlend.i of Mr. th It Sotmon Stowe and Parnilla his wif'e, i «med. I atn again | as w ell as positive evidence. lUit 1 «lo contend, “ Clay, that the frien.is of Mr. Adams had mad.,j ' • ' . .»• ,...f r,,,.. n..t rlr.vr-,. „„1-1 r>v.,I,..,,.,. K-. “ ovcrtiires to them. Saving if Vr. jhy and hi^^ “friends would unite in aid of the election of “ Mr. Adams, Mr. Clay should be Si cretary of “ State ; that the fri( iids of Mr. Adams w( rc* “ urging, as a ren'on to induce the friends of “ Mr. Cl.T^ to aeeedc to their proposition, that “if I w as iectcrd I'ri sident, Mr, Adams would “ be continued as Secretary of Slate, (inucndo, “then- would be no room for Kentucky.”) [Is this (lent ral Jacksijn's iniK.mdo, or tfiat of thr di^tinguisl.ed member of (Dngress “ I hat "the trii-iids of .Mr. (;lay statfd the West doc.'4 “ 11(4 want to si fKirate'fiom the West, and if I “wouKl .say or j,ern.it any of m.y confidential “ fri( nds to s.iv that, in ease I w ;is elects.1 I're- “'Tdent, .Mr. Adams should not be coiitinui d '■ .‘>“en-tary of by a cfimph te union ot' “ Mr. Clay and his friends, they would jiiit an “end to the contest in (hh' hour; and be was “ of opinion it was rl);ht to fight sncli intriguers ‘‘witii tlii ir own weapons.” To which th« (»( ui’.'mI st,it'H himself to have replied in sii!i*« st;iii(-f, “ tjiat ir. politic s, as in e\ ery thing els‘, “ Tfiv guid'.' w IS I viiieiple, and eciiitr.ir\ to tbes “e\pres>.'d v.ill of tiie jKople fir tlieir eonsti- “ tut. d aij-eIlls, 1 never would St. j) into tiie l’T*e- “ .irieiiti d ehair ; ami r' 'ju;ste'.l him to say to “ .Mr. f;iay and his Iriends, (for I did nujijhmc h« “had ronie from Mr. Clay, iilthdiif'Ji If u^cil flia ‘‘ ht in.'i Clu j\s frii iifj.s, ', that In fore I w oultf luctanee, excited by the feelings of ri spcct j “ rcarh tlie Pres.dei.tia! hair by such means of which I would anxiously ba^e l uliiv.ued to-| “ bargain an 1 eorruplHUi, I wouhl s( >• the eartu w ads its author. He has, however, iiy tli:.t I “ opt ii ,nuUw allow botii .Mr.Chiy and his friends lette r, cr* ati d >in h n latioiis biMwc- n us, |“and my .elf with them.” Now all these pro in any lai,guaj;i- w hieh I may emjiloy, in ■ x..m-j i'essions are very !in-, and display admirable ining its ccuili. nt'-, 1 ft 1 in} self bound by no o- ; pu:'''*y. Hut its sublimity would be somewhat thir (jbiigatKuis than tho-,e whu.n iiehuig to i mere imnresMve if some person other than Cen- truth, to jjublie (b corum, and to ms .elf. | f ra! .Vk U:-.o'i had pro( h.inu d it. He wc'uld 1 be tii'vt cfin.-idci-ation which miij*, f>i> *'.e j i:ilo )'ie l'r(nti.il t liair, but ne\er, lU) 1 nev- [,eni-al ot tin- letter, t(Uee it--j( upon evc.-y re- j er (ontraiy to “the . \[)resM.-d and unbiassed tlei tii.g mind, is that \» hi'.b arises out of the j w ill i' th- people, cv ih ir coiibtituted agents tlelicatf jjo.^turc' in w hieti «.eii. Jaek ,on stands ! tv n mode., of an iviiig at it t!ie more reasonable, - ^ - b«. tore the Ani' i ican putjiie. Mi' is a eandidate | a... tlie: .- hajipens to be no other eoiistitutuinc! U alk'.r, and Pliiiander Alexarider, summoned ^ (,i,j,.rti(,n.'. to .Mi Adams, I am read) frt e ! for the- I’re'i.deney, avowd and pro'laiin* d. i w a’-. lie wouldsee '■ *be earth open and sv. a1- ii3 (iarnishees. , K to ad.nit ; b\it tie se did m,t weigh a feathir^ He h^» no c t^mpetilor at ( rtji.nt, a’ld there i^. ^ lov. bo u .Mr ri;iy and b'.s frieiidi. and my .elt',” It is ordered !.y Court, that publi-'ution be in eoinparison with the rf-atei- .md ui'ui inour.t- ; no proSabil.t) of hii liaving any, in.t one. 'Mie be tore Ir: v, oiild ••cacli t!ie Pre---.:dct.tia! ciinir by •■•i.desix wee'KS in the f'a'.aw ba .lournai, tor anie obi.etioM=;. l^n;- ;nd deliSerhtely enter-j c!-arges w hi'l. he has alhe*'ed i.imsclf'o lie th** lu h means ( f bar;,,rm .■•nd corruption.” i ii'laiit to T’.iake his personal appearance at ' ttoned ag.unst bis coti,pet,tor. I take this oc - organ ot communicating to t!ie \tv jnjblie | linpt (. n. .!ac:kson'lid not intend that t he whob.- I w iiu is to decide tiie quesli(jii I t the i’resuiencv, ' bumun race ‘liould be also .'^•.v.dlow ed no, ori ^thoufih direelhr aim. 1 at n.e, nece.varily irie . tti- ct>?itingei,ey h-- has stated, nor tb,*i Ihcv hiibbaw I I t Li ( n iiali:;!.!]. | h::, uii'j, ei'n.ji!. * iti^r. ^Ir. Ad.m-i ai.ii j v';c to ^tjai rant y that l.e has an absobitf re- iia\^ fiMind him ;it ttie lu .1(1 f i the l.i'\ernnient, I in}If are both or w are both im-.o'-, i t ,ji.mec to the emj)lovnu:*t of any c c ’ •> cd and con.soled me, amidst all my severe trials ; and may I not add, that it is Inmorable to the generous hearts and enlightened head.s w ho re solved to protect the character of an old friend and faithful servant ? 'I’he numerous manifestations of your confi dence and attachment will be among the latest ard most treasured rec(dlections of my life.— They inipose on me obligations w hich can nev er be weakened or cancelled. One of these oh- ded videnCe. None, not :> particle, has been ligations is, that 1 should embrace every fair i adduced. opportunity to vindicate that character which ' 'I'he extraordinary ground h.is been taken, the public that they have I you have so generously s'ustaincd, and to evince ! that the accuscrs w ere not bound to t'stablisli received and'idfer for sale a j to you and to the worid, that you have not yiel-! by proof the guilt of theh’ designated victim, few gold and silver ])atent le- ded to the impulses of a blind and enthusiastic , In acivilizetl, Christian and free community, the ver Watches, (gentlemen ! sentiment. 1 feel that I am, on alMit occasions, monstrous principle has been assumed, that ac- and ladies) a few good plain ; esjiecially bound to vindicate myself tf my lor-1 cusation and cfmvictifin are symmymous} .and Watcbts, warranted ; gentle-1 rner constituents. It was as l/in'r r( pre.senta-, that the per.so:is w ho lcliberately bring forward men and ladies’gold (diains, | tive ; it w asui the fulfilment of a high trust an atrocious charge, are exempted from all ob- and Keys ; some band-j w hich/Ary confided to mo, that I h.ive been ac- ligation.s to substantiate it! And the pretext is, some Hre’ast'Pins, Finger Rings, Kar Rings,; cused of violating the most sacred of duties, of that the crime, being of a political nature, is Pearl and Filigree, and Paste in setts, &c. &.c. ; ■ treating tlieir wishes with c«,ntempt, and their slinuKU 1 in darkness, and incapable of being all or any part of which we will sell low for i interests with treacliM-y. Nor is this obligation, substantiated. Hut is there any real difference, cash. i in my concejition of its import, at all weaken- in this respect, betw-cen political and other of- Clocks and Watches repaired at the shortest I cd by the d ssohition of the relations which fences? l)o not all perpetrators of crime en- notice, and wiirranti J to jjerform. Cash given ; heretofore existed bet ween us. I w ouhl in-' deavor to conceal their guilt and elude detec- for gold and silver. j stantly resign the place 1 hold in the couneilr. tion? If the accuser of a political offence is N. H. We expect to receive in a short time (,f the nation, and lirt ctly appeal to the sulfra-, absolved from the duty of supporting his uccu- .sonie elegant Militarx and plated Goods, &e, | ges of my late constituents, as a candid:ite for ' sation, every other accuser of offence stands Charlotte, May 14, 1H27.—30 j re-election, if I did not know that my foes are | equally absolved. Such a principle, practical- — I of that class whom one rising from the ilead ' ly carried into society, would subvert all liar- SltilC. •XVbWwiX I convince, whom nothing can silence, ! inoiiy, peace and tranquillity. None—no age, .J . ’ I and w ho w age a war of extermination. On the ' nor sex, m.r profession, nor calling, would be Liincoin Loutlty. j i-;sue of such an appeal, thty would redouble { safe against its baleful and overwlu lming influ- Superior Court of Law, Jpril Ttrm, A. I). 1S27. tlieir abuse of me and of jou ; for their hatred ence. It would amount to a universal license I I is common to us both. ■. to universal ealumny ! Aik.hmv oy ^ „ fordivMonoftbe ! eomiielled me so often to be tlie No one has ever ctmtended, that the proof T' I • '”r\i cm I re .l i-st ito of said Mason addresses to the people, that 1 i should be conclusivi ly that of eye-witnesses, iTiison dec’d''iiul ^ lluson 'decca-ed * j should have willingly abstained on this festive testifying from their .sen.ses positively and di- Huson, dec d. and lluson, utcca.cl. occasion, from any allusi.m to this subject, but | rectly to the ti.rt. Political, like all other of- Others. „ the ronrt I for a new and imposing form which the calumny I fences, may be estabhshed by circumstantial .nrp’m^ i me has recently assumed. I am again | as well as positive evidence. Rut 1 do contend, th.it . oh> 1 S - in thisi any new charge nor I that taymt: evidence, be il w hat it may, ought to I*’ ,T t';, l^v any new adversary ; but of the old charge s, be exbibitel. If there be none, he.; do the suit, .i\e w 1 u>u It _ niibl'ieation be ^ dress, and e\hiD.ted by an ojien accus rs /v/oiw.that an offence has been perpe- therefon.ordcTel bv C.^ The iictitious names trated ? If they do know it, let us luVe Uie made .,ix wetksi.i I have been stricken from the foot of the indict-!y>>r/.v on which their conviction is based. I wjll notice to the said vSob>mon Stowe and Parnilla l„s vifc .nl Jchn I-ri.kne .iM.c.r vol,m.n,-,lv ollcn-,1 before the Judge of our next Sujieiior ( onrt ot Law, to be held for Lincoln county, at the i.aw, TO ne iie .. i..r ui ^vail nivself, with your imbil^^^^ im.sc ,n on, ,,„„.u,„iiv >,l Ir.c an,l unriv.n.:,! mt,r- ment, and that of a known and substantial pros- } not ev( ri asst rt that, in imblie uffair.s, a citi/cn eutor has been voluntarily ollered. Llndaunt- j has not a right, freely to express bis opitiiims iif d by the formidable name of that prosecutor, | public men, alid to spuudate on the motives of and there to answ ( ! Constituents, to make some 61).servations on the lion, othe-w ise it will be taken pro ccuf^.o, ami j \vhen adj'i'jged accordmgl}. 1 j,),;,)) },(• produced, as I have now a Vr’itnrss, J^aw son Henderson, Cb rk of said i j,, ^,,p„ort of the acciisa- Ceuif, til Lincdinton, the 4th Monday atti r the j (j,. |;n>p( r time for me, to taki- ■ such notice of it as its nature may !•(. ([iiire •*’.a M(Uiday ( t March, A. 1). lbJ7, and in llie .i 1st vear of the independence ot the Cnited .State-,. I.AW SON HF.NDKHSON. fit ir.—pr. adv. fi 6.'A uV Xuy\\\-V‘avu\\uu, Mc(kl('n!uig County Man Si^-sion^, KS27. Jamcj Simmons‘S Levied on a negro man na- t' ui(.;d Jonas. Edward (jieen. j It i.4 orderi (i by Court, that pulilication be leadc in the (.atawlia Journal six weeks, for | i,i„i t„ uiln.iiiister tlie duties of the of defendant to makt. his persuial ajqiearance at | j tboiigbt otherwise, after I r«.-aeli«;d our Court of Pleas and (Quarter Se-sion>* in Au- j Wushington ( ity, and \ isiteil him to satisfy my self; and tboiiglit that physical iniiiedimeiit, it there were no other objef tions, ought to pre vent his el ( tKn. AllliOUL'h the Dcdegatiote. from four States ;oted f(U- li.m, ;tnd his preten- siiuis were z(aloiis!y pressed to tbe very last In February, lB2.j, it w.is my duty, as tlie Representative of this Dislriet, to Mite for Mime one of the th’ee ( aiubdates torthf- IMa rideiicy, who w ere n turiKd tu the llouic, of |{( presi n- tati\'es. It haj been established, and can be lurth(r [irovi (I, that, before I left this State tbe preeediiig tall, 1 ((unmunieati d to several gen tlemen of the highest respectability, my fixed determination not to \ote for (ii'neral J u kson. The ti ieiids (4 .Mr. (Jruw ford asserted to the l.ist, that tiie f oiidilifui of his health was such as to their conduct. Rut il be ( Ikjoscs to jironiulgate oiJiiiions, lit tin m In- given as opinions. '1 he puldie w iil corn ( tly judge of tlieir value and tl.eir grounds. No one has a right to put forth tbe ].ositive as'irtioii, that a piditiral idfenre has been eommilled, unless be stands [)n pared t( .'.ustain, by sati .faetijry pi oof of some kind, its aetual exi^tem e. II be who e.xhibits a eharge of political crime is, from it., very iiatiiro, disabled to establisli it, bow UHieb more diliindt i^ tie-eonditioii c>f the .lecnsed ^ How c.in he c\hdiit negatu^- proof id' his iiiiioc. iiee, if 1,0 af]irmati\c priM/f of his guilt is, jr can be addueeii •’ it must have been aeonviction that the justice (d the public recpuied a ileiinite charge, by a le'jjoiisible accuser, that has, at last, extovted from (ieii. J;icksuii his letter of the (jtb of ,!iine, Ltely published. I ajiproaeii that h tterwitli great reluctance, not on my own ac'-ijunt, for on that, I most heartily and sincerely n joice that il ha.s made its appeurauce. P,ut it is a re- l^ust next, 3iid there- ropb \y aiut plead, or judgment v i!l be er tered agan.st hin;. I. Al.F.XANDtiJ, ('. il/. C. 6t'1fi.—pr. adv. ^2. XovV\\-V ‘a\HA*uvA, I moment, it has bn n ot l.ite assu rted, and I be- :\kdftnfjurir CoiuJy May Se,.s!an,, 1 o27. | 1> ve by some of the very ^ I warriilv cspou'^cfl Ins tlt:»t his uicouipc- Robert (iuery \ Kxecuted, and .lohn M’-j \vns so palpable a., cb-arly to limit the ' Larty, (.lorge M'Lartv, choiei; to lwo(f tbe three returned candidates. .Mex.inh r Hngli I'arks, Andrew i,, |,,v vie-w (>f my «iu1y, there was nu alteina- 1‘ark.-, Uobul Miii.d, James Morris, Daniel fl. 'bui that whidi l'crnbrared. 'i hat I l.jd ipearaiice at ' tamed ag.uiist bis coti.pet itor. I take this oc ■ ■ Coiir' (d' !‘h :is and Qu.trt. r m-sions m Au-, '■ •'^ion, w ith gn at '...tistuetion, to st;.te, th,.t my I ne'.t, and ther? to ti!-;a.' and r. ph \y, oth- j o’. jections to .Mr Adan.s aros- di;« tVoiii aji , ise jM.lgnic !.t w ill be rendered a^air.si him, , prtdieiis (ui 1. A1 KXAM^I.).', dii^!i*AP»