utoito VO . III.] CHARLOTTE, JV. C, TVESDAY, AI GIST 1827. [NO.*’145. prBLlSIfED WEKKLY By LEMUEL BINGHAM, Jit Three Dollars a year^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearages are paidi Adverllsements will be inserted at the usual tates. Persons sending in advertisements, are reqtiested to note on the margin the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid* and charged accordingly. lleUei iov ^tammcTing. The Rev. Thomas P. Hunt informs the citi zens of North-Carolina that, by authority o| Mrs Leigh, he has appointed John B. Cottrel* and Dr. D. K- Dunlap, of Charlotte, N. Carohna. Agents for correcting impediments of speech. Tlie above named agents having received full instruction and authority, give notice to the community in general, that they are prepared to receive Stammerers of every grade at the residence of Ur. D. R. Dunlap, in Charlotte, wliere he or Mr. Cottrell may at all times be foimd. They do not hesitate to warrant a curc (on condition of their attention to instruction) to all who may come well recommended for in tegrity anrl honesty; and no others need apply. Children, above three years of age, of respect able parents, will be received. From this it may be understood, that nil adults must bring certificates of their standing in society. Adults may be cured in from one to ten days ; children require longer time. Prices are regulated by circumstances, and will Ije made known on aj)- pliciition. Board can be had on reasonable terms. N. B. Mr. J. n. Cottrell was a stammerer of the worst kind, and has been cuicd on Mrs. Leigh’s system. Cli .rlotte, June 27, 1827.—3mt49 (];;^ Tlic editor of the Fionef.r, Yorkville, and of the Carolinian, Salisbury, will publish the above three times, and forward their bills for payment. 1 T TttbVic IHE subscriber informs his friends and the Htnry^s Commentary on the Bible. PROPOSALS For publishing by subscription, by Towar 8t Hogan, Booksellers, No. fi55, Mar>et street, Philadelphia, AN EXPOSITION OF THE OLD & NEW TESTAMENT. Wherein each chapter is summed up in its contents ; the sacred text inserted at large, in distinct paragraphs; each paragraph reduced to its proper heads ; th« sense given, and large ly illustrated, with practical remarks and ob servations. Bt Matthew Hekrt, late Minlaftr of the Gospel A new Edition : edited by the litv. Gtnrge Bur- dtft and the liev. Josfp)i Hughes, A. M. IVith a Life of the Author, by the Rev. Samuel Palmer. public, that he has purchased that well known establishment, lately owned and occupi ed by Dr. Henderson, and is now prepared t.o entertain travellers and others, who may ple.ase to call on him ; and no exertions will be spared to render them comfortable, and their stay a- greeable. His table will be furnished with ev ery variety which the country affords; his bar with the best of liquors; and his stables with plenty of provender, and careful servants will be in constant attendance. HUBERT I. DINKINS. Charlotte. April 20, 1826. *80 From the subscriber’s stable in Concord, Cabarrus county, N. C. on the night of the 20th inst. two gray H()RSES, one of them hav ing a dark mane and tail, 7 years old, and a scar on his right hind pastern joint, occasioned by a rope ; the other horse is 10 or 11 years old, ra ther whiter than the other; both in good order *nl shod before, when stolen. They are of the common size, 'but heavy built. A man, who calls his name William Dean, is suspected to be the thief. Dean was missing the same time the horses were. He is about 5 feet 7 or 8 in ches high, broad across the forehead, but his face tapers towards the chin, with a very large mouth; rather stoop shouldered, unpleasant countenance, and down look ; boasts much of his manhood and is fond of mimicking the Dutch brogue, and of gambling, and says he is a car penter by trade. Had a blue cloth coatee with a black velvet collar, gray casinet pantaloons, and black hat with a low tapered crown and broad rim. Fifty dollars renard will be given for his apprehension and confinement in any jail, or his delivery to me in Concord, N. C. to gether with both or either of the horses. Any information sent me to the Post-Office in this place, will be thankfully received. JNO. E. MAHAN. Concord, N. C. July 23, 3827.—40 oIl JS*oYlV\-'^ aroViua, Lincoln County. Superior Court of Law, April Term, A. D.1827. Andrew Hoyl vs. I Petition for division of the The heirs of Mason ^ real estate of saidMason Huson, dec’d. and j Huson, deceased. others. J ]T having been made to appear to the Court, that Solomon Stowe and Parnilla his wife, and John Friddle, who are defendants in this suit, live without the limits of this State : It is therefore ordered by Court, that puhlicalion be made six weeks in the Catawba Journal, giving notice to the said Salomon Stowe and Parnilla his wife, and to John I'riddle, that they appear btfi're the J\ul^''e of our next Superior Court of I.aw, to be he!l for Lincoln county, at the 'Court-House in Lincolnton. on tl»e 4tli Moncl.iy after the 4th Monday of Seplemi)t r next, thi n and there to answer or demur to the said peti tion, ptherwise it will be taken pro conftso, and adjudged accordingly. Witness, Lawaon Henderson, f’lerk of said Court, at Lincohiton, tlic 4th Moiulay after tlie 4th Monday of March, A. I). 1«J7, and in tlie 61st year of the Independence of tlie I'nited Slates. I.WVSON HE.NUEWSON. 6t4^—pr. adv. $2 6JA isi ^v*DYt\\-V' aYi>\\na, ^Iccklenbur^ County J\Iay ^tssio/is, 1827. James SJi.imons^ Levied on a negro man na- r.a»wj or.c-i,. S It is ordered by Court, that publication be made iti the Cutatsha Journal six weeks, for deicndant to make his personal appearance at our Courl of IMcas and Quarter Session^* in Au gust next, and there replevy and pleuil, or judgment will be entered against him. L ALEX.VNUTiR, t?. >/• C. C'.46.~pr. adv. The character of this valuable and highly useful Exposition of the Sacretl Writings, is well known to the pious generally of all de nominations : and it now certainly stands in no need of a publisher’s recommendation. Conditions.—The work will be published in six large super royal octav# volumes, of about one thousand pages each, comprising about one- third more matter than is contained in Scott’s Commentary, and delivered to subscribers in volumes, at three dollars and fifiy cents per volume, w'ell done up in strong boards ; or four dollars per volume, handsomely and strongly bound ; payable on the receipt of each vol ume. A volume will be published every three months. An allowance will be made of one copy for every live subscribers; and to those who ob tain but two subscribers, a reasonable allow ance will be made. As the price of the book is put very low, the publishers expect that remittances will he promt tly made on the receipt of each volume. The publisiiers request those who have sub scription papers, to inform them any time prior to the first day of November next, of the num ber they have got or have a prospect of ob taining. RECOMMENDATIONS. From Dr. E. iS. Ely, Pastor of the Third Pres- ilui XeYf \Ya\c\\cs & Tliomas Trotter ^ Co. RESPECTFULLY informs the public that they have received and offer for sale a few gold and silver patent le ver Watchcs, ■ (gentlemen and ladies) a few good plain Watches, warranted; gentle men and ladies’ gold Chains, Seals and Keys ; some hand, some Breast Pins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Pearl and Filigree, and Paste in setts, &c. &c. ; all or any part of which we w ill sell low for cash. Clocks and Watches repaired at the shwrtest notice, and warranted to perform. Cash given for gold and silver. N. B. We expect to receive in a short time some elegant Military aud plated Goods, Sic. Charlotte, May 14, 1827.—30 !»! byterian Church, Phi Increase of Population.—The Annual Report of the American Education Soci ety states that the jjopulation of the Uni ted States is advancing at the rate of one thousand every day—three hundred and sixty-five thousand a year. An Irishman and a Yankee met at a tavern, and there was but on? bed for them. On retiring:, the Yankee said he did not care which side ol the bed he took: ‘Then by Jasus,’ says Pat, ‘you may take the under side.’ The tables tnrned.—A Mobile paper con tains the cautionary notice of Joseph Ramsay, which commences thus :— Noticc to the Public.—Whereas my law ful wife, Mary Ann Ramsay, has turned The record of the last conference is as follows: “July 28th, 1824.—The rlenipotentiaries, after communicating with each other, in pur suance of tho ag'reement taken at the preced ing conference, and persuaded that they had sufficiently developed the sentiment! of their respective governments, on the various subjects of their conferences, separtited under the circumstanecB, which necessarily prevented fur the presentf any further progress in the ne gotiations.’* It otight here to be observed, that the subject of our trade with the West Indies was one only of six important and tlifficnlt questions, which formed the subject of these ne^otiationa. The slave-trade question, the claim for in demnity for deported slaves, the north eastern boundary of the United States, the navigation of the St. I.awrence, viz. thatthevery lastactyourParhaiuent tiad passed, on a subject connected with this trade (an act passed some time in the season of 1823) was officialiy com*- municated to our government by Mr- Addington, theBritish Charge d’Atiaire^ at Washington, expressly that our gov ernment might take its measures accof- dingly. The omission, therefore, under thesis circumstances, tocomniun*cate olficialij^ thoactsofJune and July, 1825, strength ened the conclusion drawn fiom various other premises, that these acts were not designed to break up the suspended negotiation between the two govenl- meiiis. Thc^e acts contained one hundred and thirty sections, loaded with tiie re petitions and the technical forms uhicD, and the territorial claims at the mouth | to Adam Sm^th, were iniro- of the Columbia River, were the other into British legislation to make subjects to which the attention of the , cojjying of the laws profitable to cho negotiators was called. j clerks, and which, according to Mr. The despatch of Mr. Rush, commu-1 Peel, have made their meaning incom- nicating the result and the suspension of the negotiations, bears date 12th Au gust, 1824. It consequently could not have been received in Amcrica, and it prehensible. They n’ere construed to break up the trade between the Uni ted States and the British Colonial pos!- j .sessions, by (he Biitish Authorities, in States exercise the rightof electing those who are to rule over them. The event of the eltc tion in the autumn of 1824 was ^uch as to leave undecided the main re sult till the spring of the following year. In such eases, it is not the usage of this government, (nor of any govern ment unt^er analogous circumstances,) me out of doors without any just cause of | to act definitely, on great political qties- provocation, I hereby caution the public, tions. * It was not till the spring of 1825 that the new Administration was organized. was not till the near approach of the | tj,ose possessions, save Hali- period when the people of the United ti^^n only for a short time, and [From the Boston Patriot.] LT'TTER XII—AMD LAST. delphia. G«ntlemen,—Your proposed republication of, the Uev. Mattliew Henry’s “ Exposition of the To the Right Honorable Ge,;rge Cnnnin^ Old and New Testament, with Practical Re marks and Observations,” deserves cncourage- First I Among the first appointments made was that of a Minister to London. For this oiTice the ciioice fell on a gentle- Str Lord of the Treasury, &c: , man whose numerous high qualifications -In my last letter I intimated ' were justly supposed to be cn- ment from all the friends of evanphcal religion I the abrupt and unfriet,r‘!y measure ' *^‘'‘”ced, by the favorable impressions f tK- ' 1 1^1 I T “ ■ of «losiiie- the British West Indies on the British Government, which he a copy of this valuable work, 1 would Rive vou, i •losing; me urins.i csr. inwits, ,, , - »I .... . ... vvas understood to have left, in former in our country, in exchange for it, all the Commenturies of Or-j upon US, W’ithout warning, and the va-j ton, Doddridge, (iill, Campbell, M’Kiiight,; rious statements contradictory to each ' negotiations. and while I would neither I wl.irli. if vniir i In selecting the late venerable Mr. Scott, and Clark discard nor disparage these, I must say, that I ""A ITT- f tU ' • ♦ V 1 1 4l Henry has as much good srns;, as miich'practi- letter of January 27th, you justify th't ^or the mission to^ Lngland, the cal piety, and as thorough acquuiiitance with j measure, could only be cxplaii.ed onone ! resident ol the United Slates is known the mind of the Spirit, as are manifested by any ; supposition. This supposition is, that, ; dictated by the persuasion, ol hts successors. , I till the SDrin»-of 1 S2t) vou had no ini' ^*^at he was, of all the citizens of the The late Dr. Livingston was the best preach-1V r* "'n no in- , c . *i • i* • i i er on the religious experience of a Christian, [ tention to adopt any such measure, that! United States, the individual most Iike- that I have ever heard; and it is notorious, that; you waited (as it was reasonable you ' bring the negotiation, on all sub- hc lbl!ird\“n^Henr“^^^^^^ j should) for the amicable adjustment ofjiects of difference, to a mutually accep- %rany minister^f'the Gospel, or private I the matter by negotiation which was ; issue. , tvt tr- • Christian, who might regard my opinion, 1 would I pending, and that the clamors of those! the spring of 1825 Mr. King sail- say. If you have all other Commentaries, or engaged in navigation, w ith some doubt • England, charged wiih fullpow- r..M niir. i.hsr hill nnf^. hn siir#. hiiv pcHiaps rcviving ill your owu Dilnd, as tp negotiate on all the subjects to the policy of an entire subversion of j pending between the two governments, your colonial system, led you to seize ! but w'ith special instructions to turn his on a pretext abruptly to break off theattention to the question of indem- vahiabirp’racticarcommVntaryu^^^^^^^^ ; to is.suc your or-1 "ity for deported slaves, this being ' in n/Minml • oni'l Ktr i*rn\T r» T moL-ir»#v ' 3 OUGStlOll 01 lITllTlCu/dtC pCCUHlSry for losses of many yourself to resume the negotiation, even years standing, a question of pressing if we were ready to come into your de- ’ mands. can purchase’but one, be sure to buy Matthew Henry. EZKA STYLES ELY. My views of the Rev. Matthew Henry’s Ex position of the Old and New Testament, accord with those who have recommended it as a most valuable practical commentary upon the Sacred I w, , , Scriptures, and as furnishing some of the most' der in council ; and, by way of making I ^ question important aids to a correct knowledge of them. [ all sure, to tell US you wouhi not pledge compensation L. S. IVES, Associate Hector of St. Jamea’a Church, Lancaster. From the Hiv. JV. T liranily. Pastor of the First Baptist Church, Philadcljthia. Messrs. Towar & Hogan: 'I'he piety and good sense of all Christian coT^imunities, have con curred in awarding to Henry’s Commentary, a Unfriendly as such a course is, it would not of itself he matter of com plaint. But it is matter of complaint, distinguished place among the standard works! that, insteadof manfully owning achaiige ot the same kind. For myself, 1 can say, that ' of purpose and opinion, you seek, hv I have found it one of the best helps to a just j ^pun argumentation, to throw upon and practical acquaintance with the sacred vol- ‘ , * ume. His skill L an interpreter is entitled to I the odium ot the result, and presume much respefct; his integrity in adhering to the 1 to ascribe this result to pretensions on sense of Scripture, without the colorings o^thcpart ofthis government, which, you party feeling, is highly commendable ; and the it docs not set up. divine unction which runs through thewhole of his work, must render it an acceptable guide to the devotions of the pious in every denomi nation. Vou have my earm^t wishes for the success of the projecteil publication ofthis work. • With Christian respect, W. 1. lUiANTLY. 13th March, 1827. (j!;^Subscriptions for the above valu able work received at tiiis ollice. Aleckfenburg County May Sessions, l.'iJ7. Executed, and John M’ I.arly, C.c'orge M’Larty, I shall npw show you tlie grounds of this sujiposition. In 1824, Mr. Rush conductetl a negotiation on this and oth er subjects at London, with Mr. llus- kisson and Mr. Stratford Canning. The only point of dillerenrc*, relative to the trade of the liritish West indies, which these negotiators could not adjust, was our dpniand to enjoy a fair comfietition with your Nortli American provinces, in the supjjiy of those articles which they, as well as the Uniterl States, furnished the West Indies. Al! branch es of the American (lovt'rnment haring Koljert Query Alexander M'l.nrty. S )*Hrks,~ AiVdriw j the year before dtiifieralely sanctioned l{ob«it llooil, James Morris, Danielll. thi*: detnand, by incni poi atillg it into a hivv, Mr. Rusli ju'^tly thi»nght it vnin Parks, W;ilker, and I’liilaitder Alexander, suuimoned as liarnisliees. It is ordered by T'ourt, that publication l>e made six weeks in the l.'atav, ba Journal, for defendant to make his ])crsonal appeiiranee at pcmicu. to negotiate demand an abandonment of that and tlie neji'jlialion was sus- our Court of i’leas and Quurter Sessions in Au gust next, and there to plead and rf ple\y, oth erwise judgment will be rendered against hini. I. ALFXANDKH, C. M. C. fit'1'3. —pr. adv. 2, _____ #\\>\>VVWrKCS. YirANTEl), at tJiis Oflirc, two boys, J5 or TT 1() years of age, as Apprentices to the Printinu Uusints.i. 12 o*s WuvYawt s, For this Ofiic;- 'i'l.e followinir are the records of the doings of the two last meetings of the negotiators : “July 221, 1R2I.—It wns agrt (i’;, in ronsid- eriitioii ot tlie nunu roos and eonipluatcd (jues- on VI hi( h i!ie ronti.rcnrcs hud turned, that tin- lMenipoteiili,iii s stiould incit aj,'uiu and rt.inniiiii cate wlih ciuh other, prior t> sending in to tiit-ir rcspt eliv. g(/\(•riiTnfht their final n ports (-t ihi- [ rL:.! iit Mate ot tl i’ ut gotiations, by liie u ot rf.feri iiii- to asb- (Ml SfJUif -t tl;c Mip!,?;' , 1;.. : IV..: !.•: d'j’j’.vi.Ii't;.'' interest to the southern States of this Union* It wa*, of course, the design of the American Government, that spe cial instructions, on all the other sub jects of negotiation, should follow in succession, and in season to be used. Mr. King arrived in England in June 1825, but unfortunately in a state of sevt're indisposition, owing to which, Sir, and your own illness and the dis persion of his Majesty’s Government throughout the island, he was not pre sented 0 you for three months. Meantime, and to this I ask your speqial attention, after Mr. King’s ar rival and before his {iresentation, vour laws ri^f June 27th and July 5th were passed, by which a total ehange was ef- I'ected in your Coloiiial system, and hy which privileges were offered to all tViendly pow’ers in their trade vvith t!ie Hiitish West India rolonies, w!)ich the liriti.^h Government had never thotight of eonccding, nor any friendly power of a'iking before. No instructions which Mr. Kingshouhi have carried out, on under a determination, soon revoked. It was now perceived that an impor tant change had been made in >'Our Col onial System of a seemingly liberal na ture, although of a character and to aa extent which we could not precisely as certain. In order to be able to meet this change, by proper measures on our part, circular letters were addressed by* Mr. Clay, the new Secretary of State, to merchants and intelligent citizens ia different parts of the country, in order to concentrate the sense of those con versant with the matter, on a courso proper to be pursued. The result of these inquiries, and o^ the deliberations upon them was, to make the experiment of the most liber al proposals in case Great Britain should really be found to have formed the inten tion to reciprocate them. On the open ing of the first Session of Congress, un der the new Administration, the Presi dent obsei’ved, that “ In the renewal of the diplomatic missions* on both Bides, between the two Governm nts, assui an' es have been given and received of tho continuance and increase of mutual confidenco and c^»rdiali*y, by which the adjustment of fna« ny points of dilference has already been effect ed, and which affords the surest pledge for tbci ultimate satisfactory adjustment of those whicli will reaain opc*n, or hereai'ter arise.” The subject of the Colonial trade watt brought forward in Congress during tho session, in the manner set forth in my preceding letters. No intimation, W'as given, 071 any aide of either House of Congress, that the negotiation was at aa end. On the contrary, the only reason given why the passage of a law repealing our discriminating duties should be post poned was, that the whole subject waa embraced in a negotiation pending^ and forthwith to be i-esumed. This fact was known to you for yol to refer your self to the debates. As late as March 22d, 182fi, Mr- Vaughan informed the American Gov^ eminent, that your Government “ waS preparing to proceed in the imporlunf: 7i€goliations betv'ecn Great Britain and the United States,”and in consideratioa of Mr. King’s state of health, you invit ed the United States “tojoin another negotiator in the commission with him.” — Had you at this tim ;, (nine months after the passag- of the acts of the 27th of.lune and r>th of July, regarded the i negotiation on the colonial question as definitely broken uf> and concluded, common candor should have led you to instruct Mr. Vanghan to say so. So far from his, Mr. Vaughan actu- I ally at this time, (as you your,>elf have I gi atuitously apprized us, in your letter of Jr.nuary, 1827,) received instructions the Colonial (juesticn, woud have hcen I r . • • p , . I'oni \ oti to resume the iieurotiation, ot» ol any use in this nevv'state of thin»’-s I n • • ,i stuiu«.n, uu rp, 1 . IV • II ^ I this si,iij'ct, in the repeal of the event 1 liese laws were not olhoia v com-! r.u '( • v • • , 1 4 .1 T- • IAnieru'an discriminatin’'dutie*: n,,n,,caUH toU,.l,n,.,;dS...es (Jovu,.- At ll.is jun.lur. Mr. Kin^: ac' met, hut „.arhcd ,t „,nfl.ca!ly on tl.e„f i,| 2()tli of September, 182.). In the tw'o lir.st letters whicli I had the honor to address you, I made sorrit* ivmarks on tlie suliject of the non-com and Mr. Gallatin (who was to have been associated with him,) was appointed in his place. Ik* went out immediately witli instructions to engage, or. the most miuijcation ot iheMj acts to our (iuvern- | liber!'! pi iucij.lrs, in those negotiations ment. In addition to what 1 then said, | n hicli you had just iufornu'd us vou and in furth(*r concclion of yo'ir state-j we'e prepaied to resume.—Ho was au- ment, that “ it is not the practice of tl>o ! tln.rizt-d particularly, in' considet-alioi^ two Government.^ to eoimiiunicatc their j of thtL^change in yonr colonial I_ljeg sujipOA'd legislative acts to eac'!i otiier,' have lo mention another fact, which n'.C’. 'u!.;!; thuisletter?, . 01!r colonial .system, to !,i: efi'cct'Ki by the icj, of 1S2j, to wave the oi,ly point of UiK fercufie not adjusted in

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