VOL. !M.] CUAUUnTE. X. (\ Tl ESD.n, SKVTEMJiElt 11, 1S27. I’M’.I.ISIIK!) W KKKI V v.Y i:!. fuxcHAM, .7/ j"/iric D'j;!itrs a j/car, ]»uu in (turonre. \(i pnpiT wiil !)(• (liscdntiiuu'd, iiiil“ss :it tlic rt lion ot'tlic editor, until all rinw.i'iij'cs un* rliscmciits \viH ix- inst rtrd :it tlir I’i'r.-;)MS sciidliij^ ill ud\ crllsi niriits, :u'c‘ . 'ti’d Iv iiotf oil tlic niar:fin t!ic mi:iil)(*r nt' ill'-, rtiiins, or t!ifV " ill be continued until forbid mu! t iKifg-L'd :icc()i\li!i”’]y. \\ii* ^v'tw.wueviug. KfV. TI'CTI l\ Hunt informs t^ir citi- I. /(.■ ui' N'ortii-(3:iro!!iiii tUat, by aulliority o^ Mr. Ill' li;is :ip|)()iiiti d John P.. ('(.{Ircll :iiul l!r. l>. it. Diiidai), of I'luirlottp, N. Cundinu’ i Is t( r corn-i tiivi' in\])Ci'.iiniM',1s of sju oi b. 'I'lu- a')o\ (.- naiiifd ui;'c-!it3 iiH\in‘,j n'Ci. ivi'd full :nst:nc;i.i!i and aiitiiorlty, t^ivr notice to tin- liiniiity in !;\ncr,.l, th.it tlu-y ari* jin-|):iriil r ■. i ivi- Sl:iuinii-ri'rs of i.‘\c ry p aiu- at tin M'idi-nct.- of Dr. 1). ft Dunlap, in f'ln.rlotlt.', wiu r., lie or >!ri (,'ottrcli may at all tinu'S in- tuiMid. I lii'V do not hesitate to wavrarit a eiir.' (on condition of tlieir attention to instruitioii) t I ad wlio may e me \V(.dl n euuiiiiendud tor iii- te;^rity an i Ii0!u st_\ ; iiiui no otlicrs need :'pply. ii'llrm, iiliovi' t!n\ i‘year-: oi'at'H', of ri-spi i:t- iihl('^p.irt:n1s, Yv'ill !>e rel•ei^ ed. I'rom tliis it uwn be miderstiH)d, that : 11 adnlt-i niust brln“' . i rtdioato of tlieir .■ t.indii :^' in sm ivty. Adults 11 ay !e euri-i! in i'rom mu lo t-ii da\ s ; cliiidrfn ri'|uire lrn;^er time, i’rices are I'l-j^til.itod by i;'( uuistanc V 5, and will be nuide kiiown on :])- |;!ic ’.'.on. liourcl can be liad on ri.abonable ti.' r.u'i. N. [1. Mr. .1. n. CoUrell was ;i st.iinnierer of tlie vorst !liul, ami !).«>> Itecn cured on Mrs. l,ei,.,'irs •'Vstem. I li rloitf, June !?r, 1SJ.T.—.'"Jnil'lO ^ 'riie edi'or of the York\in', and ■>:''ii.' Saliiibury, will jju! bsb tlu :d.n\’ thri e tin.c.s, lu.d foruurd l!n.ir bills lor paviiien'. ^ V vv\A‘u* ViV\ v\w i\\w\.. su'jse.ribc r inforni,s b.is frietid« and tb S pu'dii', that be lias based that uril kiio.\ a e^’-ddi-^bnient, latel\' ou md aiid ocrujii- cd 1):. Ileiub rson, and is now prepari-d to cr'.'i;' i.n travt lli. rs aiul others, w bo niav pit asi- to . :dl Ml. biin ; anl no exertions w ill be s’pareil ti r. ndcr tbi ni eotnfo’.';a!)le, and thi ir staj a- t,'‘veea!d‘.'. Ilistaide will he furnislu^l witb ev- er;. \arii ty wl\icb tlie e untr\ allbrds ; bis bar witli ilie ne-it of Tu[uors ; and bis stabks willi plenty oi' pr(,vi iuleP, and curel'ul i( rs ants wiil tc in con.siant attendanct. i;nl’.KRT I. UIXKINS. Ciiarlotte, April 20. *80 \v)\vu. the sui.Kcriner’s sia’ le in f’oneord, ( abai'vus count\, N. ini llie nii^lit. t the I'f.'tli Misi, tv.o t;rii\ 11 (' K.''fr'.S, (Mh.- ot tluin 1ki\- iriL; a dark mciur and tad, 7 y •, ar-> i !d. and a v)i' 'i:s rij^bt ii.iai j/,.s‘n-n joint, oee.isiomu l'_\ a Tdpi- ; the otiur birsi- ;s 1(, or II}- ars oid, ra- ibi r w biU r 'ban tl>i otl.i r ; l>ot!i ,ii ordi-r ac , sl.od ‘ I t re, w bt-n st' 'en. 'I'bi %’ ai'c ot’tlu' tomn.on si.-.e, I'lit lua\y Smilt. ,\ Mian, w lio calls li.s nauiO \\ iliam Dean, issu>p^cted to 1 e tb' tliiu. lii:;ii uas missint;' !bi- same time lb' l -.!'-i s s\ • re. lie is a!j(Uit 6 I'ei t 7 nr H iii- c-i;t - lii^’ , i voa,i ncri ss tbe for> be:d, hut bis f:'c t; pr"s towards tbe ebin, w iib a \i ry iarj^e inoiiib, v.i'Jk r stejp .sboubieved, un[)leasint • •onnt'. narn 0, : nd down lot k ; i)oasts mindi of bis ni injiooi; ..i.d's 'onl of n.m ii Kiio, tbe Dutcb Lni;,iu, am! of Imj;, ;uul sa\s be is a car pi i/vt r .)\ irad--. l!ad a blu/ lotb etiatie witb b V J et eiill, 1-, j;!ay easimt pantaloons, and Id.ick bat witn a low tapercil ro\\n and bread nm. I'dty tiidlars :.rd v, ill In' i;i\en for bis ;.j)pr( lieiisii,ii and e' liiiiieinent in ;.n_\ jai!, (.1' ii,'. (ir!i\ei\ t(i me in t.'oni ort., ,\. (^. to- S'l’iur wilb botb or » itiur of tbe iM'r'i'.s. An\ mil,nn;.ti(ui sent me to tin.- rost-dili' c in this place, will be tbaiiiJuily ri cei\i.d. r.. MAH AX. • ’oncord. N. ,luly 1 .XiuWv-Vuv^Wuvx, Lincoln (Oiiiily, S'tij': , ifr (' liir! fj' Jjf.'tr, .tji/ il Ttr/u, A. D. 1827. And.; w ilojl ''j is. I I’etilifm f >r di\ision oi'tbe 'i’hr iu'irs ( i' M.isoi. y re:d i 't.a- of saic, M.iion iluso';, rb'c'd. and ) Hiiioii, d.. .'.usud. (>t bi J "E 1 iiaV.,IIcen n..,de to r;”])i ar ((' tb( (''‘U .* i'll! Si.io'.'.ir,;; Swiv. r ai,'.; !'iiii'!a i. - it( , ;i:id .lo!;n i'riddle, li i ar--di • .'im o'ls :;i tliis S'li', !i\- '-.t tb- I'i'iii!-,'.I ■ I.', : !t is I'.u re’ii;-.' oiv\ rei! It;, i i-.i.*, ‘d.;,’. v ,:i !>. jV.adi' SIX w ks m l!u' ( av. i.''i .1' nld. ii c; •MitiCi' to die sail! Soi« ;,;n;i ainl Pa/’UiMa }ii- .. lii', ai.'l to .I'di!) I riddle, i|r:t 'In v a; pear I 1 li:re 1 111' .1 ud;; 1- of (ii| |' m t Mi 'i lii.r ('i IIVl o{ 1 -.I'A , t() bv; lu ll! ti r 1.1 !M (;!n ' I 1:ii' .. tbr * nurt-111'U'a' ill I iiiei.jjiti.i., c.n .lu Moi:d r.lti".- l!if .Mb Mi.nd.iy ol ];;eii,')'. i'm. tlu ii and 1 ,ii I'l to an'-1 '• or ib 11im'.' 1 o tbe .iid pi'ij- ill'll, I Iii•!'u Isi.' ii dI bi. taken m'n t'un'''■'n, and ■•‘d , id:;-, d ;iceor>din;jU. U iUm I.a'.\^on i Irndei'.on, ( b iid' '-aid ^'oiiri, at I .ini'i.lntoii, thr I’ll \N,ii ia\ ;.ttirtlu' Mo:id.a\ 1 )■ M.,;. li, A. D. I'.J,', and in the ■'’1st ar id tile Indi pi ii li. iii i- o! t';.- \ niti'd ‘'^‘ ''•’s. I. AUSON II !,.\ 1)!',1;m tM —lir. adv. (.J* VV w \\ w VV'' S \ V \ '• IV \V V s. Trsr lTr!.l>lli:i), ;,iid t a'e at tbi-' of- bi'.-, *• > t vK't 111 s o;i a book, eiti'ied, ‘A!’ Ap'dt'.;.,y Mic lii orC ot' 1' diin-', .I'V tiilin ;! ib. 'd .-ti.r.’ 'I ,j wlr’di :.:r a ’ 'id, 1I mar.sk o;i . Aiv.1: r (, mtilli.l ‘lb. '■ . 1 1 1 o.' . f !bi- II..;d; ( t l‘',.d.n s.’ ” );. Jb ^-1,- - ; . S A. M. W .*b ,1 \p|u-: > ’ ; i.-n N, M,i •• or ol l;t(.b\ i!i\ir • : »’nd.l ,. ip!,i I. wvvuv.U, I ,. .ah, a’ thi:, XiW \ViU\*\\es Sc ’^I'lionsas 'rrottcr (%>. > l’.SI‘K-n'n lA'infonrs I tlif'i)ul)lie Ibat 1 liev bavr reei ivi (1 and ( lii r for s;de a fev\ fi-old and ; ilver p;i',ei.t le- y M-r Watebes, ('iTi nlb-nien Ik tOvjnsuril. \\ Kint XlIK t ATAWII V JOl lO Al., Doct. ('()f)j)cr'.s 1;> /iV.sv///v‘.f, Mt‘ al! maiiknif! hoiirst unfl virtuous I or ihi'ir ai^piits ? Is this not nieasiir.ihiv tnakinc; onrs(>ivi's irihut.irirs and s'ave — ! to Ibreifjri inilustry atxl enterprise ? I-. this nul i'xhanstinr;; our.s;»‘lves, to d^^i'e '\fulth and ])0\M‘i’ to stiMtii.'ers, to ou.i (oj iner cneiT!y, who will not take a sHiijb- ^ article in ri'tiirii (Von> Mir I'hi uu rs, ('xo p' tl'.e 'i.i; II ay oir : . vii .i. I,...,I it’s j, rnor li du:[i, u ■->* yu ni ‘r- I >‘!Le'.. ' A M'i I*! I 1 ; M(.i') ifii - >viil, 1!. l;;.y( IV;.' , were l!)c-v ^ovn-ncti hv nioiivcs of t cp.al ! ran inanufactine on a hi-.;b I Did ladie.s) a few nood pi.un j ;„s(icc and reciprocarbcni'lit, our ix'iial ; i' How arc we to rrlicve ourselvts j • ■ y las : e I' • li' •.11 ;>fl. ii .1 1 cjjubiio.ui prnii',';).• If look those p;ivat:onii ^ Iso severelv fell (liirint^ (he last wa: ,—l>ov\ | and sacnilces wi iff1 code would I.e unnecessary men and laibes’ ^'old ('bams, | beals and K( t.onn; Ureasi I'm-, J-’inf^er Idnj-s, h.ar liuii.;-,,, , I’earl and I ilijjrec, and I’aste in setts, Ise. J':e. ;j s;;;iiirK.!y pt'iial coilt's. and all politicr( c-1 ioreij^-n na!U>ns.“ .1 ca'i a all or any jjart of wiiich \vc .will s. li low fori vils, arise I'rom nuir.J evil. Were all i '’V'’‘‘'V'"!-'i ^ • .I p.in ; ^ser tti 'tiur( pa. I >ih . .t ni’ ! !ia' M” V. ., ".iw 1. ■)', ve\s- M)nn hauiV' Kinds’, Kar lim^s, j '>>s, wc ilnd ail. even the inoKt’san- Ives from this tribute, Itiis ,ie-, de; in i i, ititluem 1 •'.) u '1 '.ils.iU’l.l >> I'-I 1,1 the I I /1.1 i' cash. Clock.s and Watrbes repaired at tbe shortest ' notice, and warrant ' ‘ '' '' ' fur gold and silver. N. 15. We expect to rereive in a short tinie some cle[;'ant Military ;md ])lated (.uods, i^c. Charlotte, May 14, l.S,?7.—Z(j l/i'/uy's Voi/tnn')il(irjj 0)i the Jlihh'. iM{(>'/os.u:s For pubhsliini;' hy subseriptimi, bv Towar Hopin, 1’uokst.Heri, No. wj.5, Market .'»trcct, iMuladelpbia, AN KXl'OSITKW OF THK Oi.l) .V MA\ 'ri'.STA.MENT. } (^fAernments reprcsenlaiivc, just, atu (.'■ish .q'ivi-n I ‘ beiuTit of'the Cjt I ! sources, and nianufaCurinir onr own lU’-1 !’i >M, laki- ii; eiei a.ed s jm ..aci'eil pa' h of pj I nolis'M, . t • if e.i VI .• I,,,- ,i I ■ [ dll'; 1.4' Wberein e.acli chapter is sumnu i! u]> in its I •ontents; tbe sacri-d text in^ rted at larn'i, in | , . . listinct ])ar;\^'T'a|)bs ; each 'iuraf;'ra|di ri diiced i ' ev«’i y theory ol po! itical I'COtl iz( IIS at lar.Lje, and all inlernalional re^n- lalions ccnforniaide to etjual privilet^cs, unlrammellecl conunerce and free inter course ; tii’jre would !>»' hut lifle neei-s-, sity for ai! our intricate, tMnbarra-siiit^, | ''‘‘''f' conunence or proK^’t's^* "itDoui cnuntervailing and restrictive -systems. * ' 'I'he principles of reciprocal justice are lltc true j)rinciples cjf .locial (Ji'der—hap piness is justice—justice is lihorlv :—ve' this cl on) mi on ol' mutual bonffjei nee, jus tice ami reciprotiiy amor.t; nations, is an utopian \ision, never to exist except in i(!e;i,—at) order of ihin^-s t>ever to !)e l ealiiU'd ; of course every svsiem of e- b- 111 vi. vV to its propi ;' beads ; the sense i; (n, and buye- ! oniV pi ed icatcd f)’l such a state of th in:"s, ly illnstiMted, witb jji'acl.eal riiiiarks and ob Si r\ :itioiis. a I.')wnde.^, a u, (. cireninstattees,—coming ii. rorn|)t;tI'ion j i'c por-.i.t ,i y v ’r.ii w ith those |^o\'rni»('r!ts. undi T theii-loni: j liiiuie lei u-'p' Cii ti v estiiMisln d coinrnercial and inannfac^ur i lit has ui>\v a l)eai • i-ii.o in;;' polity,—iiow’ conid luatml.K tni'. s I iiiin oil lue shoal. W’e w iii noV, turn (.■: a';i ) i)ei'; a Countervailing-polity ? That mai uf’ac-I all niipi'i ia.r liesolvr-, priHim tures are desirable, are ni'cessary, and ! 1^'Clor ao.i .ij.piauded !)y i.:e ( j must exist in the U. States, at least as lo j Hu state ol Souib-Ca! dina. . u onr necessaries atid comforts, before w t ' i'.e dcclaniutifjii uo.ci- p'l*,..,. are completely an itulej, lulent nation. ! 1 n llu*sc resuKes • •.u\i tin' t and I'efore w»> Ij. ron)e- secure fi'om vast | eiu'e.ify (.d al! lir. f.,'..ii r ri'-uni' sacrifices, f)rifi;ina!ini,'- IVom the mere ca- j I'acis, coi cent..i in.;^ all lb.' pi ice and wkims of other ('oveniinonts, |Ci;de>, contained in his da it is presumed will be universally conce-i poluic li economy. (led:—lioiv to attain this result, is tVien ' Tbt fi. si eleven of tluse I be desiflei'aiecl object, the correct policy ic)niiiu»n jilaeetJ postui,i:e I ijl pr.ii- ’S» ./ mn- Kiiiliun .■ uiiiid hy t]i( /Ac. (!iorn' ifrr, (md the Jhv. .lufijift Hinsln.f, . /. M. I! /'ifc I'ahntr. si!i;ation bow ever correct iti itseil'al)Stractl\, must j ptir-iiieib j nndrr t!u' jjresuinp; inn o( . st't'e o!’ per- p!;icticaliy be visionary and de.opti\i‘; In the establishment of inanufactorii's. Ii'ft -.ommei cial i e i , , y all t.btj and to this misapprehension of th(' real j associations of met;, large ( apitais and I " ^*'*d« are here set do '.'' bv of j:»’in- ol polftical relations, is to be | ext( ?»sive preparatory arrati^'einetits ar‘!''bir'‘ s)!hji^ism, to prov tber'ir'i ; \ ss it >c (ieii- d' 1' a. led l/ifc oj the Jiitltur, by the -S/war/ ti ins oi' mere specul.ilive politicians.— j i^'o into operation, and’ the I'abrics ciime ' V under Ium' re\emie iaws. by impo- p'veiiiust tlurcibre t.ke luitpan nature ‘ iisto tnai kt't : the lirilisli mariiifact uniii^ ' •'‘i*' *>'■ n-'li' of Anv.*r- . _ .1 , I , ffi’- 1 n . ,1 ’• T T.. I " codes ' capitalists combine—l)V a small sacrilice nuuiu;a: tm'e.s o! '.vi ol'ens ; that: usi ful Fx'pnsUioiwd tbe' s"cr'ed >\'rbinj:|-s'* i'., '''robbery, murder ari'.i treason, j (»f e.ach establishment of the sam fal'.ric, ■ “'in(ei the exi.stini' syvj'.-m >f r ix n.on ni w.dl known to ili.' pi..us i;iiural!\ .fail de- (!u\ernr.u-rit must legislnle, ithey inundate our market by a fttll su])-i dfii' lavor. lUe wi.ollen m; inufacloiies, - ■ ‘ •' ■ j)Iy for two years; send car,L;-o a'K-- eartiro, « •Vui^a ly conduct' d !?r Matt;if.w IIi.mit, /iitr MlnlsUrnf Ok- (icspr’. fill)’- atH'ibutcd tlu‘ inai)tiiude and fallacy of j necessary, even to u co»nnuiu:emerit —tiie i weliili ji solvi-, vi?; tn, ' ' be-.e svstems of politicul econot'.iy, s\s-i Supj)ose these dinicull ies overcome—!hey,‘**'d CiO\ei nnuni has iiereto louiinations: and it now eei'tiinly slam!:, in no, ('onful'tiii'.y to tlu* tyr.iiiny. cort'ii pt loti, neeibof a pulilislicr's recominendation. ; motiopoly and restrictions of oilier £!;ev- Ci.riditluiis.—’llie v.’oiliwili !)e pnbli.',iu*d in | Ills, \v itii wlioiu we are ?)ece.s.sari- -ix larjie super royal oetavw\o!inm's, (,f aiMjut|lv connected,- and in dailv ir-terconrse ; one thousand pajj-es each, eoinprisinp-about ..m-'1(1 ^e must continue a Mstem of com- niei cial ruu niations in seii'-defence con*-l;.;-ned to tiicir ai^Mits in Vev York, buve, down lo the i’hiladelphia, Ec(. :—cc.mpetr ion is vain— ; lorded a rea'.oiiable pro!i!, {>•_ tbird more niatter than is c(jntained in Sci.lT-. , ... i.- > v i .. w i ... ii -i • . . , and di i.yii-.dto suhsenb.r. ini"'“S'"‘ '.‘’b'‘‘tions m seh-oei.-nce, ap-, KSl6and I8h, and this the resu^. Our volumes, ;n three dollars and fif-y er-nts p,-r | 1’''^-'''^’"^"^“'':-' de\elojiirtMit ot our | merchants thet, purchased in those ports \ohime, well done u'p in stroni,'- hoards; (;vi'()ir.-| resoiaces, and eventually Ireein.^- us j al 100 to 500 p»'r cent, below tl>e prices dollars pirvolunn, b:uidsnn,e!y and sV:'o:i.; ly, 11 oiii o'!i' present sltualioti of tributary of lol.^, a’ul sojrl to us at a dcclint* bound; [iityable on tbe ivceipt of each vob j (h.pmdetu e. 1 on lluir war sales. What class of citi- monihs'"' ‘-■'■ny tliree ,],e C. Stales as .T Ha,ion taken an ^/.ens in the U. Sial*s was benefitterl by An allowance uill be m.ale of one copv for 'i'b all oUier ^governments, | t his dep.-essiun in merchandize.^ Was every live snbscrii.ers; and to'bose win,' (d,-: ' terms ol reci proeit y ; bad Ireejilthi? larmer or the niochatiic il was t,iin but two hul)srribers, u ;'c:is,onable al’.ov.-] and unrestr'c’.ed inlerc'MU'se been the ivieii bants alone. ai.ce willi,irnade. ^ jibe rornnici'cial and international la w ; | Our ^rnernim'nl, apprised of these As tb- price ot the book is put very low the ■ „„ restrii tions, no tarifl'-, no comiTHM'cial ' sperulatinL> and monoplizinir intriuues .l pulilislurs expect that reinitt '.nces will b*'i,. i i .• i •. i- i prem tly nu.lL on the receipt of each volume. ' ^ ^‘'I'lomaiii h nesse w ou Id , Ur. t ish capitalists, resorted lo commei- riir publishers reiiuest tlm.s.- ubo have sub-' : I lie p-diiical econ-| cial rest Dctions, to loster our mamifac- scription ])a])ers, to inform them any time prior Smith, Kicaido, Sa}, S;c. would ; tuies ; and as an experinmnt, they tried I) L.'iis country, pi't's -u 'noiiieu', af- lor-tpjiro oiii tnaMul;.(:ioi'ies are ruitied—ihev cea*^e. ' is i.o recpiu c ’o ) ndch.” If i in-..-—. I'f.is was ihe poli( y pursued by them in ; after a|>.plyiM)' al! tite ii.is;runis of lus po- liiica! economy, and from itiem i",'. sf-ir- ly developinir. “with poi.ulK.r lo-c‘ as to woollen manufacture,” this ba;>pv res.jit, arisin}*: from “(he existing* system of tax.u-ion in their f;iv');,”—i-. not “with pi'fuliar force,” nr>( only c 'ficeflioir the constitutionality, l)ut also app'obitinr; the expediency of the nuMsure, ‘‘as to the exisiini; s\strm of taxatioti in favor of woollen nianufuctures,” as i>npose({ ujj to the “present moment.” not only ac- coidin^' to his own principles as laid down in the first eleven resolves, but also accordint^ to facts as proved in the said 12l!i resolve, — to wh.»t other result cut\ it [)ossibty lead } Tiiis is umjuestionablv a ipt ion ])a])ers, to inform them anv t imc prior ''‘"y oniiin, lucaicio, .'^ay, ^c. wou 1(1 ; tu i es ; and as an experinmnt, tlu’V tried to tiie jirst da\ ot Novt niber next, ,f the nun\-| 'hen not only have been correct, but would ' resteittions as lo the coarse.r cottons. ber they have g'ot or have a prosp'-ct ol ob- j have be( n, at least in some de.yree, acted | Amrrican manufactures, as to that fabric, on by their own i;-cverninen5s. Hut how , wt'ie rein* tated and w-ent into (Aperalion j fair and candid stalemeni (>f these 12 re- HKCOMMFA DATIo's'S. j difTei'cntly ai c we situated. Our |)oliiical i a!)out 1820 : and not only s:i[)ply all i solves ; the only jmiiit in dispute then, I'runi Dr. K. S. Elu /W/.r th>' Thud /’mv-' relations .ire with k^ov- , the ilemamfl of the U. Slates in that ar- | after all this illnalured derlam!ition and ' iilUri,m\'hirch^ riiiiuihhihijy ’ j ernmcnts, not otilv essentially d ill'erenl tide, at from 2:y lo 50 per cent, lower ; p‘‘i'sonal abu-^e, is merely as lo the '-xpo- r;.ntiemen,-Voe.r pr,.pim .1 v, oubliraii.ra or' P' ^pi7.t\Uou, l.ui with , 'ban we had ever been supplied from Kn^- ; diencv of r.rtnuiin,:' “ this system of laxa- ibe Kov. M:.itbi\\ Hinry’a “ Kxposition of the i "no had lonned then poll-1 land or India, but now - uccessfully com-1 tion” a little more “in favor of woolletx old and New Te.tamenf, uith l-r;;Liie;d ife-j^'’ established their manillactuI iti^ and ! pete with fircat l^ritain in fbreig'ti ports ;! ti'anufactures ;” and on this I'l ound, for desi.!'ves t /leoiir.i.ne-j conuiiercia! re.mdatioiis, and settled down | and e\en export them to India. And who on no other can it j)ossibly be jibi'.d, in triends ct i vai,;.-cl.cal reli);ion , the |;i iiieiples ol national intercourse and ! deiixes benefit from this ? Kvery citizen, ; vite to a dismembenncni of tb(' Uiiion ("oubl I mu odierw,:,i oi,tuin, national law, more lhaii a I entuiy I)(dort*j bond and free, of the U. Slates. And 1 Is this a line of conduct worthy th.> dir^’- what sacrifices have we made to obtain j nilied station ofa flovernor of South-Car- this state ol thiiiLjs.^ Not the loss of a , «dina.^ C'.oukl a Rufled{j;c, a MrittI). w , a marks and observ:tiionn m our counlry a copy of this v-ili.alde work, I would ^pveyo.i, I |,ad existence ;-our onlv p-,Ssiblo al 111 exebanii;e tor it, all the ( omnientiii-KS ot Or-■ . .• .. , • ' ton, Doddridi,-e, l.ill, (Jainphell, M’Kni.ubt, ' ^ (-.*n!o''mitV to Sf'ull, aiul Clark : aiul wliik; 1 cstahlis1i''m sysU'fu inU’rcours(\ I'i-card nor dispavai,--!- thesr, i miist say, ibiit 1 bat this Was and is oi:r otily cliuiee, and siii'^^h' cent, to a solitary individual : not- \ I’iin'.kney, or a Lowndes, be eoiikcio o.V wiihstanditifr all the declamation and ; tliese proc*edin;..s, tliey would \yrv) ifi liem-y has us nnich^'ood sense, as much pract,-; tbe pr.licy wo at e compelled lo i.ursue. prophecies ai)out direct taxes, monopo- ! M-eir graves a', the depurtinp- painolisLii 'V.tnl,,in h, evident by a recurrence to tbe un- .les and bankruptcies, made by the nabobs ' ‘ [;:■ | .l. v.aling poUcy or alLLuro,,,..., 'I'lie bill.' Dr. Living-ston was tlie best prcach-^ incnls, Miice W(,‘ had an existence as ana- jf their beloved State. 15'if o| all rrsolM's, remon*?tranees, oc- notwiibbta.ndiiijj the political acutiK ii ol'j titions unfl Irisli Hulb, the 1 3t h rcs.'dvc of Virginia and the southern slates ; and er on the religious e.\i)irience of a ( liristian, j c®!isider their power, .Mr. Hami!ton, of S. (laroliiia, wlio, in : caps the climax. aiid deserves the ij ilni tbat 1 l.ave ever heard; and it is notorimi.s, ib:.i i thrir wealth, their verv existence lode- 18JI, in tion-ress, said whatou!>hf ?ioir\o\' plarinc; the a-itiior on ihr top of tbe he drew lai'j^aly from tbeiicb treasure.s w hieb pcnd on their resliic'.ive systems. No be tound in Henry s Ibble. ^ |iniiividnal privations, no lemplalinti of lo anv inini.ster ot the (losiiel. rr private' i . . i- • (Jbrisiian, who mi}.;bt reg-ai'il my opinion, I « (Mild I ^ *■*, ' IJ)! oci t \, say , If you ba\i- all other ('omnieiita'.-ies, or 1 :iii purclKisc but one, be sure to Imu' .'.bitili j.no ai-|.]timents ot p(ditical rcononusts, KZUA ^)lV^hS LI.V My views of the Ri v. M:iltbe\v I!enr\ pi.sition (ii til'- (livi .Old ,\ew 1 ■t.i):,* nl, ; s F. ord ii those V. bo ha'.-rt.'.'on.n;' lidcd it 'i.'i ,i most i \'.d'Kibl'' pr.ictical romnit n':‘.r\ npoiitbe Sacr»'d ' ■ ' jtir.'r-., '.iiol as I'lraish ir,;- M’mh' uf die ino'.t I I import;iii' aals In a I., h. !’• i: •orri i I l.no . I. (Il;-*' I f dll m. nil,'I ji’t I hlli j/.. "J Me r:ir!-i d.i-tin thr n>v l-ir^l /! -'t'fiv. lii ad f i in ;iv. ■■; ■ HI jr. T /, '. ' r„. /• Ilo^a .i-ti:iii I oniiiiunihi «J' I':' I Ui'ijU IJ! It I-I. I'lie [)i''*y :ind J^OOI bavi. ((/II have ever ope.rated to relax their policy, CM' permit tbe free impj, t iation of a sins^-ie article v.’bit h domcstu, industry can raise j Ol' nMniif’aciip-in;; in|M:'iuify produce. One fact alone is Milfii u iit to show, tbii', I'rance considr:'. !|. r restrii.live poi- i( y, in [irotef i in;r her manufa'C-t ui cs, iden ti'ii'd itb her existeiifc—n-jlw iilisland- 111'.' I‘'.ii;;biii 1 alone stood I’l'/u In su'^poi t • d'tbe Hoiii bon d\nasly, :i;;:uiist tbe whole ' under it-ii- . ;' .'M;; to H' m^ ’s ( (ann.i nt in , ;i d puu i; i'mon.i;- the !-!;.iid;ii'd works (t tbe -am'.' ki:nl. for nr.stlt, ! caii s:i\, tiial I lia\e iooh ! i‘. '.n- of tbe i.i s,t b'I[,s to a jiist :ind pra'-tif'al .im:Main;,.nee uillitiie- sai led wd- 0 n,e. Ills ■>k ill a a !i :i;t irpri ter i.-, nt it kd to nn.i( b ri'spt.i t ; t.i-, iiiti'i^rity in 'idherinj^'- to tbe bcnsi.' of 's'-riptu; I", u it Ik.tit the rolorin;.''. oi p.O'Jy feel'll!;-, i., bi;dd\ eon.an.ml .'dr ; ami tbe ',1.\ ii'.e nnctii.ii w bii'ii rnns thi'on_, b ibe' u tioli.' (it bisN'.ori., iiai't I'l i.ib r it an lie'' ptaljle >.;ni(!( '.w i|;r di*\()tiijns ol tbe [)ioi;s in » vei-y deiioiui- N on ■ t tbe i\" iii\ •ujeO' Wi'b I e:.nii st w i^lics Ibr tlie sm i.e i I .li'.lioat ;('’i ()t 1 his \\ ork . !u',ill 1-1 ^p'. i >, W I. libAMLV. i«:7. Kiitn I’of -ai ‘ '('^■| J it |i IIS lof I \ ei 1C ahfjvr; valii- :il ibis diiiec. *. Nv!'i'! ‘HI! s, tbi^ O'iii-T;. world co!n!)incd, and liuaily, und iiie;i.‘'e siu-rilices (■!’ men and treasure, stu ceec'cd in dcthi'otiin;;- IJonapat'te, and placin;^ I.ouis on t!ie Wu one (j[‘ I’l atice ; yel v.e bnd no ob!. ^ 11 lOns d gialitude, no ! ens(j id reti ib'Jlive jus’ice, imj clijjlo- iTiatic inanci^ cment, i;o sull’eririL»s (iepfi\ation:., w(;ubl itidure the i’rcnc . government to c(>ncrd': to free and unre- sli icled iiiteicoursc w illi j'n.i^l'ind. Thev lustered and jjrotected their (ioincslil matiuractnres, anrl restricted lliose o! (iieal Jiiiiaiti ; and now iliey suatul the sef.(jnd manuractui iii!^ nation in tiic world, j f; and hold the most eri\ i;,ble situation as lo I'l sources, and inti riia! (:(.nimer(-e, d' any '('her iiati(,n. >iow di.i'erent, liou depen- deiit uould her s'tiiatKJii baVi 'becfl, Ulidc! •', ditlereiil p(di( ) .' (-)ur last war was a ju-^t, a ili^liteou^ [('( tiicsl lor (ju r Loinrm'i cicil ri.rhis; bu' j wbai t S‘:rri!i.d bi-nrbis .ae t-i i, iVoin : it t'i the iia’K.n. if io'm • ti, :n in.li ( I f;ui j . In j lori at ioii'. (d mam i-1 u • .’s ? re ij > j’,n . lo make a modest man doubt the infaili-j monument of deception and (nisreprcseu- l)ility ol ills own discernment, viz; “but; ta.ion raised in the recollection of every ‘‘vvliai a laiiacy have we here !—what, ' true American citizen to the menurv of “we (an traverse vhe ocean, encounter j Co.bbett and CaMendei-. -IVeitjht, kr tmd compete wiih our old | This resolve, by Io(;ical deduction, is ^^(i'm>. Ifinv thi.s is to be iU'Cted, : the linal conclusion frotr the e!e\ n fust a ^pf'';-' postulates, havmu' establi died i ue f’;c’ as ceive. \et this miraculous ‘Jcciir-■ iiheady setj'orlh in th.- 1 Jlh resdv.« ; this n'nce has tak.'n pla(-' 1. not (:onlormable|is to bis wish, It certainly is lo his conven- i ihese res.dves, und the onlv possible siat^- u nce and his interest. | Mr. Ilam.lton appeal s also to have r-[ resolve, this fin d conclusion, is a’^^solnte- (ya.iliy miscoiK l ived his owti principles, ! ly atid decidedly this tha' the wooilcu S', hen, on the satne occasion, he asserted I manuractiirers, under preicnce ofalFord- tbat — “I ktiow that Soulh-(.'aroIina will ' itti; a homw niarket lo the t;r >wers of woo! •‘c lir:^; lo this L’nion as loni; as a [dank of, ntlend to procuic a law pro!.; biiinj- the il llouls on l!ie troubled ocean ol\:vi iils.” | ex])ortation (d* American wool ; and't hus And y( t, in less than three years, who is I tbrouidi traud, create a monopolv it> it Iba^t is tryin!,^ in S. Carolina, to debase ' themselvc's in selliii',' wo(dIetis and in buy- this ‘‘lolly nutionaliiy,” and corrupt this I inj:^ American woid—iliis is itnpossdjle. om j ^M'licrous pr.u iotism, by disseveratin!.j the Tor ihe conaiiluiion of the U. Slates, sec- ’■ Liiion, and tbetcby sinkinj;- the o/t!ijplunk lion 9, ai lie!:* a, savs — “ No t.ix or (luiy (Ml whicii^ ilit; s().,; in;,.,, stales can safely { sliall be laid on articles exported IVoni i.oal on tbe tiouljled ocean of events, and ; ;»ny Slale.” llK.1 im:r, iy as lo a ,!im-n-l,cc ol' o|,iMot; | 'ri.i^ resolve, :o.;etluT wi;:. i„ a |K,r. ,ical |)in,.r., imisl c.-rlaii,lv l,a>.. I„ 1 (ji- e\en Mi. MelJul-1 t^opied Irom some petition or res dv eii ^point on cons\itutional I a H,.insh association of'wooUaiserrivIm 'Uction ; v.aich, thon.^h on another | ..vi.,i,cd rariiament to grant the pn ib-Mc 1 (d‘ exporlin^r wool ; for it is ifup'-.ssihlo . for C'.oruvcss lo le^-islate on crpurtdtioii^ i in any wav. as long as our present Con- slilution exists; nolwiLhstan lin^' it |s here assorted, as to the exi>(.rta"tioi o{* , wool, that “wliai happens there is//Ay/v eiijners tbetii>.fl\c'., '.ci.d'.C !;ue hv liirm I leii I ar ineasui c r '»r>cedes the Con •suijp-' t dnrino; tlie same :.ession, isctj'ual- !y lelevatit ij this: he says, “that there is no political principle Uiore undeniable, 'ban tbal llie (bdiln'rute opinion and set tled (.onviction of .i majority jf the pt,‘o- j i'b- ouobt. to prevail tiie mincjiiiv, j''M‘n in ndatiun to the (.oiistitutioii. u»+d uiK. 11 ibr sense of a de(;ided mapir- ttv d' iht to bap[MMi b.ere,” m,; , a bi'.eop or j pouiul of wool