VOL. III.] ClMliLOTTE, X. C. TCHSIhll, m'TOIlKR 9. J827. i*ri’.r-isiir,i) >\ kkkly Hy hVMVKl. JnXGlIAM, .7/ Three Dol'urs a i/cur, paid in mb'ancc. Xo r);ipcT wi’il l)c clibcoiitiiuied, unless al tlie ((jsciH tion of tlic editor, until all urre:iruj.;es arc piiiil. Advcrliscincnts will be insertefl ;it the usual r.'.tc'. 1‘cisons sending- in advevtisenients, are rcrp'cstrd to note on the marj^;-in the number of ins'rtions, or they^vill be contlim-jd until forbid and charg-ed accordingly. Vv\^^\ic Yiw\e.Yltun . rpilK snl)scriber informs bis frieiuls and the 5 piil.lic, that lie bus ])iircliased that wt li V|u)\vn I st'al)lii>bment, lately owned and ocLiii)i- 5,1 in Dr. Henderson, and is now prepared to .jiitcrtain travelk rs and otliers, w ho niny please to call on him ; and nu exertions will be spared to n mler them comfortable, ami tbc-ir stay a- 5^rfeai)le- His table will be fnriiislied \vith\:\-. I>r\ v.irii ty which the country all'onls ; iiis bar vitli the best of liquors : nnil his stables with ’ileiity of provender, and careful servants will Ik- in'con.'.tant attendance. l{()13Kf{T I. DlXKiNS. Charlotte, April 20, 1826. *80 [XO. 151. lU-Mvi’ I’m- Slai\m\evi«g. fl’TIir, Uev. 'I'honias I*. Hunt Informs the clti- 1 /riis of Nortb-Caroiina that, by authority of y.r... I.ci.uh, he has ajjpointed J(;bn H, (jottrell :i!ul Dr. 1). H. Dunlap, of {;hai-hitte, N. (an din a, j^jrcut.i for correctin;,'' impi-diuieuts of hpi ei b. 1 If above named at;-i rits ba\ irij,'-reci ive»l full i'lstiiiction anil authority, ^ive notice tu l!u iKJiiiMunity in g-eiier.d, that they are prt jsartd to receive StamiTUla is of evuy j^raile at the ri->.deuce of Dr. D. If. Dunlap, in Charlotti, ’.,luK he or Mr. (Jottrell may at all times be io.iiid. riiey do not hesitate tu warrant a curr (on condition of their attention to iiistiuctiou) to all who may conie well recominenled for in- tt-.i;rity and honesty; and no others need a])ply. Cliildi'LU, above three years of age, ofrespect- a!)!e parents, will be received. I'rom tliis it may hi' understood, that 11 adults must brni^. •ci’tilicate'- of their standing'in socicty. A(hi!t> jnay oe cured in from one to ten da\s ; children )k (pmv long'er time. Prices arc rej^'ulated by cii’cuhi.stances, and will be made known on ap plication. IJoard can be had ou reasoiiable ttnns. N. 15. .Mr. J. B. Cottrell was a stammerer of Uie worst kind, and has been cured ou Mrs. Jkeigli’s system. Chialotte, June 27, 18:27.—:]mt4'J C^TThc editor of the Pioneir, Yorkville, and •f the ('uroliiiiun, Salisbury, will publish the above tliree times, and forward tlielr bills for f;i\incnt. Js* tw \YaVe\\es & . * - 'Hioinas 'Frottei- I'S* Co. KKSP Kf:'I' 1'U L1.Y iuforms ’ the public that they have received and clVer for sale a few gold aiul silver ]iatc i\t le ver Watclies (g-cntlenuii and ladies) a lew g-ood jilain ^ ^ 'Vatclus, warranted; j,'-entle- nien and ladies’ gold Chains, Seals and Keys ; some bimd- sonie Breast Pins, Fingfer King's, Kar Bir,gs. Pearl and l-’iligree, and Paste in'setts, ixc. &c. ; all or any part of which we will s. 11 low for casli. Clocks and Watches repaired at the shortest notice, and warranted to perform. C.ish given I'or gold and silver. N. It. We e.MX'ot to receive in a short time some elegant Militar\ and jdatcd (.oods, ?cc Ch.arlotte, May 14, 18J7.—30 Iknru's Cornmvntar}! on ike Jj'tble. riJOPOSALS For publi.sbii'.g b\ subscription, by Towar Sc Hogun, Bouksellers, No. Market street. 1‘hiladelphia, AX I-XPOSITION OF TFIK or.l) it NEW 'rKSTAMKNT. Wlu rein eMch chapter is siimn;eil up in its conti nts; the sacred text insc rti d at larg-e, in di.st,nct parai'iaphs; eacli aragTaph reduced toitsprjper beads; tlu sense given, and large ly illustrated, with practic;d remarks and ob- s( rvatioi\s. V)uct. T\h>iv\5\s BF.SPKC'rrt’I I.Y inforir>s the inhabitants o Cl’.arh tte aiul its vicinit}, that as his liishtution is amply supj)lic;d with comj)etcut teachers, so as to e\c ii.j)t Itim from g^iving con stant attention tf. if, be Ims resnn id the busi ness of ]ii> ]ir'fession. He may be found at the Acad» niy, and u iil attend to’all the calls his triends mav think proper to rive hini. 4Gtf felvxlci oi* JVm*\h-l'i\YoVu\a, Iredell County. Court of Fleas und Qvartrr Lkssiuna, .^v’msi 'J'cnn, 1327. “ .loscph Stevenson ) ( Di’- Alt.—.^amcs Campbell Jas. Harbin. 5 appearing-to the Court, that the defend- ant, .lames Harbin, is not an inhabitant of this state, it is ordered, thut jjublication be male in the Catawba Journal for six weeks, iii order that said Ihirbin may, at or before the 3d Monday of Ni)vend)er next, aj>pearat the Court- House in Sfate.sville, replevv and plead, other wise the fund in tlu hand of said ( ampbell will be condemned to satisfy plaintiff’s demand. A. SIMOMON, tV/r. 6t51-pr. adv. $2 50. will not pfcvail. 7’he power of God, which rcij^uctli over all, will cut him off' in his prirue, and ihe nation will bitterly bemoan her loss. Oli, Knv^latid, heware of thy enemies. A j^rcat friend iliou wilt lose in this man.” Madneio.—A c()mmission of lunacy was lately held in London to encjiiire into the sanity of a very wealthy old s.;;tnilernan of hiijh family, named Jodtlrell. - One of ihe facts alle};td in prool’of lunacy, was,' that he would sometimes bej:;in to read a tipwspaj)er and presently tliiow it tiowti, saying' il was all nonsense.—| 'I'o vs, this would be quite enough. Such a n)an, hulding such opinions, must be stark staring mad. His proi)erty ought to be immediately sequestrated and divided amongst the tribe editorial.]—-Voa/t. !v Matthew He.miv, lute Minhirr of Ihe Gospel. 1 1HV' Edition : (ditrd l>y the J{,v. (irnrge I!"r- dcr, and the Jhv. Ja.cip/i d. M. JVUh I e ,• ^ , a Life vfiht Jluttlr, h, the Rev. S.mucl 'vt Piduur. ' datiiagc wou.d ar 1'I'uiit J (i/jjoi'oiso —\\ t- learn fr(j(o our ronespondents of the New York Mer cantile Adverliser, that the ship Wil liam Sc Ileuf}, arri\ed at (ilfjuce.ster on I hursday, in SO days from N'alparaibo. II is slated, that duniijj tlie latter part of -May, and (irsi part of June, more rain fell ;n Cl,ili than ever v. as known beb.re by the oldest inhabitants. It swept olVniosi ofiheir {>iisi mills, and 1500 houses at The character of this valuable and hi;,ddy useful Exposition of the J^iiered \S ritings, is '.V4.ll know n to the ]uous generally of id! de- noiTiinations ; and it nov. certainly stands in no need of a publislu r’s reconmKMubtion. CuvdHioii.s.—’I'he work will be published in , , . si:; larg-e super royal octav« vohmies, (f about j ’-'' Mi' werec.riven ashore at \'a!paraiso— one thousand pages each, cornprisingahout (Mie- third more matter than is contained in Scott’s ;ommt iitary, and delivered to subscribers in was cblin.ated that the mount tu‘J millions of dollars. The rivers risc so ra.]jidlv that the mail wa-i not recfivtd irom San'liago f(.r ten days, a distance of 90 miles. On the 8th June, in ;i heavy norlli w ind, the ship Ameiican Hero,' cf iioston, brig Canada, ol Ijahiiiiorc, atid ;. l^iverpool no lives lost. Part ol their rai i'oes were baved, bul much damaged. 'i'iiV Canada was sold a i'ew da>s beiore to Captain gt‘^'' ih of his prospects for him- of lioston, and Mr. Andrews of,’’‘■’I* children, that his labors, in Baliioioie. bhe hud been jiui under the being oppressive, are piosecuted JJait. Putriol. the subscriber’s stalde in Concord, -■ (''.diarrus county, N. t;. on the night of the 2Uth iiist. two gray HDliiiFS, one of them hav ing a dark mane and tail, 7 years old, and a scar «n liis right hind pastern joiiit, occasionetl by a sope*; vhe other horse is 10 iir 11 years old, ra dar whiter than the otliei; both in good e,riU r and shod before, when stole.;. 'Mi.-y ;ire of the •onm.on .size, but heavy built. A’man, who •ails his r.ame \\ illiam Dean, is suspecte.i tu be the thief. Dean was n.is.sing the bame time the iiorscs were. He is abdut .> feet 7 or 8 in ches high, broad atroos the forehead, but his faee tapers towards the chin, with a very large month; rather stoop shoulderid, luipleasant eoniileruince, and down look ; boasts much of liis-niuiihood and isfond of niimickiiig the Dutcii krog’-iie, and of gambling, and says he i.s a car penter by trade. Had a blue cloth coatee with a black vebet collar, gr.iy casiuet jiantaloons, und black hat with a low taperetl rrow ii :iud broad rim. Fifty ilollars rc'vanl will be given lor bis a])pn hension aiul ct)nlincmcnt in any jiiil, or his (It livery to me in .'onc(.'rd, N. (j. to gether w ith both or I Itbi'r of the horses. Any nitorniation sent nu' t'l the Post-Ofliee in this place, will be lhankfully received. JNO. i:. ^lAHAX. Concord, N. C. July 23, 18J7.—40 ^Vcvlvi oi* aXuv\A\-VuYv>Vi\uv, Rutiicrford Coiiiily. ^vri of Plcax uiuJ (Jiutrfer iSmsi'ins, July See- niuii.'^', 18 Jr. Robert H. Bui-ton Cuilins and I partition of •l;;i;ies ISiyant & f "de S:u.saiuiah. J 9 • to the satisf.ietioi) of the Court, t'lit .lames 15r\ant and wife Susannah are nihabitants (if’this State ; Orderdl, there- ■'•■■e, lluit pubrieation be made in the Catawlia ‘■'»'|iiial for six weeks, that Jaiin s Hiyaiit anil e ^us■,lul.lh be and ap])i ar befure tiie JusU- tes ot ,,ui- next Court of I’has and (Ju^rtir ‘■•■ssious, to !)i- linlden Ibr ilic coimly ot lUith- ‘1(1, ,ii the (^out't-House in Wiitl.erfordton, ^''t^iCod Mondav alter’he -Itli ,Mi>nvia\ in he|>- ,‘-■"1 )cr next, and pleail, an-^w er or tieiuur, oi giiient will be eiitered \ip ag'aiiibt them ex- ii’nl iiiadf filial accordingly. '\iliicss, Isaac ('r:i1on, CKr’h of our said '"'’■art, at oflice, the 2d Mondi.v of .Inly, !:^~7. ISAAC CUA TON, C. ( . «jt.)U—pp. adv. $2 02^ V ’’vS ?!^\v IfAvWH'S . ‘‘"‘1 for sale at thi^; ' f ire, “ Sirieture.'j on a book, entitled. ‘An Ogy lor ihc Book of Psalms, by (.dl.^rt If V *udde!, Henenks on ^ [^,J -vlex.inder t joriion i entitled ‘ I'hi j'"-'-.?'! aiiij use of tb^ p.ook (,i' I'^ilms.’ ” 1$; .loitN " ’‘‘'di(l l,ji ' jni.storol Uocky Kiver and ' Wiivvauls, S'Jqn tliis volumes, at thr^e dvdlars and fifty cents per Scolt volume, Well done up in strong iioards ; orfour ,, , •' dollars per vohniie, handsouicly and strongiv ■ . . , . - , , l-.ound; Jiayable on the n ceipt of each \ni-; Ikilt. ralriot. i'vith renewed interest, wbile he looks lor- i.mc. A volume will be piiblishcd every three 1 — j " ard to tiu'ir speedy and certain reward. iiioiiths. j Ptcvipl admhiistration of Justice. New-' that such portions An allowance will be ni..de of one co])y fori hole!, td' whose api reheiision ii, Firdcj -1 country as are ill the vicinity of every hve subscrdxrs; and to those wluw)')-; jt-i^^bu ^ g oit-t he 22d iiit. foi iM'-siti''-S NOG ^ ilf'se and active population, should be lam but two suhscribeio, a re.is;iiab!c allow-;. .. ... ,, ^ • ‘"i o i sww , ■ , r ' • i- , ■ ance will !)*• n.ade. j Hi Cou li'ci let I L til It rl Slates no'.e.s on M r. | prosperity oi their As the price of tb.e book is put very low, tlie ■' 'I' Keeling, «d J'l Incess Ant. County,; iniiabitants. The distant farmer shows publishers e>pcct that remittances will bejihe pnbiic arc alrerdv api)iisicl, as well:*'*'' sense of this, and of liis own disad- prom tly made on ti.e receipt of each volume, as cf liis cuir.initnieiit to the jail of tliat; ' outages, while in cutting down the tim- nie pubhshers reqni st those who have sub-'county on this dav juirn'«,iji ^ ith his! ^bat encumbers his lauds, and which Hcnpt.0., |,»,Kr u, .„v tpnorj ,,, j, i i, ,n oe burni’cl il, lu'aps as bcint; only iu to the first tla'. ot !\ o\ nd.er next, of the mini-! 'I f' • i . .-v i n ii gt, i b j undcrwftit an e.xaminatiun beioie a Ma-! "'** way, he remarks, that were these gistraies’ C(;uri on M(>j,di v last, when ^di certain situations, in- Itolh were lematuhd to i!ie Strperior 1 Court, which (ommeiiced iis session in ' would speedily augment his Ki-wl»ol(l had ' f^'t’Dine. AVhat, is here said of the far- ber they have get er have a prospc ct of ob taining'. I?]:CnMMF.M)A'noNS. From Di I./'. /)'. Fh,, FuFtnr (f the 7'hird Fi'cs-. that county tiii 1 huri.ilay liili.iiin ( nnrch, Fhlladdphia. bis final triai on l'’iida\, and was sentenc- is no less applicable to Centlen.en,—\our ])i'oposed republication of, to fii'ieen veai s conlinemciit in the!*^*! sorls of business. Mines of iron, ..i.d coui, o. oouui .uey an i... .i.ua.ed Iiuitsaml il)8in»ii..,.«.”.U-«ivcsciuimra,m- Saiurdiy ami llmcon, .“"‘1 ''''‘ikiiil ii''ai- to m j|,oh iouiis ci nient frini all the fi'ieiuls of evangelical religion - j large cit ies, or even v;;ry po])ulous parts in our country. C:ould I r.ot otherw ise o'.tain On Wednesday last, an Alligalor, of niore valuable tlian a copy of tbi.-^ vaUiabh 'voik, 1 w ouKl give \ou, I •jj,usuaiiy large sizt, was dis( o\cred, by 1'^ ” remote from the j)rompt opportvi- a 1,'egi'o ntan, cio'-sing tl; main road a sai’e. he advantages ol all sorts (jf manufactories are estimable by the same considerations. Let us then suppose a farm, a workshop, or a mine, will) all its means of beinr; wrought, sit uated two hundred miles from the sea, to be lakeih up, and put down again a few miles ln)in a conimercial eiiv. 'i he land.s ill cxchangi for it, all the Comn ent I'iis of Or ton, Dodilridge, (iill, Campbell, M’Knight, Scott, and Clark: and while'I would luithci di.scard nor disparag-e tbesi., I liiiist .say, that Henn has :ismuch good sense, as im.cli ;>racti shoi I distant e call)iitv, und as thorough a. (iu'.iiit..nce uith.fi' the mind f the Spirit, as are ir.aniKsted b\ any ' (',,, of his successors. 'File late Dr. l.ivingston w as the best (ireacli- er on the religious e\p'rieiice of a Chrislia'i, thi' Jilidge over I WLS pin sued, the n;;ro ha\iiig tolletted a number ofoth- i^ine ln'e i 11 1; b( Idw . He I, and (us( ered in a hinall j^xyfid, med in a b« i d ol tl;e CKtk. — liis rout se to lliC main creek beinrj thus int I tdV, and the shalh;wness of the water that I have evir heard ; mid it is notorit.j-;, ibut ' |!'t Viiii UK' iiis i tU ealiiig hiinsi !l’, a l'(-pe he driw l.irgUy from the rich tieasures whi-!i was proeuied ; atal, as he lay near tlie he fouiul in llinr_\’s ISible. i si,ore, a noose ) assed o\er his head, lie Tu an\ n,iiii:,ier oi' tiie (.ospel, or pruate ^ i,,, .si ;,until he felt ibe r>g»nlmv^ • I „„ , k. »Wn hi, on. Si^^, It vou ha\c .dl Otiur ( (/iiiiiit vUi'ks, c r ' e;m inii'chase but one, be sun to bii} J'Jatiliew i ‘ “'‘^ien.. \v hen parllal.'y ex- I,ZI:A JS'I Vi'J.b LI,,V. , t;ausied In IiIn til'oits ;,n(l sli atii; !cd by 1 the ,\tv view s of Matthew Ik r.rv’.s -at. i|ie\ siH ('( ed( (! in rntiiir' his p.isition of the Ol.. and ,\i w 'I'estanienl, aecord , with those w Ik) biive recommended it as a rnosl { ^ , • ' w as I ) uug;lit lo this place, Is there iio way t-f anr.ihilaling ms'iince^ not ill reality, but in all that t!ie farmep would ask, I mean itsi tlect.s upon his op portunities? Are there no mt ,t!is of re ducing these [;reat disiances to almost nothing, with respect to the disadvantage to w hith they subject him ? '1 he answer plainly i.s, that il can be dune by a Canal or a Railroad. It may at fiisi scenn strange and extravagant to speak of an nihilating distance, between two places. It IS intpoi lant, however, that we sfiould f)ecome familiar with those modes, whicU lacilities in iravilling and conveyance proj)ose fordoing tins. You are in Ne\r Haven, and you have business w!iicli calls you to the city ol N. York, w htch is 85 miles distant. You go to the steam boat in ihe evening at 6 o’ clock, and step itilo* it. When bedtime comes, }ou lie down and sleej).on as good a bed as you waJit, atid the next morning you awakc at four o’clock with the intelligence that all you have lo do is to step nut of ihe boat into the city, attend to your business and then return home again by the same mt ans. Whai great difference it may l)0 asked, is there, so far as yourself alono are concerned, between taking up y-ui* house in New-llaven, and setting ii down ai the city oi New-York and then return- D’.? again to ils proper place ? Is there any thing virtually incorrect in saying that the distance between your own house and N. York has been removed as t' the jiraciical pui poses of business ? A per son may now travel by steam i>oat antf stage from Norfolk to Ffiiladelphia in ihirty-six hours, iliough the ilistance be tween these places is 210 miles, liy such meihf)ds of iravelling as were once prac tised, at tlie rate of forty or tliiriy-five miles a day, he must have required live or six days to accomplish it. When we say ihai by the improved methods of travelling, the distance of one hundred and seventy miles at the one rate, or ono hundred and scve.nly-five at the other, has been annihilated, there is no longer that objectionable api)earance ot niysin y oy nu5;ic which migh: at first liave occurred to our apprehension. Let il not be thought that the expense of such travelling has been studiously kept out of view. The exj)osii if.ti we.ich has been made is for the purpose of ilik- linclly shewing what in meant, when by certain modes of conveyance, distance is said to be annihilateil. The passage Irom N. Haven to N. York must cost ihree dollars for the distance ofeighly- five miles; and that between Norlolk and Philadelphia must cost twelve, every thing in the latter instance being found to the traveller, through the di'^tance of two hundred and ten miles. — Hut where men go such distances on business, it is really so great a privilege to effect their objects on ihese lernis, and in most cases ihey gain so much by ;t in the end, that the expense is more than competisa'ed by the advantages. When they travel for pleasure, w e shall scarcely deny lhal theii* remuneration is greatly enhanced, or at least thai it is a matter which ought to have no influence on the sulked. A merchant in Norfolk, for we do well lo illusirate by fact, reads in the newspa per that three days al’tervvarcls there is to be sold at auction in Philadelphia, a large quantity of goods or j)i operty in which he feels himself interested. In the last thirty- six hours before the lime of sale he passes which, beiore such a ciian?;r, sold for Hj , he city, defrays all I he expenses of hir. ihrec dc'llu.-s, would now sell lor lilieen, passage with twelve dollars, makes his p».'rhaj)s thirty or filiy dollars per acre. pu,xi,^ses, and possibly profits bv them ihe reason obviously is, that in its iicwiioihe amountofsome hundreds or evcfi i'HOM Tilt MALKKia UKUlSThU. rjofm. # I’he man who owns and cultivates a farm in the neighborhood of a populous city, enjoys mtjre favorable opp»*4ituni- t'es for sup|ioriing a family aiul enlarg ing his property, than one who lives al a distance from a numerous and busy pop ulation, or far back in the interior of a country. It is because the jiroductinns of his farm and his garden have a fair and prom])t market, with no delay of payment. 'J’|«is acts as a stimulus lo liis exertions. He is encouraged to fertilize his grounds, to practice the best modes of cultivation, lo be economical of his tinu% and not to be sparing of his toil. Mis frees are well selccleJ, his orchards flourish, liis meadows are luxuriant, and he is no less particular in the quality of his};rains, roots and vegetables. He is so habitually in good spirits from know ing no necessity or debt, by unembar rassed command of his utTairs, and by a siiuation, it has all the opportunit ics of a quick, convenient, and ready money mar- l;et. It would be a ma'ter of siu-il con- ■siderution, ihat the land at |)res*.nt was in an inferior state of cultivation. '1 here iDeuMired i« n mid .i lial! feel inlernrth,' ’’’ clanger that it would iioi toon be- \:diia!)le |)f; i tieal i ouiiik ntar; uj).;!! tin ^ai le Sciipturis, ai.u as fill nisi.mg .scin^ tf the most iiiHnnlaiit oids to a correct kmu\ I. ’ ' I uti'.l Weighed :3-16 ])oum!s. Joiinwl. dget.f Uieiii. \\ .‘if.'rciait: Jiu.ur oj The Nat. Inteliigeriter s’ales, that Jyinn \s i hurch, J .utifc.'lLr. ; h» ! e li..'e Iiei'ii -ii" new 'uhsenhers lo ihat narei within li.e Ijsi six iiiontl'.s ; anil oii!\ 77 (!isi ontiiiuutici s (j ‘.ubsei ij)- aine ( f'l i;(l, however. From, the Rn. H . 7! Frndli/. FciUr >J J'trft lUiytol ('/niri/i, J'ltihi/kl^JuL'. Messrs. I o\\ at ” '' ' ' iJui iiU' llogali: j iic piet_\ i.ini good j " 1 .1 II bill hi'I ol sul sense of ail Cin'i->iiaii eon.iiiunitu s, h..\i ci.ii- currLcl in awnr/'iiig lo Henrv’s ('on,i; ( iit;ir_\, a (listiiigiiis'u.'d ]daet . niong tlii st ,mi;u'il wiii ki of the-.ame kind. Fer myst If, fiaiisay, that 1 have f.iund it one it the l.e.st iieljj‘ i,,.t and jirattieal ai ipiaiiilai ce v. i'ui Iml s.'ii I't. (i \ oI- uii.e. llis sk.d a.-, an ii terpret r is i i.iitml ii uiiu li resneit j bi^ i-,;'.. grity in adiuiiag :o ;h..- sense' of ScrijMUi'e, v.iHk.uI th. eoioi.,t).s t.f hi.;llb 'pninieln. JjI' ; alii; t|;i Cl i; lions ha\e expiK d ; t/Ut, on tiu' , liiat the subsei ijj’iion iis'. hus hti 11 (iih.iiM’d sinee the a(!j(/uin- 1111 i;t cf Conj;i(ss, and tliat u is now all'! than ii lias i^ecn at u'.-.y lime wilh- iii ti n veai'b. pa-.-ty lei'l'i iliv ine iinclivai v. hieh mu his w or'>, mu: t i ( i di r i‘t l;i tlie devotiui.i of li.e p . IKitidU. 1 ','ou Ik'.vo ir.% ^ u;'ii -t ' oftl.e projeeteil U lib C ;h l!li U ill ■C|.lal,le ! ,u!.s 111 ». \ t ry dl the -t V. I! hc*s f e;.':i(,n (,f 1 ill r s>H ( \\.‘ 1. fdlA.N'l'IA' 'Flu l.'n'th fij i!//'. prcdiricd by ^ //it' ./y.-i/zc.V,.— -111 ai. old iiuok, I till t ill! I iie I'l op In (, it s id 1:iii-.u'i' N i:;o,\, I priti’ed Hi liie)tuf 1707, isti.e li>lio\\ing I j idpheiic !eei.ai ulH.ii, wj;;':h appears tu iei( t lo the 1 le iiK-iuin.hol', 'went whit ii has Iieprived the jIngi.!i na'.ion d'one ol i:/A .'A.rc//, (rj-' Suljsci iptr :i.s . r a!;!t v.'oi h I'cet ! i''' !n;A'e va’u- ice. vtjmerii h in these new circumstances. It would every year grow moie fertile tinder the increased alacrit}, ingenuity afid tr.anai;emeiil of the owner. If it were not subject, by f.on.e peculiar proji- t.Tiies, to invincible; steiiliiy, i.e vvotihl lbiIlk liuI liule ol i s loi mei' uiipru] ucI iv e condr.ion. All tiiis is evuietiiiy ei'Ualiy true oi tlic mine or the vvoik^ln.)[). Stit'.i a case can only be imagined, and il is for the ihousaiids. 'i'he cost of iravelling, it iu presumed, would no longer be named, an 1 ihe distance between riiiladelphia and his own residence, he will consent to say has been tcduced to little or nothing, by ilif tacililies ol the passage. Travelling recently on the New-York ('ana!, from Albany to Luke Kne, a ilis- taiice o{ three hundred and sixty-throe miles, 1 fell into conversuiion with a iiiaii by tlu named lluuper. passtn;^ vvesi ward inlheiiatne packet l;^;a!.* He was cnc ol your plain, substanii^l, sensible niL'n* a good liiaier, whollv of a prac iial chuiacter, un the ;.uundneso of whose opinions, and i;;e correctness of whobo l-.eil illuslralion alone t bal i siu’emenls, it vvjs easy lo see laai re- It has been stippeM-d. J>ut lo prepare j iiance was to bo pl.'Ci'tl. —Said he, 1 'tvo • iiiii.y lor vhe use ol this ej.-j s(,iue dislance np liu' t-uuniry alorr.; tliis lilt; lepeut, \v hat IS 11 Liiu’. ^ Car al, aiici base been down to Sche’ieciady huriiireJ tour in a boas tlie ( ne Miuation and in the olher : It is; wl,.ch co'i about two hai.dred and fifiv in theii distance from market. All ilui j dollar.. li wasdone by luom. n and two we have snppused is the annii.ilation ol 'horxe-,. and the w hole trip w jil bi tu\n- distance. H ilie necessity ol so lung a ! i)le led in eight days. Ha(i I done t his bv tiansj.onion did noi e:.isi, ihe farm ihai ourold method with war^ons at.d horses is two bundled miles from the sea poi" | along our turnpike roads, the san," ihinf t he w ay d amph, le cau'oes’che diiVereiice betweeen the value ! lo maikef.j i look down fjM ol the fail!) and all its produclifHis, iii { and iw enty-SiX barrels of rown, would be at once us valual in her III i;,f_IiU‘M ot iian.et.tjs ; “In thejea;'' U;J/, a man wjd laise biii.f-A'il, by iiisle\er\ rcspi ( t, js if il were wiihint,iie wisdom, to one o! ti.e most e.'iuiud ofl'ire s ; .nile ol it. \Viih us in N. Carolina^ iht j davs.-j- III the Male. 1 i is l.ing ill invent h-i!i j otu !d be inf>i e li i;;hly priced t ban t he i wiili great ].'/>>.! .is .i ^evvi'i d !or hi-sr wilier, beidfie it would utiiie llu: r.eah L.iglai.d i H i^e gt i . ' iy r; joicco. | - ppr;r! o t.ii les uf—M'ai kei, at ci lb, A sti'!.t.g [;ari'> v\ III i nu r into a leaotiej prcdi'h on ev'Tv hini; s( i- , v. ii!i it uuuMliave required f.r:y men, fil'') w agl ;.;uns, atid a liundred iiorses !ui stxieen '.nd Il might be left for any one lo cs- same : tiniate the comj)aiative cost .jf tratis same j poriaTion upon a I>,4i i el .>!' il ui, bvthc . cir-j iw. tneihoil^ lin h- u ■ T5Ji t. consider ahrrr+a.y cuTTTliry.) itiU'Ili^'etU the iiurncuto oi'ihw

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