ClUni.OTTE, .V. V. OVTOV.Kit It;. t8S7. tr>2. I” ’'I.iSMKD V. I',Kia.V llY l.i ?.UIEL // Thru ih>/.'ar.'i a i/Cfiy. jmid in at/cancc. Vi) v.ill be (Ilscunt.imicd, unless flir siiicrc tidH of till- edit''/, until ;ill :UTcar;.j;c-s arc V 1. t-,' rlisrmcnt^ wi!' I'o iiisorlfil ;it (lio usual yn Pevsons sc pclinij;- in :n!vcrtiscnien*s-, aro j ,tcil to note on l!n nuirjriii tlic nunihfr of 3i lions, or tlu y will lie contiiiueci until forbid ii e!i .vg-fd accordinj^ly. n''i i'VewWvS TvuU^t :inpo'htcd -Vci'-'nt for I'l.-A-.r f- Mrlntfn-r for ( !i u'!' tti', and « ill rrcclve :i!' ordiTS lircrt. • 1 t 'ii‘ '1 tf’P ! irivets ami ,'iliaris in Lotteries I i-r, IT tilf iniidl'-. J, , 50 Vu>e\. 'V\\»aut>s CoWi'i'AV 1>I'r‘” 1 n 1 V iiifiit-r s llic inliabitanis Jl ( t ( M( aid ils \irii.ity, that as bis / • inlM.i s ; II ]il_\ si(|ijdii (l witb roniji( tcnt t , I 1 I M : s 1c ( >.t ii I I bill! from j.'iv'i'.}; con- f.* 1* ..'Iritlii J' t( !♦, i ( bas rcsupicd tl;c linsi j;i ol bis pi('Ifvsici,. !!e nia_\ i)c lound ai til Aci’iii ii.y, ‘ii'd \i ill ;.tU'nd io al! ibe calls bis frn I si'' tiiinh jjrcpi r to j;-i\i biin. KUf’ Vvi'\\r Viw\cv\%\\wiwei\\. s'l .scrlbor informs bis friend.s ai.i’fb I I il !ic. iba’ be bas p’Tcbasi »1 that \\(l- };l)()^^' ‘V Idi^liment, iati ly ou ih d and occiifii- .(1 li' i’:. IIi n'b rs*'!). ai'.d is niM\ pn pari i; 1o *?i1i r‘ 111 Ir.i' eib'rs and otlu is, Ik) ni.i_\ |)!f usi t I r.,1! o bini ; anl no cxertinni: wil! bo spared to I' luici'l?i( IV I'or rortni)b', i ii'l tb n si a- y: 1 ;;i !(*. Ilistalib' Will hi- ruriiisbed w.tb i'\- ♦ P' ',:o'.cty wb'cb t!u‘ coimi.r_\ ailir;!s; bis bar vii ' til'' bfsi fit litpior: : aiul ii.s staid# s \\iin jilmty of provi 'idei, an-i c;i;’i.iid sir^anls will De in I attcii.laiu-.-* Kc.Ill'dM’ I. l)!\KINb. ('barlottc, \]’iril 2u. l -iJi). *80 I’ll- siiiis!'ri')(r*s slatde in ('oj-.'-onl, ( oiint} , N. ('. on t!ie ni.i,bl ( I tlu- li^th iiist. two 'K;;!SI>, oiii- of tliclii bav- iiii4 a ilark Pi .re an 1 tail, “ \ears olti, and a scar • n bis i'i};)it ;iMid pasti vn j(;nt, occasli.Mi c! by a ; tbc oilier Inn'Sf is 10 or 11 w avsoi'', I' l- uluT whiter tinui tbc olbcr; botii infiood or:l« r mul boil b*fi:rc, wbeii stolen. 'I'bcy are of tbc •cinnion sizi', l?iit li(a\y ''uilt. A, wbo nils bis nanii' William i)t ,in, is busju.cte 1 to be til" tbief. Dean was n.iss ni,'' tbe »anu- time fli( li!)rs(‘s were. Ik- is aoout .■) tV et 7 or 8 iii- •ii! s bi^^b, broad across the f(-re|ie>ii, but bis !•'' tuj)e'’s towards tbc- rbiii, witb a vtry larj:;-c moiitb; ratber st( . p sbosiUlercd, uind,-usant •oniitenunce, :iul down look ; boasts iini''b of in.inliooij and is lond of iniinickiiiL; tbe Dntcb , and of paniMinp, ai;'l s.iys be is a car- pi'iite’-!a trade. H-id a bbu e!ol!i roatee w itb r b!.,( k V. b 11 t- liar, }»-ray casiiu t paiitaloinis, snil .ilack bat witli a low tap-i'i d rn.wn ami V-roiul rim. Fifty dull ir^ rc>\ard w ill be iM- liis ippreheiision and eoidinenu nt in any ^iaii, or bis d«.-Iiv(:i’y to oie in ('oiu'(»re, N, to- ^ftilier witb l-.otb or i itber of the borses. Any iiii( ’ni..t on sent me tc tbe I’ost-Mllicc in tliis Jnaee, Will be thanMu ’v I't rcujtl. .I\0. K. ^5.\11A^^ (’oiu'.)r'l, N. (J. July -o, JHCr. !'» .VuyWv-V'wvuWuvy, jiiithvi'lor i Co’.jnu . Mi itrl i f JUnt.s and Otunh • Sniiuns, Juhj Sts- JS v\s WiUcAxcft 8: . 'Flionins TnUter tS* ('o. T 11'Sri'f 'ri'f'l J.V inf.jrn s .# 5 (he |)iiblir tliat ibey ’.ia\ e J’t^’ceivrd and « iii r for’sab* a '''' (K'entlcinen to Er)';h^ ‘"'d ladies) !i Tew jrofid plain /} v. arranted ; t-;ei,lU'. b'dies’ |C(dd (.'bains, ^‘"d.s and Keys; sfnu- bami- soii e JJi-L.isi I’m.s, J'infi'er b'injrs, J’.ar l,'ini>-s, I’earl and l-‘ibj.rre(-, aiui I'asU-ii, .•( t(.s, &r. tve. ; ail or any part of \vbi b we will svil low for casb. (’locks and Wafcbes repaired at tbe ^ notice, and warrantidto peri.riji. Casb ^rivr-n for jj^obl and slK-er. N. I’l. VVe expect to Vrceivo in a ;tK>rt time some elejraiit Militar\ aiul pl-,i, d (.uoils ^e Cbarlotle, .May 14,' I}!.?.—GO Ucnry\s (JoiDuwnltnni an the Jliblr. PiU5^»(isA;,s For TiMbi'sbliip;- l>y siibsrr'. ;>(i ti, ly Toward llo^-..i>, liookst liers, .\u. ^35, .Market street, i’biladeiiibia, AN' KXl'OSlTI(>': OF 'l liF, 01,1) k M-:\V ri.S l'AiJKNT. V\’ti rein eacb rliapter is s'lM-ired i-p in its ‘•('P.tcnts; tbe sacred tc.\t inserted at b.ri^-e, in d'.st net par-.,L.r,ipbs ; c ucb a'r.,';:-a])b re’diieed t) its proj)(-r beads ; tbe si use C'.ven, and laVj,'-e- ’.\ iiiii-tratcd, v.ilb ]-i'uct:( ,d reir;arks and ob- s rvalions. iU MATTiitw !:i;m;y, h'.lc Mini.-lircf iht Ccfpti Lil',i:cn : ff TYAVING a deslro to remove to c I |;i# fc ■ nty farm, I oHVr f^r sale mv valuable lic'nse .'inl I.or, in tbe town of Cbarlotte, v.bore I now It IS the most pleasant situation in the \ ii- latce for a private i'aindy ; and bein^ ii, tlu- most business scetion of tiie town, is an (-xcelleut s^and for a I,.awyt-r, Mcrrbaiit, or Mechanic, as t!u-re is a f^ood store bnuiJe on tbe lot, v\ bich can be made t(> suit -itbeP. 1 will g-ive a Ijarp; in, lor cash, or I will };Ivc a credit of tbree years, witb interest from tiie tuiiC I pive pos.'«'s-i!on, w bieb w ill be between now jii... tlu- 1st day of .lai'ii-ii-y iu*xt. I’rice »1 tbe property will !>e i;iade known to any pcnsoii wisbm;'- to jnircbase, on aj)])licii'ion to tiA-M’L. .McCO.Mn. Sept. C5, IM:r.-Gt55 Ponltrij.—\Vt* heranie ac- |iiainu’d hit» ty witi. two vrry reniaikabic !cu Is, the (juc oi’ u hicJi lebtes to iicps, utid the otiii'i' (o lf*rchcs. — !)urim^ the wMiicr niombs, poultry of all kind’s, il olcrably fed, ai-p apt to bccotnc very fat ; und il isdnrin;,; this pf*riod (hat are scarcest, and ol' conrsr dearest. I’o ren'- edy this ifi suJiie ir>» asure, sfveral f.irrrKM s’ w i'fs in this iif“i;.»hl)oi houtl, a'e ariually iri iIk- habit ol jihysirkir;; tlu’ir chu'. I'les, and tlie praciiec is said to have a v.oh- derlul t'flori in re'-.iorini.^: their suspfiKletl K;\ irg powers, 'i’hp rci ipc is exceediiit^- ly rbea;i sitDjilt, and may Ijc record ed lifMe fur tilt; l'>i‘ii*'*)i of l.('ii-\vivc.s in other (juartf rs. i.)ilut('and m;'; 2 fiH'ires of glaiiljer salts in a dish of cold pf,rri!;;-e FUOM Tilt: llAI,>H RKOISrCH. Now all liu'si* nre so man\ monc-tii f'" able facts. Li-t s tinc cireiimvUnCe-s l)t“ ronowcd, nr.d the spinr; lesnits will 1)0 cx|)i‘ric*"Cf'(i Ix'lorc otir nvvn ovt lor our oivii hencfit. 'i'ln' l .ws '■! i^d- turr flo not cltatio:i*, atid il siicli f.>stiiTu»i»y as this do not satisTv (jur ini’Ki'^, wbat, ivro. XV. In the second of lhr?o rmmbcrs it wns proposed to show, ntid it is hoped notun-| Jt n,;,y be asked, will he suirieic. t to ro- sucnrssliilly, that for inland transports-1 „^ove otir dotif)ts j^nd prtiparc us ti avail tion, especially in onroliniate. Railways otirsrlvns of the c;reat and iir-p-)-1 n.t , are preieraf)Ie to (.anals. they f^re | pp.TotJcp] which it is itsoWp^'t \o I rhi'nper in the first ccn.sfriiction. The ! ? 'I'hc ^’0 tons, the sr, tmi??, • iron J»,ailw3y cost^ not nicre than halfjdjp 4;^ tons and 8 Imndred weiij:ii, and I as jntich os a C jtial helween su(‘h distant' the o.'i tons can he drawn as in ' extremities as the ea.stern •’’nd western ! Ainenca as in Hnirland. Vv'c kn ^v fiat ts of our State. And if It he made of tirnix r liavini’ a strnpjifirnn on the top, the expense wonld :irain l;e reducKl tliat u[>on nnr eotninon roads, it Idi;!.*?? the forre of fonr or five hoi'scs to draw two tons; that is, one horse at K’asi is pro!)al)ly to hall'of what it would he, if! necessi-ry to half a tuti. If one liorso iradeofiron. Not only is tlu-cost of then on‘a Railway, d.-au twe .-.y j the Hailroad less at first, hnt it forever j jons with ease, it follows that he will do continnes so in maintenance, repairs, j as forty horses nsnallv •!.. in quantity of travellinp;, anil the nimiei tnisj common transporiatioi;. II, hrid2'es over a (^inal not necessary to a 1 ever a J^aiI^^ how- i Jv.iiir'>afl fornis as .■/7?f?r Luyuni: ffi;n , t,’t/.r r,ir-](,v uey o'luT food. srr-'-(.,. ;i,e i!ir, n>)//III !iv. ./■•srph i-tr'Ki s ,1 1/ With, 11 1 . .1 1 1 . /-. V,, , fl! about (he pouhi-y vu! , .‘■-o t'i.->rno o J.ijr rf I fti. .it(f;:i.r, hn tht Jhv. .V.-//»?//1 ,1 . .. * I '*’*■> nuich : aiifl 1' the «-.iv-cls i are not apparent in ('vo or tiiree diu s. VnUn¥r. are no( apparent in ('vo or tiiree davs. Mu cb:'.ractt r of \ab:alde p.nd bi^ldy ' rt’pe;;t the dose at shcrt itilfi-v.d.s. 'jl!(he " " “ ‘ '' S-cve.l rit,inj;-s. is I a( i timu!atir>n of ei;;.>:s itKlicaic tluit you u.sefid F,.\pesitioii «>t the Well know II to llu iiimis • noil iiiatioi-s : and it now r.eed of a pu!'lislu r’s reromnK-ndntion i 'duditiuuft.— I be work will be jiublislu'd in six biig’e snp'-r roy al octavw voUiniC', of abou ' jreiu rallv ef ,11 (le-j p;oi;e far enoti^di. ();i nMi.-f,-,.,:, n,>,.,Kv„, one tbi>nsand pajj'f's each, compi isinj;: about one. I J.?'*' breakfast, ■re. a iarin not (l:e family complaiiit-d, tiiat alt!u-i!(r!) tl.ey h;;d C-.uv.- «'nsni‘lii7y h^ns, thcycou!'! not t^ei a .sm- c’.nd tiii.s cire.nrn- tliiro more matter tban iscontaiiud in Scoti’s' ''tance tetliinded OTiC o! ihe (!ai'f;!iiers (,' (;on;ni^ ntary, juui ib livered to snijscribi rs in I the necessity of haviiK'recourse to her I volnnies, at three dollars and fil\v cents per | wonted eharin. ’i’o work, tbei I vobmif, Well dotie up in stroii}.'- boan’s; or four 1 bdlars pcv'nlunu-, liaiuisouielv and stronc;l\ . , • - 1 1 ■ , , I bound; payable on tbe reciipt of ,i,rb |"O : liat a!t Ik.-u-> h'■ [i? nine. A \(duiae will be ])ublisbcd evi i v tbree | hundreds of pnn It I y iindej’her , inontlis. • ’ I she never hel'ore beard o’ suri) a tiiiti^s An allowance wiM bp n\u1e of one copy for' and tlu't she was sure tiie I>irds v.oiild Td every five bubserlbers; and to those m bo o:,.!,;i,.. ^ however, per-e vc'r-d, tain but t->vo siii>scril)ers, a reasonable allow-,,.,, • , 1,,. c • j. ance will be n.aCe. ’'‘‘' Course ol a very lew dajs, Ls- As tbe price of the look is put very low, tlu* sfveral nrsd Ironi that publi.'^beis t-xpeci ilial rcihiltai,(cs will lie moment declared liei.self a nrni C(,nverl jironi tl} made on tbe reC(-i])t of eaili volume, to the inipt'ovcil l.'ielhod of'itip Tbe publishers n. (|iu--t tlu'f i v\liO liave sub- pMi'Ify. scripti.m papers, tc inforni tliem any time prior; T;,Mother fact *0 nhich v.-e alh-ded, is to tbe lirsl da\ oi . -ueiidu r next, o( (be n'lm-' , • • ,, , her they have got or have a prosj>ect ol’ ob- ^ "or( s o. a medical li leiul. taiuiiig-. ’ j Importon! I'isrovcry.—At tlic present season. When t.iseiisr, and panicuiHrly met'slc'^. !• so vi-ry prevalent, it is worthy o-nod horse can on Iway. 11 is my object now to uive|,iraw thirty-five tons, he perfo more full and convineini: evidence of! as seventy horses do tij.on our these trulhs. It shall i)e s:ieh evidence! roads. Should v\e take tie tinrd tif t’ esc rs fears no fntnrc -xamMiation. It in- j mimhers, namely,.forty three tons,tosay‘ vites and^ solicits investi:ation, not; nothin*; of tlic ei‘*;ht hundred w. theoretical pnd fanciful, hut practical, | t!,en the eifect of a horse appli-d in one ami s'le!: as is coniirmod hy the ioeon-1 v.-.iv, i:i to his elVect ii the other, as ono l.-stahlf! avliiority of cirnerlmciiLs al-1 to Vi;;l.ty-si?:. But one case of actual readymade. j trial dilfremain.-i; M r. Hankes tells nr? Andepon wp.s n nnn of pcrtical. ho made it himsell, and Ids testin’.( "V is j Kn ;t'd:;eon Ii( sr’ s'diM'r’s. 1 he con-' i-f}cor(!efl for (jur information. lie har- ciiisions \v!ii( !i he s are v.orthy ,j horse to tlu* foremost cf 'H oui confidence "s (I(*riv‘ed Iroiii scltial ■ ■^yjifro-ons, wci'’’hin^ tfipjether rift'’*livo ohcrv.'’t;on. (/no horse, says he, ean I f,'nd the horse carried I hem f.-; ward draw w;fh ease upon a twenty | upon a level, or if it lions, and l,o will do this Iravellins; :»t I hn,l any declivity, it was su «^li5rht as not : the usual rate of horses in a wa.£;u:on, on j to he e'stlmated. 'Phis is mirvinp; ono a hard smooth tnrnpiko road, ile then (j^nrse ilo as much as a hiindred and ten. says that tlu* sr^mc hor-e, on a properly |'i’licsc thinp;s ar(‘ .so a'^fnnisl.iuu lh; t wo C(M)"liMcf'’d l\nlvfi(t(l^ can carry flieinri^ ready at first tn Droa-'U' ready at lirst tn proa s-me rp.-aiitity of ^^oods in the same ' jncredihle. They r , howrv( r, : ft i time.^ ^ “Mr. Joseph AVilkes in 170f», ' (estalile and sruhixu ., lacts, a -i ■ - states, that a of the vnlue of twen- denied. And why l^obcrt II. Burton 'i 18-7. , j'etit',. n for partition of ’ f' l..nd. J*asc-d «'\,ir;;s J >1! !;,yaitt JL , W'ili ' ■••uiinab. J II ■ipp' 11.^^ t«'(!i>j -atis'action of fbe Court, di 1 .bi' t I lyant ,i;h1 \\ di are » t llili-diit .1,1- ot il ls St:t( ; (n-U 1-1(1, tire;-. . *nr , Hint publicaCt.n m- inaiie in liu (' 'awi.a J> Thai (o!- s!\ weeks, tint .!:uii> ^ r.rv. n* .md wib Siis-.niiati be and appear 'ul'ovi tin .lu-t - •OS ot onr ne:vt Court of | b - s and (i! .r‘ur Sess.i I- to be bobleii for tlu eo'inty tl Ilutli- «rt''iu, at the (;;ni-( iioiise III IJiitliei-bjrdton, 111'' od Mond-i\ als i-Mu lib >r(iii. a_\ i:i i^ep- ■Ciiihi !• iK-vt. ami, -.iiisv.» r or deiiiur, or .'‘io;ji!n-nt wdl b(- ( iiteritl u;) a^'-ainst tiiem e.x- te, and n.,nb.- l;na! .u'cnia! 'e^b . fy pounds sterliii'.';,” v/hieh is one hun- dred dollars of otir money, “ drew alonj; I t'lc c!cc!iv:t_v of an iron road desccndin”; two eighths and hali an eii^hth of aninch ^ in a yard, twenty one carria‘j;cs or wau;- p;ons ladcMi with coals arifl timher, weij^h- in«; thirty-tlvc tons, overcomint; tiie 7'/.v inrr/ift’ r(‘j)cate(ll\ with ease.”t I?\ overcomin;^ the ri.s /.’2r;7/,7’, is meant the starting; of tfie n ;i»”o',s from a state of rest ; and everv om knous that this : is the uroatest diilieulty in lrawiiij; on 1 -o iiould • (* l)e dis posed tn distrtist tiicni ? 'I’iiev iev«'ul tr> us |)0W(M’s of mechaiiistn, on wiiicb we- cannot set a sufTicient value. It :s pro perly a sid)ject of the hic;iieM interest and exultation to every man, o-p' ciaily to every citizen of a fret! and e:di;r !■ a- ed community, that our opportnnii!C9 are susc'ptihle ofsuch almost incoueeiv- ahle enlar«;cment, jirovided we will u- nite with one another to en'eet tlm ohjeet. Shall the subjects of mo'iateiiies ttiiiiiv: ludhini; of efnployiuii; thems'dves in so- Fn>:ii Dr. V.. S. i'Aij, Pniti'V of thr Thinl Pres-, of remark, tb..t I.ondon j)niter has lalel’y lii^/int.n ( i.inr/;, I'liihuh Ijdun disccnered to pos^^css (he wonderful (icntU nif iu—1 (j’lr 1 i*f j)('>sc(i i)ui>iifMt ion (;f r • j i i ;l„ i;,-v. H.l.n'. •• ,,l II,.. P"'"','-;>: in‘U "u; l«'c u-a t„ I,no „„h Old and X' w T( staniei t, v.ith I'raedeal Ife- ayidl(y. I liev ‘•.hould he mark" and (»bstv\ai'-ons,’’ desi r^es eiicouraf e- itnmcrsed in (lie [ orU'r Iir about a cpiar- men( fi'.ni ail i!u f:i(-hiis of e\aiir,eiital relit;ion ter ol'a minute heluie i!iey are applied to in onv eoiintrv. Cm bi I not otlurwi.-,e o'(ain : the skin. Kdir.bu ( a eop\ I this \ aloai.le v e.rk, I w u!d iri\ e \ on, ^ I,,-,., :,|i.a c rcun.-.taacc i,.„, I.i l, pi,.1:, wtiicl. II. noi a lauc .--marM!.K Srotl, a*!(! (1..:*!;: nltik- I v.oiiiil iu-itlur| L-'JCVyTA noi' ilifSi, I VMist hv\\ iL^ti - Ilc nr\ bas .IS innei, food snis.-, as mud,’pnut-i n rn,e-r,fj^ Pr>~\ cal, aiui :.s CH roiicIi aec'uanil-Oice with f , , , ,, ‘ ' Ihc mimhfihc Sj'uii, as ale uiai.iicsted bv anv = ^ ^ tou rabb- tou;-;!i Mo ot bis'•ui et-s.v3rs. ' ' | idiuut u l)at killed !>y n ,bun''-i' m ihe 'I be late Dr. I,ivir!"-^;nn was‘lie be-:;’'re;irb-' *‘t.\i'->ns ol I..’.i;,ic. 'i’!)!;' i.')v\^‘r', o! any ^iven sniiaee. “ I he sanu; horse, j curing tlu; advanta;f*s of tliis pi odii^iou.s continue.s I\Ir. Wilkes, “drew up the | ,,jlleienev, and w.e, who claim aH tl.ct-n- same declivity hve ton.s with ease.” | of persm.Ml ;md ptdilic li!)crtv, sit It will reaoily oeeur, that in a trade' f,|| with our arms fold-d, and pize at jetvveen a seaptnl town and the »'i what They do as thou^l it wi-rt visionary country, the weipjht or tonna;;e to be j to itija*>;iin'an y thinj; liko earned towards the sea is vastly ,t;reater I i, within the compass (four puny ef- t,)an js retui nod into the couniry. Itifojts! will lollow, tlierefore, that a K.iilroad It ap[)ears then not an cxcessiv pjraluituus assnmjdion, when il 'v r. sertefl that as larij;e a tonnn;;o c'in- 1 carried by a p:;iven jiowe'' njjon a i{..ri' ' i as upon a Carial. lint there are dill niay be propfirly male to descend in a very small dej;ree, so as to I'avor the drau;^i)t in the direrlion of the heaviest transportalion. Il is upon this principle that the st;.lcment there made i.s to he , of eomparin-their edicacy, a.-.o if 'in(e!.Joo(. a ]*ailroad to f.yciy vi( w, be much the .same in both, we shall l»e Icl’l Lo cfMi- sult otiier elreui;i.staac( s m detern'ininor : f:ve sixti enths oi' an inch, or which ! the samo, t wo and hal:'ciirhlhs -r on tbc lit;io'is , -.p, ri( nc»- of a Clnistian, ,' i;s l»odV I that I ba\e ever lu an! ; :.i'd it is la.loi ions. tb:.l ; |)| ! be drlai; tl_\ irtun tl e r'.cli tn aM.ics w Iiieli | ■ lu- ioiihd in I.c i,r\'s i'.i’ b-. | Fn anv I'iiiii-^e. r ot (ne (b '.-x !. ;i- pi-!vati-, was surroniuied !>v a si,:: of (.d' (be I 'in 1*1 ( ent'j ed ! b( -.i C>i.:h. t nhj >'/r'. •H h ( bristi.i'i, wbe Ii.!;';lil iv:iid If }'0U ba\ e ;dl ol ie, i I an pureiiuuc bul oi,.', be si iien"v. i::i;A III) opiliif'll, 1 V. ciilld I ( oti.liii ; ', )-i. s, ( r ’ !’•- tfi .Ii> Nal i lii-w , ^ : \ i)'. ' i’lie r.rnp''- ot ;tn 1 iiicl) in a y.ird, i! is at the i.-tti! of very jneaily f'.'dy six l»M-t in a mile. Mr. 1 \N ilkfs ;i''.o s'iy«. “ whon t!ie ile ! seont wa^ an ine!i -it.ri tfiree (jtiarieis in i:i.\ r.iil on, Cb rk ( f ■(f Of/ (^}vi;>‘ r St ■j.’K d a: ^ Cr.ipbell rnisbee. !' tend 'd ,•:,!!( 'i . eie'i l.e , tbe '(1 M(ui'’a\ f.| ,11! b , 1. . T Is •« ( i; a i ( n, c. ■J*')d~pr. alv. ( j!, Iredell Connis'. 1>' Att.- •bis. 1!’u-bin. 5 -'PI" i'fiiip: to tb"' C^'urt, t!i * t'll, .(•itiie-s Harbin, is not ;in st,ii(, it IS or(ieri (1, that pi.' > eie !• id in tli(- Catawba .louri al ini si'^ v. . k s. i i (-er tluif |i;,i'i)ii| nay, a* or bi lcr iIk- .'d -ioiiilay (,f i n.ber next', app. -o- at tbe I t'i:rt- Jlonse Slatesvilb, r. pb vy and pie-d. oHi r- du- iniid III liu il o! ( an pbeli u dl conduiiiK-d to satisfy plaui! li’s (b man.I. A. SlMOA I ON, (7/-. nt.j,—,,r. adv. 2 5f). Vv\v\Wv‘’ft ?SVv\cUivt‘s. •I V'* l’! lsili-'l>, and for sale at this of ’ “''n"‘'S on a bo,)k, i-ntilled, ‘ Vn the iit.f'k oi I'shIiH'. !■■) (iilbr-rt /•'b aie added, I.’t inavlcs o;i I, V'. .Mevand -r Corrlon] en'itled ‘'f'!io y-'.s" and use d‘ the Hook of PhalK.s.’” K\ brrtM ii, \, M. W illi App'^ndiv, y.\ ■ f-'' ‘'.e i: s. ’>;a'tbfW M'.s'tioii (li t!>e n'.i and >.eu 1 1 w il!I 1 lose V !..> e 11 e'ii ilic :i‘. i \a!'i:dde p;-aelie:il ediMnen'aiy r;. f'Ci ijituri and ic-. ti.raisbmsy .‘.p;; iinporlanl aids ti • I'd I... S. P'Uiilc J .v ( Ian-: I.' nv' i.( lit, : i! -.e- aio- ■ ,1 1 \ - S:i. red ' t Ibi- mos‘ tiu III. , I,liHi'i:'!■ !'. wiiuh ue nil.i;)te!, for (i, b a C(>ii;,ui !'( d (la'll r.u tlie I'/Ib —whitbei I';;-. stands (ur ' Ciirr/rii t^triOni ■, (.n- t i. \> e s.,iv.— pai liru.'ai i:se ;is i>ia(!e f.i' bj’sin 'be v’f! t UKiTi ies .'I i be ci'il ie til ,M!'• u I Kotu. ll'!ii- dreiifnl (na( jh‘ n| tbeSi' b i i'( 1 H ' s j !(' be ibe liiMrT.aii o-i (jai!.-.:. 'i'be r.,n;e 1 o! ari }^r.j'-eii)i bernaiii me u in;^s of a i).ii I i bis :/nd ha' v I • en ^ I tl i c> I, about 'ii I fi-fi I'i0!n.ief| \eais ! old, at t! '• tim. (d I's di-atb. 'I' si.r- yari \.as tu’fcssary to our choice of tiu'Mi. “Without raleii- huif'.c,” ‘ays a practical Avrlter, “tijioii ' j tho imm.'iise leads of thirty tons and upv.'.trris which have oeeasio tally hcoa I'M’k the \v!i( t rpo'.\ I'Ollte- ()\ ( dipjn [ .I or I innvcd hy oi,e horse upon a level U iil- > to pi-e '.'f-nt !li(! iiorse ' * ■led 1(V tlic v.t;,'; j'-ef>d j AjJole^rv >‘ o n'-„-,k. /'Vr I f’;r fi'i". II'. Vnrt'’':, !' ■! ihifi'i d ( i.iiii'!i. ! I ildi! h/n>. Me' i ou a!-iC I tO,.;aii: 1 1 pieiy ai sense of all Cbri'-tiaii eomn '.initi'b .\ niTi'd ir. aw;.; to lhiii\’s i (.iii-.neiita"'., a di'-'i i;;mi isbed jduc anohi’;lin a!,. i,i ;-,i 11 ui.;k^ o| the '.ynn.- kind. J nr iii^' -iJf, I citn -a'., I lia'M- fKiiind it on'.- et till- et; to i nisi and pi'iutieal ;u'i^'.i'ur';ii.e' i'b tlie ';u i-ei, ’ )!• nine. His skill an iir.'.-:':oi n-r is ntitii-d *' nnieli respei t ; b.-' ii.ti rity in adlie; ii j;- io i!i sense oi Seripl lii-e, ■.xillienl tie* eoliji ii,.^ ji.irty ftelin;;’, is lii,’!il\ i (jiiiiven'bd)}'- ; t!i(- iiiA i lie u net I OH w !neb Mins (lu-o'i;'ii (iie- u bole oi bis work, TiiU'*. nml-.rit an ;ict» pt abb- ;:unl(. to tbe lb votioiis oi tbe jj.ons in every dt wond- !i;.ti(Mi. A I'll b'lve in\ ea"ii'wi>-!,is fo;- tbe ' ucclss ul the ])ri/je(t( (l piiidie.i’ion ot tliM orl.'. idi Cliris'ian SO'ct, w.. 1. 1!i;a.\'M.y. ).'//i Murc'r, b' Vr. i .11' .u: it’.fir My. ! ,;hie \vcrk re 1>' inn." Idr f! t! ,'s io ■n.(.'\-e vriiu- ' ill' I'. ^ Jolin lij’idf lp!i, of III "i'(l I ‘‘(bat a lean wlio ‘-i ell^ 'Jonj^re ,s wiili a I ]\ I-. bettei (pi'il'lieo to np'iiiai;e tlie s ! of f be tiali(;ti, (hati some ol'(jur adt in { I.alin, tJreek atifl Lofjai it bn'.s. ” Ab(;m j as 7/7//(jt;alii’e(!, we M j.|,o—. as a fi lend :-d ours wl.ii has ;U ]i a-,; m/t il.e d I iiiyUsf , w Im VI If, a me; rjiaiit an ot/b'i , !'ui i :> d)‘- , and losend tbe bearei j b.!i !; fS i;ii‘/c as pir sfde. ^dicb a ft liow I in !be KiijitSi-iX «d tbe S'atfh. I wo',..!,; Iuji|ter Mt. I’.andf IjJi as mucli aa ! •• Lo.^uritlf^ns. ”—. /i/i'i'.s/n Cf,v. j uotir I'lniihnitijn.—.\ p«-von w Im/ juas aii'eriisefj s»)me tinie since, in ;i I \ n^itiia papi I', was f!esr-ri!jed as havinp I “a nfiM- turned uj» in the nuddl's abuul 0 i.:”; '.'pon liifii. *’ “ On a dil’i'-rt' va!:io, ihiiiy pii a'l.l id'',' doll.-'t ,';;. '.'fins (d nvo 'vhieli, with iii(d om; iiMi .iri-il a:.( r iu.'iit l.nndi i! \’.- ,;,,r n;., fie alt'Twr.i ('s !: i. “ in th'‘ i:ia(ie on tiu- S n.inl.( s, Vv'iief'i , |-re: l.C P way, we »an state that an active, lioise ■; v,( ip;hit);.'; ten liiindreH v/eii;ht, cf)'idiiet- ; ed h\ oiily onf* man, upon a 'vidl "‘on- j»,-iiV..!T one bf rso.f-di;e Railway, will vv. ik u’itli iUs, (^j . ten t(jns nf ^-oods. Inth';sa.. >' “drew tw.-nt_\-.)ne tiiidi'-d v.t-i'j;lit each, load:!j!'', anuMii trd thi't I \v i !i I liereifjt'o a[)peae^ i||,-n the e\|'cnso |id track:-":''per tyn ivj)reiiv muer, ihn , ^utr.e in bolli ^ysl( nis • ul.ile the llist c )s(, and conscfpuMith loll (Ji I'ues, . '' mitsl be-Tca'cly in favour (jf tiu* Kail- i!.’'v i.aiKviv by .M r. , . V ' Il a hofso t.iivi-n iiidis- \ Inns ;!;'it, the decliviiv ird : ami uj» tlie s, ' >■ Vi'lt -r fd I ■■ ■' be- mt.‘ iiu; n-ier \M- may take tiiirty tons a.s emplnvi'i;>; tb-‘ ( Oeetive labor of 0!;e horse and tiu eo? mi.s upon a Canal. From 'ivbieh it Nolhin" ha-i! vf t becti said re.snec'ino* ' liy tln,i' ......„t ia^fearti i tv^ine jfrojiellii.;; a cai ri;:g'f‘ hy I,..., I , I . ' i ' ' **''*■' '‘j'vliieh i’, is borne, ,ns 1 be steamb^at is I \ ( I, f h ^ ^ 1 'i‘ii t i \ (1 (*(‘ 1111 i f, na 11, til ' i i * i » •> - ^ ' '“"''CJ i’'’* >• 1 moved bv tlir eir^im- tastened ,.iiua>. o 'tn: I ej'i::iii)it*,d\ out. I 1 I \va'i;^oii:;, v,'e!t;Mii tons, lor rnoi'i- lb I 1.0 * e “ .\ i.:'er‘.(. [jropi 1- - \plie.tly II,I .lit .'IS ll' i; is’' C;.eb,. l; M rie lb .I'f!’s ed I' KOI into Jt. co'iti ivaiico stiikesus as aj^prox- ifecreations.” It miv be j ])'t leet lon, by in;itatiuiT an ;'M- s'\, tb,i» !,•. a ton is iicre ; *' d po\A er. ft is iiuiepfniieiit. how- ofaMin'alforc.-, and hast!.(■ advan- I'- ta--. inui.itin;enei-ry withthoumn-ioi; d! I - Well to e\j), thru a wbeJ is , I”',‘i""'''}’ Uiechaiiis;-;-;. Jt u'ert. tO bp sfimetinH-> made to 5.Ji(^ (l(.H n it bill m.t upon v.’ished Itiat a desrr! j;t!(in at onec hi jof ! , but upon plate ot iron turned up , .,,,,1 ,ntel 11e,ble COU.'d _bo ^-ivei. of .M. Wir.s iOiiln N- -.Fi aiil', For svle, sale to ta lit d to tlu- si Sn b a plaU- of It is r'reb-r"( .-h t t.-er. •\W*t^\v\' cn\s uwd Vor sh!.?, a‘ i.b. ■ , online tin- rim imon it, an i at-' , • - i . ■Ide of the .air.a.-e hs a cbaln.— j but this iSSearCC.’v possible. lr!-n is • di(-.i ilu‘sliot^or sbp-1 ‘ tnitid of one little accustonied tr* , ,, , , ill , . ti.e ■ c'>r.i[dicatiiil inacliir.erA, soon bt' ^ tiri ol loiKi-il u lief I In^m wt-iUH'ti out fas-1 I t.-r tli-.n til.It III the oitn I s Vo spTelid ‘be J)i-c-ssiiri; 'V',-a « .'Udr-'jad, 's-^'-I' eCo!iicS“ ■ X- , , I ' tf) cn'.pl'jM a nuniLu^-of «a-'ir«H«» e of lari-e buroens ; in s„co-ssio-i,counected by : chuiw wi'b :• for oV)tr r'.-asous, .t| tbe

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