IV.] cfLinLOTTi:, X. c, TLESTur, xorr..yBi:n 20, iss?. [NO. 157. r' I’.IJSnKJ) WKKKJ.Y r.r LK>iUi:i. Three Dolfitrs a year, paid in adi ance. \.) j ;ipf*r will !jc cli.sconlimied, iink-F«: at tla- k', srrction of the editor, uiiiil nil arrcuraj^-cs are p,.. 1. A.IvtTtiscnn nls will he inserteil at tlie usual titfis. P_T;>ons srniliiij' in at’vt rtiscments, are U"jii*sU'fl to on tlie inarg-in l!ir mmilif-r of ortlicy will he cor.tinued until forbid »ii(l cliai^fd accordingly. S5T3JAM EO/iT XViWWV T Chiirli - v.'!' (ill t!ie nrst ot U;t r\' pro .11 f ;il cti-toiv.ury vatcs. hiTs wli' r;-. i. *» ^ » S 1 Vft' • IIS iV'ut is ill coivnlcic n-!* r, and Cv.'Oint'nCf niiitiinr to (.ii'ori^ftdw n w ;iiid ;i'!(i wiil c-.iv- I'lif siihsrri- ' I 0 CM 1' :ni) 1 0 e X| t i’;U- i Ic H.iiispor^ t'on i>r pi’udi'.i !• :.iul ^mo^.s u> , ik' fioni I i'.lii r ,yf tl;i''c>v(* ]>la(n 'i'l i- i o .l b;,s r i.i:* t;- mu ('l.iirluston, ui'.h a full Irii^^lit. ill 'i ss !i fiV'- (l;>ys. V.', '• \c ;i l)(.at i'')M Oil thi’ s*fcks, wiiK-;. •• ill 'i'' ':• 'iclu '’ a’ out tlu> iir'il of No- nfiii!> '• '■ ’ ’c ' t(' 1' * ’.. Virvi' b: lLS ,>f ( f»tff '■ SII 1 s;'.‘ ■■ in 't. ■ r i'li'.r, as to ! »• t 11; at all Tliih Ixc t. In cMi jii: '1 ■ 'Ui tiic ' tt'.i’ii hor.t, u dl i • su'’c tilt > vta.ii!y cf up a’.ul ii)Wii fiii ^ins,. u'tluuil Xew \Va\c\\cs & '^riioinas 'rrotliM* Co. KSPF.r/I rUI.LY informs the public that tlit-y have rccfivcd and ofler for sale a few g-old and silver patent lo- A\'atc!ies, (g'entlemen and ladies) a few g-ood plain inttvnal Kinjuvctotinfnt. FHOM 'fllK nAIKIGlI IttCiSTJin. ISO. zz. liClit not censc to be remembered, that while such statements are present ed, toi;flhcr wilh facts sei vin^ to con* ,m„ a,„l l.,dio,’ K..I.1 Cl,ui„s, I I'""' .','''5; Soals and Keys; some liandJ ^ taken lor pranted without faithful some Breast Tins, Finj'er lings, Kar Hings, itir]uirv' and practical examination. It 1‘earl and Filijr.-ee, ami Paste in setts, hr. k'r.; | easy to enumerate a long list of Civil \\fio, woiiM give such a report as would satisfy every mind.— all or any part of which wc will sell low fori l' cash. ■ iLii-i.ieers, (Mocks and Watches rejiaired at the shortest notice, and warranted fo perform, fash g'iven for g'old and silver. r^. J$. We e.\|)cct to reccive in a short time some elef^ant Militar\ and plated (ioods, See. Charlotte, May 14,' 18^7.-50 IIcnry'’6 Cojinuc7itary on the JUblc. r!j(7n)sAi,s I'('r puhlishing' by subscription, by Towar & llopu', l^Dokselltrs, No. 255, Market street, l*lihiide!])liia, AN F.VPOSITION OF THK ()t;d iV m:\\ 1 kstamfnt. Ouo;ht v.e then vestigation for to delay such an in- a moment ? Its cost cannot be much, and it must lead to some impoilant is«;ues, with which at present we ate too liitle acquainted. If we can find a level to a seaport town, through the lower pait of our State, on which a locomotive engine can run (iOorbO niiles, rarryinr^50 tons, miles an hour, it is such an instance of conveyance as is i,ot likely to be soon exhihitfd eif!i’T in the northern W !„-ro„ o»cl. ch;,,...r issm, ..„ ,l „|. i„ 1,^ Stales or Great liiitam. As tl,at e.,i;ine ouUM.ts, the M.erc^: u-\t ir.s. tted ai lur.m, in |J't prcscut consttuctfd, it cannot movc !i-,t nrt p iritiirapbs; e:,c!i paraf*rai)h r» I'nced ; up iiRullroad tiiat asconls more than a pmper heia.s ; JVivi aiitj hu>>0-| j ^ j,, ^ there aie f(*w pr-rtioiis of t!ie earth’s lo !l l_\ illiis’ra(cd St rv;.tioi;s. i'’'sc ivi II, aiKj v.itli j.ra-l;;,ui p.nuol,s ai.d ol>- consulting the enli*^htened wishes of the people, uniting the resources and faithful counsels of various minds, to obtain a perfect knowledge of the sub ject, to see its difliculties, to devise the means of removing or surmounting them, to combine the best expedients ; and thus at last to conduct, if possible, a plan for the relief of common em* barrassment, and for securing the general prosptrity, by safe means, to a happy conclusion. If fifty thousand dollars can be raised by the small individual ))ayment so often mentionec!, and the people of the difierent counties, or a large proportion of them are prepared for such a step, let it be done the very ensuing year. We shall assureelly all tVel, that no time is to be lost. Had this been done three years ago, with the same lisht and experimental knowledgi- as now flow ip upon us from other parts of our country and the world, not one of us would have been aflected in our fortunes or interests, by the dollar and seventeen cents to which it vvould have now amounted. Yet we should by this time have been realizing the advantages of bringing our produce to a Railway at Ualc igh or some poii;l above it, and of conveying if, if we pleased, even to the seacoast, for less than iive cents a „ — , r„ r , l“'-S levels CM i i„el„linc ali tho tolls wliicl. .. , ,'c.ul,lhav..|u.enmocssa.v.Lctr,otthisbc 11..- fame »l iiv,al courtry, il is ivdl ^ n,c calculation know,.. ,.xtcm.s froi. tin-snacj-t .t I -..I,.—That showed us Ihe Ce.ay. M'he siihscrlii.T'. on n 'lcr;xti t( ’-n storajie, if siiipi > ;* also rcceivi and ‘ v ill i\e cottcn lo fn ij;! t ■1 C. I'luke II 1 ch:u;,( for 'j_v tin ir 'lat >. ’I'hc _\ v. .1' u.ird fls, (II rcas'>na}i!e ! « S a iu! V\ al l'-l i li'l • ,i Jif'ir F.Jitian : hif t'l ’.Vr Ocir^ dcr, aiiif I ill fur .loi^rp/i ihn;'ns, J. .1/. II /.’/'■ "f .iil/ior, Ly tht. luv. lU'r ' ]\ i!U ' Sannn I already made.- . rv.--.ifrM;'y near the nty nf .N« w-\ ork, | cyi-,-iage U{)on a hundred weight, rl’.arart'. r of ibis vahtable ard liiji^hiy ol the ♦ . riiis, havi'iir cM'nufuliou oes, for the s. * uri1_\ ( f j .Mr. flenry . I'oiiin.r, i'> ir rh'u-Us-l ton. \\ ;I1 atfti >i .u the -eivii!).' ar.tl foru i’.nii'.'if ' :.I1 j^oods to this er any intern^ ii;it. pin. . - on :hr Pee Dee ri-\ r, aiui will fi t! ive ;\uii atlend i to ail ordi-rs rcs; eciirf^ cotu«n thyt iii.iv !,c sent to Ir.'. care. vijl srriot'rs pb‘ilj;-c them selves to use all ''ilij,'' n''e and attei't on in tlirir pewer, for the ii>t« r' f tiios;: wiio ni.ty n ; ke oons;g'nnicnl£ t'l tl'.cm. .1. k J. U. 'I'dWNhS. j Cher.iVi', F, V'. Sept.‘J-1, 1S27.— M.jS | to the snuthern extrcn'iity ol the l.Miitetl St.ntcf. A Ra'lw.iy coul(' pri'bably be ade tiuuLigh this wliok; (!i phiiu when horseai were emj>Ioyed ; but thro’ i tuir lower coiiiitry, th.e price of con- I 'T'bi' iusHu' r.xpositicn of the Sac.v.i \\ r.ui.gs is' n.acie uuuugn inis whole .;i>:nnce iip«" I veyance would be reduced at a rate we 1 w known to th‘ j:« niral.v of all dc-1 ;in unirten i!pted phine. iheliinewiir ' ao;i'irM 101 s : and it imv.' cirtainly staiul I need •. publisht r’s ncoii:in( nd.ition.? o- , ‘ 1 have not vet considered, by a locomotive ■ |.l..l.al.l> comt« lien.aslcam ci.cine, or!t.„j,i„c t'l.ruugl, llio probable disl.nco ,, .. . , , 1,1 , I locontotive etigine, as it is commonlv r.j.vf///,! t'c woik wil' be j.ublislud in ,, , -ii . i , r ' - \ I s’!j)cr tibuut liavtM oil fciijoh a ti'ack Ironi even of 60 ur 60 miles.' I'he name of ta!::ition, it is true, is 'ini’Jeasant to us. It is not to he denied be. Ikit why ? .! .ilar-^ hound } f,c ‘ Mrlnf i^re for '|J S nppointe 1 \;iMt ‘.fiv ,i (Mi.irl'itte, aiid wili rcceiv :>(' *s liirect- ed to them fuv i iol.cts and i.!'.ar.‘i in i.ottcries before the pi;S!i--. Sept. J'.-, l^L’r. —5J the siM'scrilicv'' sf-t'de 'n fo-.rortl, Cabarrus county. N. ( . on th. iiiKhl '.f the 2v'th it.St. t'Ao .tcr.i,y ilt»b> Kf., o’v ol ti.i m liav- 'iri!^ a lark mane and tail, 7 } vars ohl. and a scar on his right iiind pastern joint. o( '.Msitmt d by a wipe ; the ot!i'.T horse is 10 or 11 y> . is ohl, ra- »*:er whiter 'i:an the other; t.oih m ^^ood order and shoil before, wlu’n stolen, common size, but h( av\ ! uilt ,\ man, who eulK his name Wilham I'l an, ii, sii^pecte to be the thief. I)i- tn v,as ni’ -s I'l’ the same time dm h»rses were. He is atMait 5 feet 7 or 8 in- «lies liig^h, bro.id a.cr vs ti e for( head, l>ut his fiioe tapers towards the chin, w nli a vt r\ iar^e ruiuth; rather >-toop ^lioul b r'd, uiiple:‘''*nt omiTitenance, anrl dow a u;k ; I'oasts iiiuch of his ii,.nibood a!il is fond of i;iiiniciini. t!ie l)"tf;h t: in but two su’'sci'iber‘ i.'iee will be n av'.e. ■ sattd pai;es each, I omi-'i isuiL; aboiit (Ii'.e-: Amboy or Slirewsbury to Savat'tiah, ^ ti' n! m. IV matter th ii is contain .1 in Scott’s'nijstnnce of 700 miles, in twodavsaiid a “‘“I; \i:;:lf..r a6.i„nars;^a. .n.is itsi.,,uw ^•.!ume, u ell done up II. strooK br.a'ids; or four; apiece, With liberal proi.t to the pro-;we Hhould instantly stop our p,; r volun'i, i.andsoi, l\ and strong;ly prietors.'* As ill eoriscfjliencc of this ' p..\u!'te on the nce.pt of :>'h vol-j luibrokcn Icve!, covt rrd with I juifgnu'fit or good sense in I iishtwood, whieh is ti.e mosl imperish-1 !>!•'»"' -I ; but that we may An allowance \\ill be made of one copy for I able species of tiiiibei , the road n.iglit ‘ i>bjk;ct, its real useful- ( v:r> f\c subseriiiev';; Hiid to tbo.-^e who ob-1 pj'ohably he comj/letfd for two niilliur.s!'"‘1 tbe cer1aii;ty and case with I re.^sonable allow - j (JoHars in two is it not woitliy i f -‘-'ted. When As the price of the book is pul verv lou, the I‘>l'*‘^'‘!^i‘b;ration with (Mi.itaiists through-i v> ‘' bfcome luminous and publishers e\pect that remioances will be i out the United .Stiitc> ? |‘-I'ttlL'd in sfilV, |rai‘ti(\tl truth, it is SO far i i)rom tiy made on the rect ipt of each v(flunie. [ fvery S.mthcrn Slate siinilrir ad- rfasotiabic to shrink from a small j i b( i.nbhshe-s rtqiie-t those who have ">''>■ 1 vaiitaircs app otVer»*d by naturr lor form-i *' sensitive plant does from the i scription pap»-rs, to inionn thui: an\ timv prior I . luiwi 1 to the first dav ot Novi niber iie,\1. of the ni im. Hlg Ivailroiuis tO hi- OOUlsrd by StC;mi lur they have got or !ia\ l prospi ct of ob-! carriages, fmm the sca to the ii.tei ior taiiiiiig. I j'art f)l tlie ci'ui tr v. ’^I'liese inav prove IJKrOMMKMiATlONS. M!ie mo^t ( jlkic-nl means of g.ving ex- From Dr. i:. S. K!i.\ l'(i>t^r of tht 77/.W 7V«'.v-' >>lence to active and tliri\ ing enterprise j v^hole community, while with . ^ ^ ,1 > 1 r‘ l)i.fcriiiii cinnrh, Ilt.hui''f.’.i't. | in 3gricultiir-, manufactures, aiitl com-it^spair n!e?Trl of the ' r.cnilenien,-Your pr(.p(.srd n puid-.c.ition of-wliiclt now comi)aratively Ian-! it be Called, h.-wever, if it please p,MMnl„s rL„. W,„ro-|u..l.e[ter,tl,eIUilr„a.iru„d.-Lctitbe marks and Observaiions,” deserves encoiirajre-1'f*'‘''■e e\tended, into what- • exprt SSiy lol thlS purpOSC, Olid ment fnmi all the friends of evann« lical religion I (^Vrr districts, counties, towns nnd vil Could I not otbuwiseo tii'n „.i„ ... touch, tli^t u re.‘'ort to it*is one of our most vaitiable privileges. By means of it \ve can easily accomplish our groatest personal advantage and the good uiiif^iii, I curnniei ciai inieiC(nirse. Ai teries and ' ean mu neither, veins are thus oj)ened for quick and ac-j consigned l/oralti-' circulatidn. Vitality is inopagatei: j forever to the privations and intolerobU- * ■ 1 t/-* 1 «I ^ 4 * .> I f ^ . . 4l I-. 1_ I 1 WC fJI'C I nnf exclusively set apart for this alone, in mir countiA. C(|uui I not oth.i wise o tvn „iade to penctrale, all' US by some means, if possible, get • : .'-‘e brought into instanf inleiligenee : ..h rid of the dilliculty we feel, about *n ton, Uoddrid^'-p, (.ill, I’ampbell, MM'wiiif^ht, ^ commercial iiiterctnirse. Ai teries and ''recall {ha standing Scott, and Clark : and while I would neithev I discard r.or disparajji- thesf, I n,n‘>t say , , , •,, I ller.rv biis as n.uch ' 1 h.ii, p;, I,, y„a as tliorounh a> (luamfince v. itb i to the extremities: the whole body i ^Pi”’^^sion ' r "f ^ i assumes the aspect (if fulness and health, j ‘'Hi'selves —an opjiression to which, if ;’.M 'v. ilM'e'Rite'n I s"ccessors. . i i'l“Stic streiigtli In felt ih every part, and | pioceed from another hand, we should iVir his -pprchcnsioii and, conl'inenK iit in ''‘'y ' of a^ciIil.sVi in ' l-cmn’i s oi.jovnu iit in all its sensa-j pt'‘^i'bly nerve ourselves with a heroic jail, orhisdelivcrytoniein oii. or.i, V. c. to-;^l^^^ I ,t .s „otorious, tliat tions ai.d j)'osj,t (i,s. | courage, and determine never to sub jjetlK-r with both or eitucrot the 1,0^^^^^^^ 1 he dre xn lar},clv from the riel. trea.sures wbicli ! Wluiltlien iS to he done ? Shall we "’‘t- informat'on sent -me to the Po-.t (iihcc in this. . . • i ‘ ^ace, will be thankliilly reci ived bro>T.u- and of jrarnSlins. anl s.vs he is a c.tT-, . penter by trade. Hadahao p, i,, ,„a as tliorounh a. quam.inc luJ i‘;;: "'■ nsrc;,.! oft;„!,H-s5 a.Ki health, j t.roail riiii I'.r;;, iis r.-va-.l «ill !..■ Ri-inj" .|'||'/|!,“;\Vi"'uvitip:slrai « a« llic bt.t I>l> n. every i.arl. ai.il ! ' cr on the rern’ioni. ex]v. I'ienee oi a Christian, ' ' 't*’f^’n s i i,j()\nuut in all that I have e\er beani . the rich trea.sures wbitii I Wluiltliin is to he done ? found III iienry's j persist- to sit motionless in this morbid To aii> niinister of Ihe f.ospel, or jirivate | ' . . . . inui win inflicting upon / .JNt). i;. MAIIAN. Qoncord, N. C. July 2 >, ^Vcvlt* ot ^»*ovU\-i'uvc»\iutt, Mcck]fi.bii»\2; (’ounty. ^ ,/?/:;ust \rs'./on, 1S27. Robert llou'.tcn Niary his wife, ) Pi tition lor f.c. Cparlitif'h of (Alston Spn’t J.iir.a’th his uifi-. ) I ands. *S r is on'i,-ed In ro’irt, th it ’'ublleiitl>i' Ix' Christian, who mi{.jht n ^^ard my ojiini’in, I v, (nild sav. If >ou have all otlur • (Hi'iitehti.ru ■, f r . .,’n purchase but oiu , be sur to l.ny .Matthew lleiiiy. I’.ZUA Sl\l.K:S F.l.Y. ,Mv views of the l{e\. MuMliew .u niii'ie SIX r I.,-; the dei . n'i.'.iits (■/ T'!i I - und (i . •••*- r 40111.ty i.t' M' '■ !e:, fy -'Vi lll'u I \t, .11 «thervs I-"- j i:'jfine. ■f y a^aiU‘1 t li^iii. # (ilnahlc Jicr! ■ f' .'au :'.i .lournal, liiV r • t I r.' ('i.iu'i I i •M-. *)( hi Id t'ur til' :'■ 'illi' 'lib .\l()ii(hi\ ti' i-r 1) the petition . I :>(. t i' LII pro ( 'lilies \M/K!I, C. M. C. position of till' t)hl aiwl Ni w I w ith tho^e who have rt. commi mled it as a .ni(;st j \ |k \abiubli' pn’ctica! con n.i i;i:.ry upi iitht Saried ■ ^ Scriptures, and as niriii'iiii\c st n • ei the moht | * ( t them.' ticri w nr^r state of imn^ii.arv helplessnes, and the lest \%o bi(a!; iiifd a thousand pieces ere il not httter to make some eOoi t lit nr_\’R F\.| to an.end our conrliticn, though it sl.ouid taiiient, at cord I he attended with some uncei tait.t v, Inss to e;ieh iluiividual, even Ilut let it be admitted that the Assem ,b!v, at its very next session, with tht manol ei„ss,,e{n.selocxertotMselves, of their constituents, pro > i 1 . _ I 1' • ■ ce( il iinpoi tani an!.-, to a i oria cl !•. i nwo n F^. . .V/. V. ! . I t ■ ijffr/' il 11 •• ’‘.(ur •' i!.i ' ot I,ami . ri distant •.il! I,' e I : ('l.^^r- aooi;; 0 :>c!’i-s ■1. I.i:t! I-. ,.- ; ti e r-r. • l.:e> . et !i '■ . 11 \ I 1 J, ill (■!•, Ilia - '■ ! " o;' ft Uini mil I «.d li n • 1 y-iurv ei.i ijii'iiii well watind and ha e.i iisi\ jnti iiditi^’ to r'MVi -.' t i aM'.tjii-r ^tate, the abovr propi rty '> oii't r' d b'W for a>b A/ r . -. ilit-, or vvoui 1 tu iM'h ti'fi'd f'H' i t ijin ss* *- o niib i frevi ’ ■ t lotte ; c iiitu'.iii «,f the he-t (piality uf -^u,i ; lliird.-. of tl e al)o\ e tr' r :s in Ter pT' poitioii of the 0 .';,ii( i n-'iied V. 1 i!iin a t- w } ■>' T\ si 'isOMs, triini H'lO tl) P :• ...:re. On l!ie pi n 'f l.iiiise, vnd otiier i; Tl \- i'ei 1 ;iil, canti'-t jendrr our sitiia- I’ul cf ioss we cannot he I in danger, if we take the jirecaution _ ^ lirst to d» i( nnii-,c'the practicability and If . 7’. />'//.•;)/'>. /V.‘/-T ])eople /..vj lU.j i.tt I'.iih.i.'iij hiu. I approv(.‘ (-1 advauciiig to any such nieas- >.'1 owar Me^-an. 1 l e piit\ iMid pood • ure as it has heeiiflie ohiect these eri- t all ( nr.stiaii loii niinii.i s, have con- p(^(^itions to place hefuie (iiir view’, it is u.:vs r'iin.^to il.in-stomnient.ry, a, reprrventation in the ii-h*u i.h'L-' an o!.i;-111.■ st.Muiaid works • ^ , i . ,a;n. Vind. For mvvdt. 1 c,,n sax, tliat j liegl^lature to I'TtTn tlirir W’!l upon the .,nnd i^ on.'of thi i (St Ik Ips to a j7ist: Mil'ject. I-et this will he di.'?linclljr and jp(j jq gj (U cisi^ e!y communieated. As soon as iL.d atiolher Ihe mmhers oi our As.‘e:nhly shall he|ti,oijoli ' eniliodird in the Capitol, tiioy will fitiJ i;hl; eeiiinK I'.tl.dil'-: and the I eoiiccntrated tiifM tll'.e in''liioTfnco and I w, .1 to pass a law lor raising one I these stmis of fil’ty thousand dollars the ensuing year. The year must elapse before an Engineer can be prepared to report, and therefore before we can be ripe for commcncing the application of the fund. At the expiration of the time, if we shall fiud reason to abandon all ibotights of Mich an object, the fund will remain in the treasiiry subject io the disposal of the people by the legisla one year, we ciirreii ii-ui.; (if tbi; I iiace and praet,(.ij ae(;uaintane( viib the sacrcd vol- uiiie. 111-' sk ill as an in'el pi iter is (lit it led to nn.cli respe( i ; bis ii tej;rit_\ in adhi rmg- to the seii!-e of Siuiptina, wlti.oiit tin colorings of work. It is begun in 1829, and as il advances, the regular collection of that year could be easily united witK that of the preceding, by means of our Banks, which TTOuld doubtless o.fTer it pon the assurance of the Slate, that it should be replaced at the close of the year. In tliis manner a hundred thousand dollars is instantly put into action in 182!). Can it be supposed that when the purpose of the State is thu* unequivocally manifested, an equal sum^ lor which we should look to the sub- cription of capitalists in our own and other Stales, would not be made up eren with avidity, and in the best hands ? This subscription, it will be remembered, is invited with the proi- pcct cf seven or eight per cent, until Ihe principal shall be returned, and it •ould become profitable to the siibEcri- hers at the end of the year.—Having thus at command the total sum of tv,t> hundred thousand dollars, we should ir\ single year see SO miles of the Rail- road completed. I'his is upon the sup position already made, of 2500 dollars mile, according to the precedent of the Lehigh Railroad, for 80 miles at h a rate, a.TK unts to two hundred thousand lollars and no more.t Thi» mode cf improvement U not attended iih the agitating uncertainty forever threatening a Canal, and keej)ing us tremblingly in suspense, first in the dis- covery of its precarious route, and then afterwards, not only till it is finished, but for a year longer, till it shall have been fully tried, and all its failures de- ttcted anil repaired. These are evils w’ith which it is a serious matter to con tend, for they keepahvethe weakening apprehensions of the timid, and ar* potent weapons in the hands of opposi tion. Admittiug all this lo be accomplished, we are now arrived at the moment whea the whole scenc is changed. That \yhieh till now was a subject of anticipa tion, however W’oll founded, is now brought to the touchstone of experiment. The IIarlo\/ Canal vvould be open for steamboats. New merchants from our own and other States, in the prospect )f gain, would have flowe(’ into New born and Beaufort, and the old ones would have enlarj^cd their means of business to the utmost. Thus would be created all the rivalship and eajjital necessary to ensure the best market to the agriculturist. A locomoiive engin© would run through the whole distance in a few hours, with the advantago of reducing the price^r..'” conveyance, by carrying.50 tons in its train. The cntir© population of our extensive sounds and their tributary rivers, would see them beginning to (lisj)lay a frequented theatre of steamboats, moving ten mile» an hour. It it such a revolution as 7nnst he felt. No longer would ♦he trade of North-Carolina be seen runnii.g away to Norfolk. That place, as a'i the in habitants of those counties know-, ha» long been declining, and is »iOw sunk to a very low ebb. It is siruo-gJ:rig to maintain itself and revive its hopes, by enlarging the gorge of the Elizabeth Canal, and thus preparing to swallow and subsist upon our spoils. It is for us to say, w'hethe» the commcrccj of all that portion of our State, shall ccntre tl'iCre or at Beaufort. 'I'his grand ques tion may be decided in a ve/y short time, and happily the doci‘ion is in our ow'n j)OW(;. It is for us t(i sav wljether we will direct the whole tiade of the interior part of our country by a Rail road to Newbern, and by conibinin;^ with it that of the AlhewaHe aud Tam- !ico, raise Beaufort as with a wanJ in to a populous and commercial seaport. If WC can only be satisfied that iiuch a ture. In cnc' year, we camiut doubt j rotisummaiion is easily within our power, that the whole subject ran be explained it certainly is, and that it ought to be to the entire satisfaction of all. Jf at j commenced and prosccuied, it is ob- tho and of the time we sl.al! IVcl pre-j of consequence that A bc’.vith ar, and no money h.is heen I I'.re lon;^ ^,■'e may .111- I'l 'no- tvu t . . nieadovv >. inis, lo'.HtCvl witiiin tije Mi'..b- (^r W'-sttrii S . /,■ Istrn’ts. }♦ 'I'bc hciiiil eould be di\ide : s!;i‘ ’'i;r, ha«i I fi». \\ .1. I (*I,K. .^fr-’dvn'uur^ ccti'iUy, Oti. IB, lciv7.~5 tf. ot till 1 1/A Munfi, 18-7. (7 /‘'"Subseriptioi's for t!:e n’:c-Vf.' Va’ iide work rec('i\ei at this i.H co. Kii'.lpy '5 iilxcrs’ r^?v '.t.'c , at tiir; -V year must pass av/ay, il should prove of the utmost importanee lo engage forthwith in , cxiricating ourselves from the pres’uie con;/titne f^trength w,,* j,,,,. dip.jf,,,],searcrly be nthe adminislrationj.iovibted however, that in our favourable in the I pjrcumstanccs, the plan wil! be found for the j p, pirit ol "'!s-j But that ©ur fcasy may ili\ ine unction v. bitii i iihi thr(.n^;b the wlioie of ( cot)s;y;y bis work, must rtndn it an a((i.jitable jjnidei , , ^ ^ . t'l the de\otions of the jiions ill e\er\ d« noUii-' ^ J>Os>l( Ces> ! iKiiion. ' !'i' a popular government, and in You ha'.e Piv earnest w isbc^ for the puccess j)rosi‘'cution of ;>nv enterprise \\. 1. I.V. ! a f j ii .1 lit .oopeiation, ol mutual j ppoceed, let us oorsidcr tne Ixailroitd ->.r 'cssiori, Ol si.icero patriotic ^ y^g,. |.jj. 'A 1 ar -■ In r p^-ket boat rn t^e rrrat | ''•'P */’«' fCSOlved, V, ■'« :n i .i-rd of.' * ..-Vork. trav. 's "3*^. imIcs I eonsequence of a convincing explar-i- ;;i •! ('a^s tM.rn i ei:-i.i:i-\-. to i!n{.;,:.i, i'.-.v tliir-j 'Ml of Ihe ivigiiM'cr, to commence Ihe t. « n d(.l!:'.’'s .«hd aha^, :'i,.l c\er\ ib.i:^; isfuuiui lli.;iri Ilf. ;.-e-.s i.iort tb’i’i tour iniUs an j ' * A stTTnneirri/itrc cosIk about .ns niurli j ^ • I,!-c. ‘ (’''rrfi.eri ,!i^s ■.'“■b ♦••..'•r i.MD'-? tind It no easy nialt(?r to regain that trade which, thro.igli tl.e elforts, ir>»>ing at N’orfolK, wiil ccr'r.inlv in a short time find au ofiilot ihei e. a'o leii than tweni/ one counties upon our Euuuds i.nd theic rivers, are insiaiitl) und .■?f'»’ply in’Qrcsterl in the esta!)liahment and prosp'*:ity of r»’i.ufort.»—Were eight/ in.-les Oi' the * These are Br-'l?, .how(ir, CfiiPdei), K(le«.:ombf-, C.aU'v. lJibi.it. i>rtfoii Iljde, .1 ones, Marl:ii, ^oi*'i uiipl(jn, (jn.slow »'ns(|‘iot ,nk. Pe:c| .n.ons, Titt, f /.rtii, v>’arre/i, \Vasitl;ig-T •).(. ■j It t t.) T)nss f”nc‘ed. ror to be for- fAo't. n, tba‘. ti.i late. Enj^inoer iir. >'ulton, e.sti. fnated the rro. Ivi.-ij^ of a Kailway, at a thauaand dotluT.s ,t ndt. Sc(. “Kepurti* on Public lin- proven.eri for 1. r.p, 31, 'I his furnishes 'iMfij-; --.jisoj; *•> 2fy0 4t)llw* iliibtral

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