VOL. IV.] CILHriLOTTJL .Y. r. TUESDAY. DEVKMDEll 4. 1827. [NO. 15 9. i'i;rmshei) avf,v.kt y Bv LEMUEL r,Jx\(lTL\M, Al Three Dollars a ycar^ paid in advance. No i);ipcr will bt* iliscoiitinued, iinU'ss at 1!k> discretion of tlie editor, until all urrciinigcs arc liaid. Ailvertiscmcnts will he inserted :»l the usual riitfs. Tcrsous sending' in ad\crtist nu-nts, are rtniucsted to note on the margin tln' nuinhor of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid and cliarg'cd accordingly. ST33ADZ BOAT ^*VUVV'UA'AWOLIXA. fl'llllS IJ'K.t is in complete order, and will ,1. coninu-nce running to Cieorj^eti'wn ;md Clliiirleston on tlie first ol Octo'HV, and will cay- rv j) oiliice at customavy rates. 'Hie sulisrri- !)"ers will spure no exirtion to c.\jH*dile liic transportation (^{' produce and f;oods to and from eitiii r of the above ]iluces. ’l’l\is boat Iius /ii idc a trip from t;!iarltston, With a lull IreigLt, 111 !i s th-iii fiv».‘ d; vs. ^ We li;u-c: a poie bont now on tbo stjc«s, v.liVb will be h.unciicd fxbout the fn-st ot N'o- \..n'l ' r, to car-.-y i;vt- b'lm'n d bale- «.f cotton, ;i’ d of s ) a driitt ot wr.tcT, ar ty :jp na!)!c.\ t:i ,«o :11 f^asnr.f. Tbis boat, in con;ufivt;)!) tlie steam boat, will > vs'.,iv tlic c(.i'tuJt.\ of un :u..i dow 1.eights, without rlelav. , 'IM'..- • I-' -rribers will r crtton to irc'p'iil on ni.nl.-i.ifc t. rv.s. mu. niuko r.. e.bar>.T tor ston’,’:'', it '> *'>' ‘ nisi) ri.celvi; and forward K-' I'e^^oir.ble t. ri.is, bav'.iii;- toiiMi.odioiu' torts and v. aic i.uu- ,svs, lor the scciirity (,!’ Mr. llei’.rv W. (.'onner, the ai .n Chnrii [AVK and will keep on hand, as usual, tfn extensive assortment of Marlile Tablets and Tonil) Stoiic5; which they will furnish with neatness and des- Walc\u\s & . Thomas 'I'rotler Co. It KSl'K(n'I'rr.l.V informs 1 the public tliat they iiavc received and oiler fur sale a few gold Jinfj silvc-r ]r.itent U- i , ver M’atches, (jfenth-nien ’ and ladies) a few good plain j Watchts, warranted; geiule-| men and Ialie.s’ gold Chains, [ Seals and Keys ; some hand-1 some llreast Pins, Finger Kings, Kar Hings, Pearl and Filigree, and Paste in setts, {^c. &,c.; all or any part of which we* will sell low for cash. Clocks and Watches repaired at the shortest I ^vith gilt edges, fastened with a siriiig, andcon- notice, and warranted to perform. Cash givf-it j taining ?35 in casii, besides notes to a conside- lor gold and silver. | rable amount, and receipts and otiier ]>apcrs of N. B. We expect to receive in a short ti;r.e no use to any one but the owner. Whoever will some elegant Military and plated Goods, !kc. leave tlie Pocket Hook with the notes and pnp- Charlotte, May 14, 1R27.—30 j er.s, eitlier ut .Mr. John Iru in’s store, or the Priu- — I tiiig Otiice, shall be entitled to the thirty-five Henry's Coinvicnlarij on the Bible. ; dollars, and no questions askrd. 1 TIIUMAS SKARCY. riiOIM»SALS 1 Nov. 15, 1827.—3*39 For' ptibll.shing by subjicrintion, by To'vnr Sc ^ * llogan, Hooksellels, No. 255, Market street, Plidadelphia, AN FXPOSITION ('F I HP. liOBF.UTS & SWKETI.ANl). Chcraw,Nov. 9, 1827.-3159 1 I'ockcl-Vnui'k IOS'r, by the snbsrrlber, in Charlotte, on .J 'I'nesilay, the 13th instant, a new I Hcd Morocco Pockct l’ook, John \I. Hol)isoirs instate. persons indebt' u to the e.state of .lohn M. Iiobisoi', dect ased,5 eitl'.er by iioto or Y . TTX r riM-f .»!■. i » . T>-v-rr^ , l.>>k account, will make inmiediate settlement, Olit) & I Fif.j I I . I nr> longer iiidulgeiuv c: ii be i;ivcn. ’I'liosc that f!() not rwail tbenisihi s ( f tins oppor'nni- tv, V. ill find their notes in tlu* hamls of :>n offi cer. U. A. SA.Ml’LK, Mm’r. Wherein each rhap-ter is surrmed np in its j contents; tlie sacied tt \t inserted at hirge, in , dist.nct para;M;:i,lis; e.ch , arav;r:.i,h n dnced ! 10 its proj.'er hi 's ; die sei se I' eii. and l.irgt - i^ Iv ill’.istraled, with ’ua; ti'al reniarks ;u.l o'j-• , , 1 i m sVrvatiuns. | (.OPinilllcil lO the Jail Or Mecklenburg county, on tlie 6tii day f Angus’, 18^'7, a negro man \\bo says Iiik nume is TAHL'I’DN, ai.d that be belongs to a ] nnv JUllthni en/hi! I>i/ thr Hn'. (ito ;( ' inan by the name of Claiborn Cook, living in unt/ '/>r l!tr. ,!>!>! jih Ihtislna, Jl. M. H'/zA ! (•ranville county. 'I'he boy is large and ve ry n Life f,\c Jhuiitr, hy i!.c her. Miluek, and stammers \ery u-.ccii in speaking. J'v'mn'. ( * owner is refjuesteil to come forward, i>rovc — ; pr' ])•. i ty, j ay charges r.iu! t..ke him awa\. V.Y JIattiw.w In(t Minister cf tht (jofj-tl. 'liie eii:ii-:ii't'r .t ihls \a!uable and l.ijrlily iisetal l-vpo.Ml ' I' ' f tlie i' d \\vit.iig>, i;. Will knn\','!\ to )lii p/u iis }■ i'i!t i;dly oi all I'.e- noniiiKit.ons : ;»nd it n*>v. c. rtainly s'ar.ds in 1.0 iieetl •!' a pui)li>.lier’;. r« i oniiin. lulation. ('ordHiiiH!t.—lhf w^ik wdl be ])uldishcd In ton, will alien;! t the r.rce.ving ^.ui forwanling ; l su|)er r«-\al ..etavM vobimi s, of abon;. all *g()0ds to this or any intevmo iate placeson ,iu thousand i .i lu i oniprisingabout i.ni- :be Pee Dee river, and will rec. ive ami attend I i,iid r.a)re m.ittiT than is (untaineil in Sct-U’.- to all ord rs respecting cotton that m.;ybescnt ntarv, and dt liv i-r'd to subscriber to his care. The subscriiiers id.d!,-w‘ tlH-m- selves tti use all diligen* r and attention in tin ir powir, for the iiiterest ot those who may Uiake «;onsiijnmenls to them. ^ .1. .1. H. TOWMKS. Chcraw, S. C. Sept. "I, 18*::.—.St.'.S 57tf .KiliN h 1.0AN, .'i/urijT. Lii.fdln CoiHdy. if i." io'vr Tam, !S27. lieii’v r.s. '1 bi' In irs (,f I.uir, sen. di (t ast d— I’l I'llio!) I'l.r .sale cf l.ots. il apiu 'omn;^ ntar_ v.ihni.t s, at tliree ihdlurs and fdij-cents pi r vohiv.e, well done np in .stroi.g boauls ; orf'.i;v J.olla!'- Tier volume, l.rii.dsomely and strt nt;'l' bruiui;‘pay aide on tbe receipt cf j ,j..; p-.biication be :na,5e lor um... A vohi.ae vwll in pimhshed every tbre.- , Catawba ,J„uvi r.ionth'-. An allownnre w'.ll be nride of one copy f( r Ivi rv live siibscriiier' ; anil to those whu o'i- tain but i wo sul'scribers, a re asonable allow ance will !u made. A>the price of the ’.100!; is put very lov. ‘1 1 I pu'ii'.shers exjiect that reinitt.uicrs wi’‘ i prcni, tly made on tlie reciipt r,f ac!i \; The ])ublis!:i rs refpiest tlin.sc v. bo b.iv From the Newbcrn Sentinel. A I) M1N1 S’! I{ A'n ON M F.ETl NO. A Mcelinj; of the Citizens of New- l)crn, favourable to the cause of civi! jECOvernmcnt, and friciiilly to tlic Na tional Administration, took place at the Court House in tliis town, on "I'hura- (hiy evening the l.'dh of November. 'I'he Meeting was numerous and re spectable beyond any ever witnessed here, and presented an instance of iin- animily among; all parties without a parallel, on any political quci;tion. Hardy 13. Croom, Ksq. atUlresscd tin; Meelin}]j in a speech which e\inc(Ml ^i^reat olassical taste and research, and was followed by the lion. John JI. liryan in a most elo(juent, soul-stirring appeal, amid loud, lone;, and oft-repeated acclamations and plaudits, wiiic.li gave evidence of the enthusiasm wijich an imated all. 'I’he lion. William S. Blackledge was called to the Chair, and Colonel John I. Pasteur appointed Secretary. On motion of Hardy B. (.'roori, Jvsrp a Committee, nominated by the Chair, consistiiigof Messi’’s. llnrdy P. Ctoom, the lU'n. .Tohn II. Jiryai., John Uiirg- wyn, j)r. Peter Ciistis, John P. Daves, Mdward Grnham, and Kdward (1. Pas teur, was appointed to prepare Ivesolu- tions for tiie consideration of the Meet ing, who, after having retired a short time, submitted the following Preamble anil JlesoiutioPiS : Your commitiee, in common with many of tfieir fenow-citizens, view with alarm the intemperate struggle which now agitates ourcountiy on tf'.e I^residentJal question, and pre seriously impressed witli tiin b( lii f, tl'.at a crisis has arrived, .when every individual who lo\es our U„K I: lU- ailn.ircs our 4».-.;i. !.utz.W..f I.. U.,. i . ,t». 0 and. Philip li.avd and Sii.a-'ie.di i.is; ref Itisli1 u11and v;iliics the l)lessin‘^s ^ally Head and !(,bn f i il is St :Uc : M :s 1 II# [ ’14.' sI ^ J. n f. I '1 : (-1, J j j j >( u Hi I.' IlP'.l I 'J V..V w.v .rw... • I,ni7, are not resi | oi’i.aw' anil Order, is ijn))cratively call- ■reii're I p,j a Stand against an 1't'l.^iV t^bT'v iVd '\i( !enta_s it is groundless iM.'i tlie in tc and appear at’the I|. Xt Court j—an opju'sitiou conimcnced in pi fju- f.f r'iii'ty, to be held f« r .he eonn’v of Lii. (!■-, i dice, hi tore tlie Administration was evcn U '1 -'V'"!" '' "v':” ”'V ‘"I!'"'' ^ nrgari/e.l, or had developed its princi- .\foi d. V I !ler tl:e toiirtli Moiicae o! Man b, 1 b, K, I /v 1 ,• r ! t-* -i j- i !') ;n' ad, answer or d n:iir to ii is l ill. or jvd^^- ^ [*h's. On t he sidijert ()l the I restdenlial nil i.t |,iu'didi rsc w lil be taken ai’.diieaid ex ! oojitcst, your conMnittec would briefly ‘late, that they have ever consid^jred the Kxrcutive chair of these United . U. ll.em. 'iVst. jA\;r.s in I.T, c. .v. v. T\um\wis TvuWcv Is appointed Agent for Vutis y M.'fntipc i.jr ^ Charlotte, and will receive all ord.eis lireet- | cd to them fov Tickets and shares in l.oticrie: before the public. Sepr. 29, IS27. —50 'it \i\iA ^ scrijiticn |)apers, to iidonn tlum any linn , ;i. ■ V j ,,,• NlAeml.er lU '.t, (;f the li.lli.- the subscriber's stable in Concord, | j ^^t or have a pr. e.t ei e.:-. SAi.TSDl li Y lii;ANCIi, o; ’1'. 25, ISJ" (.abarrus couiity, N. C. on the oi t le ^ . v i}'.) 'oy ]$o;.nl ol' Directors, that ,7”. I ^ V a r..i\ !iK nt of one ti i,th ef 1 k nrii.cina? be 111.C1M .IV.. 1 1. ^ ^ ^ ^ I t \ ,rte! U|)on all iiuie^ oliereti *i ;oneu :ii, Iruni / i'Cifil l)f» A-. J ^ I* f f’J // J H /14. /1 c j . , (1 (If 1I* (it I , HI |.i yv nt* \ 1 • :mi 1 T li !it t lu* ( ttUtdi^ I'lnlitdf ij fnti. ’ ' 'Vanon 01 . . , ....... i . . . ness and prosjierity at home—our dig j nity and respectability abroad. Wis ' dom, moderation, and justice, tlu-y j conceive, sliould be the distinguisliiiig I traits of our Chief Magistrate, 'i’he ! caniiidates I'or this high and responsible 10i.11 I 1' 1 1 \ III' l.Tllli IJI .H 1 T 1 /-\ • * I I • in Cl.arh.tte any more, recpirsts' John Qumcy Adams and I arc invii 1-ti (! to blni to call and , (ieneral An the liev. Matthew li« i:ry's “ K.\iiosili n et the (*ld and New T’stanit nt, wi'h Practical Ke- 20th inst. two gray HOKSF.S. one ot them hav- 'ing a dark mane and tail, 7 years old, and a scar oil his right hind p.'-.stern joint, occasioned by a rope ; the other horse is 10 or 11 years old, ra ther whiter than the other; both in gooil ordc. and shod before, when stolon. They are ot the connnon size, but heavy built. A man, vvlio x\ew 1 calls his nan»e William Hean, is su.spccied to ^ ,)!;si rvaiiuns,’’ d.r,t rve» eiicoura^ i -1 be the thief. Dean was missing the same tune | ^^om all the tiien.lsol evangelical religion | the horses were. He is alxnit 5 1 et 7 or K in- i.yj,,itry. Could I n'-t. utbi rw ise o -tain j ches high, broad, across the forehe u', but liis | copy of tliis' v.iluable work, I wi uiil giv'. yt:n. face tai>ers towards the chin, with a very large j L-\elitng:‘ for i’, alf die C.)int..int;.n s ot Or- I mouth; rather stoop shouldered, unple.eai.t '^^^i,^ iJodornii^e, tiill, ani|)hell, M'Knight, ' countenance, aiul down h>ok ; boasts mutii fit j anil Ciariv : aiul \v Inle t woidd neiiher | his maidiood anil is tond ot mimicking the Dutch j ,!,kc ilii.s', 1 niusts.iv, that j iU\n'; Xuy!h-rinxlhlll.'‘^'’'\'^’ "1 ol'Hevation, .-.s Ihc first •' ^ ^ ' HI the pclilical world—the goal ofhuman ainbition ; that the a!)le and faithful dis charge of its arduous duties calls into exercise the noblest ell’orts of the human mind, and the most disinterested j)a , ^ i ■ ('ashur rive notice* tbere'ot to the d.M'tiirs, 1 (In dpr^pnils niir hnnni n,-V.,.,r |.n p.|ml,lKat,„n ... Can,lima.:' “ 'JI’' and Catav. ba Journal. A coi>y from the Minutes. JIMCS SNF.Fl), Cv.siiiTTJ. DM. T. I. ,M>I?NSON, ING ponitiv) ly li'l.!ied practicing B mediciiu. i tin s( vv 1,0 brogue, and of gand^iing, and says he is a car- j jj(.,,;y a.s n.ich go d s'*n f, as m\u h ;,r;w ti-; jienter by trade. Hail a bhn; cloth cuatee with , •ly, and as thoriiiii;li iu'(]u..intance \ulli 1 a black velvet collar, gray casinet p:i"taloons, j .Vyyu//, as are m.anfested by any 1 >'f tiie time intcrv. ning between the present and black hat witii a low 'tapered crown and j .,„c^.^.v;^ors. ’ =*"‘' November lourt next, will f,nd tlieir broad rim. Fifty lollars rc'vard will be given 1 [.^te Dr. l.ivingston \(astbe be.^-t ])reacii j :.o'es and arct.uiits en!d 10 the m o.age- for his apprehension and confinement in any | outlie religions lipt rlriu e ot a ( hri.Tln.n, inei.V of an Attorm v jail, or his delivery to me in Concord, .N. C. to- .j ji^ard ; and a is notinions, that gether with both or either of the horses. Any ; Jj-cv largely from the rich treasures v, liieli information sent me to the Post-Otlice in tiiis in Henry’s Piihle. 'I'o any minister («f the ;ospel, ov private ( liristian', who might rej'ard n.y opinion. I woiii.l sav, If vou have all m'u r Coimih ntarii •, 1 can purchase but on., lu >nie to I n;. .M;.tihev\ ji.i.rv. r./UA blM.LS IlLV. \ndrew Jackson. Placing this •le their respective aeei nnt> ; aiid he wonhl j question OH its true basis, oaoe tbit those V bo lad toavailtbems.lvesl,. ‘ thr» nnlv .rrnnn. Dlace, will be thankfully received. .INO. K. MAII.VN. ■-i .-■f Concord, N. C. .Inly 2,3, 1KJ7.—10 feVvvtc, uf iMeckk'nbtiTi; County. , JtiL;usf iS'i’ssion, 1^27. l^ohtrt Houston St Mary his vv.t. Pi ti'.on for ir.v. vpiirtition Alston Spratt Pc Kbza’tli his v\ ife. j L.ands. 11’ is ordt rf-d by roin\ that pwldi> :iti( n be maile six veeeks in tlir Ca’av. tia Journal, for he defenil ini.s to appe;ir at our in xi Court 1 t rieas and (-iu irier Ses iens. to be li- ld lor the »-ouiHv of Meeklciihnrg, on the -Itb Monday ot Novri'nbcr ne.\t, .iid answer to the iietition ; otherwise judgment w ill be t.iken pv(> coiile.s- so a;i.iinst lli?in. I. AM'.XANDH'd, C. M. C. '5t57.—])r. adv. f l aluitlflc Ju'ul Esiiiic Joy Side *jp ^ * wish to «e!l trie tr.nt of l.and I V iureon I now n ..id.i , I’istant JS^nJh^g lotle ; co;i'.ainii'>; alxnit acri.: of thtbest qna'.iiy of Sugar Civ. k lan.b Two- t^hirds of M.e above tract is w o -ds ; t.ie pr. a- t.-r prop^rtion of the oa'ance ha. mg bee n o- „enel within a f. w vears, wdl yu Id. in ordma- , . seasons, iV..m K'.»0 to K.'OO v. e'g it ot co'.on the plantation is a i^ood dwil 1 er acre. On the p . 1 - , I ,;,.dionse, and other n. ecssary out l.irnling w ell watir. d and ha - • ,li nsiv to re'nove to :inolh 'The tract meadiovvs. Int« ni.mg . .. , , ^ , istate, the abive property is ol,’ r o b-w forc.rdi i r credit, ..r would he. xcb'iiged tor 1 ennes.s.-e Inids, located within the Mnldle 01 M . stu'n i)istricts^ . . , , •. I The l.and could i.e divid. d *0 suit pnr. has- \\M. .1. P f' I. K. UvtoUr 2\, 18'J7. — I?.—'i hose b:*ving in t’ ir pons« 'sifiji I biKiks, elihir med'.crd or nilsc( llaneous, lu long- inp, to the snbscriber, w ill [ilease return tin in. My views of the !?ev. Matthew Henry’s I'.x- pnsitioii of the Obi an.l Nt w Te^tam« i.t, accord wiin those w ho b,o e reco!umei.idel it as a mo',^ vabiable practieul eouiim ntary npoii the J'ai n d Scriptures, and as tu: iii.-.biiig seme oi tbe n.os; i:npoitaiit asi 1.. S. to a corn cv lvm^v\ I,, (’re of them. 1\ I ' . !, (!, .■ !>/ Ji:ii.'( hiti\li, r. fl'^lll' sniiscrilx r ii,rtirnis bis friends and the B pubiif', that b»- 1 : > j/urehast d thatv\ll know 1 estuldishii ( nt, lately ow ntd and occiipi- i d 1 V Dr. Ilendirsop. and ir, now pri pan il to 1 ti rtain tra\ eliers and (,thers, who may jilcase •o c.ill on hiin ; and ni> e.xeriicins w iM be vpari d to rt luler tilt iti Ci'inloitablr, and their sta\ a I'l'eeable. Ii;->talile will be iurni^-heil vvitbiN- ( r' vai'utv which tbe lountrv affords; bis bar ; that of qualification, ‘the only ground upon which a patriot should claim the distinction, or a wise people should confer i!,’ it remains with your com mi!U‘o to di lermine whether they, sliall lect'niinend to your consideration the cahiiidale whose claims are ‘ puiely militaiy,’ wliose talentsari^ purely mil iiriry — who is without any poiitical or civil experience—who has been iK.'ijiu’cd l)V his most zealous advoeafi as unfpialil'iod by edticatii»i% l>y habit.- and temper, and who, wbcii entrusted w ill) power, has abused it to t!io viola tion of the laws, and fiibvei:?ion fd' the eonstilutioii—or belher tlie) ^.hall re- they consider it an idolatrous devotion, to military fame, which is fraught witU imminent danger to the existence ot our Republic—that it is at variance with the spirit of our constitution, and is an aban donment of those principles which have hitherto influenced the American Peo ple in the choice of their Chief Magis trate. Your committee moreover de clare, that they consider the charge ot bargain and corruption, preferred a- uainst our President and Secretary, as titl;;riy groimdlesf, and tvithout a shad ow of foundation ; and that the impotent, elfoits made to substantiate it, only prove tbe malignity of their accusers. Your commitloe, in contemplating the labor.** of these enlightened statesmen in the Cabinet and Legislative Hall, behold monuments of American glory &.useful- ness, which will secure to them the everlasting g''atitudc of the Americaii People. Your committcc entertaining such views, and believing that at such time?, to be neutral is to be criminal, rrspect fully stihntit the following Resolutions : 1. IkfoJraU That In order to sccnre the con* nuance of a wise autl able Atlministration o the alVairs of tbe t.encral i;overnnu nt, this meeting v.ill i:se all honorable means to reelect our distingui.shcd (diicf Magistrate, John Qu;n- :\ Adams. ' 2. Ilesohrd, 'I’hat tliis meeting has the lulle.st confidence in the jiresent administration, which, they ct^nscienliously believe has at heart the best interests of the country and that they view with regn t and alarm, the relentless opposi tion waged fguiiist men and measures, that have rcci'ivetl the support and sanction ot preceding administrations, enjoy itiif, in an eminent degree, (• cf*nfulence of our comrrion country, o. 7.V,voW, That it be recommended to our follow citi/.eiis throughout the State, who ar«i opposed to the election ol liencral Jackson, tf> call meetings in tln-ir respective cownties, .'inil to coopernte with this moetinrf in the lonnation of an Anti-Jackson Fdectoral ticket. 4. Ikiohed, ’I'hat a Comir.ittec of corrcs- poiidence ami vigilance be ajipointed by this meeting, whose (inly it shall be* to con mum- cate with their f dlow citi/.cns in this d strict, and tbe tither i^istrit.ts (*f tbe State, and to ft dot)’ such measu,res as will promote the succc8?» of the Administralioii Klectoral ticket at tJiO approachiii): 1’renidential Klectiun. On motion of John llurgwyn, Ksipthe follov^'- ing }»ersons were apj)ointed to coinposc saiii Committee : Rihi'iird Graham, linn. IJ'illiani (tiisfon, Jiin. If Ihycnu Hon. Urn. S. liltickhlt'c, John Fn'n.'f Smith, Jiirms (i. Stanly, John dm. Dvrarti Itahh, Gen. I’ine Jllen, Tiiylnr, i^'illiftni /hnifi, jrUlluiu Halltsiir, I ol. Jnh'n I. I’uflenr, Col. Thoa. II. I)ave.% Samuel Sinipron, John Surad, JoKtph Glit'er, Silvrst^ thrown, Johv 1‘. Ihmn, Ihmly II. Cruoni, iJr. Peter ('ml^s. Dr. John T. Boijil, Jsa J>nes. Jeremiah Hruun, Kd. G. I’usUur, 5. Ile.mhrii, 'Phat the members of the Ge neral .Vssembly, now convening at Waleigh, be reHpcctfiilly invitf'rl to (jxltnil consitlei^-* tion to tlie object of this liberations, and to asbi.nt their felK)W cituens 111 the formation of uii Anti-Jackson l.lectorul ticket for this State. On motion of the Hon John H. IJryan, i*; was/.V,Wm/, 't lnit the Hon. Wm S. Illact:- h’dge be aj>j;ointed Fdcctor lor this electoral district. 6 Jk.vihcil, 'I hat the foregoing proceeding^ he signed bv the Chairman and Secretary, anil be published in the Newbern Sentinel, and that the F.ditors of other papers printed in the State, be requested to reyjublish the same. The meeting then adjourned. WM. S. BLACkLKDGK, ChairmeJi JOHN 1. PAS'l r.LH, l^teretury. ihi v\ith till bt'•t ot li(|uors; and iiis staidi s with iconinicnd l!i(' pi(‘SCht iiicum ln’ttf, w ho‘-e plenty ot |U't.vender, and careiul siiv.uits wiUi life has fiecn devotcd to the fnilhltll ili.Si I'roni the Ihv. JI. 1. Lrruf!:, lijur i irft Iji.pli-'l i'lnii cfi, I I.il.uii I'j'liiii. ;V{.jsv’ s. lov.ai-!'- i:(^;'ai'; I In- pit t\ at.il jjood SI use of all ( 'io i'tiaii o’.tiiniinit 11b.ive ( on- curred III a\. ..I'dnig to lli iii'x ,s ( oil.lot nt r\, .* (il ,t;r;^ni:-!ied ] ’ u « among llo- st;',n,!.ird v. i ris ot tbe-ae.ie kind, l or i>,y-idf, I tan s^i\. that I bavi fi'iiitd if oil' (•! tbe ; est bt l|;s lo and piMCtual ae|ii'iinlaiice wiih'the s.i;i. iivd vni,-'. Ills ^kdl as ail iiit ' [.'-eti r is t ntiii. d to inut b respi I t ; bis inti j;rdy in adi.o'.i ^ t-' vbi St ll^e (d’ .-M iiiiliir>, witiioii? the l ub^ro . ■. t.l |);,riv let Ini,,', is hi:ibl.' i-oii.n.i nd.ild,- ; ai. . the ii;v me uru t,oii w !iu b rnns throi h tin- hole c,' !iis uori., i!iu--t ru der il an ae, • iM'- ;.;Mii.;e to tbe devotions of the ])ious in t v cry tienoiui- nation. \On bav mv eanu st wishes foi*. tne success (d'tiie pvojectid publ'Cati'-n (d'this woik. \\ ii!i Cl.ristiaii ri sped, W. r. IIKAMI.V. 13."/ ISJ7. De in coi,bt;Uit ;itti iula:i - bM' . Cm A Mil TK, April Jt>, It-. !:r 1. DINKINS. •t;o Qj’ {’({S’f ACr: ACCOl N'l'S. '! l.os'' iidi iittd totiif I'ost-Ofhi. , f(,r pi"-t- ;ige (111 h r,I I S, Til V, ^p.lp^ r-,, ».r i'i;i,L;ai'in I t jiu slid lo call and :,i Hit the saiin , w ithnnt dt |.iy. Till tpiai tc r t inlt d tiie la.-t ot St p1i in- 1'v.r, .iiid the (Iralt ti'i'tii ti.e (ii nt ral J’ost-tiilice inns' be | ml on siglit. I l.obt- who fail to at- ;e;,d tf tins re(|iu si, 1. iist t xiiect, in futiirt, to ciiiMjily with t!i( ins'nit 1,0ns from tlie (iintr.kl i'o'-T-f Mill c. wl il b a!,ow no cre dit, exi ipt at I he 1 i>k of tilt' Postasti r. r,->■>!>,rr, I harh,i;i, r. I (h h ill /■ 1, 1 S cliarj^e (;f the nio.st iespoiK-iI'!'‘civil uu- |j,.s—wki) is richly ciih»\\;:d with t-Vi ry e.ssiiitial rcijiii'itr—wbo lias grovvn Cray in tiie .service of hi*' roiintrv, and wild now sbuids, after a lift; of laboiii ti.-; ■"■' istiuiy aiitl ( Xperi^’iici', ili^'iingiii'be'! as the iiii'si accoii'iplished stbidnrand jUd- I'otuul slattsujan of Oio Uy abh- •nglon he w ,'is proiiounrcd (>'ir n’ost \ ahiab!e pnljlic (li.'trrt ter, ami when .lames stderU'd him fu fill thr ili parltiienl or'datc, on :ie> i nrt .d’“/i.'v From the American Firmer. nousKS. I'.vrn the two following- itctViS wlli cotisidered as worth the iul)Scriptio»i price oflliis paper by persons v. ho ha\>’ mnrh to do with, atid a jiropcr ftclinr fur horscf^. Lorctto, Va. 0f. IS2T. Dk.mi Sill: The fullouin^^ c:^traf 's n-om a very popular scicniiitc work no-^ l)tilili‘Ju'd In Kn^land, and callcd “ 'i ie‘ Library of Useful Knov^iedjjc,” will s;a\ I hope, tnany a poor liorKe from mii' sufiiM-int; and injury. Wit!i this vie\'. I take the liberty to (.fTcr ll.cm h>r pu'> lie.alioh in yi.ur very u'scfhl par.cr. Voui s, vvilh rcf;a:d. jAMi:3M. (iA:;xr.T. Sprnkini:' of the ove-lids fif Lirds. tli;- VI ritrr ! emai Us : A tbuil cyc-lid it the sMiiie kitid is f'^'ind in the* horse, at; t r..lltil the /'fiir ; it is mr.isttned w;;’i a jiulpv sub-^^aurc (t>r rrmcilagi',) to tal- lii'dil of i!i.- dust on the eye bail and wi]':. It (lenii olV, so that the e\e is hardly eve • seeo \>iih any I'.iInR upon it, t!iout-,.\. I't al’y exposed from its si/.e and postui V\V’’s V 1CU\vvs. I C'T IM III l'-'l!! i), and for sale at thi I atk^tuivh ih^'d ahility am/ r.i ’rirri/i;," I ’'he swift nvnion of the haw is given ici jCdi. Ja. ks’.m adn,ttted, “.7 /.v.w> !>y a RiisHy, tiastic stihstancc, piucci^ \brstr/,oirrl/iafnm/.//', Your I>' iween t!ie eye ball and the socki\ uin I'olo I r, “ Strii tii:is on a bof)k, (r.tiiled. ‘An ■;v tor tlie lb ok d Psalms, by (idhi't tit.’ 'I o w hicli all added, I’t inarl>>'Oi T'Snbseritdiniis fur tbp ;inove vain-!, U>. . I a book, [b\ Ab \ ii,,lt 1' .t.voi n , t ntillio ‘ Ih rcri’ived n1 tins dliife. ' rit'h; wui Kr.trv 'rak(M*>’ \V;n*r:iiits, l\)r s;ile, at this Ollicc. I d'-sli;n and 11 (d j Him V ben ' I 11, I bv ,b.itv M. U I'M !-!uh di;u V, N’. V. p.- II k ( t I's .ll W ifli an crtd Jvotl;’ Ily '•PI'' IIiv 11 mil (•(iiiin.iiti (• w oiihl fiirilier f!i''ir (•onvii lion ihut (Ieneral .!.)cksf>ii ou es his j'le-f'Mt ( !:;v.'ifi(jii as a candi- d.ile lor tb'* Pi'i’sidi'iu'v, soiolr to the \ii‘liiry al Ni Orli ans—t!nl Ihi,v dc- piir,'t1e l*;t' i.rcecdfitt w h.eh '^anrlitnis tlie tlie.i, that a virtoa iti;\v be a j'jbsp' tr tu t;',e I'AC’Uiivi> ti.an— that strikin.; oLIniiiely, so .ts to drive out liif haw unh ;;ieat \t loriiy over the eye, aiai let it come b.Tck as ijtiickly. Ignoiaf;. pet sous, when this huvv is inilanvcd ft oi » cold atidswilhso as lo appe.ir, wbiib it !>ever'lo'\s ifi a healthy state, idur; tnisi jke it for in iinper i'ccilort ; and cu: It (dV: so nearU dt.fs iiMioiance prijtluce tlie s;\mc n.i.; cr'iclty I