CHARLOTTE, JV. C. TIESIMY, J.WUdBT i, 1828. Sbi |MnU,!SI!KI) WEKKT Y By LKMUEIi KlX(iITAM, Three Dollars a year^ paid in adcance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the tViscrt tion of the editor, until all arrearages are puiil. Ailvortisemc-nts will be inserted at the usual isites.- I'crsims sending in advfilisements, are rt iitiestcd to note on the margin the number of insiTtions, or they will be continued until forbid and ciiarged accordingly. STX2AM BOAT (i [3 This Boat is in con'iplete order, and will coiiinunce riinning to Georgetown and Cl\;irlesl0ii on the first of Octol er, and will car- I V ])!oiUice at customary rutes. The subscri- b’fis will spure no exertion to expedite the frani'povtation of produce and gootls to and from either of the above places. 'I'iiis boat lias inaili' a trip front Charleston, with a full freight, in losstiian five days. \\\- have a pole boat now on the stocks, vlilch will be launched about the first of No- veinbt r, calcul.itcd to cany five hundred bales ot rotton, ami of so light a draft of water, as tn he t nabled to go at all seasons. This boat, jn conjunction with the steam boat, will ensure the icrtaintv of up and down freights, without delay. 'I'iie ^ul)scribers will receivc cotton to freight en JiuHli iate ti vms, and make no chargc for il' sliipiH-d by their boats. They will also receive and forward goods, on reasona!)le terms, having commodious stores and ware-hou- SLs, for the security of goods. Mr Henry W. Conner, the agent in Charles- tnn, will att’einl to the receiving and forw anling ;ill goods to this or any intermediate places on the I’ei iKe ri\er, and will receivc and attentl to all orders res])i cling cotton that may be sent to his rare. The subscribers pUilge tiu-m- selves to use all diligence and attention in their powi r, for the interest of those who may make to them. .1. St J. H. TOMNKS. Cheraw, S. C. Sept. 2 K 1827.—Ht58 X Watc:\\is & 5 ew . Thomas Trotter ^ Co. r>KSl>KCrrbLT.Y informs 1 the pubT'c that they have received anrl offer for :-ale a few gold and silver ])atent le ver Watches, (gtMillemcn and ladies) a few good plain Watclu s, 'van-anted; genlle- men and ladies’ gold Chains, Seals and Keys; some hand some Breast Hins, Finger Kings, Ear l{iiigs, Pearl and Filigree, and Paste in setts, &.c. &c. ; all or any part of whi-.h v.e will svll low for cash. Clocks and Watches repaired at the shortest notice, ami warranted to perform. Cash given for gold and silver. N. H. We expect to receivc in a short time some elegant Military and plated Goods, SiC. Charlotte, May 14, 1827.—Gu iVemeiVy i’ov lw\iM\\^rY»ai)ee. A SL'l’lM.Y of Dr. Chaniber.,’justly celebra ted remei.iy for Intemperoncc, lias been recei ved, and is tor sale at the I’ost-Oflicc, at the New-York prices. IQ at gs g‘ C0 ut id of T\u>auus TvutteY (S appointed .\gent for Vah's McIntyre ^ov Charlotte, and will receive all orders direct etl to them for l ickets and shares in Lotteries before the pu!)lic. Sept. 29, 1827.—50 ,XovUvA'avo\\\uv, IMecklenbuTg County. Session, 18i?7. Bobert Houston M .ry his wife,^ Petition for rs. V partition of Alston Spratt Is. Kliza'th hiswife. j l.ands. ]T is ordered t)y court, that pubrn ation be made six weeks in tlie Catawba Joonuil, ibr the ilefciidanls to appear at our next Court of Fh as and (Quarter St s-ions, to be lu hl for the crMiiity of Mecklenburg, on the 4th Monday of N(j\eiiiber next, and answer to tlu- petition; oth( rui!ie judgiueiit will be taken jjro confes b'o ag.iiiisl them. 1. AI.F.XANDKH, C. M. C. 6l62. — pr. adv. fi. VdUuihlv Ileal Ksitalr for Sait’ 8 traft of l.and kTV; “ wh rt'on I now reside, distant troni tile \lllagi' of Char- iotte ; coat liiiitig about ‘JOO acres rt tl'i "( st ip.ality of Migar Creek laiul. Tw(i' tiunis of t 111' above tr.w.t is in woods; the grea tt r pi'oportion il the l-a anee li:i\ing I'etMi > pL'ii (1 wit mil a f( w \ (. ar.T, will vh Id, in ordina- r\ St asoiis, from 8U0 to liOO w eight of cotti n pi r li re. On t!u phuil.ition is a good ilwi 1- ling-lioiisc, and e.lSer iieci ss.irv out laiddings. 'i'll, tract is well watUMl ami has e\tt nsi\e im.idoW'. Intending to nniovi' to anotliir , till ubove pro])' rty is ofVorri' low tor cash nr ' T! dit; *'r w ould be escli.ingi d lor '1 t-mu ssre lamls, l;0;ilt;d witliin the .Middle or M esteni Dls^lii'ts- , 'I he 1 ai'.d could be divided to suit purchas er 1 MtehUnhuri'county, (M- 18, 1827. 5jtf. Slulc. Ihmk of .Xorlli-('ur()l!ni, SAl.lSIU'HV liliANCH, OC T. 23, 1827. O'u’Dl-.ur.l), by tlie Hoard of Directors, that ;i o.ivmeiit of one t ntii ot Hu- principal be t.'duV.on all notes olieivd for reiu wal, from ifter liie first of Juiuiary next ; and t hat the r.Miiir u-ive iiotic- thoreof to the deMors, fcy idver'ti.seni' nt in the essurn Carolinian and i'atawba .louriial. A copv froni the Minutes. JUMCS SNF-EI), CASiiiLti. Five Cents Reward. KAN A \V AY from the subscriber, on the 27th of Octolier last, a hoy by the name of Junuc ISiti^iafii', bound to me by Mecklenburg County Court. He t) is about 19 years of age, lias brown hair and a dow ncast look. All pcr- sons are forbid harboring or trusting liini, under penalty of the law ; and \v!!oe\cr i ular Department, a w ill return liim to t he sui>scribcr, shall be enti-' tied to the above reward, but no cli.irges paid. jAMF.s P. i{()oi:i:s. Kuvrmhcr 27, 1827.—otClr Lessons for those who like them.,—Be not always speakinj.j of yourself. lie not forward. Listen when spoken to. Avoid old sayings and vulgari'sms. Be choice in your conipliments. Contniand your temper and countenance. Never ac knowledge an enemy, or see an affront, if you can help ii.—])ouht him who swears to the truth of a thing. Dare to be singular in a right cause j and be not ashamed to refuse. Never appear to be in a hurry. Neglect not an old acquain tance. Make no one in company feel his inferiority. Avoid punning and mimi cry. Talk not long at a time. Tell no stories. Hold no one by the button when talking. I’unch no one iu conversation. I'orestali not a slow speaker. Say not all you think, (iive net your advice unask ed. Kenew no disagreeable matters. Praise not another at the expense of the present company. I’ew jokes will bear repeating—Take the peaco-niaker’s part in debating. Learn the character of the company before you say much. Su[)pose not yourself laughed at. Interrupt no man’s story. We believe it is the usual courtesy of the Speaker of the Meuse of Represen tatives, to place at the head of any Com mittee,the nature of whose investigations requires frecjuent references to a partic- ( • airman beiweeti Legislature of North Carolina. ~lilU~OnT un the TliR.lSUIlY DEFJiliT- MENT. The joint select committee, to whom was re ferred the resolution insirueting them to in quire into the expediency of amending and consolidating the several aets of the lieneral Assembly lespecting the 'l’rc;isur\ Depart ment, and to examine the accounts and mo nies in the Treasury Office and the deposites in the several Hanks to the credit of the State, further sum of fourteen dollars seventy- three and quarter cents for disbursements on account of the Agricultural l und. It moreover appears to your commit- te, that, in the year 1»2G, the Publio Treasurer purchased ot Benjamin A. Barham thirty shares of the Capital Siock of the Jijnk of Newbern at par, and ttbtained u power of attorney, au thorising the transfer thereof j that iho same has not been made in consequence of the loss of said power. The said Bar- having had the same undereonsideration, and eiven a written acktiowltdg devoted that attention to the subject whicn j nffhe sai ~ - its imporlance to the State and to the niem- orv of the late 'I’reasurcr required, respect fully KKPDUT. That in the investigation many unex pected difficulties presented themselves to youi committee. Their limited know ledge of the system pursued by the late Treasurer in the operation of the depart ment and the omission to keep in the office regular accounts of the receipts and disbursements of the the public mo nies, (except so much as relates to the Agriculture, Literary and Internal Im provement funds,) made it necessary to apply to the Comptroller’s Ofiice for an expose of the fiscal concerns ol‘ the State. Your committee lament that tiiis inves tigation has resulted in the painful dis covery that there is a balance due from the lale Treasurer of sixty-eightth.ou- sand six hundred and thirty-one dollars, eighty and tiiree eighths cents. This defalcation is the more to be regretted on account of the mafiy amiable traits in the character of the late I'rcasurer, and Fifteen Dollars lieword. ~ AN A^^ A Y from Ilif sufxvibf!, about the J.ith .Iniv.' tasi, a iicgio ' plciccd Mr. Siurrs, a j^entieman of grc;;l j natural ei.'lo'vrnv i’.ts. ai^;h!y inproved by ■ jK-r.sonul ; ptvji-jsbing a mind n,a„ „an,ccl dUJU.HS. s.,;.' „cRr., i ‘ a .,c- was jjurchased at the .sa!e of the jjro- j purat.; hi US CvUli'.i! . pert) of Freiieriek Dinkins, decciis-, illusli'ation, anil an ;;'i;’u!o i:/:,iiily ol j ed, is about five feet seven Oi- eig!it j irply. 'I'alent, thcrciui'c, had ern'iiienlly inchts hiuh, black color, and speaks ] slalioii ; Parlia:wOntary ^er> broket). Any person apprehendn.g said j «irN/l I i • 111'. • IP i i\ 111/* c! 11 K cr> i*i t ^ i • i* i\r' necTo and di liverine-him to the subscnber, o» . , , . , i ■ • - . c„!;r„ungl,i„,i„:un th;,t ''••‘S Icml, od ll.s get him, shall be entitled to the ubove n .vuij. V.’itii tin: U'l 01 tiiC J>Cp;'i liiU'lit MOSES NKKl.V, sen. Kuv. 27, 1827—4t62 CoiHiuitted to the Jail OF Mecklenburg county, on the 6th day of August, 1827, a negro man who s .ys his iianu- is TAKL'l'ON, ami that he belongs to a man by the name of Claiborn Cook, living in (•ranville eonnty. Tlie bo\ is large and very black, and stailiiiurs Mryrmich in speiikiivg. I he ow ner is i i i|U steil to come forw.iul, jirove propt rtv, pay charges and take liiiii aw a\. o7tf ■ ' ' .lOHN .^l.DAN, w hom and the Head of such Department there exists a political, if not a personal '|vaJ:mony of opinion. At the head of the, , . .... r Naval Committee of last Coi-ress wa*. '"-pc-ed testimonials given by the Leg- ! iila'.u.e ol the unlimited and unshaken c^u/dence in his honesty and integrity. The b^.Iar.ce, according to the Comptrol ler’s Statement of the 31st of October, IS27, at the deljit of the Treasurer, a- inour.ts to one hutidred and sixteen thou sand nine Iiundred and filty-eight dollars foriy-roui- and half cents. It appears from the Looks of the Literarv Fund re- m:.ining in tlie I'i’casury Office, that t!)tre is a balancv* against the Treasurer of iwenty-eighi thousand one hundred and eighty four dollurs thirty two and lialfcents; and that there is also due to agrceaLIr, wiiiioiit uvjicliiug on Ins iii- dejifiulence or warpuig his sen..': oi‘ the ' liiilirs c.jlruted to Mr. Sion:; has j heel! remoi'Cil iVoiu loC hr.,.d of the Na-^ I val Coniniittee, and i:i his place Mr. j llolVm:>u ha‘i been eievuted. We know } not what qualiuc.iiono the Speaker dis-h‘-'‘-''moreover ap cerned in him, superior, or at all equal, , Comptroller s hook's, that io those .;f Mr. Siorr^, to render him ithe nineteelh of Oaoher, 1820, Rob- worihv of hi. new station, except the :ll- | ‘'''h Collector of the poi^ ol absorbing meutof his Jacksonian ten-,paid into thi^^hands of the merit of the said purchase, and of his readit.ess to make a transfer to the State when required. The sum of three thou sand dollars being the price paid for these shares, should, in the opinion of your committee, be credited to the late Treasurer, deducting therefrom the sum of one hundred and f:vc dollars, whicU said Barham received as the last divid end on the said stock and paid lo the late Treasurer, and which stock has not been brought into his account with ihe Comptroller making the sum of two thou sand eight hundred and ninety-five dol lars, which, being added to the above mentioned sums, will make an aggregate of one hundred and one thousand eigh ty-nine dollars seventeen and half ceut» to the Treasiirer’s credit j and deducted from the above sum of one hundred and sixty-nine thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars ninety-seven and srvca eighths cents, will leave ihe balance of sixty-eight thousand six bundled and thirty-one dollars eighty and three eighths cents as aforesaid. Your committee found in the Treasury Office the sum of five hundred and twen ty nine dollars and forty-five c‘nts in counterfeit and mutilated bil!s, paii in the emissions of 1783 and 1736, and the remainder in Bank notes. Yi ui com mittee entertain the oplnioti that tiu-se !)ills must have been ren'ived on i.« u unt of di bts due to the State, wbitli tie I’reasurer, out of delicucj, dtf 'n^d claimiiig a credit lor. It is .submilied to the CiiMierul Assembly vv hei her this suni should not be placed tw his credit, which will leave the true balance .igi'.insS the Treasurer of sixty-eight thousand denry. The majorivy of the Committee, I tlie fund of Internal Impi-ovement the sum of twenvy-iwo thousand one huti-inne hundred and two dollars thirty-fivo died and ninety-five dollars fifteen and ^ and three-eigiuhs cents. In the prosecution of this inqnirVt your committee have ex.unined all such witnesses as they had reason to believe could allord any irifornution on tin >ui)- ject of theiu investigations; a s>ateiii» ni of whose testimony accompanies this re public 'I'rcasurer the sum ofnine hundred aiut ... ... almost every other instance, are I twenty-eight dollars and seventy p„ri. Oj)j'osi!iot) men, and in their vitus yf j that James Ov\en, ColKctoi ol i llo^v this defalcation has arisen ihe recommendations of the DepartnK ut i port, on llie 30th of March, 1 ti22. j ^hat time it occurred, your ton or at partm( lit j ■» wiiai nine n ueiui rca, yt;ur toniinittee will proluibly snsiain that ; anct thus give | paid into the 1 ubiic 11easui) the | unable to ascertain, li the re|).ji t of us another prool'ofthe which | of one hundrt d and S)Xty seven dol- the Treasurer made to the General \s- 5 .lirecled the appoi'nimeuts'of the ' thirty-hve cents, amounting (o the sembly of lS2o was corrccl, it would ' seem necessarily to have occurred du ring the last fiscal ycur; but your com- I mittee are constrained to believe tlut it act of llie Cieneral oV ^‘uv\\\-Vv\YVi\Vuvv, Lincoln Cotii t}'. Court of hijui/y. (ktohvr 'J'trvh 1827. Hinrv I.utz vs. 'I he heirs of Jac(d) l,ut/, sen. "deceasvd—I'etition lor sale of i.ots. j diff “I N this ease, it ap|)eariiig to the court, tliat ! Sijcaker. I Daiiii I and .laeol) I.ilt/.sons of (.torge l.ulz, j (‘eeeasi d, and I'hiliplkard and Susannah liis wife, >all\ Head and John l.iit/,, are not risi dents it 'his suae : It is thtri tore ()1.1J f. H 1.1), | yf^ierday threw out as to his intom that i)Ublieation be made tor si\\'I'eks siieces-j r .i /' • 1 .1 /■ 4 I . I ..,..,.,1 t!>. v -.ikI petency to act a« C hairman of the Com sively 111 llu C ataw ha .loiiriial, tliat tUi\ and ^ l . ^ i i i . each of till 111 bf and appear at the next Court ' U)ittee of \\ ays and Means, by sending | uf the Ctilled Slates of the 4-lh April of i,piit\, to be held for till eounty ot l.ineoln, lo the Speaker his resignation ol the oi-i i,s iy, and which was not placed tu the ;it ti e Cviurt-llouse in l.ineolntoii, on tlu foovib If ibis btep was not tlie result of, Trk-asurer's general account. .Mondayafter tile fourth Monday ol March, 18^S, p, {Jcciion : if llie objections we urired I , , -y 'V'"»''''I-I I,is .ppoimnu..., cl.d „o, ."-I eold. sso will be taken and lieaid e\ , »• I him to the measuie ; we are \at. Juurnal. '■ of one thousand and ninety.six dol- . I lars and five cents; which sums were j pail! pursuat't to '>'• ' nu nt pro parte as to them. (il()2i- 'J'esr. J AMF.S llll.!,, r. w. t.. Noticc. late niectiiij.; of the I' a late niectin).; ot tne l.ineoln Cotton 2\ Mai.ufai tilling Conipaii\, they agreed to si ll varn and clot'll in tutun , at the fidlo\\ ing i.itis; hut reser\ing uiitn ilii s the p-.'ivi- li g. ot rising or falhnf^. as circum.-^taiiei s iiiay i iii-lif \. T!i( \ now olK . .V. „ is i,- prices, for casli, or produce at cash pncei, vi.'.; McDudie. silic« Mr. nando/ph has sustained^ the views , Assembly of 1817, entitled “An act for' have taken place beforw, and tliai the relief ol sick and disabled seamen,”| iij^ (U Un{|ueDcy hasbteu kept from pub- ■ I and conhrmeil by an act ot the Congress] I’n; detection by some means .vhicli they are unable; sati .faetorily to account for. The sum is too lat go to have been us^ J by the Treaso.-cr in any one ye^r, and no evidence has appeared tu your coinmit- id not I iVoin the 'lS*easurer’s Report of 1826, tee that the Treasury has been ro!>l>cd or Iclt to make of twelve hundred and eigh-1 any monies stolen therefrom. Not wiii.- the only itifeience whith is li ft at our I that the sum of tsvelve hundred and eigh-j any . , ,iiy-se\en dollars was deposited in the standing, your commitive ii.iTard t'le o- option—that he w as ori;',inaliy ajipointed j T.lliion, of the pinion that this chdinnuency nust haM- by tlie Speaker, with the umkr:ia.iiii!ig . Kngineers, pursuant to {occurred before the comra*'ncemeni ol' that he should resi‘';ii,so as to leave tin chair vacr.ut for Mr. .Mel in llie. W an lot of'he ('.eiioral .\sseinbly of ihe M he last fiscal yea:; yet ti.ey c:;n on , , , ... I , ,yeai’ «itiiiled “An act to cede to j co'ijeC ure that ii has arisen eit iier from can scarcely believe that the .vj>eaker cal-i \^’„iied Slates a lrai.1 of land called ja want of system in the rnanai^enieni i’ culated on a cordial co-operation in the P. .ink , -w.s —, as the purchar*e money i ihe transactions of the d('pai tmeni, o:* now oiv^rto sell at the r.dlowing I - paviiu iit of the lands reded to the j the gradual use of th.• j;ub!ic n' to 11 Dll. T. I. .lOllNSOX, \V1N> positiveh deeiiiU'd praeticing medi. ;ne ni ( h.riotle any mon , requ. sts •Jl those uhoar.' 1 le'el.ti (I to him to call n s.t:!. their r.sp. ctiM a. eoiints ; and he would also, that lliosi- ho fad to avail Hiiinsi Ives of tin- linu ini.rv nn.g ntlu. i n Ur pivsent da->. and .Novenihi rt nurt next, u'M im-l then 1,0,and accounts entrusted to the moiagr. _nK'-ul ot an Attorin^'. UctuUr 21. 1827.—j-l* u._Those h.ving in their poss.ssion nooVs, either mrdiral or nisc. ll;.neotiS bidoiig - to the subsiribtr, «dl pleasr return them. Cotton Varn Nos. 5 k 0>, .12\ cts. jier lb. 7 ts H, 0.7 el', pel lb. i) !(', 37.1) cK. ])i-r lb. 11, 4.?i els'. |ier H). 12. ‘17.2 1" li), rts. pi-r 11). Any (piantity c.f y;'i-n niuli r .5 lbs. of Nori. 6. 7, 8, y, w ill sell at .i7 1, cents pi-r II). They also |»roi)''s*- to sell Cloth by the l)olt, made of varn No. 9. alxiUt 7UU, and one % ..rd w ide, ut 20 cents per yard ; any (jiiaiillty lui.K r a bolt, at 2;> cents per yard. Fvery 2.J yards of the cloth will nem rally w. igh a ].ound. They likewise oiler the. following prices lor produce, in the way ot an exchange, viz: Corn, per bush. Fork, per lb. Flaxseed, do. 02^ Flour, do, J \N boat, lo. 1(K) Haeon 8, Tallow 9 I'ieked cotton, 1st qual. 8 cts. Seed do. 2p. Lard, 9 cts. per Ib. Heeswax, 25 Hut should any jierson wish to trade at the former prices, they will still continue to allow ;> cts. Jier lb. for seed cotton, and 11 cents per 11). for picked colton, and sell yarn and cloth as fonnerly. 'I hesc are the prices that they will give althe factory he must have re collected the ton’emptuous manner in which the former exuressed himself ot the latter, und the irulignant retort of Mr. NliDnriie, some few years since, in ihr courst of a debate in the House of He|)resentali ves. It is probable that I Mr. Randolph has neither forgotten noi- h'oij^iven that retort ; If he has not, he could not srrve on the Committee with Ml'. McDuffie ; and if the Sj)ca!;er knew this, he must have made the appointmeui with a full knowledge that it would be resigned : vhether th.e step now taken j by Mr. Randolph is in fulfilment of an original nnderstanding, or is the elieci of some sudden insight into his own incom petence, we will not decide. In either case, the eil’ect is tlu* same—Mr. M’Duf- fiie is the chuirmun of the Ccminittce. ib. Hogu and p United Slates wliii h sum has tiot been ' meet private demands, ucc.isloned by paid over lo the owners of the lund ;,o ' vvant of en*-rgy and econo'uy in tht‘ snan- ceded. These items, added to ihe a- agement of his estate ; for yoiM'commlt- JAS. 131VLNGS. Dec. 1, 1827.—2lG‘. Ibv ::ale ut this rilllO.'-'l'. indebte'l to the subscriber, by note 1. or book acci'iii'.'., w 111 please aH ami .settle iliately, as i.o iniliilgenee can be given. niDH..'' viill hol l>e taken in discount of debts :na(U- 111 h thirand harness, sold cnta'T^y for (' ,\SI!; 'ir dr_v Ju'li s, at 12^ cents per lb. will be rvceised m ham'.. T, All that a Statesman ’.5 required to know in our days, are the elegant phrases of “Coalition,” “ liargai'i and Corrup tion,”‘‘I'Ibony and Topaz,” Webster’s Kegotiation,” '‘linecfsafe precedents,” -aH’diated p.-erLes,” “State Rights,” “Lie,” “hirod eulogist,” “political gossip,’' £-cc. If he ha:: thece by heart, he ■ an sfrryr :: little, and himself bove mentioned sums to the debit of the Treasurer, make an aggregate of one hundi-ed and sixty nine thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars ninety-seven and seven-eighths cents. Your committee find that there is de posited in the State Bank, to the credit of the Treasury, tho sum of twenty-five thousand one hundred! and ninety dollars and eighty-iive ce:;ti; in the Bank of Newbern, thirty-thousand four hundred and forty-five dollars and three cents j in the Banl; ol Capf.-l’ear, at rayettaville, twenly thousand one hundrecl and Cl’ty iiv2 dollars, and iit’iecii cents; that there are current notes in the Treasury Oilice to the amount oi’eighty doibrs, and the tee are sensible tliat he has not a, a;;r time used the public inonica for puposej, of speculation ; but, on the conti ary, he has sold property wiilun the l.^st jVi- teen years to an amount greally e:.oe( d- ing his purchases. Accor din j; i .'» ilio Treasurer’s report of 182^) .^'or^-sAic!, he must have had in the vaiil's of ^ -,e Treasury Office on the 31st of Octjbci of that year, the sum of tighty-four tho u sand two hundred and f.vtnty Uullars eighty-seven atid a half ccnts ; that his deposites in Bank amounted to eii^'hty- four thousand two hundred and lortV" eight dollars one cent j by which it ap pears that the sum reported to bo retain ed In the Treasury to meet the demands sum of eighteen thousand eight hund.-ed o'* expenditures of the day, was nearly equal to the amount deposited ia t’ j Bunk. Your committee find that between th*i and ninety dollars ten and three quarter cents in I'rcasury Notes. That in ad dition to these sums, the Treasurer is entitled to a credit of three tliousaiid one ; second and thirteenth of February, ISCT^ hundred and thirteen dollars thi''iy and ■ 1 reasurer checked on the St;;tc half ccnts, being a balance in his favor | for t'lc sum of atteen thousand sii. of receipts and disbursenient'i since the j^'^cnty-five dollars, and oa close cf the last fiscal year, and to a cred-1 Nevvbera Bank Irom the 3d of Janu- it of three hundred and five uollars, be-1 ^ cl I’ebruary, the day oa ing BO much advanced by him to publi( .which the General Assembly of 18 2ri ad* officers, for which receipts were taken, eighteen thou*; iind which v.ere not prcKcnted to the iI'ur.dred and thirty dollars. Comptroller in the settknient of his| This practJct'of keeping consuTerable ''f ■h': ^rc" ’'•* ^ '■ "’its in .'n^'JUori'sntd^