VOL. IV.] CILIBLOTTE, X. C. TUESTPAY, JJLVCJllY 22, 1828. [^0. f66. i*L’nLisin:D vvkkki.v ilv LK'NIUEL liJNGHAM, Jlt Three Dollars a yvar^ paid i?i advance. Xu paper uill \>c libCoiitinued, unless nt tin tliscrction of tlic editor, unt il all arrcang-es are p.iiil. Advert'iscmeTits will he ip.Kcrlod ;it tlie riles. I’crsoiis sending- in advcrliscnients, sire to note on tlic ni;ir|fiii llu- nuiubir of insertions, or they will l»c continued until forbid and charged accordingly. l"v\e\uV‘Aj;c awvV C^uwimssivm r.U>lNKSS IN CIIAHLKSION. prHHli Sl'llSCKIMKIt rf*sptrtfiilly ihfomns liis J;.r> friends iiiul the public, tliat he continues r)!ie above line of business at his old stand on ]•, diiKiiulston’s lutvf, u here lie is iirepurvd to uttend to the suie of produce committed to Ids r.'tre, U})on which liberal advuiices will at all j times be ni:ide ; or to the execuiion of orders for (KfOnS. ^^m. .1. Wilson, Ksq. or in his uhsence, tlic apent of the STKAM llOA'I'S, Joseph 11. ’l\jvvnes. will receive and l(jr\\i>r(l, witin.ut de lay, all Cottons consij>ncd to inc by the way of rherau', aiul will be prt’pared to make advan ces on auch cuiisignnien*-., if recp'.ired. III:M{V. \V. roNNKU. Cliarleston, Nov. 1, iiSJ?.—oiiitlTJ. The I’.ditor of the Western Carolinian will insert this auvtrtist-ment for three months, and forward his account to me in Charleston. List of T.rtt(‘rs Tl I'MAIKING in the Post-Ofiice at Charlotte, t. N. (;. January 1, 1828. A ...’rhornas Alexander, Wm. J. Alexander, Menry Allison, Dr. John Ambler, Sample Al exander, Janu s 'r. Ashiiry. i» I tines C. P.raley, \Villiam M. Bostw ick, James Itrnw n, Capt. lUack, Janies M. lUack, I’iiikney Holes, John Hluck, Alien Laldwin, lljjton l!\ran), l.’obert Haniet, A. lirevard, Alltn & l ililwin, J. I.. ISrook.s, John Harntt, sen. C. ...Hell jainin Cohen 2, William Comstock, James ( m-k, Sanniel I). Cowen, John Coston, Samuel (’onner, Harriet K. Caldwell, (diaries Ciih in, William C;irson, James I). Craij,'-, Aza- riah Co nrn, 'I’lionias f'ollens, Jesse Clark, Jer emiah (’lontz, 'I hoinas (Caldwell. 1) ...Dr. J). |{. Dunlap, Daniel Davis, James Legislature of North Carolina. MJl. I'lSJlElVS Ri:VOHT ox MATIVrArTUBl.S ANn OIlOWlNfi OF \VOOt, Made to the House of Cuhuiidiix of North-Cuwli- nu, on Tue.Mhti/, Juji. 1, 1328. their bfbt iulurest add piospcriiy. A crisis is at l)aiid, wheti oiir citizens must j turn a portion of their labour uiui entcr- 'I’he Select Committee, to wliom was referred the Uesolution, on thesubjcct of Cotton and AVoollen Manufactories, and on tjrowing of "Wool in Nurth-Caroliiia, have had the !>anie lUiiler con.sidcration, and l{EHOUr— That the suhjoct of lltc Resolution is D:u'idsonVcol.'joVin'H!'l)a 0"^’ deeply concerns the citizens can, James Dinkins, Thomas Dance, John Duf stale, and IS vitally cJiuiected with fey, Mrs. Obedience,Dinkins. K....(;liarU s Kims 3, John S. Emerson, Ste phen T. Kmerson. r.... William H. rtdirer 4. Joseph I'linn 2. i • • . i > i r-• i llul..rl Kailas, l«,acFbnlki,,,wmLml'Ii,,n. I y i U...,Col. Itohert (;am'.le, Turner (ianxs, ! rum will tall on I'hontMs (iillespie, Willis (iii)!)s, Rh'. Gallant, ^ y class oi‘ our coniniuuily. It is a Hev. I.saac (.ri(r, Alexander (ireer. | lanientahie fact that the people of North II....Daniel llyams, Dr. ,lobn M. Dappoldt, ] Cmolina are indebted to one anolher, and In H'e lianks to an amouiu appallin^^ to Andiew llipp, I honias Harris,John II'nderson, , ,, • i .i . i T . sen. Moses J. H. Mays, Thomas Houston, Tho-i con.seouences. mas Hutcliinson, Col. Henry Hoover. 1 Accordiitto recent statements, the debts J....W illiani .laniison, Isaac Jimerson. [due to the local inbtitutions, alone, a- K....W jlliam A. Kerr, Marcus Kennedy, Ro-: mount to 85,221,877 ; and, ill the ab- ert 15. Kerr, James Kirk, Susannali Kesiah, i yence of data, we believe it will not be V 'I I 11 I ♦ ^ '0 say, that the tlebt due 1 lames I.atta, hlu'.abetli Locke, John I.it- ,, „ . , n h tie, 'l lu resa J.enunond. i ^‘^tes UfTice at I ayettevilie, wj!1 M....Nancy .\Jalhes, Ulizaheth Mason, James «well the amount to six millions of dol- Murphes. .\nii 1'. >h l.ure, W illian' Monteith, j lars. In addition to this, u’c eiitcein ita Ale\amVr .Mock, D ek MeCorkle, (iu\ Mux- moderate calculation, that the peojile we:l, Kli/abetii McK.e JanR> Mill.s, John Me-, yf Xorth-Carolina o\vc to merchants, to (^iiav, r.|)hr;.iiii Mitchell, John A. McJ.ane.' . . i IM.cii .Mcl.claml, ,v,i:. too,u;atK.- liani J, Mii. l iM.n, L) .via AkUanicI, I’. Moviis, I'll-Uicr sum ol lour ban.iiel Monti-Drjiery i millions, making in all ten millions ol K.. .I!u!:!i \( ely 2. j dollars. Many of these debts wore con- t).. .Nathan 2, Alexander Oshorr.. I traded at a lime, when a more pros- 1*.. Uev. W;dt rS l'h: !T I|icb.Pj IVoples,! Jolint . l'!.:.rr, I)r, Win. .1. To!k 2, «.i;vife .' ' . ! , ,l-,dk. Marshall T. I'oiU, Mary I'uu.s, I l>'’ospects of easy ci.id ‘jptcdy payment; IJ r.Sl'KCTFlT l.V informs iMiifer, j great lall Hi the prices u( a;.^ricul- I 1 he pnbhe that they have i Q...( y nis (iuean jturul products, has IU)I only i‘e(iiu ed the rtceixed and offer foT- sale a I i; Josi-ph li\-e.l, lioei. Ju-.eph Uoss, Isabel} value of every sjiecies oi’property, but, as fiw ^-old and silver patent le- i or Ifacliel iiohinsou, AL.xander Moblson, l‘ody | a consequence, has, in diet I, doubled liie ver Watclie^. (frenthnien | IJuhinson. indnidu.lb. Owin}.; to the want of navi^rable streams T\\mu«s TvoUoy Is nppointetl •\^'-enl for Volts Me Inf vrrfov Ciiarlotte, and will receive all orilers direct I'.d to tlien» for Tickets and shar>:.s in Lotteries bef«r- the public. Sept. 2y, 1H27-— ew NYvUcVit sSc ^v\\. Tliouuis 'rroU(‘r b) f'o. 'and ladies) a feu pood plain ' W.iteliis, warranted; j;-entle-i j men and bidi,.s’,i;-old 'bains, ' Seals and Ki ys ; somc’ liand- some Hreasi I'mi, I inger Kar liings, | I’earl and I-ilit^Tee, and I'aste in si-tls, isc. {.c. ; all or any part of which wt will sell low for, cash. I Clocks and Watches ripaired at the shortest | notice, and warranted to perform. Cash piven ^ for {^'cdd and silvi r. N. H. We I xpect to receive in a short time some elc.ijant Milit.ir\ and plut^ d tioods, i-c. ;!iarlotte, May 14, —30 .S....'1'lnnnas Spratt, Adam S|)ring‘s 2, Kd- ward sharp, \V ilii;nn Sliarph y, Uobcrt Sloan, ,ian.t _, bles -11% Jolm I). Smith, Joseph Smith, John in'psoii, J;iint s sbnn'. 'I'... J II. lay 1(1, .'idio H. Tlioma.s, Jaincs (;. 'J .. rt.'t'ce, \V d> y ! n \h r. \\ Jamei W u.-ioii, .lolia (•. il.sf)n, Tlios. WmicIr sti r. 3167 W'd SMITH, I\ M. \As\ tvV* \iCUcv?. liijuubtin^ Ol lilt' OJf.cc (li .LiuCOiuton, /•/. ('. Junntu ^ 11 1 ^ A....Tu.dei;ek Alienialhy, J.timA’ti.un, . 1 I -1 j Robert Ah xaiidi r, Mi.v, l.li,;alH-l’i .\l)C;M.a;by, Lominittctl to the Jail i Mo>es Aboiii.tb.\..lame. Abematlij.. Or Mecklenburg county, on the- 6th day of. 15 \!mer Herry, M.iibias ISarrin^o:', Mvs, j Auj^nst, 18‘27, a ncji’ro man who s:i_\s Ins ' lu siah l!rc\ard, ,loii:i-> liravl.-haw, W illiaiii | name is TAKLTON, and that he belon>''s to a lJurke, Abram riulliuj^ei, Ai>saIom Bro\\n, A-1 in our state, leading to ^jood maits, hilh- erto but few of our airricultural i)rodiicls would admit tin- expen.-e (.f carrying to market. Cotion and 'i'id);icco iVoui tin { interior, are almost '.he uii'y arlit les that ( viill l)car tra!JsportatU)r>, '.vtiile rice and naval stores, on the sea-board, uio tlie principal exports. W’hen the prices ol' these articles v. ere up, the I'arinini; inter est of North-Carollrja piesenlevl soine- thing like the appearance of jti opperity ; but a i|;reai tie[)ression has taken place in I their va'ue, and at this tinu’, they are ] scarcely wortli producing 'riie luss of the West India '.t rade has Ics.si-ned the demand for lumber. 'i'o'jacco is now taxed in the British markets, more than Ilian by the name »d' Claiborn (,’ouk, living; in bram licnnct, Thoni.ia Herr\, Jolin M. iir.u;. t;ranvi’lle c(Uiiitv. Tlu bo\ is lari^e and ver\ .)osvi)h nros\ n. , , i . i e .. Mack, and stani’mers m ry «’nu.'li in speakinij;. j C....I*olly Co’;,,I .pth.i t lark, Superior Court j 600 per cent, while thedemaiid lor Co..on, rhe owner is n ([Ue.sltil tn com** ror\e:irl, prove ^ (;Ierh, J> hn Carnpiu ii, I'iior.ns (. liiu', .bn.-l (Jo- propi-rtv, pay charges ;.iul take him away. 57tf ■ JCllN SI OAN. Sfuriff. Mcckl(Mil>ui’i;- (’lUKity. Court of Pi'cns t Qianlvr S-.t.sions, *Vi- vcnil'it i it.-I. Coopt r &. Mc^iinn r.s. II(.nr\ i'arr and Ma>-^’;»- rv t bis wife, Sii: s r Mjipi'i II and Nb»tiida liis wife, heirs :.:liw la J( s- jiii 1 odd, tU eeas' il. 3d 2^, licud on lund. IT u])pe.irint,'' to tin,' s'>t|.-firtio,i of tlie court, that the tjovt na n» d di* li nd;iiits 'Ti- not in- haliil.iuts of tliis St.ite: It is OI{l)[-.HI'd> by tlie eoiirt, til..’ |)i:'-»lic;iti(ii. be lii.id.i.- .si\ « ks in 'he. C.itiiw o.i Jonri.al, thal ii.-y appea • ;it FeiH’uary S. s-.ions i’.e\t, tiu n and tlu re tos!ie« ruuse why the boid of the said .h>se]di I'odd, deceased, should lU't lie iold to natis y tuc a- I'ovi.’ jmlgiii nt aiiil cti Witness, haac Ah\ uuler. Clerk of '’Mir :-a''d Court, lit Cb.iiI'ittI’, llie Itli Muial.iy '.t N(ivi. ni- ber, 18J7. IS A \C Md:\ AM)i:S{, r. m. c. ()tr‘>—pr. ad\. f J 7.) uV .VovWv-^'uvuVuuv, Mi*( kl(‘iil)tirs:; (’otmty. Court of i\'kis iiH'l Stv.'UD/iii, I'cnilrj 'I'onu 1^..';’. Cooper .'c .'U-tiinn r.^ Henry r;cT a:id Mar'';a- n t bis wile, Silas ( ;iniplM ll » li: ■ Uiie, b.ir-. at law of .l(rep!» To. id, c ece;i sl d. .Iiidgnu nt )'• le\u.d on land. I r a()pe;.rin;;' to th‘ s t..-il.ietinn of the ci.iii!, tb it the a’)('ve nunied lU ferul:tn1;. urt- in)l in- ha!),!.mis of dlls Sl.tte; It is ((1:1) 1'.UK») In 0 d w the court, ttiat pu dication bt in ide s:x wi elv - j i,iin , tn tin ('atnwli.i .loiaiial, d.at the} :i[>;)e'.ir ai i ;,i i,)y our other great staple, does not keep pace with its increaseil |>rcductioii l:vcry year, new sources of suj^ply o;o opened in our own, and in oilu;r countries.— Egyi^t, Greece, the IJriti.sli ’’’.ast India j possi'ssiotis, and South Ameriva, aieall i;....Jolin Glen, Jerry tioodsi'ii, I’eter Gib!.s, I well adapted 0 tlie culture of the arlicle. Ih.hinsun Gooden, Joseph tireen, ,)o!in Gra-1 If ij),. planlor in North-OaroHna cati Uw e- I ly aflbrd to ari.se cotton at .S cents per IIj. lie must soon be di iven Iroin its culujte Wen, Danie! (dii’o’.enbnr^, lleiiry Ca; ,.i_irier. 1).... Archibald l)ellingii.iin, 1 homas D.i\is, Isaac Davis. K....Mr. En^'-land. J-’.... Thomas l-'erguson Daniel 1'in^i.r, James Falls. 11....John lloylc, John Houel, J(din Hug- trens, llenr^ llarmon, Alexander lliil, Freder-, ■ , i- ■ ick llarvef, Kii^abeth llo\er, 1‘eler li.irmun, ultogethei, by tne larmersol the west, .1,lives Hanks. i whose new rich lunds enable them to jwo- 1....Jonathan liif^'dd, t.iorge Ik.:,';, ilticeil with le.is labuur atid expense. K....Adam Kiser. | I'hus, the e.\porls of these, our » ’f"'* apies, ha\e rapidly lullen «»ir, our lohii 1 u hr. haue Lorain-i, .loliii I-')’!;;-, Ilciuv , i I J''/ ■ unporliii iu!is ul various articles continue "*>L...D:ir.iel .».! I... i. I . i .c Mani.y. feter Mar-| neai'iv the sum*', or at lUfiSt do tiot di tin, Mieli.ii 1 Mdl r, l iAibriik Mo'.r.,', Marnia-' fiiinisli in a co-jt sponding ratio with our (!iiK e .‘.iajiUToiiia.-> Mil .1, .i.viiH-. Moni.i;oiner\, ' fxpurls. 'I'he consequence is, that the Vv iib.im Matthi ws, Joo U. ’'1'ulluch, Aaron us, for several ,|, j j years pa.st, has greatly inin'assd. I’o ^.■■■\\,il.a.irivi,nv, Sallv IMdio. i creaU'd by this balance of It, ...I.,tin U'uHmI. Uli;. lie, James A. H ade, the notes ol our bai.ks are can i- Uoliins'Ui, Ill i U.-y ' ed to the riorthei'U cities, wliei'e liiey 5.. lobu >( ifiord. .!'Iia t-l.ini', M -rtrnvt' j,,., f,j,-ni the part of money, l)ut Tomii.i'V, .■'oloi.Mrii !■ iioii|', * liuinas Siitni'l. ' Other inei o!iantal)le ( oinmodi 1' ll\ Ti.ri.iiei, .\l)-.al.>.ii I'l') Ic;, J.uacs 1 o .wi' :,en.., l)a\ ni I'iiroi.i .)iir;.;. \K .\ai..l r \ leh. r-. \\ \ ii:,-V.-'\'.e 11 W arlick, John { sent to the north, are soon reinrneil on d .(ill, .loi.:'-'' \'lisi.ii, I lioiii.is Wilkins, U d-' t!,c baiiks, w hen another lo-s uf-1 or ,5 pet ' like other inei o!iantal)le c oinmodities, I are sold at a diseount of ■! to 5 per cent, j on tlu ii-nominal value, 'i'ne notes thus ; \Vd , 1'. i (Mill Aaron \\ heeler. 1). i:i iMiAiiur, V. M, I A\ r.r. i.- 1 w •, 'Im-v j . fibnmry Si s-'icms ii(.'\t, then ;ind there to she e.iuse \\l’\ tile lallil of t!iv .said .lim pb I odd, • leecasvd, shouid not be ^old to sati.^fy the a- bo\e ju/;;meiit aiul cosS. itiK'ss, Isaac Alexander. Clerk of _>'iir s.iid (’our'., at Charlotte, the ilh Moialas ot .No'.ej.i bi r, Uv'7. 1S\AC .Md.XAM/Li:, ;; (■l''0;)r. ai’.v. f2 7-^ ilul I It IJ'l St till).-.' V. hi !-.; I il,L jli.el.t , rd, X ) e.dl liir cent, is subtaiiu'fl by these- institutions in pror uri’i*,^ such lands as w ill be taketj by ^ the northei'n holder. The annual tax ■ p.jifi ii,,. tiorthern cities, is by no I means inconsiderable, and in its elVects I returned from the South,' on the banks, and tii! oUf^h them on the iiteii.plAtc rt uioving, in a shoi t jjcuple, rfrcally udd to ihe din’lciilties of of! i’ade against us pro- 1 : - 'J 1 iiiuibiid tome, to call j ' =‘"-' 1 Viu-balaticr aiu; those to whom 1 a:;i , , . . r. i ■ ; diiccs arirjiher State ot thinj-;s oti the mo- j nied concerns of '>orlh (-arolina who h I I’uri-atens not only the raifi of our local I in',tiliai(ii'., but as an n’iCVituble conse- (piencc, batir'.t i!p' y aiifl diutrrs;; lhr')ii;^h- c'Ut t lie co'rniiiuiiii 'I’he I'niled States , till nu nt. I liUr^. L JOHN.SUX. these institutions sustain a loss in procur ing funds to meet these perpetual runs. The extent of these runs from that quar ter, are nut limited by her discounts; and in the course o*’ the year, they a- mount at least to half a million of dollars. Thus the local banks of North-Carolina annually pay 4 or 5 per cent, on all their notes collected by this mammoth institu tion. Already one of the local banks, thal ofCape-l'ear, finds ii impossible to get on under the pressure of the Uuited States’ liank at Fayetteville ; and the I’resident and Directors have called a meeting of Stockfiolders, with a view of winditig up their business and suriender- ing their charter. The local banks are ihns forced to curtail their discounts, and withdraw from circulation a jiart of theiriujtes, which ha\e the ellict to press iheir dtblorb, at a tiiue w heti b.id crops and low prices diminish their ability to pay. This creates a distress, that impels 1 housatuls ofour citizens to abundon t heir hopes in their native slate, and seek re lief abroad, where belter prospects are opened to them. If in transplantifig themselves IVom their native soil, ihey better tl’.eir condition, it is certain that their friends who remain behind, are left in a worse situation. I’.very man who moves to the west, is not only a loss to the state, but carries oil’ with him a part of our cireidaling metlium, which makes it scarcer hei-e. Your coiumittee niiglit poitil out o'.her eflects arising out of the course of trade, uniting to |)roduce a state of em))arra:isment never before e(]ualled in North-Caiolina, but time j)ri-sses on their lal>ors and admonishes tliem to oniit all unnccessaiy views of the subject. '^’'I'he Situation of (Uir people, Ijeiiig as thus re])re!3enied, llio eii'jiii y preset.is it self, how is it to be am* liorated and changed for t!»e better It is certainly true that something may be efl» cted by individuual economy, but this alone will not accon)plisli the imporiant end. No thing l)Ut a change of systetii can restore health and prosperity to the community at large. It is certainly a correct maxim in political economy, that every state or nation should be able to feti(J and clodi^ itsell. Such, hoviever, has not been our case/^Vith immense tracts of fertile soil, Ti,r ■ ‘ in the raw state, when con^er’ed into fabrics, are increased m value four fold, which will make the sum of 89,600.000, or 37,200,000 more than we obtained foi* it. Again—it is not thought extriva^rant to estimate, that the people of North- Carolina annually consun*;.*, in cotton manufactures of various descriptions, ine fourth of ti.e crr>p shipped IVom the Slate—equal to 20,000 bales. If so, theu the manufacturers pay us for our 80,000 hales, by sending back, ofour own raw material, 20,000 bales in the manufactur ed state, retaining, for their trouble, and the use of “ snentific power,” the re maining 60,000 bales ; which, whet? con verted according to the admitted rule, will bring them S(»,200,000. Now if the raw material was wrouglit up among ourselves, ihis immense sum would be made Ijy our own citizens, and would dif fuse wealth and prosperity amon;*' alF classes. As it now is, we lose it, .'uul the proiits are enjoyed by Old and Ncw- Kntjland. ^ Hut the profits arising from the pro cess of coiuerting the r aw material, arr; not the oidy advantages attending the system. Another is, ihat it will luke from Agriculture some of tlu; surplus labour, and turn it inio other pursuits. It will convert pioducers into cousunu r.^. and thus create at hotne, in the bosorrx of the community, good markets for thu products of the Farmer. ^ 'I'o a community having good water communication, these neigh!)ourhoocl markets are not so essential ; but to N. Carolina, which is without such nu'ans, their importance is incalrulai>le. Thu introduction of the manufacturing sys tem would give employment at home tc» our pcoj)!e, and arrest that tide of emi gration, which is Ijoaring otTuur popula tion, our wealth and eiiti-rpi ize, and leav ing those who remain behind, poor and dispirited. It would build up fl jurish- ing villages in the interior ofour State, and im|)iove, not only the ()hysical, but the moral and intellectual condition of our citizens, 'i'his is not. sijeculaiioti; the same causes, under siinil.ir circumstan ces, will always produce tlu; sa.iie (IVect. Look to the North—visit their manufac turing villages and establishments, and you find a contenteil, happy and j)i o*;[»er- I.L-.S, a„d m.»t ... ,|,o M.f; pr..|.l.^ Uy »ay .jl cx.u,ni,l,-. wo |,o,nt ' ‘ to the town ot Lowell, in Massac/iusetts. .\tl.inti;. Stales, many ofour citizens in [ :l„- l-.usl,., „ pans „r J... Stul.'. lol- s. vc- i f .ul huv.- in llu- pracucc by H.o 1«,- I,„hs ,.l ,.u„. Sii.co ..i-,m. cl,a'n„., I' lou,'al .l,i- NorCh, tnanulac-.,.,-,, s navH„-ct, llu-re .■.vu.-.l, a a.. I ,M.,;,ocs w.th pork ship- .»l>''"'!r ■'I'."' an.l , p.-.l IV>,m'N\.v,-V.„l. Wliilc . vrr, rai|‘‘‘"'''‘ ^ p'.pulat.on „1 U,n;ed.ovr...|-T.m„:iH.caml Km.tutky I 1 ‘'''I’»••• cl.ul.os IK,t;s arc s.,1.1 in ,hc s,allu rn and mi.idic| 1'“'.''“^ ""''“'‘'j’’, f"' 'I'® CO,H,lies, lavnulll.i, ini.m.n,, while !^1'''>* ..e ar.. |n.ndin^MI,.-«-ivnKirks, ,luT.: a, e l''‘ >' ’au. rs„n, to 11 I .1 , , • ,1 ; I Manyunk, and a hundred ot her p aces m several dioves Irom that (luarler iti this , i vt , , the New-l.ngland and iNorthern Stales, where this system is difl’using wealth and pt-osperity and improving the moral cun- ' di'ion of society. Hut, ii may be asked, are the circum stances of our State such as to tender practicable the introduction of i his sys tem amotig us r W'^e an-.wer, il;ey are. I’he hand (jI nature itsell seems to point liuns in the purchase ofariK les maiiul.u: : Nurth-Carolina as a region of coun- luied in I .m ujje ;itid at the .N'ori.i, '*tt ui j,.y to inanufa’'toi ics. Ctf. (jiir ov^ n I aw materials. W bile under i i|,(. ocean by a sand bound cn.jst^ ibis state ol thinj,^s, we have l» en g:uv\-| , ,vers filled w itli shoals and oI)struc- ing poorer, the manufacturers have been j along their whole extent, and tlieii* growinir rich. The individual wlio ljuys, inaccessible to lar;,o vcisel. , sho city, and a good portion of the money paid f>y the members o! the Legislatiirt' for their board and hjfl^^iiii;, will be ried diiectly to the west, in exchange for all article that v.e can i aise as well at borne. ^ With all the materials and element ft)r m.iiiulactnrii.ji: we annually e\pi ml mil- more than he sells, whose expenditure is i^reater than his income, S(jon«rr or later must reach the brink of poverty and bankrup'cy. 'i'he remark is e(jually ti ue as to a Slate or community.^' '— In s‘ttini,' about to aiiicliorate our con- nevei can be greatly coiiiracrcial. Ou the other hand, her climate and s»;il arc e(jual to those ol any of her si^ter .iates. and she aI)ounds with all the facilities necessary to manuractui ing arf". 'I’he i'oll()wirii[j may Inj cousii]^,.;(] -s dilion, the fu st ste"p is to adopi some j the elements indispensable for buildin; - system thal will enable us to buy less and up and sustaining inanufactui nig e'i'.ab sell more,—that will eiialjle us to supply j lishments : uV\c*e . ,i;..^!.ted to the estate c-f T)mi- l\vtt\w\^ t«v \«\i".ttv'('Vuuta'. 1 SC IM'I.Y of Hr. Chambi r:>’I cK.-bia-1 , I,, i »td remedy I'or lnlcn>]»er.OKh is lit^ n ’. \( il, :iml is tor sale al the i’o.>l-0!h-e, at t.K j ^ . ..!i, Ni w ork prices. _ ; •)\\\ui \i\weuVs ttuA V»v»\\A» ~i)~dT I oi^iale, at the Ofticc uf tlic Jwii'i’.al. -I- _ 1;.L. . K1 bt.i _ . , ..si:d, whose ne'es b v , A sted to call uni make , ; iiivli bteu to ni\ se It, v. ,i'i )■■ money oiiirbt t' liu. liia, arc intoriiied tl:ii 1 v.ot hi; (,'ivi 11; as tl... -.rd he has run oii', I.e ij. .-. V instance, to ii»\ I .. ' WIi.LlAM S.'.illll. 1 puy- , but i. ink at 1 .iVi ll> Vd;.’, r.'ccives it i;ii::!ts tbi rioti •, i,i't!,e lu. ul bank ij:.v:* c;.; i.oth- in.r c v. ii. 'l lie on e- nueii.'.e i 'i.1.;!'.>• t-..i;Llis (‘1 h'T is'.ues ,.:'r '.et.l '.0 'I r. t.or'.b, to nici^t the d( lit ci . ate.! t'.i' l>;i! 1','.: -('11, .ide the i',( Ll:s d l.v.;-, a. V- a!'.va\ ^ paid i:i local 1 ..e tli-.S iii.g-in (>n I tlial ofiiCe, ai c retni iied in o'iict^ :.iiCCC3- ihis Ulikx. h-iuu oil Uici: L. .'.iiclics, aid within ourselves, our own wants ami iiecesbities. And here, we remark, that in its eU'ects on us, it is all thc^ ^anii;, \vhether \\e buy Iroin I'ulope. or the Xorthern Suies. Our u .ide w ith Mu- rope is llirou.t^h the N'ortliei n C.itie'-, and the proiits (d that trade, whether out ward or inward, are ino-.tiv made at the North. liut liosv is tliis ini[)oi lant revo lution to be accomplished f—W'e. un- besitatingl V ansvver—by itiiroducini' the Manul’actiii ing S)stem into our own .Stale, aiid lal)iiealifig, at least to the in tent ofoniowii Wants. W'e jjo further. Insie.id ol seiulini'; oil at great ex[)> nse ii traii',[)oi laiiOM, our raw niaterial, convert it liitii i’..!)i fi at home, and in tluit stale, Ijiiir; it ;!ito i.iarliet. in ibis way, our Wall! t)i i.avigation will not be so severely fell, for It v,ilifo:,t nu iiio.e to send 'dli to »(..!'/ w01 tb id'ill'.: la!)in:, than it will 1, The rav.' material out of ivl.ich l! »- arti( les wanted are fabricate, d. 2. 'I'he j)o.ver neces.^ary to f;ive ).■ - lion to the labour-Kaving ma::l;;ii ; , (,i. - ployi'd 111 oiatiulav.luiing. ,i. Labour, al prices that w.ll alTr,d |)i'oflt. •1. l*ro\isiot.s, ciicap, of gooj ;u.di > and abundant. 5. Clim r.e, he.iltliy and r.iilJ. 0. Skill and C'. ;)iial. 1. 7a( liai'.' CoTTiiN.—'1 lie -oil and el;i:i.i'e (-f N'r.ii;, ( ; roiiiia, I \f( |ji iv.f 1 l.i'111 me’1 II., , ; vs eII ad'i] V (i t'l i'.c .,To ’. t II () i g e ‘ '.tp i ■ ■ind fi.rtli.- |,',i-.'. I\V .r . '.poris c.i' ;.h:s rro)), a> I.- oi\- ,1, d. n.a\ '. • ( slim 1 ; ' j,. (tn) bah .. Th.- ep .'I •> oi the 1,.., ,.^mi pi-i>iioiii-.( I d, l>_', -.,11.1 I t'Ml- n,(i.'.t - !vill :i Hl..::l;- la'',turel .3 .it ill., Si.- iii, to 1 '■ eiju.d or'-'ip^ . II) raloc.l 111 ll'.i- I'l'iied .St.iti i fit' tb .;:id 10. •, J ol II.e I nil r -.e, I be i'ji.pe!iS(* i V. ill be di * i.levl aiiicn N. C li oliii.r, (Kii in; estiiM.ited to bave shipped lor the Xorib and i .urt)pe, tlirou).^h In r o.;n ports and 111 be le-,, li 1; as It a iat ger am ujo ;;0o j ( i .ij) V ears, is s|u;euh—inat 1-, (■! tie e;jiiiinon .-Ii.j, t j Ic. 1 rbc libie-. at' ni.t s > lon^ . but m ti ,n;,'e ■ i v I .i.i lii.(r.i!nl more -,il'k_\ ib.ui niiiii. ;• '.oi,lli oV j V, I. -t. U s.,'( 11.s lo 1 e a pi n,, .p,!.- la l of.oii to ^ ro'a fill. I' ill s ipL ; ii ;oi. > .\ itli, 1 liiiv^ I llu NU \ic.i;i t I l( ]i. !U .'t pr >;;•■■ s> ^ ti ii.b, lost", son.: ib'.i.^f ill La; .b, ii^t i.i.l.- j .{ I U,> til I'.’ll. IIOSS. ■{ h.s .'..W 1I1..U I d. ;i, . . ,1, . , I' 1 ; . . ,, I . , ! .1 Miiuls ;n \tirib-C.\i(iwiia, \v !.e;\’ it I,, i', ■ ii’u’ those ol ber Ms!( r stkitcs, at Ie;:sl /./ , . . • , , , the ';>p. ii e ot I, .n^pciiath. :. lu' bah ool eultoll. 1,I>;.1I> li.ousand bal;. . ot la.Mi... die lau r,.aU-ii.;l >mi t!,« at J^.'O Jjer oa!e, aiiu;l»uls I'j | arc nnu h ini.r,; i.i.;.or'...uLtli in ..l in .jt n.a Jiut V buL-;>, thui wgi ’di c.a._l_iis-i 'Ijv of t;\.ns|'urvr,: ■

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