yy-' " ■- r ' • • V4H . IV.] CJMELOTTE, JV. C, TIESVAY, FEBBVJIIT 5, 18S8. [NO. 168. P'-lJLISHKl) HEKKLY By LEMUEL BLNGIIAM, Three Dollars a yenr^ paid in advance. So paper will be iliscontinueil, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the iisual T»lcs. Persons sending in advertisements, are requested to note on the margin the number of iti»i*rtions, or they will be continued until forbid Bud charged accordingly. VactoYftj^e. uwCL Co\\u\\\ss\oi\ BUSINESS IN CMAI’l.ESTON. jtM;TIE SUHSCHIHER respectfully infomis his ^ friends and tiie public, that he coiitiiuus oho above line of busiix ss at his old stand on Kdmondston’s Wliarf, wiiorf he is prepared to attend to the sale of produce comniittci! to his «iire, ii))on w hich liberal advanct s will at all times !m‘ made ; or to the exccutiitn of orders iior CrOODS. NVm. J. Wilson, Ksq. or in his absence, the Ofrent of the STEAM HO MS, J-sepli II. l\)wnes. will rereive and for^vard, without de lay, i'll Cottons ccm«ii>-ncd to me by the waj of Clu raw, and will he prepare ' to make advan- «•£ (III sncl\ consignment-, if required. IIENin. w. ’ONNEU. Charleston, Nov. 1, 18C7.—.lmtir.>. The Elitor of the Western C'jvn'inian will insert this advertiscMneiil for thri-i ni'.i «'is, *11(1 forwaril his account to me in Cliarleston. NOTICK. nAVlNG disposed of my stock ®f Goods, and being desirous to close n>y l)usiness as KjieeJily as possible, I hereby give notice to all [nfsons iiulcbted to me, to call and settle im mediately. i will put all my papers, (whii h are not previously settled to my satisfaction) in suit inmitdiately after our February Court. GUEEN k END KICK. Charlotte, Jan. 29, 1828— 4tr0p. ^•EW CO.YFECTIO.r.iRl\ Fruit Store, The subscriber informs the citizens of Char lotte and its vicinity, th t she has rented the house lately o cupied by Nir. Thomas A. Norment, as a Grocery, and that she has just opened an ass»)rtment of Candies, of every des' ription, Almoiuls, K'gs, Prunes, Kaisns, Pearl Harley, Wice, Smoked Herrings, Oysters, Crackirs, Pickled Fish, and Philadelphia Beer; with a supply ot CoU’ee and Siigur, sie. RACHEL COHEN. Jaruary Jl, 1828—3mt79 Mr. H. ('oii£N has removed his W:\tchmaking aiul Jewell' Store to the same bouse, win re he continues to carry on his l)ranch of busim ss as usual. 'I'here will he sold, on the Tm'.day (:♦ February Court, two new elegant t ight day (Mocks aiiu two second hand ones, and 'I ime Pi cis (.f various d« s( riptions ; all on a cretlit i f 1 i^hl nionths. All jobs that were left w ith the late Jonas (’olien, and not taken away, will 1)0 sold t the same time. 3t(i8 V \WAVV iUuu\s, 1*0Y V'ttsb Tjl^llE .‘•L’HSCIilMENS. having entered itito 4 co|);trlnershii) in the mercai.tde busim. ss, under tin firm of Pay vour T.\XES, for I8U7. 1.1. p. r;..,., H.Hk. ... p.r . r«WN TAX I K.CSS fic ITOlUftSKV, L lor ll.e yc:,r I Wr, arc to cal on , . ■ • . ch„ic,. «i;« FOETR'S'. [/Vom Jickermann's For^ct-Me-A'nf, fur 182S.] ST. CKCILTA A.\D THE ANGEL. A the . . , - Those who fail to -attend to this notice b> the week of February Court, mav expect to be pn;- ceded against by Warrant of distn ss and sale immediately thereafter; and those who ;.r.- in amars for the year IS'26, will tie dealt with in like manner. GKEEN KENUIMCK, 'f renfurer. X. n.—The Commissioners will commence working on the streets on Mondi.j, the jHth instant. A few stout, ablf handi^, w ill l)e hired »l a fair pri e. No other kind need apply. Committed to the Jail Or Mecklenliurg county, on the (itit day of \ugust, 1827, a negro man wh s \s his Banie -s TAHLTON, and that he belongs to a man by the name of C.laiborn Cooh, living n> the pub- of FAX( Y ^ S r.VPLE DRY-GOOliS, Hard-Ware and Cutkrj^ an excellent stock of SHOES, H.\TS, and al most every other article usually kept in !i back country si or' ; ;.ll of which the\ will sell at the ,owest pric( s fur cash. Call at the Store lately 0' ( upied by Capt. lireen Kendrick, where tlu y will be always read\ to wait on \ on with pleas- ure. j'lijycjs M. UOSS, > TIJUS. .i y()]i)i£yT. 5 charlotte, Jan. 22, 1828.—3t(.>8. p-VOSTAdE, Those iiKlel)ted to the Post-Ofl*icc, for postage i itlur on lette rs, news]>;q)i rs, or C.ranvdle county. The boj is large :.nd very nsag-./ines, are rcpiested to call and settle the fclack, and st^immi rs vtryunMch in speaking. , Hie owner is r qu- sted to .-omt forw ard, prove •roperty, pay charges and laU him away. 57tf ■ JOHN Sl.O.VN, ShtriJJ. wi .N\xv\\\*' vvvva\vi‘A, M eckl e 11 h 11 Conn t y. ^urt of Ph'llutid Q'inrtfi- Scusioiu, *^o- vvnihtr 'I'triit. 1827. •ooner & Mc(;lnn vs. Henry Farr and Marga ret his wife, ‘^ll• s (;..nipb.'ll and M,.tdla his vife, heirs at l.iw o' .losi-jih I mid, deeeas( d. o8 2j, hv’.id on l.nul. T r appe inng totlx,- sati-.f;.cti.)i. ot the court, that the dK.ve iianied di leinhinis :ire iiot in- in')il..i ts of this Star. ; It is OUDElM-.l) by tlu-eoiirt, th.it piddieilliiii bf ma 1( si\ u'-eks in 'he Catawb . Journal, t'lat th'-y app'a • at rviini.irv St ssiniis iu \t, I'n ti ami there to she a •lui.e wiiv the hind of tiu said .l..-.eph Todd, le(e.is. shouUl not !.■ »ol.l to s:.tis'y the a- fcovi jtl lgllU 'lL 'I'd c(ist, Wtmss, I-a:ic 'K'\>nder, Clerk of >ur said f.mirt. :it Charlotte, tlu 4th Monilay ol Novcm- kci. 1827. ISA\C: AI,r.X.\NHEK, c. M. e. Ct(.9—pr. adv. f- 7-i felwVv lA* .N i\Y\\\-V «vv'vV;\uv, MecklenbHri; County. thnrl oj Vhtm Oful qmrter Smtitons, No- venilfcr 'j'tnn, 18 27. #t)oper MrC.inii vs. Henty Farr and Marga- n t his u itL, Sda. Campbell ■lud M.itilda his wife, heirs t law ■! loseph'I'odd. (teceased. J,id,,UK Ut f7 M), levied on land. ] r itpoe .rnm' t> the s, tisfaction of t!ie court, iii. Vtlif a!.e\r ii. nv. d il t'endaiits are not in hibit..nii of tills St tf It is OWOEUFl) h\ Ihr ;ourt, that im Ik-:-'|(.ii be made six weeks in llu Catawi a .M.'urr a!, that tlu'y ;i]ipear at •V(>YU\-i'svvu\\u)i, Metklcnbiir;^; County. yuvciiihtr 'J'lriii, 1827. Alt x.mder (iibony vs. lU nry I’lirr. I,', vied on rij^ht t>f land ol .Inst-ph Todd, adjoining Jo seph Hudson Si Hugh Mcl.ure. , IT is ordered hy coiii’t, tliat piidjliration be ii.adi SIX ss I ek in the Cai.iw ba Jonrn 1, for tin- dt tcnilant to ;i])pe.ir ut oiir next I titirn.iry Court, and tiiere pii ;»d and replevy, otlurwise judgment will be eiilt red up nga.ii.>t him. is.u( jnj:x.iSiu:ii, c. m. c. 6t 70.—]>r. adv. j-J. BY TIIK «KV. W. 1.. noWLKS. ’Twas when, oh, meekest Eve! thy shadows dim Were slowly stealing round ; With more imjiassioned sound Divine Cecilia sung her vesper hymn, And swelled the solemn choitl In h llelujahs to thy ?iamo, Oh Lord ! Rapt adoration’s gaze. With lips just opening, and with humid cyca Uplifted ; while the strain Now sinks—now sw ells again— Now rising, seems to blend with Heaven’s own harmonies. Rut who is that divinely fair, M ith more t'lan mortal beauty in his mein; ^Vith eyes of I'eaTcnly light, and glistening hair; His white and ample w ings half seen ’ 01), radiant and ininiortal guest ! Why hast thou left the seraph throng ’ On earth the triiim])h to attest Of IIK VLTV, ritTT and sorro. [/Vom tuc Loudon “ FAIKY GAMltUl.S. Night’s silvery lamp ascendi the skies, Hy myriad splendid stars impearl’d. And bids her midnight beauties rise 'I'o light and charm a w earieil w or!J. Yon mouldi ring turret’s time-worn form Her soft and trenil ling beams illume ; She smiles amidst the coming storm. And brightens from surrounding gloom. Now’ the fleet-footed fairies lav* Their spotless limbs in pearly dew. Or sit beside the hn id wave. Or deck the scene tliut Spencer drew. On some flow ’ret’s emerald stem Perchiince their magic feet alij^lit, Whose siUery sandtil.-^ wear a gem, Drojit from the starry sphere of night. Or sprightly o’er the spiral gmss. With giddy graceful e;ise th y glide, A (U w lirop is their loo.';ing glasx, 'I'heir mirror is *he sleeping tide. When morning ope« her cloudb ss eye, ■j lie itiri( s seek 'heir mossy cell; There in sott slumbers idly lie. Till waken’d l)y the evening bell. State (»l‘ North-(’arolinn, Mec kknl)uru; Couiity. (DinauiaL toil THK (ATAWH.i Jltlll^AL, mination to use all honorable mean* for his rt’-eleclion. Should wc surcccd in this, fhc happiness of our country, wp ihink, will be identified with our triumph; should we unfortunately be found in a minority of our counlrymen, we shall set an example to the present opposition, (which, we regret to state; has not been sanctioned by their practice,) by bowitip, with respectful deftrence to that consti- tutiotial majoriiy by whom aehanjjc mai bcpn'ccted in favor of his rival, impolicy atiu dany;er of sticli a chan};o, I shall attempt to prove. — ’riieir is no maxirn of political wisdom, the truth of which will be more readily rt cognised and avowed than this—Uial n'hcn liberty^ and hnpplnfss, auil aerurity. are enjoyed under an exin/in^ xfalc nf things, ('litin''e, unless such as i^ rotislitutinnul ly necessai y, must he ivipolilic and hazurd- ons. And where is the muii, who .cati justly attribute to ihe present adminis- truiioii, the violation of any of these r Are there any oppressive taxes t(j be jiaid by the public ? Any arbitrary exaciions IVim inilividuals r Any actuimila- tion of national debt, or atty diminution of national revtnue } Does war endan ger our repose, or any proud a^'gressoi contemn our power Does haggard want stalk over our lai.d to rob honest industry of her reward Does Com merce lang'.iish tinder the mantle of peace, and Ait retire from the field of successl'ul competition } Is lujt the con trary palpiddy the case ? Wliat change, then, I'or the httler, c;iri the vaunted chief- lain prctluce ? What change for the U'ors:, may he not effect ? Hut, notwithstandin:;- this state of the (jueslicn, there have been harf;cs bru’t againr)t Mr. Ail.mtii of “ coriujition, ) burgain and sale “ hi.;li hundeci mea- jsun*s,” “ a desire to build light-houses in the sky,” &c. See. which, say his o(i- poiu-nts, show the futilit) of tlu* above emituerated U(jvaiitu;^e». '1 he triumphant iffiitaiiun of the two fust, {a) even b\ the testimony of thusj* with whom tin y oiiginuted, cannot hut create astonish- roent with every rellecling man, at the tiii!>lushing inirepidity wiih which the same charges are re-[)rolucet! ; atid thi others, with many moie of ihe same kind against tiu' adn/ie.isirai m-h, owe their piolracttd «iislence e.iin 11} to ihf dignity conferrel on them by the ar^ju- ments by which they are flr jiroved, ks the spear of an Achilles has ('otibth'ss given conse fpienre to some of its vic- iints, who otlierw ise would have slum l)eied with the 7uimpif,^s dejd. 'I'hesr ch>.rges are as impolitu as they are un just. The act of our Cbiel Maj^istrati 1 is the art of the nation ;—his op|)unenis I I hen pay an indifl'ereiit compliment to ihi by oensiirini; acts which vhey th(‘rn their delet^aies, must ratiiy, To the friends if flir ,l(/fnliiislriitio)i and the ^ selves, by frinnl.t tf tinir i'ountry. j and which /iC can only approve ; afid W( The most ohscuie indi\uiual in our' won hi sn pjiose, that evin the T.eal ol oji- A,];inl,pr I'frm 18'^7 I community ran, w ithout the im|)Utation i position could nut blit.d lhen» lu the ein- wt- L P r.. Vri t w lev of anogunce, oP.er his vi»\vs to his fel-1 but rassing inconsistency ol applauding ied o>^hr3ivrdJ,l'iiaVi‘4t\'.f the defen low-cit,7.en,. on politiral iuebtions, in foimer (hint, in right of his wife, uithf lands that K- which /tP is interested us well as ihJin-, atid measures/n? has pi. utl, v.tid stamp- 1 ■m Ah xaiider died poi.sess( il of, it being one solves: the impor tunce tif the approach-j i'i.s bis, i;ui\v i'.hstanthng this politiral lot 111 ( h iilotte, vV an intert St in a liaet oi land Pi (•‘•iclenli'il election \o every A me: 1-j *‘b':;tii V, wiii) uiKjualilied rfprd)at ion, eontaining 7UH acres, lying in .Me cklenhiir- ti,;-‘-:/en, disnerr.cs vvitlian an,,i.That Mr, Adaras enjoyed the'.oiihdence coiint\. .'djoining Elam Ah x.inder • « l •> . . , • IT is ordi rt il hy court, that publication he matle in tb Catawba .touriial, for def'.-.nilant to iippear lit onr nexi I'eliruury Cnort of i h .i*; and (Quarter Sessions, andreph \y iir judgmi ut will i»i. eiitereii up ag:ilnst him. JSJ.lt JIjEX.IyDF.Il, c. M. c. {)t 70.—))i- atlv. 5f)J. PftvV office in one of the most exiet sivci and powerful nations on earth I ! ! D' e» this accord with the prosperity « r ■ p"it of our institutions ? Is this an ajjprojut- ate reward, in our republic, for e.en n>ost illustrious vic'ory ov*'r the n.osl lormidable foe ? VVe should pau^e, be- Iwre we establish a pieced* nt hywbicli rival (Jenerals may, in future, a3sert their cot'flicting pretensioits to thi' in- toxicatinfj pi'Ze. Jus’ice has iiri claims as w* 11 as gratitude ; and wiiiist “ we give unto C xsar the things whiiharrt C'xsar's,” wu ou«;l.t not to wuhlioUi Ironi Calo what justice aw ards m his paf iotic though pacific virtues. Should a w at* again api)i oach to assail or de\avta'e our country, its grattl'ul and cotdldMig voicc would again rail the Ilero «ii Oileruisto new scenes of glory, gloiy wh;i h. ■ s a Prtsidcnl% he could tiot directly i[uire c l)ut It would be ruinous to )\sJn^hC. It* raisi* him fron» a situiMion, d'gnd;('i his bravery arid skill, to one iii \\hicU the absence of civil acrompiishmenls woulil dituinisb his rountr\’s iesj>ecta- liiiity and his own h«!not ; h-r siii^ ly '.lift inau, wbost‘ ackiiow ledet tl mconii-eten • cy prompted him to reti»e, much > i-i'; honor, from most of the(i^il > (lu es ; tj w hich the gratitude t»f hishllov^ ' mi/i'iis Ionferred on him, shotild be reniiti(!« il by that same well-timed and landablo modesty, that he cannot competintly fill the liighest and most arduous olln e w itii- iii a fiernian’s g'lt. 11. then, aj/jnvj^ri' qualifications for ofl'ice constiiuic iliO hist claim to il ; il the present incum bent noiorioiisly |x>ssesses them in a more eminent degree than his competi tor if a change, at the approach.m;c election, nuiy he productive of injury to our counti ). and no^'ocWcan In* r»Msona- bly expected from it and the se lacts are, we think, hrvond a doubt ;—why not assign to reason the decision ol a (joestion, whii h passion cannot compe- ietilly lecid'- ? WMii'iSt w(‘ then bestow praise on him to wlu/m ])iaiue is due ;—whilst we libc- laily reward the brave and assign to iI'.^tt* posts where their fame will icc»‘»''« i>p diminution and their country nod“’ri* nienl or disgrace ;—Irt us, if p(.s:>t!dep eoniinui in otl'H e, hint whom al! ac knowledge to be hit^hlv jt>alifictl for if ^ a,1(1 »vl.en his period ol m rvic*- will huVO expired, lei us ai’ain I;estow oai gi h on the wisest, the most patrioiic, and 'the best. («) See Huchanan’s, V trVh y’s :uul otbei? letters, and tbi' toMi rinir liin.ix ot proiyl lur* Mish* d in Mr. Clay’s lat' puhln atioii. [h) Se'- bis I'.ttcr to Mr. Monroe, on the for* n:.'t!on of his '.ininet. (d) See ( oVs’ letter andC.ihuore’s Irttors^ in w hl( h is foi.nd Mr. .K flcison’s opiiiinn on this .ui>ject, and also r=’s^>ectiiig the (pialilica- tioiis of Mr. Adams. (f) .Itidge, Senator, Ciov^rn'^r of I'lf/r'ida, aiT his oHifial a(ts in which hitter sil'ia'ioi. wo^'. a!)olisheil tlie first succeeding :n-t of Cor.grcs.-. (t) When .\risiides demanded o! 'ui .\thr Ilian, who V. IS personslly nn:n rpiarr.eil '\i''>^ him, and V. ho reip; '.teil him to sip:i ‘h ''- for his (An .tides’) condninatior, bal injure he h;i(l tlone the applicant,* \'j!i ,^aid lu',. but Ihate i'J hearluui a!w ays c;dlei.l “ ihejvts' ape.. . .. . a si'nse of dutv mav' opinion of lormer adtiiinisti a- ,, e. I shall Ihereroie! iioiis\ is not atlemptcd to be denied the ninlire to exrtjs»e the inijiei fect ' tbat even (•en. Jackson //) congratulated ur\u wliici) this tl’jty is atti-rnple.! to ! Mf- Monroe when Piesident, on the ao- (|uisition of his talents, is a n...tt('r »il Stale ol* 'arolina, Mieklfiilmrji; County, yuvrntlif/' Ttniu 1827. Thorr.as Alexfinder?'.*. i Li ih Alevundt.r. J.ev- ied on a negro woman iiameil Julia. OKDFJH'.l), that ])uh!i'-ilion b»* made mt wi-eksintlu C;it;uvha .’onrnii!, th.it d tend- aii' aiipt-ar at (/n/iit '.t I'l bniarv Coint ot'l’l and ijnarter Si ssion-i, and ]dead (jV teph' ispc toi Li;cu leiiiitiks pt'ompt liim lo make, hav. '■'finuf‘r in v\ liicii this tl'jty l)c di ^chui ged. I . . Among the hi-hcst p; ivilr^C''. of free-1 ;>u!>iic notoriety that he is a man ot ir- m^'n. a:ui that furnishing the best evi j i'’pi'Kicliablc morals and unsullied iiitcf;- den- e ..I' their liberty, is the right of rity, is not a subj. ct of doubt ; ihat be nieetit.g to rliscuss, in a manly and dis- piissioiiate rnatiner, the tharartir and measures of those on whom they have tli.'ni. As i!ie pf t.;.' rebruarv Si s-ioiis nc.'.t, >Ihii and tlurf to shew ot hv rw iac jud;^'m(;nt will he entered up aguitis* #ans'. win the hmd oi ll.c- said .lost pj. 'fotld, j clec( a:-». ti, should m l so|,i to satisfs the a bo\ e ju ignn o'- d eo'ts \Viu.es.s, l«,a.ic ,\|. '.I',.,.!'r, Clerk of our said Court, at ;harlottc, tbe-ilb Moiuhiy ofNo\en; bfr, 1827. IS \ AC: AEEX.VNDEK, c. m. c. 0tC9pr. adv. V'2 75 ALEX.tsnrji, -]ir. atlv. f .>. O’ ComiiiiUctl to tite Jnii , I lie 29th oav of kF M'-ekl( nlnirg eouiit_\ Mr'embt V, : .7, : n td.iOo man leimed lilLi./.iM, V'ho >.;i\'• be hc-I.Mtgs to Ch.irles (’■.I'ti", 'uv^N'r, 'i^oij; in Augusta, (. fvlVnv’i-. 'd.n in I'.is liKHit y. about nim- ineb 'S hiu-h. io. ’.app'-*''-'"*'^ hftv or ( flu i-ve fei I forr^nl. pvoNe prM'^ I' *.' charges soul take sroA.N. liheri/ of Merfiiniburj' Catiuly. I Ik; o ner is r' (piestcd io come c. «. I. Ot 70. Slvxte uV’ .VoyIU-V'vwuWuu, MKT KI.i;M!lK(l V. Ctiurt if 1‘lia/i and (.ivartrr A'6- TXtnher 'J'trin, A. J). 18J7. Nancy C, lilant r.». the Keal Estate of ivmlel (,allant, ilec;.‘a'ed. — I’etdion for Dower. J V ajipi arinp’to tin sat;,,r.iction oi'the c(^tirt, Muit .lolm Ciilant, J.im -s (nllant, Fr;iiU!^ (;;.ll;i!it, N.ii cy Dougiierty, wdo.v of .I.ui.e* i Douglurty, Mur> HanKms, u.iluw of .)obn Hun I kins, 1 ,li..a'!ielb VjcK'.n:;. > , \'iie (d .lohn M» Kir» are tP.C ackiiou Iefl;;t .'1 ?o*jrre of al! ;.'re- fei ineiil, tluir will srhUjin ’.viHnl- ly violate iluif long as this sa- I'jiarv eiierkis [>resorved o^«.r tl’.eni, and liieir actions may ilius become the sub- ;(ct of Ie-prnlia^ion or applause. ou are tiow solicited to t.xeicise, tn the 22d Fthruary n''xt, this ( onstitutional right and never, pcrhi'ps, was there a pet iod, in our government, wl.eii its er.crcise was more tiecessary. 'i he clamofo *s voice lor a now resotmdin;.; ih: (iUgh our 1 infaluateil lountry, should at least arouse I ititu active exei iiou those w ho ar»‘ i.»'.o!’- I abie to tiie j)resent administration : an ' administration under whose auspices we enjoy peace, ai'd happiness, and i)Ienty, is eminently ip"u\jird h. 'ii''- :...rge tiu duties ol hi I exalted station is also con- ctded ;-~why, then, ibis opp(jsition r Il ile- aspire to 1 voted tin* •• goon .aiucmun, j wm, per- in this country, . haps, luriiish the most appropriate icpl\. conft irerl ..ni. es ('f honor and trust, and 1 1'Ih-same spirit of ostwacism whi 1 r.if in>'iisi(!;.s' of those who aspire to 1 voted tin* ‘• good heniun, (fj will, Can bis rival boast of such (jualifications as even the enemies of Mr. Atlams con cede to him } We wish not to tarnish the laurels of the Hero of New-()i leans ; wc wish no*, to pluck a single leaf from the wreath, that adorns his venerable brows ;—we wish not to chill that cur Vent of gratitude wiiich Hows to him from every American bosom :—but whilst we (hnrdahly draw a Teil over his im])ei fec- tions and their conscfiuences, (which can only avoid censure when they elude in spection) the fuUihiUty of ’her favorite siioiild teach his zealous friends to ex tei.d the same charity, if nevtnsary^ to the (jbjoct of their censure. 'fhal Jackson is u go(ul General, we ,Vr\\ee. n\VlNCi iu'st r('tun>t-d from the Smith, vNhitber i rtm-vi.ig, in a short tiiii , I rccnust ttiosc indebte'l to me, to can at mv shop, where 1 ean at .•vtl^ tjme b, cr„ an-l mA-e iK.ym. ot; and Me,s. to v^hom I am indebted. To tall for sctth in. tit. THOf'. 1. -lOliNbON. J.inrf, 1828.—W— — apenrs, I (I, an. not at home, and that respe.ct aijtoad wiikh j ik kiiowlcd^je with i^ratitude and pride ; is likely to secure us fiom foreif;n a;'- j bu’ v.’ill a countrj, wliost* policy i:. jieace, gressions. ^Vhi;st sotne, perhaps, from j rai;ie lothe highcit riri/oflice, a tnan (Us- ne\, M'd S:.rah Spiars vile hi irs at l.iw ol l):.ni 1 C:dla;,t, ' inlr.iiiitants ol .'^lati : It i.s 01{I)I'-1K I), by i!ie roii' t, thai i-ulilit allOii ben...de ' |,onest motives, and Others from a de- hin;iilshed by no other (lualificutions.*' (/) VCL»., in tin Cau.v^ha Journal. givn«g notjee to j^rtunes bv a change, In tliC brightest period of tlie Kun.an im'; r U.MIu award JuKulani ctn^ure to oui ilepubUc, a spri.^ of Oak was deemed an 'the r'jlmiV aior.'said! at the' Court-HoiuV in present Chiuf Magir.tr..te, !a'.:d, with I hono;-ab!c reward lo a sue. esslul Gene- charlof. .‘un tlu- 4tli Moiida in I brn .r\ ut xt. indisci irninate paii'jgyric::, tiiC Hero by ral ; in its decline, the frf/i’ie'ry ti i- nd ansv, i r, i rn pro confi- indisci iminate pL...,^. , i )'du.riA the ],ftltioii wdl h-t;ik-i tliey wisil him bo sup:i'*'-ded Rinpbal entries ’ diiiiintiihed the honoi v-o, Aiui lu-ai'd. \ ],arte as to tliein. whoflieiish a diKe. e;U { even of thc>e splendid pageants :—-but V itiit's.., ChrU of *>"i- tiui.l, of their merits, to proclaim to , s,!;'!!! wo, more splendidly munifirent Conn, Clr.rhritc, the 4th Mondia of N.ivi m-, Yvorlil on r of ‘'.e wi.oi t;,„n Home, ia her greatncbs or di.line, bu-, A.J). MFXAMDHU t KM.V, ! been roostiiutmnallv tlecttd tj T.rc-! Hwurd to our Hero, not a sprig ol Oak, lOR Tiir. 'Al.lWltV fO.NCUr.SS. ners». OF r.r.rui:si,« i'41 j\rs, Dec. “ Ikmn'kd, 'lh.it thr Commlltcenn ui.t" ilr . '• lures be empowered to irjui for and .— iin “ ine pMr.iiNH on oath concerning th.; j^r.'scn . condition of oiii minufacture?, ftnJ to r ur‘, “ frc." This compulsory proccs", er:i'’r.']In to every limit, and to fvery riti'-vri ( ’ the United Stater,, was atlvorated aivl voU'il for, by almost rrtry Ja-Lon men in the House, and by ail the represent ilive- of Nortb-Carolina, piesent, exci.’pt M- Culpejier and Mr. I.ong. f.OSsTITrTtO> 0» NOli .‘Il f AlUMtV I. hdl of r}^ht—Sedion 12.—“No t;'i:r.i^ “ (Higbt to be taken or disscirt.il of l.is lil: -rtie* “ or privileges, or iu (Hiy riir.-nnir h ;inv« d o'" “ bi.i liiiei-ty or property, but by the i>f t '. ’ “ land." co^sTiTUTio.s; OF f. stat;.:. Jrtick 1, Sen. 7,~clnv.iir 3. — “ E\. r’ “ tion to which the concurrencr of th*' '-cn.r ' “and House of U(,prcscntativc.- mav l-e ncct “ .saw, (except on u tpicstion 'A '..Ij^K.ninori: “ .vAfi7/^'f prc.icnted to the Pre.>ideiit (.f tlu; t “ States, ami In fore the flui*ic shad tuse edtc . “ shall be approved by him, S«.c, as ui '’le cu.- “ of a bill ” Jrhcit 6, clav!>ft 2.—“ Thii “the laws ,ftlu: U. States. &.C. «ha.l ?’..o >• “ preiiie luw of the land ; ;ind the .I ' :i. ■ “ cry Stale, shall be bound tb. reb; y tl.i: ■ in the eonstitution or laws of any .5.. to “ contrary notwithstand.iifr.” The j)ower of tlu; national ie.jiilatar. is limited, not only by the general : uk'. ofn.'.tural justice, but by tli^ i'uriicu!a;_ tirgaiii/ation, forms and prin.'i{dcs i;i oarfederu! cotii;'i'.ution ; olh?;rw:ie the!-, would benoruleto dircct th«:ir re'.o?u • lion.s, but merely their own wiH an.l pl;.\j'-t:re ; and thus, by uniting tlu* legis« iative and executive power in the satm; hands, our constitution might be tiissid- ved by an act of C'ongress In almos' every govtninieo^ we fitid one ‘ I ih-worli our o! “.e \v,io I ;.,„ri ‘/.oMie 1,1 iiei --- °r r - / . ! I,a. lK,.n co,.suVu.,..„ull> citclcd t. „r... •... ou,- Ilfiu, a ..I 0.,k, cnery Bovtrnmcol, we fv.d '-li.de ovc: ouv s,nf rn,t:r;, c«- -•■•f,-! r.. ■ . but ll.c IoIu.m j.otht.-j-tUty thus 5-.«u