!*T!- VOL. IV.] ClUmiOTTE, jv: C. TUESmr, TEBUUAHY 12, 1828. [ISO. 160. rUHLISIIED WEKKI.Y, TiY LEMUEL BIXGIL\M, Three Dollars a yenr, paid in advance. Is'o paper will be cliscontirmecl, unless at the tllscretion of’ the editor, until all arrcaruges are jiiiiil. AJvcrtiscmcnts will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending in ailvertisements, are ri (iiiested to note on the marg'in tlu' number of iiisi i’tions, or they will be continued until forbid and rliartjed accordinijly. I'acloYiv^e aud Coim\Avssiin\ r.USlNKSS IN CIIAULKSTON. rn^IIK SI ItSCUlHKK respectfully informs his ^ friends and tlie public, tliat he continues ;.!r- above line of business at his old stand on Kdinondston’s ^Vll:.rf, where he is prepared to rittcnd to the snle of prcvluce commitled to his •are, U}>on which liberal advances will at all times I'e made ; or to tlie cxvcution of orders for (lOOnS. Wni. J. V\ ilson, Ksq. or in his absence, the agent of tbt' S I'KAM llOA’I S, J.,scph H. Tovv ncs. will receive and forward, without de lay, all Cottons consifjnrd to me by the way of Ciieravv, and will be [)rcpare'! to make auvan- ccs on such consijjnments, if required. 11KNI{Y. W. ( ONNKll. Charleston, Nov. 1, 1827.—3mtl7o. qj' 'rht; F.ditor of the Western Carolinian vill insert this advertisement for three months, nnd forward his account to me in Charleston. Pay your TAXES, for 1827. A I 1 per>ioiis liable to pay a 1 AX foV ti e veur lH-7, are recpiested to call on NOTICE. nAVlNC» disposed of niy stock of CJoods, and heinp (lesirf)us to close n\v Liisiiiess as npiedlly as possible, 1 her«‘by j,nve notice to all persons indebted to ntc, to call and s«.ttle im- nicdiatc ly. 1 will put all n>y papers, (which are not previously settled to niy satistaciioii) in suit immediately after our February Court. (.UKKN KKNDUICK. Charlotte, Jan. 29, 1H2K- 4t7Up. ~^E\Vc6xFE CTWXJlfl^ Fruit Store, b)C. The subscriber informs the citizens of Char lotte an«l its vicinity, th't she has rented j the house lately occupied by Mr. 'I'homas A. Norment, as a lirocerv, and that she has just opened an assortment of Candies, of every (lesf-ripticii, Almontls, Tig's, Prunes, Kaisns', JVarl liarley, Kice, Smoked Herring's, Ovsters, (’rackers, Pick led Kish, and Philadei])hia Heerj i ADDRESS Of the rirginij Jljiti-Jucksati Convention, to the Ptuplc of yir^lnla. Having' been deleg'ativl. by those who op pose tlie election of Andrew J ickson as Presi dent of, the United States, and having assem bled in the city of Kichmond, pursintnt to our appointment, and formnl an Electoral 'I’icket, we feel it due to ourselves, to those w ho depu ted us, and to t>ur country, to submit a brief exposition of our views, on the very interesting sub ject wliich has brought us together. It is no ordinary occasion, which, at this in clement season of the year, has brou'^ht so many of us from our busiiu ss and our homes. We believed that the dearest intereftts of our country were at stake ; th it her character, her ])eacc and hajjpiness, and even the )»erma- nence of iier free institutions, were in peril. We feared the most pernicious conseciuences from the election of (Jeneral Jacksun, and we w ith a supply of Collee and Sugar, &c. KACllEl, COHEN. January 21, 1828—3u)t79 Mr. H. CoiiKN has removed his Watchmaking I have come to consult al)out the n.eans of a- verting this calamity fruui our country. We believe tliat tiie *)niy means of elli cting this great object is the re c lection of the jiresi iit «ir , o..KN has removea Ills Watci.mak.ng ci,i,f Mr.fri.tn.te, and have formed an I'lecto- and Jewelry Store to the same house where j ralTi.ket for tl.at purpose, which we earn.-stK he continues to carry on h.s ln-ancl. ot business ,t of the people of as usual. 1 here w ill ije sold, on the l uesdav I of February Court, fAo new et. gant eight day j c know that many of you strongly disap- Clocks and two second hanl ones, and I nne ! leading nn asnres of ihe |)rc- Pu ces ot various des- rip loi.s ; all on a crel.t , Administration,-bare not confidence in if, of einhtn.oMtbs Alljol.s that w. re left with,.,nv euld be excee.lingiy unwilling to sanc- he late Jonas (,ohen. and not taken away, « .II , rincipU s of cmstruction applied by be sold , t the same time. otO^^ , to the Constitu- j » 1 tioii ()f the I'nited States. lUit we do not per- V itiV V V\Sl\ • reive. In tiu-sr cii’ciimstances, any suflicient rilHE SL'IlSCinUKKS, liavmtc eiiti re) i.,to ''‘‘a'^'in for withholding your su])port from the H -. 1 • ■ .1 i , i copartiicrsliip in the niercantiie busiiiL ss, tx'ket \\ e have reconimeiuled. e ourselves under the firm of , arc nut agreetl upon these subjeetfi. While n, I soirn disapjH-ove these measure.-., want c(,n- _ ... 111 i -iii 1111 OL X*J i , i fidi net in the Administpation, and are iinwilling j\ fov ti e year 10.7, a e [ i ; respectfully otler to their friends, and the pub- to sanction the principles of l onstruction a- tlu r. sur. r and pay the sa-.j e w t m t UUav. i„'j.,.nu'al, a choice seiecti.,., of ' do]-ied by the President,-most of us ap- 'I'hosi.' w bo f >d to atlelid to tins notit. tlic ! ' ' weel 5cdod iinmed arrears tor the jen Mkc manner. GUEEN KENDUICK, Trcaitircr. R. Tlu Commi-'sioncrs will commence working on the streets on Monday, the 28tli Instant. A few ubh hands, will be hired at a fair price. No otiier kind need apply. d ag.onst )jf ^'1 J *i i i,,js w 1 *o 'ire in Hdt'u'-fl arC Cicd ( It I i j i'^ni, itswisdoni, and see nothing to condemn us for1^26, will be dealt «itii in an excellent stock of SIIOI' S, i: ATS, and al-. »’’-e^ident’s i.terpretation of the Fcde- us tot tlic iear ), ^ ^ ^ ^ (,-„,st.lut.on. Yet we do not di.cuss a;uoi,g country sl'ore ; all of wlii, !i thJ- v. il' s. 'l 11 the ‘^'•'•>elv. s, ai d we will not discuss before you, lowest’pric.sioi- casm. ( ab at t!,.- Siore Iv ' grounds of this dnierence. W e waive such cui)ied by Cant, (.revi, Kcdrici., ulu n tlit’v ' ‘i'scussio.i, as wholly inappropriate, a.'d post il be always ready to uait on v oa v.itl, pleas- J-'/t'j \'t JS 1/.’/lYy.S'.s. / ’ clioice ofli?rcd us, that iiiight be inliuenced ljy 'j'Ji'OS ,i ytfli .'JJ't'l'. 5 'Now there is none sueh. W e are left to Charlotte, Jan. 22, 182H.—.>t6S. (’ominittctl to tlie.Tnil of Mecklenburg county, on the 6tb inst. a negro woman, v. ho sajsshe I eloi.gs to Samuel tJibsoii, of South-t.aiolina. i,.tti.i-v tw>u .n. rs or tnsapnro\e in me i)rcsi in aiiiiiiiuhir.iin)ii, .“'maru' by^lhicl! T arc requested to ciii und s.t.ic \i,e, ] the allirnali\e ot clioosiiig between Jackson ' and .\dains ; and howi ver we may ditVer in opinion u» to the merits ot the latter, we hear tily concur in giving him a decitU-d pn fereiiCe 'I'be iiii'aMii'* s w Inch p-rOSTAGE Those indebted to tlie Post-Oflice, '■ nver bis conliu iitoi'. t rs or disap|n-o\e in the jircsi lit ailniinistration, * - .111 I- .1 1..11 i r can he otherwise described. The ow ner will come forward, prove piopertv, pa> ibarges and take her away. ertf. Sheriff if Mcrklcv/nir^ cvuvtif. State ot Js'«vU\-'" AV«Uua, Meekleiihnrg County. Court of Pleos and Qnarlcr Sessions, ^o■ vcmhcr 'I'lnn. 1827. oV »rin*U\-Vavo\\uu, Mecklenburg County. Aoi'ciubcr 'I'lrin, 1827. Alexander (iibony vs. Henry Farr, l.evied on right of land of Joseph Todd, adjoining Jo seph Hudson 5c Hugh MeLure 1 the di fendant to appear at our next 1 wbruary ^opcr St Mciiiiin vs, Henry l avr anil t.horc pkinliiiul rtpics}, otherwise rtil hib wiio, Silas r:uiiplu 11 aii-l M.itiUla Ins will be entered up aj^niinst him. wife, heirs at law oi'Joseph Toild,deeeasfil. Magis'.mte, onterta.iieil by some, i.^ lo>t in tile comparison with that whieb all feel in his coni- p( t.tor; and the Coii.stitution, which we would pi't.-ei ve from the too lit)eral interpri tation of Mr. .\d.iins, we would yet mori- /eaioiisl} do- fei.d analii.st the destroying hand (jf h;s rival. W bile, however, w(; decline a iliscusjion ot those siil)ji( ts, on which we ilifl'er in opinion, . , ^ 1 1- *■ 1 :ind preteViiiit any general viiidii ation of the T IS ordered i>y coui-t, that publication I’** ; ( m c-, hil Cal.inet, or h.s measurv s, n.ado six w v eks in the ( at.iwba Journal, for ; ^ r.aiuint pass uniioticed some topics cumu ct- ed with the last eleelion, anil some acts of the Administralinn, in relation to vvliieli, we thiiiK, the ijublie niiiiii has iei n greativ abuseil. 'I'he friends of l*‘'n. .J'aeKson have coiitiilent- ly held him nji, as the favorite ot the I'eople ; have insisti d that, in the la.st »:leetlon, his plu rality of voles pi'0\ed him to be the choice ot the iia'.ioii—and h ve bitleily coin,d.iiiu d tli.it that choice was ini])i’o|)erl\ disaj)[)ointf'd by the lie) nsentatives ih (■(.iigri s.--. Never was there .i luon- direct aj)peal to 6t rt'.- wife, heirs at law oi Joseph Jud^nunt oS 25, I i'nd on hntd. IT ai)peari'ig to Uic satisl'action of tl\e court, that the above ir.inu d deienilanis are not in- Lal)itM.ts of tliis State: !t is OliUKUKD by the court, that jiuiilication be made si.\ weeks i„ the Catawba JooriKil, that theyappea at reliriiarv Si ssions ne\t, tlieii and llu re to s!u \n cause why the land of the saiil Juscph T..d(’, deceased,* should not he sold to s.itis'y the a- bovc juilgiiu nt anil cost. Witius.s. Isaac AU xaiider, Clerk of our said Court, at Charlotte, t!ie Itli Monday of Novem ber, 1827. ISA \V, Al.f NANUEU, c. m. c. 6t69—pr. adv. '^■2 7j lA’ .Vvu*W\-V'mMA\\u\, Mecklenburg County. C^oio't oj I'kus iJ/id Sisnions^ ^o- I'criificr Tcitii, 1H27. Oooper Mc(.inn r.s. lienrv I'arr an>l Marga- ni bis u ih^ Silas Cainidn ll and Matilda his vife, heirs .t law of Joseph Todd, (ieceastd. .ludLTtnent i? o*) )). levied on land. I'I' a|)l)earing to the s:itisfaetion of t!ie court, til tthe above nain d dt fendaiiis are not in habit .ii\s of (liis St.ite: It is OIJDKUKI) b\ lb. court that pn dication be made si.\ weeks I .i„, ut cur next 1 e,iniar\ (.ourt ol I I-...' ,M tlie i:atawba Journal, that they appear at , ,^„,,ter Sessimis, an.l nl.ad m' repkvy ri.e inin.ls c! Vebvuary S.-ssions next, then ami there to shew ; (.Huiuise judgment will bceiuuiedup ..Jiuinsl „„t to be ii.tluei.c.Al b> sue!, ■■ ‘ " " c. M. c i ■ . »„d .1..: ol* Nortli-('sirornra, INlecklt nburp; County. Auiriiibe) Tirw, 1827. Wilson ('onnor r.s. Nicholas 1{, Morj*an. I.ev led on tlu-inidiviiled interest ot the defen , those prtjndices and liassimis, wli.ch, on all oe- daiit. in ri;;ht of bis wife, in the lands that I'.- ' casions, the good sin uld ibsiiain, and the wise I Ml le\ander dii'il I'Ossesst il (>f, it being one vilmuhl rt^pri. ss ; luner was a compl.iiot niori h)i m (’ha-.lotte, fk. an interest in a trad ol land un^roiinded ; and m ver one more elia- eont .ioing 7ikS acn'S. lying in Mecklenburg nutcr’i.stie of th .t disri.gard tor tut ('on-.titu- eoinitv. adjoining Elam Alexander others. , wbieh has been mandesti.l on iiK.r.- oe- t r is orderi (1 b\ court, that publication be ! casions than one, when its | rovisions slood in made in tb' (.'atawba Journal, for defendant the way of (.eii. Jacks(nr.siii,.i( b. to api'car at our nexi. I’ebruary Court of Pleas, \V hether Uen. Jackson i.s llu People’s favo- ■uu' quart, r Sessimis, and rep’levy or juilgment rite, is to be tested by tin. event, not asMiin, i as the basis of tile i)eii(ling elee ion. /li..l be plnralitv of votes proved liinito be ibe cli,).ce of the nat.on al the last elvcl.(m, we eoiihiiei.t- wdl I'C ntcred up a,:,ainst him. /.v././r ,jij:x.l\I)ER, c. m.c. 6t 70.—])r. adv. ytutc of Norlli-(’‘.iroiiH;i, ?\!fck!cnlMiiu: Countv, X,va,d>er ’J'.ni, Thomas Alexander r.‘'. I'dijah Alexander, ieil (Ml a negro woman naui; d Julia. ly (len\. U m iv, perhaps, be luiind, upon a'lninai’lim, ibai, while Lien. Juck.s«m liai! a jdu- raiity of t lector.d votes, Mr. .\dani:. iiad a pin laiit'v (,f votes, Ht the polls; and We ar conii- I dent, that if Mr. Crawford and Mr. Clay had l.tv- 1 ijeeii withdrawn from the canv. ss, and the eoi,- ! t-st had been s.ngle-handed beUveCu (.emral , I .laekson ar.d McAdams, the eleeli..,, w.nild OUl,|-.l!!'.|) that pnbhcal.on i d as il has done, in the ei.o.ee ol ,\ii ks r, the Catav. !)a Journal, that detenu- ■ ' Mr. Adan;s. I',111 this is not the light in w Inch thi-ipus. Kentucky delegation, for lisregarding the in structions of their I,egisla*ur«r. We have too much respect for the l.egislature of Kentucky to suppose, that they meant to bind the dele gation by an instruction. Wr can only sup pose that they meant to furnish the best infor mation in their power, of the ojiinions on the Peo[)le_on a question w hich had never been submitted to them. Such information was en titled to the respect due to intelligent ojiiiiion, aiul no nujre. It was not the constitntional or- j^'an through which the will of tin: INople was to be conveyed to the Kepresentative Tin Hepresentatives in Con^n ss were directly res ponsible to their (,’onsiituents, not to the l.e- t,'-islature. Anti an attempt of the I.egislatiiri and siirneil by Ceorge W’ashington, on the 2o*’* of .luly, 17H9, contain-; the fir.nt t:irif'of‘hiiivs on im|>ortt’d gnods laid 'ly the (iein r.d (ii)\ enuneiit, and its preanibh- r«'cite, that it w;.v “ necess.iry for the support of govi runient, fo;' the ^lisehar^•e of the debts of the Cnited Sta» s_. nnd th>' I tirdttn.'i^nitt >it uvd proliTtion vf inaiih This doetriiu- was actel upon bv (Very sticoei'din};- Adniiiiistration, by the elde,' •Vdaiiis, by Jeflersmi, bv Madison, and Mon- roi . The poIic\ ;f protecting and encoura.' K'ing manuractiires w :i‘: recommended by the in all ; tin-t.inlf was inereased I'rom time to t nu-, with a V u vv to that object; and yet, no cliain- pii.n of (he ('onstitiition, tiiduj^^h nianv ami boKi :iiul ;ibh- tlu re w>Te, al'»v:(\ s at their posts. to control the immediate l*epieseniati\es of j ever I'halleiiged the aulhni-s ol tiu se mi asnres, the I’eople woidtl be a usurpitin) upon tin-j a.> in,aderi of (’onsi’tiitional grouiul ; until, ... I . . _ 1% _ I Am.. ..A aI... Vk.. ). A rights of the People—an act, which, in^leail of deserving obedience, or even respect, recpiir d resistance and even reproiiati(Ui. 'I'lie lailh- ful kepresentative will obe\ the instructions ol his constituents whe never conslitutioiially giv en. He will pay a respectful atit ntimi to tlieir wishes, and eviry evidence of •.heir wishes. Hut, when not boiiiid by instruction, he will look beyond the imij' rfeel i vidi nei s (>l their will, informally convi:yed; ht will rest upon the conehisions of his own mind, formed from the best li.uhts he cm o'ltaiii ; will consu l hi.s country’s good, :uid tlniiiy meet the reS|)oiisi- bihvy of those acts, he deems pro))er fi>r its at tainment. I his we believe the Kentucky de legation did. They were n»)f iiiStrucU d—tln v di(l not choosc to sin Iter themselves from lb. responsibility, under the cov> r of a legislative recommendation ; consulting their own jndg- nu lit, they preferred the man tlioti^ht most ca pable »)f alviincing lln interest «j1 his ciuiii- try ; and there is no (piestion, that Virginia theii concurred in Ihe ojiinlon, and ajiproved the act. This vote, which, ifhonestly given, is an af fair chit fl\ between the Ui prisentatlve and his Con.stituents, would not h:ive breii obtru ded on your attention, had it not been con- necti’d with a charge of grtivc imi)ori, maile upon the purity of the election, iinpe.a hlng the inlegrily of the Chief Mai;i^^'rate ot the N.ttion, and the firsi member of hlsCabimt. I his eharj>e in its slroiigi st form, imports that, at tlU' l:*st election, the vole if the kentucky dt legation was in the market, for the highest biilder : that it vi’;is Cill'ered to one caiiiHilate, and, being refused bj him, was sold lo the other; ;.:hl that llie emisideralion of ihi voft, was the ollice of Seeret;ir\ of Stall bcstow'ctf on Mr. i:lay. H’lhis wi ielrue, webhonhl nol tiring ihe adininistr ilitoi nf the last President, will'll the Fathci's of the Const itiition ha\ ing most of them retireil lioiii the lit Id of action, a inendier from V irginia sugge»tt tl, in Con gress, the want of CoMsititutional povvt r lo gi'e prote tion to niaiiii‘ai tiires. On this (picstloii w j- forbcir to enter tbn fielil of argument , :iml cmtent (nirscl\es v. Itb •>:iun^', th;it the jitiwer of Ooiigri.s-; t > refii. late the larill of duties, so as ti) give pro're- tion and eiietnii'agi ineiit to ai^riciiliure, inanu- t:»etiirt.s, I'DiMii' fee, and iia\ ii;-,i» i n, e:tninif b#» ileiiied, w ithout lenying to tiu' letter o| thi» '’on:uitution it-i p!ai'. import, and to its s|)irlt Its most obvifais u!,d e.ssentl.il altrihutis; with out atlirminj;- lh;it those wh. h no administered the Covernment, fn rii its lour.il itloh t>'j pi-i-, sent ilav, have either nii''iiMdcislooti'^ibe char ier of their 1)ow«m's, or wantonly ami habitual ly violated It ; wlthoul conilii.;'tf the e.xtrior- dinary conclusion, either tli.it a power which existed in the St;ite (iovernmcnts, and was fre- iuently exercised by tliein, btfore the adop- tiim (d the I'ech-ral Constitution, was anmhihu teil by the secret and inagic.il Infbience of that instrument, or iliaf such power does not pro- [)erly jiertam to the Legisl ituro of any free people. I'he exercise of this power is necessarily re ferred to the souml discretion of Congress, to be justly and impartially eniploveil tor thtj common hem fit of :dl—iwit to be pcrxerted t«» the purpose of advancing fht; interest of one class of the t(!nimunlty, or of one p:irt jf tho country, at the expensi: of anotln r ; and, vvhatevi r some of us m;iy think :is t« It.s aou- Ses under a former administration, or of the danger (if Kiicli a'.uses uinler the present, aU ^ mu t concur In Ihe opinion, lli;it ihe n incdy i» '• not lo he fouiitl in the i h etion ot’Cicn Jack .on j hesitate lo affirm, lhal il staiojis infamy on the | but, if sought at all, siio'ilil l,i- looketl for iik charai ters of the guilty, ami renders them lor- , the vigilance ami exi'rtions ,f i';ul!iful anil able evi;r unworthy of public trust. ! Senators am! liepreaeiitaliv es in ( uo;rrvss. ’i'bls charge, nol so strongly, however, as; The opinions of Mr .\daiiis, a.nl hi.s ret onv- hui been here slatitl, was iiiatle, for the first mendatioiis to Congress, i;i rel.tllori to inftrnal time, pending the Presnb nlial eleelhm. It i inipr-iVi iiient, are unpopular In Vlrnlnia, ainl was prompll) met, and cbar.eiigetl by Mr. C|h\, have be in urgi d ag:uii:it lilm u if !i much e:irii- and diserted by its sui>])(jrlers. 'I'hey rallied eiitnef.s, and perhaps with some t fleet, i ven again, after the elccli.oi, gave it a loriii Minn:- ^ though it cannot, with aiiv colour of n a.son, w hat varied, drew toils aiil some linpiislng clr- be contemh tl, that liL cdn'pelitor, tii n. Jack- cumat.iiices, and, at last, gave it the public .son, is not exposed lo [»il eisi Iy llit sa.nc i b- sanction «jf (ien. .laekson’s name. Mr Clay a- jeclion. We tio not viii(ll-.(ic tlu se oiiinions, gain piiljlicly ileiiieil it, called for tlie proof, or dls«-,uss tlu m, because tin v fallwll!iin tho and challengeil Impilry. No proof has af>- intertllcl we h.ive lnipo.-.eti on oiiisi Ivc — wc pearetl to suslal.'i it, no impiiry has been insli- illller In opinion conc. rinng tliein. lint we tuteil, aiiii now', in all its phrases, il stands re- ' will remindyon, that iliese opinions, wh .tfver proi ated, bv a body of prtiof, so sinnig and may be their im rlt, h v.- |>,'o ini:t il liut ft-w so eonyliicing, as to ri.([uire tVtnii ihe least cha-, an 1 unimportant at Is, (liiiliigthe |)M-si 'ht lulmin- rita!)le, its open disavowal, ami from the most ' istrallon : ami we will a\.«,il inirsdvrs ot tlwi susiiicioi.s, a candi.l ucknow lc:.!ginent, tlnit occasion to a|ipi a! to th. oodil ?,en .r iiid ^oot they have done injustice in even thinking il feeling o( N'lr^miu, anl in\oke its inflm nrc ii^ ini])robalde. ti inp. ring the aspi rlt_\ of |iart\ p .litlc>, an,I Il ma\ not be unworthy «>f notice as one of in stcunng to cm ry sii' je. i of iiiiioi.al imer- the means by u hi. h the puldlc mind has been i st, a h llbi rale and . ;indid coniidi iMi ;on. jirejmliceil ami 1. flami d, that opinions, the \\C ! (•;;• h ave also t.> n iinnd t!i. m, rh.n tho mr.sl oM'ciislvt toa III piiblicm I'foph , ha\ i (,m st on of 'onstlfuflim;d Ian. an. poh- been iinw arrant.>!dy alid iii.i;imiidlv inlcri'iil e\, ’oi;iu ( led w it'' tins su’.j';l, an- ntii.ii) tnii;, fr'un stmie ol lln- Presl.li nt’b etmimunlcalions licHcati , ami of aekno'.v h ili;. 1 ditlle!il'\ ; tl :i?; to Congress, ;nnl jvr.ively impiili d to him, :is tin re :ii e ai rayi il f)ii t i: hr■■ snle ol t l.i'iii, s! :n. s. lioclnni s III his |)oli'.ical cnid. He has, on m n of a|ipru\t il patri' !i-.m and t.ih i.t, w b i,si one occasion, not |u rhaps wi'h strict rle l. ri- op.nums .'■Iriulil !,!• exaiin.ieii witli i^nat ionsi- cal propriety, usi il tin- expression, “ p us:i il !>} the will ofOnr co.islitm nts”—in rcterenee , to duties enjoined ,.v the CMislitni|.m. | 'i bis phr;ise has !,et n torn Irom lis eoiitt.\t, inlsinterpri led, and ui'd as tin aiitliorov ii|»- on wbien 1 lie I'n suit lit is iliargeu witli the heresv lhal a liepresfhti.iive ov. e.-. iio i.l)h;;a- lion lo the wdl of !.is e nisi iluents. (in ano- tln r occasion, Im au ii'i:,ly t 'king li lor i',r..nt- I II that everv me woiila und. rst.onl tln.t the hii,'‘b obhi'iit.oii of an o:ilb w.is ileriveil tiom dt ivition, and ulnre me;i ,iire->, if wrmig, alter 1)1 In;;'jii lij-ed w'.tb ca-nl ir, s,i..ii!d lie (/p|)f)SC(l \\ Ith ri asO|., |ii)t u i' ti |).i-.Mon-->,s ,tu llrmin ss, ii'.t wl'h va.lence , —that tliosi; anKyni.'- ii-., v\ho ileii} tile Cons! it 11'I' ii;il p'nver, aiid tondt mn th pi.licy, sliwuld i-nlitle our do,. triin «, lo n speci, O} tin taii':n ss ol oi:i' \ i’ u and the t' rce ol' our re'.isoning, and C’ivit wii^lil to tiir op;i(,sl'ioii, !/y its teinp. r . ;u! .lignity ; uliile tlio>.- ii/.Ii.-im th- p .uii, and ap]irove tli. pidlc;., ..Iioulil oL'serv.- lie;.veil, lo' li:ii-i; aiii, jiei'haps vvilhonl mui li i nio:,l I'l sju i tfnl dt. n ncc ft,r lln: o c luse w hy the land of the said Joseph i oilil, , deceased,' should nol be .sold U) satisfy the a- bo\c judgment and costs. SMtness, Isaiu- Alexamler, Clel'k of our said Cmirt, at Cliai lotte, tlie-Ith Motulay ofNovem- b. r, 1 827. 1^ \ AC AI.EXANDKH, c. m. c. ('tliOpr. adv. i'2 T.■> Coiinuittcd to the Jail j, I- > ul. nbui't;- Ciiunty, on the 2Sitb day of ? , i:,!, I, lb~7, a mul:itto man named ■ s.i\s he belongs to Clucles ’ . . ■ \ i.L 111 .Vugnsta, I.a. 'I he ,.,4 ..t e\e, about five feet .UJi’rs to be fifty or f)0 .1 r .s recpiested to couie \, pav charges and lake JOHNSIHAN, 1^'i.f M.o'.linbur^ t \.;'nhj. ; fici 1 . t'f ..L tit 70.j-pr.jid\\J'_J^ ^IviVe oV* •Vm*U\-V'‘c\vvA\iva, .MKCKI.J-.NJiriltl COCNTV. Cuurt cj Pi'cdS (tiiil (inarter .At umber Term., Jl. I). 1H27. Nancv C.:dlanl i?. the Ueal Kst:ilc of Hanid t.allaiit, deceased. —Petition for Dower. I'I' appearing to the salisf•ction of the court, lhal John I.allant, James C.|liant, 1 r.n' i,. ■ ' 11 \, l/ougbeity, M:Iry Hank'.n,-., w i.'.ov t) .l„l,n kins, Eli/.abelh .McKlnii. ; , .'.i'e t i'.!o!iii .McKi.. prii ciples of our Ct iislllutlon ouj^bt not to be a.biisftl, b\ ;idmiulng, for ;i niomeiit, lhal tlie j)liii'ai!t V ol olt s uiveII lo (leii. Jack >t 11, shonl.i h.i\e }^overned tin- choice of ibe lluir.e ol Ke pr' .,1 nt:.live>-. lint we do say,that the present ( hi.'t .Maj,i .rv:.te holds his seal by the will ol the People of he L mleil M.iles, regularl) i p\'es«ed, in lli- onl) was in vsbieb an expies- sl.in of lhal w ill h..«an\ anlliiii’lty. I !ii v nave v llled, in III.; nio.it solemn form— in the torni ol a Ct.'ii'l tulion, v\!neli the_\ declare shall be )i the land’ -that a phiralilv II wiNt; Jl whither til ,1 rt (pn at .ny slo.p, \ and niaki j)'.!) (.allant, Nai'cv Douglieit} , wido.v i.l .laP.n.i | ,,t vu'l s sh,.ii nol cunstlliite an elei,li. n ; lhat, ' w III n till i; is s'ich ])iurahlv, the i:t present:!- lAeSsti.dl I h et, voting b> State-.--tbu-.with- (dawmg Irom tlie I'eople Inat cipii.hiy of In i',.enie wh.th is given tin in in llie lii'sl vote, ainl tiaiislei ring it lo the Sl.itesinlhe .se.tmil. ibis |)riivision of our tDn.-.liti;1 ion is m Ho: trui s])int wnndi pi r\aih s Iht; whole (d'it, and will! Il iti.ii'ks il the r. s:ilt i>t a eonU I'-'iec he- tveeii Males, snns iuierli.g in |)'irt, and relain- lin; in part, then poii'.i \di quality. Shall this spiiittie aopiaied tri>m, on »'vi i\ oceasiuniii lelieltv of phr;;se, n.atle ,i n t/bv loo'-. In ai^ nol a\ow L il I'l feieii’e tol.isoa'hol olhce, as iiii|iosliig :oi o,/lig.ition aliove .dl Inincin l,iw — ami t his r. lei ein e IS toi'tiin tl into .1 jiuldl a- vovwil oi the tjiiitius tlni t.iin', lli il h.s politi cal jtovvtr w.i', /iifr: limiiio. Il till .,' iiad iieei. tlietaiinls and the railing of .inonyitioiis m ws- ; :ipii- -cr.bldei s the;, ’..on!.! hav hi i n tieem- e.; iinwoiihy ef the. pnl'i.e nut l*,u> when such eliar;.','es ai'i- 'a rit.ii-.lv ina.l,' ainl resliia- 1 II 1, l.y m.-ii l.oldlii,; logli st.i'.ioiis m the Uov- ernn,ei.t, an,! e.\eri i jin^’' st_»;ii ■ iiiil'i':n'.e o\ i r pn'jhe i.j/i i’oiij ihey eal.no*. too ,t;on/!) tomleinned. .Ml. At'.ims, i! tl . li 1, is r!l'"iidly *o r ;;i:l,(. ll',ii ol til'- t\r'I of ti';ii> , / Il a V it to till: iiir.igein-.'i|l it Aniiiii .oi ticinrI o 'ure.s, 1 III . i > r-i .moro-i 1;, ur|- > .1 a;',:iiii' t i.iin, i'-1 ii'ii . obiee.teiii, bs tho>.. -,,iio iUJ poiC liiC t. ie'.'i'on of n. .I.ick •(>11. 'I h. . oSje' '.:.jii see'.ns lo have been ll'eal' "', bcfo'-e lilt pi.Idle, as if .Mr ,\dam-i v.en; »h' loiO'.le.' of a new and odi'«u-. tb;i time, and tli iiahi. '.i th • iir. a‘.i:'.''-s It) v,hu !i ii ii.el i' i\,e:>. l.lnh. .,otiiinj'; e.tii b.: ftirllK i- from lh: l:i.’.!i. ney, and Sarah Spears, v. ,!e of Spe;u.-. hi'irs al law of Dami 1 i I'l.iii', deee.'Sf '. are nol iiibahitants of this SiaU- U i^ t^KDKKi'D, b> tiie tt-iiri, that puldiration 1 e made for si » weeks in ibi- Catawba Jovrnal, ;-,'Vin^ initlee ti. Ihe said defi lu’ai'.ts lo appear 'at our next court of l‘lf-,is and liuarter Sessions, to be held lur til - loi.nty aft)resiid, at the ()Ui't-llt)iise In Charlotte,On the-ith Monda' in VVbi u i-_v next I nt V »‘A \ev. i-( turnt (! from Oie Sout.i. j tuisw er, (.tlierwise 'vhe i>elitlon v\dl 'n- tak-| vUncIi it w as n.teiitleil to soothe and concihale, einphite renrnving, in a .s lort ^ -c.oid."i-o, and heaitl ex ])-.rte as to tin m. : .^,,d 'he s|;a ;t i.f Jaeiion be invoketl, lo exposi- T v'nme’>. ^,on ’ Uit.u.s, /.7/ (•|crk of our said j our magistrate^ lo u.i,, si pn jntl.d-, ami bring lean at anv ti i . • ■ ’ I cnin-lotte,-do.-111. .M"od.a of Nom m-1 our ir,-iHutioi!s into (list ret.it jl lh.se ihmgs ler -K. 1) IrfT ' j ,Vv_ia \ olntionary ;ii their lendene_>, and ought l.^.^\c AI-1.);.VM)HW, » M, C. i iu !'f iiiscouraged. and Jjiose lo w hoiu 1 am I in t bteil, to call f'>r sef Lir,. r.t. — THOb. 1. (011NbUN. U; Lkc cliar^icicr i!> the (.otni>l.»uU plliM.t.S Ol llie in;iiiy anti the ■. Ise, v. !;o dlfl'i r !:• m in ni should coiisnit the pu .lie interi -ind iriiitpnl- it\, by coidln.ng lli-'ii’n.' as'ii'es ’o .il.ji. sot ack no w h t Igi tl a III 1 ■ iiel'a 1 . n 11 I'e b .• i ii I u .,i n"* into them a spii-it i.f tin- na.-t t \;tt t ju'liee ami by ole;er\In;,'-, in all !.hiiu;-;, st:;■n’.uioll^^ cari- 111 Ihe I'.er. .so of a po'.'. er so d, iic.'.u and s'l mill h ctiiii;-i;'.\-!t -d. T!n;s iar, \, e !;;ive en.ieavore.l *,o ror" '•t ci ror a:i.! d.-.in.i j.rej-dl':! , cha' rca;;on u IkIi' i>.: It il IVce to t s'imate I'llriy the present ii ulu- Isi ration, ;md il I pi i'.K-i^al nn'asures. r 1.,^^^; ( l! I W't p.uu ;;"yrl.; on the pi’es' nl rir,, i \], 1 ; — ai d ' r .'ill >' I ;■ la 1.1. pi i. il'.tl.- ll.l-:, '•I 'o I p : ,l;,.t'-: , v.'e ' elliilly 1- iht- \ tli.-J ol 1,' i iii;>- ini ’ f'C'., 1 ; . .per.' i'.' m; , i., ■ 1’... ; *. ;;:oir(!. ti.e. ■. ‘ niciil itia . eiri bl.i iy li!e. ^ f ntjLiir.? v.!.:a ; i.';.,;gs, y. i...t *. ii I ' I, wliiil ;>f tpr.-. t n.ei/.-, v h ,t )i:d>.'s, aiv . 'tl t.) tl. - t'.i.,..!. i;-_ -'J of O . lili;'ii dvr ,i ; tin II i,..i-t t'llly (;on.j..>re .iulin /u j /'vntire'.. Ja.,k:-.:.n, iii t.g- ;.'U )- II to I.l! ; V. ie.t I'l .ll. ,\ol a single acl of the ». ivt rn:m lit, (>ii ti, si.Siect, has its date witiiiii hi;, ailimnlsti'.il ion, j i|.icy’.io!', v. hi:.h 'jt lii ••':iii l)i ■ ' i ;\nd r o f.r is he frm.i bt n;y llu founder el the j tbe fii-.-l oli.C'.- lii the ..a’. 'i — w' ’.i ,ii. ,: ! doelrine, that il is traced lo tho ca'.lh st and i ly to p,'CM. r\e to omiI,'.: Ji ,in;;".;'..leju no s ;ii - pu'c' -sl Umes of the ilepiiblic, a\ow etl anil act-I lOjoy ..iu.lii) i!i"+L 'i ir;' ri.i ■ i-il uptm from ihi- tounil.il.oii ot the luv t-.n-i npiifchemlf ! ;tj (>'ir p(.v.-,e and hap’j n, - mi ni, \s hen tin f.ither of hi-, Co'Uitry pi'f. i.i'd j i,., t s ami hheriies ' o\t r its destinies, lletii’.'e liiw atlopton id tl e j Ji j.) vv:intoiinc-.5. tliul v.’«' \ ' ■ i’cderal Constl'u’.ie'i, the p'wei t I re .';nl it iig j p, i!,• ;,;i,! ne ,s of our hearts, v.\ - e c'.inmcrce, and i'J.; ti.,lng tlulle-. oil imports b'- j lo e.echire, that, while w e \u M i.i, • ’ • lonj-vlto tiie State (.om .uiut. nts ; ai. ; n li of | to the prcst nl Cln.i ,M i.'-is'"at. \v, • _ th' iii :is deeim.fl it exped.i nt, so ;'L^' nI..l d till ir I eiit th i;^rees, v.e arc u.:.%i'ii;i.)','s :i-' ' .nius,.-.. t.ii'ill ot dutie.i as to j;ivc eiu'o'ir.igemenl t'. thiir maiinlaetures. 1 lit; Ciiiis'iitiilion tr.iiis-| ft I'Vi tl to '.h'.- letliial (.o\erjiment, b\ exore-s' prov i.-,liiii, tiie pow'...’ o* rt. ,.^ulating comm- I't'v, j anti o! in^i'/:^:.! fiuln--.. .\n act, p,uii d a' 'he ; first ~t,-ssion (,f the hr-t ( ,mgr; ss held umlt r | till;; in ihf opinion lii.it Andrew J... ’,- , a is i' to4j.-tlier liiitll tof t!ie Pi-v si li . c\, tl • lieclion wouh*. be einiiK ntl\ ilan^.'. 11 .n - I'.e while v.e cheer! .11) accord to !iini lo' i.iil '(i..rv if the glory which reiidtrs the ann;\visa;v i; the Mil of Jami.irv a d.iy of joy uml liniiupli t !'.• U j\o'.4Uv1 ij) Janua Madi&ou^j land, >\c L'.u iirtUw luoil tvjlemu u’-.t.io'*.