■TO VOL. IV.] CmETA)TTE, X. C. TIESVAY, FEniaARY 19, 1828. [NO. 170 PI 1$LISHED M KKKLY, Bv LEMUEL 131N€iHAM, Jll Three Dollars a year^ paid in advance. Ko paper will be discontinued, unless at the liscrctiun of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual fAtes. Persons sending in advertisements, are rL-tjucstfd to note on the marj'in the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid and charged accordingly. auv\ Cowuw’issVou nUSlNKSS IN C11AULER10N. flr»lIK SlT.SCKinEK respectfully informs his tViends and the public, tirat he continues -jlio above line of busiiitss at his old stand on Edinoiidston’s \\ hiuf, where he is prepared to atteiul to the sale of produce committed to his oarc, ujjon which liberal advances will at all tiiiK-s lie made j or to the execution of orders lor (iouns. >Vm. J. M'ilson, Esq. or in his absence, the agent of the STEAM 150A I S, J stph II. Townes, will receive and forward, without de- luv, all Cottons consigin.d to me by the way of Ciicraw, and w ill he pn pared to make advau- ocB on such consiginnents, if recpiired. IlKNUY. \V. Cr^NNEU. Charleston, Nov. 1, 1827.—3nitl~3. Cj* The Editor of the Western C.irolinian will insert this advertisenu iit for three months, and forward liis account to me in Charleston. I'ay your TAXES, for 1827. A r.l. ptrsons liable to pay a TOWN TAX fur the year 1827, ave rt cpicsted to ca'I on the ire .surer and pa\ the same Without . Those who f;*il to uttend >o this notiri l)v tin wet k of iMiniary Court, ni;\> exput toh. pro- coded ag;*!list bv \\ :tri jnt of ss ami sale immcdiut'-h theVe;ttU r . an I those ho an in am irs fi.rthe \ear 1«26. will be dealt \\itl> in like niaiuier. CHEEN KENDiJICK, T.a:sunr. N. H.— Tije Commissioners will conmienre working on the streets on Moiui ), ihe 28tb in>'.ant' .\ few ttuut, abk lu:nili. wdl iu lured at ;i f;iir urii e. No other kind need apply. Mtrklf-iihurg t’ouiiiy. Court of I*ltI.i anil Qnaritr Scsjions, IS OTIC K Having disposed of my stock of Goods, and heinir lesirous to close n>v business as and hein)^' lesirous to close n>y business as uperi/ili/'JLS possible, I hereby give notice to all persons indebted to me, to call and settle im mediately. 1 will put all my papers, (wliich are not previously settled to my suti.sfaetion) in suit immediately after our Eebruarv (’ourt. (iUEEN KENDiaCK. Charlotte, Jan. 29, 1828—4t7'Jp. JSEW COXFECTlOXAliY, Fruit Store, 65c. The subscriber infonns the citizens of Char lotte and its vicinity, thut she has rented the house lately oecupied by Mr. I'honias A. Norment, as a Grocery, and that she has just opened an assortment of Candies, of every description, Almonds, Figs, Prunes, Kaisns, Pearl Barley, Hlee, Smoked Herrings, Oysters, Crackers, Pickled Fish, and Philadelphia Beer; with a supply of Coflee and Sugar, 8tr. KACllEL COHEN, .lanuary 21, 1828—3mt79 TO THOSB COXCEIlNKn. nWING resigned the office of Deputy >»lierifl, I request those persons holding my receipts for collection, to call, soon as is convenient, tor settlement. TIIOS. A. NORMENT. •Tanuary Til, 1338.—.‘)t70. % \ i iLst Sale. By virtue of a Deed of Trust, I X* cuted by AI- exand(.-r.l. U orke, fM the' purpose ot s cur- (Icljt-. then i.! nentiomd, luillsell ADDRESS or Tiir. ADMIITISTRATION CONVENTION, Held in t/ie Capitol at Halflgli, Dec. 20th, 182 To the Freemen of J\orth-Carolina. FElLOV-CITir.ENS, The approaching electloij of Presi dent of the United Slates has created a nigh exciiement in the public mind, and roused into action many angry passions. I'hose who now address you are far from desiring to increase this excitement, or to inflame these passions. They know that a large majority of their co'intrymer. who lake a pari on either side of this con troversy, are actuated by honest motives. They claim to themselves the right of expressing their own opinion, and of act ing in conformity to the dictates of their own judgment j hut they acknowledge to its full extent, the right of othe-s to form a din'erent opinion, and to I'ollow it up by a corresjjondent course of action. They see no reason why the citizens of tl'.e same community, entertaining the snme reverence for their common institutions, and ejualiy desirous of promoting the prosperity of their common Country, may not differ about the meansof eiTecting this end, without asperity or animosity. They believe that calm discussion and dispassioTiale enrjuiry are most favorable toiicorn’ci decision. While therefore, as freemen, addressing freemen, they ingccvtu..,debt,there.! ne.umne.h tbemselvcs frankly and .a Put he. \ eiulue, 1.1 I riduv, the 2yih dav of i , , ' , , ^ ■ - • ' learlesslv ; y* t, as men who know their TerVI. IS27. Ikiir\ I'aiT and Margu- «;„per & M_c(.nm r-v. litnry an- > arga- I)I SSOl.I’'!’! 0\. rel his wite, Sibis ' ^^!IE cti!)avl!H is,hi|) hen ti h.re existing be- Juclf'ft'f^il oS 23, Liitd cn Lnd. | ,,,ilvcd on the loth instant, by niiitii:i! :it. T r appe;»ring tothu* satisf;>ctioii of tiie court, j |‘. r.sons indebteil to us will pu a^e i .dl uid .>>et- that the .hove named deft ii.laiils ire not in-1 tk- their respective a(•eount^, witliout (k la\, hililints of this State; It is OUDKKEl) byjwe wish to close the concern as soon as the court, thiit publoMtiitn be nitide six ^\eek^ possible. enraged by the contagions violence of their triend.s, avowed a determination to oppose the Administration, though it should be as pure as the Angels who surrounded the throne of the Most High ! 1'hen commenced the array of party against party in our National Councils; and from that day, no public measure has been censured or applauded, opposed or supported, without a view to its influ ’uce on the next Pre sidential Contest, the work of violence begun by the Political .Chiefs, was prosecuted with bitterness by the Subalierns of the partie*s through the Nation. The harmony of Social intercourse has been impaired—the purity of character of our best citi.'.ens has been assaileil —ancient animosities have been revived—new schisms have been rousc(!j^~anl many of our public prints have teemed with abuse andslan- der. f FeIlow-Citi?:en6, what cojir.sc does a regnrd for the tranquility of our Country call upon us to pursue s' The term for whicli Mr. Adams was elected, has nearly expireil, and accoium'y to the well known and approved usages of oi;r Countrj’, he Gi»mes before us a Canchtiate tor re-election. All his alversarits luive united in the support of ote opposing candidate, between these we tnust choose, li '.ve >ot'' at all, we nuist either «-\])ress our assent ihat Mr. Adaius shall !ia\e the acriistomeil ma."U oi‘ his Country’s ap])robutlon, a continuance in of fice for ;i second term, ur v, c must jo n t' re ject him, by giving our sur.'r.\;res li»r the iJ.todi- datc of the'opposition. To u.;, it a jjp 'ars that no usage can e mor>"r ausj'icious in its intlu- ence upou the tranquility of our t'o’.intry, than the re-eleclion for;' second t^'rui or a President with whose Ailministration there i* no well- founded and ser'.ous cau;e ol ♦complain'. It i;i surely de.sirable that there should lie a bri uth- ing time betw I en the violent rohllict.s ’ ■ loch always ocenr on the appr()ae.h ot contested Presiilential I’.lectionr)—that there should be a serene interval, in which public men niay tpii- etly i)lan and cahidy execute uhat tlie public good recpiires, uiiagitatfd by the passions which accompany tin se conllicts--.unl tliat the People shculd not be ki'])t l>y the arts .oid ex- ha.e frlU,-.v.cU;z,-i,s, frun. i I clin.rcnl |,,rts c.f ll,. sut., t„ , r « ,tl. r»cl, , It I- , II. 1 ■!' I. . Iv to tht ir ue.ice, t lan unta\or.ilile to the e.\- ! other on tl’.e iornneg ol aii J.leeToful I icket i r’, , ;,i , . ,. ' which w (• nia\ ourselves sii^jport, and hieli we ' then jui gnu n . u .i .. . and IS wel' ki own to ' e e|u d i.i quality to any ,.,.(,„n„,K od to others wl.o d>:ter.„ine ' to discharge the dutu .s ol I i» si- n. the upp. r [K.rt of Sonth-Ci.n.,na ; a large , pert,on bein«- bist r ite low gv, und. ; P> rsoh.s wishing ti, |nireliuse. will do well to losel,otnne.ne.^ail.i,.ng .t,a,as;de^^dlposi.|,,^,.^,;;^^.,.^^, . umntcriiiit'ed strii '. I he I’istant one e lection is decided, tlu struggle for the next w dlbe- "In. The viisajipointed Candilates and tlu ir ,1... l„w ;„„l .-x.m.. h .t •W'"*. t„ .itl.es, all .viihout leuri.ing who wil! ])robably be ai- centablc to tti ise citi/ens in the dillerent ilis- tricts of the St.ite, who, with us, :'ie favorabh to I he re-ek etion ot tiie present Chief Magis- tPiste. Wl believe llial we have pntcured this l’ebru;ir\ iie.\t, on the pn iiiises, tliat valualde j ' ; y t. Tract otM.nn'l, Lnowi, by f.e name of the Le- own mfumitjes and weaknesses, they per I'lace, lying •ni the big and little Catawba, j would fain speak without arrogance or about three miles above .Niason’s Ferr\, joining ^ biftertt(’'.s. the lands of Dr. .\1( Lean and others. 'I'liiS' ^ tract contains, aceiirdi g to a late survey. 1 , ' . 1 . 1- 1 1 ■ I permit us to vote t,v ly take place, a IJ oc,.K-^ c.ft nt day, | Ki,ctors whom v.e personalK know, and in lermsot suit wil! In- one third cash ; oue > h. canse'w e know them, tlinv at one year’s credit; an.i Die remiumng fr.audiise onlv as third two e..rs’ cre.nt. Till-UPiill.US I'ALi.S, Tnuskc. Jan. 2'-, l«2«.—4t71. id to others wlio I1.:.V determine ' ' “ .s iv^.i v ^ . .... this .,,1,]. cl • "> >’• "■'‘;rr.un«l vt t ,vj „.l rSlate, ,s it,.,., -xi.ts. f;,”" i„„„. r,sp, cl„ c.l:s„,ct,.for l.cri.,fincl. we .„.,j l.erculle. - i .. . / 1 tii> iMt!uit niu* i UM'.tion course of ibe suci.esstui competitor, will inst nt •v l.tlif the field, !M gr' but not ilispirited by de feat, :oul wreak tlu ir'unitel vengeance «>n him w bo bus been the cause .f their discomfiture. 'I he tio’pe of public apiirobation,'one of th.- V' ‘■tronuest iucei t ,„h r,., I„.„. ,l,.l vv. („.-e ,,U. Il,c 1,1,..1) u,s, „r l,„„. '-I".'', i.umes of'he |)ei’sens for ,.e.* We attempt no con- V.ll secure the \>v.s\Wn\ from 'inirut, unike no parade of silence opposition to bis nieasure.s, ..r a ;.y lie ' iiiiliii iij'c animosity ot his enemies, lie can ha\e lUi i on- allowed to lii.ish anv .loiirnal, that they npinar at j then anvl there to shew in the (Jatawb >\ bruary Sessit usneM, cause why tike bind ot the said Joseph I oiUl, dt eeased, should n>'t lie >ohl to satisly the a- bdve judgnit nt ami cos'. Witness, lsu:ic ,\i. \tniir. Cli rl: of uir said | Court, at tdiarlotte, the ;ui .Momlay ofNuvem-j feu-, 1B27. l.v \ \(' .M.l.XAN'OKH, e m c. 6tb9—pr. aiv. f..’ 75 ^Vw\ivV* .N W\-V' ‘t\vIAuva, Mcfklenburg Cotinty. CoJirl of t uas ami ii’inr/rr »Svoo(0/j.v, JSo- vvnikr 7V/-///, 1827. Charhitte, Jan. 22d, l62S- f>7. oi riKn' i'Kii .s. Ill ntix(;t)\, IVfilch MdJ.ns and Jnvellcra. F t!ie late firm of riio.v.ts Jk Co. ha\e re- rrtov( (1 their establishment to the buililing iqqi' site Mr.Jno. Sloan’s new lion^e, about 50 yards north of tlic Ci'urt- House, wl'.ere they are pre- pared to cuiTV on the above business, in all its various hrai;che>r'\ hh :-.e;’.tness and despatch. Tliey have a handsome ..ssortiiient ot p;old and silver I’.itei't I h 111 e n & rii'..l:ii.g known th w lioii, w c intend tow trul over public sc^li our I'linibi rs, and no ofliccil iniliunce, j Tlie Ticket which we propose must stand or fall by its ow n ii erit. I The ii[)|)roacbing c..nlei>t exhibits a state of I things luitil late ly unheard of in the political j history of our Country. I ror.i t!ie period which e!'se;i the political life oft!'.., i|lustri(Mi.s \V»-»ii- iMi j (iv,dow nlo the da\ s in which we live.when- , ever there were rival candidates for the Presi dency, the ri>ulry sprang irom u d ffer«nee in I the w ho divided the Conntr\. To the honor of the People, these jiarlit s were found- ded on measures aiul principles—not on men . and a struggle for oflice. The cd'ect of ihese ' contests was to Wring biforc the People h^r , tin ir choice tho>c best qiialihl'd to administer the aiVair-i of the N.ition, according to th--lr ed and venerable body, the special ,gnardia-« of the rigbtB suppose.l to have been tlms vio lated, on the 12th of April followinir, rejerted triesc Resolutions by a vote ot imlefmlt- post ponement.f In this debate, precedents were citeil of the ex’ercise of this right b^ all the predec«‘Ssors of Mr. NIadison. In Washington, Adams, .lefferson, and Madison, the actual ex ercise of the power wasileemcd constitution al, aiul pronounced t) be orthodox ; but in hirn who now fills the Presi.lcntial Chair, an intimn- tion that it exists, thou^'h 'iccompanieil with a forbearance io use it, is sti^matiseil as ;i I oli- tical Heresy, and denounce«l :is I'yranny anl^ Usurpation ! Surely the i-ace is not extinct ot those who strain at tiiiats ami swallow anu Is. p.ccause tlu Presidt !^t '.as express*d the sen- tinient w hicb impii ty itsi lf could ‘learcely ar- r:iign, that bis oath ot oihce imposes an (>bli- gation paramount to all human consider .tions, I)!'ii misrepresented as claiming pow. r from Divine Vutliority ; and because lie h.is •idvan- eed the manly and honest tloctnne, th i* where the course of hitv is p'ain, ami the oljl.ji itiou to act imperative,' the Puldio Agent slu.uld ne ver be prdsi( (l by tiie fear ol jiopuhi'' disph a sure—a doctiim- once so ably and s(» eloquf nt- U ct'.furced on the Hoor of the llousi ol U^'p- r’cs( iit.itivci: !)V Mr. Calhoun—he is d( iu>unc; (l :uregarilh'ss of t!ie Constitution, aristocralir^irt bis notioiis, .iiid a contemner of tlu- will of tiii^ Pt ople. An mlejllgeiit People shouhl t'iscr. iviiiiate bet we n dattcrers and trii-nds. !■ I'.itter- ers indeed ar- no% ( r Inends. The !)(. m tgogura w ho, in a Uepublic. livt s but to pb-ase the p O' pie, under a Monarchy, wouhl be toi-e,nesl in the train of Courtiers that hesie^je tin- Throncj V. itii fidsoiiie ailul’ition. Pohti' >1 sunflower.-* always direct their fac es to the orlj ot light and. Iu- I, 111 whatever unarler of the Heavens i'» ni;»v shine It i-s ii.deed d'-sir;.bh-ti) have tii'j fa\orof tlmse who can confer ofliet ; but it i* iifiMer fa" *o iiro'U'.ite the luiblic gootl by an hoiirsi discli.iri^i' of duty, even at the risk of |)ublic disple isnrc. The Pr. si h-Mt ij arraigned for basing losd the Hriiish West India Tr. ile, by und.M-taking toarrant,>-e th-su'viect by amic;iole lu g.-tt'itioiv instead of concurring in pro|)osed t naetim nta of i'ongress, which would base secured to u*-*. our fair share of this r(jmni' rce. The ch .rgs is not true. 'I'be proposetl •'ongre ^sioml l.n- actineiits, it is now kiiovsn, would not h.ive ob tained the !iiii)n w hich tliev . re di s i;iied to in • vite. NoroiiKhtit to li.i'e o i n t'.iiis invited. The trade w :».s a fair and proper-.u ject of t’on- vention l)clwe' ii the tvio Counlrii .s, to be det-« tied on the basis of mu!u:il .nd re ipro- cal interests The iionov i )'ir Country for-’ bail«- any ith' r -oi rse. If I'lijjl nd would noU (k-ign to’tre.-t II 'hi ; .sii'.ii. ' '., it w.is not for iiei t(» coaN h- r hiii^.hty M iU‘ t r- inti,* ,:oncfssion» by lei:lshnlw c!M,-h nsioi.. 'I’hc pliiif not more r -i;...'. F.tent w itb 'i' if resjn ct, nar* iign.inl io"i iiuure ot tli" i,u!'ject to bo lei'isliition :n,d ciuiiiter U gis- i -1 ilict ,vere I fillies, i. \ r can ievVH of Siilh t.ov(’i;ir.('ii- on fi. I .1 I. so as “ to oro'l'Ke :i li.il'. 'O- fldeiice that he will be benM!Ci..l scheme of nati(nial |)olic\ which he n.'ay have begun, and that he must nut surrt ii- (h r bis ui.fini.sh. li work, “ together with his re- and (roin a iioii.st.,v. 'iol.iM ^ ])iitylion, tf) a suct e'^sov niieipial to the task” th - fireu ill w ■•ineiiif of *. t or uiifiiendly to his vlt ws. “ I.et us eat and drink, for to-m(»rrow we ilic,” is the langua;^- oflbe s(nsuarist. Let me enrich my fu'.il\ and fVieiids—let me streni;lben the power ot my adh. r'its iluring the short tirm of my of lice, wouhl till n i-e the natural !.uggcstion of a\ariceaiul ambition. I.et us not be misri presenteil. We are not lulvocates lor n indi finite re-i hi'ii'ilny of the prescient. ( usK'in, t'oumlid on the prec.t dent' sit by tl’.e man win.', meniorv all now veiie- r,.te, has es' ildisliia (irmlv, .iiid we think leip- vie w s of its policv ; and in cver\ iiist^inci*, the •• . , r. ii.i , f:andidate prel'eried was deciileilly the atdest i t'*' '* ‘ ‘ i, 1 • ...I I » 1*1* lli'ill ills. ImII ihl’ .SUIIH' h ^ 1.’.,.,. ..n-1 \!ar^i-' l' ‘tei'i I.evers, ..r.i j,^oi)u piaiii i.aii-i.i-., -man ot his parly. I he iiendnig controvi rsv ' r ui.m • t , .. i,,, i. 0ooper a - c inm ■ ' , j j j. 'i',,, | ik men’s ami l adies' g(dd Chains, Seals and ' dignity . It is not a conflicl ‘ortumei la V- i ‘^ |ly ’ J . , '^’,.. ,1 i r.r-a-ji I’ins ami Finger Rings, of liandsoine 1,^.^^^^.^.,, ,,^.,1 m,il eombinations of "‘sely. s,.,.. leceivcone e t i.. i . p.itt.ri.s, .Silver 'I'abli and Tea Spo(i:is, and j( i, fodndcd on no recognised diM'er-{ \\ liy, tlieii, w-e would ask, ot our ea rn and f 'i' appearinp,- to the s..tistaetion ot ti.e couri, j vai'ious ( tlier articles in tln ir line, w bicli the} i alnnit measures ; but on a competitinn tor ^ reasoiiinj;- iellow-citi/i ns, siiall y.e join in 'Ins til t the above nanu.d deiVnil.ints ai'e not in-1 dl sell low f«)r ’asu. No e\ rtions will be ' .,n,| place. Ontither hide we see ar-j opjios.totn to .Mr. \oains ? II w i: tak' paud, Oil tl.eir [lai-t, to give complete .sati.sfic- ,,._j p„Htie,:ms \\!„) li.ive S(„rei iy heen ' granti 1 t!ie dedam ititir.s of his opponeiits-it ‘ion l(j lliose who may iavor theju with tlieir j;no\ui to act in eone.rt. Tlie champions ol| v\ i believe all that the opposition j)resses li.ive State rights, and the lll>trkl expounders of the ! ( h..iged upon huu—nay, if wc conlnle in tin I'eihral Constitution—the /ealols for na'ion.d lilii tb’iic.d, ami even honest deniineations ol \\ifi, heirs . t law Judgment iJ M), ]>• levied on lat.d. i' ajipearinp,- to the s.itistaetion ot ti.e court, j til..1 the above nanu.d ih iVml.ints are not in-j habitants (»i' this State: It is I )R I) I'.Ul'. 1) by I tlie court, that pn'ilicatum be m.uiv si;, wei k.* i'l tiie Ca‘.a\vt) i Journal, ilt.it they i.ppiar at l'e!>ruary Sessions next, tlieu andthii'e tosliew cause wliv the land of the s:.id Jos. ph l odd, decease,1.’ sh.ould not l.e sold to aatisu tt»e a- bo\e ju"gm' nt and costs. Wi-nes^, Isaac MexaiuU r, Clerk ol our said Court, Hi Chailotte, the-Itli .Monday oi Nuvein bcr, U327. IS \ \C MJ'.X-VNDi.l*’, c. M. t. f.tG'Jpr. adv. :f2 “j fe\v\\s‘ v>V >Ti>y\\\-VuviA\m\, McckkMiburi; C’ounly. iWiLriiihir 'J'tnn, 1H27. AUxander Cibony rx- lleiu\\ I'arr. l.evied on right of bonl (jt .lo-i pb '1 o !d, adji.imng Jo seph lluilson k Hngli Mi l.ure. I r is orderi ii bv court, that publi. ation he li'ade SIX wieks in tiie Cataw ba Jovirmd, for the defend;ml to appear at our next I'eiim.uy Court, and t lere plead and rt plevy, otio rwm iudj'uient will be entered up ag;»-.nst liini. /s.ur jLi::A.iM)J-^li, c- fit 70.—pr. ailv. ^2. Stntc of Nortli-l’jiroiiim, Mcckknbnrg ('omity. yiHi.inht'1- 'J'rrni, 1827. '^Vilson Coimor n-i. .Nicholas I{. MorgHii. l.ev ied on the undivided interebt of the deten dant, in right of his wife, in the landsdiat Iv Imi Alexan.h r died | ossesst d of, it being otic lot i;i Ch:«rb,tte, k an interest in a tract ot land •.rniai.iing 7 .S .icrs. Iving iu .Mi ekk nbnrg county , djo'iiing Id im Aiexamler f^otheis. Ir ;s order, d l.v court, dial pulilicati.m be made in th Catawba .lournah for lief'endant T(I ,f • jiear at o'.ir nexi I ei'niiiry (,onrt (:f 1 h as \i.ti (Quarter ^Sessions, and n pievy or judgnieiit •wdl Ijecntere.l upaealn-' liim- /.v,'/..^0 Jl.iLX.jyPF.H, c. M.C. 70.—))r adv. *2. Deeds, for b^ale al I'iis Uliicc. iurpi/se‘4 he busi- !.y b.eing,! M.iu, I . ev ' M 11- reli. •. 1 ion.it l.e' Iho lb.', au to ; . i’> I .tj in -.o d'l p..'.ri;iiagi ( ',.irli i . J.m 29, is:8.—fifi. MeckltTibiiru; County, encouragement to IJomestic Maindadui' llie b g.its w iu> deiTu i veii moderate pn.ti i tlmi | iisiirp.ition and tyranny—the frienus iu.d ila- I ciunnisto Inttrnal Improveiuent—by som. tion. extraordinary j): incipk s of coliesion, are found cai.di.l or just ; (,nr fellow-eitizens, over zealous in tlie cause of ( en. Jackson, tiiere- is indeed abundant cause to bun with t!ie full measure of our reproba- r>ut politic I (.p])osition is seld iin either JS'dVi tiibff 'J'liiii, 1827. I i^^xtraordnary i)!incipks of coliesion, are found j cai.di.l or just ; e.sce.-isive /e..I blinds the un^ Thomas Alexander r.'. Klijah Alexander. Lev-j either conil.mel to overturn, or unitidto i:p-' rMandin^- and jK-rverts the judgment ; and ie.l Oil a ne^-ro woman name.1 Julia. j hold the present Adminiblration. Iu the |)ohti- •he Pn ss, wlueh shuvild be tlie vxliicle o KiV ' c'll urinciples of .Mr. Adams and of iiis oppo- trnth, is to «itten but the medium of calumny an i tats. no.;d. We have heard—we have seen the i^re .i.;ent t lurged with having usurped a p.iwcr (leiii .1 b.m bv the Constitution, iu claim ing the r glit to send Ministers to foreign pow- (rs, .gainst the wdl, anti witliout the consent of the Si nate. W hat is the fact > I'be Presi dent .nnonm eil to Congress that i\n applica tion h;id been m de to him in the recciis of the 'Senate, to sen ! \tinisters to the Congiess oV Panann., and C.at although he believed his poA- ers adequate to this object, he dren ! it expe dient to wait for the meetir.g of i i.s {jonst'tu tion-al Counsel before hedecided on so ;ni)or' i kUnr.K'KI*, that publication b^ made six ! cal principles ot .vir. Adams anu or ms ..ppo- I Iweeksln the Cataw!,a Journal, that defen.l- i nent-in theu' views of national p.dicy-so tar i next Fel.rnarv Court of Pleas ithey have been d. el.uvd, or .m- (hseovera- and Qmii't^r s!sslo,r’, ‘and'plearor hcenteredupagain.^ti' X'^’- This state of things appears to us, not loi.iV novel, but m some respects alarimng. It is (.'f a character which ,ve di.ein me'.acm^ (itherwi.-.e jnilginent him. JSJ.K' .ILl'.X.lSDHIt, c. >1, c. f\ 7‘y—]ir i.dv. 52. ^luU‘ uV ^TuvWx-V'vvvuWuu, ! .-Mri KI.t'MU ISG COI N'IV. I Cuurl of rkiii nnd ({narttr SusionSj i\o-! vcmbcr 'I'lr/ii. .7 /.^. IS27. I Nancv Ciallaut r.s. the Heal Kstate of Daniel (I'allar.t, deceasetl. —Petition for Dower. 'I' appearing to tlie satisf.ictio?! of the court, j i,^ to the tranquility, tlw lioitor, and the best in terests o!' onr (Hint ly. We have no pi rsonal concern in this struL'-gk-. lU longing to tlie gn at body of the pi-o,de. iii itlier fearing to losi, nor seeking to gain of- fiei.-, we behold iiui j idgc- ot it only us it may idl'ect the couiinon w i Hare of us all, ami t)elieviiig that Wi Mate issentially endangered, w e cannot be inddlerent to tin Tbi-ei years ago four (.’andid till Pel pie. No om that John tialiant, James tialbuit, I'rai.eis j, .,| ^ ^ vol (,.l!aii% Nancy I)oii;.;l)i rt_\, wulo.v of .lames ;,,j- ({..pp, s. i.t;.ii\« s to inak Douglierty, Mary lla'ikins, w idow nfJuhnH.oi I ,j,, v. ho had n etiveil the greates' num- klns, Kli.-'abetli .>U Kiniu \, w de i f Julin \'. Ivin * i,, f si,tlrii^-» s. Tlu cliiMce fell on one ot un- ney, :ui I Haridi >'pe.us, wde of , jut sticin d t..k i.'s, of extensive and accurate lieirs al law (jf I »an;i I li.tllui't, !( ei r.i-.l, ar. not' ^nhtic.J kliowiiiige, of long e xijerie nce—pro- lidKo.it.iiil.i ol this St.lie . It is ()i;i).-.IO-.l>, i) j,,(,Mini(l iiv U aslunglon among the llrst of our liie C(jurl, tli.t [Hiblit aticiii iie made f> rsi\||nj lie ciiaiac'.ers—tried, trusted and ajiproved A-.e!;s iu ti) 'C.itauba J.i-rnal, gn nil,- notire to I J, (jcrsoii, .Madison, and Moni'oe. lie Ne llie .,aiil dit.rim.in'> t() iippe.vr at oni next u urt , j,’eled lor ilie first station in bis Ca liut oiiO of ol Plei.s iinl iriu irter Si ss.uns, to be III hi f'U-1 j,,., nts, dislingn.s’.ied fir geiiiu^,emi- th (oi'.i.ty afores.id, at the Conrt-lloiis, in ; iit a.i a Statesman, anl aid* • ily admired b\ C'.i irl'.e, on the ^itli Monda> in Cel.; i; !y next, | | ir. i.ils. Instantly tlx- ze do'n sunporl', rs ml an.i-jVir, (.therw i'c the p(’titlun v\ di he t ik-. ,,f tlu i'..sappointed (jamlidai -s i)cgan ttie work c-n ])iu confesso, aiiii lu'atd ex p.ute as lo tin. m. j ^1'opposition. The tliar^e «jf coiTiipiion svas Witness, lMn:r .IhxdUiIrr, (,!erl; r.f onr said.stnirnhd tinongh the laial. Iloneraljle and Cuuv!, .it Cbi.rl(,tle, Ui • -iUi M;;iiilav ut Novi in-1 ROf di men, exasl)eraie.l by disappun.tmelit, or iu'r, A. I). 1‘27. 41,t a measure. h.' were in error i:i supp )• ■ irraiiged. I ilion ot' 1 c(.niblni; th nialti r of t;om|' ' so as “ to ; ni(!iis reco c i .m o( j'trln^' ■tild ilisi'oldai ' . l( im 111 > w i.icli ♦ IS fi I Hs ol NI g« it a 11 II I . ad I u '• Y'-iif )ia>oii-.i s hii\i I.. I ii ri'usi i| ri-miiiiled lli.it Mr. xd.iMs i-- a N .nii if ith r .f trv, in bw vafua' ' i ie> to I is “ Hew are of t,-" o'jr. .'i e il p i i. s, ..i ficlions. \rraV le t iln .\oil.i ' South—the C't n'anist i|| I'a.l.” mc.i tion w*iich slionM >•) jineioni wouh' be i.,a liK ss in ».s 'o di-ri ;■ I so moo'.stri,t-|; ,is to iiii .g'in, lii t b ut, thnj will not unit'.— il ov n jv ' the in .Ividi.al !•- not of//.v, ///( y wdl i every oiu "ho i.s in.)t i.f tlnin ? vnd irrav' ■ f Sta’.is in liostde iiir ■ ' 'li d made, know wt not v iM. whorn th Shall w e iio^ se.d tin t xcb'is.K.i Miei'' ; e ver of a>ou1h' rii nun from 1 I f-ii! wllat has the Cedi I I «.o\i I iini' iit ti, tin; delicati- subject h- re r. f. ri" l ' ' .\ .i’ what are we to .ipjirch nd bom a P. si.'eu'. who, though Iroh H.e N'orili. h..s du mi'Mi.n • mityto place a m-ijonty of Soni her;, men mhi'. Cabinet } Ti llow-Citizens, thi re is oin-cha.-ge nf r.- i g;ii IS' till.' Pri sidef.t. It is a ciia"g - w l.e;!* ought to have been well we.^l'ed S' tore il advunci il—which «hon!d >e t. llv p’’ .ve I '.)• it is lit 1 lev ed — w liK h, li ’ru. , b a' > s a ■ '.a' ip • on our National Chara( li r, liar lly *o he ell'..ee.|; and w hich, if false, si'.ould draw dow .i le iivv indif^nuTion upon those who had the hisme-i; to fahricate it, or the r.i^hiu ss to jjrefer it, w rJiou'.* aceri.inty of itatriilh. Ttou all know t!.:>t w-: allude to the charge of a corrupt bargain lie. tween Mr. Adams and Mr. Clay, by !un!i tiui latter was seduced to support the forir.er, ;\U'i to procure for him a sufllcient number ff servient friends in Congress, ty v »,vii0se. v>..t' i •... decide the election in hit, t'avor. In t..;'; ■ '-.rt . - y of our soul'i we declare, that we i ei l.iin h'led in noticing this arf.'i?a‘.lo i. V'lat^mu^. foreigners tiiink ol t.Iis ilatt; t :' ny, in c-.i couniry, when I.a.'ges l;’*e '.hr • i - • :tg-aiuj{ the nio:>t distin.'^'ii..! c 1 , m'n V/hat a inaUgp.-ii t ti!',,/i,.i tri t'.e cnemie j cf uy yio'.'. . ♦i(.':is, baldly r"3u--, I'-:e;'.n , • men of tho liigicr'..t^i“P’.i‘a„.in • , I riily, and h iif; Lli,. r'esuli. ’ s iig tliat h’ c»institulioiial power to fdl va-a-.- ■. :..ted S‘alCH, loi llicu’p’,^ i ' • e , Jid.itcs wire voted ces" i-. tiie oflici of l-'oreign Ministers, in the :u.d thei" Cr^-tH.i, ■ •, .d ■- ' .r •(d)tulneda consti-l-.ei ss of the Senate, did extemi to a case where Jve; : of t •: ■ c -u olved on the lloii^e had not been made, can- i,; ’i :.-i t, ea seh;lion iVorti !oi would liave pronounced that error venial p . t iM-ulry r. p • ;/. .m .! 11,,. M I.uil l.i cn sanctioned by tarvliiein •r/fj—f'i .e : ' I.A \C, AI.LXAMJIIU, 6lC'9.—priVt; a«jv. W c M, c. \i lltif hf the Kl rtuvs 7>o77iirfiile I liavini' alrt a- dij (j-•». >'n i' ,/e’'-, ' ‘f" oniitttii. winch had been sanctioned by tctr^ in the o.-iiie-. We would refer these c»*iuors to tfie Itesolutions presenled by Mr. (.ore, in the Senate of the L mted States, on the 7th .f March l'il4, in whieb that body was culled upon to resolve, that the President of the L'. Mates having power to hll vacancu s vliitlt mav haiipeii in the reCi ss ot the S n ite, no sni'h vacam y tould occur In an oflice not be fore thll, and that therefore the granting ut ei.n.niisM(-iis, ill the recess, tu Mesii’s. Adam., Havaril ’ind (.allatin, Vo negotiate a Treat;, ot Pi aecvvilh vireat Hritain, w as an act unwmrant ed by the Coiislitutiim, and an iiit;ingeinenl ot the ri^^ht.-. ol the Si nau , and of the Stau v\lion. t'.icv icjiri jellied. I'ew questions were ever Iiiore debberalclv considered, r more tlio- j roach’s .:i--;u^i*a. M Loj^'h, tUit cuh^-liicu- vvliicii tho;C vh.odisb,?;ioe.‘, till r cir ui—:>uii et ‘'i'* giH' roi'.s scin.b.’.i'v v^hicl' " a' e.icpccti 1 from ii h '.n''! i tip;»oneri*ol tr.i'1'..C'' 1 i; TiK-n ■' 1 f tlicn, v/i *e r. ■> tc.' us b'oni h:i>t;'y fear to eTic.jura^e ' tude »l) pi;! '’ov.-l ji. rso'i.d ’ ;jUwm'' tif\ t le degruui.* f lor our chara lii;'. • ..p. ,i (,I our Preside!.l, OUJ’ '-.'..l.iry •,'l :d ,’m.y by : ,i,..h ■ I' 1 : -.1 a de!'. .tr. ■' oi' f ur '' S, r Juiinnil Ilf ihc Senoli'nj f/if 2« fhr ol'' "i/iliTrr u fXlJi' ioi, juy, j-i'j

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