VOL. IV.] ■?- CHAULOrrE, JV. C, TUESDAY, FEB]{IAR¥ 26, 1888. [NO. 171. IM HLISIIKU uki:ki.y, Bv LKMUEL r.IAGlIAM, i?/ I'/irec Dollars a j/ear, paid in advance. Xo papei- will be discontiimed, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. Advertisements will be inserted at the usual Tates. Persons sending in advertisements, are requested to note on the margin the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid and charged :iccordingly. lcactovv\?;e rAuuAWission BUSINKSS IN CHAULKS'ION. S-t|HE SUUSCKlBIiin respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he continues -he above line of business at his old stand on Fdmondston’s Wharf, where he is prepared to •ittend to the sale of produce coinrnittetl to his c-iro vu)oii which liberal advances will at all times be m;.dc ; or to the execution of orders tor (iOODS. . I • u «i Wm. J. Wilson, Ksq. nr in his absence, the aifent of the STKAM HOAI S, J. s ph 11. Townes, will receive and forward, without de lay, all Cottons consigned to n.e by the way ot Clu-raw. and will be prepare-l to make advan ces on such consjgnments, i*‘ W. rONNLll. Charleston, Nov. 1, 18-;7.—ointlTo. rTj" The Kditor of tiie Western Carolinian irill insert tliis a lvertisenient for tlivec months, and forward his account to n.e in Charleston. IXE^^OXFJiCTloyjinY, FuriT Store, ^^•c. THF, subscriber informs the citizens of (’har- lutte and its vlcl'iity, 'J' '' the house lately o cupied by Mr. I N,rmont, as a (;rocery. and th.t sht Im-^ ju.t opened an usisortment of f.an.lie^, ot e\ci> dU rption, -'In.onds. Figs. Vnn.es K.isns T»f rl Harlev, Ulce, S't'okrd llf’rv.ngs. Oystci>, Cl -rkers iMckled Fish, and rbihulrlplna Boer; uilh a sui'plv of CofTee and iN 61 Cents Rcuard. Ran away from the subscriber, on the 3d instant, HARVKY MITCHEL, bound to me by the County Court, lie is six feet two inches high, stoop shouldered, and lias rather a down cast look. He stole a fen dollar bill and a brass bar reled pistol, which he has taken with him. All persons arc forbid harboring or trusting said runaway ,under the penalty of the law; aiul who ever will return him to the subscriber, shall re ceive the above reward. THOMAS HOUSTON. February 5, 1828.—3t71. T O Y niVfeYt alceTS. The Commissioners of charlotte will let out to the lowest bidder, at public auction, on the 16th instant, at the Court-House door, the two principal Streets of Charlotte, to be put in such order by the undertaker as will be made known on that day. Those wishing to '•ontract, will be much more fully acquainted with the plan and the conditions, bj applying to some one of the Commissioners. Uy order of the Board. UOBT. 1. DINKTNS, Scct'y Charlotte, February 2, 1828.-2t70. llh a supply Jaiiuai7 21, l.'i28 K \ CIIKL COIir.N. -omt"9 I'nist S;ilo. CJ7, ny virtue of a Deed of ic^ ’I'rust, « x» cuted !n ^ exaiulcv .1. Wurkc, i>'f the purpose ot se>ur- TWENTIETH CONGKESS. TROTTER & HUNTINGTON, JVatch Makers and Jewellers^ Or the late firm ofTiioMAS 'I'noTTKn &, Co. have re moved their establishment to the building oppcisite Mr.Jno. Sloan’s new bouse, about 50 sards north of tlie Court- House, where they .arc pre pared to carry on the above business, in all its various liranches ^itli iTeatness and despatcii. 'I’luy ha\e a handsome assortmciit of golil and silver Patent Levevb, and good plain W atc'ies ; (irn- tlenien’s i.tid Ladies’ gold Chains, Seals and Ke's ; I'c irl, I'llaKree and Paste Kar Kings, iln-asi I’lns and Finger Kings, of handsome i)atterns; Sihtr 1 .il lo and'I'ea Spoons, and Ajirious other ailic l>-s in their line, which thiy /■ , t-. ii will sclllo-.v C,vsii. No exertions will ;.C of the Editors m an adjoining rootn. Ik- spared, on thclr part, to f;i\e-eonip!etc sa^l^.f.•r-1 ‘lid tiot accept the invitation, lor he pre- tion to tho^e wilO may fa-.or them with tbeir j iVrred listfiiing to the gentleman fi oni Pcnnsyivaniu, (Mr. Sergeant,) but lie //Ol/SL' OF liEVnESENTdTIl'KS. TUESDAY, FEB. 5, 1828.—littrenchment. The House then resumed the conside ration of the resolutions ofl’ered by Mr. CI)iIton. The questiou being on the amendment offered by Mr. Hamilton to the amend ment of Mr. Blake. Mr. Rives was entitled to the floor, and he had risen to address the House, when Mr. Randolph rose and asked leave of his colleague to state a single fact. I'he House would remember, he said, and he could not forget the courtesy with which he was heard, that some remarks were made by him on Friday last. Yesterday, in consequence of certain rumors in this city, a friend asked him if he had seen the paper which he held in his hand, the United Stales Telegrabh, of Saturday. He said he had not ; for although a sub scriber to it, it came to him very irregu larly, and he had not seen it. It was suggested to him that he had better look at it. He did so, and his eye was attract ed to an article under the editorial head, entitled “ The Bargain.” He immedi ately wrote a note to the Editors, stating that in this article there was an unwar ranted and unwarrantable use of his name, not only in misrepresenting what he had said, but in saying for him what he did not say. It was a long time be fore he could get the paper. Hehun'ed the whole Capitoline for it, ami got it ai last from the other House—he meant the other branch of the Legislature. After getting the paper, his eye was directed to the report : and just at that moment he was invited to ati interview with one patronage. (.liar.otte, Jan. *9, —C6. ()l‘ iSo? rli-{'arolina, intr certalM debts therein me.stKMu d. I will sc »t Public Vendu., on Fndiiy, ibi- 2ytb eay ot F( bruarv next, on tl.e prcnuses, that valuaMo known bv the name ot the I.e- ^ wrote a note, saying, that the report was ohuc^xious to the same objt ciion as the editorial article—but, perha[>s. in a less d(“gree. On reading the repot i, however, n«(>re attentively, he found that it was obnoxious in a slill higher degree. He bad wailed till this morning t> see if any M r ( u 1 NP. I If r. c orNTV. Colt!I of I’ltan and Qiiortir Stmous, Nuvni bcr Tam, 18-7. Charles Ten pie vs. .loiin (’haflin—Original , Attaclimcnt, levied in the bai ils of A. | no!ice u as tiik ti of (lis rnnnmunicatiotis. Cl (II L.aii.., , t 1 !-^s no notice h.ts lieen tokeri, iie felt it per Place, lying on the |T is onl.red by court, that puMlcKtion be ! hiinselfand K, tl.r 11 .use, to s..y, »l)out tliree miles above >tason s (•'i.\, joiiiiii^^, | ni.ade six wet ks in t u‘Cat;iw ba .lounud, for . i - i ,i ... JirLI,.r.,f Dr. M.I.e.n :uM OIIHI-S. TI..S ,ut\n,l.„t .0 x( r.I-m.ryic I. Ih.a i.u|,er CM- tract contains, aceor.lli g t:> a late Mirvey, | t of Pl(.as '.ii 1 (iuarter S', shoii^, and plead I or replevy; (.tli vvviftc juilgmeiit w ill be enter- and Ifi wel' known to l-e e;u.d in quality to any | in the uppvr p:in. of South-farolma ; a large j bf.rt.on 1). mg fust rate low ground. ^ P rsoiii wishing te purebase, will «■» nell to j lose no time in examining it, as a sale w ill posi- i tlvely tak» place, •,t K o’clock ot tbv* day. Tcrn.sot nd Q(-orfcr Se-^sions, No- [ ed up against him. ISAAC ALKXANDKK, c. M. c. ClT-I—per. adv. J11: f K I. K N r, r i'. f i c o u n t v . third at one w-ar' third two ve.>rv’ creli'. ' iHK'tpitiiCS FAI/i-S, J ruxke. Jan. 22, lt28. - 4r?l. tuinerl as not a stateiiu til oi what he said, but wliat he diil not say. Here Mr. R. read an extract from the arii' le cotnplained of. He said no such thing. He said, per such exaggeration ; such misrepresenta tions. If, said Mr. R. I were to put my hand to this statement, (throwing the paper on the floor,) I put my hand to that which is not true. Every one knows it is not true. He had spoken of an under standing between two high contracting parties, one who is now the President— long previous to this event; long previ ous to its being ascertained that the oth er candidate was excluded from the House by the vote of Louisiana. It was given in other ways, and it was before he went to Europe in the spring of 1824. He did not know of the exclusion of any candidate from the House, until he re turned from Europe in December, 1824. JIp here stated that he had received the first information of this fact, and of thi votes given to (ieneral Jackson, from u captain, whose name we could not mak out. He had had no communication with those parties since—except of a cer tain sort, with one of them :—yes, he had : on the morning of the ballot for President, he was in the Speaker’s room, cowering over the fire, when it was ex pected that New-York would not go lor Mr. Adams, and he then said to th» Speaker, that he hoped we should not be kept a long time ballotting, as the slate of his health would not permit him to re main too long. He had said he had evidence that there w as a compact between the iwo parlies existing long anterior tothe period when it was the thought of either to give his support to the other. To suppose oth erwise, is to supjiose that a candidate would vole against himself, which would be in fact a reductio ad nbsvrdum. 'i'o suppose that in the spring of 1824, that candidate had a good understanding with the Eastern gentlemen, wonld be to suppose that he intended to defeai his own election. Children would not be brought to believe a tale so absurd as that. The conversation lie had with that gentleman was an accidental, casual con versation ; and which he should repeal as soon as could find lime to correct the minutes—if corrigible they were—which were sent hint—(poiniing to the table of the Reporter for the National Intelli gencer,) for that purj)ose. He would acivert to another instance of misrepresentaiiuti IVotii the same quar ter. 'I'lte one he hail stated w as not the fii St, nor ihe seecjttd instance ; nor pro- hubly the third. He repealed ihat he had nothing to do with motives. He had in a former debate said—“diil they noi know that if iheir adversaries truntp, they would not trump also? Hoyh might have taught them belter.” This interpolation lakes away the whole point haps, something which might have been misiuketi ior it. He did ^ not impeach !j'expression, and mukes that base vulgar, which, as. In; said it, was the motives of individuals iperate, indeed, as regaids the agent I)U' they cannot vary the efi'ect, I'o him veinber Ttrni. J. J). 1827. Xar.ry (.allaiit r.^'. the Keal Kstatc of Daniel | tbe effect was the same, whatever might (iallant, deceased. — Petition for Uower. j Ijt* the motives. He had said what he ^ V 1 I r appearing to the sati.sfictlon of tlic court, said in the Senate, two years ago ; and Pav VOtir 1 tor lo,w . | Jolm Gallaut, .lames (iallant, Fraiicis iim) also said what he did not say in 4 II persons liable to pav a I'OWN TAX C dlant, Nancy Dougherty, wido.v of .lames j ^go. The whole A for tbe vear 1827, are request.,I to call on . Oougberly Mary llankins, w idow of Jobn Man I .1.witliDul (U1av. kins, Kiizabctli McKinnev, w lie (.I Jobn Me Kin . ■ ii i i i tbe tfie n.v, anl Sarah Spears,'wife of spears. ! an impression on the piiblic mind abroad, iiose w MO till to «tti ml , • i • * i„ r r^.. :„i.-..u .i i ‘jihut be came forward wiih a knowing j air to 1 tboac wbo are in ' t!u“ court, that publication be made for si \ (lid not know—that became here, teii- l*'!^!ruarv (n' u'iT in iv expi.et to bi' pro- . lu irs at law of Daniel Oallant, deceased, are not 1 ih^*' ^ ded -ig .inst by Warrant of distr- >s and sale 1 inliabitants of this State : It is OliDKUKl), b> j air to tell the House what olhpr persons imniediali lv tberealti r an' hk nniedial Iv tbereatti r ; anil tnosc wiiu m • ....uiv, .... mu nui im: v.anic uti^r, ii-ii- rn-.rs f.r the vear 1826, will be dealt with in weeks in tbe Catawba Journal, giving notice to , himself as a witness. It Was no ' ■ tbe S lid defendants to appear at our next court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for the county afores;rid, at the Court-House nuinner. tiUEKN KKNDWICK, / m;s«rrr. N. P.—'I be CuniniisMiinei s w ill j d,.on tlie 4tli Mondav in Febru-ry next, ' . .. . .1 _ • . .1 ... II u_ » I. working on the streets on Moiul i\, tbe ..olb inMant. A few f.lout, nh!f hund.s, w dl be lurcU at a fair price. No otiu r Kind lucd ajqily. Htulti ol’ Nordi-Carolina, Meckleiibtirp; County, ytn'itnh'r Ttnn, ir>C7. Thomas Alexander r.v r.lljali AleN:iiuii.r. Lev- iol on a negri) wonum named OKDFKF-I), that ])ublieation b.' made six A l eks in tiu Cata'vha Journal, that deli iul- an appear at ourneM February Court ofl'leas on Miuurter Sessions, and pli tul or replrvy, otlu-rwise judgment will i)c entered up against him. ISJJC ALEA^iSDEx^, c. .m. c. (St 70.—pr adv. $2. n! answ er, ('tberwisre tbe petition will be tak en pro conl'esso, and heard ex parte as to them. M’itress, huac. Jllcxandtr, Q\vr\i of onr said Court, at Clnirlotle, tbe 4tb Monday ot Novem ber, A. D. 1827. ISAAC ALKXANDKK, c. m. c. 6tC9.—5;rice adv. $3. such thing. So far from it, he would rather be excluded from giving his testi mony—not that he was an incomp.*tent witness—or that he should be induced to give a contradiction to himself ; but lor obvious reasons, into w hich it wuuld be unnecessary for him to go. 'I'he ob ject and e.Tecl were to create an impres sion that he had slated wiiai had happen ed pf'ndenfc Htc.—dui ing the last election. He had said no stich thing. 'I'bis, he aid. He stated it again with reltictance. A CLASSICAL SCHOOL, -f^^^Olt bi.tli .s-xes, is now taught b\ the sub- ,,,i^ reason—he did not wish it to go i “ J scii!»er and a teina!;; • abroad until it should go exactly as lie ' " Mictiiif 1I(/US'.‘ 111 Iredell roun'v, 2^ iHilis west u . • 1 V i 1 ' . luadvits DISSOLl nox. TIIF, coparfu r.-bip beret sforo existing be tween riiOVAS TK()'r'l'F.Ui*c CO. uasdi.- soiM tl oil tie 1 jtli in>«ta:it, b\ mutual consent. Persons iiuh bW'd to us will ]jii ;ise call and set- tl-.: tlieir res[)celive !i. counts, witboiit delay, as '.ve wish to close tbe eoiiCLrn as soon as pos'-lblf. Chartntte, J,.n. 2:.l, lS2«~r7^^ IVeWVCAV'^ . A SUl’PI.V of Dr. Cban-iber'-’justly celc!u-a- tcel reiiiedv for Inti-.iniie r.inre, lia» been recei- vt-d, and is for sa'e at tbe Pos-t-Oilice, at the '*W( w-Vork price;^. rv YOU owe me, testitV to tbe fact, by com ing forward a id h ttling; if aeeount, give nu- vour note; if a not«- or nofe.s, i)ay tbe money. I will not usk you for mon, y any inor •, myselt, 1 will wait on you until Feb. Cuurt am! no lon- J. D- nti\D. Feb. 9^ 18:8,-69._ CnnstJiblo’s Uarmots. /'or_M/e, at the Juw'nul Ojjicc ot S.disDurv, 22,north 01 (Jbariotte, and 18 south of States\i’lle. 'I'be [dace is reii;:irk;d)ly bcal- tliy and retired Irom tin noise and bustle of tbe world. Yfjiitli may !;ere be prtpared fur en- j ta ring any of the classe s ot eollfgi.', or they may conducted tbrouj^b tbe whole course of a ro!!e giatt- education. Fenrdeswill be taught the diflerent branch- strictly [)arliamentary. With a single exception—in which he had not be«n misunderstood, he meant as to Irish and Africans—he had not seen any report in ihat paper which did not excite his dis gust ; and even in the reporl which con tained the correct expression which he had named, in every other respect his re marks were wretchedly mangled. He would refer to another circum stance, He disclaimed any reference to motives. On another occasion he had spoken of a bull—convepted into a bill — fulminated at Hichmoncl relative to the shooting of militia men. While a gen tleman was speaking, he received infor mation that he had been misinformed as to the facts J and such was his horror lest he should he supposed to state for a fact what was jiot so, that he rose in his |jlace, and with all the clearness of arti culation which he could comtnatui, made the coi rection. lie rose to interrui;t an argmneni, for the purpose of taking back the statement, in order that it should not oad to the world, and excite ani- ion. He look ii for granted that he had reason to j|,j^ dt-nial would ajipear in the next ' morning’s papers. Instead of which, j words to this efVect appeared: “Mr. I Randolph said a few words in explana- ition.” This was in the pai>ers of Sal- i urclay mornitig. Sunday was a black day, as he used to say when he was did say it. He said, know the sentiments of twt> of the high parlies, iti r ferencc to athiid pnrty. lie sijied subsequeti’ly, that he hud no con- nectinti w ith those parties since he came from Europe. All the information he had was prior to his voyage to England. c :i of u.seful science, needle-work, painting on j He spoke of their sentiinenls, nol only as j sportsman : the tnail, therefore, which v.hel, and tbe French Language. Tla-o‘j.et j „f general iM.toriety, but as personally 1 contained the mischief had twodays Start, oftiie Teaebers in tins Seminary will be not, i^„oxvn lohimsell': and l-e mentioned the I ,,, j^ichniond on Saiurday after way in which he had obtained that p»*-”-i noon. 'I’he contradiction could not reach sonal knowledge. As in all cases of ihis I before Tuesday, unless you character, he liked to act on the highest , ^ carrier pigeon. There was a degree of evidence; the bighesl degree I ^|,ercforc of forty-eighi hours to do in this case WuS the evidence ol his own I mischief. I'he [)arty referred to was smses. '1 he sentiments t/f the two high-L cf gallantry and honor. It was est parties were so notorious, as to I>ul, m,necessary to say any thing further, the seal to his statement. I Taking all these things together—he If any thing was calculated to do mis-1 looked at the effects—the motives were chief, it was such reports, and such edi-j nothin’; to him. torial Comments as ifiese. lie knew but j If, however, this misconception had - ne ol the editors of that paper ; and he | not appeared in that paper, the House „new him no I'arther than that-he passed I would not have heard from him on the I . • . II.: ..1.1 Teaebers in this Seminary will be not merely to exercise tbe men:ory, ljut to iiilorn, tlic iui'gineiit, improve tlie uiub rstanding and to b ad their pUJiHs to a practical acquaintance witli S lence. I’urticular attfiition will be p.del o tbe morals of \outb, and the whole course eoiidiict.id in tbelearof (.od and whhrefer- e'lice to tl’.e \ iriue ot tbe (.ospt 1. Tbe pr;-es of tuitirin are fJ 50 a quarter, fjr reading', wilting and aritbnetic; .5 7j lor 1mi- nl,^,ll Craminar und Ceograpliy ; f:i f'-r m:i1be- niatio, palr.tin;:, tbe blither brandies ol .sci- eiiee and tbe i.atiii, (ireek and Frenc h lan guages. lioarding may be obtained in tbe t:un- i!v oVtbc sub.scriber, aiul in n putable familK s in tbe nclgliberliood, at tbe moderate price ol fl 5U a week, p.nvable pi..rterlv. ■|{oii:i:i 11.’chapman. Ai’oiml Mournf, Feb. 4, 1828.—3t71. Job priiitiii;., neatly execuleel at Ibis Oillce. fur at rlii'i Ofl’ict him one moriiing on the steps, and on iting first acttjsied by him, bidding him good mornitig He'sairl nothing as to their nioti^es; he had nothing to do with them. -U’any thtng was calculated .JO cly «way wf.h the eiVctl dttiredj lt^yas subject. If printers used him, he would tiol ask to which side they belong. He knew they could not get a long without [itiniers. No public man could exist without the press. He was a public man, •vtD'.l inti't bow to the same decree. Tie begged pardon for occupying the floor so long, and would now yield to his collea gue, satisfied that he should only serve for a foil to set off that gentleman to greater advantage. Mr. Rives then took the floor, and spoke for about an hour and a half in support of the resolutions, and in reply^ 10 those who had afl'irmed that there are no abuses under the present Administra tion. His remai ks are otcessarily post poned. On the call of Mr. Dorsey, the ayes and noes were then ordeted on the a- mendmeni ofl'ered by Mr. Hamilton to he amendment of Mr. Biake. Mr. Whipple asked if this was an a* ir.endment to an amendment, or to the original resolution. i’he Speaker replied that it was an a- tiendment loan amendment. On motion of Mr. Whipple, the a- mendmeni of Mr. Blake was then read. Mr. Whipple would only occupy the House.for a moment. Bui he deemed ir. his duty to state the reasons which would induce his vole on the question. He hud fio objection to ihe fullest inquiry, noi* lid he think that any gentleman ought to object toil. We ought nol to throw ourselves in the way of such inquiry. But while he was willing to do ihis, he was at the same lime disposed to throwr a shield before the oflicers of the Covern- ment. The gentleman from Virginia bad staled, that ihe expenses of the Gov ernment had increased, are increasing, and if ihat increase had been beyond iho ratio of the increase of population and •'ul)lic business, they ought 10 be dimin ished. He thought the amendment of fered by Ihe gentleman from Indiana, as amended by the gentleman from Mary land, embodied his views more fully thai\ any other, and he would theref(,re voto for it in that form. If tni.s Adiuifiistra- lion has been guilty of any imjiiop- er expenditures, he was perfectly dis posed that they should be disclosed ; but if they had not, he thought it equally duo 10 ihe Adntinisiration, that they should be justified. It was not n^'cessary for him to say, that he believed the Aclmin- isii ation would come out of the fire an gold seven limes purified. That h.id nothing to do with the issue. In tho progress of a country like this, thera must and will be enlargements of ihe expenditures, but the question is not whelher there have been such, but w he- tbej such have become enlarged iti tho exercise of a wise diseretion. He wag desirom of ascertaing if such was the uet. He was opposed to the amendment ed’the gentleman from South Carolina. Mr. Strong asked, if the amendment: of the genlh man from South Carolina should be carried, whether ii would be. in order to move to amend by cnanging the reference again to a standing Com mittee ? I The Speaker pronounced that such an amendment would not be in order. The question was then taken on the a- mendment of .Mr. Hamilion. Yeas 112.—Nays 74. The amendment to the amendment was then adopted. Mr. Chilton rose to accept of the r»- mendiT^enlaH a modification of his reso lution—good natured as he supposed h(; should be considered by some gentle- tnen. The Speaker said it was in order to a- meiid by adding to, but not by taking; from, the resolution. Mr. Dorsey reminded Ibc House that iic bad before moved to extend tbe time embraced iu the equity, so as to take In tbe expendlture-j on tbe subject of foreign intercourse from 1790. He aj)peale«l to the Honic, whether justice to the Administration did not require tb it the: time should be e\tt nded. He knew of no mo tive why tbe enquiry should not be cxended. He liad beard tbe remark, that during the ad ministration of (ieneral Washington, no part of tbe secret service money had been e:cpended He said that the records of the gov., i ninen’' showed no such proof. He allud il *0 > xjif”. dl*ure« from that fund by (ie:i. W.e i.;r;.'ror whicb bad not been setlloil bv npeci..r ers. He did not v/ish to tire tbe Hon ' , f, thought the principles .soiigbl by iripiiv sboulel be settled n>:i c, by tompa;i.M;-, o; ♦' expenditures from tbe earliest pe , moved to amend to m .e: t tii : r." •. “s.n ,' the 1st of July, 1790," Jeftcr the wvve, ■ . service money.” Mr. Hamilton said he had 'ta^cd :iu ‘ lar time, hecausi he elld not v.'i -li to , eml>arrass tbr Coinmitttce. li j i!’' ' i‘:i. should get all tbe inforn;;etlon li. ' .j il I t. tbe present session. If tbe’.iriie v. as.. • 1, ■ the Committee could lu't c.oHifd'-’;- r.-.i ’. I'.nurs to that time, what wou!i b; r ' I ■ them ? Counterfeit Treasury A’i'.''" —1‘. i; ted in the Ualcigb Star of t!ic Vtti i;iv that counterfeit 7j cent ti;.^sury noit of the emissions of 181G and 1,:J J, h.tv*: been detected at the treasury j.’‘\i.'e !i>, former ; badly executed, but t!i • latto «•. nearly resemble the genuine notes Uiai i- requires a close to iJciccf iipposition.