VOL. IV.] PUnLlSIIEI) WEEKLY, By LE]\’.IJEI. BIKGHAM, Jit Three Dollarg a ytar^ paid in advance. No paper will be discontinued, unless at the discretion of the editor, until all arrearages are paid. AdvertlsementB will be inserted at the usual rates. Persons sending in advertisements, are requested to note on the margin the number of insertions, or they will be continued until forbid and charged accordingly. ————^ Tactoraj^e and Commission BUSINESS IN CHAKLESTON. I^T^HE SUBSCUIBER respectfully informs his ^ friends and tlie public, that he continue s ohe above line of business at his old stand on Kdniondston’s W harf, where he is prepared to attend to the sale of produce committed to his oire, upon which liberal advances will at all times be made ; or to the execution of orders for GOODS. Wm. J. Wilson, Esq. or in his absence, the ag.fiit of the STEAM BOA I S, Jcsc ph H. 1 ownes, will receive and forward, without de lay, all Cottons consigned to me by the way of Claraw, and will be prepared to make advan- ocs on such consignments, if required. IlENKY. W. CONNER. Charlesl*n, Nov. 1, 1827.—3mtl73. Qfj" The Editor of the Westirn Carolinian will insert tliis advertisement for tliree months, and forward his account to me in Charlcsioi\. CHARIJTTE, JV. C. TUESDJir, MJlllCII 4. 1828. Editorial Labors The N-vv York Statesman ofThursday, publishrs an ei- oellent article on this very interestinir ^ - subject. The following extract wc , ° I {’“‘■'iodc and intelli^nt citizens to re , j j fleet on these proceedings, and to estimatf* which was calculated to pli.ce in a stronf: lisht the violationa of ptci:etlci;t and propriety by which the views of the party were to be effected. Wc call upon all XEW COXFECTIOXJnr, FnciT SxonE, iSjc. The subscriber informs the citizens of Char- h.tte and its vicinity, th it she has rented the house lately o cupicd by Mr. Thomas A, Norment, as a Umcery, and that she lias jusi opened an assortment of Cardies, of e\crv des ription, Almonds, T'gs, Prunes, Haisns, Pearl Barlc), Hice, Smokirl Herrings, Oysters. Criickirs, I’ickied Fish, and Pliilaiieipliia Beer; with a supply of Coff e and Siig r, &.c. HACIIEl. COHKN January 21, 1828—3m’79 commend to every reader As to the manner in which an editor’s time is employed, a great deal is to be said. He enjoys no credit for any thin^ but what appears in the leaded or edito rial columns : when» in reality, that is far from being the most arduous part of his employment. The perusal of papers received j selecting matter for republica- tton j pruning it of redundancies so as to render it capable of admission, and digesting the whole with a view to furn ish something on every topic of tempor ary interest in such space as he may have: all these, though they are not otJtwardly apparent, require a good deal «jt labor and consume a great deal of time. After these parts of his tank are discharg- ed, he sits down to commune with his readers in the original department ; but he often does so with a mind distracted and fatigued by his previous occupations. The present fashion among the ladies, of wtaring enormous bonnets, witli a profusion of gaudy ribbons and feath ers, has incurred the higli dir.pleasore {.f our witty friend the editor of H;e liosinn before the next elections, the bencfi which the country has derived from a Jackson majority in Congress. Aat. Journal. The Previous Qvcstion.—The legitimafe object ot the Previous Question is to tenn' iuale a protradted discus$ion. Yesterd ay i i was used in the House oi Representatives to prevent any Discussion on the case of the Six Militia Men. Mr. Sloane's re solution on this subject had been refer red to a Committee appointed by a Jack son Sj)eaker, and consisting of seven members, of whom at least Five were Jackson men. 1l hey made a whitewasnh- ing report, on which discussion was gagged by the Previous Question. No mat er—the documents will now be before the People J and though they are arrang ed, or to speak more properly, deran^si/^ by the Heroites in a way calculated to produce a deceptive impression, “ Truth is Mighty, and will prevavil.” We shall say more—much more—of this deed that shwts the tight I ib. CHARXOLTS: TUi:Sl)AY, MARCH 4, 1828. ^ proceecllrigs connected .with the Itiiii r ^ report of the committee on Military Af- HuJlelin. In one of his luie publications j fairs on the case of the militia men, are he has issued against this fashion a man-i to arrest the attention ofe\ery ifpsto, which has the follov, ing m iiher! the first place • .. furnished DISSOT.U rio\. TH E cnpartn(*rsl)ip h ret fon.- existing he- Iween ThOMAS TWO TrE! Sc CO. \ as dis solved on the 15th instant, by mtUuul con^ nt. IN rsr>ns indebted to us will pUas.’ i ,Ji 'nd set tle llieir resp( ctive accounts, wiitiont (U lfn, as we wish to closc the conctrn as sooii as possible. Cli ir'otte, Jan. 22.', 1828- 67. rinn’rER .v iiuxtinuton, }Vntvh *Mahrrs and Jew ellers. OK the late finn ot I iiomas Thottkh k llo. li:,vt re- movid tiifir vstahlislimcnt to .the bu’l.'.ing nppt site Mr.Jno. ^ Sloaii’s new lionse, about 50 lards north of the Court- llotise, where they are pre- I pared to carry on tlie above — . business, in all its various hranelies, witli neatness and despatch. Tiny ha\t a handsome assortnient of gold and silver P itent Levers, and good p'ain Watclies ; Gt-n- tlciTicn’s and Ladies’ go!! Chains, Si als and Jv' vs ; I’furl, Filagree and Paste Ear Hings, Brt ast I'ins and Finger Kings, of handsome patterns; Silver 'I'able and Tea Spoons, aiul Various other articles in their line, which they will sell low for Cash. No exertions will be spared, on their part, to give complete satisfar- tion to iho.se who may favor them vvith their patronage. Charlotte, Jan. 29, 1828.—6t>. A CliASSlCAI. SCHOOL, I^Olt both sexes, is now taiiglit by the su!)- scriber and a female asslst;int, at Cciitrt. Meeting lltiuse in Iredell county, 2:» niili s we>;t o( Salisbury, 22 north of CharioHi-, ami 18stjulh of Statesville, The ])lace is remarkably heal thy and retired from tin noise and bustle oftlie world. Youth may here he prepared tor en tering any of tlierl. ss's ofcoliej^e, or they may be conducted through the whole course of a collegiate education. Females will i)e taught the diflerent branch es of useful science, needle-work, paint ng .n velvet, aiul the French Language. Theol jtct of the Teachers in this S(.niinary will b- not merely to exercist tlie memory, 'lut lo intbnn the judgmeiii, improve the understanding and to lead their pupils to a [)ractical acquaintance vitli S icnee. iMrticiilar attention will be paid o Mie murals ot' youth, and the whole course conducted in the fear of (;od and with refer- cnc( t(jthe\irtue of the (iospcl. The prices of tuition are ?2 50 a quarter, for reading, writing and arithuietic; 3 75 for Kii- glish Cranmiar and iieography ; #5 fi.r niathe- niaties, ))ainting, the hi>>-her branches of sci- eiK e and the Latin, tireek and i’rem h lan guages. Boaniing may be ol)tained in t!.e fani- ily of the suliscrihtr, and in reputable families in the neighborhood, at the moderate peice of Jl 50 a week, payable tpiarteriy. KOBEUT M. CHAPMAN. Mount Mourrif, Feb. 4, 1828. —3l71. the documents by the War Department, on the call ol Mr. Sloane, were referred to the Committee on Military Atlairs, and a conrert tlic other evet.i!)p in! be printed. It has been the urfaie to be em-! practice, when such order has been made by the House, to send the documents to the printer, f(>rthwith. In lame nor impoteni conclusion.” i\’. K Gnz. “At Biiylsion Hall, it was ourfaie to be em liowered beneiith half a (!ozen of these immtnse quoifiures—and ihere we sat iike a scji'iriel in ihe woods, listening lo tlie meliilluous waibliiigs of Miss Gil lingham, and the nighungale notes ol' Agiceab’y to previous notification, a number ot the citi;;ers o: Mecklcnburg, who wiih to promote the re-clecticn of.fOIlN Q. ADAMS, met at the C-mrt-iiouse in Charlotte, on the 22(1 ult. On motion ol'Guy :.!axv.’e2l, Fs.]. Capt. Hugh Parks v/as callcd to tho chair, and Dr. J. Mc- Knitt Aler-and-.- appointcu-s?c’TtHr/. The ob ject of tlumc-'.inv beinj^ explained, I’lc chair war add.vssed in an ajjpropiiato and inrjprc.?- siv* manner by the Hon. Wy. Dwir 0!t, v.i,o, in the conr'^c of his remarks, advMtcd ia the many false and slanderous cliarjje!? .''Tiinst Messrs, Adams and (;i w, promulgated at first by disappointed .anj anihitlt. is aspirantr, and still reiterated by tli-iv lollowere, in vavlous sections of tl.ti ; o:\?;t:y ; denounced the vio- l?nt and unj) 'ineipli.d opposition g VAvinj^’ out ol se"tional T)1> judices, and coiich:del by c'- pressiog the ht;pe, that the go 1 e*'die people would avert the awful blmv, (,-,!.ic!i would ultimately tend to the subversion of t!ie free institutions of this repuldic,) \>y . the present incumbent, and defotii;';; th.-t!- fum^lKii l.v ’ir. Chiy torts of one, unqualified by r.ainre, t diicr.tinn If‘I :—th t xvc hav [NO. 172 in his appropriate sphere, according to tnU ents, experience, integrity and patriotism ; and that a devi.atinn from this as a .standard n le, i» alw-iys dangerous to the happiness, secu'itjr and prosperity of theciti2ens as it n.i.y give a misdirection to our intricate an«l imp'irtai.t c m- tnercial interests and fore go relations, or may rendevthe great interests of the n ition, suho*"- dinate to sectional predilections, or pers naJ ^•gg^andi.^ement. Hcsolved, That although we highly appreci ate the tal«*nts and exjierienee of (Jeneral An drew Jackson, as a military fhrer, and moht cheerfully award to him all the lu^nor due for hisnenicis; yet we h:ue no evidence of hi* talents or experienc*- as u Slatesnnui;—his tal ents are pur ly military, m l his preti nsions t» the high civil ofllce to whidi he a-.pires, beinf; founded alone on his mlhtar; faii'e, vve ‘hink: the preeedeiit wonlil le h.id. an-! the h!>ertie» of our country atid tlu* best iiften st of its i iti- zens might he hcreaftt r cn.Iangered, by re warding i.iilitaiy su'-eess w itii the highe-jt civ il ollice within tin gift ' f the people. Wq '.vill thei»foii> use all honorable means to pre vent the election of tJeneral Jackson to tho office of Pr >idoiit of the L'. States, /{r.i li-at, 'I'liat iht; character of our publio • (dices, r.oiiititiilini,'- a p rt of the national " '‘i.itli, V. e view v ith sijjnal ilisapprobation tho disingfiniou •( cun luct of Gen. J ark son’s friend* in rei'i r.iting j.;a;ii.st ourfdiief Magist ate and M : . (’la\ , the clinrgt' of corruption, which tha t jiimotiv if ihi.je with whom it was saiil to have o; i;cinati-d, proved groundUss, whicli that most triumphantly re- the must ample con- and experience, to discharge tht.- hi.Ld. and iv-Il">n« .sty and ineoiruptihle con- »ponsibK: du.ivs of the id, i„-1 aspired. /I' S' /r.-,/, 'I'iiat we approve of the nomlnatiott The following report and res-Iut.ons f.om a! Administration Convention in „ • . 1 .■ .1 nny'Iwinia, »>f iiiclianl Hush for Viee I’resi- committee ai.iH,.nlcd lor the purpose, v. re i that we will give him our iipport, nduie all honorable nieana to (jr )•!! .1 his (‘lertio’i in this State. read'and unanimously a.lopted : Your Committee r speeli'ul!; report. That the selection oi the Cliiei .\!:t_‘;i -tra'e t " h'r.-.i/riii. That we Hp])rt;ve of the proceed- iiij;^ ot the .\dinliii‘*trali(m (,'onvention Im hi in the I’nited Stat.ir.\ol\r wliitcver is inter-1 l'ahi>,>-h on the 2t»fh December last, and c«>rdi- estingto us as fiee ri-d.N, our liber- ' t-* Hleetoral Ticket formedt>y , . ' . . . I ‘-llein. ties, and the nationrl \i eiiar.'. 0,i a jiid cioi s ; /iV w/A-zwTli.it the following persons be ap- selection for this oT!'f, denou ! ov. ■' this instance, the pajjers were instantly j and piospenty at hon; ', taken posst'ssion of bj' the Committee. i our dignity, rcy|Ki,>.i!ii!it', .md ii ''u;-nrc :'hi'):ul, No member out ol that Comtliittee ccjuld and tlvref re ea!!s not onlv f li.', hi,^’ti: - — 7 — --.V U»v VM I I r f* I' I * ^Irs. Knig|ii-~with no more power j ^ 1 hey were kepi , dow i i pf*! I,y nature, but tor an p.i qu T itaMoe tx.hi.i, .. bv them about ten davs whih- i ... '>ehohIing the sweet miiibtiels. than though we had been ensconst ed behind thrfdrest of Peil,a).s he fail weaicrs w» It rci ‘,r,\ny cent.ur.ihle in li.is iiiMaiu-t—ihev were prf.hably oldig- ’d by nectsstt) lu letuin those enur- MKiUs hedge-run S Upon their charming I i*(ioUs !heie being no si.-.re foi thein in iny other tlin ction. liu', lu- thut as ii may, from that very nioioeu v. e n s'dv- d lo de( lare war iigainst i tie fjshn.ti it self, and to issue this fuani!. sio on tne first opportunity. We ho],f tu eniibt uji- on our side the whole of our ov>ri scx, with the exception of those cngv;;ed by them about ten days while the report was preparing, and the party were re ceiving their cue j at>d the result has been the successlul motiori cl yesterday to print the documents, ai an appendix to the report of the Committee. Itwaslo with the science of governn.en , in .lur?'' !>\ the advai.tages of practical ci;i)erirr.rc ; a j).o- fonnd knowledge of the relati\c l.t int- r- csts and usages of nations, ts|eci:iily e-.ei' part of international lav.' involvid in onr >,;vil (1 time, in the first presentution of the ducumeiit«) to the House, to examine them, and see if any others would be ne cessary before the older fur the priming w.is gi\en, atid when he subsequenily moved for the printing himself, with a declaration that tho friends of (ieneral Jackson had noihifig to fear, that ihe the and yellow trimmings Kipecially shall j ‘"'‘'•’Vfrnng agency, we stir up all the voutig ()achelors in o|)-i been mistaken. process ol position to his Jverw helimng fashion, ; ‘ “'’'^'‘g-'n>tMit, who will doubtless jijtnp at the chance and i , necessary; and it set their faces agnimt It." 1been deemed so indispensable, that ' the sules and practice ol the House have lie exi)ected when Mr. W'icklifle obtain-'foreign poweis, together \ itii the importation, retailnu’tit and batting I would I'.ave been irnmediaiely togetlu r ol pink lusirings, ostrich plumes ! piinter, without any inier- the wide extended range of onr coinine.cir-I rights and privileges, under our treaty stipu lations « ith almost every civiii:.((l nation on the globe. It is e(jually neee.ssarv that these talents and these ae((uiroments he ilirected and conirollet! by j)ure rejnildii'an pati-iotisin, mo- j der.ition, integ-rity and jn-:i.:e, the whole I forming the necessary cunij)oiii.-nt p irt.s, as ’ distinguibhing traits ol’ one conij etinl to till the idhee of Chief .Magistrate, in our i;:uional concerns. Your comniittee believe that these talent-i and these aeipiirements have heretofore been th>- great (ihj rt and leading molives, with the peo ple of the United States, in nuking their se- j.oinled a eommltl' e of Correspundrncc and \ Igil iive !br : !iis county, to wit : — Dr. lltiid It Dunlap, Dr. Jos. MrKnitt \1- exander, lluf h Venai., W in. I,. Dvi(inn, ' 1- 4nd--.' Crie •, F.aird D.Tris. Isaric. Cainpl'* d* (frnry I’oitf r, .hi'neh Dinkins, .lames H'Ison, .N)hi; Slitt, Win lloMston, uy Maxwi II, s.im'l M' ( mill, Uob’t f). Ales rd r, Abner I'ui.tir, I’ho-. liopr, |). Ca'd.,e!'. 1 ranc'-. Wd-oii, Al( .\ .n !:i (leton, Doet. J. M f)avilso i !“• ♦. 'i'ho.-,. f'ai l\-t il, Ainlrew I'ilo ', tiia » > Kc i. dtli k. .Ifihj. Lav..son, T. IVnghain, 'Mu i Ui:i Wj'.i. .) .\ids( i\ Jol;.’ fl. Davidson, Do t. ■> I). (i, I’alrick .lolin'^on. Wilson, \^riitii,\r V'all' tc, !{uherl S'oan. Solomon Ificd, Joh.i I’aluMNon, J('Wii IJh.ck, I'hila’ d r Alex- aiuiei, ,l(. enji Mi (;iii!\ij, .foa'- Alex mli-r, .Amo-? \I'.\andi i)nw, Col. .Saniue' N.i !. .I"hu Hartt, Ksr. J;inier, ( liniiingham, (;a[)t. Uoberfi ^ochra.i, V, ni. M. Hostwick. jiiMiyis'i'it.rrioy mj-:et/ng. \ Agree:!' ly to notice jirevionsly given, a mecf» ing ot thf cit',' iisof IfoWan county, favorable ti the presi lit j.dminiolration ai'il opposi d tu the ch *ion of (icn. Jio kson, look ])hi( in the Court-ti(,IIS'" ''1 Salisbury on AVedin sday, the 20th I'( oru, ry. \Vh« n, on n.othni of John 1^'ard, jr. Fsq. tieorjre Andrews Emp was'ailed to the chuir, and Dr. Ste|dien I,. F( rraiid, Ji o. I5i ard, -.en. atiil 'I’lioims L. (Jow tn, Esp>. appointed as- T/ie Philosopher and the ^ j t-'hief .Ma.ni .irate, and l>y thiH s.;-. i "'id on motion of'Uichard IF. men, th eone a philosoplu r and the other a : ^ l e icc \ I ich » u i y man ol , , talents and exucrience comnetei.t to i .b'nms Sneed and Samuel Sd this ? j ^ ^ I liman were api;oint#d Secretorifc.s. _ I the discharge of the duties of this office, they j ‘ loo!, were in the servile of the same mas-' Does a good cause requiie all this cau Stsite oi‘ Nortli-Carolina, M EC K LENB VRO (’ Ol^NTY. Court of Pleas and Quartir ^'ovcthUr Tfrm, 1827. Charles Temple vs. John .S. Chaffin—Original Attachment, levied in the hands of A. J. Worke. IT is ordered by court, that pn’dication be made six w ueks in the Catawba Journal, ior defendant to appear at our next Feliruaiy Court of Pleas and Quarter Seuf-ions, and plead or replevv; otherwise judgment will be enter ed up against him. JSAAC ALEXANDEH, b. h. c. 6t74—per. adv. ter, and slept in the same bed ; the philo soper lay on the outside, having overslept theoiselves coming in w ith a whip losopher, who hapMened his ( ntrance into tiie room. 'I'his I will avoid another time,’said the philosopher : , . 10 l)ims lf; on il.unoxl iiilW.i, ilu-i clorc, | ) . ‘"id the »,.,y ,e- hc Chu,.^-Ci Mdi-S v.ai, ll:f fool. In Ih,'' "‘'iJ' "■-"“U'-'"' I' >( i'sHf m,I'- mon.i,,^ tl.ry auain tra..sgressecl, ^,,1 | ““'‘I’"''''" ‘‘"’I'ly ■" lh'|)ul,■ I he nt jst'tr camp lo chasiit's (lu'm ; Imf j j6. '•( fleeting that he had before whipt the . , ., ^ „ man ihat was nearest, bethought it but . ^-’^^ette informs us just ihr oliKT Should IVi.M>i,diM,U.asuiT Wl■laryollhe■lW■ U,■^v,.,..;acco,■dM,(;lvh.■ WMlilU- '"' "■'.•d -o !,„ chamber :lu , ,si.h- of ,l,c Ik-.I, and I,is I,lows I'.-ll a-! "“'"'pMl'lo''- gain on the pooi- philosojjher : thus con firming, by this example, the grand truth, ‘the wisest cannot avoid iheir fate. ’ 'I he ohjcct of the niecting was stated ijy Mr. them with an argument, carrying with it the authority ofa I'onimiiiee ? Truth is Our readers will bear in mind the Cien. Srott arrived at Pensacola on the 22d u!t. and next day visited the troops stationed i:i that tieighijourhood. Hewus to proceed immediately lor Tampa liay. The accounts from the westward con- sng^cation we threw out a few days siin e, cur in representing the present as heir;g that it was tlie intention of the Cointnii- i an unprecedented season ofrains £: Hoods, tee on Military Afiuirstokeep back the,—I’he town of Marietta, Ohio, was partly documents from the War Department, 1 inundated, and throughout that slate the until a report to whitewash (ien. Jack-j damage done to IVnces, bridges, and mill son could be prepared to ac( onipany ' dams, as given in the different papers, them to the world. The proceedings of | induce the belief that New Orleatis is in yesterday jusiilied our suspirwins. The j a situation little less critical than it was report was made; it w Intenashcs the about this lime 1.3 years agt), though General, and it was ordered lo be print-1 threatened by a very diflerent element, ed in connection with the documems. Iti On Monday, 7th inst. the stage, in at- is intended to send this report abroad as , templing to cro'^s a rnil way at Rocky Riv- an ac(]uittal of Gen. Jackson, by ihejer, 7 miles w«-st of Cleaveland, Ohio, House of Representatives ; when, in faci, i was lost, together with three horses. The the House has passed no opinion on ihe | late rains have swelled the stream so as to report. The proceedings of yesterday I tender them impassable in many places, arc of a character to alarm every reflect-j Several mails, due from Columbus, have ing citizen. The rules and practice of not been received. the House have been entirely overthi own, j —m> for the pu^'pose of serving party views | Che.iopiahe and Dduwure Canal.—It appears and personal ambition. The ver y men from a U-tti r Irom a nu mher of Congre.ss, that who last vear cried out so indignantly ' V>'‘- , ... ^ . of the prest lit >ear. Indei-d, the writer states .gainst the app.icatum ol the pi’^ vious ; question to Slille dt hate, have now appll-' ,,ass.ng the Canal trom the Delaware to the cdti •hemscivcsjio slop short ttdiscussi.^i ^ chtaapc^ke iu t’.irj-n;oiitii clOctobcr ncit. sru-red n^-ht'J and lib- . 'i't»t;')i., rcHjriied .'iod reported through Mai. , , Heard'he foIijM inr;':.d>cs!. ('‘.)ur liraits wil? our U. , ,i, ii.cVuroJ at hi« lotie, can they hope to secure the great objects, l'‘''‘''son, was appointed to report an address t> . 1 I- / I p I the people j1 *’ie Co..;itv o'l the .s’lbject of thf? to which the cnergien and s(dir:todr- of an lU-| dependent ])eoplc ought to be fll/cctcd, iit o • j ’('lie committee ie*''cd, ind alVr -x short con. der to perpetuate tiici erties, received from hand them down unimpaii'ed to po.t^' j.t^ . j Your committee with cr>nfid;‘!,'-c atale, llia^ j fo;m.) ouradministration jj'O'.Ci.b!llie .ctc;! ' cuts ami acquirementan l h i've puvvjr'd tl"« r j measures and that policy, v, Iilch, 1i. , ‘ed b- ‘ long experience, have re so It el i->. nrJi vna! .'irid ^ individual prosperity'. They h r.’c ioi Ii.snde I i all our resource.s, so as fairly and p'',, iptly t .>. meet ever} requisition of the nation, and !.a\; j guarded, with unremitting atten’ion, oiu'eiju d l :qp-ar i:i I’.'tmphlcfJ oTcred 1 ,1C! llujo; i’t-a' . T'.at v/./i!.i v.’c Jidniil tie-.*.. .yaj!cson’» JMii'a'y ■;;i jacit/ ur. J acrv.ci;?, v.'c iia/ij i:o con- r ' • I.- .- i-. hii u»d tci’-.ptv fo:' tivil af- I.e. ; a li uc,jrG dep;?-.^ate hi.i elecliortfc ' ? * '' ^ danjjj'cr'jus to lac '.‘.ib.ii'/ o'," . rc.ii.titudon. l>‘ '■ \ p. tiijcrcdit and condem'n tiio cli vr:;r o; ... jfy.j co.rcntion imputedi M". .V) i:;h Mid Mr. ti'-.at our confi- rights and equal libcrtie::, as guaranteed to i:>[V ,, , . - hy (Hir civil institutionsi and have also maintain- j :! i,' V ' ‘ ■■•teg.ity is lJ!u*imll.- '^ . , ;'-i'-o> tic. ’.e v.-ill esc ad honorable mcan:» ed all our foreign relations, with ii.nmess,ur;'- nity and deci.ision; and in (h,iiig so, havj gi/eii the nation a sacred pledge of contir.u'-d rr;'jder- ation and justice in our national af'airs. To change our Chief Magistrnte now, would Le tacitly to adnnt such mal-Administration, as to rtquire a chan};e of this order of things, usv.ell as an entire change in the hading measures and p«dicy of onr national affairs, the correct- njss of which has been testel by long experi ence ; a change from tlujse measures mid that poliiy, which Inne elevated our civil insiitu- tit)ns to the honor and influence of being tin hojje of the oppressed, an example for tin- world, t!'e tyr.iiit’s dread, and the patriots : i.oast, Sincerely believing the correetncss of this ex position of our jjresent na ional and execiitivi atlairs, your committee recommend the adop tion of the follow ing resolutions ; Ihsnlvkd. That in all republican governments, every mciwbi:!’ of sociciy ou^h_t to be suslaii^ed lo piom-)..- ;uv ' I--., on r.iM-.. Adai.u. /''i'ol.'Lf/, t hp.‘. o;.le; tfiin a high o; iniooi of the iiu g-.:.y fin.-: r.ionts of Rich.'ivd Kush* r.sq. an 1 that v/e './ill sjppjcandid* ale for the \ ice-**refc;d',;.v'. ^ liofolc'd. That . t; -ip^.r, . ' the ncrniration oP L(i\ a’cl Deberry, f.ntj. fii' Mo::tg‘)nie:y, aa Hk candidate for t!ii.j LLvtoral Distr’ct. Hichaiil II. Ale\and •••, then addrcsaefl' the mee'ing iaaii ai l j ; i> 1 eloquent speech im t'uvoroi the addres. and resohiiions ; and after he had concJuiled, tile voti v/as taki n upon tho address and ea' h ve^ululion si paratelv, on mo- ti(ui of Dr. .Mitch-jli, all of which were unani>« nnjiisly adopted On motion of Thomas Chambers; Fsq. it wa» ordered, that nvf (lundred copies of the ad- (ires., be printe! for cirroLtion. 'J'he foli.j'ving petse.ns .*er>. then appointctl a (/OiniiiiUee oi v i^du^ee aiul Corres,)ondcnce^ t(j wit : J’ hn Heard, jr. Thomas I, Cowan, Dr I- s.iac Herns, Samuel SiHiniun, Dr 1 ueco Mitch- II, .'on IS S-ie,(i. Hicharil D. \lexander* t.ro g V. K rwn, .lohii Morphy, Michael i’.ro.', Ii, I . la dtMiong, I'r. Steplu n’L.Ferrand^’ Albcr’ lorrvucc, William giiwnbsrs, VVillia^