Pu.vhood of DisTixorisiiED Men. Drdtn , played no evidences of more than ordinary in ,ei,rence until lie reuched mature manhood; and Johnson says of Goldsmith, that he was " a j!ant that flowered late." Schiller was a very idiu schu! or and much fondor of ball and leaping than of books. The most interesting thing told of him as a child by his biographer is, that once, in the midst of a storm of thunder and lightning, he climbed a tree, and when asked by his pareu.s whv he did so, replied, whispering: "That the lightning was very beautiful, and M wished to see where it :s coming from." Thin story, if cor rect, furnishes an illustration of the manner in w hich the young mind delights to seek in forma tion for itself in its own way. Perhaps a still more characteristic anecdote is that told of Smea ton, the architect of the Eddystoue Light-house, who, when a boy in petticoats, was one d:iy dis covered on the top of his father's house, in the sci of fixing the model of a wind-mill, which he had constructed. Hut the great majority of the most distinguished men especially of those distinguished for their power have been altogether undistinguished in their boyhood. Sir Isaac N'-wton, perhaps the greatest man, stood very low in his class at school, though he was fond ol mechanical pursuits, and of drawing various natural object. Sir David Brewster says of him, that "when ho arrived at Trinity College, h brought with him a more slender por:ion of sciet.ee than falls to the lot of ordinary scholars; lnt this state ol his acquire meots (continues his biographer) w is perhaps not unfavorable to the development of his mental powers. Unexhausted by premature growth, and invigorated by healthful repose, his mind was the better fitted to make those vigorous and rapid shoots which soon covered Wltb foliage and fruit the genial soil to which it had been transferred." The distinguished Sit Humphrey Davy said of himself: J consider it fortunate that I was left so much to myself when a child, and put upoa no particular plan oi study ; and that 1 enjoyed ao much idleness at Mr. (Jo ry ton's school. I per haps owe to these circumstances the liitle talents that I have, and tl)-ir peculiar application. What I am I have asada myself. I say this without vanitv and in pure simplicity of heart." And it is so in fact. Every m alio mi 1 iS ! does so, not through a when a boy, but liirui he has become m in. We might adduce ; stances ol positively s como distinguished and high instance, Isaac Barrow, the his bo v hood ebiefly distinguis sity for fi-'litiiK'. in which be ell- unu .-due greatness, r teachers :ion after i mine nse numl er ol in W l! eful 1 nl have I e M'.''n. For ine. was in a bloody nose; and his lather used to say, that if it tiod to lake from him hoped it might be I sin" nl 'h in ail. A Dr. Ad im Clark, w h th in arhen rolliu" my ol bis c! di e. U .'lii was sd thai prod n a l.v, w. large stones .1 Sf ll I, he omi- !l I'll lie n sjotbiag lor learning or reading of at ibis kind of woik Im became It- " llwurh hid f-.l'irr ircl i-i Ounce, roiiins ah ts.iroy, imiugn n await " griev ("lark's powi r n in us bu bond, about large thou N ipoleoa am Tlie lormT is A le. who knew having gon"f h like other boys. ue i at y of a nevi r about, caring any sort. But " ii ncommon I y imrd '.im to be i hanks In Adam lite larse stones. he was afterwards able to ntl fits in his manhood. itr'ou were both dull boys. 1 -emit (1 !iv tie- Di . i n torn intim: I v w lira ti ll, as Ith, and i: other respects he aras And sle; adds : My uncles have a ?housand limes assured tin th :t Nnpoleota, in bis boy hood, had none if that singularity of char BCtcr attributed to him.'- A Lady's Dedication. One of the most ex quisitely beautiful, graceful and eloquent uVdica tions ever wriltea is the follow ine : 'What need of name ! To nty- I love, and One who loves me; to One whose word ins been my law, whose eacouragesueai my incentive to exer tion and whose praise mv a simple volume is most afleclioua ion lo excel, t his tcly .1 dieated by 1 II E rt UTHoR. Heart speaking to heart, before the assembh d multitude, and yet so delicately that none but the ear it Was intended for could catch the e cho. Happy (hat (to her) "One I ore." Happy lo know that he has h en the go ding lnr fr liie im pasajoaed and lofiy intelh el which, while "all the world nre praising. Iivs itself in rxclustvo devo lion at his feet ! Wlio shall say hereafter that die l!ilted are not II' , w ben a heart Ii xe can afford to assign her own pre-eminent talent to the influence of the "One I fore," as she baa done in ibis instance. Cast. Every man on earili n 'or uis ohiccl not Wasiii.v; Mai ought to contribute some because he ought always wear clean huen not liecause be ought to do ail in b:s power lo lessen the labors of those who make sai.i lim n clean not lor his own personal cmnfort, or tie; comfort of his be'ter hal', it be happen not to be only a half ol human existence himself, tut lor his per sonal safety. Because, win n washing dav comes round and washing work is particularly hard you bad belter a ii v , you who have r.evet had experience, it is a little unsafe for you lo come within reach of soap-suds and WMsb-boards. ll you should ever be guilty of such piece of in. vmitv, just tell the opposition you only came into the kitchen eut ol the most benevolent motives in the world ; im ri lv to ( -1 1 that the er y folks"' n the asylum, at Hartford Connecticut, mix a giil ol alcohol with a gallon of soft soap, just .as I hey are going to rub it on the cloths which they then soak two or three hours, and then merely rinse out in clear water, and all the dirt is out as efl! ct ually as good sense is out of a fellow after drinking the same ooaati'y of the 14 poison s'uil." Jusi tell tint it ersiest Wa V to made wms easy, and get them to try it, and you wil m.er luve no reason to run away day. f - . in washing sta sponge instead of between th the edjres. tie rs and passages, l Clot Ii w tie ll w as pet and wall, and v oil washin ' ways use a Ig the space w ill not soii Sponga is cheap, and ibis information M cheap, but it is valuable to all heuekeepers. The Ptotmk. Ntasnms. A man eats Dp a nnd the psuaaure he has enjoyed is i iiilormaJion he rets from a no in i o! soga r ed ; but the is treasured ;.. ,i. ... i... . .... i ,.i i.. in iiu iii.i t, iu ui. u9i u m in nL-cr occasion ov iuclinaiion culls for it. A newspaper is not ihe wisiiom of a man, or two ; it is the wisdom ol the uge of past ages too. A family without a news paper is alwa s ball behind the turn general iulormatioii ; besides, they never think much, nor find much to think abou'. And there ure ihe little one growing up in ignorance without a taste lor reading. Bciidkis all these evils, there's the wife, w ho. when her work is done, has to sit down with her hands in her lap, and nothing to amuse her mind roiu ic toils ami cares ol the domestic circle. 1 Dr. i-Vrt k in. W ii. uu wMiui uo wittiout a newspaper The infant son ofQ-iren Victoria ts to receive the name of Leopold fltofge Duncan Albert. Mis. Partington, after read.ng the above, 1 r.'ke forth thus : Hail Columbia ! happy land, ll that ain't 'name HI be dog on ! riiarSoltc Retail Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY, Bacon, bides ... " Hams - -" Hog round Bagging, Cotton, Butter ... Beeswax ... iu. - lb. - lb. - yd - lb. - lb. Beans busht KTew Firm FRESH ARRIVAL. Brandy, Apple " Beach Cotton Coilee -----Candles, Adamantine " Tallow - . Corn - - - - - Chickens - - -Eggs .... Flour - - - - Feathers - - - Lard --. - Mutton - - - Mack re - - - Molasses - - - Meal --- - Nails - - - - Oats - - - -Pork -Potatoes, Irish Sweet - Rice Sugar, Loaf -" Brown Stone-Ware .... gal. Salt sack - T.a lb. . Tallow Wheat bushel - Whiskey, Northern - - gal. " North Carolina eral. - - gal. - gal. - lb. - lb. - lb. - lb. bush. - each dozen 100 lb. . lb. - lb. - lb. - bbl. - gal. bushel - lb. bushel - lb. bushel bushel bushel - lb. - lb. a 15 a 30 20 a 16 11 Of a 10 a 2h 2i a 62 tf a 2h a 811 a 85 45 10 81 30 30 SPECIAL NOTICES Da. M'IjAnk's Great Remedy ros Liver Compaist. The vtprietars of this jiuty celebrated medicine are in the daily !ceifM of lbs most giatilymg tisiiinonails of its excellence. ssea that had been gives up as incurable by must gbillfol lysiciaas, were cured imnicu'iatcy after these Fis were giv :. The certificates are so numerous, that it is inapossible to ubhsh tlit m wkhia the imits of a newspaper ; but as it now an established fact that SFLane's I iver Fit's are 'he best i dilication is rendered tmnecesBSry. Those who eufler from at worst of scourges, Liver Com; aint, should lose no lime, it basten to parchase Bad use this invaluable medicine, Itich uiav be had at Prilchasd S$ CotdweQ'e a;.d Fishers k cinitinh, CLail.ute. 2v Every m y Dr. R ltd prove TO CONSUMPTIVES. Setat from Consuuiption, in whatever stac, should tiers' Syrup ol Liverwort, Tar and Caai Inilsjfin. to ihcir own satisusLlieB tbat ibis disease can lie i il t ! ic ymptotna arc very discouraging. Tliis cts like idaru ia subduing the Coogh,and rest or is I ho whole system. For sale by Pritehatd tf d Fisher Ileiuitsh, Cha.loiie. Price in la.e TL.MS, ALLISON & CO.. take pleasure in announc--fLJ lr-g to retail dealers and the public generally, that they are now receiving and selling at unprecedented prices, by far the largest and best assorted Stock of Groceries ever brought to this part of the State. It would be to the intetest of those who buy to sell again to examine their stock before going further, as they buy and sell lor cash their prices SHALL BE SATISFACTORY. Their stock consists in part as follows : 300 bbls. N. 0. Molasses, fine. 50 hhds. fine Cuba Molasses, 200 bbls. fine N. O. Sugar, 100 hhds. " 1000 sacks of Salt, 15 tierces new Rice, 500 sacks Rio Coffee, fine, 50 sacks old G. Java, 30 bales Gunny Bagging, Mining utensils and a general assort ment of heavy Hardware. Choice variety of Teas, Fine Cigars, and the finest Tobacco ever sold in Charlotte. Choice variety of all articles kept for fa mil' use. 500 kegs Northern Nails, 10,000 lbs. White Lead, 7,000 lbs. Roping, 100 boxes Adamantine, Sperm and tal low Candles. 10 casks best London Porter. 60 choice English Dairy Cheese. BP" All kinds of Produce bought at the highest CASH prices, or taken in exchange for Grocsries at Cash Prices. ELMS, ALLISON & CO., Al Jno. Wells's old stand. Charlotte, March 31. 36-tf Something- New Again ! W. W. Elms' Splendid Store is Finished, HERE JvH. Las just received and is opening an entirely new and well s ected steel: of . BSrSeethe advertisement in snotber column of Stsbler's " mI Mitl.cinc;" they are not recommended ns "Cure Alls,1 kit a? efficient mardies lor the dimasm nanud, hav ing reci ived ihe bluest encomiums tiom Physicians, Apothe caries :u.d Srore-kecpeis who have used Uicin, sold ihem, ai:d in a luultUi de ot cases lua.d ot their good tlilcis. Give ihem a ti.al si.d tell youl iiicudo oi' ihe KStth. Ti IBS mIh oilier cu !e-io- wiiv it Swx'm The Mustang Liniment : i enonnoos popularity, ai d almnsteniveisali.se, earso it gfve better saiis'aetlon, sceompl iahes rame ieves mora tain, ai d hrals mo e wounds and sores other p eparaiioo ever beiore oflercd to the aiTl ctcd. title thai is used, speaks tor heel!- lefts its own talc Yxi h gives, and die cu e it efTecif". And then one s; !ii rd perhaps, long seats with pain, without hope a. id K ids in ihls L iniment an almost inslantaneous anno! help but spe a in i;s p:ai?e, and recommend it ibesl tt uis lo all that he sees Buffering. It needs no emmendauofl ihan a trial. Sec advertisement in an-iunin. and I am now ready lo sell GREAT BARGAINS to all who may favor me with a cull. My motto is QUICK SALES FOR CASH, AND SMALL PROFITS. My stock comprises Ladies' Dresses, Lawns, Silks, Tissues, Bonnets, (RibbonF, Underslccvcs, Collars, I heminctts, Silk Gloves of all kinds, Ma nil I his and Talmas, and a very larsre assortment of Mils for Ladies and Misses, and u great variety of other articles for Ladies, new ! and pretty. And to the Gentlemen I will say, that il will be to their interest lo give me a cull, as I have on j hand a very large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, ! for Men and children, which I will sell CHEAPER than 1 n LAf tor I AMI, to those who mav favor me with a call. M. BAUM, Next door to Spratt, Daniel Co. March 31, 1854 36tf U here to buy Cheap ! Mmmcu TksnxoKY cannot bk Contp.ovkrteo. One of the m.ist .-tartling cases is narrated ol D.-.M'LancV Vermifuge by !. John Bt lit r, of Lowell, TrumboU county, Ohio. The case was that of a young lady who had been very sick for eight years, and had consult' d a number ol physicians, who had treated it as one of Pi olapsus Uieri, Dr. B :i!er was then called in, and lor a time, beloved with hs picdecessorsjhat it was a case of Pi olapsoa. He wa-s, howevc r, soon forced to the coii c'ision thai bus patient wassufiering fi om worms, and atier much perseasion, prevailed upon her to take two doses of Dr. MrLanea Vkrhifcge. Tfa's med eioc had the efiect ot rc moving from her a countless number ol the largest else. Attei she passed them, her health i turned at-ly retnrred. She is sinc man ed, and continnea to enjoy excellent health. For sale by Piitchard & Caldwell. ..t WIL day , strife) i:-t ol lids of L-illg t 11 irri April C L se ll at the Coort-Honsfl in Charlotte, on Tues. the Superior Court in May, one of the most C'oautry Et,.il,iic,.s in North Caro il after ih .t I may say the world) known as the llt place, cont lining acres, lying o miles Charlotte, on the Poller's Road, adjoining the David Parte and others. Persons desirous of be laud will please call on Thos. F. Alexander -l)iir, or G. A. Houston, Claretnont. A. J. ALEXANDER. 7, 185. 37-tf hailottc Whig and Columbia Banner cop. S11LLIXERT AjVD DilESS MAKING. j MRS. WHEAL AN would re ppct fully return ' ber thanks to the Ladies of Charlotte and vicini ty, for the liberal patronage bestowed on her during Ihe past season, and having engaged an experienced MILLINER, she is now prepared to carry on the Millinery &, Dress Making- Business, in all its various branches. 7BONN ETS made and tii:i med iii the neatest and most fashionable manner. By" Residence li doors South of Sadler's Hotel. April 7, ISoi. 37-tt Last Notice. LL persons indebted to the late firm of Young, Blair Co., either by Notes or Accounts, are re quested fo come forward and settle up by the April Court; as forger indulgence cannot be given. YOUNG, UL.Mll & CO. April 3, IS') l. 37-tf NEUFFEB, HENDRiX & CO., C O M M I S S 1 0 X M E R C II A N T S , for the sale of Flcur, Grain, Bacon & Produce generally Corner East Bay and Union Wharves, CHARLESTON, 3. C. f John CsldwelL Pres't.S. C. R. Ii. ,(l.mcvrK. JU.ee Dulin, Eso, ChatkstoB. Bsssjumsjs: i Rober. ilVLOj gaV Coltambia. J. K. Harrtaoa A: Co., Chailotte, N C. IN presrnting the above c-.rd we Would be doing in justice to our feelings not to express our gratitude to our attracroia friends in Georgia, Tennessee, North and South Carolina, lor their past unwavering patronage, Mure our commcncemcr.l in this business in lf47. We have nursed this business from its infancy, labor ed year alter year to dovtlope the resources ol the back country. We have b.'.ttled with the different lines of railroads, and have been instrumental in reducing the freight on produce to reasonable, rat. s. We BSvo lricnds in Luropc and the North, and are ;n pared to made advancis on shipments to cither markets. We would say to our friends and the public, that it will be to their interest to consign to us, as we pay our whole attention to this business alone. We will make liberal advances on consignments. 7E have just received and opened a very large and handsome stock of Spring and Summer Goods. For the Ladies we hare Dress Silks, Bcrages, Silk Tissues, Printed Jackonct, figured ami solid colors, Lawns, Embroidered Skirts, Talmas, Mantillas, Visiles and V. hite Cra pe Shawls, G ing hams, Calicoes and 31 us lins from d cents and up. Also a very pretty selection of MOOTS and SHOES. For the Gentlemen we have Ready-Made Clothing, White and Brown Linen, Farmer's Satin, &c, &c. We also have a large stock of We respectfully solicit a c..li from ait those wishing I to buy Goods. It will afford us a great deal ot pleasure ! to show our Goods, whether persona buy or not; and as j regards price we are determined to sell as LOW as any bouse in Western C an linn. Ann all we ask is an ex amination of our Goods and prices. Call and see us. BROWN, BRAWLEY & CO. Charlotte, March 81, 163-1 3if Strayed or Stolen J'ROM the subscriber near ITarrisburg, Lancaster District, S. C, a d irk Roun MARE, blind in her left eye, r i n h t hind toot wiiite, i knot on her left hind foot, and heavy with foal. She was tracked on the road lead- ; ing toward Charlotte. I will pny FIVE DOLLARS for her delivery to me, or for any information so that I can get her. THOMAS S. CLTLP, March 3, 1854. 36-4t Pincville, P. O., N. C. South-westward Bound. THE subscriber offers for safe T0 Acres cf Land, X one mile and three quarters South. Kast of Davidson College, adjoining the lands of Mrs. A. K. White, Joseph Patterton, Robert Potts and others. Tncre is a comfort, able (iwcllinsr. with a splendid Gin House and fivLnrn and other necessrrjr outbuilt iiig-s. A. MONROE GILLESPIE. Elysian Grove, Mecklenburg Co., ) March 31, 1654. 36-3t II J. &. 3. LONERGAN AVE removed into their new and beautiful ?tore, 2 doors south of Sadler's Hotel, fitted it up in the most recherche style and supplied it with Liquors, Wines, Cigars, &c, of the most favorite brands, Chew, ing ami Smoking Tobacco, and al! articles of luxury and comfort kept in the first class city Kesta urants. They will be pleased to wait on their paUons at all N. 15. Having formed a co-partnership with James Lonergon, all persons indebted to me are requested to settle their outstanding accounts without delay. E. LONERGAV. March 10, 18.54. 33 Bt M.iSLZFi.SSXiilES "ST-rf&.IDD JN CHARLOTTE, N. C. April NEL'FFLR, HEMJRIXcv CO. 54 37-Gm. 0 AM Tanned SOLE LEATI1ER cetits per pound for sale by July 2ft, M -first puality 25 R. SHAW. rJMIE Subscribers inform the public generally, that X they have opened a MARBLE YARD in Charlotte, where they arc prepared, with competent workmen from the North, to execute all orders in their line of business, such as PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL IVLjloio Worls., CONSISTING OF Monuments, Tombs, Head Stones, Tablets, &c. They will keep constantly on hand the best descrip tion of Italian and American Marble, und their artitl s will be afforded on as accommodating terms as they can be obtained either North or South. J'All OIJDKIi.S, for any article, addressed to the subseribcis, will neat with prompt attention and wiii be paeked and lorxarJed with the utmost care and des patch. S. N. S TO WE & CO. Jan. 2n, 1854. 2Gtf TEMPERANCE NOTICE. V Convention of the friends of Temperance will be held in Charlotte, on Tuesday the .3th inst., being the week of the County court, and it is respectfully re quested that ever friend of Reformation and Temper ance will be present. The object will be to help on the Temperance reformation. Come friends, come all. April 7, 1951 37-3w MANY CITIZENS. Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!! And nothing- but Clothing, AT Fallings & Co.'a Eniporiani of Fashion, NEXT DOOR TO SADLER'S HOTEL, caarlotte, C, "7IIERE can be found the largest and best stock of V V SPRING and SSU.Yl M tat Oi.U'I'tiliti ever om r ed in North Carolina, all of which will be sold at our usual fo'v rates for CASH. Our Slock consists in part of the following articles, viz : Coats. E'ig. y. French Drab D'Ete Sacks, Frock. Dress Coats, American and French Cloth do. do do do t ishm irett W Cashmarett Cussi.ncr do do do Canton Cloth Sacks, Tweed "iltus and Sacks, Alpacc:e do do Brown a .: ! Buff Linen Frocks and Sacks, Pants. American, English and French Cassimerc PANTS, Lugfidh and French Drjb D'Ete do Cashrnarett Casszuicre Silk-warp (very fine) do Fancy SummeCussimcre and Tweed do Marseilles, Linen Drills, C heck, & Cottonade do Also, Silk, Cotton, and Merino Shirts and Undershirts, Merino, Linen and Cotton Drawers, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Portmoimuis and Umbrellas, Black Silk and Fancy .Cravats, Hair Oil, Perfumery, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bjjjs, Hats, Caps, and, in fact, everything' to be found in a Gent's Furnishing House. We have also, a full stock of BOYS' CLOTHING, of all sorts, sizes, kinds and qualities at prices to suit the times. In conclusion, we would return our thanks to the citi zens of North and South Carolina, for their liberal pat ronage bestowed upon us since we have been with them, and if selling Good at low prices will insure a continu ance of the same, it shall be done at the EMPORIUM OF FASHION, March 24, ISoT 35tf by FULL1NGS & Co. Wait for the Waggons! 7HAT FOR ? aay yon. Well, we will tell you. It is because JrAK IAS V. lAYLUitnitvc openeaa Mammoth Stove Store in Williams's New Brick Building, Charlo.te, N. C, just opposite the Bank ol Charlotte, where can be found the largest, cheapest and best stock of STOVES, ever offered in North Carolina, all of which will be sold at the lowest CASH Prices. In addition to our regular assortment, we have tix different sizes of the celebrated IRON WITCH AIR-TIGHT with which wc challenge the world lo produce a better. We have also all kinds of Stove suitable for Churches, Stores, Parlors, Bed-rooms, &.C., &.C. Now, we will tell you why we head our advertisement " irait for the icjjozs." It is because wc have three waggons constantly running through the country with Stoves and will deliver them within 50 mites of Charlotte. All Stoves o!d by us will be put up free of charge and warranted Lo do well; and now, as wc have told you aliout the Stoves we will say to you, that we have all kinds of Brlttaniiit Japan, Tin and Skcct Iron BRASS KETTLES, STOVE 'riPES, dc, constantly on hand. EE?" All ORDERS sent to us will be promptly atten ded to by JENKINS & TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 10, '54. 33-lf ZliT'irs-t Groods OF THE SEASON. TriR Subscriber having purchased the interest ot his late partner, R. C Bell, has recently returned lrom the North, having there added largelv to his stock of BOOTS & SHOES, of every grade and quality for Ladies and Gentlemen's wear. He has also laid in a New and Splendid Assortment of DRY GOODS of the finest styles for Ladies and Gentlemen's Summer Wear, all of which he otters to punctual customers on the most reasonable terms. Call and examine for your selves. E. H. MOSS. Charlotte, March 17, '54. 34-tf REMOVAL. E inform our friends xnd the public gene rally, that we have removed our Tin Shop to the house on Trade Street, immediately be tween J. K. Harrison & Co. and Springs & McLeod's Groceries, where we will be pleased to wait on all wanting any article in our line. We are now prepared with every convenience for carrying on the Tinning Business and all other branches appertaining thereto on a scale much more extensive than has ever been the case be foie in Charlotte. We will pay particular attention to ROOFING and GUTTERING. Persons wishing any article in our line may rely upon getting it at the shortest notice and at the lowest pi ice. We have just received a large assortment of Parlor, Cooking and Shop Stoves, which we are desirous of selling at very short promts for cash. MOORE & BYERLY. January 20, 1854. 2! tf $350 Reward. A Proclamation hy His Excellency t David S. Rci'l, Governor of the Stale of North Carolina. IT7HEREAS, It h is been represented lo mc that one y Willis Hester stands charged wilh the capital felony of nerrro.stealiug in (he County ol'Orango in this State; and that the said Willis Hester has fled from justice and escaped beyond the limits of this Stale, Now, therefore, to the end that said Willis Hester may be arrested and brought fo justice, f do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, offering a reward of three hundred and fi it y dollars for his apprehension and delivery to the Sheriff of Orange Cojnty, in the town of Hillsborough. DESCRIPTION. Willis Hcf ter is described as follows : Supposed to be about forty years of age, has dark eyes and hair, is about 5 feet 8 inches hicrh, rither thick sot; generally clean shaved but i-ome times wears false whiskers and mous tache, is fond of showing his money and bragging about it, has a clown look and is quick in his motions; gen eraily wears blue leggings and a fur or cloth cap and is well in'ormed and polite in bis manners. When last heard from he was in South Carolina. crj, (riven under my band and attested with $W?(k& the Great S.-nl of the State of North Carolina, PS&ISk the City of Raleigh, this March 23d, A. ggggD., 1654. By t!lP Governor, D. S. REfD. Sam'l F. Ada ms, jr., Private Secretary. Raleigh, March 23, '54. 36 6w WINDOW SHADES, ClTAI GOODS, MATRASSES A .VD AT GftEAT BARGAINS. TMIE subscriber has in store, of bis own manufacture I and importation an enormous stock of WINDOW SHADES, Gift Tornices, Piipcr Hangings, Matrasses, Satin Delaine?, Damasks, Lace and Muslin Curtain?, Tassels, Loops, &c. ill of nrbh are offered at prices that are appreciated by ail close buyers and economical house-keepers. H. W. KINSMAN. 177 King-sf. Mot 24, 54 ly Chiulcston, S. C. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. P. C. CALDWELL has associated his son, Dr. JOSEPH W. CALDWELL, with him in the Prac tice of Medicine. Office, 2nd story in Elms' new brick building, near tin? Courthouse. March 24, loo t. 35.tf SADDLES, HARNESS, &.C. At 10 per cent. jrfr Cal I HOME M A N U F A CT U R E THE subscriber again calls the attention of the citi zens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he has opened a Saddie and Harness Shop in this place, (3 doors south of Sadler' Hotel,) where he is manufac turing SADDLES and HARNESS of the best material and 50 per cent, below the usual prices. He will man. ufacture Saddles cheaper than Northern Saddles can be bought in this place. Every article warranted what he represents it, or the money refunded after 3 months trial. My stock of Saddles will consist of the following: English, from $15 to $40 French, " 10 to 60 Spanish, a 11 to 30 Kentucky 10 to 40 Mexican, 50 to 300 (if ordered.) Lady's Batt-wing M 1 3 to 60 Lady's Common 6i to 35 Wagon 44 lo 7 Race, (Eng. style)" 25 to 40 Santa Fe, " 14 to 30 Camanche, " 12 to 40 And Lst, but not least, North Carolina Saddles of the best quality, from $." to $30. I have also on hand Stir rups of the best qualify, from 25 cents to $3.50 per pair. Spurs, from 15 cents to $2.50 ; Whips from 12$ cts.'W $8.50; Harness, single, from $10 to $50; Double Har ness, from $20 to $t00 and higher if ordered; Bitts from 15 cts, to $3 ; Riding Bridles lrom $1 to $6; all of wfa ch I offer for sale at 10 per cent, off for cash. REPAIRING done at the shortest notice and in a su perior manner. 1LT All kind of Country Produce will be taken in ex change for work done, &c. March 17, 1854 34tf WM. WHEAL AN. Closing out at Cost! THE remaining part of our Winter Stock of Clothing, I Blanket, Ladies' Dress Goods, and Winter Goods generally, will be Sold d,X COSt pre vious to the receipt of our LARGE SPRING SUPPLY. Groceries, Hardware, &c, at our usual low prices. ELIAS & COHEN, March 3, 1854 No. 2, Grunite Row. Wholesale nnd Retail Saddle and Harness Establishmeiit, COLUMBIA, S. C. THE subscriber wishing to discontinue his present business, offer his whole stock, con- sistinir of Saddles. Harness, Saddle Trees, S.d- Notice. CiiAHi.F.sTON, March 10, 181. THE Subscribe! will, on and after the 20th 1 decline the RECEIVING and FORWARDING of GOODS," unless the Ship Freight is paid m advance, or arrangements made, by a depostte, to cover charges on same. Such as has been consigned previous. to this notice will be attended to. W. H. B ARTLESS. March 17. 3i"3t Notice. 2k EE diery Hardware, together with every thing necessaiy for carrying on the business, A I Wis 1 . Feb. 3, 1B54 28-8 tn S. M. HOWELL. jsor Bale, BELVOIR, NEAR LENOIR, CALDWELL COUjNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. rpHIS place, late the residence of the undersigned, is offered for sale on very accommodating terms, pri Vi'iely until the first Monday in July next ensuing, when if not previously disposed of, it will be put up to the highest bidder at public auction. The tract of Land comprises 250 ufik.Cm3E!, C0 to CO of which is first late bottom under the plow. F oiii 70 to SO acres ol good upland is also in culliva 1'0.; t''e remainder of ihe tract in woodland. The Dwelling Hoose, a Cottage ornpe, contains four large end convenient 100ms on t lie gron.nl floor, with dining room, sioee 100.0. panlvy nod library attached by a covered way. Tliete are al.-o 011 the place a barn 70 by 25, two stories high and very conveniently arrang ed ; stables for milch cows and horses ; all other neces sary on! huildings, seeh as kitchen, negro bouses, A: e.; a growing and thrifty orchard containing about 1!;0 trees of different kinds of fruit just beginning to bear. Tie situation is one of li.f rrost pleasant and im provable in the State, commanding a full view of the finest mount a i. 1 scenery and falling off beautifully in every direction f.om ihe house. To any gentleman in the low eountiy desiring a cool, healthy and pleasant summer resilience it p.esents ao eligible choice. Fur ther information may he obtained of the undersigned, hy addressing him at Charlotte or Lincoloton. T. S. VV. MOTTf January 13, 1854. 2otf NEW FIRMpW GOODS. HART & TROTT, Monroe, Union Counly, Nortk-Carolina, a AVE just completed a new and capacious Store Hoom on the North-West corner, nearly opposite the Court-House, where ttiey have received and are opening an entirely new and well selected assortment of Goods, purchased exclusively for rash ; and are sell ing them on terms so low as toaslonish 1 hose who have heret fore traded 1 1 ; " s side of NewYorl; and the reason of it is that Tirey buy for ca-h and sell for cash, or country produce, thinking thai quick sales for ready money, wiih small profit, is best for all parties con cerned. They have received their Stock of FALL 6c WINTER GOODS, comprising an extensive stock ot Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Bonnets, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, &c, 6lc. A large and elegant assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Silks, Merinos, Alpacc as, Spun Silk, Saek Flannels, Muslins, Jaekonets, Undersleeves. Flouncing, Mous. deLanes, and a great variety of other articles for Ladies, new and pretty. We have a nice stock of superior Black Cloth, Black and Fancy Cassime es and Vestiugs, a great variety of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Over and Business (.'oats, Pants, Vests, Wool Shirts and Drawers, Colton do., Tweeds, Jeans, and Satfinetts, Canton Flannel, White, Red and Green do. A large stock of Negro Kerseys, Blankets, Wool Hats, Boots and Shoes, and a splendid stock of GROCERIES. Brown, Crashed and Powdered Sugar, best Rio and Java Coffee, Salt, Molasses and I heese. We have a farge lot of other articles which, to he ap preciated, must be seen ; we thee fore invite all to call and see, whether they buy or not, as we will take great pleasure in showing our Goods. HART & TROTT. Q3r All kinds of Couniry Produce taken in exchange fur Goods Collon, Corn, Flour, Tallow, Beeswax, Liosey, &c., &c. II. & T. Monroe, N. C., January 6, 1854. 24 tf ALL Accounts and Notes in favor of M. W. Robinson have been placed in my hands for collection, Mid must be settled by the 1st of April next or their Notes and Accounts will be placed in Officers hands for col lection without reserve. R. M. STERLING. Charlotte, March 17, 'St. 3-f BLACKSMITHING. TTEARN &, COLLINS having associated tbcin W selves as co.partncrs lo carry on the Blscksniilh ing business, in this place, are now prepared to do all work in their line in the best manner, and as chiap as can be done elsewhere. All work warranted. JAMES WEARN, ROBT. COLLINS. March 17, 1951. 34tf MOORE, HENSZEY 6l Co., SUCCESSORS TO WM. T. HOWELL & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in No. 181, Market street, PHILADELPHIA, KEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c, wMeh they will dispose of on as good terms as any house in the United States. Orders by mail, or otherwise, put up with care and forwarded with dispatch. A discount of 6 pr cent, allowed for cash in par funds. Jan 27, 1854. 27-5ra A Just Received. LARGE lot ol fine Mountain Irish Potatoes for sale low for cash. BROWN, BRAWLEY & CO. W Hats and Caps. ;'7E have on hand a large stock of Men's and Boys' Huts and Caps, for sitle Jowerthan tlie lowcsi, vy BROWN, BRAWLEY dt CO. Saddles. riMIE best assortment of Ladies and Gentlemen's 1 Saddles, iu market, and will bo sold lower than can be bought this side of Charleston, call and see them. BROWN, BRAWLEY & CO. Jan. fi, 1854. 21 tf INJOTV BOOKS. JUST R lit' E I V K I), Clsrb's Commentaries, C vols.; Fli-tclier's Checks to Ai.tinomiu nisin, 2 vol.; the writings of Armincus, 3 vols.; the Women ot the Bible from Ev.; of the old to the Mai y's of the New Tests, ment by Head fey ; Foster's E-m.ys on decision of chnr HCter; Napoleon and his Mai sua I by Head; Women of the Revolution, by Mrs. Elletf ; Frtcdsly's Practical Treatise on Ilusiness ; The Philosophy of Human Na ture, by F. E. Uuter; Lynch's Expetiiiion to the Dead Sea and the Jordan, complete in 1 vol.; D'A ubigncs Ilia tory of the peformstion, 5 volumes in one, revised edi tion. Also, a large lot of Stationery, Account Books, Memorandum and Pass Books, paper nnd leiilher covers; Portfolios, Scrap Books, Blanks, Arnold's Writing Fluid, this will be found a very superior article of writing fluid, and free from all the gummy substances often found in other Iuk, Ink Powders, Indexes, Sealing Wax, Wafers, Quills, Gold Pens of v irions styles with ami without cases, Silv r Pencil Cascp, Plain, Figured und Fancy Pattcnrs, a large assortment cf sizes and staler. Sieel Pens lor sale by the Grons or single Dozen. Lead Pencils and Pencil Points, Instead, Diily Cal. endarordate Bo.v s, Hill Files Si.nd Boxes, Tin holders Cedar, Bone nnd Ivory, Patent Parallel Rulers, Wafer Stamps, Water Color Paint?, B.clsgainmon, Chess Boards, &c. Slates ,:nd Pencils", Drawing Pencils, Gcr man Work Boxes, Motto Seals, India Rubber, Drawing Papers, Music Paper, Perforated Board. Envelopes, Buff, White, Embossed, Figured, S.lveicd Edge, Kiiainvlled, Self-scaling, &c. Card, Blank, Visiting and Playing; Printers Cards, mil sizee ; all the various styles of writing :ind wrapping paper received direct from the most cele brated makers, French and E11glit.l1 pnper, Note paper oi every stylo, Fmbosed, Figured, Edged, Colourod, Plain &.C Porte-Monnaies, Cignr Cases, Tliermomo ters. Book Rests, Pen and Pocket Knives, superior arti. cle. Pictures und Frames for salo by the dozen ot single one. ENNISS At C RIDER, Booksellers & Stationers. Charlotte, Feb 17 30 tf Luxuries of the Season. N. R. All persons indebted to mc by accounts arc requester) to settle the same at sri early day. M"2 P.C.CALDWELL. BOYNE 6c SPROWLE, " 3E2rl3lo Cutters, COLUMBIA, S. C, BEG leave to inform the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity, that they are prepared to turnish Monuments, Tombs, Tablets, Head Stones, 6cc, at extremely low prices All orders for any article addressed to G. N. HOPE, Charlotte, N.C., will meet with prompt attention March 21, 1854. 35tf $50 Reward. R ANA WAV from the subscriber, living in Mecklen burg county, on the 21th of December last, a Ne gro Boy, SAM, bright mulatto, with straight black hair, 2 years old, about 6 feet high, and has a scar on his forehead. Sam is a cunning fellow and will no doubt attempt to pass himself off as a white man as he is a good carpenter and succeeded in passing himself off before as a white man in Tennessee. The above reward will be given for his apprehension and confine ment in jail. Any information relative to the above boy can be forwarded to Charlotte. W. U. NICHOLSON. January 20, 1851. 2Gtf BRIAN & THOMPSON HAVE just received at their splendid EATING At DRINKING SALOON a choice and unequalled selection of the good things of this world, such as LIQUORS, OYSTERS, WINES, CRACKERS, CORDIALS, PICKULS, PORTER, LEMONDS, ALE, SE GARS, CANDIES, ORANGES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS, of tho best quality, 10,000 SPANISH SEGARS, of ihe choice. bra fids, CANDIES & SUGAR TOYS of various kinds, (f r hey are now constantly receiving a j . a Ms by the cars from ( harleston nVKTL'nk .1... 1. ..1 v m m m . ... ttM . , which they serve up in the most rerlerche manner, at thei establishment, one loor from Granite Row, on Mint s reet, where they will be g ad to see their friends at all t mes-(Sundays excepted.) JAMES BRIAN, Dec 2, 1853 20 J. N. THOMPSON. $50 Reward. STOLEN from the subscriber's residence, 3 miles south of Charlotte, Fifteen YELLOW TURKEYS. It is rather uncommon to see so many Turkeys of this kind in a drove, and those who may see them will re member who has them in possession. It is supposed they will be driven to Yorkville through the country or they will take the cars at some point south of this place and be carried to a South Carolina market- FIFTY DOLLARS Rewaid is flered for the spprs hension and proof sufficient to convict fae thief, If white, and $5 if colored MARTIN ICEHOWER. March 10, 18.1 1- 33 3t BOOKBINDING. AWALDAUER has resumed the Bookbinding Bu , siness, and is ready to receive work, which will be done in the best workmanship and as cheap as can be done in any other establishment of the kind Re ferences to that fact, by Rev. C. Johnston, V. C Bar nnger, Esq., Charlotte ; Miller & James, J. J. Bruner, Dr. Surnmerel,L. Blackmer, Esq., N. Bovden, Esq. and a great many other gentlemen at Salisbury H may always be found at the stand where G. Bareman &, Lo. formerly kept Store, next door to Elms'a Gro- ce;y- , A. WALDAUER. Charlotte, Feu. 2 f, ,851. 3i.3rn Back Creek Male Academy. THIS Institution is located 10 mihs North-Esst of Charlotte, N. C, near Back Creek Church, and will be conducted undt r the supt rvision of Rev. R. F. Taylor, whose experience as a teacher eminently qualifies hirt for that positioi. The exercises will commence n tha first Monday of January. Good boarding can he had in moral and orderly families near the Academy at $6 per month. The following r.re the rates of Tuition; Eleuicntnry English Bracchts, per St 100 of 5 months 95 qq Engiih Grjrnmar, Ge grapby, Philoenphy, History, &c g qq Greek and Latin Languages, with Higher Branches of Mathematics 59 J. HUNTER, Scc'y Board of Trustees. January 6, 1854. 24-tf Garden Seed! Garden Seed! IREKII, genuine and warranter" junt received being constantly received at the Granite Drag S ijijFiic oiiiier 1 icti 1. 26 f PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. and Stoie, GEORGE N. HOPE, PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL : Resilience nt-xt house lo the Cthfiri Church, Cli-irlidtp, N. (-. Orders from the country nunc, t-.mllv .-itWM.d d to. March 21, 54. ly.

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