Democratic State Convention. TllCBSDAV JIOHMSO, 10 o'cLOCK, A. If. The Convention re-assemtled, the President in the Chair. The Hon. Asa Biggs, made the follow ing report from the Committee on Resolutions: We the Delegates of the Democracy of North Carolina, in Convention assembled, considering the occasion a proper one for the re-asscriion ol the well-defined and time--honored principles that bind us together as a party, do Resolve, 1st. That we are for a rigiJ construction of the Constitution of the United States, as a grant of limited powers ; for on Independent Treasury and again1 United Slates Bunk ; lor a Turitf (or revenue and against a Tariff" for protection; fr economy in the administration of ihc federal yov r n', and against extravagnu expenditures ; for an earl)- payment of the public debt, and against ihe payment of unjust and unfounded claims. 2J. flrWnrnf. Thai President Pierce, by his Inaugural Address and annual Message, and by his devotion to tho Constitution and rights of the Slates therein manifested, has signally justified the expectations of tfie American Democracy, in elevating him to the distinguished position he now fills; and iu the administration of the government upon the principles thus boldly avowed by him, he will place himself where he d- serves to stand, high in th- list of An.rrican Prraidi 1. yj. lltstjcl. That the hill now pending before Pins Ml i to organize the territories ol Nebraska e ej and Kansas, has our hearty ; and wo tender to S nat..r Douglas and n: her members of Congress from turn sla ve holding Slates, our ih inks for their manly, patriotic and national course on (hi- qinsuon. 4th. Rt sot veil. That the public land are the common propel tj of the people ol the. United Slates, and therefore any disposition of tin in for the sole and exclusive ln-nt fit ol any one of the States, would he unjust and unconstitutional. 5tlu R srlc d. That the public lands, being lie common property of the people of nil the States, should be held as a common fund ami disposed nf for ihe cumin ;n aefftl ml all first, in I be pay wrsj of the public oWbt and then in defraying I be expenses ol the federal govern tent, so as to re- J duco the taxes now impost d upon the common i cessaries ol life. ti h. Rtstlcr.l, That the Democracy of the State j have reason to lie pioud ot the administration ol ; public afiTtrs tinder Divid S. Rent; thai be Ins shown hinisell a just, pal riolic and un- IvKecitive ; jitut ill audition la IOC lante Iip nas aeliiev. o as .lie nrighutiot and champion of Prre Suffrage, and as the loiiji iri'-d and nnwnverinc advocate of the peopled rih s, be will carry wi h him in his re in iemeM from his prenrM post the consciousness uf having dedicated his Iwst energies lo the puhlic good and the sincere and enthusiast ie confidence ol the Democratic- pir'v. Tib. lino'cerf. Thai the Consiituiion of tins State might to be awn led, so as to extend lo all (ft e white men the :lit to vo'e fur riiem- hers of the Senate as for members ol .he House ol .jmmcsM ; tint m- r g .rd lh plan ol amendment oy legisianve enacnie ut nnu me sanction Ol the people at the b.ilot-hix, as strictly republican, as it n certainly constitutional ; that era are opposed, i under any and all circumalano . to u changn of the basis of representation in the Senate and House : ol ('ominous; and ibal we Will never abandon ' the great principle of i-'ree Surl'i ag'-, but ill unite wuh our fellow eiliS-SM of ftMib p irties in pressing it, in ihe face ol all opposition and difficulties, to j it- final triumph. "ih, Ri sofrrd. That it is our earn' st wish and ; aYsire t see ifi" resources of North Carolina, ng- j, tniri r. I a ml, losi-r' d and devlopi-j ; nn I Ihe State hiving already entered pan a rysjtesa of intern i mtpriiti wwntsj to tsat end, and made large ii. vestments wj h that view, it would, in ihe opinion of tit.- C .mention, be pwK and proper ff the LegiaMtsir, from tine lo lime, in e"erid such lnnbtr aid in the comph -lion u I be works- already Undertaken, and the rz- IrnaMun ol I be nw, as a just regard for ihe in-i-rest ol I he poph: may n q-iiie, and I be means und resourees ol I be State will prudently allow. D:h. Htsalse-I, Thai tatr prewnt ysteHi of Com mon Schools ought lo be lostered bv lb L "gisla-:u.-e, iM its fJi -ii-nc increaseil, until I be lilt swing i ol BslWalitM shall hate ix . n alloitb d to all lie childieii of ibe Sf.iti-. IthS. Resalvrtt. That we re-aflirm the Reatdu tinat nf the Baltimore Convention nf 1844, 1848. and as far as th'-y ure applicable to the pre-" ut condition of the coimtrv. Mih. He-ofcti, Th :t having entire confidence in the ability, ini-frit, and mmn princinles nf THOM AS BRAUG K of lllpClllinlvo. Nr,h. nmpu.n we do herti( v nomin oamrsd km the people (f Nnr, Cnm a a s' eaiidelale r U .1 t .- in ... overimr n me rmainz ' i' 1I. li:-'s Lrif'flf i il . I rncciul tlin fTdltll twnf ItHI, lirm i Hurt o , ,x , f,.r , , n 'he p irt of )ernncrats and re rieg to the nr M- . i - l -. m Itinnt vieiorv lueh awaits us n tr " I our priiicij nllr enllmt sf nd ird-henrer. lie n ml a 1 . .......... I'tii inn i ncr in ni'n In Mtr. r h n r- t I o r- rl i NOMAS 00 a , ' r . . inwwtu, uie iidnr.incp 01 ino pnny lor 1 a lii 1 . rn l tie vo te was then l iken on the RnMiMnn, and .i - lliey i re adopted unanimously nmid much ap- . S. Cop. land, of orihampton ; then rose sponifeH in appropriate terms to the nimi. n ol Mr. Brajjjr. Af'er he had concluded. the Convention wn nddreerl hv Mr. R rwin. of combo. Mr. MrKiv. of CiimherhirH. Mr. Cunt- i hll. of Wake, Mr. Dirk, nf Guilford, and Mr. j phrrl, nf Oimhf rlnnd. fw . . t : C XT I r i w-i t . . , -.i m. inn oi m. j. rumor, r.-q.. ot i;..swoll. r r residonl and too 1'rosnlonts of tho fnnvrn- ' wero nppniniod a Committee In inform Thomns IT 'L'L. I'j-.n . Ol lll llll'inimn'ic llnnn-ilmn & b t V n 'OlJlOOrritio o in,li.l Tor CI. A lliis nccon'nncp of lb si-inv - - - - v. ' i.i i, ''ii.i iniuai On motion of Mr. Morris, of Hnvnn. it wns ro- bolvo.Pthtt nn oxoetitive Oommittoo of tho Domo- , rrafii- pirfv of tho Srnfo, oonsistin? of nine be np ointo( bv tho Prou'dont of th f'onvonfion. Cn motion of Col. R js, (ho Convention ad- ioumed until half pnst throe o'clock. Half past 3 oVl-ck, P. If. Tho Convention re-nssombled pursuant to nd- i'mrnmrni ; nnd in response to ells mndf upon phem wns addressed by Col. J. P. Jones, nf A nson ; I-.. t, In v wood Esq.. of W iko; R. P. Wnrinj;. P-q . of Meekh nbtirjr ; T. L. H nrcrovo. b.sq.. hf Cranville ; CSrtJ. S. Waff, nf Martin : William K Hill. R-q . of Duplin : V. T. Dorteh. Esq., of W ayne ; H. C. Jones, Esq., of Craven. The President announced the following gonlle- Eien as consiitu'ing tho Democratic Executive 'ommiitee : Jease G. Sh-pherd, of CumherlHiid. William T. I) .rich, ol Wayne. Gen. B. Trotting, f AlaaMunsn W. V. IJ, , of JiTi uit.h Ninon, ol Wake. Charles Fisher, of Rowan, Dr. R. D.ilard, of Chowan. Divnl Culeinan, ofYaney. William J. Houston, of Duplin. Oil moti m of Mr. Dick, of Guilford, the thinks 1 hf the (:...,...,;.. - : ... , " . . i 1 I, I .v iv uiianiiiiuui I1 Ii ut reel l e 1 resident, and other offices ol the Convt ntion. er I no :ible ami sa:is!.i'.irw m ...n,.- in v. Inch j hoy had discbirgoj K.:r rJu:ic.-, Col. Biggs then moved that the Convention ad journ sine die, and iu making the motion congratu lated the members upon Ihe harmony which had prevailed and upon the bright prospects of victory before them. The President then arose ai;d ad dressed the Convention as follows: Gentlemen of the Convention : Before pronouncing the adjournment which has just been ordered, I trust you will indulge me in a i'-w words. 1 must, in the first place, congraiu. late yo i upon ihe happy termination of your la bors. The harmony of your proceedings has been remarkable. Not a single division has been called during your sitting either in Caucus or Con. vention. This has rendered my duties as easy as the cause ol it has been gratifying to me. I congratulate you, gentlemen, especially upon your selection of a standard-bearer. Thomas Bragg is not unknown to the country a high minded honorable gentleman a wise and able statesman a sound and reliable Democrat. You may well be proud of such a leader, and he, I douttt not, will find in you active and zeulous coadjuters. Under the lead of such a champion you have nothing to fear 1 he very name of BRAGC is a tower of strength, and if in the hottest of the fight you should begin for a moment to doubt nf success, you have only to call upon the gallant Brago for "a little more grape" and the vicTony is OVM. You have been harmonious here and I trust it is an augury of harmony every here ; united in the great r.lj-ct which we nil have at heart the success-of great Democratic principles let us not quarrel about minor matters. If in these we can not agree, hi us at least agree to disagree. Wishing for each of you a safe return to the bosoms of your families, and the welcome plaudits of many gratifii d friends, 1 pronounce this Con vention adjourned sine dir. ABRAHAM RBNCHER, President. ( A -TON Mr A RES, John B. Jones, F. P. liLAaW. S. IS. WlLLIAMS, Thomas JFaisgn, Joseph Allison, V. IV. Molden, 1 Tito. II. flout ks, DW. C. Src.NE, S I Vice Presidents. Secretaries. Oigiit Not to nE Killed Now. About the sea reent article in the meat line to he had in mar ket now is chickens, and they command a pretty high price, which they would' all market people were as well posted in fowls as we profess to he. It is a fact which is agreed to hy a!! naturalists, that as soon as chickens begin to lay thrir egos, that u worm of maggot species, some three itichet in length, incubates iu their legs, which makes them low in flesh, and, to a certain degree, poisonous. We never eat chickens after the first of March, for at that lime they begin to l;iv freely, and the worm in the leg commences growing, reaching the length of from three to four .1 11 I'll i .1 iiicties. n s soon as toe clncKen is Kiiieu, me t worm (Ji(Si but uporl examiuation, it is easily dis- j COvered. Under such circumstances, our stomache : revolts at fowls d irinji the months of March and A pril. Ci'irin ntti Enquirer. Great men 1s somewh it of their greatness by being near us; ordinary men gain much. flini'lolle ISet.'tii Price C'lirrciil. CJRRECTEO WEEKLY, Bacon, sides - " Hams " Hog round IJ .ggiug, Cotton, Butter -B.-eswax Beans -Brandy, Annie - lb. - HO a 83 - lb. - 10 all - 00 - 10 - 00 - 12 . 134 . 20 . 00 35 - 75 . si . 125 . 23 - 15 . 03 - 00 0 - 00 . 30 0 5 $12 33 - 00 b . 45 . 5 - 00 - ib. - - yd - - Ib. - - Ib. - - bushel - gl. p5 15 1ft 22 a 80 a 50 a 87d a 8 ' l'each - - Cotton Coffee - - - -(Jai.dh s. Adamantine Tallow - - Corn ChickeM - Kggs Flour Feathers - Lard Mutton - - - - - lb. " - lb. - Ib. - Ib. bush. - each dozen 100 Ib. - I!). - lb. - Ib. - bid. - gal. bushel - lb. bushel - lb. bushel buslnl bushel - Ib. - Ib. - Bl. - sack . lb. n a bushel cal. u a a a a a a a a a a a a u a 15 30 20 70 15 10 $3 40 10 6 16 4." 75 8 50 I Mackrel . . . - Molasses - Meal Mails O.i i Pork Potatoes, Irish " Sweet - - Rice Sug'ir, Ioif " Brown Stone-Ware -Sail Tea Tallow Wheat 6 81 a 45 rt 84 a 12$ a 9 - 00 - 83 . 11 - 54 - 10 82J a li a $2 a 81 a 12.5 a $1 a 35 a 45 . 62 10 . $1 . 30 - 30 W hiskey Northern - North Carolina gal SPECIAL NOTICES. Dr. M'Laxe's Great Kkmkkv for Livkr Compaint. The proprietors of this jtuty celebiaird medicine ore in the daily receipt of ihe most giatilying testimonials of its excellence. Casts that had bren given up as incurable by most skillful physicians, were cured immediate)- after these PiZls were giv en. The eei.iieates aie so numeious, that it is ilHjiimibfll to pubih th in within the fim:ts of a newspaper ; but as it now is an established iact that M'Lane's Liver Pi's are -he best nn d.lieation is rendered unneeesf aiy. Those who suffer from that wotst of setiuriTS. Liver Comi'aint. should Iom nn iim i . - - i i but hasten to purchase and use this invaluable medicine. '!,ioh ",av le had at Prflchua 'Sr Coldwells at.d Etsher & IK""t-sl1. ' 2w TO CONSUMPTIVES, j Every sufferer from Consumption, in whatever stage, should i try Dr. Rogers' Symp ol Liveiwort, 'Par and Canchalagua, ; a. id prove to their own satisfaction that this disease can be curtd. even if ihe symptoms are very discouraging. This ! medicine acts l:ke a charm in suliduing the Cough, and restor i nig health to the whole system. For sale by Pritchaid Sf Caldwell and F.sher Heinitsh, Charlotte. Price in large bottles 91. 5CT See the advertisement in another column of Siabler's "Cood Medeines;" they are not recoinmendtd as "Cure j All," hut as etficient remedies for the diseases named, hav- ing received the highest encomiums from Physicians, Apothe ' caries and Store-keepers who have used them, sold them, and ia a multitude ot cases heard of their good erlects. Give them a trial ai d tell youi Iriends of the result. MTHR Subscriber will offer privately, until Tuesday of our Superior Court, and then, (if not sold) at public sale, a very hands me g Private The House is elegant, and out-buildings good and well i adap ed to the convenience of a large family a hand MM location and convenient to the business part of town. It wasjformerly occupied by Mr. N. B Taylor, and is situated on Church-st., second square from the Court House- Terms made to suit the purchaser. C. OVERMAN i ..) 10 1 o .w 39-4 w lo;.e in the best style of the art, at this Office. BOOTS AND SHOES INVERT one desirous of getting the value of his j money, and, at this bt:is.n of the year Boot., and Shoes arc a primary consideration, it is :Usirallo to know where the cheapest and best may be procured. The place to procure the cheap t and best is at Johnston's Cheap Boot and Shoe Store, where he has just received the largest stock of Boots, Slioea, H .U, Cus and Straw Goods ever opened in this market, which will be sold cheap '.or cash, and no mis take. Call and sec at the sign of the april 2 1 . 3D 2m BIG BOOT. Wbijr copy. PARES & HUTCHISON ARE receiving and opening their Spring and Summer l stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Tress Goods, Becbc's Hals, and, George's Boots, Straw Bonnetts, Panama Hats, 6tc. Also, a large stock of Coacb. "Trr-lm m inss. Our Goods were bought at Cash Trices and will be sold at rales which will satisly those wlio may give tbem a call. april 3iHf Crockery, Hardware and Groceries, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddles, at a very lW figure, april 21 39tf PARKS & HUTCHISON. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! Exploration of the valley Amazon, by Heradoa. A new and com pitta Gazetteer of the United States, by Baldwin &. Thomas. Kural Essays, by A. J. Downing. A splendid edition of the Wavcrly Novcf. Romance of the Revelation ; being a history of the personal adventun f, heroic exploits, and romantic inci dents, as enacted in the War oi' Independence ; by O. B. Uruice. Thrilling Adventures by Land and Sea ; by J. O. Drayman. Daring Deeds of American Heroes, with Diographial SI. etches; by J. O. Drayman. The Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi ; by Baldwin. Hot Corn and Taper Bullets, from Love's Pocket Pistols. The Old Brewery and The New Mission H.usc. The Lamplighter. Louis Elton ; by Mrs. M. Hi rndon. Allen's Domestic Animals, a History and Discription of the Horse, Mule, Cattle, Sheep, Swine. Poultry, &.c; by R. L. Alien. The Successful Merchant, or Sketches of the Life of Mr. Samuel Bridgett ; by Win. Arthur. The Hearth Stone, or upon Ilomclife in our cities ; by Samuel Osgood. The Miner's Guide; by J. W. Orion. Also, a large and splendid assortment of Stationery, fte. &c. " Fly, fly with lightning's speed. Be q'lick, I say, and learn to read." EKNISS &. ( RIDER, Charlotte, april 21 Booksellers and Stalioncrs. GRAND EXHIBITION. I rPfIE largest and most varied stock of Clotbi s, Cass i l 1 meres, and Vctlings, Linnen, Drill, Plain and Fancy. Also, a general stock ol Gentlemen s wearing apparal, which we offer at New York eost. Any person wanting bargains will do well to call immediately as sve are de termined to sell out ROB1SON & UEA. april 14, 38-3t BEGS leave respectfully to announce to the fiP Ladies of Charlotte and the public, that she h&s just returned from the Norle- ities, and is now open ing a fashionable and choic selection of Bonnet Trimmings, Fancy Articles, Caps, Artificials, Head-Dresses, to, ether with a variety of French MILLINERY, Ike. Having secured the services of an experienced Dress maker and Milliner, from Philadelphia, she feels confi dent that she can give general satisfaction in both branches of the business. No pains will be spared to please. Orders from a distance thanklully received and carefullv packed and forwarded. april 14, 1854 38-tf A. BETHUNE. WOULD respectfully inform his friends and B patrons that he has taken the room two doors ITJ cast of S.idler's Hotel above the Ftore of S. N. Itaaurix where be intends carrying on the Tailoring business in all its various branches. His work and styles shall not be inferior to any in this section of coun try. AH prrsous having work done must pay cash as that is the article that Journeymen require lor their work. Gentlemen at a distance ordering clothing of any kind will be furnished of the very latest Spring goods and styles as cheap as can be furnished in the state and at short notice for cash. A. BETHUNE. april 14, 38tf Matresses ! Matresses ! ! KENNERLY &. QITNN, take pleasure in announc ing to the public that they arc manufacturing Mat tresses ut their Rooms in the D iscmcnt of the Brick Building, occupied by Biyan &. Thompson, where they invite all who may desire springy and well made Mat tresses to call and examine for themselves. Orders from a dit nice solicited, and promptly attended to. d?" The highest price paid in Cash for good dry shacks. K. &. Q. April 14, 18.54. 3S-3w Wanted, "TWO BOYS, from 12 to 15 ytars of age, to learn the .1 Tailoring business. Apply to april 14 2S-2m D. L. REA. Lad' - s, Your Attention! A'E have the h gest assortment of Mantillas, that ever was one. -d in this market, embracing Silk ever was opc. and Berage of all Black and White the different colors and shades, and Lace, ranging in prices from $5 to $50, all of the latest styles. april 14 SPRATT, DANIEL dr. CO. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. MRS. WHEALAN would respectfully return her thanks to the Ladies of Charlotte and vicini ty, for the liberal patronage bestowed on her during the past season, and having engaged an experienced MILLINER, she is now prepared to carry on the Millinery & Dress Making Business, in all its various branches. H7"BONNETS made and trimmed in the neatest and most fashionable manner. DCF" Residence 3 doors South of Sadler's Hotel. April 7, 1854. 37-tf Last Notice. A LL persons indebted to the late firm of Young, XX Blair t Co., ekher by Notes or Accounts, are re quested to come forward and settle up by the April Court, as lorger mdulgeave cannot be given. YOUNG, BLAIR & CO. April 3, 1S51. 37-tf I WILL sell at the Conrt-Housc in C harlol tc, on Tues day of the Superior Curt in Mty, one of the most desirable CoUHtry It -M ! II in North Curo. lin:i,(and alter that 1 may sajr the world) known as the Claremunt place, cout lining ddb acres, lying 5 miles East oi Charlotte, on the Potter's Road, adjoining the lands of D.ivid Parks and others. Persons desirous of seeing the land will plensc call jn Thos. F. Alexander at Harrisburg, or G. A. H justou, Claremont. A. J. ALEXANDER. A. ! 7, 1651. 37 tf HIT Charlotte Whig and Columbia Banner copy. Gentlemen, Come and See us, AND we can fit you out, from the " crown of your head to the sole of your foot." We can put the prettiest Boots and Gaiters on your feet, the finest Kid Gloves on your hands, furnish you with the prettiest Shirts, the finest Cljths and Cassimeres, and the best Linen and Marseilles, of any one in this whole count rv. SrKATT, DANIEL & CO. " 0 AK Tanned SOLE LEATHER first lualily 25 cent per pouno lor saic ny . . "i July 123. 03 r. all . w. FRESH ARRIVAL. fLMS, ALLISON & CO., take pleasure in announc- ir.g to retail dealers and the public generally, that they are now receiving and selling at unprecedented prices, by lar the largest and best assorted Stock nf Srocri'M ever brought to this part of the State. It would be to the intetest of those who tny to sell again to examine their stock before going further, as they buy and sell lor cash their prices SHALL BE SATISFACTORY. Their stock consists in part as follows ; 300 bbls. N. 0. Molasses, fine. 50 hhds. fine Cuba Molasses, 200 bbls. fine N. O. Sugar, 100 hhds. " 1000 sacks of Salt, 15 tierces new Rice, 500 sacks Rio Coffee, fine, 50 sacks old G. Java, 30 bales Gunny Bagging, Mining utensils and a general assort ment of heavy Hardware. Choice variety of Teas, Fine Cigars, and the finest Tobacco ever sold in Charlotte. Choice variety of all articles kept for famil' use. 500 kegs Northern Nails, 10,000 lbs. White Lead, 7,000 lbs. Roping, 100 boxes Adamantine, Sperm and tal low Candles. 10 casks best London Porter. 60 choice English Dairy Cheese. nr All kinds of Produce bought nt the highest CASH prices, or taken in exchange for Groceries at Cush Prices. ELMS, ALLISON & CO., At Jno. Wells's old stnnd. Charlotte, Match 31. 36 tf Something New Again ! W. W. Elms' Splendid Store is Finished, WIlfCRE TT TTTVT has just received It and is opening an entirely new and well s ected stock of fS 13 ss eft? STimmer and I am now ready to sell GREAT BARGAINS to all who may favor me with a call. My motto is QUICK SALES FOR CASH, AND SMALL PROFITS. My fctoek comprises Ladies' Dresses, Lawns, Silks, Tissues, Bonnets, JRibhons, Underskevcs, Collars, t heminetts, Silk Gloves of all kinds, Mantillas and Talmas, and a very large assortment of flits for Ladies and Misses, and a great variety of other articles for Ladii s, new and pretty. And to the Gentlemen I will say, that it will he lo their interest to give mc a cull, as I have on hand a very large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, for Men and children, which I will t-ell CHEAPER than ( HEAP for CASH, to'those who may favor nie with a call. M. BALM, Next door to Spratt, Daniel d Co. March 31, 1854 3Gtf Where to buy Cheap! TE have just received and opened a very large and handsome stock ot Spring and Summer Goods. For the Ladies we have Dress Silks, Bcrages; Silk Tissues, Printed Jackomt, figured and solid colors, Lawns, Embroidered Skirts, Talmas, Mantillas, Visites and White Crape Shawls, Ginghams, Calicoes and Mus lins from li ct tits and up. Also a very pretty selection of Hnts, Bonnets, BOOTS and SHOES. For the Gentlemen wc have Ready-Made Clothing, White and Brown Linen, Farmer's Satin, &c, &c. We also have a large stock of II. SHI) ti'.lSli:. CMIOCEKY, Sfc, Sfc. We respectfully solicit a Ciill from ail those wishing to buy Coods. It will afford us a great deal ot pleasure to show our Goods, whether persons buy or not; and as regards price we are determined to stll as LOW as any house iu Western Carolina. And all we ask is an ex amination ol our Goods mid prices. Call and see us. BROWN, BRAWLEY & CO. Charlotte, March 31, 1854 36lf Notice. ALL Accounts and Notes in favor of M. W. Robinson have been placed in my hands for collection, and must be settled by the 1st of April next or their Notes and Accounts will be placed in Omcers hands for col lection without reserve. R. M. STERLING. Charlotte, March 17, '54. 3t-tf Silks. '''HE largest lot of SILKS ever brought to J ket, embracing every variety of Plaid, CI this mar- heck, and all the different Shades of plain Silks, will be found at SPRATT, DA MEL & CO. S. Straw Bonnets. STRAW Bonnets and Flats, both for grown persons and infants. Call soon before they are picked over. SPRATT, DANIEL CO. Domestics. w 7 K keep a large stock of Domestic, Plaids, and Manchester Ginnams, for servants wear. SPRATT, DANIEL & CO. Robes. rI "HE finest stock of ROUES, both Birege and Muslin, J Printed and Embroidered, at SPRATT, DANIEL & CO. A Tremendous Stock 0 F Printed Jackonetts, Swiss and Organdies, Beauti- iul alicos, an a very large stock ot Ginghams, at April 14, '51. oStf SPRATT, DANIEL & Co. Hurrah, for Spratt, Daniel 6l Co.I rJ HEY have the largest stock of Bebee HATS ever 1 brought to this town, and they are pretty this sea son, too. 38 april 14. J MILES Hi SON'S Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers for , sale by SPRATT, DANIEL & CO. UMBRELLARS and Parasols of every variety, For sale hy SPARTT, DANIEL & CO. 'I HE Ribbons! The Ribbons!! Oh! the Gloves J the Gloves ! ! and cheap, to be had at SPRATT, DANIEL & CO.'S. EMBROIDERS of every variety, style and quality ; Swiss, Jaconett, Dimetry, band and flouncing, at SPRA1 T, DANIEL & CU. V LARGE stock of Chiinisetts, Colors and Under uleeves, &c, f r sale at SPRATT, DANIEL & CO.'S GEORGE N. HOPS, PLAIN AND O R N A MENTAL Residence next house to the Caiholir Church, Charlotte, N. C. Orders from the country punc tually atleiuh d to. March 24, '54. ly. Of the mo-t approved form, lor at this Olhce. Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!! And nothing- but Clothing, AT FiiHiniTs & Co.'s Emperhmi of Fashion, NEXT DOOR TO SADLER'S HOTEL, CUarlfUc, X. C, A T" II ERE rmn be found the largest and bist stock of Y SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING ever i.r ed in North Carolina, nil ot which will be dd at our low rate for CASH. Our Stock consiata iu prt of the following articles, viz : Coats. Eng. 4. French Drab D'Ete Sacks, Frock &. Dress Coats, American and French Cloth do. do do do Cushmart-tl &. Cashmarctt Casw.ncr do do do Gun ton Cloth Sacks, Tw cd PlUos and Sack, Alpacvu do do Drown and Buff Linen Frocks and Sacka, Pants. Anierx.n, English and French Cassimerc PANTS, English and French Dr.ih D'Ete do Cashmnrett C.-.ssiinere Sifk-iv;irp (very fine) o Fancy Summer C.issimcro mid Tweed do Marseille, Linen Drills, Clieck, St Cottonadc do Also, Silk, Cotton, and Merino Shirts and CnJcrshirta, Meriii", Linen and Cotton Drawers, Gloves, HoMery, Caiiee, Portmonnuis and Umbrellas, Black Silk and FBC$ Cr v .ts, Hair Oil, Perfumery. Trunks, V.ilis s, Carp, t Burs, Hats, t up, and, in fact, everything to be found in a Gaul Furnishing House. He have i.Lo, a full stock of BOYS' CLOTHING, of all so ts, sizes, kinds and qualities ut prices to suit the times. In conclusion, wc would return our thanks to the citi z ns ot North and Soulii Carolina, tor their liberal pat ronage bestowed upon us since we have been with thein, and il selling Good at low prices will insure a continu ance of the saioe, it slnll be done ut the EMPORIUM OF FASHION, March 21, 1834 35tf by FULLINGS A. Co. Wait for ihe Waggons! HAT FOR ? say you. Will, we will tell you. It is because JENKINS &. TAYLOR have opened a Mammoth Stove Store, in Williams's N w Brick Building, Charlo.te, N. C just opposite the Bank ol Charlotte, where can be found the largest, cheapest and best stock of STOVES, ever offered in North Carolina, all ot which will be soi l at the lowest CASH Prices. In addition to our regular assortment, we have six different sizes ol the cekh-uted IRON WITCH AIR-TIGHT with which we challenge the world to produce a b tl r. We have also all kinds of Stoves suitable for Churches, Stores, Parlors, Bed-rooms, &c, &.C. Now, we will tell yui why we head our advertisement "wait far the toaggont." It is because we have three waggons eonstanily running through the country with Stoves und will deliver them within 50 milesof Charlotte. All Stoves s-old by us will be put up lree of charge and warranted to do well; and now, as we have told you about the Stoves we will say to you, thut we have ull kinds of BriUania, Japan, Tin and Sheet Iron BRASS KETTLES, STOVE PIPES, $c, constantly on hand. All ORDERS sent to us will be promptly atten ded to by JENKINS & TAYLOR. Charlotte, March 10, '54. 33 tf Iiirst Goods OF THE SEASON. THE Subscriber having purchased the interest of his late partner, R. C Bell, has recently returned trom the North, having there added largelv to his stock of BOOTS fc SHOES, of every grade and quality for Ladies and Gentlemen's wear. He has also laid in a New and Splendid Assortment of DRY GOODS of the finest styles for Ladies and Gentlemen's Summer Wear, all of which he offers to punctual customers on the most reasonable terms. Call and examine for your selves. E. H. MOSS. Charlotte, March 17, 'J4. 34-tf REMOVAL. TT7 E inform our friends and the public gene- rally, that we have remoed our Tin Shop to the house on Trade Street, immediately be tween J. K. Harrison & Co. and Springs He McLeod's Groceries, where we will be pleased to wait on all wanting any article in our line. We are now prepared with every convenience for carrying on the Tinning Business and all other branches appertaining thereto on a scale much more extensive than has ever been the case be fore in Charlotte. We will pay particular attention to ROOFING and GUTTERING. Persons wishing any article in our line may rely upon getting it at the shortest notice and at the lowest price. We have just received a large assortment of Parlor, Cooking and Shop Stoves, which we are desirous of selling at very short profits for cash. MQORE & BYERLY. January 20, 1854. 2J tf $400 Reward. A Proclamation hy His Excellency, David S. Reid, Governor of the State of North Carolina. A 7 HEREAS, It has been represented to me that one VV Willis Hester st :n !s charged with the capital felon v of negro-stealing in the County of Orange in tl.L State; nnd thut tho said Willis Hoi-ter has fled from justice und escaped beyond the limits of this State, Now, therefore to the end that said Willis Hester may be arrested and brought to justice, f do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, offering a reward of three hundred nnd fi;ty Hi. liars for his apprehension and delivery to the Sheriff" ol Orange Cojnty, in the town of H.llsborough. DESCRIPTION. Willis Hester is described as follows : Supposed to be about forty years f age, has dai k eyes and hair, is about 5 feet 8 inches high, rather thick sjt; generally clean shave.l but some times wears false whiskers and mous tache, is bnd of showing his money and bragging about it, his a down look and is quick in his motions; gen eia ly wears blue leggings and a fur or cloth cap and is well in ormed and polite in his manners. When last heard from he was in South Carolina. Vim, Given under my hand and attested with the Great Seal of the State of North Carolina, at the City of Raleigh, this March 23d, A. D., 1654. By ihe Governor, D. S. REID. Sam'l F. A iam, jr., Private Secretary. Raleigh, March 23, '54. 3G 6w WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN GOODS, MATRASSES AND I?aper Hangings, AT GREAT BARGAINS. H'HE subscriber has in store, of his own manufaclurc j and importation an enormous stock of WINDOW SHADES, Gilt t'orniccs, Paper Hangings, Matrasses, Satin Di lainc.-, Damasks, Lace nnd Maslin Curtains, Tassels, Loops, &.C. All of which are offered at price that are appreciated by all close buyer and economical house-keepers. H. W. KINSMAN, 177 King sH. Mar 24, '54 ly Charleston, S. C. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. P. C.CALDWELL has associated his son. Dr. JOSEPH W. CALDWELL, with him in the Prac tice of Medicine. OiBce, 2nd story in Elms' new brick building, near the Courthouse. March 24, 18C4. 35 tf N. D. All peraoiif indebted to uic by accounts arc rttjiiculcil to settle the smc at an early d;:y. M 24 p. c. CALD" ELL. 0 ADDLES, HARNESS, At lOpt r t-vnt. oil for ( ash ! NO.M E M A N U FACT 13 R E. rpilE nib: criber again calls the attention of the ehi 1 zens of Charlotte and surrounding country, thaf h has opem-d a Saddle and Harness Shop iu lhift place, (3 doors outh of Sadler' Hotel,) where tie is maiiufae. luring SADDLES and HARNESS orthe best material and 50 per cent, btlow the prices. He will man ufacture SLddlcs cheaper than Northern S.uldhs can b bought in this place. Every article warranted wltul ho represents it, or the money refunded after 3 months lri-1. My stock of Saddles will consist of the following: Eiu-lh. from f 15 to $10 French, Spanish, Kentucky- Mexican, Lady's D.itl-wing Lady 'a Common Wagon Race, (Eng. style) Santa Fc, 10 to 60 1 1 to 3.) 10 to 40 50 to 300 (if ordered.) 1 3 to 80 6) to 35 4J lo 7 25 to 40 14 to 30 12 to 40 t.'am.inche, And Lst, but not least, North Carolina Saddles of tho best inality, from $5 to $30. I have also on hand 8tir. rup if the best quality, from 25 rents to $3.50 per pair. Spurs, from 15 cent to $2.50 ; Whips frons 12J cts. to $8.50; Harness, single, from $10 to $50; Do uuk Har ness, from $20 to $100 and higher if ordered ; Biti from 15 els, to $3 ; Riding Bridles from $1 to $6; all of wh ch I off. r for sale at 10 per cent, off for cash. RKPAIUING done at the shortest notice and iu a su perior manner. IT All kind of Counlry Produce will be taken in el change for work done, &c. March IT. 154 34tf WM. WHEALAN. Corn Starch. T HIS incomparably pure and beautiful article is ex ceedingly healthy, delicious, and economical, and when desired may be used as a substitute for and in the same manner as Arrowroot. The universal estimation iu svhich it is held, and tho increasing demand for it has induced others to flood the country with an inferior artiel.; of the same name. Corn Starch refined, and prepared expressly for lood, caii be had only at tho Dru"1 nnd Chemical Store of FISHER dt II EI N ITS H. Cleaver's Celebrated Honey Soap. A' ARRANTED ith the original scent, for rendering TT the atria colt and while. AIo, Low's Houey Soap, Low's White Winds-or in cakeF, Rigg's Miltitaiy Soap. Gucrlain's Ambrosia! Shaving Cake, all of which have but recently bet n oj entd. For fbIc at the Chemical Store of FISHER At HEIMTSH. For Invalids- THRESH PEARL BARLEY, X - SAGO, TAPIOCA, Just received and for sale hv I'D HER & IIEINITSH. Rare Chemical Products. piPEihxr, J Valerianate of Morphia, Valei i m .te of Quinine, Vali rianatc of Iron, S-. licine, Sulu. Chinehoafa, (i illic Acid, urate oi Iron and Quinine, Cnloride ol Zinc. Ferrocya nide ot Xinc. Iodide of Zinc. For sale-by FISHER &, HEINITSH, White Castile Soap. T'HIS new family and Toilel SOAP is held in high es teem, and is superior to the ordinary Soap for its bland and mllint qualities. For the nursery it ia particularly aeapted innocent in its combination and free from all injurious alkalies. This is an economical Soap for fa mi Li its Just received and for sale by FISHER & HEINITSH, upril 14th Dispensing chemists. NEUFFER, HEKDRIX & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, for the tale of Flour, Grain, Bacon & Produce generally Corner East Bay and Cnion Wharves, CHARLESTON, S. C. Johii Caldwell, Pres'uS. C. R. R. ifc . Rice Dnlin, Esq., Charleston. References : - Kober j. (;olumbill J. K. Harrison & Co., Choi lotte, N C. IN presenting the above Card wc would be doing in justice to our feelings not to express our gralitudw to our numerous friends in Georgia, Tennessee, North MMi South Carolina, lor their past unwavering patronage, since our cominenceinenl in this business in 18-17. We have nursed this husiiu s from its infancy, labor, ed year alter year to doVelope the resources ol the back country. We have battled with the different lines of railroads, and have been instrumental in reducing the freight on produce to reasonable rati a. We have iriends iu Europe and the North, and ere prepared to made advances on shipments to either markets. We would say to our friends and the public, that it will be lo their interest to consign to us, as we pay our whole attention to this business alone. We wiil make liberal advances on consignments. NEUFFER, IIENDRIX & CO. April 7, lfi54 37-Cin. J. & E. LONER6AN HAVE removed into their new and beautiful tore, 2 doors south of Sadler's Hotel, fitted it up in the most recherche style and supplied it with Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Ice., of the most favorite brands, Chew, ing and Smoking Tobacco, and all articles of luxury and comfort kept in the first class city Restaurants. They will be pleased to wait on their patrons at all hours. N. B. Having formed a co-partnership with James Eonergan, all persons indebted to me are reqnested to settle their outstanding accounts without delay. - E. LONEUGAff. March 10, 1851. 33 St BLACKSMITHINO. I7EARN At COLLINS having associated them. selves a oo. partners to cany on the Blacksmith, ing business, in this, are now prepared to do all work in their line in the best manner, and as cheap as can be done elsewhere. All work warranted. JAMES WEARN, ROOT. COLLINS. March 17, 1851. 34-tf Garden Seed! Garden Seed! L'RESH, genuine and warranter" just received and JJ being constantly received at the Granite Drug Sloto, opposite S idler' Hotel. 261 HUTCH A RD & CALDWELL. BOOKBINDING. WALDA(JER h&s resumed the Bookbinding Bu , siness, and is ready to receive work, which will be done in the best workmanship and as cheap as can be done in an other establishment of the kind. Re ferences to that fact, by Rev.C. Johnston, V. C. Bar ringer, Esq., Charlotte ; Miller fc James, J. J. Bruner, Dr. Summerel, L. Blackmer, Esq., N. Boyden, Easj., and a great many other gentlemen at Salisbury- H may always be found at the stand where G. Bargman & Co. formerly kept Store, next door to Ehms's Gro eery. A. WALDAUER. Charlotte, Feb. 21, i854. 3Mn MOORE, HENSZEY 6l Co., SUCCESSORS TO WM. T. HOWELL cV Co. Importers and II Lolcsale Dealers in No. 181, Market street, PHILADELPHIA, KEEPS constantly on hand a large assortment of HARDWARE, CLTLERY. GINS, Ac, which they will dirpose of on as food tcrin as any bouse in the Uuited Stales. Orders by mail, or otherwise, pnt np with care and forwarded with dispatch. A discount ol 6 pr cent, allowed for cash in par funds Jan 27, 1854. 27-5in 2,000 BUSHELS of Good WHEAT, OK wmch will be paid on delivery 00 cents per bushel, CASH. 1 JOHN WELLS. Jinjiry 13, 1854- Z5M

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