1 BOYNE &. SPROWLE, COLUMBIA, S. C. BEG leave to inform the citizens of Charlotte and ririnity, that thej are prepared to furnish Monuments, Tombs, Tablets, Head stones, &.C., at extremelj low prirea All orders for any article addressed to G. N. HOPE, Charlotte. N.C, will meet with prompt attention. March 21, 1854. 3.' If Closing out at Cost! f "HF, remaining (.art of our Winter Stock of Clothing-, I Bhinkt!, f pairs' Dress Goods, and Winter Goods ftMicrallv, will l. Sold. t OOSt pre vious to the r ct-ipt of our LARGE SPRING SUPPLY. Groceries, Hardware, 4c, at our usual I prices. ELI AS & COHEN, Mnrcli 3, 1854 N. 2, Granite Row. SELLING OFF IT COST! Wholesale ami Retail Saddle and Harness Establishment, COLUMBIA, S. C. THE subscriber wishing to discontinue hia present aiaiaiiwaa. rfTers his whole Mock, con stating of Sjddhs, llanarr. flaajdlii Tr.-ts, S..d- rilery Hardware, together vt iih every thing iiia.-a v for carrying .n the business, AT COST. Feb. 1,1854 ?P-9m P. M. HOW ELI.. BELVGIR, NEAR LENOIR, CALDVVEi L COL'MV. NORTH CAROLINA. fl'lllS place, 'ate the residence of the undersigned, is I offered for sale on very accommodating terms, pri vately nr.tit th; first Monday in July nxt ensuing, a hen if not previously disposed of, it will be put up to the highest bidder al public auction. The tract of Land comprises 50 to 60 of which is first rate bottom under the plow. Fiom 70 to SO acres ol good upland ta also in cultiva tion; the rcma:rider of the tract in woodland. The Dwelling House, a Cottage ornee, contains lour large and convenient rooms on the ground floor, with dining room, store room, paniry and library attached by a covered way. There are also on the place a barn 70 by 25, two sories high and very conveniently arrang ed ; stables for milch cows and horses ; all other neces sary out buildings, such as kitchen, negro houses, A c ; a growing tad thrifty orchard containing about I 0 trea of different kinds of fruit jut beginning to bear. Tie situation is one of the nost pheasant and im provable in the State, commanding a full view of the tinest mountain scenery and falling off beautifully in every direct ion fiom th house. To any gentleman in tiie low country desiring a i ool, healthy and pleasant summer residence it ptesenfs an eligible choice. Fur ther information may be obtained of the u-idersigned, by addressing him at Charlotte or Lincolnto-.. T. S. YV. AIOTT. January 13, 1854. 25tf JLiixurlcM or the Season. BRIAN & THOMPSON HAVE just received at their splendid EATING & DRINKING SALOON a choice and unequalled selection of the good things of this world, such as LIQUORS, OYSTERS, WINES, CRACKERS, COM DIALS, PICKBLS, PORTER, LEMON DS, ALE, SEOARS, CANDIES, ORANGES, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC LIQUORS, ol the best quality, 10.000 SPANISH SEGARS, of the choice brands, CANDIES fc SUGAR TOYS of various kinds, Ace, Air. vThey are now constantly receiving by the cars from Charleston OVSTERS in the! Midi, which they serve up in the most recherche manner, at thei establishment, one i oor from Granite Row, on Mint s reet, where they will be g ad to see their friends at all t met (Sundays excepted.) JAMES BRIAN, Dec 2, 1853 20 J. N. THOMPSON. MANSION HOTEL, i! a t tot-ttt r t n 3 IV i .1 O U X , IK . V. sies! ' I aasa c rPUK undersigned having taken charge of this HOTEL, J. situated oi. the North Corner of the Court House, re spectfully inlorms the 'ravelling public that it will be her im to keep up to the fullest Xtcnt, the reputation which this house has hen toforc sustained for its comfor table accommodations abroad. No pains or expense sp.irrri to reside! satisfied all who may favor her with a call. From her long t xperiei.ee, she is confident none will have cause to complain . The BasSM will, at all times, be supplied with a suf ficient number of well traine d and attentive servants, tnd the furniture kept in the best order. TH E T A BLE shall constantly be supplied with the very best the market can command. The Stage Office For all the principal St.ige Lines, is kept al this Hotel, flic great Northern and Southern Mail lines arrive and depart D.a!y ; nlso, the Western via Lincolnton to Ashe ville, Tri-vveckly. The Stables Attached to the Hotel are large, comfortable, and atten ded by the vcrybosl Ostlers in the country. Trusting that by strict attention to the wants of the public, hot only to retain the libera patronage hen toforc bestowed oa the Hotel, but to merit an increase. ANN BROWN. Salisbury, Dec. 1 6, 1853. 24 6m. ROBERT A. YOXGITE, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public that he is now receiving large additions to hia Stock or Jewelry, Ac. In addition to his 'former stock, he has received a new and extensive assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Mantel Clocks of every variety. Silver and Plated Ware, p large variety ; Military and Fancy Goods, Guns, Rifles, Sportsman's Apparatus Fine Pocket and Table I nil -ry Ilia assortment of Fancy Goods Will be found to comprise a targe number of new and I leganl articles, and it is bia design not to be surpaased in the taste and elegance of his selections, and his prices will be found on examination to be as moderate as at nv other establishment in the South. Thankful for past favors, hr solicits a continuance of the patronage, ol his former friends and custom rs. Columbia, S.-pt. 30, '53 Illy Back Creek Male Acadenj. THIS Institution ta located 10 miles North-East of Charlotte, N. C, near Back Creek Church, and will bo conducted uudt r the super v ision of Rt v. R. F. Taylor, whose experience as a teacher eminently qualifies lit l f r th-it poeitio i. The exercises will commence on tin first Monday of January. Good bearding can be had in moral and orderly families near the Academy at $6 per aMSathC The following ar the rates of Tuition: Elementary English Branches, per Session of 5 month r fS 00 English Grammar, Geography, Philosophy, History, &c., 8 00 Greek and Latin Languages, with Higher Branches of Mathematics 12 50 J. HUNTER, Stc'y Board of Trustees. Yanaary 6, 1854. 24 tf CAEEIAGE BUSINESS. rpHE Subscriber ia niw happy to inform the ';ti..n nf Charlotte and the surroundinr c untry, thst he has moved into his New Shop, on Col- ast, - - - - a v .r tfwt. immediately back of Sadler's Hotel, where it- t now ready to at te d to all Hustles in hia line. He has tc t the bestot v r:non, aim is inrrctore determined to do the best, and most fashionable work, ever put up in I iia town ind at moderate prices. IJ REPAIRING done neatly and in a durable man. be onliin? at the sh'.j; v LKc 17 ; 1S52 tl HAKII. if ill 1 GRANITE DRUG STORE. CHARLOTTE, N. ., Opposite SADLER'S Mammoth Hotel. Pritchard "& Caldwell, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Drugs, Medicines & Chemicals, I )ye-woods At Dye-stuffs, Oils, Paints, & Painter's Articles, Varnishes, Window Glass end Putty, Glass ware, French, English and American Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, tine Hair and Tooth Brushes, Paint Brushes, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses and Sup porters of all kinds. Spices, If Snuffs, Manufactured Tobacco, and all the Pat-nt and Proprietary Medicines of tue day, Pure Wines and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, Superior Inks, Extracts for flavoring, Landreth's warranted fresh and genuine Garden Seeds, always on hand in the proper season, Choice Toilet and Fancy Articles, &c, etc. OS?- Camphine and Burning Fluid Lamps, Lamp Chimneys and Shades, together with a large lot of Burning Fluid and Camphine, Quinine, &c, constantly on hand. rr 'e make our purchases for Cash, and offer goods equally as low as they can be obtained from any similar esTablishment in this section, and we will war rant them to be pure, fresh and genuine. MT Orders from the Country promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed, with regard both to price and quality. HTP Pltysicinn-N Prcacrlpllonn will receive particular attention at all hour's of the DAY AND NIGHT, rj PRITCHARD fc CALDWELL. Noven.bei 25, 1853. 19tf 1853. Fall Importations. 1853 BANCROFT, BETTS & MARSHALL, CHARLESTON, S. C. T7 again invite the attention of our purchasers ot W Dill' GOOD, in the South ;i nd Sout i-West, Si. -U ,.f ;..o.ts for (all trade. To M rchaiits who have visit d our Market the p.ist season, examined our stock and become acquainted with our fuci'ities for business, it is SWO tj to s;iy th-t wc off r induce ments second to nn house in tins country. Our fall stock has hem sel. eted with great care by two of our house from nil the principle Europ. au Markets. Our styles and fabri s will be foui.d better adapted to South ern taste and s:ks than any go -ds imported into the country. Wc wish it distinctly understood by buyers that tee import all our fortign goods, and are able and deter mined to sell them as low as the same qualities arc sJd in any Market in the Unit, d Slates. W: offer in our Ladies' Dress Goods Department, aful I and complete assortment of all the newest styles und fabrics, such as Ma reel i?ies Dc Chines, Cushmcrr, Robes, Moru J)e Lainez, Brocade and Plain Alpacas, FiCnch and German Meriuocs, Bombazines, Sat in De Ltiines, Silk Velvets, Crapes, Laces, Frctict, 'Scotch and English Ginghams and Prints. Also, Long and Square Shav Is, Crnpe Shawls, Mantillas, Mantles, Cloth, Velvet, and Silk Plain and Embroidered Visetfes. and Cloaks, Suiss afd French Embroideries, in great variety ; WUt Goals, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Laces, A full and complete assortment of Goods for Millinery Purposes. Hosiery. In this department we offer every possible variety of Silk Cotton and Worsted Hose and halt Hose, Silk, Me rino and Cotton Under Garments Kid, Beaver, Buck, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Gloves Sec, &c. We pay particular attention to this department of our business, and embrace all the leading articles wanted. JLinens and Linen Goods. We offer in this depaitment a full and complete stock of 6, 7, 8,9, and 10J Bleached and Brown Damasks, Table Covers, all styles, Diaper, Towels, Damask Napkins, Damask Doylea, Dow as, Crash, Grass Linens, 8, 10, and 12$ Linen Sheetings, Pillow Linens, and 4 4th Irish Linens, Marseilles and Lancaster Quilts, &c. Broad C lot lis. Cnnimcreti, Testings, and Tailor's Goods. In this department we embrace all the best makes of French. German, English and American Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings, Black and Colored Silk and Satin Vesting, Velvet do., 3 and 6-4th English and American Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Satinets, Linseys, Phtin end Plaid Cloak Linings, Canvass, Padding, Silks, Twist, Buttons, Sc, &c. Blankets. Flannels, Kerseys, Domes tics dec. Wc offer in tr is department of our business a most full and complete assor'ment of English and American Blankets Negro Goods of all qualities, Linen and Cotton Osnaburgs and Colored Cottcnades, all styles ; While, Red and 3lue Flannels, and Bleached and Brown Domestics, all qualities. Carpels, Oil Cloths, Rus, Curtain Stufft &c. We pay particular attention to this pnrt of our busi ness, and can supply every article in the House Furnish ing Line, such as English, Scotch, and American Tapestry, Venetian, three ply, and Ingrain Carpets, all qualities; Floor Cloths, from 1 yard to 6 yards in width. Ruga, Mats, Canton M itting, Stair Rods, Bindings, Rich Silk Damasks, Worsted and Cotton Damasks, Lace and Muslin Cur tains, Loops, Gimps, Fringes, TjsscIs Cornices, ficc, &c. We are prepared in his department to furnish any Goods wmted for Hotels, Steam Boats, and Private Hjuses, and fit them up in the best style and manner. BANCROFT, BETTS, & MARSHALL, Nos. 209 and 211, King Sthket, Corner of Markkt, CHARLESTON, S. C. Sept. S3. 1833. 10-ly. XV n. ALLiTOM GOI'RDIN, Factor and Commission Mechant. SO. 73 EAST-BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C, It prepared to make libera advances on Consignments of Rice, Cotton, Corn, Sugar, Flour, Grain, Hay, &r GUANO, GUANO, GUANO. Genuine Peruvian Guano. Wm. Allstom Gottbdin, Agent, I'm the States of South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee. Also, Agent tor Baltimore & Southern Packet Co.'s Steam-ships. Office 73 Eact Bay. September 93, '53. 10-ly CHARLOTTE BAKERY and CONFECTIONARY. Fellow Citizens, Ptnple, In gins and Sogers ! THE war am Clotrd. the Oi Mas has recovered from a violent att-ck ot Spiritual Kappinea whereby nomi means he has been maiie a MtaJ-yam, he now offers in tht niOt modest and polite manner a fresh assortment of Groceries and Fancy goods. O Wcd.iitr and pirties supplied aa heretofore oi verv reasonable terras fot cash. M7 C 4?-if J. -MEAD. J.O CHAIKF. M. W. ST. CHAFEE, ST. AM No. 179 Eist Biy. (opposite the site of New Custom House,) CHARLESTON, S. C, Importers of, and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials, Segars, Tobacco, &c, And Manufacturers of Lemon Syrup of Superior Quality. Keeps constantly on hand an extensive supply of the following articles, which they are prepared to sell to City and Country Merchants on their usual liberal terms. CoftUAC Bkanly J. J- Dupuy, J. F. Rousse, Pinet, H. Godard & ( o.. Leger Freres, Otard, Dnpuy & Co., J. k F. M artel and other choice brands, in b all' pipes, quarter and eighth casks, and in doacs of 1 doz. each, American Brandy 4th Proof, in imitation of French, in halt pipes, quarter and eighth casks ; and 1st Proof, in barrels. Holland Gin Pineapple, Anchor, Cologne and Clover Leaf brands. Whiskey Irish and Scotch: Monongahela, 1st and 2d quality ; O'Mara. Pittsburg, Sheaf Rye and Bourbon ; Baltimore, Western Rye, and New Or eans rectified. Rni Old Jamaica, St. Croix, New Orleans and New England. Peach Brandy Old North-Caro ina and Virginia. Apple Brandy New ersey and Nor h-Carolina. CokdIals Noveau, Perfect Love, Annisette, Rose, Cinnamon and Peppermint. Wines Madeira, Newton, Gordon, Cossat & Co., Leacock and Jardine, in quarter and eighth casks ; Port, Page's, Key and other choice brands; Sheeky, Pale. and Brown, Duff, Gordon cfc Co., Benitau and other hoice brands; Tenekiffe, Ventoso's London Particular and Cargo ; Si ILT Madeira, quarter casks ; Malaga, dry and sweet, in quarter and eighth casks. London Poetkr Byass' quart, and pints; Scotch, and East India Ai.e, quarts and pints. Champagne I 'idem Boxes, one dozen each; Casks, three and six dozen each. Wine Bittf.rs, (boxes,) Cordi ls, (assorted) Claret, VIadkika, Port, and Sherry, Win: s, one dozen each, and on draught. "HAMPAt;E, in baskets, one dozen each, quarts and pints Flag, Heidseiek Bouche, Calhoun, and other brands; The above comprise some of the finest Wines imported. . Lemon Sy-rit, and Jamatca Lime JincE, in half pipes, quarter casks, barrels, kegs, and in boxes of one dozen each. Sardines, in whole, half and quarter boxes. WE ARE To offer to our friends and customers and the public in general ONE OF THE LARGEST AND MOST EXTENSIVE STOCKS OF GOODS EVER SEEN HERE, Which enn be bought at the OHSAf STO1I of IMA8 k WW as IYM, Notwithstanding the recent advance on all kinds of Goods. Ol'R STOCK COMPRISES IN PART lAtdUs" DRESS GOODS of ail kinds, Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, lentlenicn8 Ready Jflade 00 TMKIJVG , of every fashionable variety and st le, well made, and every article warranted. Hardware, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Crockery and Glass-ware, Wood and Willow Ware, Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments, and an immense variety of FANCY GOODS, All of which have just been selected by one of ihc firm in the Northern cities expressly to suit this market. Our supply of WILL PROVE, upon examination, to be the LARGEST and best selected ever offered for sale by ONE house in this part of the State, besides which we intend selling it at a SMALL ADVANCE ON NEW YORK COST. Clothing, Blankets, Shoes and Kerseys, for IVegro Wear. We have prepared ourselves for the CALLS of COUNTRY MERCHANTS. We can and will sell ihem on as good terms as they can purchase in Charleston. Being agents lor he Island Ford Manufacturing Companies for the sale ol their SHEETINGS and SHIRTINGS, we can always supply them with good Domestics at reasonable prices. Purchasers, before you buy it will be to your own advantage to call at the Cheap Cah Store of ELIAS & COHEN, Oct. 7, 1853. 12tf Ho. 2, Granite Kow. WHOLESALE ARD RETAIL, AT THE CHARLESTON CASH STORE. mm m toe www mm. FOURTH STORE FROM THE CORNER ON GRANITE ROW. ITOTWITHSTANDING the fuss abou; the great rise in Goods, we are still able to sell as low as 11 ever, and now inform the public, that we have our FULL STOCK OF FALL & WINTER GOODS in Store, as always a larger assortment can be found with us than at any other house in town, and we would advise everybody wishing to purchase, to satisfy themselves whether we can't sell them AS CHEAP AS EVER. Our Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING Fs larger than it has ever been, and is larger than any in town, we hnve paid particular attention to this branch, and all we say is, WE DON'T WANT TO BE UNDERSOLD, but will always he lower than any one else. As usual we have every other article, which belongs to a general assortment, such as a full assortment of And also all kinds of Fancy Goods. In conclusion we would say, that we are always buying every article of Produce coming into this place FOR CASH. Therefore Merchants from a distance having any to sell, will do well by giving us a call, as we are always ready to pay the highest Market price for each article. We have paid particular atlenlion this season, to lay in every small article generally kept in Country Stores, and we are confident fo be able to sell as low as can be bought in Charleston for Cash. October 21, 1853. 14tl DRUCKER & SOMMERS. The Greatest Discovery of the Age. PLANTERS, Farmers, Families, and others, can purchase no remedy equal to Dr. Tobias' VENE TIAN UKIMBNT lor Cholera, Dysentery, Colic, Croup, Cuts, Burns, Cruises, Swellings, Head ache, Chronic Rheumatism, Toothache, Coughs, Vom iting, Pains in the Limbs, Back, Chest, &c. If it does not give relief, the money will be refunded. All that is asked is a trial, and use it according to the Direc tions. It is an English remedy, and was used by W.!liaro the Fourth, late King of England, and certi Ged to by him as a cure for the Rheumatism, when everything else had failed. Over 10,000,000 of Bot tles have been sold in the United States, without a single failure, and many have stated, they would not be without it, if it was $10 per bottle in case of Croup, as it is as certain as it is applied. It cures Cholera when first taken, in an hour; Dysenterry in half an hour; Toothache in five minutes. It is perfectly in nocent to take internally, and recommended by the most eminent Physicians io the United Slates. Price 25 and .0 rents. D.-. Touias could fill a dozen Newapapers with cer tificates of Cures accomplished by his Liniment, but considers warranting it sufficient, as any person who does not obtain relief need not pay for it. Dr. Tobias has put up a Liniment expressly for Horses in Pint Bottles, which is warranted cheaper and better han any other for Colic, Galls, Cuts, Bruis es, Swellings, Scratches, far. Price SO cents. For sale by Fisher Sc Heinitsb, Wholesale Agents, Charlotte, N. C. April 22 40 ly Notice. A LL those indebted to the firms of Fox &. Orr and t. Fox & Caldwell, or to myself individually, are re quested to make immediate payment. In my absence the Books and Ac-onnts will be in th hands of Mr. J. P. Smith, who is authorised to settle the same. C. J. FOX. Charlotte, March 14, 1654. So -if t. . ceorr. AND, k CROFT, Lobsters, Mackerel, Salmon and Clams, in 1 lb. canisters. East India Preserved Cinger, in boxes of 9 jars each. French Cherries IS Brandy, in boxes ol' one dozen each. Frtits in BaANDY, in boxes 1 dozen each, assorted. Do. in their own juice, do. do. Pis Fruits, do. do. Stuart & Loyerinq's Steam Refined Si-gars. Loaf, ;n boxes and hall boxes of 16 loaves each Crushed, in barrels; ground or pulverized, in barrels ; Steam Refined Candy, in boxes, of 45 lbs. each. Almonds. Best Bordeau and Marseilles, soft and hard shell Castile Soap, of superior quality, in boxes of about 2. lbs. each. Soap Jackson's No. 1. Corks, Velvet Wine, in ba'es and bags of 7 gross each; Common Bottle, bags o 7 gross each ; Jug and Tap, bags of 5 gross each ; Velvet Demijohn, bags of 4 and 5 gross each. Vinegar, White Wine, tn quarter casks; Cider or Apple, in barrels. Segars. A large assortment of Rio Hondos, Consola cion, Filantropa, Washington, and other choice brands, of'direct importation. Also, Floridas, Havana Cheroots and Cuba Sixes. Tobacco. P. Robinson's celebrated. Honey Dew lb. plugs, in whole and half boxes of 100 lbs. each; Rough and Ready, in kegs of about 100 lbs. each; World's Premium Tobncco, in 5's, 8's and lb ; El Dorado, in boxes 40 to 45 Iks. each, and a variety of other brands, in 5's, 8's ;ind lb. plugs. Smokino Tobacco, in Boxes of 5 and 8 doz. 4 and 8 oz. papers. Wine Bottles. French ard German Patent, in ham pers, one gross each. Flasks. Quart, Pints and Half Pints. Demijohns. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 gallon. Candles. Sperm, Pearl and Adamantine. Pickles and Sauces. Tea-. Hyson, Imperial and Black. S. pt. 23, 1S53. 10-ly. READY CHARLOTTE SADDLE & HARNESS MANUFACTORY. 1 ""HE Subscriber respectfnlly informs the public that he ia always prepared to furnish of his own Manu facture, a most elegant outfit in the way of Saddles, Bridles and Harness. From hia experience in the business, he feels confident tfiat he will be able to give entire satisfaction to his customer;". He has on band and will constantly keep a large assortment of Carriage, G ig, Sulky, and Baggy Harness; Ladies'1 and Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Jc IIir Saddles consist of the following varieties North Carolina Saddles, Kentucky Do. Carpenter's Do. Decatur Do. He has also a variety of Saddles made expressly for per sons travelling a long distance, and warranted to wear well. Betides a large assortment of Saddles, Moss, Blankets, Harness, Drovers Whips, Buggy Whips, Boy's Saddles, together with all manner of SAMMY HA1BWASS, lie will sell on the most reasonable terms, either by wholesale or retail. Satidles, Harness, Trunks, Saddle Bags, fcc, made to cnli r. Call and examine at my Establishment, one door East ufSprings& M 'Cloud's store. ROBERT SHAW. Nov IP, 1853. 18 if BRIDGE WATER the cheapest paint in the world Fir- and wettther proof. 3000 lb, just received at the Granite Drag Store. 92.50 per hundred. 26 i PR ITCH ARD cc CALDWELL. AllAD. CHEAP WATCHES AND WHOLESALE AXD RETAIL. mm. TOTTJiB & SOH A RE now teceiving and opening j one of the largest stocks of GOODS ever opened in the Htatc, at prices that defy competition. CALL AND EXAMINE AT T. TROTTER & SON'S Jewelry Store, No. 5, Granite Row, opposite Sadler's New Hotel. Charlotte, Oct. 4, 1853. 14tf MARINE AND POCKET CHRONOMETERS DUPLEX AND Repeating Watches. BY APPOINTMENT 70 THE ADMIRALTY. WILLIAM DIXON, Chronometer Ac Watch manufacturer, 45 KIJVG SQUARE, COSWKLL ROAD, LONDON. rI',HIS Certifies that the accompanying Watch, No. X 15516, is warranted by me to be of my manufacture, and no Watch with my name upon it ia genuine, unless accompanied by a Certificate bearing my signature. I guarantee the Watch No. 15516 to keep time to the satisfaction of the purchaser. W. DIXON. THESE WATCHES have a high reputation for be ing superior time-keepers. Imported and for sale by THOS. TROTTER & SON, Jewelers, Granite Row. November 11. 71 tf Right Side UpT CHARLES T. EBERHARD &. CO., are still carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE MAKING, at their old stand two doors below Purks fc Hutchinson's Store, where all work wanted in their line can Le ob- tamed. CTA11 kinds of READY MADE WORK on hand Lnd for sale. Also, superior OIL BLACKING, by the wholesale and retail, manufactured by C. T. Ebsrliard. O All persons indebted for last year are requested to come and settle their accounts. We must have money. C. T. EBERHARD & CO. March 3, '54t 36-tf GOOD MEDICINES ! STABLER'S DIARRHOEA CORDIAL Is a pleasant Mixture, c.;mpojnded in agreement with the rules of Pharmacy, of therapeutic agents, long known and celebrated for their peculiar efficacy in curing DIAHRHCEA, and similar affections of the system. In its action, it allays nausea and produces a healthy con dition of the LIVER, thus removing the cause at the same time that it cures the disease. Stabler s Anodyne Cherry Expectorant Is confidently recommended to Invalids, as unsurpassed by any known preparatfon, tor the cure of COUGHS, HOARSP2NESS, and other forms of Common Colds ; BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, CKOUP, CONSUMPTION in an Early Stage, and for the RELIEF of the Advanced Stages of that Fatal Disease. It combines, in a scientific manner, remedies, of long esteemed value, with others of more recent discovery ; and besides its soothing and tonic qualities, acts through the skin gently, and with great efficacy, for the cure ol this class of diseases. The valuable Medicines above named have recently been introduced, with the approval of a number of the Medical Pkofession in the Li'yof Baltimore and else where, and in practice have succeeded most admirably in curing the diseases for which they are prescribed. They are offered to the Countrj Practitioner, as Med icines which he can in all respects depend upon, as pre pared in agreement with the experience of some of the most learned and judicious Physicians, and strictly in conformity with the rules of Pharmacy, and as especially serving his convenience, wfio cannot so readily as the City Physician, have his own prescriptions compound ed by a practical Pharmaceutist. See the descriptive Pamphlets, to be had gratis of all who have the Medicines for sale, containing recommend ations fr m Doctors Martin, Baltzei.l, Addison, Payne. Handy, Love, &c. Doctor S. B. Martin says, " 1 do not hesitate to re commend your Diarrhoea Cordial and Anodyne Cherry Expectorant," &c. Doct. John Addison snys, "It gives me much pleas ure to add my testimony to that of others, in favor ot the extraordinary efficacy of your Diarrhoea Co. dial, &c; and of the Expectorant, "1 have no hesitation in recommending it as a most valuable medicine." &c. Doct. R. A. Payne says he has used the Diarrhoea Cordial in his practice " with the happiest effect, and thinks it one of the most convenient and efficient com binations ever offered to our profession." Doct. L. D. Handy writes, " 1 havi administered your Anodyne Expectorant in several cases of Bronchial Af fection, with the most hamy results, and from a knowl edge of its admirable effects, 1 can, wi;h the greatest confidence, recommend it," &c. Poet. W. S. Love writes to us that he has adminis tered the Expectorant to his wife, who has had the Bronchitis for fourteen years, and that she is fast re covering from her long standing malady. It has in a few weeks done her more good than all the remedies she has heretofore used under able medical counsel. Sixteen of the best Apothecaries and Pharmaceu tists in the City of Baltimore, write, " We are satisfied the preparations known as Stabler's Anodyne Cherry Exp ctorant and Stabler's Diarrhoea Cordial, are med icines of great value, and very efficient for the relief and cure of the diseases for which they are recommeded ; they bear the evidence of skill and care in their prepara tion and style of putting up, and we take pleasure in recommending them." Twenty-Seven of the most respectable Merchants, res dents of Maryland, Virginia and Norm Carolina, who have sold and also used tl ese medicines themselves, say, From our own experience and t! at of our cus tomers, we do confidently recommend them Pro Bono Publ ico. We have never known any remedies used for the disease for which they are prescribed, to be so effi cient, and to give such ntire satisfaction to all." The above notices of recommendation from members of the Medical Faculty, Phapmaceutists of high stand ing, and Mf.echants of the fi st respectability, should be suuicieni 10 saristy an, that tnese medicines are worthy of trial by the afflicted, and that they are ot a different stampand class from the "Quackery " and "Cure Alls" so much imposed upon the public. For sale by Druggists, Apothecaries and Country Storekeepers generally. E. H. STABLER & CO., Wholesale Druggists, 120 Pratt Street, Baltimore. 1& For sale by Houston & Cuthbertson, in Monroe , aia B. Jetton & CoM Lincolnton ; Roberts & Fullcnwider, Shel by ; and by Williams, Dixon & Co., and Pritchaid & Cald well in Charlotte, N. C. 50 3m Out! THE Notes and Accounts of the late firm ot MOSS, BELL He CO. have been placed in my hands for col lection, and those indebted must not expect longer in dulgence, as it cannot be given. Inly 22, 1853. ltf JOAB P. SMITH. LOOK AT THIS ! THE Notes and Accounts r,f JOHN WELLS hnve been placed in my hands for BsjBt i lfcm. Thoe in d bted to him are reovir-sted to come forward and settle up st r.n early day, as the busincs- of the concern must bCFe02j;,85,. JOAB P. ..MIT,,. PPPER and RANI) LEATHER, also fine TRUNKS U and VALICES. for slr, ch.ap, by July 29. m 1 R. SHAW aew iiavm ft nenrew Ph, Fhe great remedy for rheumatism. Gout T.; ' iiip, rsacK, uimim ana joints, ocrolula, Kinir. v V Swelling, Ilaid Tumors, Stiff Joints anof n S, ..." a. -i -w l J c. ' til n ,V. . whatever. i Wbe iere this Plaster is applied. Pain can tint been beneficial in cases of weakness, such as t, M k ness m me stomacn. eau i . l iir l i . . - "in tnn hmbs lamenes., afte. (M. It destroy. iafW, J! lungs in their primary stages. perspiration. 7 Til f, tllMvvinfT Anmmprulntion ia from " --'e - -. ! aeni ImmI trenton, lennessee; . Trenton, Gibson Co.. Tenn. K, Messrs. Scovil & Mead Gentlemen : 1 ho b.l ' 4 ter is becoming popular in this section. Thei . las . 1. j- oniro c- Y t MM 1 1 ri n a ! e is a for five hundred dollars a year. She was afflicted fn. r r j'ii si sr"' iw time with an en largement of the spleen, whieh fit,?1 great deal of pain in. i ue swciiiiiv unu bam i ; i , nearly to the arm-pit and occasionally she could N which she was attended tty some of our best physic'" ihev cave her no relief. She procured a box ol'itu. D7' Plaster, and it relieved her almost immediately, and keeps a supply of it on hand constantly. 1 hese tacts l0Ls nt lihprtv to use as vou think DroDer thev ar bl. true. Respectfully, youi s Ac., "n SBmOL J. wells T..-. t-i j-C AAimtarfuifsi orrl Kqco imitatiniio T" . purchases generally are cautioned against buying of our regular agents ; otherwise they will be impod 22 a worthless article, as many base counterteils ol ih:e Pw nr. in eviTfrirt REMEMBER ! The genuine ia sold only by uIW. n.l. . t... .1 A ncnt. trirniiunnnl In. Smilh Al., n Jl- lowed to sell it. In future the genuine will have the rieTl ture of E. TAYLOR on the new steel-plate eiigiavedlikju the top ot caen dox ; to counierieu wnicn win tie prouij us iuicci y . SCOVIL & MEAD 111 Chartres street. Nrv, Otl. Sole General Agents for the Southern States, ttt irhsstnl J J I H .: : t. . UI uei.s unu uiijjiicuiiuiia iur agvi.eies mi.si nt' auuressru. Dr. tlcr.nne's IJTcr Pill. a-. - i i j i r . i i. nt grt?ui ui.ti lticieasini' ueniuiiu lor inese rillSMiLl . 1 1 . 1- . " It o i . i -1 mucBi i-viuciiuc ui men t Ateiieiii-f. i eiiuie uy inem andtbft recommend them to their neighbors. No one u hn ,.. -uffered Irom the Liver Complaint, or from any ol the dirraml arising from a disoidered state ot that organ, has ever faiierfm obtaining relief if he tiird Dr. M'Lane's Pills: nrrfih.,. have woik d their own way into popularity by the WIbssswI cures which they are evciy day performing. Head iht'fcjl low my : Frostblro, April ? d, 1KA Messrs. J. Kino & Co. Gentlemen : You will pltHKu us one gross of your Pills, prepaicd by Dr. McLanc. 7'ln w . ... , . ucmanu, JtrUSnC lilt vtO'U llltUI GLTf CM. KELLER & HA MILL, S. Chari f.?t n, Cini k Co. Om April 15, 1850. i our metl.eir.es are umveisafly liked in this section oh country. Tl t have constant caffs for them, the Fills nnj CUUI Yours respectfully, J. c. SMITH. Dr. Tic La ue VermiDrg-r. 65" This eel hi ait d ltmedv is universally ncknowloWw the best nitdicine ever discovert d for opelling worms liom xZ I 'iu ru : i ..r Tt- V ""'i " nuiiiuii in .uv. ue Hiiuiw iiil' is uui one ui ine tnouf sr. flu ,,. vcluntary certificates that hac been given iu testimony oftt efficacy : Git En, Ohio, March 15, 18JA Messrs. J. Kido & Co. 1 take pleasure in injoimiug vo. that 1 hnve used one bottle ot vour ceh biattd Woim Specitt WAih decidedly pood ejfec.l, and would liKe to hnve some inon ot it could tell iitii qvavtily t.ere. It you wrd it to nv I will sell it without atiy charge for my trouble, as therein'1 but tew physicians hete. utUKUb H Alitji 'akg. ft mr Thn niiAirA mi ilHitnac snln It E'. I . . . r- S - PrncbaidAi Caldwell, Charlotte; W. Murphy A Co., Sahpbtir I Murphy & Bla' k, Conco d; A. R. Bomesly.Slielby, N. ('. Sept. 16, '.-Hmu, DR. HOGEIVS livrrwort and Tar For the Comjdite Ctue of Coughs, Colds, ItjM enza, Asthma, Bronchitis Spitting u Blood, and all other Lung Com daints tending to CONSUMPTION. LOOK AT ITS UNPARALELLED SLT( ITS: The above distinguished Cough Medicine is tanyii'fc illi foie it in Lung Compiainis. In all seciions ot the coumiu isconstanily perfoiming t urcs which as;ouish even I'l.j a.c.1.1 'Ji themselves. Loik ai ihe bigh ehaiacttr ai d stni dn l orb names which vouch for its unrivalled lu almg powt i. lid M.D., laie Professor in the Mtdical C ollege at Oi ciimu W. J. Kichaids, M. D. ; Hon. Judge Morse ; Hon Ji de V Buike, loi moie ihnn 20 years Post Mas'er ol l tnurt. M If. 8. Newton, M D, Prolissor in the Mtdital ( tlkp Memphis, Tenn; John A Collins, Esq, Pronriuur el ifa W Temp. Orcan and General Agent of the (iraiid Divimiiilil' Stnis ot l miieiance of Ohio ; Wm II Levison, Fs'i, ld. of the U S Military and Ntval Arus at N Y ; '1 fiun.tr Faultier, Esq, of Albany ; Rev. II. Wiseman, Rev. ll. llej ? N. V . Ciiy ; and we could name hur.d:ids, aje liit-i sstiif 1 others who testify from persoi.al experience, thai u has mi' I them ni'd their trier.ds in some cases alter all other iiundii ' had In-.ltd. Such men never make such siateinenn, viMyg. convinced of their truth bfyoi.d the possibility ol u dotbi. Read a lew of the lettew. Extinct from n letter trcm H. M. Cory, to II. L. Sttwsr Esq., No. 137, Second street, New York. SrARTA,Juiie3n,18l Dear Friend Siewart : I have been home now just i momhs. When I lust saw you, I had but Jilile hopes ole er getting anv beticr. Put I have now the pleasuit ol diall ing you tor recommending nie to lake Dr. Kot.-uc' Strut" Liverwort, Tar ai d Conelialngua. I got a dozen w lies ot it ai,d took home wi h nie, deteiinimd to ninke a U trial of it, ns I haddonc everything else. 1 have ohly fair four botth s of it, ai d I must tay it hos done me mote (eu than any oilier I have ever taken. On my fii6i taku.g ii, ' increastd the expecteu alien, and I raistd a g'eni dialt : bloody matter from my Lungs. But that hap new ttawi and so has my cough, nearly: 1 cough but luiie i.oa, an expect soon to be entirely liee frem it. 1 cons dcr ii auiu ; valuable medicine, ai d shall lecommerd t to all who air i! flicied with a Cough or Discasid Lungs. , m 'fc 1 let a young lady who had ihe Consumption, srd hctl W( a good di al at the Lungs, at d doctored Severn! momts witt our Physician, but grew worse, have a bottle ol n, and uctm her. It acted almost miraculously in her case. 1 our sincere friei.d, F. M. TORY. BLEEDING AT TE1E LUNGS CTKED! TJ' SEE HCW PROMPTLY IT ACTS ! JJ Statement of Mr. A. Lang, Baker, No. 3t8 IVoil-sfrre t, S Y. A lew days before last Christmas I wib taken m"11 and soon commenced bleedinu freely st the Lwu 1 talw in a Homcr-phhaihic Physician, but hismed tun ddr.ot grin to help me. I read you adveitisemert, ai.d thouvhi w try Dr. Rogers' Syrup of Livciwort, Taisnd ConrhalafM Before I had taken up the thiid bottle,my bletdinp hedopf'' my Cough was gone, and 1 l It well as usual. My healia now good. 1 consider it a most excellent mcdicii.e, si4f dially recommend it to my frier.ds. (This sta'emeiit made to the pioprietois. March lith, 1850 CIRCULARS, &c. As no urdinary sized advertisement can folly explain theft ture and jneri's ol this article, the Pioprietois have rJ,,lT: a new Circular, giving the history of this Medicine tb cription, nature, Sec. ot its principal ingredients ; th 'J ' they are designed to have upon the Lungs aid I'IiJ, copious leleience to the persons who hare bten ciiK"' giving their names and residence p, even to the tT' number. Those who ait troubled with cough "t s Lungs are in the least afii cti d, ote eamestly A'-fiui 1' upon the Agents named below, ai d proeute ore w "" Pamphlets. It can be had giatis. ni d will rtiv a rett SCOVIL & MF.ADi lllChnnrts tt. New Oik( Wholesale General Agents for the Poutheiri Stores, is all orders must be add'esstd. - Sold by Fisher Sf Heimtsh, ar.d Pritchaid At Caid' Charlotte; W. Murphy Sf Co., Salisbury ; Murphy 4 Concord ; A. R. Ilomcsly, Shclbv, N. C. Sept. 30, 1353. !!- GEORGIA MAE BLE WOBSS J. G. Rankin, Wm. M. Hurlick, Gwg Summey, CTTrvTcorvne Tn a iWivcIK A-("O.) 'r. II n establishment has been in successful operJTji I number of years. The Quarries are well opewSi aw marble is supeiior to anv in the United States. . ia We have so perfected our facilities for .rSt ishinp work, that we can furnish MONL'MLN 'V J ,Mt 'V A 131 l?lts XJTC t IlO'l'WT L-O 1 -...... InnlT 111 tSU . j nuuij i a, iiDAiioi jn r3, o'iu cn j fi busineFs in better style and at ehenper tat' tbon awj . in the country, , When it is considered that we saw our own? 1 ,r3' jobber's profits, ar.d no hieh freight from the i'icoi seen that we do possess material advantsge over tors. tJ00 Wc cordially solicit our fiiends and the public to our woik, and compare out prices with those ot oion before oidering Northern Marble. We have on hand at our yard in Marietta s large "rf offiniehed work Monuments, Tablets, Ac. whet' zjs Mr. G W. S. mmers, will sell st our prices. Vvt r work is done at ihc Mills. Address . J. G. RANMN f f- c Maible IVoikl .O, Sept. 9, 1853. Important to PubUc Speaker ND all who are afiecled withCoufhs.',2,11,rtjt ness, Influcnsa, Xslhma, Irritnlion of t" c. An oripinal Medicine and one Zj &1 all the complaints incnt;oned, la the E af Da )Ps. Ff s. 1 at the Drue nnd CM", 'hkin ! F b 3 1 93 1 FISHE