From the North Carolina Whig. Mt. J no. li . Daniel, to pitUisfi in the i harloHe A t'artl. papers their letter to me, ilUed April 6, 1 651, and M Skipp Rev. J- Bradley, letter in reply, dated April W.1854, together ft 7.' j),,,c with the txnlscnpt to the litter. This is du me. Jf r. A. . r aoej Messrs. Erlitors : Circumstances seem to com- i . M : s tr. pel me to proem tnc lonowing -;h--,,u, - tho puf'lic in delence ol mv reputation mnu pumw in the Church. On the 10ih of May the Rer, Prof. Sbipp. of the Uuiversitv of xW Carolina, j i . i .k- v,,,, Carolina Con- beinr a delri'ate Iroin the .V"'" v ,I,,MI" fercM presented to ihc General Conference of the Method!! Episcopal Church, South then in Session in Columbus, (In., a paper touching the Ar i.!Wf-en ihe North Carolina, and South Carolina, Conferences, which was referred to the (.'omnnueo on Boundaries. 1 he doeum -nt turned in he : hotter, in iMtrd to deleffate expenses. r.nox-i.i.r of a vfrv f-w lines and billowed bv a l'..f. noatscriDt. I rive tiie postscript entire. SI 1 -O i M. Bradley, preacher in charge of Charlotte ! Re; Ciretrit, ' the Rev. A. M. Shipp. P. S. Ou ; .ii li lindanes of the Con- ferenc's, ili'-re is at ine interest felt here hy a few. In the circuit Ilro. Lee is busy in g"ttmg petitions siirn1 d hy s'ich as he can influence to have the ciicuit transferred to the X. C. (Conference; this he is doing according in Hro. Derms'a suggestion to him serretiy, 1 without letting the premehera know ii ; end I expect the petitions represent the cireuit .is lesirtng ncii a change generally, where as but a fw ol tii- people know thai any such a inciter is agitated, nor has it been t.ilk.-d of in the circuit only bv ;i b-vv in three or lour Societies, and then, there are as many against it as for i', except m two places where l!ro. Lee has been agi tating this su'jct, in an exparte manner lor the last nr 4 years. Bo! the wis!i of the iris has not bei-u CMMulted rn this objecl al all, and ii we were ri l ot abno' two r--tl-ss spirits on that sub ject all would be al peace. In Charlotte, Hro. Farrow informs me that all, except two or three, desirn to remain ;is th'V are. " As to Mm. Deems, his course is not of that dig nilieJ characlei that we would expect from him : be writes ;o Bro. Piirrow, in reference In the m it ier of a transfer lerrinrr, 'it i- s matter that lh' peoph have no voice in an I to Bro. L"' be Wfit'-s. Mile ! o:i!e III t V Itelltlon lie Ii ll'Tnl I on lerence on tie- subject and nor let the preachers know it.' Ms drift jmi majr Mieal a glance is to g-i ihe Charlotte peop'e, who be knows wind to remain :is iney ore, ana to encour-'ge i r . m get an petitions amongsi such :is srould agree to :i transfer, i im may sbon this to the euminiiiee on IJ jundarii s, if vou see fit. 8i:n'(l. .1. M. BRADLEY." "I certify that th loregntng is s true copy of ihe entire "letter from J. M. Bradley to Rev. A. N. Shipp, dued Charlotte, N. ('., May 1851. "TIIOS. ). SUMMERS, S.-c. Gnl. Conf. M. E. Church, South." uCeJamans, Ga., May 91, 1S'I." I have omitted ihe letter is not important. 1 cll special attention In Ihe fact tint the word STrrfhf is italicised by Mr. Bradley himself, and tin wirii- "ui i iv Hit letting the prenchers know it, pi -iced ly bimsrll in quntalina mirks la mdi- nre r:ite that Ihey are the words in mv letter to I). M. ' L"e, l--q. When it became known that a paper ! representing me jis acting with duplicity w:is in possession if the Commitlee on IS sindaries, I nd- ; iln-ss, , .-, letter t' I) M. Lee, Kq., of Mecklen burg "., f which I have no copv, and received the fulloa in renlf : O I David M- L", Ksij , t Charles F. Deem-:, of date j May is. i I)i :: Sir: Vmir lett'-r of the Itth instant, ; has iti-.i bren received. I aerer received n let lei from o i s- itmg thai the people of Charlotte Cir- ! eai might iM-t np p "titions mi ike suhj ( id houn I il iri'-s, wi.h iut ibe knowledge of the preachers. ! Yon vih me to answer ihe three following rj'jes- i lams, v . : I. Did v-i: ( Dr. Deems) "Ufeesl to me f D. M. 1 1 ) in iciitioii tie- ti neral tyin!erence : I an a v wer, wo tteeer h I. This thins waa str'irested to me, and In others, more than (our soars ago, ho tht action of the South Carolina Coofrettcc, i( I mistake not, ami by tho action ol a Quarterly CoiioTfiicc, held for Charlotte circuit just before the 1 si (Iin-ral ( 'I'li'ciciicr. C)i this I am cer- tain; lor .he P. K. look a stile whi ther we would remain in il-e S. ('. Cnnlerenec, or be transferred to the N. C. Conference, and I recollect rerv well, and othi r- might rec ""ci it too, that I voted with UpllltCi ' rreJ to the X. C. Con- lerence. . Did I (D. M. L ) have petitions out be- lore 1 ever reeenred a Hne from vou f Dr. D em) post any sudjectl I answer that I h ive n letter now I vim: before me of yours, dated ( c. 1 0, 1 83 I , in answer to one i wrote vou shoal obtaining a female teacher for my school. There is not one word a boat petition, boundary, or any such thin";. in it. I be arst ot mir petitions were gotten up in April, the day tle v were written, or the day ihe lirst sisnatore was pu" d -n, I cannot now recol lect. I think there my be one pftition in May, Bn! I am ronfidt-nt that the form as written out an.i m- l litem al haai nmshed before ih am- salt a ho: if your ! Per. l!ur this ihere is no uncertainty it iii it ibe thing w.i resolved on four yean a i. a. Did vo i ff) Deem) ever suggest a secret mode ot action nor to any one I answer, yon never did to me. else to my knowledge, nor anv wnr Kind ol nxtde. And I lurtbor say, that ns i f ir as m v knowledge ol ihe transaction foes, (here has been in secret m ... of action, n r do 1 be- i lbse there Ins b -en amy. The vitiwa of aomo of ii v.-r- known to lb-; preachers foor --ars rn. and have all aloog since been expressed w hen oc- c im mi r quireo. I hive received on'v t!ir-r letters from von. .-:. 16, 1951. ; r.l HI. I8.I anilUn 1! i-.-.i April 10, 1853, was :,i reply toe I wrote .,(. I read to Hro. Bradley l be pirtioa reb rn-d to by i him. I read u correctly to hiraand I read it to eootraJicI what heaald Bro. Perron bad told him, j tint you bid written to tin-church in Charlotte, in answer to tliir biter, viz: that you den if I the j:"np:-' ,- right to petition. 1 believe i base now- answered vour letter. It nas seen Gone in baste, therefore I besth e proper Bllowance. rcpectrullv. D.'.M LEE." In condesiea I beg leave ti ad.l, 1. That Mr. Bradley letter was brought Iv-fore the General Conference by tiie Wet. .Mr- S.'iipp, and hy rote of the Conference referred in the Com- mittee on witln ut knowled nowei!ii! or sus- KWM7!la C,U,'-nts' "lhfr "P?" the P ' General Conference or m' mvs,.!f 2. Thai up to this data I "have nev.-r published j a line nor m ule a speech on tho subject, out ol the I beneral or Annual Conlerence. o! which I was a member. 'pi,,, I . .... . . 0. I bat l have aorer nubliclr or pnvatehr asn- ( tn..,! ii.. .i ; n, i P tated tins Mibj-ct, in anv shape or wav, to tiie best ofmv beKe? 1. That in no letter to the Church i-i Cbariolte an.i in no other amy. h ive I rfrimf farmMjafr the ; mj peurtem, but nave uniformly mlcocirc ! it. I .- .... decision of this" nut-stiun' th:it brill" i-xcliiiv,.!v j - . .... .. .,. 1 1 v. IilllI'J i i inp III liU'HT fie nf l ... dmmrml fi-f- Z as uoMingol public meeUngs and ihe discussion VTOTICJS. All persons are forwamed against tra rl the Suhiecl b- tln mwLi i..,, .... . .l dimtm for a Note civen bv t!.e mdi -, , l I now catt ,ipjn tlLr Hcv. Mr. - - , , , I' arrow, and Suicenlv regietttnj; Up WmHttly laid upon inn to make this" Card," I am Gentlemen, very truly yours. CHARLES F. DEEMS. -TY. . . . 0 . Fne Charleston Standard has the following des- , ... . . ptch. It contains informal. of an interesting character concerning the acquisition of Cuha : "Washington, June 5, 1654. As I informed you the other day, there is no doubt that our diffi- lenities with Spain are gradually approximating an amicable termination, intelligence to inai eueci having been received by various of the diplomats o J rc congregated. A special hearer of despatches nrorn ripsnnlr-hps from Madrid to the Spanish Minister, Senor Cueto, i - . . i t . came out in ine lasi steamer wnn iniormauon uiai al was in a fuir way of adjustment, and that ne- gotiations were progressiiig lor the purchase of ihe Island of Cuba by the Lnited States. Spain is willing to sell, provide d she can gel her price, the opposition'o England and France to the contrary notwithstanding. "The House of Representatives met informally this morning, and adjourned over to Thursday, without transacting any business. Nearly all the members were absent, most of them having gone home to enjoy a few days' rest. From appear ances, little or no business will be transacted this week." Riiiiii:? ii Whirlwind-4' If the Commissioner decrees that Col. Suttle has a fair claim to the services of I lnrns, the authority of thf law will be sustained, and the slave will he delivered to his master. Ol this there can be no doubt, for the authorities and citisens generally have already givn conclusive evidence of their determination to support the laws. Hut we can say to Col. Suttle, and to his Southern friends and backers, thai they are rousing a whirlwind which will sweep away the fugitive slave law, and which may result in momentous censequences, thM every tru- patriot shculd deprecate. Boston Journal. How "rousing a whirlwind?" By the simple act nf claiming ihe surrender of their runaways, as provided for by that law ? Then clearly the repeal of the law can have no gn at terrors lor them. inee in either thev cannot or must not re cover their property under it. But, supposing the law were repealed ; what then? The Constitution remains, and binds the North to make the surren der. How is th it to b- rot rid of? By the process which itsell prescribes, nr by trampling the Con stitution under loot? II the former, we have nothing to complain of. Rut first catch a fish, then cook it. Boston is a large pi ice, and New Lug land is a larg- place ; hut neither oftthem is of any gretit account in 'he aggregate of ihe nation. New England may vote for a repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law, as she voted almost unanimously against its enactment ; she may also vote to repeal the Constitution of the United States. Hut as long as a m:.jritv ol both I louses of Congress is , necessary to repeal a law, nnd Iwo-thirda ol nil : State to amend the Conmiliitioa, it will take Rome thine more than all the whirlwinds which the Abolitionist c.-m rane, niiied by all tho men and women like-minded, by whatever names th- v may be designated, lu accomplish their purpose in a constitutional way. Tin ir only chance seems to be, pflec! "anothrr rolntion," as they already threaten to do, and if, in the end they find this a mre successful game In day at than the other, we shail be greatly disappointed. -Y. lr. Jon nidi of Commerce. Charlotte Retail CORRECTED Prices Current. WEEKLY. liacou, SMl.S - - ib. - lb. - ih. - yd - ii. - ih. - bushel 00 00 uo 15 18 i 20 00 o-5 75 G li 28 15 70 00 0 00 30 u 5 $12 00 5J 00 5 00 8 10 n 18 15 22 80 " Hums " I log round Bagging, Cotton, Mutter -I lees wax Beans -Brandy, Aople a 50 a 87 i a 741 ' Peach Cotton - (Jbflee j Candles. Adamantine gal. Ib. Ib. lb. a a a (C a a a a i a a a a a 15 30 20 72 15 10 $3 40 10 0 16 40 75 6 40 G Si 45 84 12 9 12i 82J Si 12 i Si 35 45 Fallow - - Ih. bush. - each dozen - 1U0 Ib. . - lb. lb. - 1!). - bbL - gal bushel - II). bushel - lb. bushel bushel bushel - lb. - lb. - gal- - sack . Ib. Corn ( thickens l'lT!JS Flour real hers Lnrd -Mutton Mack re! M j Meal -Naila - i ().l)s a a a a a a a a a a a a a Pork . Potatoes, Irish Sweet (Ml Uioe Surar, Loaf 1 1 5, 10 00 62 10 SI :io 30 " llrowii Stone- Wa re s,l: . . Ta . . Tallow . . Wheal - - bus h el - Whiske y, Northern - - gal. North Carolina cal. I'ii. M'Lanes Vermifuge. During a practice l mure than twenty ye;rs, .MtLnne had attended innnmerable patients offlicfd with every form nf worm disease, and was induced to anplv all the eaergivs of his mind to she discorry of a wrrni luge, or worm destroyer, certain in ;:s effects; lite re sult of Ins labors is i lie American Worm Specific, now beore the public, which is perfectly sale. anJ m av be given alike to children of ibe mni tender si?e. or to the Med adult : it nurae miMIu and subdues fever, and uVsirovs worms with in variable success. It is easy of administration, and as it docs not contain mercurv in anv form w Itat- ever, no restrtcttona are necessary with regard to ti ri nk iii; cold water, nor is ii capable ol doing the least it-jury to the lentle re si infant. An incredible number of worms have been expelled by I bit great vermifuge. Purchasers Will please be careful to ask for Dr. Mc.La.nn CeUhruted Vermifuge, and take none; "Ise. All other Vermilugt, in comparison, are inr;liles. I)r lcl.i also bis Celebrated Dee, Tills, ran now bo h.d.1 ail respectable Drug Stores in the United Srates sad Canada. .ifj 2w -, idbikm , ,. HAKBIED, In this countv, on ihe 1st inst.. bv (i. C. Cathv. ? t t i Dnnteita i, Esq., Mr. J. P. KOLK.LUS o Mi.-s MARY J w Vw a i' i v h.A.N.NAUA.N. Al lh S:,n,, "me nd Plcr Mr- FRANKLIN C - GLE:sN lo "V1,ss MARY J. CASHON. "y & Powe11' for The sum ol ? as 1 " determined ! a " . ' m ' - '"W ' which it was riven having . . . , -J -c. l ,or ved unsound. J. F. K1NZEL. june ., 1S51. 4t-3t PIANO TUNING AKD REPAIRING. JOSEPH FREY, from Charleston, S.C., informs the .J Ladies and gentlemen of Charlotte and viein'ty, hat h is in Cliarlolte, prepared to tuno and repair Pianos and Organs. Persons desirous of Laving their Instru ments VVf'll HTlH r-n r-'. i ! ! i- u-i 1 1 ntwsaa lMJ nr. ders with him at Mr. J. B. Kerr' Hotel. So charge will be made if satisfaction is not given. June 9, 1654 4jtl Effects of the Storm ! I E would most sincerely ask those of our friends I ami natmna are m .!,..-. M-lth ,.t tn think lor a moment, that we are obliged to have money to pay our Debts, and unless they help us, in this way our interest and credit must seriously suffer. We are indeed, thankful foi the generous patronage we have shared at their hands hope they will continue it, and be admonished by this notice, to " fork over immedi ately, if not soomke. uch is the character ol husi- "ess that we arecompelled to announce, that from and i , i c,.., , i-., - - PRITCHARD & CALDWELL june 9, 1854 iSo. 3, Granite Row. Snuff! Snuff! Snuff! JUST RECEIVED, a choice lot of Loriliard's, Amer ican Gentlemen, High Toast, Scotch, liappee and Maccaboy SNUFFS, for sale low for cash, at the Granite i)rug Store, june 9 PB IT CHARD & CALDWELL. Wines, Wines. 1)0 RE Old PORT and Madeira WINES, especially lor medicinal uses, for sale by june 9 PBJTCHARD & CALDWELL. Disinfecting Agent. c 1H LOR IDE SODA, (concentrated,) lor destroying contasion: decomposing; pestilential effluvia; pre. S)f III" 1 IV. I tlUi.l- ' ' " T " 1 ' " i.i . '!. strnno and offensive odors. For sale bv tiie box, at the Giamte iiug Store. JJilc; y PtllT'CHARD & CALDWELL. Tuscan Flask Sallad Oil. I PESH and Delicious, for sale by 1 PK1TCHAKD .v. CALDWELL. "june 9, 1854 40tf Brown's Ess. Jamaica Ginger. JUST received a lare and fresh supply admirably adapted to meet and control the prevailing intes tinal Disorders at the Granite Drug Store. june i) PTUTCHARD fc CALDWELL. Quinine, Quinine. TTJESH and Superior, at the Granite Drug Store. june 9 PUirCtlAKD cv CALDWELL. Just to Hand. LARGE and fresh supply of pure Linseed Oil, (N. Carolina man.. facture, ) where it may always A be had in any quantity. june 9 PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. Spices, Ate. VT UTMEGS, Mace, Spice, Cloves, Peppers, Ginger J best articles lor sale at MUTCIIAKD & CALDWELL. Indigo, Pearl Starch, "lORN STARCH, together with a large and varied V stock of everything that is superior in our line. For sale low for cash. PRITCHARD & CALDWELL. Whig will copy the above advertisements. Notice. rPHF. subscriber has on hand for sale a good lot of 1 CEILING BOARDS. Also, 3X3, 3X1 and 4X6 Seaiitlintr, Piank 1 in. X from 8 to 12 in. wide, and various descriptions of Lumber, for sale at his Mill. He will saw at short notice bills of any description of Lumber. Aiso, a large lot of Houghedge Plank at 10 cents per hundred, lo oted on the cars. Level P.O., S. C, june 'J 5t WAl. B. ELK1N. Piedmont Sulphur and Chalybeate Of Burke County, N. C, Sixteen miles Iforlh of Morganton. rriIK Proprietor of the above celebrated Springs rea X pect fully informs the public generally, that he has enlarged his spacious accommodations by considerable additions, and is now prepared to receive a large com pany. Ho will spare no pains to contribute to tho bene fit and gratification ol those who iavor him with their company. This delightful Summer Retreat cannot be surpassed by any of the fashionable Watering Places within the State of North Carolina. Here Invilids as well as those Peeking pleasure, may find a Summer residence, calcu lated to reutore the lost energies of the Physical consti tution, and gratify the most fastidious. By calling on Dr. Happoldt, proprietor of the "MJlln tain Hotel," in Morganton, every necessary information pertaining to the medical qualities ol these waters can be obtained, JAMES C. ESTES, Proprietor. Jane 9, 1854. 45.3m I. HAMILTON. K. M. OATES. HAMILTON & OATES, 0 11 m I S S E O N i m E K V II A N IT S , Corner of Richardson anil Laurel Streets, COLUMBIA, S. C. June 9 1854 iy Brick Yard iiauds Wanted. IT'E will give the highest prices for the hire of 8 V V or 10 hands to work in the Lrick Yard, Apply immediately to June 9, 1854. TAYLOR & ALLISON. 46-tf Iiurg-ains ! Bargains ! Bargains ! T HE subscriber about making a changein his busi ness tak s pleasure in informing the public, that he will sell his entire Stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, &.c. -fr ?OS"fc C IUI1NSOV June 2, 1851 l At tie sign of Big Boot. p s P. S Mr. .1- P. SMITH is .ntW;l tn ... my business. C. J. Norris Woriis, Tiorristotrn, Finn. THE subscribers manufacture Alining Machinery, as follows, viz: The Cokrisu Pumping Engine, high . and low pressure Pumping, Stamping and Hoistintr Steau E.m;ixes ; Cor.Msn I t Mrs, Stamps, Ckcshebs, I V inches, Ikon Blocks, Pi li.evs ot all sizs. and ev prv variety of Machinery tor Mining purposes. j J THOMAS, CORSON & WEST, june 2, 1834 45-ly " Mining Machinery. " pORNISH PUMP5, Lifting and Forcing, Cornish V ( rushers, Stamps, Steam Engines, and general Mining work, made by the subscribers at short notice. LA Mi, COOK & CO.. Hudson Machine Works, Rtfer to Hudson, N. Y. jas. j. riouge, t-.sq., New-ork. june 2, 11 43-y Notice. Offici Chaclotte &. Sot th Carolina Railroad Columbia. May 24, 1S51. I REVISED TARIFF on FREIGHTS upon the f Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad will take erlect on and aftfr the 1st June next. ( opies of the new list will be deKverea to all the Agents along the line of the road for distribution. FREDERICK NIMS, ll-5t General Superintendent. P'or sale at this office NEATLY LONE AT State of North Carolina, NECKr.K.',IBl'KG COVNTY. Court of Pleas and Quaker Sessions, April Term, 18o4. Hannah Garrison J vs. .Petition for Dower. B. H. Garrison and others. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that L. A. Garrison, Hannah C. Gamson, James N- Garri son, Mary A. G rrison, and Martha K. Garrison, m'ant children of Manson A. Garrison, dee'd, are n t resi dents of this State, but reside beyond the limits ot the same : It is therefore ordered by the LoMt, mai pun lifntinn be made lor six weeks in the Western U-mo- crat for the said L.. A. uarnson, naimau , . v......, .lames N. Garrison, Alary A. Garrison, and Martha E Garrison to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held tor the countv of Mecklenburg, at the Court house in Charlotte, on the 4th Monday in July next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to plaintiff s petition, otherwise judgment pro confesso, will be ; reiu ereu againsi sam eMu. i Witimce Vv k- iJfwt. i eric ot our saui i ouri, a. . . . n mu I ; .. ,t... o thee, the ith Aioiuiav in April, a. v. io-,auu m 77th vear of American Independence. june 2, 45-Gt (P.f.ff5.2i) W. K. RElP,ec e. State of North-Carolina. UNION COUNTY. Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions, April Term, 1854. IIui'li M. Houston vs. William Fulvvood. O K H : I X A L ATT ACH M E S T. TT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that William Fuhvood is not a resident of this State, or so couceuls himself thit the ordinary process of L-iv can- I not be served on him : It is, therefore, ordered by the the Court, that publication be made for six weeks, in the Western Democrat, for the said William Falwood to sip- j pear at the next term of this Court, to be held in the Town of .Monroe on the first Monday in July next, and plead, answer or demur, or judgment pro Confesso, will be taken against him. W itsess, Junes M. tstewart, l lerK ol our sain . ouri - - , - -- , - " ' i 1854 J M. 8TEWAKT, c c. u. c. Pi's. S5 50. 41-(it May 16th, 1854. Notice. Office Chari.ottk and South Carolina Railroad, Columbia, May 20, 18."4. PROE'OSALS, addressed to the undesigned at Colum bia, are invited until 1st July, for the delivery, by the 1st O. tober, of One Hundred Cords of PINE or OAK WOOD, at each of the following named stations, to wit: Killian's Mill, Campbell's Mill, Cross Roads, Ridge way, Simpson's, Robertson's Winnsboro, Olbian, White Oak, Yonguesville, Ela. kstock. Corn well's, C hes terville, Lewis' T. O., Smith's T. ()., Ebenezer, t a tawba, Fort Mill and Morrow's. FREDERICK NIMS, General Superintendent. May 2G, '54. 44-4w $10 Reward. "I") AN AWAY from the subscriber or. the 7th of April last, a Bright Mulatto Girl, named SARAH. The said siirl is ot medium size, trim, genteel figure, straight black hair, and has bad teeth laughs and looks contused when spoken to. 1 purchased her in the fall of 18W of Col. John M. Potts, of Steele Creek, in which neighborhood she is probably lurking, or she may be about Providence or Pineville as she is well acquanted there. 1 will give the above reward if she is taken in this county, and $15 if in any other county, and delivered to me in Charlotte. June 2, 16o4. R. P. WARING. Lincoln Machine Shop. 'PIIE undersigned beg leave to inform the public that 1 they have recently rented the Shop and Tools form crly occupied by Mr. VV. Jenks near the Lincoln factory, where they are prepared to turn and finish Mill Irons, repair Cotton Machinery, horse powers, and chiefly all kinds of Machinery used in this section of country on the shortest notice, and on terms as reasonable as any other establishment in this section of country. All persons wishing to have any of th e above mentioned work well executed will do well to ca Hand see us before engaging at any other establishment. J. HYDE & CO., Lincolnton Factorv, near Lineolnlon. May 26, 1854. 4L5w Notice. STRAYED from the Subscriber, on the 8th instant, two VVoik STEEJtS, light brindle, one of them has but one Eye, and one horn knocked off. They were seen on the Statesville Road, about 6 miles from town, but suppose that they crossed over to the Beatiesford Road, and may now be about the River. Any informa tion thankfully received and compensation paid for trouble. BENJ. MORROW. May 19, 1851 43-2w Notice. ALL persons are forewarned against trading for a Note drawn by me in favor of John H.ovis for Thirty-six Dollars, as the machinery (gearing for a Thrasher, for the construction &r which the saTd note was given,) has proved worthless, and 1 am determin ed not to pay it, unless compelled by law. May 29, 1851 45-3w J. N. RYNE. TIIE WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS of the late WILLI A M MILLIKEN, deceased, will be continued by the snliscriber lor the benefitol the estate. The prompt and uniform attention to business which characterized the late establishment will be strictly ad hered to in every department, and the continued patron age of the fiitnds of the deceased is most respectfully soli-Uid hy. BAZILE LANNEAU, Charleston, May 13 43-3w. Executor. GINGER POP. OUPERIOR GINGER POP and SARSAPARILLA O BELR, at Our House, for sale at wholesale and re tail. Also, LEMON SYRUP al wholesale and retail, by H. SEVERS &. CO., May 19 43 f Opposite the Court-house. Alloy, from 1 2 to 16 years of age, to learn the Saddle and Harness business. Apply immediately to W. WHEAL AN, 3 doors below Sadlers hotel, Cbarlote, N. C. May 19, 4871. 43-tf POCKET-BOOK LOST. IOST on the 5th of November, 1853, on the Taylors. J ville Plank Road, between Charlotte and the Steam j Saw Mill, a Poeket-Book, containing So or 6 in money, ' 0,10 not(' on Robf- H- BrawleJ for $200, with a ere it of ; S50 on it ; one note on Ira Alexander lor 88 b'7 ; ami I several recc I fit s and papers of no value to. any person ' !mt l,'C "nderigned; All persons are forwarned against trading for either ot the a hovc-numed Notes. A liberal I te prudfor the Book and contents if left at the Democrat Oflije. RORT. P H I II May 12, ls.14. 4-3l NOTICE. VLL persons indebted io the subscriber for old claims who prefer settling hy law, can have an opportuni- I V f i f An i li r t :iltf r tlir i'i'ii nf W ,r I ;,.)..,.. , . t........ North Carolina an. I I exorct to 1,..-,vp in n in,n, r,l mmciations and handsome epithets for demanding my ii.t ,1.,..- 1..1. i.. ,. ;(i.i.ia rr u... J"-to - , ....-. uit.v .viijiiii-- i i i j i ui, , (JUL I shall have the luxurious gratification of knowing that it " whistled itself." April 21, 1854. 41-3t S. B. WATSON. House and Lot for Sale. MTHE Subscriber will otter forsale to the highest bidder, on Tuesday of the next July County Court for Mecklenburg County, in the town of Charlotte, the House and Lot on Tryon Street a few dcors below the American Hotel, adjoining the Lots of oining the Lots of j d formerly known I Kibert Sterling and Kobert Shaw, an a; the ZeoaaGrier property. Terms of sale made known j on ttie day thereof. JUNIUS A. FOX. 41-tt May 5, ?51 Notice rPUE undersigned having been appointed at April 1 1 Term of Mecklenburg County Court Guardian of j I LTi ft. Dearniond, (insane,) hereby gives notice to all I persons that I will not be liable for any contracts wade I by said Eli II. Dearniond. j april 28. '54 40-3t II. K. DE R.MOND 1 j Cleaver's Celebrated Honey Soap. 1VAKRANTED with the original scent, for rendering II the skin soft and white. Also, Low's Honey Soap, ( Low's White Windsor in cakes, RiggV Millitary Sjau. imeriain s ari.iirosui Miavmg take, U of which have bi t recently been opened. F.r sale at the Chemicnl i Town Ordinance. Charlotte. April 29, 1854. At a meeting of the Board ol Commissioners; present John Rhrfer, Wilha.u l. Myers, Robert Shaw . MeK. JairtUou, and W. W. Ci.ns ; On motion, W. U. Myers w;s appointed chairman, pro tern. 1 Ontfred. That a T..x lor the year 1 8."4, be assess- cd at the following Kates, upon each dil'erent object ot Taxation, as to. lows, to-wit: w. ,.,.!, Kinn vntau of ftaal Estate. $'-) 50 i Ml l.uvn v ' SI00 value of Stock in Trade, J While P..1I, between the age of 21 -V 4.i $2 00 Black Poll, ' 1' 00 I roe Black Poll, " Grocer and Retailer of spirits, Company ot Circus Riders, and all others, subject U jay a State Tax, m ' Concert, per weeii, " n.-ivnerreian 2 00 $50 00 20 00 10 00 5 00 " " Itinerant merchant or Pedler, or hawker ot Goods, wares and mcrchai.d;zc, not the growth or mn J facture ot North Carolina, except Books, a tax of $25 00 On each $100 of Interest, 2 0 ii pi., -cir .; M,. D.niist. Liwver. etc.. a w " " Carriage ol the value ot $7; 1 00 S-10'J 2 00 300 3 00 $100 or upward, 4 00 1 00 Gold Watch, " M Silver Watch, " " Piano, " " $1U0 value of Gold and Silver Plate, On each and every Dog, " " Public Dray, " " Public tour-horse Omnihu, " " Two-horse Omnibus 50 2 00 50 1 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 On each I. very Stable, lay 5 40tt J. B. KERR, clerk PARKS & MTUIIS0N VRE receiving and opening their Spring and Summer stock of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Kress Goods, Hicbi's IMats, and George's Boots, Straw Bonnetts, Panama Hats, Ate. Also, a large stock of Coach TriTT mings. Our Goods were bought at Cash Prices nnd will be sold at rntus which will satisfy those who may give them a call. april 21 30 tf Crockery, j Hardware and Groceries, AM) Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddles, at a verv low limine april 21 39tf PARKS & HUTCHISON. NEW BOOKS! NEW BOOKS! Exploration of the valley A inazon, by Ilerndon. A new and complete Gazetteer of the United States, by Baldwin & Thomas. Rural Essays, by A. J. Downing. A splendid edition of the Waverly Novcc Romance of the Revolution ; being a history of the personal adventure s, heroic exploits, and romantic inci dents, as enacted in the War oi Independence ; by O. B. Bruice. Thrilling Adventures by Land and Sea; by J. O. Bray man. Daring Deeds of American Heroes, with Biograpbial Sketches; by J. O. Bray man. The Flash Times of Alabama and Mississippi ; by Baldwin. Hot Corn and Paper Bullets, from Love's Pocket Pistols. The Old Brewery and The New Mission Hjuse. The Lamplighter. Louis Elton ; by Mrs. M. Ilerndon. Allen's Domestic Animals, a History and Discription of the Horse, Mule, Cattle, Sheep, Swine. Poultry, &c.; by R. L. Allen. The Successful Merchant, or Sketches of the Life of Mr. Samuel Bridget!; by Win. Arthur. The Hearth Stone, or upon Homelife in our cities ; by Samuel Osgood. The Miner's Guide; by J. W. Orton. Also, a large and splendid assortment of Stationery, &c. &c. " Fly, fly with lightning's speed. Be quick, I say, and learn to read." ENNISS & CRIDER, Charlotte, april 21 Booksellers and Staiioners. GRAND EXHIBITION. THE largest and most varied stock of Clo'bcs, Cast i mcrcs, and Veslings, Linnen, Drill, Plain and Fancy. Also, a general ttoek ol Gentlemen's wearing apparal, which we offer at New York cost. Any person wanting bargains will do well to call immediately as we are de termined to sell out ROBISON &- RE A. &pril 14, 38-3t BEGS leave respectfully to announce to the i n a: -reL..i.,- i u i, i ; ,i. I f N K'l IJCI1 III It, ailU IHC IUUIK ; I HOI 5iir lluO just returned trom the Northern cities, and is now open ing a fashionable and choice selection of Bonnet Trimmings, Fancy Articles, Caps, Artificials, Head-Dresses, together with a variety of French MIL LINE KIT, &c. Having secured the services of an experienced Dress maker and Milliner, from Philadelphia, she feels confi dent that she can give general satisfaction in both branches of the business. No pains will be spared to please. Orders from a distance thankfully received and carefullv packed and forwarded, april 1 1, 1 854 38-tf Matrcsses ! Matresses ! ! KENNERLV &. QUIXN, take pleasure in announc ing to the public Ihut they are manufacturing Mat tresses at their Rooms in the Bisement of the Brick Building, occupied by Br yan fc Thompson, where they invite all who may desire springy and well made Mat tresses to call nnd examine tor themselves. Orders from a distance solicited, and promptly attended to. The highest price paid in Cash for good dry sliucks. K. & Q. April 14, 18.r)4. BOOKBINDING. A WALDAUER his resumed the Bookbinding Bu ll , siriess, and is ready to receive work, which will be done in the best workmanship and as cheap as can be done in an) other establishment of the kind. Re ferences to that fact, by Rev. C. Johnston, V. C. Bar ringer, Esq., Charlotte ; Miller & James, J. J. Bruner, Dr. Summerel, L. Blackner, Flsq., N. Bovden, Esq., and a great many other gentlemen at Salisbury. He may always be found at the stand where G. Bargrnan &, Co. formerly kept Store, next door to FJlms's Gro cery. A. WALDAUER. Charlotte, Feb. 21, 1854. 31-3m NOTICE. rF"HE impression is abroad, that the undersigned is JL winding up his business for the purpose of discon tinuing his trade. He takes this method of stating distinctly that such is not his intention. He expects in a short to commeuce and carry on the business on his own responsibility, and hopes to merit a contin uance of the patronage of his old friends and customers by giving them good fits, in fashionable styles, and on short notice. D. L. RE A. April 28, 1851. 40 ii w Wanted, Invo BOYS, from 12 to IS yars of age, to learn the Tailoring business. Apply to april 11 2S-2m D. L. REA. Ladies, Your Attention! ' E have the largest assortment of Mantillas, that It iver was onenerl in this mark.t cai. and Beraze of all the different eolor ad ha,W r,A Black and White L,are, rangmtr m prices from $5 to $.'0, all of the latest styles. april 14 SPRATT, DANIEL & CO. Corn Starch. 'HIS incomparably pure and beautiful article is ex ceedingly healthy, delicious, and economical, and when desired may bo ujed as a substitute for and in the san,e nsanncI 88 Arrowroot. The universal estimation L" hl?U lt is. ,,e!d' and lhc ir,;rea8ing demand for it hah; induced others to flood the country with an inferior .iiiM-j'.- ui me fame name. Lorn Slarcti refined and prepared exprcsmy tor lood, can be had only at the Drug and Chemical Store of FISHER &. &. I1EINITSH. rAK Tanned SOLR I.PlTllPD a... 1 cents per pound for sab- hv ANll FRESH ARRIVAL. TM-MS, ALLISON & CO., take pleasure in snnounc JCj ir.g to retail dealers and the public generally, that they are now receiving and selling at unprecedented prices, by tar the largest and best assorted Stock of groceries ever brought to this part of the State. It would be to the intetest of those-whe buy to tell again to examine their stock before going farther, as they buy and sell tor cash their prices SHALL BE SATISFACTORY. Their stock consists in part as follows t 300 bbls. N. 0. Molasses, fine. 50 200 100 1000 15 hhds. fine Cuba Molasses, bbls. fine N. 0. Sugar, hhds. " " " sacks of Salt, tierces new Rice, 500 sacks Rio Coffee, fine, 50 sacks old G. Java, 30 bales Gunny Bagging, Mining utensils and a general assort ment of heavy Hardware. Choice variety of Teas, Fine Cigars, and the finest Tobacco ever sold in Charlotte. Choice variety of all articles kept for family use. 500 kegs Northern Nails, 10,000 lbs. White Lead, 7,000 lbs. Roping, 100 boxes Adamantine, Sperm and tal low Candles. 10 casks best London Porter. GO choice English Dairy Cheese. r All kinds of Produce bought nt ihe highest CASH prices, or taken in exchange for Oroczriet at Cush Prices. ELMS, ALLISON &. CO., At .Ino. Wells's old stand. Clmrlofto. March 31. 36-tf Something New Again! W. W. Elms' Splendid Store is Finished, MIERE IO-A.YT35riE has. just rrcrived nnd is opening an entirely new Jiul well m ease stock of GrOODS, and I nm now ready to si 11 OK EAT BAHOAINS io all who may favor no- with u call. Mv motto is Ql l K SALES FOli C ASH, AND SMALL PKOEITS. My stock comprises Ladies' Dresses, I, awns, Silks, TinKiim, Bonnets, Ribbons, Undersletves, Collars, C hi ininelte. Silk Gloves of all kinds, Mantillas and Talmas, nnd a very large assortuif nt ot Mils for Ludim and Misses, nnd a great vnriety of other articles for Ladiii. new and pretty. And to the Gentlemen I will say, that it will be to their interest to give me a call, an 1 huvc on band a very large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, for Men and children, which I will sell CHEAPER than ( HEAP tor ('ASM, to those who may favor MM with a call. M. HALM, Necrt. door to Sprott, Daniel d- Co. March 31, 1854 36tf Where to buy Cheap! E have just received and opened a very large and handsome stock of Spring and Summer Goods. Gimrh lius from cents and up. Also a very prefty selection of . c HOOTS and il U.S. For the Gentlemen we bavo Ready-Made Clothing, White and Brown Linen, Farmer's Satin, &c, &c. Wc also have a lnrgc stock of ti.i ni tr.t t( i . cm cer r e. We respectfully solicit a c:.ll fro.n all those wishing to buy Goods. It will afford us a great deal ut pleasure to show our Goods, whether persons buy or not ; and aa regards price we are determined to s II as LOW as any bouse in Western Carolina. And all we ask is an ex amination ol our Goods nnd prices. Call and see u. BROWN, HKAWLEY & CO. Charlotte, March 81, 1654 36tf M1LLLEKY AND DRESS MAKING. ?; MRS. WHEALAN would respectfully return her thanks to the Ladies of Charlotte and vicini ty, for the liberal patronage bestowed on her during the past season, and having engaged an experienced MILLINER, she is now prepared to carry on the Millinery & Dress Making Business, in all its various branches. K7" BON NETS made and trimmed in the neatest and mot fashionable manner. CT7 Residence 3 doors South of Sadler's Hotel. April 7, 1851. 37-tl Gentlemen, Come and See us, AND vvo can fit you out, from the crown of your head to the sole of your foot.'' We can put fh prettiest Boots and Gaiters on your feet, the finest Kid Gloves on your bands, furnish ynu w ith the prettiest Shirts, the finest Cloths and Cassi merns, and the bet Linen and AL. rsuiiles, of any one in this whole countrv. S Pit AIT, DANIEL cV CO. ' Silks. nHE largest lot of SILKS ever brought to this ar X ket, embracing every variety of I'laid, Cheek, and all the different Shades of plain Silks, will be found at SPRATT, DAMEL 6c CO.'S. Straw Bonnets. S 1TRAW Bonnets and Flats, both for grown persona and infants, (-all soon before they are nicked over. S Pit ATT, DANIEL fc CO. Domestics. 7 L' Lftrin O c- f . I, C TnMA:A Til " .1 I ia r." i u. iai"i. hiulk ui ly U 1 1 1 U a i 1 1 r dl IH. Allll Manchester Ginghams, for servants' wear. SPRATT, DANIEL &l CO. Robes. rpHJE finestfstock of ROBES, both Barege and Muslin, X Prin ted and Embroidered, at SPRATT, DANIEL &i CO. A Tremendous Stock 0 F Printed Jackonetts, Swiss and Organdies, Beauti ful v. ahcos, an a very large stock of Ginghams, at April 14, '54. 3&U SPRATT, DANIEL & Co. Hurrah, for Spratt, Daniel 6l Co.! HHEY have the largest stock of Bebee HATS ever 1 brought to this town, and they are pretty this sea son, too. 38 april 14. J MILES & SON'S Gaiters. Shoes"and S:irnr far . , , - , salo by SPRATT, DANIEL dz CO. UMBRELLARS and Parasols of every variety, For sale by SPARTT, DANIEL Ik CO. THE Ribbons! The Ribbons!! Oh! the Gloves! JL the Gloves ! ! and cheap, to be bad at SPRATT, DANIEL & CO.'S. For the Ladies vc have Dress Silks, Bcrngci, Silk Tissues, Printed Jackont t, figured and solid color. Lawns, Embroidered Skirts. Talmas, Mantilla, Visitea and White Crane Shawls. Gimrhams. Calicoes and Mui. EMBROIDERS of every variety, style and c uality Swiss, Jaconett, Dirnetry, band and flouncing, at spratt. Daniel & co. Of the moht approved form for sale at thir ' Jfi? THbJ OFFICE. Store of FISHER &. HEINITSH. July 29. K-lll'n irnfvtfn.. 1 . - J tf2 R. SHAW.

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