1 II 5 it ! 8 c . 1. "f ... ' nop. f . l"1. j. inform our friends aad t!ie paulM '"4 ral y, that we lve rent e one Tha C30 t. lbs Immmc aa Trade Strest, MMuediafel tlie pnblie gene- IB Miop ; TV ly be- t fi-ii J . h. Harrison Co. it Groceries, wh.-ie will le ; infl .x NC14H s i il to wait on all . an- now prepared j casi Wanting any ; rl !! id our v.-1 fh -i.-n ... vi. i-irfc lor l urivini: on the Tinning Business and all ofhr HMprfclTI app-rta.uiniT thereto on a scale j mtieh molt' e leasive than has ever kM the CM be-j Ion- in Charlotte. J We ., p-.ty particular attention to ROOFING ami KIJ TTKKING. PenMM wishing any aitirl in our line may rely upon getting it at tin-shortest notice ami at the lowest I We kaeejasl receive.! a l-rjre assortment of Parlor, Caabu and Simp Stoves, which we are desiious ul ; belling at very short profit tor cMk MOORfc & BYERLY :.; if Jan up i y 20, 1 85 4. Wait fur the Waggons! f ' 1! T FOR lit C-tU-c J 1 -ivv'mi. W II. we will tell yu It is NKINS Sl TAYLOR have opened a Mammoth Stove Store, in WiRisms'a just ( il- I ! tin: Ergc.-t, c'i ilhi.t.. X. C c cj i ' ' lottnu ..in U ( Charlti s and best ati KS 5" V ver aRVred in North "ar.-!in.i, A i UJ i h will he said at the lowest CAM! Price, 1" additi" to our r. gol -r i.i : of t.iK i.t. we base aixdilF EBON WITCH AT TIGHT .'i 1 til ill I S lilt ... ... - - a - v v r a j" i i r ri-t r 1 r.-i rN .-. v r l , rri r i ri 1 1 1 1 : i i i aii ' ! ' -1 V - Jf III I'f "F I'll-, -A vvliH'h arc rl n .'' t'.r trot l'l ; produce a bt-th V.. l.-,v :!.-. .ill n.'s .; Sfw..-. -II t- he :.,- i ); ii. .! S..reii, Parlms, ? tl-rooMis, Ac., Ac. Nov. , are . ail tell yen why re h rd oaradrerliaeaieat mat fmr lie WMrfraa.'' It m because arc have three . md constant! r'inniii" llinii"h il r-mnin-' ilimtifb the conntrV Willi St itea and a illdclin i them withiuSd uiilea of !harlotl Ail Ktorea roi.l i.v na be iut up ire.- of charge at anaated toda wtil; mii i.ow, a sra 1mvi t.la a V.ui (he Si ea wc . .11 aj ti yoa, that vc hav kiitda :" BrlClaBia, lajian, Tl:i and Si.ec 1 Veil all CD BRASS K !' Li 'LESS, 6"7H I L, 'I ! PIP promi TAY l.tu oil U d i m Cv" a;: IBDERS si ul t tly tten- i ded t. by FKNKINS 'j 1. LOU f'hirhi Ke, March MCill ' rt uc n'iv P CO CO M i I S S I O X U E R C 1 1 A N T S , ful the s.le of Flour, drain, Bacon ?i Produce generally C, inter Bast BUy and Coioa Wharves, CHARLESTON, S. C. f John CaUwcil, Pres' J II re Ihthn, KinH 1 Rober Bryee, Ksa,' J . K. Ilanuoadt Co c. i:. K. rstnn. Itrii::::::: orumtMa. i aailotte, N I I N aresentin e.rd we would SC doinr in- I iuti.:f lii uir 1. . Inn's not Ui exoras our rratitude to iir aailirw'W friends in faeofia, Tenrn ssee, North and S .utti Carolina, '"r their ar.t mi'v.:vering patronage, ini-e our luiiimmiiKi mi al in tins b iaai in 1847. We have nu.se. I tins aaainess from its infancy, la sor ed yea! a!Ur year to aWeJepc the resources ot the back conntry. W e hare battled with the alfiS rent lines of railroad, ami bavo been intru:m at il in reducing the lieight on produce In rcasoirihlc rati s. Wc have friends in Earn pa ami the North, ami are prepared ! niadu udvaucis oil hbipiiicat:: to either asarlcala. "o would say to our friends and the public, that it will be la their interest to consign to us, as we pay oui whole atti nlion to this kttfiaeMi sin we. We will make liberal advance oa eoastpamenta. NEUFFER, IIENDRIX n: CO. Apri! T, 1 854 87-6 KOOHE, HENSZSY Co., SUCXM-:sSORS TO IVM. T. IIOWELL vV Co., I III II Wit Dcalcm iii XX tfcLuv nre, No. 181, Market streH, PHILADELPHIA, !rERPS ennstantly aa bead a hirjre asortaarat af . HARDWARK, CUTI.KRY. GUNS, Ac, which tiler will dispose of on as g'-od terms as any uoaao in tin " United Sluti s. nler. by mail, r otherwise, put up with csrc am! forwarded v.ith dispateh. A diseoiiiit nfti pr c ut. allowed fur cash in par fund Jm 21, 185 1 . 21-jmi Rare Cliemlcal Product: PIPERIXE, Valerianate af Morphia, ":iK ri laate d" Quinine, Vab ri Date of I roa, S-licine. Sel... Chinchcaia, ; illie A. i.i, t itrate of Iron and Qointne, Cahvidc .i Zine, K'rn.cv i aide ol Xmc. Iodide al Zinc. For s.f- by FISHEK & HEixrrsH, W AltO Castiic Soap. 'I MliS new family and Toili I SOAP is held in high cs. teem, and is nupcrior ta the ordinary S.iap lor it? bl ind and tsnulhent qaalitivs. 1 -r the aarserjf it u purtieul irly aea;iteu innocent in its combination and free from nil injurious alkalies. This is an economic. 1 Sjap for families. Just n c. hied and lor sale by FISHER at IIEIMISH, upril 1 !lb lipcnsiog chemists. Invalids. HtESIl PEARL BARLEY, ' a SAC'O, TAPIOCA, Jut received and fms sale be FISHEtt A. IIE1XITSH, SELLING OFF AT COST ! lYbolcsnlc aud Retail Saddle and Harness EstaMiskawat, COLUMBU, S. C. THE Mbscribi r wishing la diaceotiaac his VTV prcaeat basiaess. offera kid arh ! block, con Q Z ! sting of SaddK s. Harness, Saddle Trees, s..d dlcry Hardware, together it li everv thing nciftaiaij far aarreinn on the business, AT COST. Feb. 3, 1S..I Al. HOWELL. Back (reek Male Academy. f PUIS Institution is located 10 miles North-East cf 1 Charlotte, X. C, near Bick Creek Chun h, and will he conducted under the supervision of Rev. R. F. Taylor, whose experience as a teacher emim nily qualifies bin for that psoitis S. The cxercisis will commence on tWa first .Monday of January. Cood boarding jail be hid in moral and orderly families near the Acadeinv at So per month. The fidowmsr are the rates of Tuition: Elementary English Branches, per Session of 3 in 'tilths $, go English Uraauaar, Geography, Philoesphi , History, JLc,, 00 Crock and Lain Languages, with Higher Brancbei of Mathematics 12 il) J. HUNTER, BeCJ Board of Trustees. January C, 16oL 24-tf laAiuilAtj r7 Triji- PIIE Subscriber is now happy to inform the 1 citizens ol Charlotte and the surrounding couutry.lbat be has moved into his New Shop, on Col lege sirc't. immediately back ot Sadler's Hotel, where le .t now ready to attend ta all business in his line. He has ,g't J.ic best of Woriiincn, and m tin refore determined to do Ihe boat, nnd uiont fashionable work, ever put up in I ... Uw .Mid at moderate prices. Jj" UUP VlKlNG done neatly and in a durable man. ;:of. by calliug i.t the shop of tec. 17, 18$ if JOHN II ARTY- .1.1 GRANITE DRUG STORE. tHAKLOTTE, !IU Opposite SADLER'S Mammoth Hotel. Pritchard k Caldwell, Wholesale anil Retail IKalcrs In Drags, Mediciaea & Chemicals, Dye-woods c Dy stniis, Oils, Paints, Ac Painter's Articles, Varnishes, Window Glass and Putty. Glass Ware, French. English and American Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Snaps, f ine Hair and lnoth brushes, Paint Brushes, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses and Snp- 9 norters ot all kinds. p!ces, Sanfk, Haaalaetared I obacco, ami an ine Pat. nt and Proprietary Mediciaea of the day, Pure W:::s and BaaKDIM lor Medicinal purpose?, Saperioi Inks, Extracfa for Havonng, Landreth's warranted freafa and genuine Garden Seeds, always on hand in the proper season, Choice Toilet and Fancy Articles, Ac, &c. . . ii .i Campbine and Burning Fluiil Lamps, Lam)) Cbimneya and Siiades, together with a large lot o Buiimuz Flaidaad Camaaibe, daiaiae, ate., constantly ; , on hand. I V make our purchases for Cash, and oiler goods equally aa low as they can be obtained from any 1 itar raiablisbmcat in this section, and we will war- rant them to be pare, fresh and genuine. CJ" Orders from the Country promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed, with regard both to price and , c;nality. ' Eiiv-j,i::i"- ProMRrij!inias will receive i tn rt ii'i. t NIGHT. attention at ail hours oi ine i.i.-ii PRITCHARD r rJ--, IS.':!. CALDWELL. I9tf ovuib 1CC3. Fall ImportatioiiB. CAXCBCFT, BETTS & MARSHALL, s. c. UIIARLI w 'II awain invite the attention Mil If GOODS, in the S. r St. .. t';. ...;! ii.r fall Ifi i.i eiir ptirchaaera ol lutb and Boatii-Weati de. To Merchants to I W hu nnr i !iav visit ! pur M irket ihc paft aeaai ti.e!. and become aeqn;iisitd with nnr n, pxamiued facilities i'or buaiuwa it is iifiiice ssury in .) i.iiii . off r induce. . . j . .. . . .ii. . tt r i a h i : i . i.i. li.i t ,( k baa h. a m I. ct d with preat ears bj two of our i.nncx (mm .-,11 the Brtncinle European Markets. Our ix-l.-s .i,l r.ihries will hu faund In tier adapted S iuth nto the cm an. n t iste uutry. 1U b s tiii.n any is imported We u -!i it dir-'inetlv understood by buyers that We h:i;oit all (mi reeds. and. are able and deter- luiacd tn sell them as IW I he s Hue qualities :ire sld in any market in the Wc offer in our uited S:;.t, ff. Laxiks Dress Goods Department, afull and complete assortment of ail the newest styles Liid tahrics, scch as S7 '''.', SulitiSt JflttrctliHCS De Chines, Cushmtfct Robes, Mortt J)e. Luiues, Brocade nl Plain Aljiacus, Ft each s ml German Merinocs, Bombazines, Sat in J)v Lain s, Sii VeicetSt Crapes Laces, French, .Scotch and Em git Gitigkams and Fn.nts. Asn, Long and Stnare Shau s, Crape Shawls, Mantillas, Mintes, Cloth, Velvet, aid Sill; I 'hi in and Embroifkred YisetUs, and ClmtLs, Swiss and French Euibroitk ries, in great variety ; W'ht Goods, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Laces, S c., J-u. full and complete asr-ortmcnt of Goods for Millinery Purposes. Hosiery. In this department we i lli-r very possible variety of SilU Cotton and Worsted Hose anil ball It se, .t!;, Me rino and Cotton Under Garments Kid, Beaver, Puck, Silk, Wo. ih n and Cotton ( J loves ce., iiC. We pay particular attention to this department of our business, and embrace all the leading articles wanted. IA ijcni an! .i ii-. n GotHls. We offer in this depaitmcat a full and complete tack of 0, 7, 8.9, and 10J Bleached and P.rown Daautaks, Table Covets, all styles, Diaper, Towels, Damask Napkins, Damask Doyles, Dow. as, Crash, (Jr.is Lim-ns, S, 10, and 2 Lin n Sbcctiaffw, Pillow Linens, -J and 1 4th Iiish Linens, Marseilles and Lancaster Quilts, &c, See. Elrontl ClotliK, CassimeMrcs. Vestiags, and Tailor's Goods. Li tbi; department we embrace ;.ll the best makes of ! r reucii. v.ruian, cngiisu anu American uiotns, Ciissiniercs and Veatings, Black and Colored Silk and S.itin Vesting, Velvet do., 3 ami ti--lth Englitdh and American Tweeds, Keutnekv Jcaas, Si tl i in Is, Linse vs. Plain and Plaid Cloak Liningf, Canvass, Paddias, Si Tw ist, Cutton8, Dlankcts, I'Ltittti'!.. Kerseys, Daaics li-i &c Wc after in this department of our business a most lull and couiph Is assor'ment of English and American Blankets Negro Goods of all qualities, Linen and Cotton Osnabures and Colored Cottenades, ail sty I. s ; White, Red aad Slue Flannels, and Pleached and Brown Domestics, all qualities. Carpels, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Curtaia Stuff oVc. We pay particular attention to this part of our basi licas, arid can supply every article in the H .use Furnish, mg Line, Mich us English, Scotch, and American Tapestry, Venetian, three ply, and Ingraic Carpets, all qualities; Floor Cloths, from I yard to tj yards in width, Rags, Mats, Cantou Mattiag, Stair Rods, Bindings, Rich Silu Damasks, Worsted nnd Cotton Damasks. Face and Muslin Car. tains, Lin ;is, Gimps, Fringes, Tassels Cornices, &c, &c. Wc arc prepared in 'his department to furnish nn3' ! Hoods wanted tor Hotels, Steam Boats, and Private j Houses, ad fit them up in the best style and manner. BANCROFT, BETTS, ev .MARSHALL, Xus. 'JOS) ami 211, Kiko Stkkkt, Corner of MaUKT, CHARLESTON, s. C. Sept. S3. 1833. 10-1 y. IVa. ALLSTOH GOl'RDIil, Factor and Commission Aletchunt, NO. 73 BAST BAT, CHARLESTON, S. C, Is prepared to make libera! advances on Consignment . ot Rice, Cotton, Corn, Sugar, Flour, Grain, Hay, Ice GUANO, GUANO, GUANO. Genuine Peruvian Guano. W.i. Allston Gouasia, Agent, I i For the States of South Carolina, North Carolina, 1 ! : ii l T titi'isid. .-Maudtna aim i llll:4cc. Also, Agent lor Baltimore c Southern Packet Co.'s Steam-ships. Oih'.-e 73 East Bay. September 23, 53. 10-ly GEORGE N. HOPE, PLAIN A N D O R N A M E NT A L Residence next house to the Cuiholii: Church, Cii:irloltc, N. C. Orders from the country ptinc tjnllv attended to. March 84, '31.-1 v. V LARGE stock of Chimisetts, Colors and Ender sleevcs, &cc, f r sale at SPJi A'.' T, DANIEL & CO.'S j.o nun" M. W. C I I V I EE, ST. A No. ITfl East 15 iv, (opposite the site of New Custom House,) CHARi.ESTON, S. O., Importers of, and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials, Segars, Tobacco, And Manufacturers of Lemon Syrup of Superior Quality. Keeps constantly on hand an extensive supply of the following articles, which they are prepared to sell to City and Country Merchants on their usual liberal terms. CoiiN.ic Rramjv J. J. Dopoy, J. I. Ronase, Pinet, UastillonA io.,J Ueaaesy, P. il.Godard-A Co-Leger Freres, Otard, Uupuy & ''o., .!. oc F. M artel and other choice brands, in half pipes, quarter and eighth casks, sad in bodies of 1 doz. each, Amkhican Bkani.v 1th Proof, in imitation of French, in hall pipes, quarter and eighth cask?; and 1st Pteof, in barrels. rJoixaxb Gin Pineapple, Anchor, Cologne and Clover Leaf brands. Waissxt Irish and Scot, h: Mononirahela. 1st and 2d quality ; O'Mara, Pittsburg. Shi at Rye and Bourbon ; Baltimore, aVestern live, ami New Orleans rectified. Rra Old Jamaica, bt. Croix. New Orleans and New England. Peach Bis aniy Old North-Caro ina and Virjrinia. Apple Buandy New 'ersey and Nor h-Carolina. Coudials NoyeaUj Perfect Love, Aaatsette, Rose, Cim anion and Peppermint. Win.-' Madeira; NewtVm, Gordon, Cossat & Co., Lear or k and Jardine, in quarter and eighth casks ; Pour, Page's, Key and other choice brands: Sukkky, Pale, and Bkown, Duff, Gordon A Co., Jjenitau and other; choice brands; Tsnkbiffe, Featoso's London Particular i and Cargo ; Sicily AIaokiba, quarter casks ; Malaga, dry and sweet, in quarter and eighth casks. London Poktek Byass1 quarts anil pints ; Scotch, and East India Alb, quarts and pints. Champagne Cideb Boxes, one dozen each; Casks, three and six dozen each. Wink Bittebs, boxes,) (oniu vi.. (assorted) C la bet, Madeiba, Pobt, and Shebby, Winks, one dozen each, and on ii aught. CiiAMPACiNE, in baskets, one dozen each, quarts and pints Flag, Heidseiek Boiiche, Calhoun, and other brands; Tiiu- above comprise sonic oi the finest Wines imported. Lemon Sybup, and Jamaica Lime Jimce, in half pipes, quartet casks, barrels, kegs, and in boxes ot one dozen each. Sabdixes, in whole, hair and quarter boxes. WHOLESALE AT THE CHARLESTON CASH STORE. FOURTH STORE FROM THE OT WITHSTANDING (he fuss about the great ever, and now inform th- public, that we have GOODS in S;ire, ns always ;i larger assortment 111" 11 t- town, and we woub idvise i vervnuuy tvjs.ntiir to sell them AS CHEAP AS EVER Our Stock of READY-MA DE CLOTHING is larger than it h;:s ever been,. and is larger than any in town, we have paid particular attention to this branch, and all we say is, WE DON'T WANT TO BE UNDERSOLD, but will always he lower :!iun any one else. As usual we have every o'.her article, which belongs to a general assortment, such as a full assortment of r fcOi Si J DVLVJ)ri J2J U J Ll -a fctirsi rui t nnR WA7 ,; ncTiir? ir And also all kinds I;i conclusion we would sav, that we are always hit vino- everv article of Produce comintr into tins place rUK LAfell. 1 be re (ore Merchants lrorn giving us a call, as we are always ready to pay the highest Market price for each article. We have paid particular attention this season, lo lay in every small article generally kept in Country Siores, and we are confident to be able to sell as low as can he bought in Charleston for Cash. October 21, 1853. 1-1:1 DUUCKER & SUMMERS. For Sale, BELVOIR, NEAR LENOIR, CALDWELL COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. rj'HlS place, late the residence of the undersigned, is L ottered for sale on very accommodating terms, pri vately until the Jirst -Monday in July next ensuing, when if not previously disposed of, it will be put up to the highest bidder at public auction. The tract of Land comprises 2SO ACUSS, oO to 66 of which is first rate bottom under the plow. From 70 to SO acres ot good upland is also in cultiva tion ; the remainder of the tract in woodland. The Dwelling House, a Cottage or nee, contains four Iargf and convenient rooms on the ground floor, with dining room, store room, pantry and library attached by a covered way. There are also on the place a barn 70 by two stories high and very conveniently arrang ed ; stables for milch cows and horses ; all other neces sary out buildings, such as kitchen, neirro houses, &c.; a growing and thrifty orchard containing about li.O trees of different kinds of fruit just beginning to hear. The situation is one of the irost pleasant and im provable in the State, commanding a full view of tho finest mountain scenery and falling off beautifully in every direction fiom the house. To any gentleman in ' the low country desiring a cool, healthy and pleasant summer residence it presents an eligible choice. Fur ther information may be obtained of the undersigned, 1 I bv addressing him at Charlotte or Lineolnton. T. S. W. MOTT. January 13, 1854. 25tf MANSION I! 0 T E L . H A T . T St Ti TT T? V tCt C HPIIE undersigned having taken charge of this HOTEL, 1 situated on tiie North Corner of the Court Ili.ust . re- spectfnlly informs the 'ravelling public tl it it e.'iil be her aim to keep up to the fullest rxtent a bieh this house has her tofbrc sustain the reputation for its comfor- table accommodations abroad. No pains or expenses spared to render satisln A all who may favor her with a call. From her long txperiir.ee, she is confident none will have cause lo complain. The House will, at all limes, be supplied with a suf ficient number of well trained and attentive servants, nnd Ihe furniture kept in the best ortier. T52i: 'T IBLE shall constantly be supplied with the very best the market can command. The Stage Office I'or all the principal Stage Lines, i" kept at this Hotel. The great Northern and Southern Mail lines arrive and depart Daily ; also, the Western via Lineolnton to Abbe ville, Tri-weekly. til. .;-!. . Attached to the Hotel are large, comfortable, ami atten ded by the very best Ostlers in the country. Trusting that by stru t attention to the wants of the public, not only to retain the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed o.i the Hotel, but to merit an increase ANN BUOWN. Salisbury, De c. 16, 1653. 24 6m. ROBERT A. fOvGl'E, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public lhat he is now receiving large additions to iiis S t c k S" J v w c I r y , & c . In addition to b;s .ormer stock, he has received a new and extensive assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Mantel Clocks of every variety. Silver and Plated Ware, a large variety ; Military and Fancy Goods, Guns, Rifles, ; Sportsman's Apparatus, fine Pocket and Tublc L'alHry. His assortment ot F a RCJ CJ o o d s Will be found to comprise a large number of new and j elegant articles, and il is bis design uoi to be surpassed in Ihe taste and elegance of bis selections, and his prices Will be found on examination to be as moderate as at j anv other establishment in the Sooth. T bank fa! for past favors, he solicits a continuance of tin patronage ' aia lormtr friends anu custom rs. Columbia, Sept. 30, '53 11-ly NEATLY DONE AT THIS OFFICE. T. H. CEOFT. 31 AND, fe CROFT, Lobsters, Mackerel, Salmon and Clams, in Mtf KEREi,. Salmon and Clams, in 1 lb canisters. East India Preserved Cinger, in boxesof 9jarseach. Fr.E.Ncii Cherries in Brandy, in boxes oi one dozen each. Fki its in Brandy, in boxes 1 dozen each, assorted. Do. in their own juice, do. do. Pie Fri.its, do. do. Stuarts & Lover i no's Steam Refined Sugars. Loaf, in boxes and hall boxes of 10 loaves each Crushed, in barrels; ground or pulverized, i n barrels ; Sieain Refined Candy, in boxes, of 45 lbs. each. Alwonos. Best Bordcau and Marseilles, soft and hard shell Castile Soap, of superior quality, in boxes of about 2.') lbs. each. Soap Jackson's No. 1. ConKS, Velvet Wine, in ba'esand ba of 7 gross each; Common Bottle, bag's of 7 gross each ; Jug and lap, bags ol a gross eaeii ; elver. iJeiiiijouu, ougs oi i aim gross each. Vinegar, White Wine, in quarter casks ; Cider or Apple, in barrels. Segars. A large assortment of Rio Hondo-, Consola eion, Filaiitropa, Washington, and other choice brands, of direct importation. Also, Floridas, Havana Cheroots and Cuba Sixes. Tobacco". P. Robinson's celebrated, IJoney Dew lb. plug?, in whole and hali'boxcs ot'100 lbs. each; Rough and Ready, in Icegs of about I'M) lbs. each; World's Premium Ti.li ceo, in 5's, S's and f lb ; Kl Dorado, in boxes 40 to 4, ll.s. each, and a variety of other brands, in ,5's, S's and j li. plugs. Smokinu Tobacco, in Boxes of 5 and 8 doz. 4 and 8 oz. ra pers. Wim: Bottles French and German Patent, in ham pers, one gross each. Flasks. Quart, Pints and Half Pints. Demijohns. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 gallons. Candles. Sp rm. Pearl and Adamantine, Pickles and Sauces. Tea-. Dyson, Imperial and Black. Sept, 3, 1353. JO-ly. TAIL, CORNER OX GRANITE ROW. rise in Goods, we urn still able to sell as low ns our FULL STOCK OF FALL & WINTER can be found with us than at any other lionise in I . - . .. nuicnuse, to satisiy tiiemsc-lvcs wbetner we can't WW WE'D -j of Fancy Goods. a distance having any to sell, will do well by CHARLOTTE SADDLE & HARNESS MANUFACTORY. r HE Subscriber respectfully informs the public that be is always prepared to furnish of his own .Ma a a- lacture, a most elegant outfit in the way of Saddles, ISridlcs asid Elarfiiess. From his experience in the business, he l'eels confident that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to his customers. He has oa band and will constantly keep a large assortment of Carriage, Gig, Sulky, and Buggy Harness; Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, S-c. His Saddles consist of the following varieties PVorSh Carolina Saddles, Kentucky 2o. Cas'pesiter's lo. DecaUii lo. Ke has also a variety of Saddles made expressly for per sons travelling a long distance, and warranted to wear well. Besides a large assortment of Saddles, Moss, Blankets, Harness, Drovers Whips, liuggy Whips, Boy's Saddles, together with all manner of He will sell on the most reasonable terms, either by Wholesale or retail. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Saddle Bags, &c, made to order. Call and examine at my Establishment, one door East of Springs & M'CIoud's store. ROBERT SHAW. Nov 1853. 18 tf Notice. LL those indebted to the firms of Fox &. Orr and fL Fox & Caldwell, or to myself individually, are re quested to make immediate payment. In my absence the Books and Accounts will be in the hands of Mr. J. P. Smith, who is authorised to settle the same. C. J. FOX. Charlotte, March 14, 1854. u-tf BOYNE &. SPROWLE, COLUMBIA, S. C, T") EG leave to inform the citizens of Charlotte and Jf) vicinity, that they are prepared to furnish i-UllUlXlfcULH, A UfflOS, X aoieiS, neac- Stones, &.c, at extremel)' low prices All orders for any article addressed to G. N. HOPE Charlotte, N.C., will meet with prompt attention. March 24, 1.-54. ' 35tf WINDOW SHADES, CURTAIN GOOJIS, MATRASSES AT GREAT BARGAINS. T"; HE subscriber has in store, of his own manufacture nd importation an enormous stock of WINDOW SHADES, Gilt Cornices, Paper Hangings, Matrasses, Satin Delaines, Damasks, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Tassels, Loops, &.C. All of which are offered at prices tnat are ho - Out ! rTHE Notes and Accounts of the late firm ot MOSS, 1 BELL iv CO. have bei n placed in my bands for col lection, and those indebted mist not expecf longer in dulgence, aa it cansot be given. luly 22, 1853. ltf JOAB P. SMITH. LOOK AT THIS I HE Notes and Accounts of JOHN WELLS have been placed in niy bands for collection. Those in i debted to him are requested to come forward and settle up t an early day, as the business of the concern must i'f ilosed. .TOAD P. SMITH FehS4, 185-1. 31 tf T. AMAND. AID :r,;i i7i rncTF1 spur, ciatcd bv all close buyers and economical 'hmir work, that we can ti.rmsh AIUN L .! EN I S. T 1MIN is dailv weakenina vour constitution, irntatit.:' use-keepers. TABLETS. HEADSToNKS, and everything in oi.r line oi ! and lungs, ar.d inviting on that dreed disease, af? 11 W KINSMW 177 Kino- i o..s.;.. sS .n t.ruei snjie ana at chiujiti sans than any yard I when so soothing ana Heahntf a remedy can t fgKMtmm u ,oi - , " i . o n in ihe country. i Dr. Rogers' Svruo ol Liverwort and Tar. .Mar --i, o4 ly t, narleston, te. L. hen it is considered that we saw nnr n-n IVTarW, ! llnvm ni ( v.,,..i..r';.,is ,mi Mn. lr.,:iniior s '. 1 . CHEAP WATCHES WHOLESALE AND RETAIL IT X ir. i A RE now receiving and opening Tl one of the largest stocKs ot GOODS ever opened in the State, at prices that defy competition. CALL AND EXAMINE AT T. TROTTER & SON'S Jovclrj' Store, No. 5, Granite Row, opposite Sadler's New Hotel. Charlotte, Oct. 4, 1853. 1 4tf MARINE AND POCKET CHRONOMETERS DUPLEX AND Repeal ins Watches. BY APPOINTMENT 'JO THE ADMIRALTY. WILLIAM DIXON, Cbronomcter & Watch Manufacturer, 45 KIKO SQUARE, GOSWELL KOAD, l, o m o x . nHIS Certifies that the accompanying Watch, No. J lo51(3, is warranted by me to be ot my manufacture, and no Watch with my name upon it is genuine, unless accompanied by a Certificate bearing my signature. I guarantee the Watch No. 1551G to keep time to the satisfaction of the purchaser. W. DIXON. THESE WATCHES have a high reputation for be ing superior time-keepers. Imported and for sale by TflOS. TROTTER & SOX, Jewelers, Granite Row. November 11. 71 tf Right Side Up" : pHARLES T. EBERHAKD &, CO., are still carrying J on the BOOT AND SHOE MAKING, , at their old stand two doors below Parks &. Hutchinson's ! Store, where all work wanted in their line can be ob j tained. (O" All kinds of READY MADE WORK on hand and for sale. Also, superior OIL BLACKING, by the wholesale and retail, manufactured by C. T. Ebcrhard, ! LTA11 persons indobted for lust year arc requested i to conic and settle their accounts. We must have money. C. T. EBEUHARD & CO. ! March 3, '54. 3G-t Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!! And nothing- but Clothing, AT Fallings k Co.'s Emporium of Fashion, NEXT DOOR TO SADLER'S HOTEL, Clmrlotte, W, C, YTIiERE can be found the largest and brSt. stock ol SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING ever offer ed in North Carolina, all of which will be sold at our usual low rates for CASH. Our S;oek consists in part ol" the following articles, viz : Coats. Eng. Al French PrabD'Ete Sacks, Frock & DrcssOoats, i American and r rench Cloth do. do do do j Oashmnrett Cashmarett Cassi.ncr do do du I Canton Cloth Sacks, Tweed Feltos and Sacks, i Alpacca do do Brown and Buff Linen Frocks and Sacks, Pants. j American, English and French Cassimerc PANTS, i English and French Drab D'Ete do Cashmarett Cassimere Silk-warp (very fine) Io Fancv Summer Cassimere and Tweed do Marseilles, Linen Drills, C heck, &, Cottonade do Also, Silk, Cotton, and Merino Shirts and Undershirts, Merino, Limn and Cotton Drawers, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Portmonnais and Umbrella!', Black Silk and Fancy Cravats, Hair Oil, Perfumery, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bag's, Hats, Caps, and, in tiict, everything to be found in a Gent's Furnishing Hou.'ie. We have also, a lull stock of BOYS' CLOTHING, of all sorts, sizes, kinds and qualities at prices to suit the times. In conclusion, wc would return our thanks to the citi zens of North and South Carolina, tor their liberal pat ronage bestowed upon us since we have been with them, and if selling Good at low prices will insure a continu ance of the same, it shall he done at the EMPORIUM OF FASHION, March 24, 1354 35lf by FELLINGS it Co. SADDLES, HARNESS, At 10 per cent, off for Css!s ! BOM E MA N UFACTlj Ii E. HE subscriber again calls the attention of the citi zens of Charlotte and surrounding country, thel he T has opened a Saddle and Harness Shop in this p'ace, (3 doors south of Sadler's Hotel,) where he is maonfae turing SADDLES and HA UN ESS of the best material and 5.0 per cent, below t lie usual price?. Ho will man. iiiiictnre Saddles cheaper than Northern Saddle scan be bought in this place. Every article warranted what he represents it, or the money refunded aft;r3 months trial. My stock of Saddles will consist of the following: English, from s5 to $10 French, 1 Spanish, Kent u c !,y Mexican, Lady's Batt-wing Lady's Common Wa go n Race, (Eng. style) Santa Fe, 1 0 to 60 1 1 to 30 10 to 10 50 to 3b0 (if ordered.) .13 to 89 6 to 35 4j to 7 25 to 40 11 to 30 12 to 10 Camanche, And last, but not least, North Carolina Saddles of the best quality, from $5 to 830. I h ive also on hand Stir rups of the best quality, from 25 rents to $3.50 per pair, s, from 15 cents to !.2.50 ; Whips from 124 ct. to rip ii rs 8.50 ; Harness, single,' from $10 to 850; Double H ir ness, from 620 to $100 and higher if ordered; Bitts from 15 cts, to $3 ; Riding Bridles from $1 to $G ; all of winch I offer for sale lit 10 per cent, off for cash. REPAIRING done at the shortest notice and in a su perior manner. All kind of Country Produce will be taken in ex change for work done, &c. March 17, lt'54 34tf WM. WHEAL AN. j MEDICAL NOTICE." j ysy.. P. C. CALDWELL has associated his son, Dr. J JdSEPII W. CALDWELL, with him in the Prac- I tiee of Medicine. Oiiice, 2nd story in Ehns' new brick ! bui!linr, near the Courthouse. .March 24, 1654, 35. tf N, B. All persons indebted to mc by accounts are requested lo settle the same at an early day. Mai 1 C. CALDWELL. ; " J. C. Rankin, Wm. 31. IJarlick, George L. v ts,, oummt u, I T lf.f. CO t, T, . tf. , . . r. . T --t ' . . (5i.iyVr-3suan i kj .. a i iv iabu.n az iu. "TH IS establishment has been in successful ojieration for a X number of years. The Quarries are well opened, and the maible is superior to any in the United States. iVe have so pertected our facilities tor geumj out and fin- jobber's profits, and no hiyh height from the North, it Will be SCfri that xcf. r.a Ttti4uec tittit i-,,l ,1 . n .- material advantage over all comorii. lOTJ; .. ,. . Price, SI per bottle, or six bottles for 85. ..viD.'1! V e cord.ally sohcit our friends and the public to examine 1 80" Sold wholesale and retail by SCOVIL & j'.' -our work, and compare out prices with those of other yaids j Chart res St. Iietween Conti and St. Louis, New be uie orderiiifr nnh.rr U.AI I r .u t; I e ... ,.11 ,rricr m ... , , " .i u i i.e. JVe: have on harjd at our yard in Marietta a large assortment ofhmshed uK.M..ut:nituts,TaLk-ts,A-c. where our a.ent Mr. O. W. Summers will sell at our prices. Our principal u,a la uum- m ill- .u;i,s. ACtuees J. G. RANKIN Ar Co. Q luro Marble Woik P. O., Ga. TAPPER and BAND LEATHER, aho fine TRUN KS U and VAI.l'. L. for sale, cheap, bv July yn R SHAW. DR. J. B. MARCIlISl'S CELEBRATED CATHOLICON, For the Relief and Cure of Suffering Foni, It stands preeminent curative powers in all i , , ' eases for which it is ,1 ! ' mvnded, usually calli , COlil FEMALE COMPLAIN,, Of these are Pbolaps, , , S ri, or Falling of ,C ri.eon a lb I s, or W,,, Chronic Inilamm in. ..' iiii,t. ulceration of the Wo Incidental Hemoui,,, Ulceration op nm in Aso rumuiii!! j r anwuL, SUM. PED, AND IRREGl'l .All S BHUAiiu iw:, will) ;, ,j wwwwiiii evus, (( . , , . -1 1 1 1 i i ! I I... ....... i "iic. vere or how long stand,,,,, ' The Catholicon far un 3 certain, les-s expeoii n '' ' ps mii,.'- remedies, in oeintl more leaving the system Ui a better condition Let til i, call anu ootain pauipiuei .mi""m6 umpic iltl ,i i i.-. i.i. i.,. ;,!... .... trom the most respectntile sources, oi ine Denenciai km , ' its use ; together with letters Ironi highly BSperiencffj jjfcJ Ciaas, vho have used it in their practice, and speak IrumtC own observations. EEFEREIVCES. P. B. PECKHAM, M. D., Utica, N. V. I. D. FLEMING, M. D., Rpchesier, N. M. II. MILLS, M. D., Rw luster, N. Y. 1). Y. FOOTE, M. D., Syracuse, N. Y. Prof DUNBAR. M. D., Baltimore, Md. J, C.ORR1CK, M. D.. Baltimore, Md. W. W. PEESF, M. D., New-York City W. PR ESCOTT, M. D.. Concord, N. H. J. P. NEW LAND, M. D-, Uiica, N. Y. Rev. C. S. BEARD, Glean Springs, S. ( . IKr Pamphlets to be had gratis at the Store of PRITCH ABBA- COLDWELL. Dniiists. Sole A.-cntB (or Chartm. N. C. Sold also by many of the leading Druggists in the S:nte' The following unsolicited letter was recently received licm Huntsville, N. C. HewrsTlLLE, Yadkin Co., N. C, Nov. 28th, 1853. Dr.. J. B. MarCHISI, Ni w-York Sin : I deem it my duiw to express to von my Buicera lhanks, lor your disccvery ol the celebrated Female Medicine. fCathoiieonA Mv wife kai been more or Jess trouhli d with flooding for ;)it or nut years, and found nothing to give her lehef, until by clianrt 1 heard of and got a bbrttle ol your nifd.cine. We Uu,i d it just the thing wanted ; it acted like a cha;in, and has givca her entire rebel ol a permanent character. VV ill) much respect your obedient servant, SignecU WILLIAM J. BOLIN. Letter Hildrcsstd to Mrssis. Bench & Biownsen. AoriitH i j xsewueny . . rl., ft. e ., uy Kcv. i . . l.iaid ol sun.eMau . til. ins Spiiixos, Jan. l'.'th, 1 1 "-.t. Messrs Bfacu A- Bsownson Suts: I send lo; anoihcf l -, " .., .... a, ...... . 1 - bottle ol your " .MaiehiM's ULfeime Cathohi on." My wii, has bevr. alllictrd for leven yeans, ur.d u vanity of means L. been resorti d to tor relief, but none w as obtained Ulltill I n. Ceived this riieetictne from von. Its influence seems ahnosj magical; ihens warf a mauiiest improvpment bom the day was inker.. Asthmc are a gieat many b males in our country iuboiinjf ttnder the aflliction lor which your mi dicine propose f a iiu.i. H dy, I ln.1 it u duty to nccorhnier.d it to ml si eh. ' (S,yned,) CLOCGll 8. BEARS CT JJ. S3. IttARClSISJ &; Co., E'roprlrlorn, Central Depot, ZV Broadway, N. Y. f May il, H551. 4'M in a CUYSO'lT'S ITeSZow SocIa :;::! Sareapnrilffi I TS now put ui) in the Lergi st Sized Bonks, end is aeki o X "edged to be the best Ssieaparilla niode, aa is ceitilud U Jl the Wonderful Cutes :t Ijas ;ei! iiiad, the Otigii.nl e-opirtd Jk which-are in the possession of the proprietor, lb na u .U I ibis is the i . I v true and orb!iial article'. Scrofula, Syphilis, Mercurial Ceini'lainu-, Cnncf r, Gangrm Kbeumai ism, and a vast vai n ty ot other disi ases a e sinid;:;, and perfectly cured by the use of tins medicine. 11 EA D THE FOL LO VV 1 N G C ERT1FI C A T Tall possa Co., Ala., Jan. 2. lsj;. Dear Shi : I send you this to certify to you thai jotrjS Extract of Yeiiow 1 leiek and Sarssrai ilia has pei luinad i oi the uioil woi.deib'.i ci;ies on ine that has evel Lien ttkOj d on man. 1 have been alllicted for forty years With eruptions on in leiis and tee' ; in 18 !a they goi so bad that 1 had to a cratches, and in ItWiPl had one kfi smpmati d uLoie ilc kiuc. In about nine lnonths alter my oil.er li l biokfai in larye eating a..d ruuuii y to is frOni my km e to n y Is and discharged a gaiatdiul 6 onensive awtter. Mj efti also bioke oui in large biles, v hieh elisi barged inicli ttio.. sive matter, and at the same time my lelt bin el LroLe oui large running soies i.t atly to my elln w. The misery that 1 hae ll'cu.il. L,.' the lin-t io rem I cannot describe t you. 1 was in tueli agony that Iwwt lesttd day or night. Iii October last my son brought me one of jfm Mmfc wappera; I read ir, ai.d toucd recoid ofsOmewonderlulowti performed by your' Eitiaci of Yt How Dock andSaisapirilliJ 1 sent and t;ot two buttles of it, and cohuuenctd lakiiig'tt In ittu Mi i k , to my great :,stoui.-hnieut, my sou sail fecMM easy, and I cotild sleep all night, a thing 1 had not duutat two years. W in n I had taken six bottles, my sores bad ratn) all In aii d. I have now usrti in all eight hollies ol yourfo tract ol Yeiiow :-'ocli i i d Saisaj aiillu," ar.d I now coudd myself well, I entu iit all the afilicud to try tliia medicine, for I lilo il will cuie any Uucwii d;siase in ihe world. Lay it prejudice and jiirt tty it, ai d pioclaini its i e :it Wollli le i feting mankind ar.d enttia; them to take it, lor it will CM them. My case is well known in a lartre portion of South Coicft na, Georgia and Alabama, and if any should doubt the bat cure, 1 invite them to call on me, and I will show ibcui lU sears. lean be toLnd :u Tallapoosa Co., Alsbeii a. one RM from Stoe's Ferry. K EN A J ATI HI I.IH.S. The Yellow Dock at-d Sarsaj aiilla ;s perhctly i.dnf trd : females ol delicate health, resulting bom irregtihiriiy ol ma Btrual discharges, and other disrates peetliat lo 'hen ri x. The proprietor has in his p session a gMi r i niler of r' . tdieaU s ot einr s, peili.niK d of the above, descriptieni. W assure the afflicti d, lhat a bottle or two of Dr. Gi yn ii'.- I v nact ol Yellow Deck ai.d Saipaparilla w,UI at once reguhal ihoiip difliduitie'e a: d n in the natuial eueuirs. Put bp in (riail hi nil p. Price PI per bottle. Sold Wholesale owl lietail by S( DV1L A M F.M Ulj Chanres sir. t, N w I bleeaa', Garrial A;' nts ft the- Beta ern S-iiies. to v. bom all Olders mi st be addressi d. &V"S ld also bv Fni.tr A Hsinhsh, Priichaid A CaU Charlotte : ('. ( '. Henderson, Lii.coluion ; Winehener k 8 Monroe; A. R. Ilotm sty, I ftelbyj J. Fronebtrgir A F Dallas : MurphV & Flack, v oncoic, ?v. C May VI, 1851. l!-('in DM. ROGERS IJTrriFori asid Tar, For the Coii'i'hle Cure of Coughs, Colds, . enza, Asthma, Biuialntis Spitting of Blood, and all other Lung Cunt plaints tending to CONS 1" M P T 1 0 N . This oreneration is s ttini; into use all over our (Vi.nl " I j l The numerous letti ;s uc receive from our various n:.ui.-. form in a u ol cutes Qecu d in then immediate ni'iglilioiliun a ! wanaui i.s in saying it is ur. ol the best, it not Ihe ut , i Cougn ?.F ii cine now belore the public, it almost iiAaiJ! I relieves and not uniit-iict-ntly cues the very worst cswfjl I When all other Cough pu i: atlonS have laibd, iliisUfJI : lievi d the i atiei.t, as Dm l'jisIs, drafeis in Mi d. ;r.'.',H ; PhysiCMU s can testily. Ash the A tent in vour neaiert J" whai has U tu Ilia . xoeiK iii e ot llu i t!i-e:l ot this il.'ll'1'' ; It be ha - been Belling, it for any lenath of nine hi will a".' IT IS THE BEST MEDICINE EXTANT. Below we give a lew extracts from letters we have lata" ' lately rrgatdms the viituta ol tins nudicine. Dr. S. S. Ool n, of Knoxvilie, Ga., sa I have I ' " I your Liverwort and '1 ar extensively in niy piccfi'f i ! years part, ai.d, it is with ih arute 1 siate iny bi be! in :!f,jl'J ! nority over all other articles w!h which 1 am aciiuai6)"J , which it is H'eoinmi i dtd." J 'isms. Fitzgerald A: Bani:trs, writit.g frtni Wayt'H ! N. C, say: "The Livei wort and Tar is b( ci iini 4 more punular w th.s Country, and wc think 'i;sny tU: I who have tried it sptak in comnvei dahe terms of :i. B , ii is veiy ueneaciai in ancviaiuig me compmiBis ioi Our A.m in Pickens District, S. C. M-. S. Ik yA-M assures ub " i bat he uses it with great benefit in '"" ."JB family, and reebmmenda it tb his peaihbo s." F- ; i instance nt a Neuro Woman, in his vicinity, who ; Urino ,u.i. AlmnM .,l'il,.. I ........ t... ... ..... .i...,,l,, vere cough, who was rel.e-v.d by the Liverwort aid ' Such are tbefeaou reports wo, hBarof this Mcdicic'1: pans or ine aouta. ror a report oi ine suiia :hl' iui .-.-,. ma .w.. m . :j v..-.i ....i p.isaa . i-e .... 1 1- .... , nit if Laiui il ui.u ..uiuitjii iiiiii i.i-".. ..... ... . . 1 . .ITUS we won tl inv.te the si.li. mi'' i.aiu nt to lead li.e- i-"i. wn'ch accompsiaii eafch" bmila To oil, wc say, la; ' 'lat' uo,)0 ' TRY THE MEDK INE ! ! 1 Be warned ir. season ! Ar.d nr;lect not that coue- i ice articles is signed Ai.ditw Rogeiy.on the engnH i i i i .i.. ! per around each bottle I AEepiS KIV IUC i.i. il I7inici., m wuuiu - : plications for Agencies must lie addiessd. - r.MW j ACT Sold also by Rsher i Heintish. Pritchard A ; . Charlotte : '. C. Henderson, Lmcohueu ; incls r g ."? Monroe; A. It. llomcsly, She'lhy ; J. rrout. 1 Dallas ; Murphy & Black, CoticatJ, N. C. ibe'feel May 12, 1S5I. .VII i ALL KINDS OP PLAIN. FANtij NAM ENTA L JOB P1UNTING - V. Y THE "t)EOCR.T OFt" 1 ' f pro I A Rux O It Loit A COI beu Hf USv. 1 Juni T ri 1 tl aam Attci I' ft s SC. Or nui SAL I diatelj Feb

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