F Blii PUBLISHED WEEKLY. A FAMILY PAPER DEVOTED TO POLITICS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES, MINING, AND NEWS. PRICE $2 PER YEAR In Advance. ROBERT P. WAKING, Editor. Cfjr fafrs Sistinrt hb tijc Siljooi, but one 115 tljt $m RIFIS M. UERRON, Publisher. NO. 47. VOL. 2. CHARLOTTE, N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 16, 1854. Sfiusinrss (Curbs, &f. 2. k YiasiB. lt!orn y at Imr, ' c ti Loner gait's Brick Building, 2nd floor. AKL0T1 B, It. c. RHETT & ROBSON, FACTORS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ae. 1 2 Atlantic WhatJ, CHARLESTON, S. C. Jf Liberal advances made on Consignments. ," Special attention given to the sale ol Floor, Corn. Ac , and from o i 1 oj experience in the bosiacen, we el connderd '.i CIT102 salifaeioa. From the Southern Agriculturist. What should be the Ciller Crops of the .south ? Corn and cotton in the cotton planting States, have by common custom become the universal crops ol' extensive cultivation. How far this shift usual, the results are most marked and satislac- ) From the Philadelphia Ledger. lory. The former mode is preferred and the ap- ' Pa lest i tie Mortftigvd to the Rothschilds. plication in the lull discoursed. It is not in that j It is said, abroad, that Pafentine has been inort case agrneral improver and often presses the corn j gaged to the Rothschilds, as security for a loan forward so as to expose it to serious injury by an advanced to the Sultan. The rumor further as earlv drought. The late annlMnliiui dnrmo- the ' serts thr.f om.mn Em&sihilities of the fiifnrp. is is correct, is not entirely proved by its universal- cultivation of the crop of corn makes a very -'a- j the erection of Palestine, on the conclusion of a ity, nor by the prejudices which sustain it in the I vorable impression upon the weedy crop of wheat 1 peace, into a Jewish kingdom, under the dynasty the minds ol planters. Indian corn, indigenous and will secure the best results if 75 lbs. to the ol the Rothschilds. That serious territorial "altera' to the soil, was perhaps the most convenient and acre is added when the wheat is sown. Thus lions willirrow out of the nendinn war. is i neon- grain are secured from tha applies- I testible ; and this suggestion regarding Palestine, profitable when the country was first settled, and j two crops of when an abundant and easily prepared crop, to tion of two March 17, IP54. 31-Cm Dry Goods in Charleston, So. Ca. II I? IV A IX A ICEMAN, IMPORTERS )J' DRY GOODS, Nus. 20'J and 21 I Kiag streit, corner of Market Street. CHARLESTON, S. ('. PI nit ition Wimlcns, Blaakcln, A-c, Carpetiags and f'urtaia Material, Silke and Rich Dress Goods, Cloaks, .M nitid is and Shaw la. Terms t'asli. One Price Onlv. M ircli I 7, I 85 1 34-ly RANKIN, PULLIAM & CO., Importers and Wholesale Ilealers in KOKi:i: AMI DOMESTIC ST A r LB A.U FANCY B)&T km O&0UQWG, Ml. I .SI MEETING STKEET, nepi 23, '53 1 y Ci 1 A RLESTON, S. C. supply ttie wants of tjotli man and beast, was a requirement of the times. In this relative value, it still is the most valuable crop grown on the vir gin soils of the Middle and Southern of the Wes tern States, lor it luxuriates upon the vegetable matter abounding in new soils, and with little pre paration and indifferent culture, yields large re turns for labor bestowed. Such, however, is not the case in older States, where the cream of the land has been stolen away imperceptibly by the most exhausting systems to winch tilled soil has hundred and twenty-five pounds of! however visionary it may seem, is, therefore, no' Both Irish and sweet potatoes are greatly That Palestine should fall into the possess, on of some other people than the Turks is desirable, on guano benefitted by the application cither broadcast or in the hill or drill From the Southern Agriculturist The Sweet Potato Its Culture aud Pre servation. Messrs. Editors : Believing it to be a doty we all owe one another to relate our experience in die cultivation, successfully, of any or all plants, and having been a reader of your paper now for several years, thereby iriviriL' us much valued in. many accounts. Sin. as it It it a distance M. W, WXbfiHAXS k (DO, PANAMA, LEGHORN, FUR, SILK & WOOL CIIAKM roN OPPOSITE 2:i, 53 I V HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. '."HEN. LEOPOLD colIN. N. A. COHEN & COHN, 1 M !' 'HTEKS AND I.TVLEIIS IN (10-1 v.) CHARLESTON, S. C. i mil . ii r i j.t fi.tw-t . mm , I , ,-. e I 1 l FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ' 7 a I tST V , - " ao. 175 east bay ' houl being injured. A barley crop j vwu (vim guano, conon seen, or well prepared ! compost manure, after the cotton crop is gathered WtRDLtW, WALKER BFRXSIDE, 'n liecember and January, would come off suffi- - ' J avim inn SIUUUIC HOW II 111 Jli'aS IO be turned under in autumn, and the rotation of small grain wiih this system pursued, would he me beat and most efficient mode of improving oui ...-.! i : i . i - . . J "irewM ana, laKing ten years crop- struction, for which we are trulv trrateful, and de- siiing to afford our mite in the production of a val uable root which has been very successful in our hands, and-may induce others to follow the exam ple, to their benefit ; and not to be tedious, we will state that our object in this article, is the produc tion, cultivation and safe keeping of Sweet Pota toes of the yam variety, hoth yellow and red, be ing the experience of nearly twenty years, (having at ail tunes an abundance lor my own lainily and seed to sell ;) my potatoes never rot. In the first place, as early in Februan' as the season will admit, or by tfie first Of March at fur thest, spade out a trench, say 4 feet wide, 25 feet long 12 inches deep, then fill the trench with good, sound cotton seed, which I prefer, or fresh stable manures, well forked, so that the long may be eouaflv distributed with the short, wet it verv iren. a time when a few v with water, or let it remain a few days if there cotton crop without j8 proSpect of rain ; when the eround becomes . , t sufficiently dry to be worked, cover the cotton seed or manure with well pulverized earth to the depth of 5 or 6 inches, rake smoothly and evenly, and then carefully lay down your seed so as not to touch each other ; when the bed is full (the size ping together, the Indian corn crop is the most uncertain we can plant. It is difficult to grow on any but virgin or alluvial soil, and the droughts ol summer, except in extraordinary and most fa vorable seasons, cut it oir to a ruinous extent. The corn crib is called the st jre house of the. ..I : . i . o . . i . j i i i j i"""ir' "i mu oou.n, anu inu eu it is ins main dependence. But this is only because he is not j accustomed to interweave other crops with the l cultivation of cotton. On improved and well pre j pared soil, barley and wheat would yi'-ld more j bufhels of grain of more value to the planter than j Indian corn. In fact, bailey is the most valuable j grain which we cultivate at' the South, it sown ; at the proper season, it readily perfects itself from j the winter moisture in the eanh, and yields hea vily. It is fine soiling for all kinds of stock, and comes into harvest in May, j days can be spared from the 1 1 . n in . i t . , . t . . -. I- 1 . r ovinoicui lu us ynnni or prouuction. Its Train j is so well protected, that it is not liable to he I spoilt by exposure to the weather, and it may lie AND CO M M ISSIG N M E RCI I A NTS, No::ilI ATLANTIC WtlARf, CHARLESTON, S. C. y tommiaaMM fur e!!is4 Chiton Fifty cent.-; per Halt . Sept 2'.. 1 -".. 10-1 v. i ... kinuimnni in uitr uiiei conon crop, l) the plow mo under ol the berbaee in the fall vh;cli M i , . , B. ., "ciuago iu ine lan.wntcn j w,ih sprouts growing very luxuriantly ..j ,4VWIIIj.VJOU 11' t.it; iie.l spring. Barley, ground and mixed w ith the straw, re duced to chaff by a cutting machine, is better food tor horses and cattle than any preparation of In dian corn, and tc those nersnna urkn Iniu r...i ' " " .1 r X. V I nulla, simply soaking the grain in water is a fine preparation for feeding to horses. Swine fatten j and keep in condition more easily on birley than on corn. As a conclusive argument in its favor, ! more barley can be cheaply grown on an acie of improved dry upland, than we can grow of corn. W heat sown with guano in like manner after the ' cotton crop, would come in at a season when the ! harvesting could be attended la without detriment ; and alter the cotton crop is laid by, ami in the in- lerval between that lime and the commencement ; o picking, the threshing and preparing it for mar ket or the mill, could be attended to without bin d ranee. The middlings, shorts and bran of a large wheat crop, all mixed together, would go far to feed the plantation stock, and negroes would relish wheaten bread as a change; for the corn bread usually allowed to them. W e would, from these few reasons stated, and many more needless to mention, recommend the reduction of the com crop to such a degree as would throw all lands not naturally producing In dian corn well, into wheat, barley, rye and oats. We would then cultivate our tilled crops we. I and easily, and the avenues the system would open for improvement would soon repay for the experiment. We know thai these recommendations will be met with by all the objections winch nreiudice and the tyranny of custom engenders in those who cleave to old practices and theories, but as they are con vicMons of true policy, we have no hesitation in link will bed ten bushels) cover the potatoes with well pulverized earth to the depth of 4 inches, rake smooth and cover the cotton seed about 3 inches deep, hoe up the earth all round the bed and pack with the spade, (this keeps in the heat) When the weather geta warm and settled, remove the ll I pnlNin ..... ,! frwv, fliQ !.-.-. .rtl-.rt 1.. 1 1 h j ,v. v. ii win nil. HM wi tins UVU U1JIJ lilKC Slliilll wou.d also be filled to the economical I i . .-l: : e ' B , , ...io Mto ii mu, .-.miuuiii tuiwur iui iiiesnroui: from the central government, and liable contin ually to the exactions of Pachas, or the indifference of Governors, it offers no sufficient inducements for capital to settle there, or industry to remain. It is consequently in a state of progressive decay, agriculture is neglected, trade finds little to support it, and ignorance, superstition and vice domineer over the land. From the farthest shores of Nazareth to the Southern waters of the Dead Sea, a curse seems to hang over the country, blighting it like a pestilence, or a flight of Egyptian locusts. There was a time, however, when Palestine was the most flourishing region, perhaps, on the face of the glohe. Its vallies were filled with the low of cattle its terraced hil 1-sides glowed with golden erops; the vine dotted the landscape with purple grapes; and an almost continuous line of villages crowned the acclivities, in sight of each other, from ihe desert of Idutnea on the south to Mount Libanus on the north. There is reason to believe that at the beginning of the Christian era, the whole land w as like a vast suburb. The four From the w York Herald. Senator Bousttts s SpeeeA to the Peoolo in .Yew York. The Young Men's Democratic Utuon Club ser enaded Senator Douglas, on Saturday evening, nt the St. Nicholas Motoi, w here he is now stopping. At an early hour in the evening the report of the intended serenade was rumored about the city, and at 1 1 o'clock a large company of citizens were gathered in front of the hotel, waiting to see the Senator. A little after midnight, Dodworth's brass band, numbering thirty pieces, arrived upon the ground under the escort of the Union Club, and opened with " Hail Columbia," played in admira ble style. Following this was played the 41 Over ture to Stratlella." and the " Cauip Quickstep, " and at the close of each performance, the cheering and calls for " Douglas," " Douglas," were voci ferous. When the third piece was finished, John Cochrane, President of the Union Club, conduc ted Mr. Douglas to the balcony of the hotel and say, that although they opposed il at first, lhat they are now willing to acquiesce in it ; and if they are, let us take them at their word, but let us first un derhand what ihey mean acquiescence. It is not uflicient that they shall not seek to disturb Ne braska and Kansas ; but (hey must acquiesce also in the principle, and apply it in all time to come, w hen the question of ihe admission of any new State arises, whether il be Nebraska, Kansas, Oregon, Mexico, Cuba, or ihe Sandwich Islands. Enthusiastic cheering, and cries of "that's il" "go i:, Douglas. "j The principle for which we contend is right everywhere; if it is right in one part of the United States, it is right in every part ; mid if right now, il is right in all lime to come. Now. my fellow democrats, this i a cardinal prin ciple in our Constitution one that cannot bo viola ted with safety. The Missouri act of 1820, which was opposed to this principle, has resulted in the most danger ous agitation, and so long as that restriction re introduced him to the company below, now num- I mains, the country u ill be subject to agitation. - bering about two thousand. He was received with j Let us now say, "here is a principle clearly de- nine hearty cheers, for w hich he giacelullv bowed his acknowledgements. When silence had been gained, Mr. Cochrane addressed the Senator as follows : Senator Douglas The Democratic Young Men's Union Club are proud on this occasion to n nd r to you, through me, the expression of their high esteem for yourself, and of their appreciation of your great services, to the country. They have observed with interest your course in defendine fined," and call upon the people to rally ns ono man in support of that principle. Let us banish forever this slavery agitation from ihe halls of Congress. Cheers I shall not detain you by making a speech. (Cries ol "go on.") I have dane my share iu discussing the Nebraska bill, lor one season, and 1 now desire lo return my thanks for j the kind manner in which you have received me, and for the opportunity which you have afforded nie of defining the principle laid down in ihe bill. the great principle of popular sovereignty in the. i Let lhat principle be carried into your elections, ebraska bill (Applause.) I he democratic young and let each candidate define his position upon it. men of the city and county of New York look upon you as the successful champion of this prin ciple, ana however much they may regret the po Gospels are full of allusions which warrant this j pular excitement which in some localities has at conclusion. But now, desolation broods over the I fended the triumph of this principle, lhey know entire prospect. The foot-prints of successive in- and feel that the people will support you, and lhat vaders have deeply dented the surface of the lhey have approved of your patriotic course. Wo RAMSEY'S MUSIC AND Ml art IP" C.il PIANO STOKE. S1CAI. INSTRUMENTS. N I ' N N S & CO.'S P.iteut J Diagonal (irand PIANOS; Hal lei Davis Co.'s Pateat Cj fi5 !spenuoa Bridge l'lA.NOs ; .-.;; 'w tj ' hickerinsis, Tr a vers' and -ito othci best makers' Pii Kin-tin v Priees. unibia, S. C, Sopt. 33, 1S"T. 10-1 y. to come thiourh. 'ianos. at CAROLINA fi.W, BY JENNINGS B. KERR. fharzoiie. .1. C J.i im ir 58, 1853. 2Stf Mr. A. W. WHEAIjAN, !! sideace, on Main Street, '.i doors south of Sadler's Hotel.) CHARLOTTE. N. C. P" Dressea cut and ii.adc the celebrated A. B.C. tbad, an! warranted uptlj attended to. to lit. Oideia solicited and S. j.t. :, 1.'.3 S-ly. A, LA JI BERT, KISCi s i ;:ki.t, i; a. a: 2 1 ! CHARLESTON, S. ('., IMPORTERS DEALERS in Royal Velvet, Tapes I trjfj Brussels, Three ply, Ingrain and Venetian t'ARPETINGS; India. Rush and Spanish .MATTINGS, !i . Door M.it-, Ice. OIL CLOTHS, of all widths, cut lor rooms or en trips. IRISH LINENS, SHIRT1KUS, DAMASKS. Lua.iers, Long Lawns, Towels, Napkins, Doylias, fce. .vr fxteiisiv assortment oi Window CI RTAINS. CORNICES. &c. Ac y M.r. hants will do well to eaamioe our stork f-i,r pnrchastng elsewhere. . ot. 23, 1853 iai. prouts Your bed will soon be covered You can hasten and greatly improve the productiveness of the bed if you will keep it wet with soap-suds, (the refuse of the wash-tub) always pouring it on the bed at sundown, (no other time.) This makes the best hot bed for potatoes I have ever used. As early as the ground will admit, plow the piee you design for potatoes very close and deep, and keep it regularly plow ed, alternately each and every two weeks. When your slips in the bed are well grow n, lay off" the ground with a lonr bull- tongue in rows 3 feet apart, then, with a turnin plow, ridge over the furrows as high as the plow will throw ; then pull your slips from the bed and set them out on the lop of the ridge very deep, and free from clods and in good tilth before ridging up lo plant, and not ridging up the ground indry weather, but when the earth is most. I prefer set ting plants out in the evening late, when the earth is moist, than after a rain, and watering a few evenings a half teacupful of water will be suffi- CMfiiltitrn ri I i rt f xi ,.,.,., iDi It . " ' -V,JU' P'" io incnes negtn to indicate, the present war will end in the apart m the ridge Always make your ridges so re-construrttion of Turkey; and if that re-construe-that they will hold the water, and not run off. ' tion should be based on a federal union, under the Now for the cultivation in about two weeks ! Sultan, of various independent nrovinees. then e t r.li mud i. .m- H. ii-.-. -;.J I i . j " j"" """u i nui injurs, ieavins oruy a country. I he round, battlement towers of the Crusaders, rise amid the ruins of old Roman works, while modern Turkish fortresses lift themselves above the blackened walls of Roman castles. The nxe and fire have gone over this unco fair region in repeated surges of blood and conflagration. Centuries of war and oppression have exhausted the spirit of the people, have destroyed the old im provements, have turned what was once a contin uous garden and vineyard into a comparative desert. No man can remember what Palestine once was, and recall what it is nt present, without wishing that equal laws and liberal institutions might restore it to its former splendor. The creation of a Jewish kingdom promises the speediest method of arriving at this. Thero are millions of Hebrews scattered over Europe, who would avail themselves of such a restoration, to return to the land of their fathers. Poland and Kussia, especially, swarm with them. The op pression under which they suffer wherever the Czar holds sway, would be an additional induce ment for them to emigrate to Palestine. A Jew in Russia cannot wear a beard as he wishes, can not appear in certain garments, cannot import even the Hebrew Scriptures, cannot enjoy the common rights of a citizen. When we consider the adventurous character of the race, and recall the great Jewish exodus which is even now going on, we cannat see any difficulty in the way of a Jewish emigration, such as would repopulate Palestine in a very few years. There are difficulties in the way, however, and j serious ones. A small kingdom, like Palestine proper would be, would hardly sustain itself axrainsl its mightier neighbors. Rut if, as appearances it i . i i r i nave ueen inreatentU wiin ronsequmecs of a terrible character to myself, but I run ready lo meet them, he they what ihej may. (Cheers-) If the abolitionists think that burning me in tftigy is a good argument let them continue it; and ifdhoy consider hanging me in effigy is amusing, they may indulge as much as ihey please, in such amusements. I desire to meet this question, and argue fairly upon its merits, and il the whigs and abolitionists desire to lorm an amalgamation, I trust there is patriotism enough in this land to meet and crush their insiduou atlempls lo destroy the Union. (Cheers.) We have already been told thnt in consequence of ihe passage of the Nebraska bill, the fugitive slave law of is never more to be en forced they say the law of the land siiall be re sisted that although the Constitution declares that fugitives shall he returned, and lhat every man lolding office slnll carry it into effect, the Consli- I tender to you this expression of our hioh estppm - i o and respect. To this brief address Senator Douglas respond ed as follows : Gentlemen 1 am very grateful for this demon stration which you have made, of your esteem, re gard and confidence. a 7 m ., v oice vv e are sorry mere arc not more here. Judge. Mr. Douglas. I must admit to you frankly, that I tl link the gentleman (Mr. Cochrane) who has been your organ upon this occasion, has done I me more than justice for my efforts to carry out ; tution shall be trampled upon, and lhat oaths shall the great principles we have at heart. I have en- I no longer bind men. deavored to perform what I conceived to be my j A Voice. They dare'nt try it in New York, duty fearlessly, anil without regard to conserjuen- ' The democracy won't let them, ces, so far as I was personally concerned, and ifj Mr. Douglas. The democracy arc ihe consti what I have done meets your approval, I am well tutional party. They believe that the Consiiiulion rewarded for rny endeavors ; it is all I desire, and ! and all Its clauses shall be faithfully executed. Wo next lo the approval of my own conscience, I prize are the In w abiding party the constitutional party, it most highly. (Cheers.) As much as the Ne- We stand always in support of ihe Consiiiulion, braska bill has been assailed and misrepresented, j the laws and the rights of the people, and we in and as little as it was correctly understood in the : vile our enemies to meet us on thin issue at the outset, I have never for a moment doubted theft it ! ballot box, and before ihe people, wherever urgu would receive the approval of the American peo- i rnent and reason can prevaii. (Cheers.) pie, when its principles were thoroughly known . , . . and appreciated. So long as we may exist under I Call foniia Gambling. a popular government, as long as we shall recorr. ! Th. MrvtlU n.u ik-. - . .1 , ., , , " - '- ' iu oci i ii.ii auuie nine since n. e the principle that the people are capable of a gambler absconded from that place, leaving be- zt:r!Ta:lo!ie ,s i11 r:gb to, carr.-v t,,a: alette i, which, o .i lukipiF iiuu rucvi mi ouiioui me lengiu ana breadth of the Union. ( Anulau.se. 1 I need not II f mm m see no reason why a Hebrew principality might not take its place in such a union, side by side with a Servian, a Russian, or an Albanian one. tine them. The American Hotel. CHARLOTTE, N. C. JUIM to announce t mj Iriend, the pnUie.and ares, rut natrons of the abort: Hotel, that I have leased the ramc for a t, rm of years from the 1st of January next. Atl. r wliudi tin,,, tli.. . niir.. -- ....ii i .i , , .....v in win : l . : 7 ' 1 - J . repaired and renovated, mmd the hmisi. L-.. ; Tins II .t, 1 is mar the De Bat. and hk-an Mtiiat,',!, rendering it a neaimblc kiau Cwi.BMu.M ail nuniiiaa. Dec is::t. 24t C. M. RAY s atvh Gaana. We clip the following extract from a communi cation which we find in the Metropolitan, on the application of guano. We have tried various ex periments with this va'ttable fertilizer and the re sult showed a very heavy percent upon the invest ment : Ud. West. Democrat. sufficiency ol dirt to support the- plant. Plow- deep aim inorougtiiy wnn a bull-tongue, then follow immediately with your Carey or turning plow and throw the dirt up to the plant and finish your ridge as at first this must be done "very two week as long as the vines will admit and very frequently I break the vines, in order that a deep, loose soil may be had for the forma 'ion of roots. This is all the cultivation necessary a hoe is not needed. When the frosl kills the leaves, I proceed to dig, using the plow, the bull tongue, breaking down the ridge on each side, and then, with one deep furrovv, plow ing out the roots. I gather in baskets, say a bushel at a time, and carry to an open shed being careful not to bruise or break the roots first the largest and soundest, and then the smallest for seed, and lastlv. tl ' 7 w.i i.i. tiiuvj . poui U ' iiT , . ... . . . on the ground, under the shed, in separate piles of ! Ve" 1 dld not know, for my husband has got so lone, cover with : Sl" a su'y he won 1 t:,kJ lht; paper, and we Owe of the Know Nothings. Some years ago, a lady noticing a neighbor who was not in her seat at church on Sabbath, and on her return home to inquire what should detain such a punctual attendant, on entering the house she found ihe family all busy at work. She was surm ised w hen her friend addressed her with : Why, la ! where have you been to-day, dressed up in your Sunday clothes?' 4 To meeting.' What day is it?' Sabbath day ?' oai, stop washing inammit! Sabbath dav ? Bailii-iorr Pliuo Tortc Manafaetary. j J. WISE BROTUEK, M .nnfaetnrers afBoadoir 'I. l.-and and Sqauure PIANOS. Those srwhia a rd and cnbstantial Piann thai will mm Sre, at a lint, u.i reijoa reftioj; sach my nddieaatag the sdaetarer, my m.nl or otherwise. Wm have thl jaor of serving; and referring to the first families in the J1''-. In ennn hi diss npnint nun! snfSsrahle. The tnaJactswern, also, refer lo u l...st of th. ir fellow eiti. i BS. II U'lvl' , DDillinn I8W 2S-.C, BaltisnoteMd. I know nothing. Mr- B- Who preached ?' M K b 3. ' What did he preach about V 'On the death of the Saviour.' ' What, is he dead? Well, all Boston might be dead, and we know nothing about it ! It vv?'l not do, we must have a newspaper again, for every thing goes wrong without the paper. Bill has almost lost his reading, and Polly has got quite mopish again, because she has no poetry or stories to read. Well, if we have to take a cart load of onions and potatoes to market, I'm resolved to have a newspaper. Reader go thou and do like wise. 1 II A EtC II A: Mil iRP, AUCTIONEERS a.m. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, cournnia, s. c, Y ")''- attend to the sale of all kinds of Merchandise, Prodace, cc. Also. Seal and Personal Property. "rpurchase and sell Stuv es. .Vc. on Commission. vi ucs KxtM Xo. IS I Kiehardsou street, and imme Vly opposite the (Tatted States Hotel. r en f, i!o i runs. ii. m Alien. J . M. E. SHAHr Livery and Sales Stable, BY II. RE A, tand lornierlv occiuiieti k If Vnrrunn im T th. a. t aamtto. Horses fed I" i ninoilati ins f,.r Dtswoaa an.l the snUie general! solicited ; renrsmry i , I 85 I hired and sold. Gowd ac. about 'SO bushels ; when you are done straw, each pile, separately, and then cover, com- plelelv. each im p. hut senaratelr. with Arv tli " To indian corn it has been applied in the hill j foot thick, and all is over. Your potatoes will and sow n broadcast. From full experience, I pre- j keep as long as you want them, perfectly sound, ler the application broadcast, and that when the ! Use the broken potatoes first commencing at the corn receives its second plowing, taking care that j top of the pile. By putting only 30 bushels in a i. ua nut wnn ueu inc corn nus new or moisture Heap you will he hetter enabled to consume 'hem 1 on it. Corn has three sells of roots. The firsi j before injury can take place from exposure to air ' nfauot out with the germ as it leaves the grain and j and light. You must have a good shed open lo i go perpendicularly as deep as the earth has been the south and inclined to the north. This is my broken up by ihe plough ; they sustain the plaid method after 20 years experience ; I always have j as the paretet grain w exhausted and until another sound potatoes, and have to supply seed every i sen ui ruois eeme as i ne join i roots are tormed. year to my neighbors at a dollar a bushel. I do I jnese snoot out an angle ol lorty-five degrees j not claim any thing for this plan exclusively, for thereabouts and also reach the depth of I he plow- I there may be others equally as oood : all "f nm ing. Ihe brsl sett of roots at once cease their i afraid of is. that too liitle attention is paid to their ! Sporting Incident. The Spirit of the Times junctions and die, and the second assumes its j production and cultivation and preservation. The i Ie!ls a story of a sportsman who was recently jointed and structure and receives that supply of great majority of my roots would weigh from 3 to shooting ducks in North Carolina, and when .3 pounds. I he bed before described would set wang through the reeds, he saw six ducks. He out two acres at two settings. Get your sprouts wa'ted for a good shot, when a coen came paddling as soon as possible and set out. j along and the ducks pitched into him to fi 'hl him I prefer the red yam or African, which will pro- ! awa'- At this interesting time, the sportsman duce tw ice as many as any other, ami will keep ; fired llis lwo barrels, and bagged three ducks and lollirer and liHl!fr r.r.d (" , ,-, I ....... - u ! One COOI1. Prnttv bflnH otn.t . . o e - " ' 1 muwii kiijci Eiuwtn, 1 J V ..i.ii. wul, o ,o oe weigotea wnn me ear and lur- j I only cultivate the two varieties of yams the red I nisiingth, farina and stuck necessary for the I and yellow. Four hundred bushels to the acre Novo. Petticoats. A montr the new ideas grain. 1 bese routs run on the surface and turn can be easily raised. just bfomrht out -u P,r - i I u J a- up their extremities to the air to obtain the ele- I have thoLhl lhat the red or Af.iean ,nm I Z . T SSSTI ! ""P menl reou site lo the Inrmai inn rii,.,,:,, -ru ....... ..i i... . ." . " 7 ,l" rt" l,uu ,s necomina im j , saccharine matter or sugar which is so abundant in it at that age. The third sett of roots are those 'hooting out at the surface of the earth and a lit tie beneath, and oflea troin joints several inches above. These are famili irly known as the brace performing the double office ol Doholdirjo tte m.u i lie rerl or African vam ' coal I if l WfXtmtii Wm9 i n DVMAllAnl w, . -v iW'n i. . Il. ... l I - l C I Tl, , 4- I : 4 - i r f wwnsjp anna vMH Wl IUI WW!I, 1 I'M UUOU HfrilSVIV 1 3 & ) 0 1) II U C . I llC CUStolil ut Ills trifm i.ittt mote tiirt r rfvr tr,l ak. - ,.n 1 i I . ! J w"rtUIC viiii . . v3 i ait i i , v i i i i . ine i imi rt ;i mi . 1 . , I mf 1 aaaw .. vUOT J remind you that the great feature of the Nebraska bill is simply the admission of the right of the people of a Territory to decide for themselves what kind of laws and institutions they will live under. If that principle is wise in New York, is it not jusl as wise in Nebraska? A Voice No, sir. Mr. D. If it be rieht and nroner in Illinois why should it not be extended to Kansas? (Cheers ) ' c,jd xne rigni oi me people to govern themselves, and to determine the character of their local mstilu lions, according to their own judgment, and the dictates of I heir own conciences, is the great prin ciple or which our fathers fought. (Renewed cheers) The issue then was, whether a British Parliament should be allowed to regulate and in terfere with our local affairs in the colonies ; and because lhat principle was violated our revolution ary fathers separated from the tyranny thai threat- eneu in oppress them, .bhall we now permit that ! principle to the successful vindication of which we owe our liberalities the principle that stands at j the foundation ol the Nebraska bill, against which I all this excitement has been raised, and in support ui which i pui lorm ail my energy shall we per permit this principle tn he violated? (Applause) This is the issue upon which I intend to stand be fore the American people, and and lo meet either their approval or disapproval. ( Renewed applause.) When this principle shall be carried into eflTecl you will hear of no further excitement upon the ques tion of slavery. Once in New York you had slavery, it is true, but you abolished it yourselves : ! v-fiii rtul'l ytLr i r " r.'i i i i uk. i u i uuugresr, neuner uia you look for assistance from oifiers, but you acted in dependent of all outside influence. Now if New York had a right to do that for herself, why should not Nebraska, California, New Mexico, Utah, and all the Ter -dories and Slates, be allowed the exer cise of the same right. Equality among the States is Ihe cardinal principle of our A Voice. Three cheers for Benton. Mete a small portion of the crowd responded, but the attempt was rather feeble. A Yoice. What about the Missouri compro mise? Mr. Doooxas. I hear an ab . li'h nisf across tfie way asking about the Missouri compromise. Now, J have been accustomed to this kind of tactics be fore. When I was iu the Senate explaining the principles of the Nebraska bill, and when its ene- mies lound themselves unable lo answer me, they raised the cry of -Missouri compromise," which was nothing more than a restriction upon the riht ot the people to govern themsi Ives. The Nraa apart, was found to be so constructed that by touching a spring the boltom of every box painted red would be made to rise, presenting a smoolh surface and leaving the ball no alternative but to drop into the black. Should the heaviest belting be upon the black, the screw might be pressed u little harder, whereupon ihe bottoms of ail the black boxes would come up and the ball must go into the red. Moving wi,h the smoothness ol clock work, the machinery could never fail. Wiih it a child mi'rhl nhiu inin.i tl,,. nmJj . I i p"- "g'o'ui im- -nuiiu iiuu win every stake. 1) .ubiless many a young man who has gone out from our eastern Statt-s to the land of promise, buoyant w ith health and hope and energy, and has there earned, by the sweat of his brow an amount sufficient to render him independent for life, has, in a moment of excitement or lorgeiful ness, b'-en induced to stake his hard earned gains at the table of a gambler perhaps on such un in strument r.s this and has thus been robbed not only of his wealth, but of his hope, his energy and his sc If- respect. 3d-, HAMILTON. St. M. OATES. HAMILTON & OATES. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Vomer of WirharJson anJ Laurel Strett, COLIIMRI n June 0 1 1 to acr, and the last sett finish the Work of perfect ing the gram. It is just at the time that the silk is becoming perb ct and the shoots appear, that in plowing, the application of 150 pounds of guano, broadcast, and plowed in with the earth thrown up to the corn, that the must remarkable ell'ects are produced effects manifested in the size, full, eni and perfection of the ear. If sown broad- l cast before the ear is plunttu and cultivated as Acenri!iri(T In tllo imoni,.. live acres ; lay off the OTOUnd as for cntmn then I nnn of rhoun i,oiii ...:n . i , i - , ' I .uiv.uiia m siinu out ana occupy cross and between the furrows, covering the ridge,! the room of half a dozen got upon the old fashion drop a potato and cover with the hoe ; cultivate, ! principle. It is true, that when a lady dresses to and When grow n fence an acre to itself ai,d let in get into a carriage, the hoop will be likely to stick you. bogs : when they have ued up the acre fence to the door. To obviate this, she must, a! the in another, and soon, nn.il thy use up the patch. moment of embarking, turn a little screw hidden v cry respecuunv, j m some fold in her dress, and let ou THEED by a Locomotive. Soma years ago Professor Larraboe visited Portland, Maine, fie had been strolling in the nemhiinrhnnrl and out until nightfall, which found him a mile or two from his oiarters. He started homeward, and soon came to an inlet for the lide water, spanned by a railroad bridge, nearly half a mile in length. Ho got about one-third of the way across, and heard the scream of the steam whistle ; on looking back, he saw the lightning train coming on at the rate ol forty miles an hour. To get back was im possible; lo outrun it was equally impossible; to stand by the sid., of ihe track on lhat narrow bridge, with a considerable specimen of ihe deep blue sea beneath, was not expedient. What should lie do? One thinks very fast under such circum. stances. On came the train louder shrieked ihe whistle, the bridge was gained, and the Professor was on it. Al this moment his eye caught girht of ihe telegraph pole standing beside the bridge. He ran Ic ut caught hold ol .t, and cooned up in very undignified haste while the screaming , snorting, galloping train dashed by. As sxm as the nervous excitement calmed down, he descended and walked slowly homeward. m mm Gen. Houston. Gen. Sam Houston first en tered Congress as a representative (from Tennes see) th.rty years ago. fja has since been Gover nor of Tennessee; then n fugitive from her bor ders; then an Indian chief; then a pioneer of Tex a; then leader of her revolution; then President then out ol power and esteemed a dissinated. he. j - L : 1 1 -.ii. uiii was mienueu to inve them the free ur.rl imro i,. i . -voiucuv ognui ; a re- sfricted exercise of tlt JS? and "t Z a" "'"P"" advocalel then and , ' .. im k . .... w .. V. I J. en-floWn (fi.ninn. r . I - ... -...aeJwU, ,tlKll rresiuetii again ; a re- mrmcwl ....... I . l ' C , c, " ' . , men aim Ua,l3 Senator of the United Slates, which is opposed to it is opposed To the trreat nrineinU r! t u T, , "e Un,teU Slatei' w self-'Javernmenr. fLwhusia ic SSS t ";p! l njh0. held for the laat eighl year., us, then, understand this tpestion distiiie" y' Tbl &" kT otjeet of the Nebraska bill was to remove ihat re- Wx,.d Oats.-Wo 7" He may Sctc Maritt Ata. our obedient servant. Gl-okge D. Nobris. striction, to give equal righ's to every State and lerritorv in the Union, to nil out the air. The I ercise all those rih,c ulyiLu . " T7.,u . . Z "re gunranieeij oy t ,- tw I.. I I c , .11 ..... I . ..v...... ni i,u r.oimpe and shrink into an Constitution. TCheers 1 1 find thoi tl M i xtreme v sma connass. U'l,on no...,,. :. ; , -i. . L'"-ers. i r,nd that the Nebra r.ti..i . w 9 1 ay mr ine uiuy to mow nerseti up ! ie sxa is growing in the popular favor more thoroughly understood. I hear men now waio. e once Snw a vnnnn bravely turning up the glass he was a free-heart-ed, glorious fellowand was, he said, sowing his w.ld oals. We afterwards saw a policeman haul ing a miserable drunkard from the gutter to the etch house. The wtld oats were being harvest

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