i.ilorm our friends and Um public 'ene- irtl v. I tiat we have remoi eJ on X 1 in Shop TlT to house : Trale Street. imaaediatelj be- iw.-en J. K . DarriMM C. and Springs &; atct s Grtc-rivS, where vie will he pleased to Whit Oil all toautiag Hi.y aiticle in our liae. We arc now prepared with .-very Mt veniei.ce lor cai rying on the Tinning Business aw ! all otlier fclll fcf appertaining thereto on a scale iiiuch nioie extens-1 e than hns ever been the case be lore tn Charlotte. Wm will i-y particular attention to KOOFlNw and Gi l TKK1NG. Persons wishing any aiticle in our line may rely upon getting it at thesLortest notice and at the lowest price. We have jut received a lare assortment of Parlor, Cooking ami Shop Stoves, which we are desirous of Selling at very short promts for cash. MOORE & BYERLY. January 20, 1831. 2U If Wait for the Waggons! H IT FOR siv yon. W II, Wf will tell you. It ktmu JENKINS tk TAYLOR have opened a Mammoth Stove Store, in Williams's .V v Prick Building, Cli.nIo.t V. C., just opposite the Bank t Charlotte, where can be i'uiind the largest, efceapeat and heal Baacb of ever offered in North CTaraGM, "11 oi which will be sold it the lowest CAM Price. In addition to our regular assortment, we ham six dill, re nl sire mi the at Itbratcd IRON WITCH AIR-TIGHT ran in with arhii W e barx : S;ur , P ii NoWi art imltemgt I'tr ttwrU to produce a bellrr. .iliJs ol Si.ncs suitable for (hurche, d-rouis, tc, & c. II you arhy ara bea4 ur arfn rlistmcnt V.I.I t HMH HT In m?Mi. It m bcc-iuse Iiavc lliree wnggomu ruMUuitly running thro.i 'li the country with St rvra mm! will 4 livci them aritliiuftS ntileaoff t 'h.irlottc All Stoves mii by Ba will be put up tree of charge ami v. :irranted t. d. well; and now, an We have told you about tiie Stoves WC will bay to you, that v c Lave i.11 kinds of Brlttaaia, Jm;;;;;;. Tin ami Sheet Iroi BRASS KETTLES, STOVE PIPES, ij-f., i coawtantl an bud. ID All OBOERS sent to na w ill be promptly atten. deit to l.y JliNKlNS A: TAYLOR. Cbarlotte, March 1 B, '5 L 33 tf N5UFFER, HEKDRPC & CO., C () 3J M I S S I ( ) X N E l C 1 1 A N T S , for Im ik of Flour, Grain, Bacon & Produce generally Corner Kiit II. iy and Union Wharves, CHARLESTON, U. ft ohu aid .veil, Pu s'i.S. C. K. R. . i t- . . i i .. ... ReVUKNCE : i..ei- W illi, r.s I , inn i-.-ii'O. (J. K. !laii":.oii .V t o ,thallolle, N C IN presenting t'.ie above c irl we would be doing in justice to our feelinga not la exnrcs our gratitnde to our uuoii ro'is friends in facorjTM, Ttanatarv, North and S.utli Carolina, tir their past unwavering antroOage, inca our t'mnnn nfrnif ! in this business in 1847. We have nursed this husines-s I'roni its infjney, labor ed year utter eur to di.vclope the resources ol the buck country. Wo have buttled with the dirT- icnt lines of railroads, mid have been iii.-trimu ulal in reducing lb'-' freight on produce to reasonable rati s. We bare friend in ESnrnna anil the North, and are prepared to made advances on shipments to cither markets. We WOO Id siv to our friends and the public, that it wiH bo to their iulcrcs! t eonaijfa to us, as wa pay our whole attention tn thiti bnincge alone. W" will nwlrr liberal advanemron consignments. NEUFPER, UENDRIX A cu. April 7, 1954 97 -Bm. MOORS, HENSZEY & Co., SUCCESSORS TO WM. T. HOWELL Sc Co., L'ijin, tris ami W holm tic Dtaltrt itt Ilcirdwrre, No. 181, Market atreet, PHILADELPHIA, IT KKPS eonatnntljr on hand a Inrjrc assortment of V I1AUDWARE, CUTLERY. GUNS, &c, which thev will dipoaa of on as good terms as any house in tin- UnMnd States-. Orders by mail, or otherw ise, jmf up w ith care and forwarded with dispiteh. A discount aft pr cent, allowed for cash in par tends Jan S7, 1854. i7-i Rare Chemical Products. T)1PERINE, 1 Valerianate of .Morphia, Valerianate of Quinine, Valerianate of Iron, S.i lieine. Snip. Chinehonla, Gallic Aeid, 'itrati; of Iron and Quinine, G!lorida ot SSins. Ferroevaniile of rme. Iodide of Zinc. 1'e.r s.l- by FISHER HEINITSH, Willie Castile Soap. flMUS new family and Toilet SOAP is held in high cs- teem, and is superior to the ordinary S.jap lor its bland and i mollicul qnalitiea. 1'or the nursery it is particularly ndnpted innocent in its combination and free from all injurious alkalies. This is an economical Sjap fur families. Just received and lor Bale by FISHER eV HEINITSH, npril 14th Dispensing chemists. For Invalids. 1 MIESH PEARL BARLEY, TAPIOCA, Just received and tor sale bv F1SHKR & HEINITSH. SELUNCS OFF AT COST! Wltelcsalo and Retail Saddle and Harness Establishment, COLUMBIA, S. C. THE subscriber wishing to discontinue bis present business, offers bis whole slock, eon (V " . of Saddles, Harness, Saddle Tret s, S..d- t'.lery Hardware, together w iih every thing- necessary lor carrvin on the business, AT COST. Feb. 3, 151 98-8na S. AI. HOWELL. Back Creek Male Academy. THIS Institution is located 10 miles Xorth-Eist of Charlotte, N. C, near Back Creek Church, and Brill be conducted under the supervision of Rev. R. F. Taylor, whose experience as a teacher eminently qualities hi' l for that iKisitioi. The exercises will commence on tha first Monday of January. Good boarding can be h id in Mora and orderly families near the Academy at per month. The following are the rates of Tuition: Klcuic.tlarr English Branches, per Session of 5 tmmths English Grammar, Geography, Philesophy, History, fc.c,, Greek and Latin Languages, with Higher Branches of Mathematics $.1 00 8 00 19 50 J. HUNTER, 8cCJ Board of Trustees Januiry G, 1S54. 24-tf XjjTli i, t2 i. yjj 6 i rpiIE Subscriber is now happy to inform the 1. citicns of Charlotte and tiie surrounding cuntrv, that he has moved into Ins New Shop, on Col lege attest, immediately back ot Sadler's Hotel, where ie is now ready to attc ei to all business in hi line. He baa got the best of W..rUmen, and is therefore deter mined to do tiie bei, and m-isi Usnior.aMc work, ever p:t up in this town -jid it i.i wle-ati price. HJ" RLPAlRlN'G done neatly ud in a durable man ner. ty a liiin- the shop o" Uco.i:,l if JOHN H ARTY- GRANITE DRUG STORE, CHARLOTTE, AT. ., Opposite SADL1 RS Mammoth Hotel. Pritchard & Caldwell, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Drucs, .Medicines & Chemicals, Dye-woods & Dye-stuffs, Oils, Paints, 6t Painter's Articles, arnishes, V indow Glass and Putty, Glass Ware, French, English and American Perfumery, Fine Toilet and Shaving Soaps, tine Hair and looth brushes, Paint Brushes, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Trusses and Sup porters of all kinds. Spites, Snuffs. Manufactured Tohacco. and all the I Patent and Proprietary Medicines of tue day, Pure Winks and BsaaplU for Medicinal purposes, Superior Inks, Extracts for flavoring, Landreth's warranted fresh and genuine Garden Seeds, always on hand in the proper season, Choice Toilet and Fancy Articles, &c, &c. C?" Camphine and Burning Fluid Lamps, Lamp Chimneys and Shades, together with a large lot of Burning Fluid and l amphine, Quinine, &c, constantly on hand. jy Wo make our purchases for Cash, and offer . geods equally as low as they can be obtained from any i aimitnf establishment in this section, and we will war rant them to be pure, fresh and genuine. try Orders from the Conntrv promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed, with regard both to price and tjuality. 1 lhyci:iliS IrM'i pfioatn will receive particular attention at all hour's of the DAY AND NIGHT, rj PRITCHARD ct CALDWELL. November 25, 1853. I9tf 1853. Fall Importations. 1853 BASCECFT, BETTS & MAUSII iLL, CHARLESTON, S. C. W E ::jrain invite the attention of our purchasers of DltY GOODS, in the South and Sout!i-Wot, to our Stock of Goods for (all trade. To Merchants w ho have visited our Market the past season, examined our stock and become acquainted with our facilities tor business, it is iinncc ssa ry to say that we ofj' r induce ments second to na house in this country. Our full stock bus been e keeled with treat care !y two ol our Immmc from all the Krinctpk European Markets. Our styles and fabric will be found belter adapted to S.juth- ! ern taste und sales than anv o,d iiuporiea mio me i country. We wili it distinctly underste)od by buyers that tee import nil our foreign Lr"tl, nd are able and dcter ' mined tu sell them as low as the same qualities arc Sold ill any market in the United States. We ofler in our Ladies' Dress Goods Department, afnll and complete assortment of all the newest styles cud fabrics, such as Sites, Saitis, Wtircelines De CVtiics, Ottshmere, RtAxs, Morn Lie Luincs, Brocatle ami Plain Alpacas, Pi euch andGerman Merittors, Bombazines Sat in De Luints, Sill; Velvets, Crapes, Laces, French, Loni Scutch and English Ginghams and Prints. Also, and Sqaare Sltntels, Crape Shau-ls, mantillus, Jfanl res , Cloth, Viler, and Silt Plain and Embroidered Visetles, and Cloaks, Swiss twd French Em broidertes, in great variety ; Witt Goods, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Laces, A full and complete aaanrtment of Goods for Millinery Purposes. Hosiery. In this department we offer every possible variety of Silk Cotton and Worsted Hone and hall Hse, Silk, Me rino and Cotton Under Garments Kid, Heaver, IJuek, Silk, Woolen and Cotton Cloves Scc, Sec. We pay particular attention to this department of our bnaittcaa, and embrace all the leading articles wanted. .Linens and Linen Goods. We offer in this department a lull and complete tock of 0, 7, S. i, and 10 Bleached and Brown Damasks, Table Covers, all styles, Diaper i, Towels, Damaak Napkins, Damask Doyles, Dowlas, Crash, Grass Linens, 8, 16, and IxJ J Linsn Sheeting, Pillow Linens, - and 4 -1th Irish Linens, .Marseilles and Lancaster Quilts, &c, &c. Uroad Clollis, C?Mtimres, Vetinsi, and Tailor's Goods. In tlii- department We embrace all the best makes of Freuch. German, English and American Cloths, C.issiniercs and Vesting, Black and Colored Silk and Safin Vesting, Velvet do., 3 and 6-4 th English and American Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Sattineta, Linseys, Pla'n and Pl.iid Cloak Linings, Canvass, Padding, Silks, Twist, Buttons, &c. ClaitkeSs. Flannels, Kerseys, Domes tics &c. We offer in this department of our business a most full and Oomph tc assor'nient of English and American Blankets Nojjro Goods ofull qualities, Linen and Cotton Osnuburjs and Colored Cottcnades, all styh s ; White, Red and Blue Flannels, and Pleached and Brown Domestics, all qualities. Carpets, Oil Cloth, Rugs, Curtain St tills &e. We pay particular attention to this part of our busi. ness, and can supply every article in the House Furnish ing Line, such as English, Scotch, and American Tapestry, Venetian, three ply, and Ingraic Carpets, all qualities; Floor Cloths, from 1 yard to G yards in width, Bugs, Mats, Canton Matting, Stair Rods, Bindings, Rich Silk Damasks, Worsted and Cotton Damasks, Lace and Muslin Cur tains, Loops, Gimps, Fringes, Tassels Cornices, &c, Ike. We are prepared in i bin department to furnish any Hoods wanted lor Hotels, Steam Boats, and Private Houses, and fit them up in the best stvle and manner. BANCROFT, BETTS, & MARSHALL, Nos. 20!) ani 211, Kijsg Street, Corner nf Makket, CHARLESTON, s. C. Sept. 23, 1853. 10-ly. WA AJLLSTON GOI RDH, pactur and Com m ission Merchant. "0. TU EAST-DAY, CHARLESTON, S. C, Is prepared to make liberal advances on Consignments ol Rice, Cotton, Corn, Sugar, Flour, Grain, Hay, GUANO, GUANO, GUANO. Genuine Peruvian Guano. Wa. Aui.sTeN GorsniN, Agent, for the States of South Carolina, North Carolina, i Georgia, Alabama and 1 ennessee. Also, Agent tor Baltimore & Southern Packet Co.'s I Steam-ships. Office 73 East Bay. September 23, '53. 10-ly GEORGE N. HOPE, V L A IN AND O R N A M ENTAL RpsidVnrp next house to the Ctrthotiri Church, Charlotin, N. C. Pnlera from the country punc. tu-i!lv atientkd to. March 24, jL lv. A' LARGE stock of Chimisetts, Colors and Under- leeeea, &c, f r salc at 8PRATT, DANIEL & CO.'S j.o. en fi:k. m. w. CHAFEE, ST. AMAJVD, & CROFT, No. 179 East B.iy, (opposite the site of New Custom House,) CHAK LESI ON, S. O., Importers of, and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Wines, Cordials, Segars, Tobacco, &c, And Manufacturers of Lemon Syrup of Superior Quality. Keeps constantly on hand an extensive supply of the following articles, which they are prepared to sell to City and Country Merchants on their usual liberal terms. n;,,r Castillon & i o,J. Hennesy, P. H. Godar 1 & Co.. Leger Freres, Otard, Dupuy & Co., J. & F. Martel and other choice brands, in half pipes, quarter and eighth casks, and in boxes of 1 doz. each, American Bka.ndy 4th Proof, in imitation of French, in halt pipes, quarter and eighth casks; and 1st Proof, in barrels. Holland Gin Pineapple, Anchor, Cologne and Clover Leaf brands. Whiskey Irish and Scott h: Monougahela, 1st and 2d qualify ; O'Mara, Pittsburg. Sheaf Kye and Bourbon ; Baltimore, Western Kye, and New Orleans rectified. Ki m Old Jamaica, St. Croix, New Orleans and New England. Peach Bea.ndy Old Norf h-Caro'ina and Virginia. Aimm.e Brandy New 'ersey and Nor h-Carolina. Cokdials Noyeau, Perfect Love. Annisette, Rose, i Cinnamon and Peppermint : Wixks Mapeika, Newton, Gordon. Cossat & Co ! Leacock and Jardine, in quarter and eighth casks ; Pokt, Page s, Key ana other choice brands; Siikrky, Pai.k, and Brown, Dun, Gordon Co., Be.iitau and other choice brands; Tkmkriffe, VTentoo's London Particular and Cargo ; Sicji.y Madeira, quarter casks ; Malaga, dry anil sweet, in cjuarter and eijjhth casks. London Porter Byass' quarts and pints ; Scotch, and Kast India Ale, quarts and pints. Champagne Cidkh- Boxes, one dozen each; Casks, three anil six dozen each. Wj.nk Bitters, ( boxes,) Conor r.s, (assorted) Ci.akkt, .Madeira, Port, and Sherry, Wines, one dozen each, and on draught. Cha.mimg.nk, in baskets, one dozen each, quarts and pints Fla;, Heidseick Bouche, Calhoun, and other j brands; The above comprise some of the finest Wines imported. Lk.mon Syrup, and Jamaica Lime Juice, in half pipes, quarter casks, barrels, kegs, and in boxes of one dozen each. Sardines, in whole, half and quarter boxes. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, AT THE CHARLESTON CASH STORE. A Xi. FOURTH STORE FROM THE N OTWITIISTA NDING the f li -- -s abotr. the great ever, and now inform the public, that we have GOODS in Store, as always a larger assortment can be found with us than at any other house in town, and we would advise everybody wishing to purchase, to satisfy themselves whether we can't sell them AS CHEAP AS EVER. Our Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING Is larger than it has ever been, and is larger than anv in town, we have paid particular attention to this branch, and all we say is, WE DON'T WANT TO BE UNDERSOLD, but will always he lower than any one else. As usual we have every other article, which belongs lo a general assortment, such as a full assortment of (1 ri3 I r . m LT 1)11 $D fHl LPJ. mwm 9 rLf 33SJSS3 ElT., giTa And also all kinds of Fancy Goods. In conclusion we would say, that we are ahvajs buying every article of Produce coming into ibis place FOR CASH. Therefore Merchants frnm a distance having any to sell, will do well by giving us a call, as we are always ready to pay the highest Market price for each article. We have paid particular attention this season, lo lay in every small article generally kept in Country Stores, and we are confident lo be able to sell as low as can be bought in Charleston for Cash. October 21, 1853. 14tl DRUCKER & SOMMERS. BELVOIR, NEAR LENOIR, CALDWELL COL'NTY, NORTH CAROLINA. rCHiS place, late the residence of the undersigned, is J offered for sale on very accommodating terms, pri vately until the first Monday in July next ensuing, when if not previously disposed of, it will be put up to the highest bidder at public auction. The tract of Land comprises 50 to f!0 of which is first rate bottom under the plow. From 70 to SO acres ot good upland is also in cultiva tion ; the remainder of the tract in woodland. The Dwelling House, a Cottage ornee, contains four large and convenient rooms on the ground floor, with dining room, store room, pantry and library attached by a covered way. There are also on the place a barn 70 by '25, two sori--s high and very conveniently arrang ed ; stables for rriilch cows and horses ; all other neces sary out buildings, such as kitchen, negro houses, &c.; a growing and thrifty orchard containing about IC'O trees of different kinds of fruit just beginning to bear. The situation is one of the most pleasant and im provable in the State, commanding a full view of the finest mountain scenery and falling off beautifully in every direction liom the house. To any gentleman in the low country desiring a cool, healthy and pleasant summer residence it presents an eligible choice. Fur ther information may be obtained of the undersigned, by addressing him at Charlotte or Lincolnton. T. S. W. MOTT. January 13, 1854, 25tf MANSION HOTEL S ALISBURY, N.C. MM THE undersigned having taken charge of this HOTEL, X situated on the North Corner of the Court House, re spectfully informs the travelling public that it will be her liim to keep up to the fullest extent, the reputation m hich this house has heretofore sustained for its comfor table accommodations abroad. No pains or expense spared to render satisfied all who ma' favor her with a call. From her long experience, she is confident none will have cause to complain . The House will, at all ti ncs, be supplied with a suf ficient number of well trained and attentive servants, and the furniture kept in the best order. THE TA OLE shall constantly be supplied with the very best the market can command. The Stage Office For all the principal Stngi Lines, i kept at this Hotel. The great Northern and Southern Mail lines arrive and depart Daily ; also, the Western via Lincolnton to Ashe villc, Tri-wcckly. The Stables Attached to the Hotel are large, comfortable, and atten ded by the very beat Ostlers in the country. Trusting that by strict attention to the wantsof the public, not only to retain the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed oa the Hotel, but to merit an increase. ANN BROWN. Salisbury, Dec. 1 G, 1653. 24 Cm. IIOUEKT Am TONGUE, BEGS leave to inform bis friends and the public that he is now receiving large additions to his Stock ol" Jewelry, &e. In addition to his '.'orincr stock, he has received a nkV and extensive assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Mantel Clocks of every variety, Silver and Plated Ware. a large variety ; Military and Fancy Goods, Guns, Rifles, j Sportsman's Apjwratoa Fine Pocket aud Table C utb;ry. j His assortment ot Fancv Goods ' 1 ' 1 . , , r : 1 1-. . 1 1 1 . 1 , 1)1 lirl -I l . ,-. ti n , t : Vl A r f n. , ....) ' in ui --"-,- "t," ji inn anu , elegant articles, and it is his design not to be surpassed in the tatte and elegance of his selections, and his prices j will be found on examination to be as moderate as at j anv other establishment in the South. Thankful for prist f.ivors. he solicits a continuance of the patronage ol bis former friends and custom rs. Columbia, Sept. 30, '53 1 1-ly Of the mot approved form for sale at tLis O.Tice. sr. amaH). T. H. CKOFT. i l.nwTr.p.s. Mackerel. Salmon and Clams, in 1 lb. Loiters. Mackerel, Salmon and Clams, in canisters. K sr India Preserved Cinger, in boxes of 9 jars each. French Cherries in Brandy, in boxes of one dozen each. Fki its in Brandy, in boxes 1 dozen each, assorted. Do. in their own juice, do. do. Pit Fruits, do. do. Stuarts iv Lovering's Steam Refined Sugars. Loaf, 'n boxes and hall boxes of 16 loaves each Crushed, in barrels; ground or pulverized, in barrels ; Steam Refined Candy, ill boxes, of 45 lbs. each. Almonds. Best Bordcau and Marseilles, soft and ba rd shell Castile Soap, of superior qualify, in boxes of about 2"i lbs. each. Soap Jackson's No. 1. Corks, Velvet Wine, in ba esand bags of 7 gross each; Common Bottle, b;igs of 7 gross each ; Jug and Tap, bags of'o gross each ; Velvet Demijohn, bags of 4 and 5 gross each. Vinegar, White Wine, in quarter casks ; Cider or Apple, in barrels. Segars. A large assortment of Rio Ilondos, Consola cion, Fibintropa, Washington, and other choice brands, ol direct importation. Also, Floridas, Havana Chcruots and Cuba Sixes, Tobacco. P.Robinson's celebrated, Honey Dew f lb. plugs, in whole and half boxes of 100 lbs. each; Rough and Ready, in keg-s of about 100 lbs. each; World's Premium Tobacco, in 5's, S's and lb ; El Dorado, in boxes 40 to 45 lbs. each, and a variety of other brands, in 5's, 8's and J lb. plugs. Smoking Tobacco, in Boxes of 5 and 8 doz. 4 and 8 oz. papers. Wine Bottles French and German Patent, in ham pers, one gross each. Flasks. Quart, Pints and Half Pints. Demijohns. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 gallons. Candles. Sperm, Pearl and Adamantine. Pickles and Sauces. Teas. Hvson, Imperial and Black. Sept. -23, 1853. 10-ly. I CORNER ON GRANITE ROW. rise in Goods, we are still able to sell as low as our FULL STOCK OF FALL & WINTER Hi7 mm mm, pTt, CHARLOT TE SADDLE & HARNESS MANUFACTORY. IHE Subscriber respectfully informs the public that he is always prepared to furnish of his own Manu facture, a most elegant outfit in the way of Saddles, SridJes and Harness. From his experience in the business, he feels confident that he will bo able to give entire satisfaction to his customers. He has on hand and will constantly keep a large assortment of Carriage, Gig, Sulky, and Buggy Harness; Ladies'' and G evtZemen' s Saddles, Bridles, Whips, f-c. His Saddles consist of the following varieties Noi'th Carolina Saddles, Kentueky f&o. Carpenter's lo. Ideeatur Do. He has also a variety of Sad. lies made expressly for per. ions travelling a long distance, and warranted to wear well. Besides a large assortment of Saddles, Moss, Blankets, Harness, Drovers Whips, Buggy Whips, Boy's Saddles, together with all manner of mwmmi sAwwAiii, He will sell on the most reasonable terms, either by wholesale or retail. Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Saddle Bugs, &c, made to order. Call and examine at my Establishment, one door East of Springs & M'Cloud's store. ROBERT SHAW. Nov 18, 1853. 18 tf Notice. A LL those indebted to the firms of Fox &, Orr and Fox & Caldwell, or to myself individually, are re quested to make immediate payment, in my absence the Books and Accounts will be in the hands of xlr. J. P. Smith, who is authorised to settle the same. C. J. FOX. Charlotte, March 14, 1854. 35-tf BOYNE T SPROWLE, Martole Cutters, COLUMBIA, S. C, BEG leave to inform the citizens of Charlotte and vicinity, that they are prepared to furnish Monuments, Tombs, Tablets, Head Stones, &c., at extremely low prices Ail orders for any article addressed to G. N. HOPE, Charlotte, N.C, will meet with prompt attention. March 24, 1854. 35tf WINDOW SHADES, CUttTAIN GOODS, MATRASSES AT GREAT BARGAINS. rpIIE subscriber has in store, of his own manufacture 1 and importation an enormous stock of WINDOW SHADES, Gilt torn ices, Paper Hangings, Matrasses, Satin Delaines, Damasks, Lace and Muslin Curtains, Tassels, Loops, &c. All of which are offered at prices Ihat are appreciated by all close buyers and economical house-keepers. H. W. KINSMAN, 177 King-si. Mar 24, '54 ly Charleston, S. C. LooiL Out ! THE Notes and Accounts of the late firm 01 MOSS, BELL & t'O. have be n nlacod in mv hern's frr 1 . " 1L I 1 . , . . , leciiou, auu inose inueoieii jii'st noi expecr longer in dulsence, as it cannot be iven. July 22, 1S53. ltf JOAB P. SMITH. LOOK AT THIS ! THE Notes and Accounts cf JOHN WELLS have 1 been placeu in my h inds for collection. Those in. I debted fo him are requested to come forward and settle j up at at, early day, as the business of the concern must be closed. JOAB P. SMITH. I Feb 21, 1854. 31 tf CHEAP WATCHES AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ARE now teceiving and opening one of the largest stocks of GOODS ever opened in the State, at prices that defy competition. CALL AND EXAMINE AT T. TROTTER & SON'S Jewelry Store, No. 5, Granite Row, opposite Sadler's New Hotel. Charlotte. Oct. 4, 1853. 14tf f MARINE AND POCKET CHRONOMETERS DUPLEX AND Repeating Watches. BY APPOINTMENT TO THE ADMIRALTY. WILLIAM DIXON, Chronometer & Watch manufacturer, 45 K1XC SQUARE, GOSWELL BOAD, JL O IV O . HHIS Certifies that the accompanying Watch, No. J 15510, is warranted by me to be of my manufacture, and no Watch with my name upon it is genuine, unless accompanied by a Certificate bearing my signature. I guarantee the Watch No. 1551 G to keep time to the satisfaction of the purchaser. W. DIXON. THEE WATCHES have a high reputation for be ing superior time-keepers. Imported and for sale by THOS. TROTTER & SON, Jewelers, Granite Row. November 11. 71 tf RighTside Up. CHARLES T. EBERHARD &, CO., are still carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE MAKING, at their old stand two doors below Parks fc Hutchinson's Store, where all work wanted in their line can be ob tained. 1LTA11 kinds of READY MADE WORK on hand and for sale. Also, superior OIL BLACKING, by the wholesale and retail, manufactured by C. T. Ebcrhard. lET All persons indebted for last year are requested to come and settle their aocounts. We must have money. C. T. EBERHARD & CO. March 3, '54. 36-tf Clothing! Clothing!! Clothing!!! And nothing but Clothing", AT Fulling & Co.'s Emporium of Fashion. NEXT DOOR TO SADLER'S HOTEL, Charlotte, TV. C, TTJHF-KE can be found the largest and best stock ol VV SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING ever offer ed in North Carolina, all of which will he sold at our usual low rates for CASH. Our Stock consists in part of the following articles, viz : Coats. Eng. & French Drab D'Etc Sacks, Frock &, Dress Coats, American and French Cloth do. do do do Oashmarelt &, Casbmarclt Cassi.ncr do do do Canton Cloth Sacks, Tweed Ptltos and Sacks, Alpacea do do Brown and BufF Linen Frocks and Sacks, Pants. American, English and French Cassimere PANTS, English and French Drab D'Ete do Cashmarett Cassimere Silk-tvarp (very fine) do Fancy Summer Cassimere and Tweed do Marseilles, Linen Drills, Cbcck,&, Cottonade do Also, Silk, Cotton, and Merino Shirts and Undershirts, Merino, Linen and Cotton Drawers, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, Portinonnais and Umbrellas, Black Silk and Fancy Cravats, Hair Oil, Perfumery, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Baps, Hats, Caps, and, in fact, cvi rything to be found in a Gent's Furnishing House. We have also, a full stock of BOYS' CLOTHING, of all sorts, sizes, kinds and qualities at prices to suit the times. In conclusion, we would return our thanks to the citi zens of North and South Carolina, for their liberal pat ronage bestowed upon us since we have been with them, and if selling Good at low prices will insure a continu ance of the same, it shall be done at the EMPORIUM OF FASHION, March 21, 1854 35tf by FULLINGS &. Co. SADDLES, HARNESS, &C. At IO per cent, o If for Cash ! HOME MANUFACTURE. TIIE subscriber again calls the attention of the citi zens of Charlotte and surrounding country, that he has opened a Saddle and Harness Shop in this p'acc, (3 doors south of Sadler's Hotel,) where be is manufac. turing SADDLES and HARNESS of the best material and 50 per cent, below the usual prices. lie will man. ufacture Saddles cheaper than Northern Saddles can be bought in this place. Every article warranted what he represents it, or the money refunded after 3 months trial. My stock of Saddles will consist of the following: English, from $15 to $40 trench, " 10 lo Spanish, " 11 to Kentucky ' 10 to Mexican, " 50 to Lady's Bait-wing " 13 to Lady's Common " G to Wagon K 4J to Race, (Eng. style) " 25 to Santa Fe, " 14 to Camanchc, " 12 to GO 30 40 300 (if ordered.) 80 35 7 40 30 40 And list, but not least, North Carolina Saddles of the best quality, from 65 to $30. I have also on hand Stir rups of the best quality, from 25 cents to $3.50 per pair. Spurs, from 15 cents to $2.50 ; Whips from 12 cts. to S8.50 ; Harness, single, from $10 to $50; Double Har ness, from $20 to $100 and higher if ordered; Bitts from 15 cts, to $3 ; Riding Bridles from $1 to $fi ; all of which I offer for sale at 10 per cent, off for cash. REPAIRING done at the shortest notice and in a su perior manner. O" All kind of Country Produce will be taken in ex change for work done, &c. March 17, 1854 34tf WM. WHEALAN. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. P. C. CALDWELL baa associated his son, Dr. JOSEPH W. CALDWELL, with him in the Prac tice of Medicine. Office, 2nd story in Elms' new' brick building, near the Courthouse. March 24, 1854. 35-tf N, B. All persons indebted tc mo by accounts are requested to settle the same at an early day. Mar 24 P. C. CALDWELL. GEORGIA MARBLE WORKS. J. G. Rankin, Wn. M. Uurlick, Geo :c L. Suntntey, (SUCCESSORS TO A. ATKINSON & CO) j rpHIS establishment l,Wn in sMsasAl t.tL. i. . i . - - v i "ii iu; ii number ol years. 1'he Quarries are well opened, and ike marble is superior to any in tiie United States. He have so perfected our facilities for geitirijr out ai d fin ishinsr work, ihat we can furnish MONUMENTS TOM US TABLETS, HEADSTONES, and everything in our fine ot business in netter style and at cheaper "rates than any yard in the country. 3 When it is considered that we saw our own Marble pay no jobber's profits, and no biuh freight from the North, it Em l seen that we do possess material advantage over all comneti- tors. We cordially solicit our friends and the public to examine our work and compare onr prices with those of other yards before oidermt! Northern Marble. U e have on handsa our yard in Marietta a large ossortment of fin.shed .work Monuments, Tablets,&c where our agent Mr. G. IV. Summers w,h 6e at our prices. Our principa' work is done at the Mills. Addifss pnn-u,a J. G. RANKIN & Co. Maible Work P. O., Ga. Sept. ?, 18r,3. 8-ly. TAPPER and BAND LEATHER, also fine TRUNKS IJ and A LI LS. for sule, cheap, by July 20. 2lt 1 R. SHAW. DR. J. B. MARCHISI'S CELEBRATED CATHOLICON For the Relief and Cure of Suffering pf ' It stands pre-einjnent , curative powers in nil ,i eases for l,;,.l. .. ""' u. me.ided, usually cali. ,i J"- lj .. art, .... ill. ii 1 1 i. . FEMALE OOMPHivr Of these are PaoUrlv m, or tailing ofibj .i-lTi Fluor Albls, or g; t I1KOMC 'nvi. Ulceration - lux Incidental HEv,oKnllu:;v: OK Tin- l- & , .LJ1, 6ED, AND IRKEGCI.AR ff STRUATION, Ac., aril), a,, accompanying evils, ( a ' excepted,) no matter bo vere or how long tandiBg,,t The Catholicon tar . l .. . ..I . . ;., !..,,., ,r fibrillin I.iuq i,vn-.' es OIllOI lemcuie?, us ucni iiiw. .v.-o i,j,,-ij;yt. leaving the system in a belter condition. Let all interet call and obtain a pamphlet (free) contoininfi siiq !e from the most respectable sources, of the bendicial . 1 its use ; together with letters (torn highly experienced l;i, cians, who have used it in their practice, and speak frcrn tW own oDservauons. REFERCWCES. P. B. PECKHAM. M. D., Utica, N. Y. L. D. FLEMING, M. D., Kochester, N. Y. M. II. MILLS, M. D., Rochester, N. Y. D. Y. FOOTE, M. D., Svrncuse, N. Y. Prof DUNBAR, M. D., finltimore, Md., J. C. ORBICK, M. D., Baltimore, Md. W. W. REESE, M. D., New-York City. W. PRESCOTT, M. D., Concord, N. II. J. P. NEWLAND, M. D-, I'tica, N. Y. Rev. C. S. HEARD, Glenn Springs, S. C. 55" Pamphlets to be bad gratis ot the Store of PR ITCH ARD A COLDWELL, Druggists, Sole Agents for CliarlottV N.C. Sold also by many of the leading Druggists in tin s , , The following unsolicited letter was recently rcceivnl frmn Himtsville, N. C. Hcntsville, Yndkin Co., N. C, Nov. S8tb, 1851 Drt. J. B. Marchi.i, Ncw-Yoik Sir : I deem it my dut to express to you my sincere thanks, lor your discover) I the celebiated Female Medicine, (Catholicon.) Mv wile hu been more or less troubled with rloodint' for eight orniie years, and found nothing to give her relief, until by chann 1 heard of and got a bottlle of your medicine. We found il just the thinu wonted ; it acted fike a chasm, and has eiun her entire relief ot a permanent character. With much respect your obedient scrnnf. (Signed,) WILLIAM J. BOLIN. Letter addressed to Messrs. Bench Brownson, Agents at Newberry C. H. , S. V., by Rev. C. S. Beaid ot aaicestate. Glenn SrniNus, Jan. 19th, lfcS5:t. Messrs Bkach & Brown-sun Sirs : I send lor another bottle c : " Marqhisi's Uterine Catholicon. " My wifa has been .iltiieted lor eleven jears.anda variety of means tin been resorted to for relief, but none was obtained uuiill In. ceived this medicine from you. Its influence seems alniuni magical: there was a manifest improvement from the day it was taken. As there are a gre at ninny females in our country laboring under the affliction lor which your me dicine proposes a teme. dy, I led it a duty to recommend it to nil such. Signed,) CLOU; II 8. HEARD. ES. MARCH IS! A. Co., Proprlelom. Ccutial Dciiof, 301 Broadway, K. V. May 12, 1S5I. 1-- hi "IS now put up in the Largest Sizid Boitlrs, and is acknowj. X edged to be the best Sarsapatills made, as ia certtftt j the Wonderlul Cuies it has performed, the original ropitttl which are in the possession of the proprietor. Rtnumttt, this is the only tn;e and original article. Scrofula, Syphilis, Mercurial Complaints, Cancer, Canrro ., Rheumatism, and a vast variety of other diseases aie incl.li and perfectly cured by the use of this nitdicine. READ THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATE Tai.i. i'ossa t.'o., Ala., Jan. 2. 1852, Dear Sin : I send you this to ciriily to you that .mr Exuaet ot Yeilow Dock and Sain ai ilia has perluiii.u! m. of the most wonderful cures ell mo that has eer bun tfti ( d on man. I have been afllicled for forty years with eruptions on legs and Use ; in ItMe! they got so bad ihat I i.ad to go cr. tcbts, and in It! P.: I I.ad oi'e lig ami-utaltd sboe knee. In r.bout nine months ailer iny other leg brokei in large eating and running son s from my kme lo in h , and discharged a gaentdaIot olli nsive matter. My J also broke out in large biifrs, which tlisi horrid much bfta sive matter, and at the snnie lime my lett l.ai.d broke ottn large running. sOies nearly to iny clb.v. The miser ihat I have 'suffered tor the inst two ksi! cannot describe to you. 1 was in such agony that li.tvii rested day or night. In October last my eon brougLt me one of your sgnji wrappers ; I read it, and found iccoid ol some woiiaertul i performed by your' Extract of Yellow Dock and Sarsspai I sent and ot two boitles of if, and commenced taking it. In two weeks, to my gn at astonishment, iny sores all becan easy, and I could sleep all night, a thing 1 had not doiio ! two yeais. When I bad taken six bottles, my sores had near!) all healed. I have now used in all eight bottles ol j inn " f -tract ol Yellow Dock and Sartapai ilia," und 1 now contidcr myself well. I entreat all the afflicted to tiy this medicine, for I Mini it will cure any known disease in the world. Lay atiaN prejudice and just Iry it, aud proclaim its great woltb lo . fering mankind aud Intrcat them lo take it, for it will cine them. My case is well known in a large portion of South Caroti ns, Georgia nnd Alabama, and if any should doubt the al om cure, 1 invite them to call on me, aud I will show ihrrn il scars. lean be toui.d in Tallapoosa Co., Alabama, ore miVa from Stoe's Ferry. BENAJATl HCGIiES. The Yellow Dock aud Sarsaparilla is perfectly adapt d lt females of delicate health, rt suiting trom inegufatity ol iniii. strual discharges, and oilier distasts peculiar to their ns -The proprietor has in his possession a art at lumber ol iff. tificates of cures, pei fount d ot the above description. Wi assure the aillictt d, that a bottle or two of Dr. UuysoU'i I i tract of Yellow Dock anil Saisaparilla will at once refine those ditricultits and renew the natural energies, JCr Put uj) in quart bottles. Pi ice 1 per bottle. Sold Wholesale ai d let tail by SCOVIL fc MEAD, 111 Chanrcs street, New Oilcans, Ger.eial Agents lor the Suntk ern S'ates, to whom all o: tiers must be addresseeb SO-Sold also by Fisher & Ileinitsh, Pritchaiti V Caldwi Charlotte ; C. '. Htindeison, Lincolnton; Winchester & St Monroe; A. R. Homesly, Shelby; J. Frpneberger 4 ( Dallas ; Murphy & Black, Concord, N. C. May 12, 18.54. tUim Per the Complete Cure rf Coughs, Colds, L erita, Asthma, Btdnchiti Sjniting j Blood; and all other Lung Com plaints tending to CONSUMPTION. This preparation is getting into i sc all over our CounlfJ. The numerous letters we receive from ourarious aget forming us ol cures effected in their immediate neighboring warrant us in saying it is one of the best, if not the er) 'f! Cough .Medicine now belbre the public. Jt almtt ii;iunab'' relieves and not nnlreiiucntiy cures ihe very worst casr" When all other Cough prepaiations have tailed, this kaf licved the patient, as Diuggists, dealeia in Medicm Physicians can testily. Ask the Agent in your m an s' ' 1 what has been his experience ol the effects of this ined 1 ' It he has been selling it for any length of time he will let IT IS THE BEST MEDICINE EXTANT. Below we give a lew extracts from letters we have recfi lately regarding the virtues ol this medicine. Dr. S. S. Osbn, of Knoxvdle. Ga.. savs 1 have I bees m your Liverwort and Tar extensively in my pt act ice I"' years past, and, it is with pieabute I state my beliel in ira - f nority over all other articles with which I arn acquaintiili which it is recommended." Messrs. F tgerald &. Banntrp, writing from Wayne N.C. say: "The Liverwort and Tar is becoming M uiuie ioju:ui in mis oiimry, anu we ttiink jusuy who have tried it spe ak in commei dabp? teims of it.arid : it is very benehcial m alleviating the complaints fur wfcw is rccoinmcnded." Gur Agent in Pickens District, S. C. Mr. S. R. Mcf' assures us " that he uses it with great benefit in hi family, and lecommer.ds it to his neichbors." lie ftp1 iustaiice ot a Negro woman, in his vicinity, who had ": 1 fering with disease of the Lun p for years, attended w 11,1 " vere cough, who was relieved oy the Liverwort in tl Tar Such are the yood reports we hear ol this Medicine from im parts oi the South. For a report Of the surprising curei performed in ihe Western and Northern and Eastera Sjf we would invite the suffering patient -to read the pawl';' which accompanies each bottle. To all, we say, have W' have hope ! TRY THE MEDICINE ! ! nnt nt.t tl.it rnilf.l W' s i in w lis cxfvrn . .iiiu IK IWCl IIUI l i i ei v. - - -. iaily weakening your constitution, irritating youf and lungs, and inviting on that dread disease, C when so soothing aneT Healing a remedy can be o'jia"- id Dr. Rogers' Syrup of Liver wort and I ar. ,-( Beware ol Counterfeits and Bae Imitations ine articles is signed Andrew Rogeis, on the engraved v per around each bottle. Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. I(r.n t Cirsoid wholesale and retail by SCOVIL & EWj Chartres St. between Conti and St. Louis, New Orlea, Agents lor the Southern States, to whom all orders w plications for Agencies must be addressed. ,ju tO- Sold also bv Fisher & HeiQtifb. Pri'cbard & 1 fl Cfailotte ; ('. C. Henderson, Lincolnton ; W inebester ,. Monroe; A. R. Homesly, Shelby j J- Fronebcrger Dallas ; Murphy & Black, 'oncoid, N. C. 6m Mav 1, lrfjJ. a t I 1 ii M f. q ti. A KOI IK I

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